Proper landing near the house. Landscaping: a trend for a "wild" garden Design of a site for a wild garden

The history of the magnificent Godinton House Gardens in the English county of Kent is rooted in the Middle Ages. The house itself is over 600 years old, and the park with ponds, old oaks and chestnuts and orchards at the estate are described in detail in documents of the 17th century. Each generation of owners carefully took care of the existing plantings and added something new, so today, on five hectares of Godinton, you can track how the garden fashion has changed.

The architect Reginald Blomfield, a prominent proponent of the regular garden revival, created Godinton Gardens as they are known today in 1902 at the invitation of the estate's owner, George Asley Dodd. Prior to this, the house was surrounded by meadows, orchards and groups of park trees; Blomfield emphasized the difference between the garden and the surrounding landscape, but did it so harmoniously that the first was perfectly inscribed in the second, like a diamond in a setting.

Around the perimeter of the regular garden he made was planted hedge is one of the longest sheared yew hedges in the UK.

The shape of its ledges repeats the shape of the pediment of the house.

The space bounded by a fence, Reginald Blomfield divided into separate garden areas, using terracing and topiary art. Later, this formal and rather rigid design was toned down by subsequent generations of homestead owners. Particular credit for this belongs to Alan Wyndham Green (Alan Wyndham Green). Later, he transferred the estate to the management of a special trust in charge of maintaining the garden.

The entire territory of the Godinton estate can be divided into four large areas. The first is the house itself and the private spaces adjacent to it that are closed to visitors. The second is a regular garden designed by Reginald Blomfield. The third is a large walled garden, an Italian garden and a long mixborder. And the last one is the “wild” garden.

The garden, in the formal style of Bloomfield's work, includes seven different territories united by a regular layout. Pan's garden is a square plot with four boxwood hedges symmetrical about both axes with a statue of Pan in the center. The son of the ancient Greek god Hermes and the patron of nature, over the topiary, watches over the regular garden along its main whist.

The terrace below is a croquet lawn, which is still used for its intended purpose. Adjacent to it is a double-sided mixborder, last time it was redone in 1997. It is aged in pale pink and blue tones(special thanks to catnip, perovski, irises and lavender). The volume is given to it by varieties of hybrid mullein and Chinese muscanthus, heart-leaved katran, as well as standard buddles.

Completing the main vista of the regular garden is a water lily pond, conceived as an Edwardian-style pool on the garden's lower terrace. It is bordered by weeping willows and low clipped beech hedges.

A wide tennis lawn adjoins the regular pond, bounded on both sides by plantings of lilacs, magnolias, maples and folded viburnum.

On the next terrace towards the house there is a rose garden, which was completely redone in 2002. Now it is a regular garden with four trapezium-shaped flower beds symmetrical about the main axis. They are planted with modern scrubs with traditional perennial companions of roses: geraniums, digitalis, irises.

Bushes of purple-leaved tannery are also adjacent to roses, which are planted every year on a stump for more decorative effect. Interesting solution- planting hellebore, which decorate the rose garden with flowers before the roses bloom and decorative foliage - during their flowering.

At the lowest point of the regular garden, between the water lily pond and the tennis lawn, and at the end of another vista that originates from the house, there is a belvedere from which there is a beautiful view of the valley and the church visible on the horizon.

The walled garden is the oldest part of the estate.

In the distant past, there were orchards and a vegetable garden, and now half of the territory is occupied by a lawn - various private events are often held here. However, trellis fruit trees, garden beds and planting cut flowers are reminiscent of the former purpose of this garden.

Along brick walls there are mixborders with extensive collections of delphiniums and irises.

There are also three greenhouses on the territory of this garden. In an Edwardian hold alpine plants; in a small Victorian, looking north, there are ferns and hostas, and in summer a collection of streptocarpus is brought here; a large and sunny Victorian greenhouse was built in 2001 to grow seedlings. It is divided into three zones with different temperature conditions, which allows you to propagate and maintain a huge collection of plants. This greenhouse is heated by means of a manor biofuel boiler, which is located literally behind the wall.

Between the walled garden and private area, adjacent to the house, there is a long and narrow Italian garden, laid out in the second decade of the twentieth century. The picture with the cross-shaped pond and powerful blooming wisteria twining the neoclassical colonnade at the entrance is perhaps the most popular view from Godinton Manor.

Along both sides long walls raised mixborders are located in mediterranean style, since the location is sunny and protected from the winds, it allows planting quite tender plants.

From the rose garden along the wall that covers private areas, past the entrance to the Italian garden and to the end of the old garden wall, there is a long mixborder looking at the “wild” garden located across the road.

The opinion that only the garden in which the owner has invested a lot of effort and money will look beautiful and fashionable is partly erroneous. Indeed, with a lot of free time, you can make a real masterpiece out of your suburban area, filling it with flowers and many fruit and vegetable plantings. However, busy people can also create for themselves beautiful garden, while not spending a lot of time weeding, watering and mowing the lawn. You can safely leave for a couple of weeks, while nothing will change in the garden upon returning. In this article, we will cover the main points that will help you cope with this task.

paved areas

The idea is to pave the areas with stone and plant drought-tolerant crops on them. The thicker the gravel layer, the less weeds will be able to break through it.

To completely get rid of harmful plants, you can cover the ground with a film, and pour soil on top of it. For planting plants in the film, cuts are made. As a result, you will completely get rid of weeds, eliminating weeding from the list of routine tasks.

For a drought-tolerant plant, try lavender. She lives for a long time and is completely unpretentious in care.

Planning and focusing

Future planning plays a crucial role for both lush gardens and small plots in spartan style. When decorating your patio, consider installing walls (such as bamboo) to create a sense of coziness and security.

If you leave space in the center of the garden, then you need to carefully draw up the borders on the sides. At key points, you can plant evergreens that will transmit general impression. Even with a small number, well-placed trees and ornamental shrubs will create a picture harmonious design with a minimum of effort.

The key point can be. He will take over a large number of attention, saving you from having to plant a lot of plants to decorate the surrounding area. This is clearly seen in the example above.

Start using various capacities to decorate the garden, while not planting plants in them. All kinds of ceramic vases and pots in themselves will be a great decoration. It is advantageous to arrange them in shady areas where the growth of flowers would be difficult.

You can also use large stones, statues or rock fragments. It is best to install tall elongated figures on even open places, but bright and full of details in those corners of the site where you want to further enliven the panorama.

Minimizing the number of plant varieties

The amount of time spent caring for a garden depends not so much on the number of plantings, but on the variety of their varieties. Therefore, do not rush to be limited to a few and 2 dwarf trees. You can plant many other plants, but use a minimum of varieties.

Combine them with stone slabs to zone the space and gravel to cover the main area. Additional effect will be given by small details, such as patterned waves created from red stone and laid on gravel.

Often, 99% of success will depend on thoughtful design. For example, a small corner near the wall of the house, planted with heat-loving plants in a stone flower bed, in combination with wooden deck looks very stylish.

We use drought-resistant plants

The idea is that drought tolerant crops need to be watered less frequently, saving you time. Enclose them in stone slabs eliminating the need for weeding. At the same time, such a coating will also serve as a background, contrasting with summer colors.

If you organize a system automatic watering, then you can practically forget about this type of routine.

The landscape made in the style will look beautiful wildlife. An integral part of the decor here will be large boulders and artificial elevation changes. Santolina, lavender and cereals fit perfectly on the scale. The viewer should have the impression that he is looking at wild garden where all elements are located randomly. If you have achieved this effect, then the landscape of the site was planned correctly.

Create unpretentious garden, which does not require constant care, is within the power of everyone. You will be able to relax more among living plants and care less about their maintenance. Think through the design, plant evergreens and drought-tolerant plants, and skimp on large-sized details to decorate open and boring areas. Then, with a minimum of effort, your garden will look spectacular and fresh.

Landscape tricks of a large garden - video

Among the countless varieties and hybrids of sweet peppers, there are such as, for example, Ramiro peppers, whose popularity is literally global. And if most of the vegetables on the shelves of supermarkets are nameless, and it is almost impossible to find out about their varietal affiliation, then the name of this Ramiro pepper will certainly be on the package. And, as my experience has shown, this pepper is worth knowing about it and other gardeners. That is why this article was written.

Autumn is the busiest time. It is no longer hot, in the morning there is heavy dew. Since the earth is still warm, and foliage has already attacked from above, creating a very special microclimate in the surface layer, the mushrooms are very comfortable. Mushroom pickers are also comfortable at this time, especially in the mornings when it is cooler. It's time for both to meet. And, if not introduced to each other - get to know each other. In this article I will introduce you to exotic, little-known and not always edible mushrooms that look like corals.

If you are a busy person, but at the same time not without romance, if you have your own site and you are endowed with aesthetic taste, then explore the opportunity to purchase this wonderful ornamental shrub- Caryopteris, or Nutwing. He is also a "wing hazel", "blue fog" and "blue beard". In it, indeed, unpretentiousness and beauty are fully combined. Cariopteris reaches its decorative peak at the end of summer and autumn. It is at this time that it blooms.

Ajvar from pepper - vegetable caviar or thick vegetable sauce from bell pepper with eggplant. Peppers for this recipe are baked, and for quite a long time, then they are also stewed. Add to ajvar onion, tomatoes, eggplant. For harvesting for the winter, caviar is sterilized. This Balkan recipe is not for those who like to make preparations quickly, undercooked and underbaked - not about ajvar. In general, we approach the matter in detail. For the sauce, we choose the most ripe and meaty vegetables on the market.

Despite the simple names ("sticky" or "indoor maple") and the status of a modern substitute indoor hibiscus, abutilons - plants are far from the simplest. They grow well, bloom profusely and delight looking healthy green only in optimal conditions. On thin leaves, any deviations from comfortable lighting or temperatures and violations in care quickly appear. To reveal the beauty of abutilons in rooms, it is worth finding the perfect place for them.

Pancakes from zucchini with parmesan and mushrooms - a delicious recipe with a photo of the available products. Ordinary squash pancakes can easily be turned into a boring dish by adding a few savory ingredients. In squash season, treat the family to vegetable fritters with forest mushrooms, it is not only very tasty, but also satisfying. Zucchini is a versatile vegetable, it is suitable for stuffing, for preparations, for main courses, and even for sweets. delicious recipes- compotes and jams are made from zucchini.

The idea of ​​growing vegetables on the grass, under the grass and in the grass is at first scary, until you feel the naturalness of the process: in nature, everything happens that way. With the obligatory participation of all soil living creatures: from bacteria and fungi to moles and toads. Each of them contributes. Traditional tillage with digging, loosening, fertilizing, fighting all those we consider pests destroys the biocenoses that have been created for centuries. Moreover, it requires high costs labor and resources.

What to do instead of a lawn? So that all this beauty does not turn yellow, does not hurt and at the same time looks like a lawn ... I hope that the smart and quick-witted reader is already smiling. After all, the answer suggests itself - if nothing is done, nothing will happen. Of course, there are several solutions that can be used, and with their help, reduce the area of ​​​​the lawn, and therefore reduce the laboriousness of caring for it. I propose to consider alternative options and discuss their pros and cons.

Tomato sauce with onion and sweet pepper - thick, fragrant, with pieces of vegetables. The sauce cooks quickly and turns out thick because this recipe is with pectin. Make such preparations at the end of summer or autumn, when the vegetables have ripened under the sun in the beds. From bright, red tomatoes you get the same bright homemade ketchup. This sauce is a ready-made spaghetti dressing, and you can also just spread it on bread - very tasty. For better preservation, you can add a little vinegar.

This year I often saw a picture: among the luxurious green crown of trees and shrubs, here and there, like candles, the tops of the shoots are “burning”. This is chlorosis. Most of us know about chlorosis from school biology lessons. I remember that this is a lack of iron ... But chlorosis is an ambiguous concept. And not always lightening the foliage means a lack of iron. What is chlorosis, what our plants lack in chlorosis and how to help them, we will tell in the article.

Vegetables in Korean for the winter - delicious Korean salad with tomatoes and cucumbers. The salad is sweet and sour, spicy and slightly spicy, because it is prepared with seasoning for Korean carrots. Be sure to prepare several jars for the winter, in the cold winter this healthy and fragrant snack will come in handy. For the recipe, you can use overripe cucumbers, it is better to harvest vegetables in late summer or early autumn, when they are ripe in open field under the sun.

Autumn for me is dahlias. Mine begin to bloom already in June, and all summer the neighbors look over the fence to me, reminding me that I promised them a few tubers or seeds by autumn. In September, a tart note appears in the aroma of these flowers, hinting at the approaching cold. So, it's time to start preparing plants for a long cold winter. In this article I will share my secrets autumn care for perennial dahlias and preparing them for winter storage.

To date, the efforts of breeders have bred, according to various sources, from seven to ten thousand (!) varieties of cultivated apple trees. But with their huge variety in private gardens, as a rule, only a couple of popular and beloved varieties grow. Apple trees are large trees with a spreading crown, and you cannot grow many of them in one area. But what if you try to grow columnar varieties of this crop? In this article I will talk about such varieties of apple trees.

Pinjur - Balkan eggplant caviar with sweet peppers, onions and tomatoes. Distinctive feature dishes - eggplants and peppers are first baked, then peeled and simmered for a long time in a brazier or in a saucepan with a thick bottom, adding the rest of the vegetables indicated in the recipe. The caviar is very thick, with a bright, rich taste. In my opinion, this cooking method is the best of all known. Although it is more troublesome, the result compensates for the labor costs.

We are fulfilling another order from our readers in this collection of ideas for creating an original garden. What associations do you have with the words “wild garden? Quiet corner with natural landscape, slightly overgrown but still beautiful. It is so pleasant to walk along its paths alone, to think and dream. These are moments of harmony with yourself and the world, an ideal rest in the hustle and bustle of a dynamic life…

If you are passionate about this idea, let's try to figure out how to create such a "wild garden" with your own hands. By the way, this is a very economical solution.

What is a "wild garden"? This is an imitation of the landscape, as close as possible to the natural. Its dimensions, in principle, do not play a special role: the illusion of a secluded corner can be realized simply by hiding it from prying eyes. But, of course, it is better if such a garden is located as far as possible from the entrance to the house and from the gate.

Start by taking a close look at the existing landscape. Notice the change in relief, this will add volume and variety to the garden, and individual sections can be beaten with stones or steps. If your site is completely flat, you may need to add bulk soil to a small part.

Pay attention to the lush trees, the crown of which shelters from the sun, you can settle here shade-loving plants and forest flowers.

Find a lawn that is well lit by the sun and is perfect for meadow grasses and wildflowers (or those that look like them).

Think over the plot: a forest clearing, a piece of the steppe, a flower field, something national or universal. In your "wild garden" there may be a place for an alpine slide and for Japanese garden stones, the larger the area and harder relief, the easier it is to implement absolutely any ideas.

It's important that your wild garden doesn't look like it's in the palm of your hand, so separate the corners from each other with weaving plants and shrubs, trees, or vintage-style trellises.

But this is only general tips. And each wild garden has its own “zest”, which you can add to it. How to do it - read our secrets to creating a wild garden and see sample pictures.

Have a nice trip!


secret number 1: naturalness

A wild garden should give the impression of naturalness, as if it was born by nature itself. There is no place for pretentiousness, excessive orderliness and a clear rhythm in it.

But that doesn't mean you don't have to take care of it. Although doing this, unlike the more "civilized" option, will be much easier. Nobody canceled weeding weeds and cleaning dry branches. And the paths should be comfortable for walking.

Interesting additions can be created with stone compositions, bridges, different height and shades of plants (lower and lighter ones should be located in the foreground).


secret number 2: a secret corner

In every wild garden there is a certain “secret” that only the initiated know about. A secluded gazebo, an unusual metal sculpture, a tiny fountain or an amazing wooden barrel.


secret number 3: reservoir

Many natural landscapes that fascinate us with their beauty have water bodies. It's great if you already have one like this in your area.

And if not, try to make it yourself, even if it is almost a “doll” size. Settle there aquatic plants and add a little bit of natural fauna, the life of which can be observed during a walk.

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Secret #4: Herbs

Growing herbs in the garden has become fashionable, and now you can buy anything you want. From time to time, a celebrity shows off his "herb garden".

For a wild garden, choose those herbs that are close to the chosen natural landscape (plot). Add originality with contrasting colors and unusual shoot shapes.


secret number 5: creepers

Weaving plants (lianas) will help you hide the most secluded corners of the wild garden from prying eyes. It is better to choose not blooming, but those that are interesting in the shape of the leaves and grow quickly enough.


plants for the wild garden close-up:

You can read more about them in the landscaping guides. And we will only draw your attention to the colors: the bulk of the colors should be light or muted tones. But separate bright accents do not interfere, although they should be much smaller than in an ordinary garden.

Flowers with high stems (surrounding the lawn), as well as creeping along the ground (under the trees) look very impressive. And one more tip: try not to choose "exotics", especially when it comes to flowers. An exception is appropriate only in one case: you set out to create a "tropical jungle", you have enough money and time for this - to care for overseas whims.

Many friends of our site are interested in the topic of creating an original garden. What do you think of when you say "wild garden"? A quiet, "abandoned" corner with a natural landscape, a little overgrown, but still beautiful. Is it nice to walk along its paths, retire, think, dream, find harmony with yourself and the world, take a break from the hustle and bustle of modern life?

If such an economical idea is attractive to you, let's figure out how to create such a "wild garden" with your own hands. By the way, this solution does not require large financial investments.

What is a "wild garden"? This is the creation of a landscape that is as close to natural as possible. Dimensions do not play a big role: the atmosphere of an abandoned cozy corner can be created by simply hiding it from prying eyes. And it goes without saying that such a corner is located as far as possible from the gate or the entrance to the house.

We start by carefully examining the existing landscape. Emphasize the features of the relief, it's great to add even small garden volume and originality. Separate plots can be furnished with stones or decorated with steps. If you got a perfectly flat area, then you can add bulk soil to some of it.

Give lush trees Special attention. Their crown gives a lot of shade. Best of all, forest plants, flowers or other shade-loving ones will take root here.

Pick a spot for your lawn that gets plenty of sun. It is very well suited for wildflowers and meadow grasses or similar.

Think over the concept: a piece of the “wild” steppe, a clearing in the forest, a field with flowers. You can use both national motives and universal solutions. Fits well into the landscape of the "wild garden" alpine slide, rock garden in Japanese style. The larger the plot, the easier it is to implement all kinds of plans.

Important point! Your "wild" garden should not be visible from any point, in full view. It is recommended to separate various corners with shrubs, weaving plants, trellises, trees.

Of course, these are general tips. Each "wild" garden contains its own zest, its own character, which you gave it.

Garden Personality Secrets

Naturalness: a "wild" garden should look as if nature itself created it. It has excessive pretentiousness and excessive order, symmetry and a clear rhythm. But this does not mean at all that it will not have to be taken care of at all. Although it is much simpler: the paths should be comfortable for walking in any weather, and the cleaning of dry branches, leaves, weeding cannot be canceled. Bridges, "old" wells can be interesting inserts. Heaps of stones, playing with height and colors plants (lower and lighter ones should be placed in the foreground).

Secret corner. Without it, the garden will lack mystery, mystery for the initiates. It can be a sculpture, even made of metal, a secluded gazebo, a small fountain, and even an ordinary wooden barrel.

Water. A lot of landscape solutions that captivate with beauty include bodies of water. Great if you already have one. If a pond is in the plans - make it yourself, at least a toy size. Settle aquatic plants, some fauna, which will later be interesting to watch.

Grass. Growing herbs in gardens has become fashionable and not only in Holland. Periodically, some famous person will show off his herb garden. For a "wild" garden, it is advisable to choose herbs that are close to the natural panorama. Be original by adding plants in unusual colors or shapes.

Lianas. Weaving plants use to hide the most "secret" corners of the garden. It is better to choose fast-growing, with unusual shapes leaves and shoots and not flowering.

Pay attention to colors: flowers should be pastel colors or light. Only individual accents can be bright, which are much less than in a garden of a different style.

Flowers look gorgeous on tall stems, encircling the edge or lawn. But try to do without exotic, especially flowers. This does not apply if you intend to create a "wild tropical jungle". But then you have to fork out and devote more time to caring for tropical sissies.

How to create a wild garden | Near the house 2019-01-04T20:14:12+03:00 Near the house Gardens gazebo, wild, abandoned, garden, ancient, old, corner, secluded, cozyMany friends of our site are interested in the topic of creating an original garden. What do you think of when you say "wild garden"? A quiet, "abandoned" corner with a natural landscape, a little overgrown, but still beautiful. Is it nice to walk along its paths, retire, think, dream, find harmony with yourself and the world, take a break from the hustle and bustle of modern life? Quiet, overgrown...Near the house [email protected] Administrator Near Home