Fertilizer for varietal hibiscus. Hibiscus: home care. Fertilizers for indoor hibiscus flowering

Hibiscus or Chinese rose has long adorned not only offices. The flower grows in almost every home due to the unearthly beauty of its inflorescences, the color and shape of which is the most diverse. Hibiscus is a plant that is not very whimsical to care for and, in principle, not capricious. It is enough to choose the right soil for planting, water and cut the flower in a timely manner and give it a bright corner in the apartment.
However, in order for the pet to please with its flowers every year, you should pay a little more attention to it. It is especially important to support the plant with the onset of the most crucial period - when it begins to bloom.

What fertilizers can be used to feed during flowering? Complex mineral fertilizers are best suited. To date, in specialized stores there is a rich selection of drugs for these purposes. In addition, handmade home remedies have gained wide popularity.

Chinese rose fertilizer is carried out by applying a nutrient solution under the root.

Shop fertilizers

In order to stimulate the set of more buds during the flowering period, hibiscus needs elements such as nitrogen and potassium. To do this, it should be fed with special complex preparations for flowering plants.

  • Athlete - for 1 liter of water 1.5 ml of the drug, water 1 time in 7 days;
  • Gileya - for 1 liter of water 2 caps of the drug, apply twice a month;
  • Master - for 2 liters of water 5 g of the drug, water once a week.

Top dressing should be done after the standard watering of the plant so that the nutrients get into the moist soil.

In addition, it is possible to alternate mineral and organic top dressings using Gileya and Fertomix BIOHUMUS preparations for decorative flowering houseplants. The frequency of use is every 10 days.
Peat humus tablets, bone meal, potassium magnesia are also good for fertilizing indoor plants.

Hibiscus Home Remedies

Flower growers with experience have long noticed that hibiscus forms inflorescences more actively and blooms longer after fertilizing it with the following infusions:

  1. sugar infusion. Dilute 0.5 tsp. sugar in 1 tbsp. water. Water the flower twice a month.
  2. Blood Flask. For irrigation, use the water left after defrosting raw meat, or in which it was washed. Feed hibiscus no more than once every two weeks.
  3. . Pour the skins from two bananas into 2 liters of water (slightly warm), let it brew for 2 days. Water once every 10 days.
  4. Manure. It is used from the second year of life (for 2 liters of water, 2 tablespoons of dried manure). In view of the special smell, it is better to use at a time when the plant is taken out into the open air.

The most suitable time for top dressing is evening.

Indoor hibiscus care - video

Rosa chinensis (hibiscus) is an evergreen shrub whose leaves are oval, smooth, oblong, with serrated edges. The plant grows successfully both in greenhouse conditions and at home in pots.

In order for the flower to actively bloom and delight the owners with its presence, it needs to provide full and proper care. It consists in:

  • landing in the ground;
  • irrigation organization;
  • ensuring optimal light and temperature conditions;
  • pruning (the procedure allows you to control the height of the bush, makes it possible to develop side shoots)

For the normal growth and development of hibiscus in the soil in which it grows, mineral and organic top dressing should be applied in a timely manner.

soil for hibiscus

In order for the plant to grow well, it is necessary to ensure a full flow of oxygen to its roots. To this end, hibiscus is planted in the ground, which is a fertile mixture of sand, peat, turf, garden soil, rotted foliage. It is also useful to add charcoal or ash to it (the consumption of the latter will be 2 cups for every 10 kg of land). For an indoor flower, it is imperative to use drainage (they cover the bottom of the pot).

Landing and transplant

The Chinese rose loves lighted places, so it is planted in those areas where a sufficient amount of sunlight falls throughout the day. Initially, young leaves are shaded a little to allow them to adapt without getting burned, and then fully opened. Home plants are planted in pots with a height of 7 to 10 centimeters.

Hibiscus are rarely transplanted - once a year or for five to six years. Do this in the case when the roots do not have enough space. Move the rose to a new container a little larger than the previous one by transshipment (leave the earth lump intact). The most favorable time for the procedure is winter or summer. You can transplant in the spring - after the bud has faded. It is not recommended to carry out the manipulation in the fall: during this period, the plant is at rest.

Watering, lighting, temperature control

Chinese rose prefers moderately moist soil. Maintaining sufficient soil moisture is especially necessary in the spring and summer, when active flowering is observed. Do not allow an excess of moisture or excessive drying of the soil throughout the season, otherwise the flower may die.

Water used for irrigation should first be filtered or allowed to settle. Flower growers advise her to spray foliage several times a week. This will help maintain a comfortable humidity level.

In order for indoor hibiscus to bloom well, it must be kept on those windows where there is no lack of lighting and where the sun's rays penetrate well throughout the day.

The optimum temperature regime for roses is up to 22 ° C in summer and up to 15 in winter.

Proper feeding of Chinese roses

Periodically feed hibiscus in the same way as other plants. This allows you to maintain the desired level of mineral and organic trace elements necessary for normal growth and flowering of the crop, and prevent their deficiency.

The lack of nutrients in a plant is indicated by:

  1. leaf deformation (thinning, drying), change in their color;
  2. delay or complete cessation of growth;
  3. shortening the flowering period;
  4. reduction in flower size;
  5. weakening of the root system and its ability to absorb useful components;
  6. suspension of the formation of buds and side shoots.
  7. susceptibility to frequent illnesses.

Fertilizers for hibiscus should be applied twice in the spring-summer period (from April to September) and only once - in the autumn-winter period (from October to March). Before fertilizing hibiscus, the soil under it must be well moistened and allowed to absorb moisture.

organic matter

Of the organic fertilizers, the following are popular with flower growers:

  • Manure. On its basis, a nutrient solution is prepared: one tablespoon of the product is diluted per liter of water. The main ingredient is used in dried form. This fertilizer is suitable for annual plants.
  • Mullein: the third part of the bucket is filled with water, insisted for three days, then diluted with ten liters of liquid.
  • Grass. The solution is prepared in a manner similar to the previous one.
  • Ash. Sprinkle dry matter on top of the earth. You can prepare a liquid composition for irrigation by diluting 300 g of the natural component in a bucket of water.
  • Bone flour. Contains a balanced amount of phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium. To fertilize 10 kg of land, 2 cups of dry matter are required.

Mineral mixtures

For the full growth of hibiscus at home, it needs minerals. The main ones are:

  1. Nitrogen: affects plant growth, determines the intensity and degree of development of its root system.
  2. Potassium: provides metabolism, participates in photosynthesis, in the formation and accumulation of organic matter in plant cells. Responsible for the formation of buds.
  3. Phosphorus: activates the formation of the root system and the flow of all the most important processes, provides stress resistance and the ability to withstand temperature drops.

The following are used as the main mineral fertilizers for Chinese rose:

  • Urea. For dilution, 1 gram of the product per liter of liquid is required. Fertilizer is applied by leaf method.
  • Kalimagnesia is a mixture containing potassium and magnesium. Prevents falling leaves, their deformation, pathological discoloration.

In order for the Chinese rose to develop well and bloom quickly, you can purchase in the store and effectively use ready-made fertilizer complexes. Among those:

  • "Ideal";
  • "Kemira Lux" (or "Universal");
  • top dressing for roses in the granular form "Fertika";
  • "Athlete";
  • "Gilea";
  • "Master".
  • Fertomix.

Good nutrition allows you to extend the flowering period, increases the resistance of the flower to diseases and pest attacks (fungal infection, aphids, spider mites).

Home cooking supplies

You can make your own hibiscus fertilizer at home. Amateur flower growers know their secret of how to feed indoor hibiscus so that it blooms luxuriantly. For this purpose, it is recommended to use:

  • Sugar. It can be poured into the soil from above or you can prepare a solution: dissolve a teaspoon of raw materials in a glass of water and water the plant with liquid 2 times a month every fourteen days.
  • Glucose. It is required to dissolve 1 tablet in a liter of liquid.
  • Water in which meat was thawed or cereals were washed.
  • Coffee grounds (it is mixed with the ground).
  • Tea brew. The method of application is similar to the previous one. Such fertilizer should be applied in moderation so as not to provoke the appearance of midges and acidification of the soil.
  1. within two weeks after planting the flower in a new soil;
  2. while the plant is in a draft;
  3. in the hot season in the middle of the day;
  4. with a sharp rise in temperature.

Hibiscus is undemanding to environmental conditions, unpretentious to care. It can successfully grow and bloom for a very long time if it is fertilized in the right way. A timely and properly fed plant will become a real decoration of the house and will delight the owners with its presence throughout the spring-summer season.

Good afternoon, friends, today's post is dedicated to the eastern queen of flowers - Chinese rose or hibiscus. he will tell you how to choose this flower correctly, how to care for the Chinese rose (hibiscus) at home, when to cut, feed, water the plant. Photos of the most popular varieties of Chinese roses, the most suitable for indoor breeding, will be presented. From the article, you will also learn what to do if the hibiscus begins to drop leaves and flowers.

Hibiscus is a popular and loved by many gardeners indoor plant of the Malvaceae family. With proper care and maintenance, it gives eyes with its bright colors of juicy red, scarlet, pink, orange or yellow. In order for the Chinese rose to bloom, you need to choose the right variety, know the rules for caring for hibiscus, and then from April to October this beauty will bloom for six months and even a little more!

What kind of Chinese rose to choose for the house

If you have not previously grown this flower at home, you should not buy rare types of hibiscus, which include varieties with double flowers. Since these domestic green pets are the most capricious, and even if you follow all the recommendations for keeping at home, the long-awaited flowering in the spring may not appear.

Therefore, pay attention to the following varieties of hibiscus, which are best suited for indoor breeding:

  • "flamingo",
  • "Bangkok",
  • "rio",
  • "Ankara".

The following photos show all 4 varieties of hibiscus that are best suited for home keeping Chinese rose.

Photo of hibiscus - flamingo variety (Flamingo)

This variety of Chinese rose is distinguished by a bright burgundy core, and the flower itself has a pale pink color.


The Chinese rose of the "rio" variety has an original coloring of the petals, which made it an incredibly popular variety among flower growers who love indoor plants.


The Bangkok variety is characterized by bright yellow flowers with a burgundy core.


This, perhaps the most decorative flower of the presented, has orange-yellow flowers with a red core.

Now that the variety has been selected, let's find out how to care for the Chinese rose at home in order to ensure lush flowering.

Hibiscus care throughout the year

From April to October, the plant needs watering (every 3-4 days). To prevent the roots from starting to rot, water should not accumulate at the bottom of the pot. In summer, watering alone is not enough, you need to spray the leaves daily and ventilate the room well. In winter, you need to water less, and stop feeding altogether.

This indoor plant is at rest in winter and therefore requires moderate watering - only as needed, and also loves coolness. Hence, there are two important rules for keeping a Chinese rose in an apartment:

  1. Watering. In winter, watering the plants is reduced and the rose is moistened only when the top layer of soil dries by 2-3 cm. In time, on average, this happens in 5-10 days and depends on the heating capacity of the room in your apartment.
  2. Temperature. For a flower, the most comfortable temperature in winter will be - no more than + 15-17 degrees. Therefore, choose a place for the plant cooler and away from direct sunlight.

These are the two most important conditions for the formation of a large number of flower buds in the spring.

Awakening the Chinese rose by all the rules

At home, hibiscus grows from 1 to 3 years. It is not very picky about the ground, but moderately moist loamy soil is preferable. In the spring, it is advisable to change the earth in a pot.

Consider the main points of caring for a Chinese rose in a pot so that it wakes up to life and delights you with its lush flowering throughout spring-summer-autumn.

February. At the very end of February, you need to rearrange the Chinese rose to a warmer (+ 22-25 ° С) and bright place. Watering should be plentiful during this period - should be increased to 2-3 times a week. At the same time, it is very important that the earthen ball does not dry out too much, otherwise the hibiscus may drop buds during flowering. To ensure oxygen access to the roots, it is better to loosen the earth after watering (after 20-30 minutes).

Flowers and leaves will look fresh if the Chinese rose is sprayed regularly - the more often the better.

Important! For water procedures, use only water at room temperature, which has settled well (chlorine should come out of it).

March, April. In late March - early April, when the warm season begins, you need to renew the topsoil. To do this, select 3-4 cm of earth from a flower pot and fill in a more fertile one instead.

Important! Chinese rose feels best in a flower pot, which is slightly too small for her. Only in this case, all the forces of the plant will be spent on the formation of buds, and not the growth of roots.

In spring, narrow buds open with five thin petals, forming large cups with a diameter of more than 12 centimeters, shimmering in shades of yellow, pink, red, and white. The hibiscus flower only lives for 1-2 days, but don't let that discourage you. With proper care, new and new flowers will open to replace it from spring to autumn!

More light and air!

Place the hibiscus in the brightest room in the apartment. The Chinese rose loves the light, but from May to September it needs to be shaded. If the plant is standing, as in this photo - on the windowsill, in the summer protect it from the hot midday sun: move it to another place or shade it.

Do not forget to regularly ventilate the room - flower buds can fall on stagnant air and stuffiness near the rose. In summer, in calm weather, it is better to take the flower out to “walk” on the loggia or.

Important! Rose does not like temperature differences, preferring coolness: in summer - no higher than + 23 ° C, in winter - ideally + 10-12 ° C.

How to feed hibiscus

April . Starting in April, when the dormant period is over, start gradually feeding the plant. First, 1 time in 30 days with complex fertilizer for roses (in granules) or fertilizer for flowering plants ("Kemira Lux", "Ideal", "Rainbow", etc.).

May-September. From May to September, you need to fertilize more often - 2-3 times a month with liquid fertilizers for indoor plants.

Autumn and winter. In autumn and winter, fertilize the flower no more than once a month, and only with preparations with a minimum nitrogen content. From natural fertilizers, wood ash is well suited. For these purposes, add it to the water for irrigation (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water) - it just has little nitrogen, but enough potassium and phosphorus.

Important! If you notice that the flower is developing poorly (weak young leaves, flowers do not appear). In this case, fertilize once a week, but at the same time reduce the concentration by half.

How to prune a Chinese rose

If you got yourself this indoor plant, then you will not be able to grow a flowering bush without pruning. Pruning should be done in early spring or after the rose has faded - in the fall.

Flower pruning in spring. In March, cut the stems so that each has two eyes, then the hibiscus blooms better. Pinch off faded flowers.

Flower pruning in autumn. In order for the rose to look healthy and blooming, it must be cut off every time after flowering - such a “haircut” will only benefit this flower. By cutting the tips of the shoots, you thereby accelerate the growth of young branches, on which buds will form in the future. Avoid thickening the decorative bush: remove excess shoots and branches growing inside the crown.

There are several types of haircuts.

  • Corrective. Only the tops of the shoots are pruned. This type of crown formation is used for a young plant.
  • Formative. All branches of an adult bush plant are shortened by two-thirds of the length of the shoot.
  • Sanitary. The name itself suggests that diseased and damaged branches must be removed before healthy ones (they are distinguished by light and wet wood).

What to do if hibiscus began to drop leaves and flowers

The state of the hibiscus can be judged by its appearance. If a houseplant began to drop leaves and flowers, what should I do? The leaves of the bush may begin to fall off both in summer and in winter. Consider the most likely causes and solutions to the problem.

  • If the hibiscus starts shedding its leaves in the summer, chances are you've overwatered it. Let the soil dry out well and then reduce watering.
  • If the leaf fall began in winter, the rose is cold - the plant freezes. Also, buds fall from the cold without opening. Move the flower to a warmer place, protect from drafts.
  • The plant may react poorly to a change in the angle of incidence of light - it drops flowers. Make a “light mark” on the pot: mark with an indelible marker or paint, the side of the planter facing the light source.

If only leaves appear on the hibiscus, but there are still no flowers, it may be planted in too large a pot.

Today you learned how to care for hibiscus at home in a pot, which variety is better to choose for the home, how to provide first aid when leaves and flowers fall. I hope you find these tips useful, and in conclusion, I want to suggest watching a video with recommendations from an experienced grower on how to properly care for a flower at home.

Video - care for hibiscus (Chinese rose)

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With this amazingly fabulous plant, many, of course, are familiar. Some believe that the flowers of the Chinese rose or hibiscus are very reminiscent of the "Scarlet Flower" from a fairy tale, they seem to be somehow magical. This flower is an inhabitant not only of our apartments, but also perfectly decorates various offices and children's institutions. It looks great, and care is subject even to beginners in floriculture.

From the article we will learn how to care for a home rose (hibiscus). We will be able to get acquainted with a photo of a room Chinese rose and important recommendations for caring for it at home.

  • Growing Rules
  • Useful video
  • Conclusion

Distinctive properties of indoor hibiscus

In principle, care for this plant at home does not include anything supernatural, but there are still some features. Hibiscus needs a mandatory dormant period in the winter(unlike many other flowers), if it is not organized, then there will be problems with flowering, the plant will not be able to lay flower buds.

A photo

Growing Rules

They include:

  • choosing a suitable place for a flower;
  • landing in the required soil;
  • organization of the necessary mode of watering and top dressing;
  • creation by any available means of humidity;
  • providing comfortable temperature and lighting;
  • pruning and shaping the bush.


  1. From the time of year.
    • In spring and summer requires intensive watering, fertilizing, frequent spraying, temperature within 28 degrees, good illumination.
    • in winter the hibiscus should have a dormant period and, accordingly, it is necessary to lower the temperature of the content to 16 degrees, water and spray less, do not fertilize.
  2. From the flowering plant.
    • Before and during flowering it is necessary to carefully monitor watering and humidity, do not forget about top dressing - otherwise flowering will be weak. If the temperature is low, then the buds may crumble, the same applies to lighting - bright light is needed during this period.
    • After flowering The Chinese rose needs rest, so feeding is completely stopped, watering is reduced and the temperature gradually decreases.
  3. From the view of the Chinese rose- regardless of the type, the conditions of maintenance and care are the same.

If you are interested in how to care for a flower in a pot at home, you must take into account that it is very responsive to human attention. In order for a domestic Chinese rose to grow successfully and delight with its wonderful flowering for a long time, without creating any prerequisites for the appearance of various harmful insects and the occurrence of diseases, it is necessary:

  • Watering- during the period of activation of development, that is, in spring and summer, good watering is required, the earth should not dry out, only the top layer dries out a little (by 3 cm). Here, a lot depends on the temperature; in the summer heat, watering may be needed every other day, because the soil will dry out very quickly. In autumn, naturally, the frequency of watering will gradually decrease, and in winter (when the temperature of the content is about 16 degrees), you need to water less often, about once a week.
  • top dressing- it is necessary, in the spring, as soon as active growth begins, it should be fed approximately once every two weeks. Fertilizers are best purchased complex - "Rainbow" or "Ideal", it will also be useful to use biological - "Baikal EM1". During flowering, you can fertilize more often - about once every 10 days. But in winter, no fertilizer is needed at all. It is also worth noting that before feeding with fertilizer, the plant must be watered so that the roots of the flower do not suffer from accidental burns.

  • Lighting- you need good, but not bright sunlight. In full sun, Chinese rose can easily burn its leaves, light partial shade is best. If you have only the sunny side in your apartment, then in this case, to reduce the intensity of lighting, either place the flower at some distance from the window, or shade it.

  • Temperature- the Chinese rose loves warmth, but not heat, in summer the temperature will be good for it within 25 - 28 degrees, but higher temperatures can be fatal for flowers. In winter, the desired temperature is approximately 18 degrees, it should not be allowed to drop below 16. In winter, you will need to try to ensure the desired temperature, because in apartments it is usually very warm when the heating systems are turned on. You can try using conditioner.
  • Humidity- humidity of about 50% is desirable for this plant, for this you can put a decorative fountain or a beautiful vessel with water next to the flower. A very good option would be to place the pot in some suitable container with pebbles or expanded clay, where water is poured, only the pot should stand on pebbles, and not in water, otherwise the root system will begin to rot.

    Also periodically (once a week in summer, once a month in spring and autumn) you need to put a Chinese rose under a warm shower. Firstly, dust is well removed from the leaves, and secondly, this is an excellent preventive measure against the appearance of a spider mite. In winter, at low temperatures, such humidity is not required.

  • spraying- the flower loves this procedure, you need to spray only with soft warm water, in no case use water immediately from the tap. In summer, depending on the weather, you can spray the plant not once, but 2 or 3 times a day, this will only benefit him. You should do this carefully, trying not to get on the flowers, water should only get to the leaves. In winter, it is possible that spraying can be dispensed with, especially when the flower is kept cool.
  • Transfer- Chinese rose - the plant is strong, it grows very quickly, so young bushes need to be transplanted every year, it is better to do this in spring or summer. Adult plants can be transplanted once every 4 years, but at the same time it is required to replace their top layer of soil with a fresh one every year. When transplanting, do not forget to first put drainage (expanded clay or small pebbles) on the bottom of the pot, and then the substrate (a little). After that, we place the flower in the center of the pot and carefully pour the soil, water it.
  • Consequences of improper cultivation

    Proper care is important for any plant, including Chinese roses.

    Improper care means that either the flower is practically not paid attention to, sometimes they even forget to water it, or completely unsuitable conditions are created during care for the flower to develop normally and delight with its flowering.

    If the care is done incorrectly, then the consequences will appear soon, the plant will start to hurt. Chinese rose can suffer from both extreme heat and too low temperatures, due to dry air, all buds can crumble. Due to improper care, our rosan can stop blooming altogether, as well as be attacked by harmful insects and diseases.

    Diseases can occur due to improper care:

    Or insect pests will appear, the most common:

    • spider mite;
    • whitefly;
    • scab.

    Useful video

    Further, an informative visual video about the flower "Chinese rose":


    Description of hibiscus

    Under natural conditions, Hibiscus rosa grows in China, Malaysia, and is found in South America as a luxurious bush covered with bright flowers. Large dark green leaves with a carved edge grow on tree-like branches. In shape, they resemble birch leaves. From March to October, magnificent, eye-catching flowers with a large pistil open from large buds. In shape, they can be in the form of a funnel or peony (full varieties). To date, their color range is not limited to red or crimson shades, although they are most common in nature.

    Often in the floriculture literature they indicate that it is easy to grow a hibiscus flower - caring for it at home is not difficult. In reality, this statement is true for commercial varieties that are easy to purchase in the store. Complex hybrid varieties require special conditions close to tropical with an abundance of moisture, specialized fertilizers and a degree of illumination. Of course, they conquer with their unusual beauty, amazing color and size of the petals, and even aroma. But it is better not to start your acquaintance with hibiscus from them.

    What to do with store-bought hibiscus?

    If you were presented with a wonderful flowering hibiscus with yellow or purple, or maybe white petals, don't worry, you don't need to urgently do something with it. First, he needs to be allowed to get used to the dry air of the apartment. Do not put it on brightly lit windows where the leaves will get burned. You can also not leave it under the air conditioner or near an open window. Draft will contribute to the loss of leaves. Place a flower pot near the window, water about twice a week with purified or settled water, spray (so that the drops do not fall on the flowers).

    It should be borne in mind that the plant came to you from a greenhouse or greenhouse, where, in preparation for sale, it was fed with growth stimulants and complex fertilizers. Once in the conditions of an ordinary apartment, it is difficult for a new tenant to get used to different water, dry air and lighting. It's better to support him. To do this, once a week, the leaves are treated with Epin. After a couple of weeks, you can transfer the bush into a pot a couple of cm larger than the shipping one. During transshipment, it is not necessary to destroy the earthen clod. Expanded clay, soil are poured at the bottom of the new container, a lump with hibiscus is placed and all empty spaces are filled. After transshipment, the pot is watered with a weak solution of Kornevin.

    Choosing a place for permanent accommodation

    After your new hibiscus flower has adapted, home care (photo below) will require placement in a well-lit, spacious area. Consider the fact that the bush grows well not only in height, but also occupies the space around it. Therefore, a pot with a plant should be placed near a window or balcony block, so that it gets a lot of diffused light. If you have southern windows, try to shade them during the period of direct exposure to active sunlight.

    watering hibiscus

    Any variety of Hibiscus rosa responds well to abundant watering. But there is one condition: you give the plant plenty to drink so that the soil is well saturated, and the remaining water comes out into the drain holes, and then you wait until the top layer of the earth dries out by three centimeters, and only then water it again. If a rose is watered a little every day, or at will, but very rarely, then agricultural technology will be violated and the plant will get sick. When watering, it is worth considering the time of year, in summer more water is required than in winter and autumn. For irrigation, water directly from the tap is not suitable. It can be passed through a filter, if possible, or settled. Do not water the plant with boiled or distilled water. It has a different crystal structure and is considered dead.

    Air humidity

    Any hibiscus flower loves good air humidity - home care requires frequent moistening. To this end, next to the pot, you can place a small fountain, a home humidifier or an aquarium. In the conditions of a city apartment, where it is hot in summer due to the sun, and batteries dry the air in winter, you need to arm yourself with a spray gun to spray the leaves at least twice a day.

    Flowering indoor hibiscus at home

    Domestic hibiscus blooms in early spring. Beautiful buds gradually increase over the course of a week, and then bloom in bright colors on a carpet of luxurious green crown. The duration of flowering can be only one or two days. And then, to replace one bud, another opens. A healthy well-groomed plant can bloom for about six months, until late autumn. Flowers of well-fertilized well-groomed varietal plants grow up to 12 cm in diameter.

    Gorgeous large flowers are full, double or simple. Their petals, also depending on the variety, may have a different shape. A long prominent pistil, studded with tiny yellow stamens, adorns the flower, giving it an outlandish appearance.

    It must be remembered that hibiscus, home care, the photo and characteristics of which are presented here, blooms better in more lit places. That is, next to the southern and eastern windows. Adjacent to the north side of the apartment, the bush may bloom, but less violently.

    Top dressing and fertilizer for hibiscus

    In order for the rose to gain a lot of buds, it is enough to apply fertilizer under the root and on the crown. You can start feeding as early as February. The best option for winter fertilizer is a mixture of potash and phosphorus elements. They will help the plant to grow after hibernation, ensure the formation of buds. But everything should be in moderation, so you need to start fertilizer gradually in small doses. If, immediately after a dormant period, a double dose of nutrients is given, then the leaves may burn, the bush will get sick and it will take a long time to remove it from a state of stress. It is enough to fertilize the soil every 10 - 14 days, changing the mineral and organic compositions.

    As for nitrogen compounds, it is better to completely abandon them before flowering. Nitrogen contributes to the accumulation of green mass. It is better to take care of this issue in early autumn, spray the leaves with Fertimix for active growth.

    Favorable temperature for hibiscus

    Too hot temperatures are detrimental to the delicate petals and large foliage of hibiscus. If outside the window the temperature is above 30 degrees, then the plant may begin to fall leaves, and flowering will stop earlier. The most favorable temperature for good growth is no more than 22-25 degrees. During sleep, the acceptable temperature is not lower than 13 degrees. Too steep temperature swings can adversely affect the appearance of the shrub. If the air in the room is very warm, and then the air conditioner is turned on at 16 degrees, then the plant will not be able to quickly respond to such conditions.

    Soil for growing hibiscus

    The composition of the soil should be neutral and light. Not suitable for chernozem and clay soils. Let's get rid of them right away. You need to choose ready-made soil for hibiscus in the store or make it yourself from sand, humus, soddy soil and pieces of charcoal. Such soil will allow water to quickly penetrate the root system and not accumulate at the bottom of the pot, leading to root rot.

    Young specimens need an annual increase in capacity. Therefore, they are transplanted into fresh soil and a slightly larger pot every year after flowering. It is necessary to wait until the earthen ball dries slightly. Knead the pot (if it is plastic) from all sides, tilt it to one side and gently pull the stem. Pour expanded clay into the bottom of a new pot with a layer of 2 cm, fresh soil, and then transfer the plant there, trying not to destroy the earthen clod under the roots. All empty space around the roots must be filled with a substrate. The soil must be compacted after transplanting and watered. To increase stress resistance during the month, watering can be done with Epin or Kornevin.

    A four or five year old specimen can be transplanted less frequently. For example, once every three years. To update the nutrient layer between transplants, it is enough to change the upper part of the substrate. Also, after flowering, it is recommended to remove excess branches and prune.

    Hibiscus flower pruning rules: home care (photo)

    The formation of the crown of the Chinese rose is one of the important stages of care. There is no need to neglect this process or be afraid of it. The plant tolerates the removal of excess shoots well and builds up green mass better.

    • do not cut the shoots during the formation of buds;
    • pruning is best done after flowering;
    • every year you need to cut the tips of the shoots so that they branch and form a tree trunk;
    • you need to remove the branches growing inside the bush;
    • in December-January, dried branches can be cut;
    • to form a beautiful crown, you need to carefully examine the appearance of the plant, select the future trunk, which consists of the main stiff shoots and remove the green stems running parallel to the main trunk;
    • if you want to grow a rose bush, then after each flowering it is enough to cut the edges of the stems, after which they will branch out and create a lush crown;
    • if you need to form a standard tree, then from the bottom to a certain height, the entire side shoots are removed from the main stem, and the top is pinched.

    Indoor hibiscus flowers: photo, name and care for them (reproduction)

    Hibiscus rosa propagates in two ways: cuttings and planting seeds. Each method has its pros and cons. For example, by cuttings, you can get a fairly large specimen, which can bloom in a year. And when buying seeds, you can choose less common exotic varieties, and achieve their flowering in a few years. This is a rather interesting experiment that experienced flower growers can do.

    Propagation from a bag of seeds

    It is better to purchase planting material in a specialized store or on a website where there are customer reviews under the products. Before planting, be sure to read the instructions on the packaging for cultivating a particular variety. Typical recommendations boil down to the fact that you need to sow seeds at the end of winter in a greenhouse. The substrate should consist of sand and peat, that is, it should be light and well moistened. It is periodically sprayed with warm water with the addition of a growth stimulator. After the emergence of seedlings, the greenhouse begins to be ventilated, opening completely when two true sheets are formed.

    Propagation of hibiscus cuttings

    The branches left after pruning the crown are suitable for propagating hibiscus. It is best to root young beautiful cuttings (without stumps, even, similar to a future tree). In order for the cuttings to take root, they are placed in water. A vase or a darkened jar is suitable, in which the water level is constantly maintained. After a week, the first roots appear, and in a month they grow to a level where the seedling can be moved into a pot with soil. For rooting, it is better to use a mixture with a high content of peat, sand and vermiculite. At the bottom of a small pot, it is imperative to pour drainage, after the soil into which the seedling is added. It is well watered, the earth around the trunk is compacted.


    Video: To make hibiscus bloom

    Initially, the Chinese rose was represented by a few varieties with red flowers, differing only in size and shades. Today, thanks to the efforts of breeders, about three hundred varieties of this species are known with flowers of various shapes and colors. There are among them plants with simple, double and semi-double flowers. There are varieties with flowers of various shades of red - from pink to purple. And there are plants with yellow, white and even lilac flowers. There are varieties with flowers of an unusual color for hibiscus - a dark spot at the base of the petals. And in some varieties of Chinese roses, even leaves with white, red or cream spots or strokes on a dark green background are unusually decorative.
    In a word, the Chinese rose deservedly enjoys success in indoor and greenhouse floriculture. Therefore, there are more and more fans of this spectacular indoor plant. And, of course, the new owners have quite legitimate questions about the content of Chinese roses at home. What should be the care of this plant?
    Care and maintenance
    Caring for this indoor flower does not cause much trouble. The Chinese rose belongs to warm and light-loving plants. Therefore, it should be grown in a room with bright but diffused lighting, as direct sunlight can cause burns on tender leaves. In the warm season, the plant can be kept outdoors by moving the flower pot to the veranda, loggia or garden. In fact, the Chinese rose is considered a fairly unpretentious house plant that requires minimal care. However, for its successful cultivation and periodic flowering, a number of rules must be observed.
    This plant does not require a special watering regime. The only thing to follow is the timeliness and intensity of watering. During the active period (spring and summer), this houseplant is watered abundantly, achieving wetting of the entire earthen clod. It is unacceptable for the soil to dry out in a pot, which can lead to dropping of buds and wilting of flowers. The frequency of watering depends on the size of the plant and the size of the flower pot. Young plants need to be watered more frequently as the soil in relatively small pots dries out faster. In winter, the plant goes into a dormant stage and caring for it comes down to maintaining the temperature regime and moderate watering.

    Video: Using Iodine for Geranium (Pelargonium) for lush flowering


    What to feed hibiscus?

    Hibiscus are represented by an extensive species diversity. Depending on the classification systems and the country of compilation of the plant classifier, there are from 150 to 300 species, most of which are wild trees and shrubs. However, there are several hibiscus known to lovers of room floristry, the most popular of which is without a doubt the "Chinese rose" or Chinese hibiscus. It can be found both in greenhouses and at home - in the winter garden or on the windowsill. Abundant greenery and large flowers of bright colors, he is able to decorate any room. But it happens that, despite the growth of the plant, he stubbornly does not want to bloom. As a rule, this is due to improper or insufficient feeding of hibiscus, which is designed to give it strength and health. Below we will consider the main ways of fertilizing this plant so that it will please the eyes of its owners for many years.

    Basic principles of feeding hibiscus

    1. Feeding hibiscus should be done once or twice a month. Once - in the cold season (October-March), twice - in the warm season (April-September).
    2. Top dressing is desirable to carry out in cool and evening time. This will allow the process of absorption of nutrients by the plant and their distribution in the soil to take place most naturally and without the release of harmful substances that can be formed in the heat or under the influence of direct sunlight.
    3. One or two hours before top dressing, the soil is abundantly shed with settled water at room temperature.

    The main ways to feed hibiscus

    1. Manure. A natural organic fertilizer that is suitable for most plants, as it contributes to the enrichment of the soil with the main useful elements. It should be borne in mind that a large amount of organic matter is harmful and it is important to observe the measure. With regard to manure, the following guidelines should be taken into account: you can not use fresh, it must lie for several days (ideally, dry a little); no more than two tablespoons can be used per two liters of soil; You can feed the plant with manure, starting from the year of life.
    2. Peat humus tablet. Another analogue of manure, which allows you to safely and effectively nourish the soil and plant.
    3. Regarding mineral fertilizers, hibiscus primarily requires phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium, and it is desirable to observe the following proportions: 1:2:3 (phosphorus:nitrogen:potassium, respectively). To meet the need of plants for phosphorus, you can use bone meal (the safest option). Urea is the best source of nitrogen. Kalimagnesia has shown itself well, also contributing to the saturation of the plant with magnesium, which makes it more stress-resistant, preventing leaf fall and excessive yellowing. You can also use complex fertilizers for greenhouse and house plants.

    Just a few minutes a month devoted to feeding hibiscus will allow it to grow strong and healthy and delight the eye not only with lush greenery, but with luxurious buds.

    Page 2

    Lilies are so beautiful and graceful that almost every gardener tries to plant this plant in his garden or flower garden. However, to achieve lush flowering of lilies is possible only with proper care. In addition to the requirements for soil fertility, lilies also need periodic fertilizing, regular loosening and watering.

    How to feed lilies and how often should this be done?

    As soon as the earth warms up under the spring rays, they begin to care for the plantings of lilies. Gently loosening the top layer of soil, trying not to damage the bulbs, apply any fertilizer that activates the growth of the plant. What can be used?

    1. Nitrogen fertilizer. So, you can use ammonium nitrate, scattering a tablespoon of fertilizer per square meter of plantings. If there is no ammonium nitrate, gardeners scatter nitroammophoska granules over lily plantings or pour fertilizer solution (40-50 grams are taken per bucket of water).
    2. organic fertilizer. Fresh mullein is not used because it has an aggressive pathogenic microflora, due to which lily bulbs become sick and die. Fermented mullein diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 is used for top dressing.
    3. Ash water. A glass of wood water is dissolved in a bucket of water. This fertilizer improves the microflora in the soil, it is also a prophylactic against pests and has a beneficial effect on the growth of lilies. Wood ash is applied to the soil in spring, and lily plantings are watered with ash water until autumn 3-4 times. With sufficient ash content in the soil, the lily forms large buds.
    4. Bordeaux liquid. In early spring, when the lily begins to actively gain green mass, the flowers are treated with Bordeaux mixture. This is an effective remedy that rids lilies of many pests. Instead of Bordeaux liquid, you can use Lazurin. It is diluted in 9 liters of water, a spoonful of baking soda, ammonia and copper sulfate are added to the resulting solution.

    With the advent of the first lily buds, you again need to feed with ammonium nitrate. In parallel, the green mass of plants is treated with preparations from various diseases and pests.

    In June, a solution of double superphosphate and potassium magnesia is added under the lilies (a spoonful of superphosphate and 1.5 tablespoons of potassium magnesia are taken in a bucket of water).

    Planting lilies often suffer from gray mold, but even in this case, lilies should be fed with fertilizers. The bulb continues to accumulate nutrients, so top dressing is especially important. With such a disease, feeding with ash will improve the situation, since it effectively fights pathogenic fungi.

    After flowering, lilies are fed with superphosphate and potassium sulfate, which allows the bulbs to ripen better by autumn. These are the last top dressings, later the plants are treated only with Bordeaux liquid to prevent the development of diseases.

    In order for the lilies to overwinter well, the flower bed must be covered with rotted compost or leaf humus with a layer of 10 cm. In the spring, such a shelter is not removed, using it as mulch.

    Top dressing hibiscus

    It so happened that in recent years several new hibiscus have settled in my apartment. The beauty of their flowers is fascinating, but at first there were enough problems with them. Now I understand that all the difficulties were caused by care errors, namely: non-compliance with the rules of dressing. Fertilizers for plants are like vitamins for us humans. You can help or hurt...

    Having finally figured out the nuances of fertilizing, I got rid of the main problem, and my hibiscus again became strong, healthy and blooming luxuriantly. I feed them according to the dosage on the label all year round: once a month from November to February and twice a month from March to October. Fertilizers are mostly organic (humisol, vermisol), and only occasionally do I use a full mineral fertilizer (so as not to burn the hibiscus roots - no more than 4 top dressings per year).

    The most intensive top dressing of hibiscus I spend, of course, in the summer months - these are root top dressings and leaf spraying. During flowering, I also use various ready-made fertilizers for flowering houseplants. That's just in their dosage I follow the rule "better less, but more." I want to draw the attention of flower growers to the fact that phosphorus-containing fertilizers ensure the development of flower buds and, accordingly, more abundant flowering. Nitrogen and potassium enhance leaf growth.

    I try to fertilize on cloudy days or in the evening. Before that, 2 hours before the procedure, I must spill the earth in pots with ordinary clean water. I prepare a nutrient solution of fertilizers in settled water at room temperature. Some time after watering and fertilizing, I will definitely loosen the soil in pots.

    A healthy appearance of plants, the appearance of new leaves and buds confirm the timeliness and correct dosage of dressings. So, yellowing, wilting of leaves, the appearance of spots on them, falling buds against the background of proper care and maintenance indicate overfeeding. Do not allow this, do not force your hibiscus to experience stress, because this will adversely affect his health.

    I wish all your plants to be beautiful, strong and healthy!

    In the spring, when transshipping strong and healthy hibiscus, granular rose fertilizer can be added to the earthen mixture. In this case, a month and a half other top dressing should not be made. Remember: an excess of fertilizer does not help, but rather inhibits the development of plants.

    Other news related to hibiscus:

    Hibiscus species

    Hibiscus not blooming?

    Why do hibiscus buds drop?

    Indoor hibiscus: care, transplantation, reproduction, flowering

    indoor hibiscus

    The hibiscus plant was well known in ancient Greece. However, then this name was called mallow. Hibiscus is known today as Chinese rose. The plant is loved and revered on many islands that are located in the Pacific Ocean. For local residents, hibiscus inflorescences are an exquisite hair ornament. Apparently, this tradition gave the name to the plant, since in translation "hibiscus" means "a flower for beautiful ladies."

    Malaysians revere hibiscus as a national flower, each petal of the inflorescence symbolizes the commandment of Islam. The inhabitants of India and China respect this handsome man. Miraculous properties are attributed to this plant - the inhabitants of the East believe that hibiscus protects the hearth from evil intentions, helps business people succeed, and also gives strength to cope with depression.

    Homeland and appearance of indoor hibiscus

    The scientific name of the plant is Syrian hibiscus. The plant belongs to the Malvaceae family. Asia Minor is considered the birthplace of the Chinese rose, but the plant can be found in Korea, China and India.

    This is a fairly tall shrub that, under favorable conditions, can grow up to three meters in height. The trunk is smooth, with gray bark. The crown is lush and voluminous, the leaves are large, have the shape of a shamrock.

    At home, as a rule, only one type of plant is grown, which has large red inflorescences with five petals.

    Watering mode

    The most abundant and frequent watering is necessary for the plant during the period of active growth, especially in hot weather. Hibiscus does not store moisture, like some types of plants, which is why the lack of water is primarily reflected in its appearance: the leaves become sluggish at first, and then completely fall off. If you do not respond to these symptoms in a timely manner, the Chinese rose will die.

    At the same time, excess moisture also negatively affects the health of the plant. If the soil is waterlogged for a long time, fungal diseases actively develop that affect the root system. In addition, water prevents the flow of oxygen to the roots, which also leads to their death.

    Tip: the plant must be watered abundantly, but be sure to pour out excess water from the pan.

    Watering is usually a morning procedure so that the Chinese rose has time to dry well by the evening. During the winter cold, hibiscus is dormant, so the frequency and amount of watering should be kept to a minimum. Also, experts advise avoiding abundant watering in the case when the plant is sick and actively sheds leaves.

    Light requirements

    Best of all, the plant develops on the southern windows. He is not afraid of direct sunlight. Moreover, if you want hibiscus to bloom, it needs direct sunlight for at least five hours a day. You can also grow a completely healthy strong bush on the southeast or southwest window.

    If you choose a northern window for the Chinese rose, the plant may not bloom at all.

    Note: Some varieties of Chinese rose tolerate light partial shade well. This applies to varieties with a brownish tinge of inflorescences.

    Temperature regime

    Hibiscus belongs to heat-loving plants, so the optimal temperature regime for it is considered to be from 24 to 30 degrees. Failure to follow these recommendations may result in the plant not blooming. From high temperatures, buds will fall off, and at low temperatures, buds will not form.

    Tip: when choosing a pot for hibiscus, give preference to light colors to prevent overheating of the root system on hot days.

    The minimum allowable air temperature for a plant is +7 degrees.

    Air humidity

    Humid climate for hibiscus - these are the conditions closest to natural, therefore it is necessary to maintain high humidity in the room all year round.

    The plant tolerates air humidity up to 70%. To maintain such conditions, you can use a humidifier or a regular container of water.

    In addition, hibiscus must be sprayed regularly.

    Top dressing and fertilizers

    During the period of active growth, the plant needs a significant amount of additional nutrients. However, conventional fertilizers for flowering plants can harm him. The fact is that for more active flowering, phosphorus-based fertilizers are used, in the case of the Chinese rose, phosphorus, on the contrary, poisons the entire bush and negatively affects the number of inflorescences and their quality.

    Many flower growers note that the plant responds best to universal fertilizers, in which potassium and nitrogen predominate. In addition, hibiscus needs magnesium. With an insufficient amount of this component in the soil, the leaves on the plant begin to turn yellow.

    • Feed only on cloudy days or late at night
    • Water the plant thoroughly beforehand.
    • Feeding frequency - once a week.
    • With a decrease in growth rates, it is necessary to reduce the frequency of top dressing.
    • Use foliar top dressing.

    To do this, prepare a solution: take one part of the root fertilizer for ten parts of water, mix well. Spray the hibiscus leaves with the resulting solution either in the early morning or late in the evening.

    Important: you can not feed the plant after transplantation and during the dormant period.

    Indoor hibiscus transplant

    Young plants need an annual transplant, with age it is enough to change the pot and the ground once every two or three years. Before you start transplanting hibiscus, you need to make sure that this procedure is necessary for him. The main sign that it is time to change the container and soil is a strong root system that has completely wrapped around an earthen clod.

    Tip: so that after transplanting the roots can quickly germinate into new soil, it is necessary to water the plant in a pan.

    A transplant is also necessary for a plant recently purchased from a flower shop. As a rule, poor-quality soil is used for transportation and maintenance, so experts advise not to hesitate and replace the soil as soon as possible.

    Another reason to replace the pot and soil is the presence of stimulants in the soil. Manufacturers initially add substances that promote active flowering to the ground, as a result, plant growth slows down and there is a risk of infection with spider mites.

    Propagation of indoor hibiscus

    At home, you can use the propagation method of hibiscus cuttings. At the same time, flower growers use several methods of rooting cuttings.

    • In mid-February, cut several cuttings from an adult bush and place them in wet sand. Cover the young shoots with a film and a jar. The plant must be kept under such conditions for two months at a temperature of 22 to 24 degrees.
    • Cut cuttings can be put in water and wait until the roots appear. After planting a young plant in a pot with a substrate.

    Note: there must be at least two internodes on the handle, otherwise the process will not take root.

    The choice of flowerpot and soil

    The diameter of the pot should be no more than nine centimeters. The earth mixture should consist of the following components:

    • humus (two parts);
    • leaf ground (one part);
    • sod land (one part);
    • sand (one part).

    Hibiscus flowering period

    Given that the tropics are the birthplace of hibiscus, it is able to bloom all year round, but this requires appropriate conditions - bright light, high temperature and humidity. As a rule, at home, the Chinese rose blooms for two to three months - from mid-summer to September.

    The inflorescences are large - from 10 to 16 centimeters in diameter and look very exotic. The shape of the flower resembles a cup, while the inflorescence can be simple or double. In the center of the flower there are stamens, which are collected in a tube and pass into a pistil. Although hibiscus flowers are mostly odorless, very fragrant varieties can be found.

    A new flower blooms at dawn and fades at sunset. On one branch, up to twenty inflorescences can form within one day, if the plant is large - up to fifty.

    Pruning and shaping homemade hibiscus

    During the period of active growth, the bush of the Chinese rose may acquire a sloppy appearance. To achieve a beautiful, "combed" shape of the bush, it is important to cut and shape it in time and correctly.

    The procedure is carried out only in the fall, when the plant has already faded. This is due to the fact that buds can form on shoots that are older than three months. Thus, if you prune the plant in May, the new shoots will be too young and the hibiscus will not bloom.

    Note: you can safely cut the Chinese rose, the plant easily tolerates the procedure and becomes thicker and more lush. Also, during the formation and pruning of the bush, it is necessary to completely remove damaged and infected branches and branches that are located parallel to the main trunk.

    Tip: If you want your hibiscus to be attractive, form it into a stem tree.

    Diseases and pests

    In general, hibiscus is a fairly strong and hardy plant. Minor non-compliance with the growing conditions of the Chinese rose will easily survive. However, if you make mistakes regularly, the hibiscus may die as a result.

    1. The main danger for hibiscus are:

    • dry soil;
    • drafts;
    • low air humidity.
    • regularly spray the bush;
    • avoid drafts;
    • protect from sudden changes in temperature.

    2. Aphid. As a rule, the insect appears on young shoots and buds. If you do not provide timely assistance to the plant, the number of pests will quickly and dramatically increase.

    Solution to the problem: treat the Chinese rose with a special chemical preparation.

    3. Spider mite. It is not always possible to consider an insect, since it is very small. Lives under the leaves, hiding in a thin web. The reason for the appearance of the tick is dry air.

    Solution to the problem: wash the hibiscus thoroughly with soapy water, spray the leaves regularly as a preventive measure and simply wash in the shower.

    Frequently asked Questions

    1. Why do hibiscus leaves turn yellow and fall off?

    Often the cause is a disease such as chlorosis. It occurs due to an excess of chlorine and calcium in the water, which is used for irrigation. At the same time, there is an insufficient amount of nitrogen in the soil.

    Solution to the problem: water for irrigation should be defended for several days and iron chelate should be added to it according to the instructions.

    In addition, the cause may be a disease of the root system or too dry air in the room.

    2. Why does indoor hibiscus not bloom?

    Here are a few rules, the observance of which will achieve abundant flowering.

    • During the budding period (February-March), the air temperature should not be higher than +15 degrees.
    • At this time, reduce watering.
    • Remove the plant from bright sun.

    Such conditions are typical for office premises, so you can often observe how hibiscus bloom brightly and profusely in offices. If you manage to comply with the above conditions at home, hibiscus will surely please you with flowers.

    Indoor hibiscus care video

    Now you know exactly what conditions are necessary for hibiscus, so that its leaves are strong and juicy green, and the flowers are bright and large. Provide bright light, moist air and abundant watering to this exotic handsome man, do not forget about top dressing, watch the root system so as not to miss the moment for replanting and the plant will surprise and delight you for many years. And if you create an original stem tree from a bush, it will become the “highlight” of your home.

    More information

    Why fertilize the plant at all? Is it not enough water and those substances that are in the soil? No, not enough! The soil tends to deplete, over time, the hibiscus will "eat" most of the necessary substances, and then you will either have to doom the flower to death, or it, which is not always possible, or fertilize it.

    Also, top dressing can play not only a supporting role, but also a stimulating: thanks to them, the plant will bloom better, and grow higher and faster.

    You need to carefully monitor how much fertilizer has been added. Top dressing is not the case when "the more - the better."

    What time to fertilize?

    Top dressing for hibiscus is carried out from mid-spring (April) to early autumn (September). During this period, mineral fertilizers are used, they should be added every 4 weeks. Once a month, they can be replaced with cow dung or bird droppings, diluted with water in a ratio of one to ten.

    It is worth noting that hibiscus can also be fertilized in winter, but following three conditions:

    1. fertilize only when the plant is flowering;
    2. feed hibiscus with a quarter of the dose of fertilizer in the spring and summer;
    3. use phosphorus-potassium top dressing.

    Types of dressings: how to choose the right one?

    All top dressing for hibiscus can be divided into the following categories:

    • To keep the plant alive.
    • For the development of hibiscus (whether flowering or accelerated growth).
    • For the prevention of diseases / the fight against their consequences.

    It is important to know that absolutely all top dressings are divided into two groups, which differ both in action and dosage:

    • organic fertilizers.
    • inorganic fertilizers.

    Choosing a top dressing for hibiscus is necessary depending on its needs and the desires of the gardener.

    How to cook from natural products at home?

    And now we will pay attention to specific dressings. The following recipes are for those who want to help their hibiscus during flowering, speed up its growth or recover from a serious illness using organic fertilizers. No chemicals, just what you can find at home at hand.

    During flowering

    Banana peel infusion

    Banana is high in potassium as well as magnesium. These elements are very useful for flowering hibiscus, thanks to their influence, the plant will be able to bloom as many flowers as possible.

    • 2 banana peels;
    • 5 liters of warm water.

    Cooking Method:

    1. finely chop the banana peel;
    2. to fill with water;
    3. leave to infuse for 3 days;
    4. if the resulting solution is too thick, dilute with water.

    How to apply:

    • Water hibiscus once every 2 weeks.
    • Use from late spring and all summer.


    For the preparation of top dressing you will need:

    • A glass of water (200 ml).
    • Half a teaspoon of sugar.

    Cooking Method: Add sugar to water and stir well.

    Application: With this infusion, the flower is watered twice a month.


    To the list of possible top dressings for flowering hibiscus, water can be added that remains after defrosting raw meat, as well as the water with which this meat was washed.

    Water the hibiscus every 14 days. Only fresh blood water should be used, otherwise the liquid with blood may quickly become rotten.

    During growth

    If in order to grow not only beautiful, but also the largest hibiscus, you should refer to the following recipes.

    Succinic acid solution

    Succinic acid is an ecological and completely environmentally friendly plant growth stimulator. Thanks to its solution, the growth of hibiscus can be significantly accelerated.

    For the preparation of top dressing you will need:

    1. 1 glass of water (200 ml);
    2. 1 gram of succinic acid (you can buy at any pharmacy).

    Cooking Method: Add acid to water and stir until the substance is completely dissolved.

    Application: spray the plant every 3 weeks, depending on the growth of the hibiscus, increasing the concentration. The maximum magnification is 5-10 times.

    Important! Solution is suitable for use 3 days from the moment of creation.


    For the preparation of top dressing you will need:

    • 10 grams of yeast;
    • 1 tablespoon of sugar;
    • 1 liter of water.

    Cooking Method:

    1. slightly warm the water;
    2. add yeast and sugar to it;
    3. leave to infuse for at least 2 hours;
    4. dilute with water in a ratio of 1/5.


    Water the hibiscus with a yeast solution throughout the growth period once every 2-3 weeks.

    To bring the flower back to life

    But what if it is not the growth or flowering of a plant that is of concern, but its very existence? And in this case, at home, you can make a lot of solutions and infusions that will definitely bring the plant back to life.

    succinic acid

    Succinic acid can not only promote the growth of a plant, but save it from certain death.

    For the preparation of top dressing you will need:

    1. 1 tablet of succinic acid;
    2. 1 liter of water.

    Cooking Method: for every liter of water should be 1 tablet.

    Usage: spray the roots, shoots and leaves of the affected plant or simply water it with a solution. Apply 2-3 times a week until the hibiscus is completely healed.

    Egg white infusion

    An infusion of egg whites can no less effectively help a dying hibiscus cope with the consequences of the disease. However, you need to prepare for the fact that the infusion will not have the most pleasant smell.

    For the preparation of top dressing you will need:

    1. 1 egg white;
    2. 1 glass of water (200 ml);
    3. 2 liters of water.

    Cooking Method:

    1. mix 200 ml of water and egg white;
    2. place the mixture in a dark and cool place;
    3. let it brew for a week;
    4. dilute the mixture with 2 liters of water.

    Application: water the hibiscus with the resulting solution once a week until the plant is completely healed.

    Buying ready mix

    If you don’t want to make your own top dressing for your hibiscus, you can always buy them. But in order not to stumble, buy the first one that comes across, you need to pay attention to the following:

    1. There should not be too much phosphorus in top dressing. It is dangerous because, with an excess, it causes chlorosis (iron stops being absorbed by the plant).
    2. The same applies to nitrogen in the composition of top dressing. Too much nitrogen will cause hibiscus leaf burns.
    3. The ratio of substances in top dressing should be approximately: NPK 3:1:5.

    One suitable top dressing (NPK 18:5:23) would be Fertika's "Crystalon Flower Fertilizer". Both in Moscow and in St. Petersburg, 20 grams of top dressing will cost from 42 rubles without delivery.

    Features of fertilizer application when growing in open ground

    Potted hibiscus and outdoor hibiscus need to be fed differently. The amount and type of top dressing should determine the soil. Therefore, before feeding a plant, and even more so planting it, it is required to study the soil. If everything is in order with the ground, then the hibiscus in the open field is fertilized every 2 weeks from summer to early autumn. In autumn, potash fertilizers are applied to the soil so that the plant survives the winter better.

    Is it possible not to use top dressing?

    Finally, we recall that some top dressing for hibiscus is necessary. And if you can do without the same growth and flowering stimulants, then you can’t do without mineral top dressing. Otherwise, the plant will simply deplete the soil, and then die. Caring for plants is a subtle science. But if you manage to keep your hibiscus always “full”, then it will delight you with flowering for many years. Isn't this a payment for everything rendered?

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