How to cook Korean tripe salad. Offal salad with carrots. How to cook hee from tripe

Cooking Ingredients:
Sweet red pepper-1 pc.
Carrot - 1 pc. average
Onion - 1 pc. medium size
bunch of green onions
cilantro (optional) and dill - half a bunch
Garlic-2 jagged
Vinegar - 1 teaspoon
Soy sauce - 1 teaspoon concentrate or 3 regular.
Salt, sugar - to taste
Black pepper, red pepper - to taste
Ground coriander - 0.5 teaspoons
Sunflower oil

1) Wash tripe. Place in a bowl of cold water. Put on gas, wait until it boils. Cook with boiling water for 7-10 minutes.
2) Drain the water. Rinse the tripe and put it back in cold water and bring to a boil.
We add salt. And cook for 2 hours until the tripe becomes soft.
3) In a separate bowl, prepare the marinade. To do this, you need to chop the carrots (it is desirable that the carrots be bright - such carrots are sweeter and juicier), you can also just cut them into strips or use a special carrot shredder.
- Peel the sweet pepper from the seeds and cut into strips. fry in sunflower oil.
- Onion mode in squares and report on roasting to pepper.
- Greens (cilantro, green onion) and garlic chop and combine. Combine with carrots. In the same mixture we add soy sauce, other seasonings, salt and sugar, vinegar.
The fried onion with pepper should be left hot.
4) Remove tripe, cool, cut into strips. sprinkle with carrots and herbs, mix thoroughly.
5) In the general mixture, add hot pepper and onion. Once again, mix thoroughly.
Salad ready. You can try.
But ideally, the salad should stand overnight in the refrigerator to marinate well.

Bon appetit from the site!

Khe from offal (tripe, flask) is one of the most amazing dishes of the cuisine of Central Asian Koreans. I did a whole study on this dish, asking my Korean friends, acquaintances and Korean salad sellers at the bazaar. As a result, I collected 9 options. I will describe the most interesting in my opinion.

You can cook heh from beef, pork or lamb offal.

Offal processing
The tripe or offal is the largest section of the stomach of ruminants. It is very tasty both boiled and stewed or fried. Good as a casing for meatloaf.
At the Tashkent bazaars, tripe is already sold quite well cleaned. White and hairy, it still has a characteristic unpleasant odor. So the whole task comes down to re-cleaning and getting rid of the smell.
The photo shows mutton offal in the form in which it was brought from the market. At that time, it has a strong smell of unwashed sheep's body.

Transfer the tripe to a cup, add a couple of tablespoons of salt and pour cold water over it. The water will immediately begin to darken, the smell will cease to be felt. After three hours, rinse the offal with running water. And again soak in saline solution. Repeat the procedure three times, each time washing the tripe. After these procedures, the smell can be felt only if you sniff very strongly.
And make another soak in a mixture of salt and vinegar. Rinse again and the tripe is ready for cooking.

There is a cleaning method by repeatedly boiling offal in boiling salted water for 15-20 minutes, followed by draining the water.

Cleaning with a simple salt soak seems less labor intensive to me. The tripe lies to itself and is cleansed. The apartment does not stink of anything, as when cooking. And you just know, sometimes remember, come and soak again.

Boil the peeled offal for one and a half to two hours.
Cool, cut into strips or sticks.
Cut raw onions into half rings.
The proportions of tripe: onion are approximately 2 to 1 in volume.
Add vinegar essence (70%) to the onion, mix, let stand for 15-20 minutes. For two medium onions - 1 teaspoon. The onion should "take over" all the vinegar.
Mix the chopped offal, onion, a couple of cloves of finely chopped garlic.
Heat (do not overheat) vegetable oil in a frying pan. Add crushed red hot pepper, crushed cilantro and sesame seeds to the oil, you can paprika. Stir and remove from heat to prevent the spices from burning. The oil should turn red, the spices should be fried, but not blackened, giving the aroma to the oil.
Pour the oil with spices into a bowl with the tripe and onions.
Add a little soy sauce, roasted sesame seeds and mix.
Cut some greens (parsley, celery, cilantro, green onions, garlic) and add to the salad.
Cover the cup with hee and put it in the refrigerator for a day.
The combination is wonderfully harmonious. Elastic delicious offal, crispy sour onions. Vinegar is not felt, only soy and the aroma of spices, and even this wonderful fried sesame ...

Tripe is deservedly considered a very valuable food product. And no wonder, because it contains 95% protein and only 4% fat, and there are no carbohydrates at all. And this means that tripe can be safely used in diabetes and as part of all kinds of diets. The stomach contains a large amount of useful vitamins, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine, potassium, iron, sulfur, and even some antioxidants.

A little information

Tripe is indeed a very unusual component that experienced chefs can use to create real culinary masterpieces. Many culinary specialists have repeatedly proved in practice that this exotic product can actually be used to prepare an incredible dish that will surely conquer even the most demanding gourmets.

In the world there is a huge number of different recipes from offal. By the way, in some countries the stomach is also called a scar and a flask. Tripe khe is one of the most spicy and unusual dishes of Central Asian cuisine. Although today this extravagant dish is extremely popular due to its excellent taste and beneficial properties.

You can cook such a treat from beef, lamb, and pork offal. Only one thing is important - to know the basic rules and features of the recipe heh.

Preparation of the main ingredient

Today, in stores and on the market, you can find already peeled offal. Such an acquisition will avoid unpleasant odors in the house and difficulties in its preparation. Any offal treat begins with the fact that it should be boiled for several hours over low heat. A properly cooked stomach should chew well. And in order to do just that, you must adhere to technology.

The first step is to properly prepare the tripe. It is necessary to completely cut off fat from it, which is not eaten due to an unpleasant odor. Keep in mind that if you remove it only partially, then the salad will be simply spoiled. After the fat is cut off, the offal should be washed well under running water.

After the manipulations done, the stomach must be sent to a weak solution of potassium permanganate, leaving it there for 2-3 hours. You can replace it with vinegar diluted with water. After that, the tripe must be thoroughly washed again.

Now the stomach should be thoroughly rubbed with salt on all sides and left in this form for half an hour. And only after that it needs to be washed again, and then proceed directly to cooking. Only through proper preparation can you get rid of the unpleasant odor inherent in the tripe.

How to cook

The prepared stomach should be placed in a large saucepan, pour clean water and put on maximum heat. After the liquid boils, it must be drained.

Now the stomach should be washed again, filled with new water and returned to the stove. How long does it take to cook offal? It will take you about 4-5 hours to prepare this offal.

First you need to bring the broth to a boil, and then, removing the foam, reduce the power and leave until fully cooked. About half an hour before the end of the process, you need to send a few bay leaves and black peppercorns to the pan. Don't forget to salt your stomach too.

Required products

So, to prepare a delicious Korean-style tripe hee, you will need:

  • 800 g of the main ingredient;
  • 2 medium onions;
  • the same amount of carrots;
  • bell pepper;
  • a small bunch of parsley and cilantro;
  • 4-5 garlic cloves;
  • a teaspoon of sugar;
  • 5 tablespoons of soy sauce;
  • a teaspoon of vinegar;
  • 3 tablespoons of sesame oil;
  • salt, ground red pepper and coriander seeds to taste.

After the stomach is boiled, you can proceed to the further process.

How to cook hee from tripe

The finished stomach must be cooled and cut into short thin sticks.

Onions should be chopped in half rings and vinegar should be added to it. Mix well and leave it like this for 20 minutes.

Chop peppers and carrots into thin strips too. Lightly knead the vegetables with your hands to make them a little softer.

Peel the garlic from the husk and pass through the press.

Heat the pan, pour oil into it and lightly fry the pepper, literally for a minute. Then add half of the prepared garlic here and wait the same amount. Now add red pepper to the mixture and mix well.

Transfer the tripe to a large bowl, add the pickled onion, the remaining garlic and chopped carrots to it.

To the rest of the ingredients, send the fried sweet pepper, as well as the oil on which it was prepared. Then you need to crush the coriander seeds and put them in the salad. Then comes the turn of finely chopped cilantro and parsley.

At the end, season heh from offal with carrots, sugar and soy sauce. If desired, you can lightly salt the dish. Mix everything well and serve.

The second heh recipe from tripe

You can prepare such an unusual Korean dish from a simpler set of ingredients. For this you will need:

  • 1 kg of stomachs;
  • 0.5 kg of onion;
  • 2 tablespoons of vinegar;
  • the same amount of vegetable oil;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • cilantro seeds;
  • salt and other spices to your taste.

How to cook

First of all, cut the cooled offal into neat thin strips and place it in a deep bowl.

Peel the onion from the husk, wash and chop into half rings. Put it in a separate container and add vinegar. Mix well and leave to marinate for 20 minutes.

In a saucepan or in a frying pan, heat the vegetable oil, send it, passed through the press, garlic, ground cilantro seeds and other spices of your choice, such as red pepper, sesame or coriander. Lightly toast the resulting mixture.

Mix prepared offal with pickled onions and spices. Here, if desired, you can add a little soy sauce and chopped greens. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

Leave the cooked heh from the tripe in the refrigerator for a day. It must be served chilled. This heh from tripe turns out to be especially spicy and fragrant.

Prepare such an exquisite dish at least once - such a treat will not leave anyone indifferent.

The most complete description: tripe salad recipes with photos for our beloved readers.

  • A unique, tasty and hearty salad. Such a salad can go as an independent dish.

    You will need tripe. Red carrots, onions, garlic, cilantro, red bitter and black allspice, table vinegar.

    Clean and rinse well. Put in a saucepan on fire and cook for at least 2 hours. While the tripe is cooking, prepare the other ingredients. With a special knife, cut the carrot into small strips. Preferably red sweet varieties. It has more vitamins and is juicier than yellow. Salt to taste. Mix well with your hands and put in the freezer for a few minutes while you prepare the rest of the additives.

    A few cloves of garlic are very finely chopped, you can also use a special crusher. Finely chop the cilantro greens.

    When the offal is ready, it must be well cooled. First cut into pieces, and then cut into small strips, about 1-1.5 cm wide. Pour some vegetable oil into the pan. Throw onion chopped into small squares. Roast lightly. Don't make it red.

    Take the prepared carrot, put the fried onion in it. Add chopped offal. Sprinkle with chopped garlic, cilantro. Sprinkle with black allspice and red hot pepper to taste, pour with table vinegar. Mix everything well. All salad salad is ready. Delicious, appetizing and healthy. It gives appetite, and carrots contain a lot of vitamins that our body needs. Enjoy your meal!

    Heh from offal - recipe.


    • Tripe - 1 kg
    • Onion - 2 pcs
    • Carrots - 0.5 kg (4 pcs (large))
    • Garlic - 0.5 goal
    • Oil rast. for frying
    • Uks. essence - 2 tbsp. l.
    • cilantro - 1 good large bunch
    • Coriander - 1 tsp with a slide
    • Chili pepper - 1 tsp with a slide (it can be sharper)
    • Laurel. sheet
    • sweet pea pepper

    How to cook

    My tripe was peeled, so I started cooking right away, but I washed it first.

    Pour the tripe with water and put it to boil for 3-4 hours, after boiling, salt, throw peppercorns, parsley and one onion, peeled, but whole. If the tripe has become soft, then it is cooked, you can pull it out and cool. What to do with the broth is up to you. You can also add your favorite spices. we ate it with dumplings.)))))

    Tripe mode is straws and set to marinate in vinegar essence for 1-2 hours, it will not hurt if you stir occasionally. (Before cutting, I removed the fat that was there and a thin film)

    In the meantime, cut or three carrots into strips. Salt. mix and at the same time knead a little with your hands.

    There are a huge number of offal recipes in the world. If we talk about only one offal, then it’s not enough to bend your fingers: there are Warsaw-style beef flasks, offal in spicy sauce, stewed offal with vegetables, offal with mushrooms in a creamy sauce, tripe roll, flasks with meatballs, etc. The tripe has other names. So, in some countries it is called a scar, or flasks.

    Today, in the markets, you can buy already cleaned offal, which will avoid unnecessary odors in the apartment during its preparation. Any dish from this product begins with the fact that it is necessary to boil the offal for 3-4 hours over low heat. Well-cooked offal should be easy to chew.
    In my case, I avoid the brewing process. A neighbor in the country who sells various offal, peeled offal, tongue, heart, lungs, liver - she does this for me for an additional fee.

    Today we don’t have a scar, we don’t have Warsaw flasks, but heh!

    Cooking steps:

    2) Finely chop the garlic, cilantro greens, cut the onion into half rings.

    3) Heat the pan, pour in the oil and fry the offal for 5-7 minutes, salt to taste.

    4) Add offal broth, simmer for 5 minutes, pour vinegar and season with spices: coriander, sugar, soy sauce, red and black ground pepper, yanimi (umami). Mix thoroughly and

    5) then add garlic, with onions and mix.

    6) Remove from heat, add greens, mix everything again.

    7) Serve with hot pub (boiled unleavened rice). Rice cooks in the microwave in 21 minutes.
    Enjoy your meal!


    2 kg tripe, peeled
    500 gr. onion
    2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
    2 tbsp. l. vinegar
    1 tsp sugar
    ½ st. broth
    6-7 tooth garlic
    4 bunches of cilantro
    1 tsp coriander
    3 art. l. soy sauce
    pinch of yanimi (umami)
    red, black pepper to taste
    salt to taste