How to quickly remove snow with a shovel. How to remove snow from the territory in different ways. Video: how to quickly remove snow and not fall off the roof

Ecology of consumption. Manor: It seems that the answer to the question "what to do with snow" is obvious - clean it up! But not everything is so simple. Snow is a great helper for gardeners and gardeners, you can’t just get rid of it without using it properly. We will give you 10 tips to help you use the fallen snow effectively.

Tip one: stock up in advance necessary inventory such as scrapers and shovels for clearing and throwing snow. To move large snowdrifts, you will need at least a roomy wheelbarrow, we hope you have one too.

Tip two: if you really have to remove snow from the paths, the parking lot and the yard, so that it is convenient to walk, then in the garden and in the garden, on the contrary, it will be delayed. If not uncommon in your area strong winds, then the snow can simply blow away, but this is a great thermal insulation material! Even small fences in the garden, fences, specially built barriers made of spruce branches, wickerwork, small movable screens made from improvised materials do a good job of retaining snow.

Tip three: if softly falling snow is a boon for plants, then a compressed block that has fallen from the roof is a disaster. Therefore, snow retainers on the roof are especially important if you have shrubs and other perennials growing near your house.

Tip four: hilling of trunks with snow is of great benefit to trees. It is important that the snow cover is covered not only trunk circle, but also the root neck of the tree. To do this, it is advisable to throw all the snow that you have raked from the paths under the trees, and the snow cone can be pulled out a little to the south - here under sunbeams it will melt much faster.

Tip five: Shrubs and other perennials can also be wrapped in snow. For them, you need more snow, the main thing is not to overdo it and not break the branches, pour it under the trunks, carefully.

Tip six: wet snow or just too much cover is dangerous for thin branches, sprawling spruces, pines, thujas, shrubs. Therefore, in case of sticking snow or a large accumulation on the branches, it should be shaken off very carefully so as not to damage the tree.

Tip seven: crust, unlike fluffy snow, is very dangerous for undersized plants, including for your lawn. Under such an ice crust, which is formed due to temperature changes, plants simply stop receiving oxygen, so it is advisable to break the crust, for example, with a rake. Or just walk through the beds, scattering, lifting the ice crust with your feet.

Tip eight: if you did not shake off the snow in time, it began to thaw, then freeze, or as a result of rain when sub-zero temperature ice crust may form on the branches. Unlike a layer of snow, it should not be knocked down! It's too dangerous, the ice keeps on the branches stronger than snow, so you have to wait for the thaw. In the meantime, you can help the trees cope with the load, using homemade props for spreading branches.

Tip nine: do not make real snow blockages on perennial plantings, throwing snow off the paths and removing it from the yard. Under the trunks, for protection - yes, fill up completely, with a slide - no. So you deprive the plants of access to oxygen and you can simply break thin branches or trunks.

Tip ten: think about where the water will go when the snow starts to melt. It is best to completely remove snowdrifts from the basement of the building, the barn, places where flood waters can collect. Remember that the snow will melt fastest in sunny, southern areas, it is here that early flowers and greenery will appear first from the ground.published If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to specialists and readers of our project.

Have you ever woken up to find your path covered in snow? Although it seems to be quite commonplace, there is a certain approach to this task.


Part 1

Preparing to shovel snow

    Consider any health hazard. If you are out of shape, have spinal problems or heart disease, it can be really dangerous for you. After snowfalls, hospitals are overwhelmed with victims of heart attacks and patients with back pain. Hire a local teenager or borrow a neighbor's snowplow instead of doing it yourself.

    Dress appropriately. You should be dressed warmly, but not in such a way that you begin to sweat profusely after a few minutes of work. Wear multiple layers of clothing that are easy to take off and won't restrict your movement.

    Wear appropriate footwear. You want warm boots that are strong on your feet and have good traction. Proper soles will help you maintain balance and reduce the risk of injury.

    Use an ergonomic snow shovel. Ergonomic clearers have a curve in the handle that helps you keep your back straight, which reduces the risk of back injury while you are shoveling snow.

    Use a dustpan with a non-stick surface. This will make clearing the snow less tiring and it will slide off easily.

    Stretching. Warm muscles will be more productive and less likely to hurt them. Pay Special attention to stretch your limbs (arms and legs) and back.

    Sprinkle sand or salt on slippery ground. Some areas may be uneven and cause slips or falls, as well as injury. Before shoveling snow, sprinkle salt and sand in any dangerous places on which you will have to stand while shoveling snow. This will improve your ground contact and reduce the risk of injury.

    Get up right. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart to maintain balance and bend at the knees, not at the waist or back. Keep the shovel close to your body instead of fully extending your arms. Tighten your abdominal muscles and then push yourself up to your feet as if you were doing a squat.

    Find right place where you will shovel the snow. You don't want to twist your body while kicking up the snow because it could hurt your back. Make sure there is a place directly in front of you where you can dump your load from the shovel. If you need to push the snow a little further, move your legs instead of turning your body.

    Remove areas with deep snow in several passes. Never try to clear deep snow in one go. It is best to clear an area of ​​2.5-5 centimeters at a time, resting between them. This will reduce the weight of the load and the risk of injury.

    Take frequent breaks and drink plenty of water. Snow removal is very hard physical work, and you must take care of yourself to avoid harmful consequences. When it's cold, you don't feel as thirsty, but dehydration can set in very quickly with such large volumes. physical activity. Take your time.

There is no better time than winter. Light frosty freshness and snow-white snowflakes hovering overhead. Trees and houses wrapped in snow caps. Everything is as if in fairy tale. However, after only a few hours after the start of this charm, each owner will think: how to remove the snow? it necessary work If you do not clean everything at once, then in a day there will be ice in this place and you can get in big trouble.

Sometimes the onset of snow pores comes as a surprise. However, you must respond immediately. To clear the path from snow cover near the house, you can use a plastic shovel. If suddenly there was no shovel at home, then you can quickly make it with your own hands. Even our grandfathers used this method.

Need to cook:

  1. wooden handle;
  2. a piece of rectangular plywood;
  3. a hammer;
  4. nails.

With the help of these simple items, you can assemble a good shovel that will last at least a few days until you can buy a new one. If the plywood is strong, then you can take a piece wider. Then the device of this shovel will allow you to quickly remove the snow in the yard.

The advantage of modern shovels is their lightness. Since the snow mass itself is not always light, and when it is removed, there is a big load on the spine, plastic shovels are just perfect.


Sometimes snow removal equipment is used. Snow removal machine adjoining territory kind of like a lawn mower. It also has a motor and a device for capturing snow. This machine then presses the snowflakes into blocks and stacks them. All snowplows minimachines can be classified as follows:

  • caterpillar;
  • self-propelled;
  • wheeled.

When choosing such equipment for your home, you should also consider the power and height of snow that this particular model is capable of removing.

Of course, there are also huge snowplows. They have higher equipment, more power and size. However, for a private house they are useless. They are used for snow removal from roadways, wide paths of parks and parking lots. Machines of this class are often equipped with equipment for spreading anti-icing composition.

Snow removal on site

Why remove snow from the roadways, walking paths and yards - understandable. But sometimes it becomes necessary to remove the snow on the site completely. What for? Sometimes there are reasons for this.

Some types of plants do not tolerate snow. In a relatively short period of time, they can freeze irretrievably. Other plants may simply break under the weight of snow. This makes the owners of such delicate crops anxiously monitor them in the winter and clean them from snowflakes. To do this, it will be enough with some frequency to simply shake off the snow from these plants.

Experts advise that such plants be prepared for winter from a warm time. They are usually wrapped in special material Or just polyethylene. Tree crowns can be tied with a rope. It will make it easier winter care for thermophilic plants.

For ordinary lawns and shrubs, the presence of snow is just the best. It protects from severe frosts and nourishes root system, therefore, in this case, the snow should not be cleaned. However, when leaving snow, you need to watch that its surface is not covered with an ice crust, otherwise the plants may die.

How to clean the roof from snow?

Caring owners of their houses make sure that snow is also removed from the roofs. Of course, until it gets warmer outside, it will not cause any inconvenience. But when the melting begins, it will be too late to remove the snow on the roof. And ice blocks can damage the roof of the house and even rip off the gutters. Icicles falling from above can be harmful to health, and can even take the life of those around you. How to remove snow from the roof?

It’s good if this house was built with your own hands and snow holders are provided in advance on the roof. It is best that they be dispersed over the entire surface of the roof, and not just in one place. Then the snow will not slide in whole lumps on people's heads, but will melt gradually. But it’s not always lucky from scratch and foresee everything in it.

Snow removal from the roof is important because the total snow mass can be hundreds of kilograms. In addition, the slightest melt can lead to roof leaks and damage to the interior of the house. If the winter is long, and even with temperature fluctuations, then in the event of a leak, the internal beams will not have time to dry out, which will lead to decay, and subsequently to the destruction of the roof frame.

You can install a heating system on the roof. A cable is laid along the perimeter, which will gradually melt the snow cover, thus preventing snow from accumulating on the roof. However, usually this method of protecting the roof from snow is not cheap and many cannot afford it.

If the roof of the house is made of ondulin, slate or metal tiles, and the angle of inclination is not so great, then you can safely climb the roof and clean it manually. It is important not to use shovels with metal tips. This may damage the coating surface. The shovel must be either with a plastic nozzle or with a wooden one.

The sequence of snow removal from the roof is as follows:

  1. first you need to free the cornices from snow;
  2. now you can gradually move to the skate.

You can not beat off the ice from the roof, as the coating can easily be damaged. Be especially careful when cleaning soft roofing materials. For example, bituminous coatings become very brittle and brittle from frost.

If you have to work on a roof with a large angle of inclination, then you should definitely tie yourself with a safety rope. In addition, it is undesirable to work on a steep roof alone. It's good to have a partner. He will be able to insure, and give the tool if necessary.

To clean snow cover from roofs, such shovels have been invented today, with the help of which you can easily remove snow even from the ground. A special scraper with an extendable handle will rake snow in layers, and the person will calmly stand below.

Where to put the collected snow?

Having removed the snow from the roof and yard, we can assume that half the work is done. However, it is important to keep track of where the snowdrifts are folded. If they are folded under the house, then by spring it will be necessary to repair the blind area and pump out water from the basement. One of the good options for where to put the snow is the ability to scatter it evenly over the garden or lawns. You can independently collect it in heaps, but they should not lie in the aisle, or block the flow of water into the gutters. If this is not possible, then it would be good to take the snow mass out of your territory.

Snow: light and airy or a whole block?

To understand how important it is to clear snow from your roofs, it is worth knowing how much it weighs. These seemingly light, weightless fluffs can be much heavier than you might think. The weight of snow can vary significantly depending on the humidity, the size of the snowflakes, and the air temperature. Freshly fallen snow can be both light and wet. According to experts, a cube of snow can account for from 50 kilograms of freshly fallen dry snow to 600 kilograms of melting snow. From this we can conclude that if the roof area of ​​​​the house is about one hundred square meters, then up to six tons of snow are located above the heads of the household. Knowing how much snow weighs, most likely, you will want to remove it as soon as possible, no matter how difficult it causes.

If you do not remove the snow at home in time, this will lead to icing of the paths and ice in the yard at the first warming. Then it will be necessary not only to rake out the snow that has become heavy to the point of impossibility, but also to beat off ice blocks. For this, there are also special scrapers and crowbars. However, this will take a lot of precious time and a person will spend a lot of effort. Conclusion: it is better to do everything in a timely manner.

Removing the first clean snow brings great joy. Snow brings purity and ease of breathing. In addition, freshly fallen snow is not heavy, which means it will not be difficult. Of course, if the owner of the house does not need to run to work at six in the morning, then you can arrange a wonderful winter holiday for yourself and enjoy the white beauties with the whole family.

As you can see, it does not take too much time and effort to remove snow on the site and from the roof. In addition, it is important to remember how much various equipment has now been created to help a good owner. All these tools will turn snow removal not into a heavy duty, but into a pleasant family job!

WikiHow is a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. When creating this article, 14 people worked on editing and improving it, including anonymously.

Clearing snow from your yard can be a painless process if you know how to proceed safely and methodically. In this article, you will learn how to effectively clean your driveway in just a few simple steps.


    Determine in which direction the wind is blowing and snow is blowing. The first step to successful clearing is to blow the snow in the direction of the wind. While it sounds simple, by following this rule, you can avoid having to re-clean places you've already been to. The direction of the wind can change while harvesting, so keep an eye on it and change your approach accordingly.

    Once you have decided on the wind, plan in advance where you will collect the snow. Keep in mind that the snow needs to be cleared in one place after each blizzard and the pile can get very high after several clearings. This can lead to safety issues, so care must be taken when working to avoid problems.

    • Keep in mind that you and your neighbors will need to be able to see the street from your home. Therefore, you may have to spread the snow into several piles in the yard to avoid obstructing visibility.
    • Try not to dump snow near the house, as this can flood the basement when the snow begins to melt.
    • Consider the weight of the pile of snow if you dump it on any structures.
    • Do not blow snow onto your home or car as the snow blower may pick up and throw small rocks.
    • Don't forget the kids when you're shoveling snow. Make sure you don't leave holes for them to fall into and that a pile of snow doesn't block your view of the yard where they play.
  1. Decide on a pattern that you will follow when cleaning. Now that you have dealt with the wind and the location of the piles of snow, you need to develop a path of movement. You can spend a lot of time clearing places you've already been if you don't develop a clear plan of movement. Your plan will depend on the speed and direction of the wind, the power of the snow blower (how far it can blow the snow), and the moisture content of the snow. Please note that your task is to blow off the snow once.

    • Try not to blow snow into the area where you plan to make a pass. You can move from left to right (or vice versa) or start from the middle and clear the snow as you move from the path to the edge of the site. Adjust the direction and height of the funnel as needed to blow the snow into a pile in one go. Be diligent about this.
  2. Prepare the snow blower. Check its status before starting work:

    • Fill the machine with fuel before cleaning to avoid interruptions caused by lack of fuel. This must be done outdoors to avoid steam buildup. Do not add fuel to a hot engine, it must be cooled first.
    • Check the oil in the machine before each use (applies 4 motorcycle engines). Snowblowers can often burn oil without smoke, and lack of oil or the wrong type of oil can quickly ruin your machine.
    • Make sure your clothes are tucked in and out of the snow blower, and wear gloves to protect your hands and headphones to block out loud noises. Although it's not mentioned often, you do need safety goggles. The machine can throw small stones and earth in your direction. Finally, wear shoes with studded soles to prevent slipping.
    • If you are clearing snow nearby or on the road, you may not be able to hear the vehicle due to the noise from the snow blower. Try to keep a close eye on the road, or have your assistant wear bright, conspicuous clothing and warn you of oncoming vehicles.
  3. Learn how to properly use your snow blower. Read the instructions carefully before the first cleaning. Once you're out in the yard, adjust the funnel to blow the snow in the direction you want. Start the machine according to the manufacturer's instructions and start clearing the first path while holding the snow thrower with both hands. Clear snow and ice, slush can clog the funnel.

    • When cleaning, make sure that you do not come across cranes, statues, toys, branches, ropes, etc. All this can be blown away by the snow blower and break or damage something else.
    • Make sure you have enough light to see everything while cleaning. If you need a flashlight, be sure to turn it on.
    • When cleaning, remember that the purifier may turn off abruptly if it encounters potholes or uneven ground. Because of this, you can fall on the machine due to the momentum from moving forward. Try to keep the car arms outstretched to react if the purifier stops working.
  4. Leave cleaning with a shovel for later. It is easier to remove 95% of the snow effectively with a machine, and then clean the veranda and other places inaccessible to the cleaner. You should not slow down the speed of the machine to avoid blowing snow into the area previously cleared with a shovel, as this is counter-productive.

  5. Do not turn off the purifier. After finishing work, let the engine in the cleaner run for a few minutes to clear the accumulated snow in the machine. This will help dry it before returning it to storage.

    • Setting flags in places with obstacles like bushes, statues, etc. help you avoid bumping into them while cleaning.
    • When buying a snow blower, look for one that can handle snowstorms that are stronger than those available in your area. This way you won't buy a car that's too small or too big.
    • There is no one type of snow blower that can handle all types of snowfall. It is recommended to keep a good single stage clearer (with paddle augers) for light to medium snowfalls and a large two stage machine for heavy blizzards. No matter what, there are times when no cleaner can replace a shovel, so exercise your back.
    • Spraying the paddle compartment and discharge chute with kitchen non-stick spray can help prevent clogging.


    • Never try to clear a clogged discharge chute or auger/impeller with your hands or feet! Even if the purifier is turned off, use the special cleaning stick. If you make it your golden rule, it will become a habit, a very good habit. The impeller can and will rotate even if the engine is turned off. Golden Rule will help you save all 10 fingers. Most manufacturers provide car cleaning sticks in the kit.
    • As you approach the street, remember to stop and check for any approaching cars. Roads can be slippery, making it difficult for cars to stop quickly enough. Also, precipitation can impair visibility for you and for drivers, so you should be careful when approaching the road.
    • Do not allow pedestrians to come close to your work area. On the surface, this process may seem like a lot of fun, but it's not. group lesson. Snow, ice and stones flying out of the funnel can easily hit a nearby person or catch the snow blower itself. Ask everyone to move away, let them watch you from home!
    • Most heavy vehicles have reverse gear to make it easier to reverse. It is very easy to forget that the car is in reverse and accidentally push yourself against the wall of the house or just knock you off your feet by turning on the cleaner, which will move towards you. The slippery ground further complicates the situation.
    • Remember that many things can be covered with a layer of snow. Garbage bags, street debris, small pieces of concrete, etc. may end up in the cleaner and subsequently fly out of the funnel at high speed or damage the machine from the inside.

Winter is coming, which is why you need to think about how to escape from the snow. This problem is mainly of concern to owners of private or country houses, since the snow covers the territory and sometimes it is simply unrealistic to leave the house. If the area is large and you need to not only clean, but also take out the snow, then the specialists at will be able to help you. They have extensive experience, specialized equipment and tools for quick and practical cleaning. Please note that a process such as snow removal is best done regularly so that precipitation does not accumulate. Consider how to properly remove snow with a shovel and a special snow blower, what to look for.

How to remove snow with a shovel or scraper

If the territory of a country or private house is large, then it is best to use a scraper. This element is also called the engine. The main advantage compared to a shovel is the ability to capture a large strip of snow. That is why cleaning will be much faster. But if there is no scraper, then two shovels can be used by simply connecting it in two sides. But it's not that practical. It is best to immediately remove the snow to where it will be stored in large portions. Many make blunder: clear the snow on both sides of the path, and only after that to the place of storage. it double work. Also, to make snow removal easier, you do not need to collect a whole shovel of snow with a slide. It is best to remove the snow in small portions, so you will be less tired.

Features of using a snow blower

If you bought a snow blower to keep an eye on your house in winter, then you can be congratulated, since everything can be removed quickly and efficiently. It is very important to head with snow to the storage area in such a way that the wind blows in back, that is, in your back. If you move in the direction of the wind, then the snow will fall on the equipment and back onto the tracks. And strong gusts of wind can completely fall asleep.

If the territory is quite large, then it is possible to carry out warehousing at first at several points. But this must be done in such a way that it is convenient to clean up later, and the snow does not end up on the cleaned paths again. Think over the scheme of such piles of snow in advance. Be sure to dress well, no matter what snow removal method you choose.