Lena broom planting and care. Features of growing broom in open ground and in containers. Types and varieties of broom bush: photo and description

Landing: There are no special requirements. The plant responds well to fertilization. All plants purchased from the PROXIMA nursery are provided with long-acting fertilizers with the latest formulas from the best European manufacturers and can be sold in your garden center without additional fertilizing throughout the year. But the greatest advantage of buying plants in a container is that they can be planted without additional fertilizer from March to December - even in the heat of summer.

Care: An important part of caring for Broom early varieties Albus lies in annual pruning, weeding, loosening and watering.

Trimming: After the first flowering, in June, Albus Broom is recommended to be pruned and fed at the same time. Tall branches are pruned by about 1/3, without affecting the old wood, and young root shoots are lightly pinched to stimulate branching. They also remove several old stems at the root. This provides room for new shoots to grow at the roots.

Mineral fertilizers: Near the trunk circles we scatter 3 g per 1 kg of an imaginary coma with balanced NPK + Me (with microelements) in the spring - nitrogen, in the summer - phosphorus, August - September - potassium. We recommend regular foliar treatments with mineral and organic fertilizers with an adhesive with acidified water, for example Valagro (Plantafol, Megafol), etc.

Diseases and pests: Broom is practically not susceptible to attacks from pests and diseases. Untreated plants can be damaged by fungal diseases (powdery mildew, black spot) or pests (moth moth, moth). The main thing is to identify the pest or make a diagnosis in order to choose the right plant protection product. To protect the plant from diseases and fungal infections, it is necessary to treat the plants with fungicides (Skor, Switch, Maxim, Ordan, Horus, Quadris, Radomil Gold, etc.). In the spring and again in the summer, preventive spraying is carried out with insecticides (Aktara, Enzhio, Aktellik, Match). Modern gardener With the help of the Internet, he can independently identify the enemy and select drugs that will help protect the plant. It is better to carry out preventive treatments once a month than to treat when the pest multiplies and “eats” the plant. An example is the war between Ukrainian gardeners and Colorado beetles, which, like their human “cotton” namesakes - the Kremlin occupiers of “Colorado”, are gluttonous and climb into other people’s gardens. The first and second must be destroyed before they spread over large areas.

Soil pests: An untreated plant may be damaged by cutworms. Compared to the voracious larva of the May beetle, other pests are rare on a well-groomed plant. Over the past 10 years, Khrushchev, especially on humus-rich, weed-free soils, has become the most dangerous pest garden plants Ukraine. One beetle larva can gnaw off in 1 day root system a young 10-30cm seedling, completely destroying it. From mid-April, when we see the first flying beetle, we URGENTLY treat the crown with any of the numerous preparations based on imidacloprid, for example Prestige (Bayer), Antikhrushch, while part of the solution must get onto the trunk (10 cm above the ground) and the root collar and not spill to the side . We repeat similar treatments every 40-50 days of the growing season. We pour it into the ground according to the instructions; Aktara is also effective. Treatment along the crown and topping up the root collar into the soil from late April to September once every 40-60 days.

It was a discovery for me when I learned that the broom and the vaunted broom bush above the river have nothing in common with each other. This is absolutely different plants and various botanical species. Therefore, I want to tell you about broom so that you do not have any confusion about this unusually beautiful plant.

By the way, this genus has in its ranks the familiar yellow acacia. Broom or citius are shrubs, sometimes trees, from the Legume family. Plants can be evergreen or deciduous. IN natural conditions grows in Europe, North Africa and Western Asia.

Prefers light and dry soils, sandy and sandy loam. Broom bushes, which have a spreading or compact fluffy crown, are popular among gardeners due to their beautiful and long-lasting flowering. They are often used for decoration garden plots. Moreover, caring for the bush is not difficult and does not require special care.

Broom bushes in nature grow up to three meters. The stems have a smooth surface that is bright green or grayish green. The branches are strewn with alternately arranged small leaves. The leaves are trifoliate and have small stipules.

Flowering begins in the second half of spring. The flowers are similar to pea flowers, in the form of elongated inflorescences collected in racemes. The flowers are pink, yellow or white.

Broom blooms for quite a long time, until July. Some varieties of broom have an incredible aroma when they bloom. Then the fruits ripen in the form of bean pods, inside of which there are small flattened bean seeds. After ripening, the pods open, scattering the seeds far over the surface of the ground.

The plant is popularly called golden rain.

Broom is poisonous plant containing alkaloids, which in large doses can make breathing difficult. Therefore, working with this plant must be carried out with gloves, observing safety precautions.


Crown (C. purpureus)

This deciduous species grows in Europe and is quite frost-resistant. Bushes can reach three meters in height. Small, oval-shaped leaves are alternately arranged. Small flowers light yellow, up to two centimeters in diameter, are located in the leaf axils.

It has thin, flexible shoots with reddish bark and slight pubescence.

Prominent flowering (C. emeriflorus Rchb)

This species is often found in mid-latitudes due to its exceptional frost resistance. The bush is quite short, does not exceed 60 centimeters in height. The flowers are quite large, bright yellow.

Russian (C. ruthenicus)

Its natural habitat is Western Siberia. Reaches two meters in height. The leaves are small, 2 centimeters long, the flowers are formed into yellow spike-shaped inflorescences. It blooms throughout the month, from May to June. This species is poisonous.

Early (C. praecox)

Absolutely unpretentious appearance, growing up to one and a half meters in height. It has long, thin, flowing branches. The leaves are narrow and small. The flowers are bright yellow, with a pungent odor. Flowering begins in May. This frost-resistant type, preferring sandy soils.

Kewes (C. kewensis)

In Europe this species is very popular. Grows up to half a meter in height. The thin, drooping leaves with small green leaves bear creamy flowers in spring.

Creeping (C. decummbens)

Low, up to 20 centimeters in height. Very lush, beautiful and bright flowering shrub, yellow flowers.

Purple (C. purpureus)

A very striking type of ground cover shrub, growing up to 60 centimeters. Blooms in mid-summer for a month. The flowers are small, light lilac or purple.


Boskoop Ruby

Of the early broom varieties, this is the most decorative. It has thin and long, flowing branches, on which are small, bright green leaves.

The flowering of this variety is particularly beautiful. The red flowers have a mauve-pink color on the inside. The bush is literally strewn with them, not even the leaves are visible. Quite tall, reaching two meters in height.

Early broom Zeelandia

A very unpretentious variety with narrow leaves of bright green color. It blooms with soft pink flowers, with a peach tint inside. A heat-loving variety that requires shelter for the winter.


This is also a variety of the early species. A lush bush, with a spreading crown up to 2 meters in diameter, can grow up to one and a half meters in height. It has beautiful yellow flowers.

Different abundant flowering and the strongest aroma. This is a sun-loving shrub that loves sandy soil and tolerates low temperatures well.


Low, up to one and a half meters, spreading shrub. Very profusely blooming scarlet flowers, which are shaded inside with stripes of dark gold color. This is a heat-loving variety and requires shelter for the winter.

Andreanus Splendens

Variety of broom. It has a spherical shape, growing both in height and width by one and a half meters. The flowers are a very bright yellow with brown outer leaves. A sun-loving variety that blooms from the end of May.


This variety has quite large, up to 3 centimeters in diameter, red flowers with a yellow border. Resistant to low temperatures.


Grows up to one and a half meters in height. The crown also extends over one and a half meters. Has very spectacular flowering and very lush flowering in April-May. The color of the flowers is all shades of carmine. This sun-loving plant is frost-resistant and adapts well to urban conditions.


This is a varietal variety of early broom. A lush and compact, rounded bush, growing up to 1.2 meters in width and height. Blooms with white flowers with a slight yellow tint. It blooms starting in May for a month. The variety tolerates frosts well down to -20 degrees.

Burkwoodii crown broom

Grows up to two meters in height. The flowering is very bright and abundant. Flowers are up to 3 centimeters in diameter, coral-red, edged with a golden edge.

It adapts well to poor soils, is frost-resistant, and easily tolerates drought.

golden rain

This variety grows like a short tree. Poisonous variety.

Planting and transplanting

Broom prefers open, sunny and warm places. But broom does not tolerate drafts and winds. Planting is best done in late spring.

This shrub is unpretentious in terms of soil choice; its varieties can also grow in depleted areas. But for abundant flowering, light, sandy soils with low acidity are more suitable.

Due to the fact that the broom bush is poisonous, its proximity to bodies of water is undesirable. This can destroy the fauna in the pond.

Soil composition:

  • sand -2 parts;
  • land - 1 part;
  • humus - 1 part.

If the soil is very poor, then adding a mineral complex will not be amiss. The bushes are planted in the soil at a distance of 30 centimeters from each other.

How to plant

A drainage layer 10-20 centimeters thick is placed in the prepared hole, depending on the density of the soil. Then the substrate is added, and the bush is planted so as not to bury the root collar.

After planting, the seedling is covered with soil and compacted. Then the seedling is watered abundantly. Mulching is done on top to retain moisture.

If necessary, the bush can be replanted. The composition of the soil should contain humus, sand and sod land.

Some features of broom care, video:


Broom does not need special care. But this does not mean that you can completely ignore it.

The plant needs to be watered abundantly, but not often. The plant tolerates some dryness normally. But he cannot tolerate stagnant water.

Do not neglect loosening the soil and weeding around the bush. Instead of loosening, you can mulch the soil with peat to a depth of 5 centimeters.

Fertilizing broom bushes is carried out twice a year. The first time is in the spring, and then in the middle of summer. For spring feeding choose nitrogen-containing complexes. In summer, complex fertilizing containing phosphorus and potassium is good.

It is also good to stimulate growth using wood ash.

Feeding frequency: twice a month.

Crown formation for broom is not required. Pruning is carried out only after flowering has ended in order to form more new buds.

Most broom bushes are frost-resistant, but they need some care for the winter:

  • Young plants are covered for the winter;
  • For short ones, a shelter made of spruce branches is necessary;
  • Tall bushes are bent to the ground and pressed, and then covered with spruce branches;
  • For mature plants, shelter is not required.

Features of care for the Moscow region

There are no special rules when caring for broom in the Moscow region, but some recommendations should be followed:

  • It is necessary to plant frost-resistant varieties.
  • IN winter time bushes need to be covered with spruce branches, this is especially important for young plants.
  • Watering is carried out abundantly, but only as the top layer of soil dries.
  • Planting should be done in well-lit and not blown places.
  • Carry out timely fertilizing and loosen the soil.

Broom - what kind of shrub is this?

Under this name, about 60 species of plants (shrubs and small trees). All of them, as a rule, grow in Europe, Africa, and some in Western Siberia. Basically, representatives of the broom genus are small in height (0.5-3 m), most often deciduous shrubs. Broom, planting and caring for which is not particularly difficult, is very often used in landscape design and for landscaping streets, parks, squares. They add special charm and interest to the plant. fragrant flowers that cover it in the spring. Most often they are yellow, but they can also be white, purple or a combination. As a representative, broom has beautiful butterfly flowers collected in panicle inflorescences.

Types of broom

The exact number of broom species has not been established; according to different classifications, there are from 30 to 70. Let us dwell on the most famous and those that can grow in our climate. After all, broom is a shrub, planting and caring for which is quite simple, but you need to know some of the nuances of each species.

  1. Russian broom. It grows mainly in the European part of the country, Western Siberia and the North Caucasus. It can form entire thickets in steppes and forest-steppes, and pine forests. It is a deciduous shrub, growing up to 1.5-2 meters in height. Forms a spherical bush with straight branches and dense green leaves. It blooms in May-July for a month and sometimes again in the fall.
  2. Coronal broom (twig-shaped). tall bush(up to 2 m) with small leaves and large flowers(you can see it in the sixth photo). This is a fairly heat-loving broom. Planting and care middle lane similar to other species, except that winter shelter may be required. Many hybrids of this species have been bred, differing in flower color. It takes root best on sandy light soils or limestone.
  3. Broom oblong. Small (up to 1.5 m) spreading shrub, flowering begins early spring. Used in landscape gardening.
  4. Emeritus broom. (70 cm) with slightly drooping shoots. Due to its compactness, it can be used for blooming in May-June with bright yellow moth flowers.
  5. Broom is crowded, blackening and sessile-leaved. Low-growing shrubs, reaching about half a meter in height. They do not bloom as profusely as previous varieties.
  6. Purple broom (its photo is presented below). Low (up to 1 m), but very spreading, creeping shrub. As you can see, they have a purple-pink color and are located along the entire length of the branches. Flowering is abundant and long lasting. This is a drought- and cold-resistant plant.
  7. Kyus broom. A low-growing (up to 50 cm in height) deciduous shrub, grown like dwarf. Decorative leaves, light green or gray tint. Cream-colored flowers appear in early May. This is a broom resistant to gas pollution and city air. Planting and care in the Moscow region will not require special care, just like in the middle zone, since it is frost-resistant and tolerant of heat and drought.
  8. Creeping broom. The smallest representative of the genus, its height barely reaches 20-30 cm. It forms real green carpets in gardens, each bush spreading up to one meter in diameter.

Withdrawn large number varieties of broom. This allows it to be used, firstly, for different purposes (green carpet, group and single plantings), and secondly, in different climatic conditions.

Broom: planting and care in winter at home

In a room or winter garden You can also grow this plant. For this, one species is used - broom racemose. whose homeland is the Canary Islands and Madeira. Sometimes you may come across the name "golden shower", thanks to the bright yellow fragrant flowers that appear on the plant from February to May. In nature it grows up to one meter in height, room conditions a little smaller (60-70 cm).

Planting depends on the propagation method (seeds, cuttings, layering). For hybrid varieties Only the vegetative method is suitable. It is best to plant seeds in spring. They must first be soaked in water for 2-3 days until they swell. Use a soil mixture of peat and perlite. Planting depth is 1-1.5 cm. Then the container must be covered with polyethylene and put in a warm but bright place. To make the seeds germinate better and faster, you can lightly rub them sandpaper. Propagation by cuttings is carried out in the summer. Young, not completely lignified shoots (about 10 cm) are cut off. They take root quite well and quickly - 1.5-2 months.

When choosing a raceme broom for your home, planting and caring for it in winter is quite simple, you should remember several nuances. The plant prefers cool indoor temperatures all year round: in winter +10-18 °C, and during flowering no more than +16 °C. Also during this period he needs good lighting, but without direct sunlight. In summer, the plant can be taken out onto the balcony or terrace.

Broom indoors: soil and watering

You can use store-bought soil, for example, intended for palm trees or ficus trees. If you want to prepare the soil yourself, remember that it should be light but fertile. It is recommended to use the following mixture: turf soil - humus - sand or perlite in a ratio of 2:1:1. Do not forget about good drainage; it is best to add a layer of expanded clay.

If you want to get a fragrant flowering bush right at home in the spring, then choose racemose broom. Planting and care (a photo of the plant is presented in our article), which is extremely simple.

Young plants are transplanted annually into a pot slightly larger (2-3 cm) than the previous one. This should be done after the broom has finished flowering.

Watering broom grown indoors depends on the time of year and air temperature. In summer it is more intense, 2-3 times a week, and in winter it is reduced to once. During the period when the plant begins to bud and bloom, it is necessary to apply liquid mineral fertilizer containing potassium once a month.

Broom: planting and care

Almost all types of shrubs are very light-loving and drought-resistant. They can grow even in the poorest soils. However, it is worth knowing two nuances. Broom does not tolerate waterlogging and stagnation of water, as well as heavy loamy soils. And secondly, you should not replant the shrub in its adult state, it reacts very poorly to this.

If you are going to plant broom on your site, then choose for it open spaces, for example, gentle slopes, without close groundwater passage.

The soil should be loose and breathable. If you are not sure of its suitability for broom, then prepare the soil for the young plant yourself. First you need to dig a hole for the bush. Separately mix turf soil, humus and coarse river sand in a ratio of 1:2:5. The depth, length and width of the hole should be approximately 60 cm; crushed stone or broken brick can be placed on its bottom, and then it should be covered with prepared soil.

Basic broom care is: proper watering, regular feeding fertilizers and decorative pruning.

Watering broom

One of the most drought-resistant shrubs in our climate is, of course, broom. Planting and caring for it is extremely simple. The only thing that can happen is the frosting of the shoots at the very thermophilic species in harsh winter conditions. Long-term resistance high temperatures without precipitation is due to the structure of the root system. The broom is powerful and deep, but without a clearly defined main stem. This property, by the way, is used to prevent soil shedding. Dig mature plant without damaging the roots it is unrealistic, therefore the survival rate is very low. Therefore, it is better to buy broom in containers or propagate by cuttings. Thus, watering the plant is not necessary, but is still advisable in the driest years.

Feeding broom with fertilizers

This procedure is recommended by all gardening experts. Fertilizing strengthens the plant and promotes abundant and long-lasting flowering. Remember that broom does not like fresh organic matter (manure). It is best to make an infusion from it or ordinary herbs, let it ferment for 2-3 weeks and only then water the bushes at the root (consumption - 1 bucket per adult plant). The frequency should be 2-3 times during the spring-summer season.

Bulk and granular fertilizers are best applied to the soil in circles around the trunk. Of the most accessible, we can recommend wood ash, from mineral fertilizers in granules - potassium chloride and superphosphate (20-30 g per 1 square meter).

Pruning broom

Trimming shrubs is necessary, but it needs to be done correctly, depending on what goals you are pursuing. If it is necessary to enhance flowering and renew the plant, then pruning is carried out until mid-June. Such a haircut will in no way interfere with the formation of flower buds. Old branches should not be touched; cut new shoots to mid-length.

If your goal is to give the bush some silhouette or shape, this is especially true for single plants, then you can trim the bush in summer or autumn. It will not bloom next year, but the foliage will become more decorative.

Using broom in landscape design

Fashion trends exist not only in the world of clothing, but also in landscape design. Broom, which is surprisingly simple to plant and care for, has been undeservedly forgotten. Its popularity has returned quite recently, thanks to the development of new varieties. Broom is used in group plantings, so it looks as impressive as possible. This approach is implemented in large areas (parks, streets, courtyards, highway junctions, etc.). On small area broom can be used in combination with other woody plants, most good combination with conifers ( mountain pine, juniper, dwarf cedar), as well as with gorse, lavender, lilies of the valley, and heather. The shrub lends itself well to decorative pruning, which allows you to create various shapes and hedges.

There are varieties of broom that are grown as ornamental plants.

Planting and caring for this plant is quite simple. Magnificent broom brushes can decorate the garden and delight the eye even in inclement weather.

Broom belongs to the legume family. There are about fifty species of it. It is a small tree, similar to a shrub. Its shoots are used in making brooms. Evergreen broom is an excellent honey plant.

Often, broom seedlings are planted with the onset of spring. It is also planted with seeds. In addition, broom can be propagated using cuttings, for which the cut cuttings must be planted in separate pots, where they will grow until the beginning of spring.

Selecting a location

Brooms grow well in sunny and sheltered locations in well-drained and light, sandy loam and slightly acidic (neutral sandy) soil. They are sensitive to lime.

Brooms are planted both in groups and individually. They cannot be planted near bodies of water where fish live, as they contain toxic substances: alkaloid cytisine, pectin, enzyme, etc.

Do you want to decorate your garden with viburnum? Find out how to do this.

Find out how to grow annual dahlias by following this link.

Soil preparation

Planting broom requires special soil, which can be obtained by combining one part turf soil, two parts sand and one part humus.

It is necessary to add additional mineral fertilizer to the prepared soil.

Features of landing and landing time

When planting broom (not by seed), you should maintain a distance between plants of 30 - 50 cm. The root collar of the plant should be located at ground level. Drainage is a must.

For heavy soils, it is necessary to place river pebbles or broken bricks in one layer of up to twenty centimeters at the bottom of the pit. If the soil is sandy, the drainage layer can be reduced to ten centimeters.

Broom propagation

Broom propagation occurs in three ways: green cuttings, seeds and layering.

Seed method

Propagation by seeds occurs as follows.

First, the seeds need to be collected from ripened beans in August-September. Next, they are sown in bowls (containers) with sand or a one-to-one mixture of peat and sand to a set depth of 5-6 mm. Immediately after planting the seeds in the container, it is placed in a shaded place, where the temperature should be maintained within 19-21 degrees Celsius.

Sowing seeds for broom seed propagation is carried out in August-September

Containers with seeds need to be regularly sprayed and ventilated.

The seedlings are planted one at a time into 7-centimeter pots, where the soil will consist of a mixture of two parts turf soil, one part humus and one part sand.

With the onset of spring, grown broom plants should be transplanted into 11-centimeter pots and pinched after transplantation for branching purposes. In the third year after transplantation, the plants that were transplanted from pots into open ground will bloom and reach a height of 30-55 cm.


Preparation of cuttings occurs by cutting semi-lignified shoots with two or three leaves present, while large leaves need to be shortened.

Rooting of cuttings occurs in the summer in a mixture of sand and peat. For this purpose, they are covered with a glass cap, while maintaining a temperature of 18-20 degrees Celsius.

Plants should be regularly sprayed and ventilated.

After the cuttings have rooted within one to one and a half months, they should be planted in 8-9 cm pots. Next, the plants are cared for in a manner similar to two-year-old seedlings.

Layering should be done from an adult broom plant. For this purpose, its lower branches are pinched, which should be sprinkled with soil mixture.

Broom care

After planting the plant, it should be watered abundantly in the spring and summer as the top soil layer dries.

In the autumn-winter period, on the contrary, watering should be careful and moderate. This is to prevent soil acidification.

Watering should be done with water that contains lime.

Top dressing

Broom is fed in spring nitrogen fertilizer. In the summer it is fed with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers.

Broom practically does not need pruning; only the branches need to be trimmed after flowering.


After the plant blooms, its branches are pruned. When pruning, it is very important not to touch the woody part of the plant.

Preparing for winter

With the arrival of winter, it is recommended to cover young broom plants with any covering material.

To make it more convenient for broom to winter, its branches should be carefully tied and bent to the ground.

As for adult plants, they do not need this due to sufficient winter hardiness.

Pest and disease control

Broom has few diseases and pests. So, in the fight against broom moth, when it appears on the leaves of a plant, you should spray it with 0.2 percent chlorophos. Treatment of the plant with bacterial or organophosphorus insecticides or a mixture of them will help against broom moth.

From powdery mildew it is necessary to treat dormant buds with 5 percent copper sulfate. In addition, in the summer, regular treatment with foundationazole and copper-soap liquid, as well as colloidal sulfur, will help, and these drugs should be used alternately.

For black spot disease, dormant buds should be treated with copper or iron sulfate. Also in the summer, it is recommended to spray with foundationazole and polycarbacin, copper oxychloride, Bordeaux mixture and captan.

Perennials for your garden - .

If you are a fan coniferous plants on your site, to you.


In the Russian climate, one of the most resistant varieties The Russian broom variety should be included. This shrub has yellow flowers, and it reaches a height of two meters.

Emeritus broom is a low shrub that is distinguished by its juicy bright yellow color. Its flowering occurs in May and early June.

Clumped broom with sessile broom and black broom are low shrubs up to half a meter. Their flowering is not too abundant, but very friendly.

Podolsky broom and Blotsky broom have the ability to form shoots underground. They begin to bloom in June.

Also known to amateur gardeners are broom varieties such as crown broom, which has a flattened bean with two or more seeds, and Kyus broom, which belongs to dwarf plants only 0.3 m high, protruding broom, intended for rock gardens with trifoliate leaves and large bright yellow flowers, as well as a number of other varieties.

You will see these varieties in the photo:

The plant is unpretentious and adaptable, so it is perfect for both experienced gardener, and for a beginner, and the variety of dimensions will allow you to find a place for it on almost any site.

Broom (bean) is a shrub that can grow up to 3 m in height. Green bark covers its entire stem, which hardens over time. On the surface of the branches you can find slight pubescence and weak stains silver color.

The elastic shoots of a young plant face the ground due to the fact that a large mass of greenery bends the fragile stems. Three oval lobes form a leaf blade; united specimens can be found at the top of the broom. The leaf reaches a length of 4 cm.

Breeders bred various types and varieties of broom, among which there are frost-resistant, emitting a strong aroma, dwarf and universal shrubs, valued for their ability to quickly adapt to the environment.

View Description Leaves Features, application
Venechny (Zharnovets paniculata) On early stages growth is subject to slight pubescence, which then disappears. Green stems can reach 3 m in height. Irregular yellow flowers, decorated with fluff, grow up to 2 cm in diameter. The fruit is a bean with several seeds. The frost-resistant sample can withstand air temperatures of about -20 °C. Widely used in the European part of the continent. Prefers areas with mild climatic conditions. Regular, slightly elongated, oval-shaped. Subject to early shedding. A variety of decorative forms allows you to:
  • use for decoration of pine and birch trees;
  • decorate rock gardens and open meadows;
  • use in single plantings.
Kyussky The most common dwarf specimen (about 0.3 m), bred in late XIX century in England. Extremely spreading - up to 2 m wide. The flowers are large and yellow in color. Trifoliate. Great to combine with decorative stones.
Protruding-flowering Grows up to 0.6 m in height. Decorated with large flowers of rich yellow color. Resistant to cold temperatures down to -20 °C. Small, trifoliate. Compact dimensions allow the plant to be used universally.
Early A bush with a dense crown grows up to 1.5 m. The branches resemble the shape of an arc. In May, yellow flowers with a characteristic scent appear. The root does not go deep into the soil. Elongated, up to 2 cm in length. As part of a composition and separately standing plant. Plant to decorate borders and sandy slopes.
crowded The shrub has compact dimensions: 0.5 m in height and 0.8 m in diameter. Flowering begins in mid-summer and ends at the end of September. You can see already ripe fruits in October. Bright green, oval. It is notable for its precociousness, as well as for its high percentage of seed germination (more than 90%).
creeping The dwarf bush does not grow higher than 0.2 m in height, the diameter is 0.8 m. The flowers are presented different shades yellow. The fruit bears slightly pubescent beans. Cultivated since the end of the 18th century. The main feature is the splendor of flowering.
Oblong The most common species among other brooms. Blooms from early to mid-summer. Petals golden hue. Best performance growth occurs in loose nutritious soil in a well-lit area. The trifoliate leaves are pubescent. The apex is a point. Only mature (over 5 years old) specimens bear fruit; the beans ripen in early autumn. It does not tolerate cold well, so in winter it requires insulation.
Blackening The shrub does not grow above 1 m in height. Young shoots are covered with pubescence. The inflorescences are formed by 15-30 yellow flowers. Oblong, green. Viable seeds, the plant begins to bear fruit at the age of 2 years.


Habitat: mixed forests of the northern part of Russia. The stems of this low species rise 1 m from the ground surface. The fruit is beans (3 cm in longitudinal section). Light green, trifoliate, about 2.5 cm in length. Universal in location, prefers sandy soil.

Among such a variety of shrubs, almost every gardener will be able to choose the most suitable one for growing.

Variety Description Flowers
Boscope Ruby An early variety, notable for its decorative qualities. Grows up to 2 m in height, spreading, branches are long and thin. The foliage is deep green. Red on the outside, purple on the inside. Densely located on the bush.
Early Zealand The variety needs insulation for the winter period, since it does not tolerate frost and is very thermophilic. The leaves are bright green, oblong. Peach color.
Olgold The early variety is represented by a lush shrub up to 2 m in diameter. Requires a lot sunny color and sandy soil. During abundant flowering it emits a strong odor. Yellow tint.
Lena The heat-loving variety reaches 1.5 m in height and needs insulation in winter. The outside is red, the inside is golden.
Splenders It resembles the shape of a ball and grows 0.5 m in height and width. It blooms already at the end of spring. Rich straw color.
Palette Frost-resistant variety. A large red flower is framed by a sunny border.
Holland It blooms richly already in mid-spring. The sun-loving variety is notable for its resistance to cold and high adaptability. Red-purple color and its shades.
Albus The frost-resistant variety is characterized early flowering, small dimensions and spherical shape. White with slight yellowing.
Burkwoody A tall variety that grows up to 2 m even in infertile soil and is resistant to cold and drought. Coral flowers are framed with a golden stripe.
golden rain Compact shrub containing poison. Lemon shades.

Broom planting and care

In order for the plant to please the gardener with its beautiful appearance, at a fast pace growth and abundant flowering, it is necessary to provide proper conditions for broom, which is not particularly whimsical among other shrubs.

Landing dates and rules

Planting of seedlings in open ground is carried out in the spring. The place should be well lit and protected from strong gusts of wind. It is preferable to plant in slightly acidic soil equipped with drainage. The most advantageous option is sandy loam soil. It is not advisable to plant near bodies of water, since the poisonous elements contained in the plant can cause harm. aquatic inhabitants. You must first prepare the mixture to fill the holes for the shrubs.

It should contain:

  • Sand;
  • Sod land;
  • Humus.

The mass needs to be mixed well on the eve of the rash; you can also add a little mineral fertilizer to it.

When planting, it is important to maintain a distance of 30 cm between seedlings. When digging a hole, you should take into account the presence of an earthen clod. Providing good drainage (20 cm) will help avoid stagnation of moisture and rotting of the root system. For sandy loam soil A layer of 10 cm will be enough.

Procedure for landing:

  1. Place the seedling in the hole;
  2. Cover the free edges with the prepared mixture;
  3. Compact the soil;
  4. Moisturize;
  5. Cover the damp soil with a small amount of organic material to a 5 cm layer.


Watering is carried out as the soil dries, and should be plentiful. In rainy times, you can limit the frequency of moistening; it should also be reduced with the beginning of autumn. It is necessary to use settled water, since the lime contained in it will harm the broom. It is important to regularly weed the area and loosen trunk circle bush 10 cm deep.


The plant should be fertilized:

  1. Nitrogen, urea in spring;
  2. A mixture of superphosphate (60 g) with potassium sulfur (30 g), diluted in a bucket of water;
  3. Wood ash (300 g per 1 bush) to slow down the rate of bush development.

Transplantation and propagation of broom

The process of replanting a plant is not significantly different from planting and is carried out as follows:

  1. A hole is prepared for the shrub that is 2 times the size of its root;
  2. The bottom of the hole is filled with crushed stone, broken brick or expanded clay (drainage);
  3. On the eve of removing the bush, the soil is prepared;
  4. The plant is placed in the prepared hole and sprinkled.

Propagation by seeds

At the beginning of autumn, you can collect seeds from beans and plant them in a special soil mixture that includes sand and peat in equal parts. The seeds must be immersed 0.5 cm into the soil. To create a greenhouse effect, cover the container with polyethylene and leave it in a warm place. dark place. Ventilate and spray regularly.

When the sprouts acquire leaves (at least 2), they should be planted in different pots filled with special soil consisting of the following components:

  • Sand;
  • Turf land;
  • Humus.

In the spring it is necessary to transplant young plants into containers larger size. Afterwards, pinching is carried out so that lush foliage forms on the bush in the future.

Planting in open ground takes place after 2 years, by which time the shrub should have grown to 0.5 m.


In the summer, cuttings can be prepared by cutting off shoots that have already hardened and acquired 2-3 leaves. Then the seedlings should be shortened by half and planted in a pre-prepared soil mixture. For successful rooting of cuttings, it is necessary to create suitable temperature conditions for the shoots and spray them regularly. After 1.5 months, the rooted seedlings should be planted in separate containers. After 2 years, the plant can be planted in open ground.

Reproduction by layering

In the spring, you should select the branches growing from below and place them in the grooves under the bush, sprinkled with a small layer of soil. Then you should feed and water the branches, and with the first cold weather, insulate them. In the spring you can plant cuttings.

Diseases and pests

Wintering broom in open ground

After the plant has flowered, all thin branches should be cut off. It is recommended to insulate bushes that have not reached three years of age in the winter by hilling them with peat, pulling together the branches and covering them with non-woven fabric.

Application in landscape design

Used in composition with decorative stone and conifers, can also be located as a single plant. Shrubs often form hedge, planting them in a row. Broom combines with lilies of the valley, lavender and heather.

Zharnovets paniculata is known as a wonderful honey plant and is also valued for its medicinal qualities. For example, in order to prepare a medicinal infusion, you should pour 1 tsp. crushed plant with cooled boiled water, leave and strain.

Indications for use:

  • Tuberculosis;
  • Jaundice;
  • Liver diseases;
  • Cough;
  • Headache.