Fertilizers for peppers in the greenhouse list. How to feed pepper during flowering and fruiting: tips for greenhouses, open ground. Spring and summer top dressing of peppers in the greenhouse

It is almost impossible to grow a good crop of peppers without the help of dressings. This vegetable crop is considered capricious and reacts sharply to the slightest lack of trace elements in the soil, so the plants require additional nutrition.

Of the additives, various mineral and organic fertilizers are used, as well as folk remedies. To start feeding seedlings of peppers and further harvest a rich harvest, you need to study the composition of the fertilizer and its properties.

Each top dressing has specific features and is used only in a certain time interval. It is determined depending on the phase of pepper development: growth of green mass, development of shoots, flowering or fruiting. For example, nitrogen is used at the initial stage of cultivation, potassium and phosphorus - during the formation of ovaries and fruits. There are fertilizers that have a universal effect and are used regardless of growth (complex additives, folk remedies).

Mineral fertilizers

Minerals are one of the most important components that affect the quality of fruits, as well as their quantity. Mineral components include:


It is needed for peppers to gain green mass, form ovaries, and ensures the growth of stems.


The element contributes to the development of the root system, is responsible for the formation of fruits and their ripening period.


This compound is considered a fundamental component for the appearance of peppers. Potassium affects the intensity of color, the correct shape and size of the vegetable.


The substance is an additional source of nutrition for the root system, and also helps to maintain the mineral balance in the ground.

Top dressing in the spring after transplantation

When the peppers are already transplanted into the ground, after 2 weeks they begin to fertilize the land. Nitrogen fertilizers are applied first. These include urea and ammonium nitrate.

Top dressing with urea

10 grams of urea are diluted in 10 liters, the solution is poured into a watering can and pepper is poured under the root. The consumption rate per plant is 0.5 liters.

Urea can be used to irrigate the leaves and stem of peppers. The plant takes foliar feeding well. The fertilizer can be used in a dry form, it is enough to distribute it on moistened soil in a thin layer near the stem and between rows. There are 7-8 grams of powder per square meter of soil.

Ammonium nitrate

Another, no less effective, fertilizer for the culture is ammonium nitrate. In terms of chemical properties, saltpeter is more aggressive than urea. In dry form, it is rarely used, more often in a diluted state and for root dressing. Dilute a tablespoon of the substance in a bucket of water and water the peppers 2-3 weeks after planting in the greenhouse. The treatment is repeated after 10-14 days.


Top dressing is carried out only in the morning or in the evening. During the day, watering is not carried out, as there is a possibility of getting a burn.

During flowering and ovary formation

When the peppers are already overgrown with green foliage, and the stems become powerful, the second phase of cultivation begins. In terms of significance, it is more important than the first, since it is during this period that the laying of the future harvest takes place. Starting from the second half of June, top dressing is carried out using phosphorus and potassium additives. Prepare a nutrient solution: mix in a bucket of water a tablespoon of superphosphate and potassium sulfate. Plants are watered with the resulting solution 1 time in 10-14 days 2 times: the first time before flowering, the second time during the formation of ovaries.

Potassium humate is also great for this period of active growth of peppers, as it increases the fertility of the soil. 3 grams of humate is dissolved in 10 liters of water and the shoots are irrigated with a solution. Humate is not recommended to be combined with phosphate fertilizers. Processing is carried out 3 times per season: before flowering, during the formation of ovaries and during fruiting.

During fruiting

During fruiting, for quick fruit ripening, it is recommended to use potash top dressing in combination with nitrogen fertilizers. Potassium nitrate is a substance that contains both potassium and nitrogen. It is bred in an amount of 15 grams per 10 liters and adult plants are watered under a bush. Potassium nitrate is suitable for irrigation of foliage, the effect is the same as with root feeding.

Ammonium sulfate will fill the lack of nitrogen in the soil, and sulfur will prolong the fruiting period and improve the taste of the fruit. The substance can be added to the mulch (40 grams per meter of land). Top dressing is completely safe for peppers, all components are quickly distributed in the soil, without the formation of toxins and by-products.

organic matter

An additive with a natural organic composition is of particular value for seedlings of peppers. To obtain a high quality crop, it is enough to use organic top dressing 3-4 times for the entire season. Organic fertilizers, like mineral fertilizers, are applied at a certain time, as their composition varies.


The universal product is used as a top dressing for most nightshade crops, including peppers. Fertilizer consists of a large number of minerals (nitrogen, potassium, calcium, phosphorus). Getting into the soil, it increases the level of humus, which determines the fertility of the earth. The optimal time for top dressing with cow dung comes at the end of May. During this period, peppers need a powerful growth stimulator and strengthening of immune abilities. For 5 parts of water, take 1 part of mullein, insist the mixture for 5-6 days. During fermentation, gas is released, and the color of the fertilizer changes from brown to light yellow. Dilute the solution another 5 times and proceed to watering. Mullein is watered under the root, but foliar top dressing with a similar solution is also possible. Mullein treatment is repeated 2 weeks after the first feeding.


To neutralize the unpleasant smell of mullein, a teaspoon of copper sulfate is added to the freshly prepared solution.


Since the ash contains a large amount of minerals, it is often used as a fertilizer. They begin to feed with fertilizer from the very transplantation of peppers. Dilute a glass of ash in a bucket of water and water the plants a few days after transplanting. Ash before flowering can be applied to the leaves and stem. It protects peppers from attack by pests and insects, and also prevents the occurrence of fungal diseases. This fertilizer can be added to the mulch and sprinkled with it from time to time between the rows.


The substance has antibacterial properties, and also affects the taste of the pulp and improves the quality of the fruit. Iodine is used at the beginning of growing peppers. 3-4 drops of iodine solution are added to a liter of water and applied to shoots and leaves. Iodine leads to the death of pathogenic microflora, prevents the attack of insects. The substance can be used up to 4 times during the whole season, with an interval of 2 weeks.

egg shell

Crushed shells can serve as a source of calcium for peppers. The shells from boiled eggs are dried and crushed with a flea market. The crushed powder is poured into the aisle, regardless of the time of growing seedlings. You can prepare liquid fertilizer for irrigation: mix the shell with water in a ratio of 1: 3. Peppers are watered during flowering and fruiting under the root. Calcium is easily washed out of the soil with each watering, so the need for the element constantly arises. The shells can be added to the mulch, as well as before planting the peppers.


Once in the ground, the yeast begins to process organic components, resulting in the release of nitrogen and potassium. Yeast top dressing will be especially relevant immediately after transplanting peppers to a permanent place. For 10 liters of warm water, take a bag of dry yeast and a tablespoon of sugar. All ingredients are mixed and left to infuse for 2-3 hours in a warm place. After the time has elapsed, the resulting mixture is diluted 5 times and watered under the root. To enhance the growth of peppers and the rapid formation of ovaries, the additive is used 3 times: 1 time after planting, 2 and 3 times after flowering and before fruiting.


Yeast is a good additional product for feeding, therefore it is used in alternation with mineral or complex fertilizers.

Complex top dressing

The complex is a complex mixture, which includes minerals in a certain proportion. They have a wide spectrum of action and instantly nourish the soil, replenishing its mineral balance. The complexes are easy to use, soluble in the aquatic environment and are used throughout the entire period of seedling cultivation: from planting to fruiting.


The supplement is popular with a large part of gardeners. It does not contain poisons, it is safe for plants and fruits. Its action is aimed at accelerating fruiting, increasing productivity. For the whole season, 3-4 top dressings are carried out with an interval of 2 weeks. 25 grams of the substance is mixed in 10 liters of water and the seedlings are watered starting from 3 weeks after transplanting into the greenhouse.


The fertilizer contains phosphorus and potassium in the composition, it is more suitable for use in the second phase of cultivation - during flowering and the formation of ovaries. The main purpose of the product is foliar top dressing. The solution is prepared by mixing 2 tablespoons of loose mixture and 10 liters of water. Effecton is used no more than 3 times during the entire season.


The fertilizer is mainly used at the beginning of growing seedlings, as it intensively nourishes the root system and ensures early flowering. Baikal is bred in the aquatic environment in a ratio of 1:1000. Watering is carried out a couple of weeks after planting the peppers in a greenhouse or greenhouse. Repeat the treatment after 14 days.

The main rule in the successful cultivation of peppers is the correct use of fertilizer. In order for it to really work, it is bred in the right proportion and used for watering or irrigation in a given time interval. If the seedling itself is developing rapidly and growing well, no need to apply top dressing. An excess of minerals in the soil leads to wilting and death of the crop.

Golovin D.S.

Tell me, can pepper in a greenhouse do without fertilizer? And without what top dressing will it not be possible to grow a crop?

It is almost impossible to get a good crop of pepper and not apply any top dressing, because pepper is very demanding on the soil, and if it is not fertile enough, then this vegetable will simply refuse to grow and bear fruit in it.

The composition of mineral fertilizers directly depends on the timing of application, plant variety and even the weather.

So, during the active growth of stems and leaves, pepper simply needs nitrogen, but as soon as the pepper bush has formed and the time has come to bloom and form ovaries, an excess of nitrogen only harms the plant. If the pepper continues to grow stems and leaves at a loss of flowering and ovaries, it is necessary to spray the bushes from above with a solution of superphosphate and significantly reduce the dose of nitrogen applied.

A good pepper harvest directly depends on the richness of the soil.

But phosphorus-containing fertilizers can be applied throughout the entire period, from the first shoots of pepper seedlings to the very ripening of fruits, because this substance has a beneficial effect on the development of the root system, and accelerates the growth and development of fruits.

Just like phosphorus, the entire period and magnesium with calcium. But the amount of potassium must be regulated with an eye to the weather. On warm sunny days, the dose should be reduced, and on rainy and cloudy days, it should be increased.

But organic, unlike mineral dressings, it is always welcome, regardless of the rate of development of the bush, the weather, and whatever. The main rule is to apply organics in small doses and never use fresh manure, which can burn pepper bushes.

In autumn, manure or compost is added to the prepared beds for pepper at the rate of 5 kg per square meter of your greenhouse. And immediately before planting pepper, humus is introduced.

Organics will never hurt a pepper

Produced in two weeks first feeding. The first is better to make organic matter - bird droppings or manure diluted in water. It would be nice to add wood ash there. The concentration of manure 1:5, litter 1:10 should be observed.

If you do not have the opportunity to add organic matter, then you should use a complex mineral fertilizer. Or this solution:

  • ammonium nitrate - up to 20 g;
  • potassium sulfate - up to 30 g;
  • superphosphate - up to 40 g;
  • water - 10 l.

Two weeks later they second dressing mullein solution with the addition of mineral fertilizers.

A plant suffering from micronutrient deficiencies

AT third time root dressing is carried out after the first fruits are harvested. The composition of the third dressing is similar to the second.

If the pepper lacks some special elements, they are fed additionally. Pepper will tell you about what exactly the deficit is:

  • if the edges of the leaves began to curl - the pepper signals a potassium deficiency;
  • purple tint of the underside of the leaf - phosphorus deficiency;
  • gray color - lack of nitrogen.

As an ambulance, foliar top dressing can be applied, because the aerial parts of the pepper are able to absorb nutrients much faster than the roots. So spraying the plant with a solution of the desired element is much more effective in emergency situations.

For the most part, additional feeding is aimed at stimulating specific processes, such as flowering, ovary formation, fruit growth and ripening. They are able to speed up or improve certain processes, but do not replace complex organic and mineral supplements.

Greenhouse pepper dressing: video

Proper feeding of peppers during flowering and fruiting significantly increases the yield. We will tell you what fertilizers to use in each of the periods of plant development, and also help to determine why the pepper does not grow well, and how to feed it in this case.

Pepper (lat. Capsicum annuum) is an annual representative of the Solanaceae family. The plant is not picky in care, grows in conditions of moderately warm temperatures (from 18 to 25 degrees Celsius) and humidity of 70-85%. In order for the harvest of peppers to please, timely and properly selected top dressing is necessary.

How to feed pepper after planting in the ground

Before transplanting seedlings, soil preparation is carried out. For 1 sq.m. make half a bucket of compost, 100 grams of ash, 0.5 tbsp. double superphosphate and 1 tsp. potassium sulfate. After fertilization, the soil is plowed, shed heated to 50 degrees. Celsius with water, and cover with a film.

Rules for watering pepper before feeding

Watering pepper must be done a day or two before feeding in liquid form. This applies to both prepared solutions and complex fertilizers, but not to organics. When fertilizing, the soil should be moist; when using dry mineral fertilizers, re-watering is carried out.

For the first time, peppers are fed after waiting 15-20 days after planting for the development of the root system and adaptation. It is recommended to use fertilizers that contain a high content of phosphates and nitrogen. 2.5 g of double superphosphate and 10 g of urea per bucket of water. Make a liter for each pepper, in pre-moistened soil. After the rooting of plants, organics can also be used: bird droppings or mullein (dissolved in water 1 to 10).

If the soil is not fertile, additional feeding will be required to saturate with minerals: 20 g of potassium sulfate and 35-40 g of ammonium nitrate and phosphate. Or replace with a complex preparation Lifdrip.

Before feeding the peppers in the greenhouse, it is important to consider how the soil was prepared for planting. If the above method, then top dressing is used the same as when grown in open ground.

Feeding pepper during growth and development

During growth, top dressing is carried out twice a month, using mineral fertilizers and organic matter. Growing peppers need a sufficient amount of potassium, calcium, phosphorus and nitrogen. During this period, Nitroammofoska or Azofoska is used according to the instructions.

When peppers grow poorly, what to feed - you need to decide quickly. If there are no signs of diseases, pests and lack of minerals, use complex fertilizer in small doses: Kemira-Lux or Clean Sheet.

Before the start of budding, fertilizing is carried out with superphosphate and nitrogenous fertilizers (ammonium sulfate, sodium nitrate): 5 and 10 g of mineral fertilizers are dissolved in 10 liters of water, respectively, and infused. Pre-beds are abundantly watered by sprinkling, and the solution is then applied, trying not to fall on the leaves, 100-150 g per bush.

Be careful when choosing a fertilizer

When feeding peppers, fertilizers containing chlorine (ammonium chloride) should be avoided, since when it gets into the root system, it "clogs" the sap flow. This will not kill the plant, but it will slow down the access of minerals and its development, and may affect the size and taste of the fruit.

From organic fertilizers, chicken manure is used (diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 5), wood ash (200 g per bucket of water), manure (1 kg per 10 liters of water).

Pepper Fertilizer Recipe: "Green Tea"

Feeding with infusions of herbs and dried flowers has a positive effect on the growth of peppers. To do this, the leaves and flowers of plantain, dandelion, nettle, coltsfoot and woodlice are collected, finely chopped, put in a bucket and poured with cold water. The solution is left to infuse for 7-8 days, then filtered and poured under each bush 1 liter along with top dressing.

How to feed peppers during flowering

A sufficient amount of potassium in the soil is the key to good flowering of peppers and the formation of an ovary. Therefore, top dressing of pepper during flowering is carried out with potash fertilizers (dry potassium, urea): 1 teaspoon per bucket of water. Natural fertilizers, such as nettle infusion, also have a fruitful effect on peppers.

It is possible to feed peppers in a greenhouse during flowering with organic mineral fertilizer Ecohuminate or Summer Resident to stimulate the development of ovaries. Apply them in a dry form, pouring the amount indicated on the package under each bush. After such fertilizer, watering of pepper is mandatory.

The introduction of organic matter improves soil structure, increases fertility, and helps fight pests. To prepare top dressing, a bucket of young leaves is collected and poured with cold water for a week and a half, until it begins to ferment and the leaves sink to the bottom. After that, filter, and water with tincture every 10 days.

During flowering, it is popular to feed pepper in a greenhouse with mullein (diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 2) and urea (25 g per 10 liters of cold water) or mineral fertilizers. In a bucket of water, dilute 1 tablespoon of superphosphate, and 1 teaspoon of potassium sulfate.

Before feeding peppers during fruiting, pay attention to ripening. If the crop ripens quickly, there are defects on it, and the bushes remain strong and do not fade, you can not fertilize at all.

To speed up and more uniform ripening, top dressing is carried out with superphosphate and potassium salt (add 2 teaspoons per 10 liters of water) after fruit ripening. Top dressing of peppers in the greenhouse is carried out after the first harvest. For this, manure or chicken manure is used - half a bucket of fertilizer is diluted with cold water.

From mineral fertilizers, complex phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are used (a tablespoon per bucket of 10 liters of water). It is useful to fertilize peppers with urea. To prepare a solution, 25 g of the powder is dissolved in water.

Top dressing of pepper with growth retardation

Pepper growth retardation, wilting of flowers, loss of saturated color of leaves and stems are the first signs of a lack or excess of minerals. In this case, additional root (fertilizers are applied to the soil) or foliar (plants are sprayed) top dressing is carried out.

If the pepper does not grow well - what to feed will tell the appearance of the plant. Matte gray leaves on the back side - an indicator of the lack of nitrogenous fertilizers. Spray with urea (dilute 1 teaspoon in 10 liters of water).

When the ovaries and flowers fall off, spray the peppers with a solution of boric acid (1 teaspoon per bucket of water).

Poor fruit development indicates a lack of phosphate and an excess of nitrogen. Spray with a solution: 1 teaspoon of superphosphate to half a bucket of water, and also reduce the use of nitrogenous fertilizers.


There are a lot of fertilizers that can be used to feed peppers in the greenhouse and in the open field. By choosing the right minerals necessary for the development of plants, you will not only provide them with favorable conditions for growth, but also reduce the incidence of the crop, as well as increase yields.

When determining the timing of the first feeding of bell peppers after planting seedlings in a greenhouse, proceed from when and in what volume fertilizers were applied to the planting ridge itself. So, if you digged the soil in the fall with humus or compost in it, and added mineral fertilizers in the spring when digging, then you can skip the first feeding of young bushes, if not completely, then at least postpone and do it in a smaller volume.

In small greenhouses and greenhouses, sweet peppers are fed less often - about 1 time in 15-20 days.

First dressing

The grown seedlings of peppers are transferred to the greenhouse to a permanent place at the moment when its height is 15-25 cm, 7-8 true leaves have formed on the plant, and the first buds begin to be laid. Based on this, somewhere in 15 days after transplantation, the bushes begin to bloom. It is at this moment that the first feeding of bell peppers is carried out. Consumption rate - 1-2 liters for each plant.

Option 1. A solution of bird droppings in a ratio of 1 to 15, insist 5-7 days before use!

Option 2. Liquid mullein in a ratio of 1 to 10, leave for a week.

Option 3. Dissolve in 10 liters of warm soft water 40 g of superphosphate, 40 g of ammonium nitrate, 20 g of potassium sulfate.

Option 4. Prepare "herbal tea" - collect any weeds from your site without roots and seeds (wood louse, dandelion, nettle, coltsfoot, plantain), cut them into small fractions and send the resulting herbal slurry to a barrel of water. For 100 liters of water you need 7 kg of gruel. Add 1 cup of wood ash and 1 bucket of mullein to the mixture. The contents of the barrel are thoroughly mixed and left to infuse (ripen) for 7-10 days.

Second top dressing

Re-feed sweet peppers 2 weeks after 1 feeding. At this time, the ovaries should actively form on the plants and the first fruits should develop.

If mineral fertilizers were used in the first dressing, then organic matter should be used the second time.

Dilute in a 100 liter barrel of water 2 buckets of bird droppings, 1 bucket of last year's cow dung and 1 glass of urea. Insist the composition before use for 7 days. Consumption rate - 5 liters per 1 m2.

If you notice that the stems and shoots have become brittle, and the leaves have turned into an excessively saturated green color, then there has been an overdose of nitrogen fertilizers. In this case, it is better to feed the peppers like this: 10 liters of water + 1 tbsp. l. superphosphate + 1 tsp. potassium sulfate.

Foliar fertilizers

Throughout the growing season, peppers need calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, boron, zinc, molybdenum, manganese and some other trace elements. Foliar top dressing will help to make up for their shortage in a timely manner (all the solutions described below should be filtered through gauze before use and poured into a spray bottle for subsequent spraying):

Option 1. Dilute 1 tsp in 10 liters of water. urea. Such top dressing will accelerate the growth and development of pepper bushes when they do not grow well.

Option 2. Dilute 1 tsp in 10 liters. boric acid. Used for spraying in cases where the bushes shed their ovaries and flowers.

Option 3. Dilute 1 tsp in 5 liters of water. superphosphate. Such top dressing will help improve the situation with poor fruit formation.

To protect greenhouse peppers from aphids, spider mites, and other pests, as well as to increase plant resistance to various diseases, bushes should be periodically sprayed with an ash solution.

© Ilya Vladimirovich | 2017-06-08
amateur gardener

Representatives of the nightshade family are very demanding on the conditions of detention, therefore, top dressing of peppers in the greenhouse is carried out with jewelry accuracy. The focus is on fertilizers containing nitrogen and potassium. In this case, you should always remember the degree of acidity of the soil. Given this factor, you should choose the optimal composition of the nutrient mixture and determine the regularity of feeding.

In addition to nitrogen and potassium fertilizers, chlorine-based fertilizing is actively used in horticulture. It must be applied with great care. On the one hand, they allow you to normalize the chemical composition of acidic soil. On the other hand, peppers do not tolerate even a small amount of chlorine. In this regard, it is necessary to make this substance in small quantities.

Continuing the topic of the physicochemical composition of fertilizers, it is necessary to dwell on a number of other significant factors:

  • Variety of planted vegetables;
  • Minimum and maximum temperature in the region;
  • Age of used seedlings;
  • The number of ovaries that appeared;
  • Characteristics of the emerging ovaries.

Planted in a polycarbonate greenhouse, food crops need constant fertilization. Before you do this, you need to know the chemical composition of the soil and the characteristics of the selected variety of nightshade crops.

The end determines the means: fertilizer for peppers in a greenhouse

At the heart of any action is the need to achieve a certain result. In the middle lane, fertilizers are applied to normalize the process of development and growth of seedlings. This is done from the moment the first sprouts appeared on their lands.

The end point in time when fertilizer is no longer required is considered to be the formation of the main fruits. Phosphate supplements are used as the main nutrient.

In some cases, you need to feed the seedlings in the greenhouse with calcium and mash. This is done to speed up the formation of ovaries.

If we talk about other practical tips, they look like this:

  • Long rains outside the window - a reason to feed the pepper more often with potash fertilizers;
  • The opposite advice is given when there are more fine days;
  • The greater the risk of various diseases in seedlings, the less nitrogenous fertilizing should be applied.

The work of a gardener largely coincides with the work of a sapper. Each step in both cases must be verified many times. The introduction of any top dressing begins from the moment of disembarkation and until the beginning of flowering. The composition of the nutrient mixture is determined by climatic conditions and the requirements of the selected pepper variety.

Preparing the soil for planting: how to properly water pepper in a greenhouse

The right ratio of water and top dressing is the key to a good harvest. All work begins at the moment when the temperature background has become stably positive. Depending on the available resources, the gardener can water the soil with ready-made top dressing purchased at the store, or make it yourself. The second option is preferable when it comes to a fairly large greenhouse.

The recipe for a properly prepared pepper nutrient solution is as follows:

  • 1 teaspoon potassium sulfate;
  • 1 tablespoon of superphosphate;
  • ½ bucket of year-old compost;
  • 1 full glass of wood ash.

The specified amount is enough for 1 square meter. In order to determine the actual quantity for a single greenhouse, it is necessary to carry out simple mathematical operations. Soil preparation takes no more than 3-5 days before the start of active field work. The procedure begins in early spring, as soon as the weather outside the window has returned to normal.

Feeding and watering peppers in a polycarbonate greenhouse

Healthy food for peppers is always supplemented with the proper amount of liquid. At the same time, not every summer resident is able to determine the optimal amount of irrigation.

Regardless of the variety of seed, a balance must be struck. Lack of water will weaken the structure of the pepper and cause it to wilt.

If there is too much liquid, then the resulting rot will put an end to the future crop.

To determine how often you need to supply seedlings with life-giving moisture, the following recommendations will help:

  1. The automatic system is used in large greenhouses. It is based on the work of sensors that monitor the level of moisture concentration in the soil in real time.
  2. Manual method - suitable for those cases where the greenhouse is small and the number of plantings of pepper is strictly limited.
  3. Mechanical - a transitional option between the automatic and manual method of supplying seedlings with water. It is useful in cases where a large greenhouse is used seasonally.
  4. The time for watering is chosen so that it is not too hot or cold.

The amount of liquid introduced is determined solely by the characteristics of a particular variety. The more precisely the summer resident familiarizes himself with the given data on the package with seeds, the less problems he will have.

The nuances of watering peppers in a greenhouse: how often and at what temperature

Continuing the topic of proper care for seedlings, it is necessary to dwell on the recommendations developed regarding care issues. First you need to remember that nutrients are applied no more than 1 time every 14 days.

Regardless of the type of fertilizer, you need to feed with substances diluted exclusively in a warm solution (+ 25C).

To begin with, the plant is slowly watered with thermal water and only then top dressing is applied.

In addition, there are some other nuances:

  • Within one month, organic fertilizers are applied ½ of the time and mineral fertilizers are applied ½ of the time;
  • Water is brought in in small quantities - the drip irrigation system has proven itself well;
  • For irrigation, you can use the collected rainwater, but only after pre-treatment.

How to feed peppers in a greenhouse (video)

Providing rationed nutrition and watering seedlings is the key to a good harvest. The characteristics of the variety and soil, the climatic features of the region, the types of fertilizers - all this must be taken into account before starting any action. Even a minor mistake will lead to a slowdown in the development of seedlings or simply to the death of the crop. In addition, it is worth remembering the need for regular rationed watering.