Weaving from a vine of pots. Willow weaving: do-it-yourself tree. Garden experiments on the formation of unusual plants

Every year the design of the design of the plots is being improved more and more. What only today you will not see on the plots of our gardeners and gardeners! To paraphrase famous expression, we can say: dachas have become better, dachas have become more beautiful.

So one of my acquaintances created simply amazing beauty on his site, and completely with his own hands. As it turned out, since childhood he was fond of weaving from a vine. There were attempts to weave several baskets and something else, but then his zeal faded ...

A year ago, Sergey accidentally saw on the Internet an interesting idea to create vine plant supports. An acquaintance was eager to try to weave something similar and, having found a weaving pattern, set to work. And, I must say, he succeeded!

Vine weaving

Editorial "So simple!" inspired by this interesting idea, prepared 17 examples for you products from a vine for a summer residence and country house.

  1. Actually, I saw such beauty at a friend's dacha. Just wonderful, isn't it?
  2. With the help of willow branches, you can weave supporting supports for bushes, which, under the weight of flowers, can break branches.

    For example, a neat fence made of willow twigs will look beautiful, which will support heavy peony flowers.

  3. You can decorate your garden plot and help the plants thanks to these wicker finds. Indeed, from willow or willow twigs, you can weave a support for climbing plants and vines. Flexible rods are a wonderful natural material.

  4. You can also make a pergola or decorative fence for garden. This is how you zone the space, separating the resting place from the main area, and give climbing plant necessary support and support.

  5. From willow branches, you can create just such an original gazebo. I just love this idea!

  6. Willow branches planted in a pot look very nice.

  7. Simply delightful garden decor can be created from willow twigs. True, to create such beauty, you need the skills of weaving and perseverance. But the result is definitely worth it!

  8. As Sergey says: For weaving from a vine, you will need very simple tools: an awl, side cutters, round-nose pliers and cutters. And, of course, patience, perseverance and a great desire to weave are needed.».

  9. Here's another one interesting place for relaxation, decorated with willow branches. And imagine what beauty can be achieved if climbing plants are put on such a pergola.

  10. Wow, how great! There are no words.

  11. And this interesting example city ​​flowerbed. How do you like this idea?

  12. With the help of the vine, you can save your plants from the winter cold.

    To do this, you need to weave caps for plants from rods, install them so that the plant is inside, and fill the space between the plant and the wall of the wicker cap with dry leaves. In winter, such designs look very nice, and in summer too.

  13. Another interesting example of a gazebo.

  14. I really like these decorative elements garden decorations. Perhaps I'll ask my friend to help me weave something similar.

  15. From willow branches, you can create such decorative "bonsai" that will delight and delight the eyes of home and guests.

  16. How I would like to see such wicker beauty near my country house.

  17. Simply amazing beauty!

Vine harvesting is not carried out during the period of sap flow and during winter time. The sap flow period occurs in the following months: March, April, August, September. The vine harvested at this time will not be good enough. AT spring time there may be a violation of the glossy cover, and in the summer - unripened tops of the branches.

Vine highest quality can only be from matured wood. This is the period from the shedding of foliage to the start of sap flow. Dried barked rod can be stored in a dry place for several years. Just before starting work, it needs to be properly soaked.

Weaving from willow and willow develops motor skills of the hands. So not only will you create a beautiful thing, but you will also improve the speed and mobility of your hands in the future, which can be useful for other work. It seems to me that wicker weaving is like meditation: it calms you down, sets you up for positive thoughts, because when you get weaving, you can’t rejoice here!

I also suggest that you familiarize yourself with an interesting idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating a decor for a garden in the form. Sometimes one unusual detail is enough to make the backyard sparkle with new colors!

I hope you are inspired by this interesting way make your home more comfortable with wicker products. Tell your friends and acquaintances about this idea, for sure it will interest them.

Nastya practices yoga and loves traveling. Fashion, architecture and everything beautiful - that's what a girl's heart aspires to! Anastasia is engaged in interior design, and also makes unique decorations with floral theme. Dreams of living in France, learning the language and keenly interested in the culture of this country. He believes that a person needs to learn something new all his life. Anastasia's favorite book is Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert.

Woody plants - both garden and indoor - have a more attractive appearance when.

A dense and lush crown is obtained from plants when they are pinched. These are the most commonly used by gardeners and flower growers. simple methods crown formation for beautiful specimens.

Periodic pruning and shearing are simply necessary for plants planted in a row when growing. And also - for obtaining, which are used as tapeworms (in a single landing), when they are clearly visible from all sides.

Plants with twisted trunks

I always pay attention to beautifully formed plants when I am abroad. There they traditionally decorate with similar showy plants not only gardens and streets, but also hotel lobbies, patios and dwellings.

... A few years ago I was sitting in an armchair not far from a large flowerpot with some interesting plant, which has a very intricate trunk. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be .
It was amazing that not one, but as many as five plants with thin trunks grew in the flowerpot! They once were, and by this moment they had already grown together tightly. Thanks to this, a common stable trunk was created for the "prefabricated" plant, which now looked like a single whole.
Moreover, the trees intertwined with each other were in very good condition. So the intertwined stems of ficuses did not harm each other - this did not adversely affect the well-being of each plant and the entire attractive specimen as a whole.

This technique of interlacing the flexible trunks of several plants planted very close seemed to me worthy of attention, and I took note of it.

Weaving willow trunks in several stages

One day the day came when I remembered that beautiful ficus Benjamin with intertwined trunks. I decided to repeat this technique in my garden to form an interesting tapeworm plant.

Of course, it is simply impossible to use ficus under the open sky of St. Petersburg for this purpose in our climate - after all, this is a heat-loving tropical plant.
It was decided to look for a winter-hardy and flexible tree that is perfectly adapted in our climate zone. So unpretentious and suitable view we counted the willows that grow in the nearest forest.

In the spring we dug up four very young willows in the form of thin twigs. We planted these plants in our garden side by side, very close to each other.
Our willows rooted perfectly without any problems. The trees took root very quickly - soon new shoots began to grow in them, leaves appeared.

Already next spring it was necessary to start working with these willows, forming a common tree out of them. After all, the stems of young plants began to quickly thicken and harden ...

I braided the trunks of neighboring willows with a “pigtail” until the first branching of the branches. I fixed the intertwined shoots with a thick tourniquet and left it in this state for a year.

In a year, next spring, I removed the lower branches from the grown plants. Then she braided their trunks even higher. Accordingly, the tourniquet is now fixed higher, to the very branches.

This was repeated for several years. Until I decided: the weave of the trunks was already quite high. The appearance of the resulting "general" plant satisfied me.

Features of caring for the formed willow

The care of intertwined willows, which have now become a single tree, consists in the timely pruning of unnecessary shoots and pruning of branches to form and maintain beautiful shape at the common crown.

I regularly cut off all the shoots that appeared on the intertwined willow trunks.
Last year and this spring, I removed all the branches that grow inside the common crown and thicken it unnecessarily.

In intertwined willow stems, I leave only the marginal branches that form the crown. I cut my hair upper part growing branches, giving the overall crown the shape of an oval.

The photographs in this article, taken in the spring and summer of 2011, show my willow with a twisted trunk from two sides. This plant is 6 years old.

Garden experiments on the formation of unusual plants

Of course, choose the type of plants used for this purpose based on the range of unpretentious and frost-resistant trees growing in your area so that there are no problems with wintering.

The shape of the crown of trees created in this way can be varied - which is more like every gardener. And the height of the intertwined trunks can also be made different, depending on the goals.
Finally, my advice: make the height of the interlaced trunk suitable for your height. Because the work of weaving trunks and further care for the resulting plant will then be comfortable.

Such a tree with an intertwined trunk and a beautiful crown will definitely become the "highlight" of your garden :)

I wish all gardeners success in shaping beautiful plants and landscape design!

Nadezhda Semyonovna Dunaeva (St. Petersburg)

Weaving from a vine is probably the oldest of the crafts. It appeared even before pottery and related, to a greater extent, to the everyday needs of a person. Houses, outbuildings, fences, cradles and toys for children, cart and sleigh bodies, boxes and kitchen utensils were built from tree branches. But ideal material, from which you can weave a basket, were willow rods. They are very flexible and great for this kind of creativity.

The history of the craft

Willow weaving in Russia was commonplace. There was no peasant who could weave baskets. There were also masters - basket makers who were professionally engaged in weaving. They wove a wide variety of products: round and oval, rectangular and conical, with complex - simple weaving, large and small. In those days, baskets were simply indispensable. Women in them wore linen to rinse on the river, took food on the road, harvested, went for mushrooms and berries.

AT modern world wicker baskets are also popular. It is difficult to imagine a mushroom picker without a basket. Weeping willow branches contain tannins, thanks to which the mushrooms do not deteriorate longer, and the gaps between the rods help to ventilate the air.

If you have even the slightest idea and a little skill, then easy to learn to weave from willow. For beginners, step-by-step study and independent repetition of all stages of weaving products will bring a lot of positive emotions.

The choice of materials for weaving

The main advantage of basket weaving is accessibility. Supplies. Willow is a common unpretentious tree found in many regions of Russia. Usually craftsmen prepare raw materials on their own. Some grow willow on personal plot. And in single stores you can even buy materials ready for weaving.

Willow twigs growing on sandy and loamy soil. Shoots are cut with a pruner or sharp knife, choosing the longest without branches. Cut at a slight angle, while leaving a few buds so as not to harm the plant.

Shoots with a wide and loose core are not suitable for weaving, it should be small size. Usually young shoots are used.

To check if the plant is suitable for work, it is necessary to cut the branch and bend it 180 degrees in the butt - if it cracked, it does not fit (it means it will break during weaving), if not, then you can safely proceed to further processing.

Season for harvesting and processing rods

Willow weaving rods are being prepared all year round, but preferable in early spring and late autumn. Bark spring shoots removed very easily without additional processing. Rods harvested in another season need to be soaked or evaporated.

For soaking, the shoots are lowered into flowing waters- a river or stream, previously secured with a rope to the shore, so as not to be carried away by the current. It is possible in a trough or a barrel, but in this case a daily change of water is required. Tied bundles with shoots are immersed to the bottom, and a load is placed on top (stone or any other heavy object, except iron) and leave for 1-2 weeks.

To reduce processing times from weeks to hours instead of soaking rods are evaporated in any of two ways:

  1. The shoots are placed in a tank, rolled around the perimeter, filled with water and put on fire. After boiling, cook for 1-2 hours. Then they are taken out, allowed to cool and proceed to the removal of the bark.
  2. The vine is no longer flooded cold water, but with boiling water, bring to a boil and cook for 20-30 minutes. Take out, cool and remove the bark.

It is better to clean the rods raw, starting from the butt (root part). During cleaning, so that the material does not dry out, it is better to leave it in water and take it out in small bunches. After the willow is debarked, in order to finish the job, it must be laid out in the sun until it dries completely. For ease of use, the rods are sorted out and folded into bundles of the same size.

Barked rods are divided into two types - harvested in the spring and obtained by digestion. Boiled during operation become bright glossy look, easy to wash, getting better every time. Not boiled, on the contrary, darken over time, acquiring a nondescript look.

Weaving tools

Making a basket from willow is more difficult than from newspaper tubes, but the principle of operation is the same. Natural material is more brittle and less malleable. It is not so difficult to weave willow for beginners. By repeating all the steps step by step and assembling a set of tools, you can achieve good results. The work will need:

  • secateurs;
  • sharp knife;
  • large scissors;
  • dishes for soaking or boiling rods;
  • pliers;
  • clothespins;
  • tweezers;
  • Ruler and pencil;
  • drill;
  • jigsaw;
  • stain and water-based varnish;
  • brushes.

These tools are useful not only in the manufacture of baskets, but also more massive products - such as a rocking chair, table, flowerpot, hedge, and so on.

Basket making method

To understand how to weave a willow basket for beginners, you first need to delve into and study the lessons, patterns and techniques for making them. After the preparation of tools and materials, when the rods are soaked or evaporated, debarked and dried, the most interesting stage begins - weaving. First of all, weave the bottom, then the sides, and lastly, the handle.

bottom formation

For correct weaving the bottom with your own hands, you need to prepare 8 twigs (knitting needles) of medium thickness (Fig. 1). They are divided in half - four are left untouched, and in the other four a gap is made in the middle of each (Fig. 2). Then rods are inserted into the slots in the form of a cross (Fig. 3). Further, two more thin rods are inserted into the same slots and the base is wrapped around in two rows (Fig. 4 and 5). Then the knitting needles are spread apart and wrapped around each individually (Fig. 6).

Each time the rod comes to an end, it must be increased by others. It is not necessary to increase both rods at once, it is better to do it one at a time. To do this, the end of the rod is sharpened and inserted into the hole between the last two rows, it is bent and weaving continues, and the end of the old rod is cut off.

Weaving continues with two more rows (Fig. 7). This is where the twisted weaving method ends and continues with the usual one - bypassing the knitting needle inside and out (Fig. 8). In this case, an odd number of knitting needles is needed; for this, an additional rod must be inserted into the weaving.

Wall manufacturing

Reaching desired diameter bottom, you finish the first stage, the next one comes - the transition to the walls. To do this, you will need willow shoots of medium diameter, which are called racks. Each of them must be pointed at the end and inserted between the knitting needles (Fig. 9). Old rods are cut with a knife at the base. Now they take one rack and wind it up behind the other two, after which they bend it up (Fig. 10). Do the same with all the other racks (Fig. 11). Racks are braided in several rows with a twist, then in the usual way (Fig. 12 and 13).

When the height of the basket has reached the desired size, you need to take one rack and bend it down, placing it behind the other two (Fig. 14). The same must be done with the following racks, removing the ends inward and sticking outward (Fig. 15). Then the protruding ends are cut with scissors at the base (Fig. 16).

Handle weaving

Remained final stage- make a pen. This will require thick shoot of willow which is cut to size. Point the ends and stick into opposite sides products (Fig. 17 and 18). Next, they take 4–5 rods and stick them into the weave at the end of the handle (Fig. 19). They are braided several times and threaded into weaving from the other end. Then they take a few more shoots and do the same (Fig. 20 and 21). Another rod is stuck nearby and braided around the handle at the base, tightening it with a knot (Fig. 22 and 23). The end is cut with a knife (Fig. 24). The basket is ready!

Over time, you can learn to braid pigtails and ropes in two or three rows with more complex weaving, for example, openwork. Sometimes, for the convenience of making wickerwork, wooden templates are made round or square shape which make the job much easier.

First, the rods need to be cleaned of bark.
To do this, with thick ends down, they are placed in a bucket or barrel of water.Willow will begin to revive, internal sap flow will begin. After about a week, you can try to start cleaning. For this,willow weaversthere is a simple device called a pinch.
This is a narrow conical fork with sharpened inner edges. The most primitive chipper is simply stronger wood split in two. The place where the gap begins is fixed by wrapping the trunk with a rope. A willow branch is inserted into the gap and reaches out with his hand.
If the bark lends itself poorly, you can postpone the process for another week. A radical and quick way is to steam the rods. The rotting bark will peel off like a banana peel.

In the process of making wattle, this is the most boring, painstaking and uninteresting part of the work. Therefore, you need to take the issue carefully and automate the process as much as possible by experimenting with various forms and designs.
In the process of shrinkage, gaps will appear between the wattle branches, so it is advisable to stack them more tightly.
It is necessary to alternate the branches when laying so that their length is different. Otherwise, the border of the joints will be too noticeable.
The most difficult thing in the construction of wattle with my own hands is to find the material.

The process of debarking is very labor intensive. Not only the hands will quickly get tired of work. You should take care of the convenient location of the rods, the place for removing the bark and storing the cleaned vine. And of course about a chair (or armchair) so that your back does not hurt. Having prepared in this way right amount willow twigs, you can start weaving a fence.
In the manufacture of a classic wicker fence, the basis is stakes driven vertically into the ground at an equal distance. This design has a significant drawback: wooden pegs are susceptible to decay. The use of metal rods is more durable and technologically advanced. This can be a half-inch plumbing pipe, rebar or smooth rolled bar.

Lack of iron base - not very presentable appearance, which can spoil the impression of the entire wicker fence. To correct the situation, painting the rods with the exact tinting in the color of the harvested willow vine will help. If a hollow pipe is used, it is advisable to close the upper end with a decorative wooden plug.

But this does not mean that natural rods are not suitable for poles. You just need to take a little care to protect them. An antiseptic is very useful. But it is even better to dig a drainage trench in place of the wattle fence, and replace ordinary soil with sand. Water will quickly move away from the fence and rotting conditions will be minimized. However, in this case another problem arises. Sand - the foundation is very unreliable. In order for the stakes to hold well, the trench must be dug half a meter deep.
Making a wicker fence begins with marking.

Depending on the thickness of the rods for weaving, the installation step of the pins (or stakes) is selected.
The usual recommendation is half a meter. However, distance is not a dogma. It all depends on the thickness of the wattle rods and design ideas. First you need to experiment how the vine bends and how it will look made wicker fence generally.

The rods are stuck into the ground according to the principle: the deeper, the better - this will only make the fence stand stronger.
The height of the racks is about one and a half to two meters (of which 30 centimeters are underground). The greater the height, the more rods will need to be laid across. Do not miss, the material may not be enough.
At the beginning and end of the fence, vertical bars should be placed as close as possible. They will "work" like a lock to secure the woven rods.
Perfect option- fasten the end rods in the upper part. Any annealed wire will do. You need to twist it not at the very top, but so that two or three horizontal rows of rods are still woven over the wire. Thus, we hide the foreign body inside the fence, hiding it from prying eyes

Before weaving bars you need to soak well so that the juice begins to circulate in them. This will add flexibility to the vine and allow the rods to weave together well and tightly. Even better if you give the rods a steam bath. Such a rotten tree will bend very easily. When it dries, the strength will return back, but the wattle will already take the desired curved shape. steam bath cannot be used if the vine is painted and varnished.

Willow can be crafted stunning wicker designs. From willow, you can make benches, gazebos, flower beds and even ponds and fountains. The combination of wickerwork with other elements landscape design make your garden unique.
In order not to spoil the impression of "originality", it is better not to align the cola protruding upwards at the same height.
In order to make the wattle fence even more interesting, you can hang flower pots on top of the ends of the pegs. Pots can also be made with your own hands from natural material, for example, from a pumpkin. It's easy, you need a small pumpkin, a knife and a spoon. We cut off the top of the pumpkin, take out the contents with a spoon, and dry the resulting vessel. Then we cut a hole in the bottom so that the water in our pot does not stagnate, fill it with earth and plant flowers.
As seedlings, any low garden plants are suitable. Will look good pansies, alysium. Phloxes, gladioli and others are definitely not suitable large flowers. Except garden plants on the site in the summer you can keep some of the house flowers. For example, it tolerates Fresh air campanula ("groom" and "bride"), some types of begonias and tradescantia.
Flowers hung in pumpkin pots on the fence will feel comfortable. In the garden, they are provided with watering with soft rainwater and a shade from the wattle fence, which will create the conditions in which they will bloom for a long time and delight you and your loved ones.

Wicker trees are a wonderful element of landscape design. Craftswoman Oksana Sakhnovskaya told Summer Resident TV how to make a living wicker tree from willow for her garden with her own hands.

Weave from willow

For willow weaving you will need:

  • decorative pot or planter with earth,
  • secateurs,
  • clothespins with a good spring,
  • willow rods of the same length and diameter.

It is also good to have small thin branches in order to weave a restrictive rope on top of the tree at the end of the work. It is advisable to take a special breeding variety that is grown on plantations - "Basket Willow" or "Giant American". Wild willow can also work well for wicker, but you'll have to go around a lot of willow bushes to find even, long twigs.

Summer willow tree you can weave directly from the ground - for this, the ground is well loosened and watered beforehand. It is woven in a pot in early spring, the willow takes root in it, and by the beginning of the planting season - from the first days of May - such a tree is ready for planting. Before weaving, all rods are updated with an oblique cut using a pruner.

Planting and caring for a willow tree

After the weaving of the tree is completed, the top of the head is carefully trimmed with pruners. The willow will now begin to take root. Each kidney will give a sprout 5-6 cm long, they will need to be pulled out of the sinus. This technique is called "blinding the kidney." Nothing else will grow in this place and the trunk will remain smooth.

On the head of the tree, on the contrary, greens are left. When the sprouts reach a length of about 10 cm, they are pinched from above by hand or cut with secateurs. The more often you cut the green crown, the more magnificent and thicker it will be.

Before planting a tree in open ground dig a hole slightly larger than the planter containing the willow. Compost is laid in the pit, the earth is watered abundantly, the rooted tree is pulled out of the pot and buried. After that, the willow must be watered again. Top dressing with fertilizers is not necessary, but it will not be superfluous either.

In the first year of planting, the tree is actively developing root system, during the first 2-3 weeks, the willow needs daily watering. The more often you water a tree, the better it will take root.

A living wicker tree will no longer require additional care. In winter, the willow does without shelter.

The material was prepared by Elena Volozhanina and Ilya Tataurov.