DIY portable tool box. Tool box: choosing and making it yourself. Box for storing nails, screws and other small items

Tell me honestly, how do you store your woodworking tools, saws, drills, clamps, nuts, washers and a bunch of other little things you need in your garage or workshop? I think many will answer: in plastic paint buckets or cardboard boxes. Moreover, “small things” are usually stored in the form of some kind of “assortment” and when you finally need some small key or nut, you need to spend a fair amount of time to find them. Sometimes it’s even easier to buy new parts than to find old ones. Are you familiar with this situation? If yes, then I suggest making a few simple and inexpensive devices for storing small items so that they are always in sight.

1. Storage of nails, self-tapping screws, screws and other small items

Plastic jars for mayonnaise, horseradish, etc. are useful for this. The lids from underneath are screwed to the horizontal surface of the shelf, and the jar with accessories is screwed to the lid. You can also screw the lid to a vertical surface and cut the jar in half.

2. Storage of nuts, washers, keys, scissors

You will need thick wire and a perforated fiberboard sheet that is attached to the wall of a workshop or garage. From wire we make hooks and loops with detachable ends, onto which we string nuts or washers. You can attach cardboard labels to such bundles indicating the sizes of the fittings. Scissors and keys can simply be hung on hooks.

3. Box for storing nails, screws and other small items

This mini bookcase can be made from plywood. And as shelves you can use cupcake stands or baking dishes.

4. Storage of drills, cutters and keys

You can attach a pad made of foamed polyethylene or polystyrene to the wall, in which we make small holes for drills, cutters, etc. Due to the elasticity of the material, they will be firmly fixed in the cells and easily removed.

5. Storage of circular saws and grinding wheels

For this purpose, we use plastic disposable plates, which we cut in half and fasten to the wall with self-tapping screws. Very simple, convenient and everything is at hand!

6. Magnetic boxes for small items

We use small plastic food containers. We glue a metal washer to the bottom of the container with super glue, and attach a strip with a magnetic strip to the wall. It is convenient to store all sorts of light little things in such transparent containers.

7. Storing band saw blades

Using hooks and paper clips makes it easy to store band saw blades.

8. Storage of clamps

A simple plywood box is very suitable for clamps rectangular shape, which is attached to the wall. We place the handles of the clamps in the box.

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Often, when you visit a workshop, you can witness the following landscape: drills with brushes and files stick out from a plastic cup that is dying, nails mixed with screws and screws are scattered in pairs tin cans, and screwdrivers with clamps and wrenches rest in the depths of a disposable bag dangling somewhere near the ceiling. However, there comes a time when the owner of the establishment realizes that it is still worth paying attention to the storage of tools and various pieces of hardware.

If this moment has come to you, carefully read our article, where we want to talk about several simple techniques that will allow you to maintain order in the place where you usually perform sacred functions.

Tool storage: small tricks to make the life of a home craftsman easier

So, let's move on to those tricks that will allow you to always have everything at hand necessary tools and materials.

Trick one: a haven for tongue-lashers

But this option with a nail-screw-containing suitcase even smacks of some intelligence :).

Trick two: organize the storage of tools between heaven and earth

Various tools, nuts, washers can be simply hung. To do this, you will only need the wire necessary for bending hooks and hooks of various shapes, and, as can be seen in the photo, a sheet of fiberboard, preferably perforated. We don’t even talk about the details of the creation of this “masterpiece”: it seems to us that even a hedgehog can understand it :).

Trick three: multi-story dormitory for nails

So multi-story plywood box any more or less handy home craftsman can make it for storing hardware.

Trick four: a safe haven for the milling and drilling industry

Having thought about arranging devices for storing the necessary tools with your own hands, you can build basic storage for drills or cutters of the following types:

Trick five: the eternal life of disposable plates

Why should disposable plates go to waste? For storage various instruments in the garage or your workshop, cut them in half and screw the halves to the wall to create great pockets for storing anything!

Trick six: use the force of gravity

Magnetic tape on the wall, plastic jar, metal washer, fixed to the bottom of this jar - and in front of you is a convenient and at any time flexible storage for various small items that should always be at hand.

Trick seven: restorative for clamps and similar tools

The pendants shown in the photo are suitable for storing “big-headed” tools – clamps, hammers and the like.

Trick eight: say NO to moisture

Let’s describe this simple thing in a little more detail. Storage of tools is, of course, great. But don’t forget about some materials and accessories that also need to be stored and that are susceptible to moisture. For them, you can build a plywood box, the inner surface of which is lined with geotextile, and the outer surface with polystyrene foam. You can arrange shelves inside the box, and place the stored “valuables”, for example, in old plastic canisters, having previously prepared them accordingly.

So, we have outlined everything that we were able to find for you on present moment. Of course, these are not all the tricks and tricks that will ensure convenient storage tools and materials. We hope that the options we propose will open ample opportunities and for your personal imagination. As the great Samiznaetekto said, let’s get to work, comrades! Move your brains and hands!

Household tools have an amazing ability to get lost at the most inopportune moment. If hammers and screwdrivers are used periodically, they are stored anywhere: mezzanines, cabinet shelves, balconies.

Therefore, when the wife asks to hang a shelf, remembering exactly where the drill and screws are located will be problematic. It is much more practical and efficient to store tools in a special box, which can be purchased ready-made or made with your own hands.

What to choose

Let us immediately note that the tool box can be different, and the shape and dimensions directly depend on what is supposed to be stored inside the case.

For hand tools. This is usually a rectangular design with a handle, where interior space divided into one large compartment and 2-3 smaller compartments. It is convenient to store hammers, screwdrivers, and fasteners here.

For power tools. Such cases are usually produced by the manufacturer of the instrument itself. Standard option: a portable box, where one cell is reserved for a power tool and exactly repeats its shape, the rest are intended for equipment: drills, batteries, etc.

Organizers. This modular designs consisting of several boxes various forms and sizes. These options are suitable for professionals and home craftsmen; they are easy to store and transport, and help you quickly find any small item.

When the problem of storing a tool arises, the first thing that comes to mind is to purchase a ready-made tool box in a store. However, this is not the most best option. The fact is that factory designs are aimed at the average buyer, so they may not be suitable for a specific model of an angle grinder or drill. In addition, the number of tools usually increases and the internal space becomes small.

To avoid these problems, you can make your own tool box with a little effort and creativity.

From boards

If there are few tools, they are used periodically and only for home use, there is no point in manufacturing a complex structure. It is enough to make an ordinary wooden box from boards so that screwdrivers, hammers and self-tapping screws are simply in one place and not scattered throughout the apartment.

Considering that we are talking about an elementary product, you can do without a preliminary drawing. The main thing is to decide on the size of the sides. For the material of manufacture it is better to choose edged board coniferous species: this is the most affordable option, which is easy to process.

Consists of homemade box from 5 parts:

  • 2 side walls;
  • 2 end walls;

The elements are cut out in accordance with the planned dimensions and processed sandpaper and fasten together with self-tapping screws. For greater reliability, the side parts can be fixed with metal corners.

This homemade wooden box is inconvenient to carry, but it will help you store your tools in one place and not have to look for them throughout the apartment. It can be placed in the trunk of a car, on a pantry shelf or in the garage. Sizes vary depending on what exactly is intended to be stored inside.

From plywood

DIY plywood tool boxes are eye-catching interesting design. They are easy to use and emphasize the professionalism and qualifications of the home craftsman.

A convenient plywood box with a handle will consist of the following elements:

  • bottom – dimensions 450*200 mm, a shallow groove is cut in the middle for a transverse partition;
  • walls - cut out in the amount of 4 pieces. A groove is also cut in the middle of the end elements;
  • cross post - recommended height 400 mm, length adjusted to the width of the bottom, taking into account the sidewalls. Top corners the posts are cut down to create a trapezoidal shape.

The assembly is carried out according to this scheme. To begin with, the body elements are glued together, pressing tightly against each other. While the glue dries, a hole is cut out in the transverse post, which will serve as a handle; wooden dies can be glued to the upper part for ease of grip. Next, the stand is installed in pre-prepared grooves and fixed with glue.

After completing the work, you get a plywood tool box, convenient for carrying. However, you can make the design more functional. To do this, wooden dies are glued to the transverse partition with pre-fabricated drilled holes, where you can place screwdrivers, pliers, side cutters and other necessary for performing homework tools.

To prevent the box from drying out, it is coated with several layers of varnish. For greater reliability, if desired, the bottom is secured to the walls with corners.

Transformation into a stool

From plywood and wooden blocks you can make a portable box for storing tools, which, when turned upside down, will turn into a simple stool or stand for performing work at heights. This universal design is made according to the following scheme.

The bars are cut according to the specified size. They will serve as legs and be located at an angle. To make the stool stable, the upper and lower ends are cut at an angle of 15 degrees.

Sheets of plywood are nailed to the legs, which will become the end walls. The recommended width is 360 mm, the height is selected in such a way as to completely hide the legs without protruding beyond their limits.

The side walls are cut out of plywood and occupy approximately half the width of the block. The edges of the rectangle are cut at an angle to exactly match the angle of the legs.

The cover is made rectangular and attached to the ends of the racks with self-tapping screws.

After the work is done, turn the resulting stool upside down, turning it into a deep box for storing tools. To make the structure convenient to carry, cut out wooden block, which in length will correspond to the distance between the walls. Round off sharp corners, screw the block with self-tapping screws and get comfortable handle, which additionally serves as a stiffener.

Organizer box

It's more complex design but it's perfect for storage big tool and additional little things: fastening elements, corners, nails and much more. At first glance, such boxes seem to be a complex mechanism, but in fact they can be made independently by spending a little free time.

The manufacturing process is conventionally divided into 3 stages:

  • We assemble the body. This is a deep plywood box with an open top, which is intended for storing large tools, such as an angle grinder, a screwdriver or an electric drill. However, you can do the opposite: delimit the internal space into several sections with wooden blocks and store bolts, nuts and screws here;
  • additional boxes. There will be 4 of them, and they are installed on top of the main box, which must be taken into account when determining the dimensions. Additional drawers should not extend beyond the boundaries of the base. To give the structure a complete look, the upper boxes are equipped with lids;
  • individual elements are combined into a single whole. To do this, the organizer is assembled in finished look, markings are made on the walls for installing metal plates: 3 pieces for a group of boxes on each side. Then, in accordance with the applied markings, holes are drilled where the bushings are installed.

To make the organizer easy to carry, the top drawers can be additionally equipped with handles.

Note that here are the most simple options. With a little effort, you can turn an ordinary toolbox into a work of art that will become a real decoration for your garage, country house and a city apartment.

As soon as the owner of the house decides that it’s time to hang up the flower shelf that his wife has been reminding him so persistently for two months, it turns out that the necessary tools have disappeared somewhere. The situation is familiar, because usually hand tools, all these keys, hammers, screwdrivers, are stored so as not to be seen. We don’t use tools every day, of course, but the storage system needs to be organized correctly so that later we don’t have to look for, for example, a 12 key.

Storage options

Let's immediately decide that we will talk specifically about a workshop, which can be set up in a garage, a separate shed, summer kitchen, on a fairly spacious loggia or balcony. There are usually not many tools in the apartment, and the existing screwdrivers, hammer and pliers can be put in a specially designated box or bag, which can take place on the mezzanine or in the hallway.

If there are noticeably more hand tools, they need their own separate corner, in which you will have to put things in order. The main condition is that the place where the tools are stored must be dry, because metal parts They don't like moisture.

There are many benefits to a well-designed storage system. You will always know exactly what is and where it is, you won’t have to look for anything. If the tools are always in their place, you will remember in time that a month ago you gave your neighbor a nail puller that he needed for literally an hour. In addition, correctly positioned tools take up less space in the workshop, freeing up space for work.

First of all, you should decide whether you will buy ready-made shelves for tools, a metal mobile cabinet with drawers, or set up a workshop with your own hands from scratch. Let us immediately note that ready-made storage systems for hand tools are not always 100% suitable; they often have to be remade to suit your needs.

Let's look at a few ideas for self-organizing the storage of hand tools in the workshop.

1. First of all, you should take care of the little things: nails, screws, bolts, which tend to get lost and scatter throughout the room. For their storage, you can adapt ordinary plastic bottles with the necks cut off, you can immediately see what is where. Small plastic boxes are also suitable, which are best labeled, noting that, for example, there are nails of a certain size here. It is convenient to place such containers for storing small items on a shelf above the desktop so as not to clutter it. But glass jars should not be used in the workshop. There are too many heavy metal objects that could accidentally hit such a fragile container.

2. Magnet. Real craftsmen usually have a large magnet on their work table, to which small metal tools can be successfully attached. Now there are special magnetic surfaces and holders on which you can conveniently and easily store many tools and parts.

3. Plywood panel - the choice of old-school craftsmen. From pieces of bars on such a shield you can create an entire storage system that will not take up much space and will allow you to place almost all hand tools. The costs for such storage areas are minimal, and everything will be done according to the needs of the master.

4. You can also buy ready-made metal sheet with holes for tool holders. However, you can do this yourself. On ordinary nails or self-tapping screws in the right order saws, keys, and other tools are hung, the handles of which have special holes.

5. It is convenient to allocate separate storage for screwdrivers, for example, a regular school stand for pencils and pens.

6. You can adapt it to a small hand tool plastic boxes with compartments that are usually used in the kitchen for forks and spoons.

7. If you don’t really want to build panels and make shelves, you can move an old sideboard or buffet to the garage workshop. It has a lot of shelves and drawers where many tools can fit. The main thing is to lay everything out yourself so that you know exactly where it is stored. garden tool, and where - carpentry.

8. For drills and bits of a certain size, it is better to buy a ready-made cradle - an insert with tools. Or drill holes in wooden beam, where the drills will go. And sign - 3, 4.5, 9 and so on, so you know right away right size cutting tool.

9. When arranging storage areas in the workshop, you should take care of safety, especially if small children can get into the room. Piercing and cutting tools in this case, it is better to hang it higher on the wall, and keep chemical liquids securely in a cabinet with lockable doors.

10. For garden hand tools, a free-standing rack with holders for long handles shovels and hoe. Of course, you can just lean them against the wall, but remember the proverb about the same rake?

We state that organizing a workshop is not so difficult, it’s enough simple ideas many. Just prepare yourself for the fact that once you will have to tinker in the garage a little longer and make an effort, but then there will always be strict order in your workshop and there will definitely be no problems with finding a screwdriver using a cross.

Almost every man has a set of tools in his home or garage. Therefore, it is worth keeping them in perfect order. A new review will tell you how best to do this. Surely everyone will be able to find in it examples of organizing storage space that interest him.

1. Plastic cans

Trimmed canisters are perfect for storing nails, screws, bolts and nuts. And in order not to dig around for a long time in search of what you need, it is better to label the containers.

2. Wooden shelf

Narrow wooden shelf with holes - a great place to store screwdrivers.

3. Stand

To prevent pliers from being scattered throughout the garage, make a special one for them. wooden stand.

4. Railing

A thin metal rod is perfect for storage paint brushes in limbo.

5. Individual cells

From the leftovers PVC pipes You can make convenient cells for careful storage of small power tools.

6. Wooden shelving

Homemade wooden rack for storage wrenches will allow you to forget forever about the mess and tedious search for the right tool.

7. Open locker

An open wooden cabinet is perfect would be better suited for storing aerosol paints, which are most often chaotically scattered in the garage.

8. Mobile stand

A small stand on wheels is perfect for storing hand tools. This rack is very compact and will always allow you to have the right tool at hand.

9. Wooden stand

A stylish wooden stand with a shelf, which is suitable for storing many of the most different instruments. Such a product will not only help organize hand tools, but will also become a real decoration for a man’s monastery.

10. Homemade stand

An unnecessary pallet can be turned into convenient stand for storing garden tools, which often take up a lot of space in the garage.

11. Hanger

A simple wooden block with metal hooks will solve the problem of storing power tools forever.

12. Clothes hangers

Simple manipulations with an ordinary clothes hanger will turn it into convenient organizer for storing electrical tape and adhesive tape.

13. Storage system

Forks, shovels, rakes, etc. gardening tools not very stable and also takes up a lot of space in the garage. Reliable wooden hooks on the walls will help you correctly place garden tools along the walls of your garage or shed.

14. Folding table

Homemade folding table made of wood and wall rack hand tool storage is a great idea for small garage owners.

15. Glass jars

Ordinary glass jars with metal lids are perfect for storing various small items. For greater convenience and reliability, the lids of the cans should be screwed to the shelves.

16. Vertical storage

The average garage looks quite cluttered. Will help solve this problem competent organization storage systems. Instead of another closet, equip the walls with various shelves and hooks, which will allow you to neatly place a variety of things, from tools to a huge boat and bicycles.

17. Magnets

Magnetic tape or individual small magnets - great idea for storing bits for screwdrivers, drills and other small metal parts.

Continuing the topic, we’ll tell you about anywhere.