Nylon mesh for drying fish. Fish dryer, fish dryer buy. We make a fish dryer ourselves

Dried fish is delicious and useful product. Some people enjoy eating such fish with the same boiled potatoes and wash it down with kvass. However, choosing truly high-quality dried fish is not so easy. Violation of drying technology, improper storage, use of stale raw materials - all this can lead to severe poisoning. In order to be sure of the quality of the product, you can try drying the fish with your own hands.

The difference between drying and drying

Drying fish is its gradual dehydration. Before this, the carcasses are soaked in a salt solution. After losing moisture, the fish becomes ready to be eaten; it does not need to be thermally processed.

The drying process differs from drying in the length of time. Drying requires at least a day to achieve the readiness of the product. Drying takes only 6-7 hours.

In addition, drying implies fermentation - decomposition organic matter under the influence of enzymes. This does not happen during the drying process.

Fish drying equipment

If you are a fan of dried fish and want to cook it often, it may make sense to purchase certain equipment for this. Here are the types of devices that exist on the modern market.

  • Closet. This apparatus is designed for drying fish using circulating air currents. It is equipped with a timer to allow you to set different programs for different different types products (fish, fruits, vegetables and other products). The drying cabinet also has a built-in ventilation system to create air flows, tubular electric heaters to dry them, a timer to turn off after time has elapsed. The duration of drying fish in such a cabinet is approximately 13 hours.
  • Camera. In essence, the operating principle of the drying chamber is the same as that of the cabinet. This is a device in which air circulates using a built-in fan. When you set the required program, the device itself selects the temperature and direction of air flow and turns off automatically. The water that the fish loses during the drying process leaves the unit either through open doors, or through an evaporator pipe, or is dried using heating elements.

  • Dryer. This device differs from the above in that it can be electric, or it can be assembled with your own hands and not depend on the power supply. The most popular model dryers - hanging, equipped with a mesh to protect against insects and dust. This dryer can be hung anywhere where there is air circulation: on the veranda, on the balcony, on personal plot. As for its electric counterpart, such a device, of course, costs more, but it speeds up the process and can be used even in a city apartment. It is a small stainless steel cabinet with several removable mesh drawers for storing fish.
  • Net. In my own way appearance The drying net is somewhat reminiscent of a fish muzzle. Inside it is divided into several sections, into which fish carcasses are placed for subsequent drying. The mesh is hung out in the open air, where the process takes place.

How to make a drying device at home

Let's take a step-by-step look at the process of making a fish dryer. To do this, we will stock up on the following materials:

  • profile for drywall;
  • “corners” made of aluminum;
  • plastic mosquito net;
  • 9 metal rods 70 cm long;
  • thick wire;
  • sheet of polycarbonate material for the lid with a thickness of 0.5-0.7 mm;
  • rivets, nuts, bolts, washers (5 mm);
  • “corner” made of plastic for fixing the mesh from the outside;
  • decorative metal “corner” for the lid.


  • drill, it is better to take it with a battery;
  • grinding machine;
  • riveter;
  • pliers;
  • scissors;
  • spanner;
  • stationery knife.

We will construct a device with the following parameters:

  • height – 120 cm;
  • length – 100 cm;
  • width – 70 cm.

The dryer will be three-level: on each level we will place 3 metal rods, on which we will hang fish carcasses.

Our work begins with the manufacture of the dryer frame. To do this we cut aluminum profile: we make 4 sections of 120 cm, 6 of 100 cm and 6 of 70 cm. We retreat approximately 20 cm from the floor and mount a rectangular box by screwing the aluminum sections perpendicular to the longest ones.

It is very important to attach the profile so that it is flat - this will make it easier to install the mesh. We strengthen the bottom of the box with aluminum “corners”, screwing them on the inside.

We attach metal rods perpendicularly to the profile - 3 pieces at each level. The distance between them should be the same. We “string” wire hooks onto these rods for hanging carcasses.

Then we begin to attach the mesh. Try to cut it with a margin, tucking it inward when attaching it. Make sure that there are no gaps left through which unwanted “guests” can penetrate: flies, bugs and other insects. Cover the bottom of the box with mesh as well.

The lid will be made of polycarbonate material. First, we mount a frame from a decorative “corner” of such a size that it can cover our box without gaps. Using a utility knife, cut out a rectangle, insert it into this frame, and screw it on. Now we can easily open and close our dryer.

The device is constructed, the fish is caught and soaked in a salty solution - it’s time to start the drying process. Take a few simple life hacks that will allow you to make a tasty and healthy product:

  • put the fish out to dry in the evening and let it sit until the morning: in the dark, the air temperature is lower and there are no flies;
  • During the first hours, periodically blow the carcass with a fan - this will help “blow out” the specific smell and speed up the drying process;
  • Start your practice of drying fish yourself with small specimens: they cook much faster than large specimens and will not spoil in the sun.

This is how you can easily and simply create a device for drying fish with your own hands at home and then prepare a tasty and healthy product for the whole family.

A master class on making a dryer for drying fish can be watched in the video below.

acquired new toy- made a dehydrator.
“What the hell is this?” you ask. Ooooh, this is a thing!
To put it in Russian and understandable language, this is an ordinary dryer. These are freely sold on the Internet and in hardware stores.
How it works - air is forced from the room into the drying chamber, which then comes out of a special hole, taking with it particles of liquid from the product.
They mainly dry fruits, berries, mushrooms, thin slices of meat and even fish.
The most widely known device in Russia is the Sukhovey - many families have one. But what I came up with is a truly universal thing!
Let me tell you right away, the idea is not mine! I have capable LJ friends)) King of sausages and cheesecakes. I remembered the idea, and then for some reason I kept stumbling that something needed to be dried, but there was nothing.
No, before I calmly used the oven for these purposes - turned on convection without temperature. Or if you wanted to quickly - confection, minimum temperature and the door ajar.
Now, hehe, I’m whining again - I don’t have an oven (temporarily, temporarily, for six months already and I don’t know when it will appear). So it’s really necessary to make a drying box.
The second magical kick in favor of the dehydrator happened from the Hare - I periodically, and everything would have been fine, but the picnic and gardening season had begun - there were regular guests in the house and a refrigerator always filled with pots and bowls. I simply don’t have the ability to dedicate an entire shelf to jerky.
That's it, guys, I assembled the dehydrator! On the knee, with pink tools and with female hands right in the middle of the living room)))
The hare performed feats with the fence and did not give me a normal screwdriver - he needed it himself, so he helped me only at the very end.

What's wrong:

  • plastic container or box with lid
  • threaded rod on M6 or M8
  • nuts and washers matching the diameter of the rod
  • ventilation grille
  • forced exhaust fan

All this stuff cost me a little more than a thousand rubles: 516 rubles for a huge box on wheels and 700 rubles for components (4 kg of nails for a suddenly fallen fence). Forced exhaust You can find them cheaper, and you won’t need as many nuts.

Our forced exhaust is located below - we mark the place. The ventilation grille is located as far away from the hood as possible - ideally on the lid of the box, but my lid was uneven, so the place for the grille will be on the wall opposite the hood at the top. We also mark the place for the hole. (if anyone is interested, I drew this with a special pencil for glass, but you can use a marker or scratch it with something sharp).

Cut out the holes for the hood and ventilation grille. In fact, the easiest way to do this is with a special circular saw - the most large diameter 10 cm, this is exactly the size of all built-in hoods and grilles. BUT! The screwdriver was busy, and I was too shy to take the drill. I thought about using a jigsaw - I was afraid that the plastic might crack. I took a longer, more labor-intensive, but precise and careful route. Regular hand drill and with a thin drill I made a circle of holes around the perimeter (I placed a piece of rubber under the bottom so as not to spoil the floor, and a piece of paper so that the boundaries could be seen better).
And then as usual kitchen knife I cut jumpers between the holes. If you heat the knife with a lighter, things will be much more fun.
We insert the ventilation grille into place, we also install the hood, it also has special holes for fasteners. (Yes, in the frame male hands- The hare came to look at the process, give out valuable advice and mock the pink pliers.)

We stick masking tape on the side of the box along the top and make markings for the holes for the rod. We drill (yeah, it’s much faster with an electric screwdriver).

All that remains is to cut the threaded rod to the required length. The most short rod in the store - meter. I would have just cut it in half, but the Hare suggested not leaving the long ends sticking out. While I was thinking about going to my neighbor’s auto repair shop and asking for help with the grinder (thanks, of course), the Hare sawed everything off with a hacksaw.

All that remains is to insert the rods into the prepared holes and secure them with nuts and washers. As an option, instead of regular nuts, you can screw on wing nuts - this will make it easier to remove the rods if you have to dry something bulky.

That's it, drying box - the dehydrator is ready!

Any self-respecting fisherman cannot imagine his life without dried fish. It is considered a kind of trophy, because it was not only caught independently, but also fished independently at home? This process requires special skill.

How to dry fish correctly

To prevent flies or other insects from landing? To do this, it is necessary to properly prepare it before this process:

  1. It is necessary to salt the fish until it becomes translucent.
  2. When soaking a salted product, it is recommended to add 50 to 150 grams of vinegar to the water (this substance repels flies, although it is not always effective).
  3. For drying, it is best to take not too much big fish because it dries faster and various insects They are not so willing to catch fish that are almost ready.
  4. If you nevertheless decide to take large prey for drying, it is recommended to remove all the intestines from it and remove the gills.

By following this plan, you will slightly increase the chances of stopping flies from landing on your fish, but you will not be able to get rid of them 100% of the time.

After this, the product is hung out in the open air and dried for a week, up to ten days.

How to dry fish at home?

Not every fisherman has a special place for drying fish. Accordingly, not everyone knows how to dry fish at home.

To do this efficiently, you need to stock up on seasonings such as bay leaf, salt and ground black pepper. In addition, you need to prepare thick foil and an oven.

So, how to properly dry fish at home? After preparing all the above things, you need to follow this plan:

  1. The fish needs to be washed, dried with a paper napkin, all the intestines removed, and then cuts made on it. After completing these steps, the product is sprinkled with salt and pepper and placed under pressure. Next, the fish must be thoroughly washed to remove salt under running water and dry.
  2. After drying all the fish, you need to preheat the oven and place foil on a baking sheet. All the prey is laid out on it; be sure to make sure that the heads are turned in one direction. During the drying process, the oven door needs to be opened slightly by about 50-70 millimeters. The temperature should be no more than 50 degrees. After two hours, the fish heads are covered with foil, and the fish itself continues to dry for three or four hours.
  3. Then the product is taken out of the oven, strung on an iron wire or thread, and then hung on fresh air, in an apartment it could be a balcony. It dries there for at least two days.

IN winter time After removing from the oven, the fish can be hung on a rope or wire above the stove.

What is a hanging fish dryer and what is it for?

Drying fish on a rope or wire is quite simple and traditional way, but it does not prevent flies from damaging the product. But a hanging fish dryer can protect it from this harmful influence.

The hanging dryer is presented in the form of walls made of gauze or mesh. Such “walls” allow air to pass through and do not slow down the drying process of the fish. As a rule, inside such dryers there is hanging device, consisting of slats with guy wires and chains. Hooks for hanging fish are attached to these chains; when purchasing such a dryer, they are included in the kit.

To install a dryer of this type, you simply need to stretch a guy wire on neighboring trees or simply drive in stakes. If fish is dried in an apartment, you can purchase a special frame or build it yourself.

Drying fish in the summer

How to dry fish in summer? This process in warm time years has almost no differences from its drying in winter period. The only difference is that in summer the product can be taken out onto the balcony or (in a private house) outside. In winter, it is necessary to dry the fish over the stove, having previously completed the above procedure using the oven.

Drying fish is most often practiced in summer, since winter fishing is not as popular as in the warm season.

Drying fish on the balcony

For apartment residents, the process of drying river mining becomes a little more complicated, since open air not so much. How to dry fish on the balcony? You need to do the following:

  1. The fish must be washed thoroughly and the intestines removed. Under no circumstances should scales be removed, as this will attract flies and cause too much quick drying prey (this may affect its further taste).
  2. A shallow but long cut must be made on the back of each fish, approximately from the head to the tail.
  3. Next, the product is salted in a vessel. It is best to choose enameled containers and coarse salt. The latter is taken at the rate of 20% of the weight of the entire fish. If desired, you can add bay leaf and black pepper to the salt.
  4. The fish is transferred to another container in layers, each layer is carefully covered with salt. You also need to rub the product inside.
  5. A weight is placed on top of the fish and the whole thing is placed in a cool place for several days. It is recommended to use a refrigerator.
  6. After salting, the fish must be washed and dried.
  7. Next, it is hung on the balcony (thread or wire is used). How to dry fish without landing a fly? It is best to treat each with 3% vinegar.

The fish takes about a week to dry.

How to dry fish with intestines?

Whether to dry fish with intestines or not is a matter of taste. It is worth noting that if the product has been dried along with its innards, then its taste may exhibit a certain bitterness, which is not to everyone’s taste.

Drying fish with intestines occurs in the same way as all the above methods, the only difference is that you do not need to remove all the contents of its belly.

On the one hand, removing the entrails of fish is a very difficult matter, but if the fisherman does not want to get a dried product with a bitter aftertaste, then it is better not to shirk this matter.

What is a fish drying box?

How to dry fish without landing a fly? To this end optimal solution will be the use of a box for drying fish.

You can buy it or make it with my own hands. Creating a box yourself will cost about half as much.

The optimal size of the frame of a box for drying fish is 1 * 1.10 meters, depth - 0.5 meters. Most suitable material- this is a tree (its species does not matter).

To create such a box, you need to do the following:

  1. Mark the timber and cut it using electric jigsaw. Then, using a screwdriver, angles and screws, assemble the frame.
  2. Stiffening ribs are attached on all sides.
  3. A cable is attached to the side walls (the fish is dried on it).
  4. Then you need to treat the box with insect repellent.
  5. It must be absorbed and dry, and after that the box is opened with varnish. It must be applied in two layers with an interval of 4 hours.
  6. At the bottom of the box you need to install special spacing.
  7. The base of the door must be sealed with a sealant.

After completing these steps, you will receive a ready-made box for drying fish, where no insects can penetrate.

The reader already knows how to dry fish without a fly landing. Now is the time to talk about how to store it properly.

There are several tips to help preserve dried fish for as long as possible:

  • Before putting the fish in a bag for further storage, you need to wipe it thoroughly and put twigs from the fish in the belly. coniferous tree, in its absence, plain paper will do;
  • In the hot season, it is recommended to place nettles on top of dried fish; this will increase its shelf life several times.

Here we told you how to dry fish at home. By fulfilling all the requirements, you will receive a high-quality and tasty product. Bon appetit!

Yuri Depeshev Updated: 04/25/2017

In the summer, most fishermen become owners of a significant catch. The main problem in in this case is to ensure the safety of production over a long period. The solution to the problem could be drying the catch, which will prevent spoilage of the product for the next 8-12 months.

However, a special dryer will be required to ensure drying. You can either buy it at any specialized store or make it yourself. For these purposes you will not need large number materials and tools.

Before you start making the product, you should familiarize yourself a little with its features, which include:

  • mesh frame of the body part– a mandatory element of the dryer that prevents flies from getting inside;
  • presence of durable cords that can withstand a heavy mass of fish - act as a catch fastening;
  • arrangement of trays at the bottom of the dryer– allows you to collect the brine flowing out of the fish (especially a lot of moisture is released in the first 3-4 days).

Types of dryers

There are a huge number of varieties of dryers, which are classified according to:

  • models;
  • dimensional characteristics;
  • spaciousness;
  • manufacturing material.

Among the main ones popular types worth highlighting:

  • frame type;
  • folding;
  • stationary;
  • suspension;
  • intended for drying fish;
  • universal type (can be used not only for drying fish, but also berries, mushrooms, herbs).

Despite the slight differences in designs, they are united by the presence of mesh (gauze) walls that do not disturb the passage of air masses and prevent the deposition of fly larvae on the fish. The presence of a door (for loading and unloading products) makes the placement process very simple.

Deciding on the sizes

To load and unload catch from maximum comfort The dimensions of the dryer must be correctly determined. The best option will have the following dimensions:

  • height indicator - about 120 cm;
  • length – 100 cm;
  • width – 75 cm.

In this case, the dryer will be spacious and will have at least three levels. Each level should be equipped with three metal rods, which will allow the catch to be suspended. Drying chamber with the indicated dimensions allows you to wither 80-100 crucian carp (weighing about 300-400 grams each) at a time.

How to increase your fish catch?

Over 7 years of active fishing, I have found dozens of ways to improve the bite. Here are the most effective ones:

  1. Bite activator. This pheromone additive attracts fish most strongly in cold and warm water. .
  2. Promotion gear sensitivity. Read the appropriate manuals for your specific type of gear.
  3. Lures based pheromones.

We make a fish dryer ourselves

To decide on the type of dryer, you should first understand what materials are currently available in the house.

The internal elements of the drying chamber consist of:

  • strings;
  • hooks

There do not seem to be any difficulties in manufacturing the elements described above. They are usually constructed from clotheslines, wire and strong threads (pre-twisted in 2-3 rows).

The most significant and time-consuming part of the camera is the body. It is he who will protect the caught catch from insects.
Below are popular options for making dryers from improvised materials. The proposed instructions will allow you to quickly build a camera.

The body is considered the most significant and labor-intensive part of the camera; it is this that will protect the caught catch from insects

Dryer made from plastic boxes

We select plastic boxes of any size and shape. Considering the bad throughput air masses of plastic, care must be taken to provide the chamber with an exhaust hood.

When manufacturing you can’t do without the following materials and tools:

  • plastic corners (duralumin type);
  • fasteners (bolts);
  • screwdriver and jigsaw.

The main advantage plastic construction is ease of assembly and operation. In addition, the structure can be disassembled, so keeping it clean will not be difficult.

Considering the poor air flow capacity of plastic, care must be taken to provide the chamber with an exhaust hood

From plastic panels and corners

This design is similar to the model described above. The main difference in this case is the plastic box (ready-made), which is taken as the basis in the first version. The second option involves making it yourself, while specifying the desired dimensions.

When making a structure, you cannot do without the following materials:

  • plastic models;
  • guides;
  • corners;
  • finishing strips;
  • adhesive base (liquid nails);
  • wires for rods;
  • hoods;
  • mesh (performs the function of closing the inlet).

Assembling a dryer based on plastic panels and corners

  1. On plastic panels you should make measurements of the height of the box.
  2. Cutting off required quantity slats. To determine the quantity, you will need to divide the length and width (estimated) by the panel dimensions. At the end the number must be rounded.
  3. Parts for the surface are cut out in the same way. bottom and lid of the drying chamber.
  4. Installation plastic panels simple enough. One of the panels is fixed in a corner of the required length. The remaining panels are secured in the groove area using liquid nails.
  5. Having assembled the side to the end, we proceed to secure the upper part with the finishing strip. The lower part and the second edge are fastened with a corner.
  6. In a similar way they gather following parties cameras. After this, we install the panels on the surface of the bottom of the structure.
  7. Having assembled the last side, we check that at the top of the product a finishing strip was placed along the entire length.
  8. The lid elements are glued together and the outermost ones are refined parts thanks to the use of strips.
  9. We place the rods according to the same pattern, as in the previous variation of installing a dryer from a box (plastic).
  10. We equip the product with a hood and use the design for its intended purpose.

From wooden blocks

A dryer made from wooden blocks is considered the simplest design. Before manufacturing, care should be taken to prepare:

  • self-tapping screws;
  • bars;
  • mosquito net (tulle).

Dryer installation

By following simple rules, you can quickly make a drying chamber. Consider an option based on a plastic box.

Step-by-step assembly process

  1. Use a jigsaw to cut a couple of holes in opposite walls of the box.
  2. We place the hood in the first hole(fastening is carried out using liquid nails).
  3. The next hole will be required for the passage of air masses. We cover it with a mesh using an adhesive base.
  4. We fix the corners, creating a kind of shelf, its ledges will serve as the basis for fixing hooks and fish.
  5. The corners should be placed parallel to one another on opposite walls. If the height of the box allows, you can build several rows.
  6. We drill small holes in the corners, maintaining a distance of about 9-10 cm. All pairs of corners are equipped with identical holes.
  7. Using thick wire we make rods. To do this, we take measurements of the box from one extreme point to the other and add a couple of cm on each side. Cut the required number of rods.
  8. On the first side, we bend the additional amount of rod, maintaining an angle of 90 degrees. Through the opposite side we string the catch (through the eyes). The second side is bent similarly to the first and inserted into a pre-prepared hole at the corners.
  9. Turn on the hood and cover the structure with a lid You can use the dryer for its intended purpose!

A dryer made from wooden blocks is considered the simplest design

Installation of a drying chamber made of wooden beams

Step by step guide

  1. For ease of use, the structure should be made on legs. Based on this, it is initially recommended to measure the height of the product together with the supporting elements.
  2. We cut the beams and connect them together using self-tapping screws.
  3. The frame part is ready!
  4. Both sides of the frame are equipped with additional blocks on which the strings will be placed. For their manufacture, clotheslines or strong rods can be used.
  5. Starting from the top, the structure is tightly covered with mesh material and is fixed using a construction stapler.
  6. Any of the available materials can serve as a cover.

Any of the dryers can be made by hand. The most important issue in this case will be the acquisition the necessary tool and material. When choosing a model, it is important to take into account the features of using the drying chamber. This will allow you to predict the need for equipment additional elements, for example, legs, hanging mounts, fan, etc.

Additional options

You can list design options for drying fish ad infinitum.

Another popular additional option drying chamber is a product with an outlet grid.

During production similar dryer can't do without:

  • hoods (80 cubic meters);
  • output grids;
  • duralumin corners (you will need a couple of pieces with a length corresponding to the length of the large side of the box);
  • bolts (10-12 pieces will be required to fix the corners and hood);
  • liquid nails;
  • metal rods with a diameter of 3-4 mm - 10 pcs.

Step-by-step installation process

  1. Marking areas for exit holes and a hood on the smaller sides of the drawer.
  2. Dimensions should not be larger outlet landing diameters.
  3. Holes are cut using a jigsaw.
  4. One of the holes accommodates the hood. You can fix it to wall panel with 4 bolts.
  5. The second hole is closed with a grill, planted on the side border with liquid nails.
  6. Aluminum corners are fixed on two opposite sides of the dryer, in the lower and upper regions. Fastening is done with bolts.
  7. 6 holes (through) are drilled on the resulting shelves. It is very important to place them evenly on both corners.
  8. We construct metal rods from durable stainless wire in the required quantity.
  9. We install the rods and use the drying chamber at the intended purpose.

Dried and dried fish- one of the most popular snacks in our country, and it would be strange to pay money for it if you yourself love to fish, and even boast of abundant and regular catches. The simplest version of a do-it-yourself fish dryer can even be an ordinary clothesline with clothespins on which the catch will be attached. To protect against midges, the catch can be protected with a mosquito net thrown on top, but with “production” running, this does not look serious.

A homemade fish dryer of decent appearance and the same functionality can be made at home by placing a large amount of fish in a small space and providing it with good ventilation and protection from curious insects. In rural areas, such a solution is especially relevant, since in a similar way you can dry not only fish, but also mushrooms, and even meat. There are two options for this design. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Demountable hanging cabinet

In private homes, in most cases they resort to making a box covered on all sides with mosquito netting to protect against insects. Depending on the size, such a structure can be hung on a wall or even be multi-tiered and stand on the ground - then up to several dozen fish can dry in it at the same time, but the likelihood of access by ground insects increases. The dimensions of the future box are determined only by you, based on your fishing abilities.

For good air access, the box should not have walls - in fact, we are simply talking about a contour frame. For its manufacture, timber or wooden slats, whose thickness should never be less than 2.5 cm. Moreover, in many cases it makes sense to take thicker material if the structure will have many tiers, or its volume allows you to hang several kilograms of fish at once. In order not to make a mistake with the amount of material purchased, you can draw up a drawing in advance.

Just keep in mind that any relatively large box would benefit from additional spacers for strength and stability. When purchasing timber, you should take it with a small reserve - just in case.

For beauty, wood is often sanded and then painted, but it makes more sense to do the first procedure before assembling the structure, and the second after assembly. The polished slats are cut so as to make two identical rectangles, which will become opposite walls. They can be connected to each other either by several separate spacers or by two more equal rectangles. After all this, you need to make another rectangle according to the size of one of the walls - it will serve as a door. For perfect correctness of all angles, most craftsmen advise using special metal corners small size, sold somewhere in the neighborhood with the same lumber.

When the frame is ready, if not painted, then at least varnished, because this way the wood, and even in outdoor conditions, will last much longer.

Paint and varnish must be chosen wisely: they must protect the wood from water and salt deposits, but at the same time be environmentally friendly, because toxic fumes will certainly saturate the fish.

At the top of the box, as well as between the struts of the lower tiers, you need to stretch a string or wire on which the fish will be hung. Determine the density of the rows and the vertical distance between the rows based on the size of the catch you can usually boast of. When choosing among twine and different types of wire, focus on the ability to withstand rain and withstand the expected weight of the catch; it is also wise to provide an easy option for replacing sagging or torn pieces.

When this stage has been completed, you can begin to cover it with mosquito netting - usually it is simply cut into fragments required size and simply nail it to the slats in a tensioned state. In this way, all sides of the box are finished, except for the one left for the door, and if you plan to hang it tightly on the wall opposite side may also be left without a net. The door itself is also covered with mesh, after which it is attached with hinges to the “doorway”. The finishing touch you will create a “latch” of two or three nails, but here it is worth approaching the task as responsibly as possible so that not the slightest gap remains.

If it suddenly turns out crooked, and there are still cracks, you can cover them on the outside with a sealant.

Many, by the way, do not want to make the door themselves, but specifically adjust the dimensions of the box to the size of a standard mosquito net for the window in order to use it as a door. Those who are completely lazy may not assemble any timber frame at all, simply connecting several of these grids together.

Some craftsmen don’t like the fact that when the door is open (at the stage of hanging fish or removing part of the prey), insects can get inside, so instead of doors they sew a zipper into the mesh. This can make the inlet hole much smaller and easier to control, but with this approach the mesh on that side usually deteriorates faster.

Drying chamber with fan

This design is more intended for the city - at least it not only can, but should be located inside the building, since it requires electricity to operate.

You can use any box as a frame, only now with solid walls and the ability to close tightly. You can put it together with your own hands, but using large ones (at least 20 liters) is much more popular. plastic containers from anything.

The ventilation grille is usually built into the box lid located on top, but a small one is installed in one of the narrow side walls. exhaust fan vent type, so that with its efforts the air flow passes through the entire box. Availability electric fan allows you to completely eliminate the lack of draft due to the lack of free air circulation in the room, therefore even dense walls plastic box will not interfere with quickly achieving results - in most cases, this design dries the fish faster than the classic one with a mesh and fresh street air. At the top of the box there are metal rods with nut threads, which are fastened on the outside with appropriate nuts - we will hang fish or other products on them.

On this simplest design home drying cabinet could be finished, but some craftsmen offer options for improving the design. So, it's no secret that for normal drying you need not only constant influx air, but also enough high temperature , which in winter is not always achieved even indoors. Good decision To increase the temperature inside the cabinet, you can use an electric mat - this product can be purchased at a pet store, as it is necessary for the comfort of most pet reptiles. You can go the other way by providing space inside the box for installing conventional incandescent light bulbs, which also heat up significantly during operation, but they will take up more space and may require numerous holes in the frame.

When installing any equipment to increase the temperature, you must remember that water flowing or evaporating from the products being dried should not get on the heating surface, much less on the electrical contacts.

Both design options are quite effective, proven over years of operation and used by hundreds of thousands of our fellow citizens, as evidenced by positive reviews on various fishing forums. Another thing is that for beginners who decide to try drying fish or mushrooms on their own for the first time, the first pancake comes out lumpy. Out of ignorance, such people often commit poor design, although the reason for the spoilage of products or their very specific taste lies not in the crooked hands of the master, but in a banal failure to comply with the catch preparation technology.

For example, there is no point in drying fresh fish - the finished product will turn out completely tasteless and few people will like it. Before sending it to the drying cabinet, the fish must be salted for at least 10-12 hours, and not just any salt can be used for this - only coarse-grained salt is suitable, and iodized and “Extra” are considered completely unsuitable for these purposes.

Another common mistake is to thoroughly wash the fish before salting - although this may seem unhygienic, it should not be done. The fact is that the inhabitants of the depths are already an excellent breeding ground various microorganisms, and the increased presence of water also contributes to this, at the same time slowing down the drying process.


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