Cross your fingers into a lock. Typically feminine and masculine gestures. Locked hands

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Body language predates cosmetics, clothing, and even speech. Therefore, it is he who primarily affects how people perceive us.

We are in website We think there should be more charming people, so here's a short guide to gestures that you shouldn't use unless you really need to, so as not to ruin your attractiveness.

1. Hand behind the back in the grip

When you hold your forearm behind your back, this is a strong negative signal for others. Because we usually take this posture when we are gloomy or angry. And the higher you grab your hand, the more dissatisfied you seem to people.

2. Crossed ankles

Crossed ankles show that we are not sure what we are saying. If at the same time you also have your hands in your pockets, you can bet that no one will even listen to what you are talking about there.

Hiding hands in pockets, usually a person tries to hide nervousness. Although this gesture has many meanings and must be interpreted together, we most often use it when we are nervous.

3. Hands in the castle

The clasped hands are like a mini version of the arms crossed over the chest. "I want to fence myself off, I'm not with you, I'm in the house," - this is what this gesture broadcasts to others.

4. Raised hands in the castle

A variation of the previous pose, only worse here. The higher you raise the lock from your hands, the more you want to hide behind it.

5. Stoop

Bad posture not only harms the body, but also signals to others that you are helpless, unsure of yourself, and in general everything is bad with you. The same applies to the shuffling gait associated with the elderly.

Straighten your back and elevate your legs when you walk - this will change your appearance more than a new dress, believe me.

6. Crooked smile

For many, such a crooked smile has already become a habit, and in vain: people perceive it more as a grimace of sarcasm. Do not follow the example of the bad guys from the movies, do not hesitate to smile sincerely and openly - this way you will gain much more fans.

7. Palm extended towards the interlocutor

Not everyone reads this gesture, but you should still be careful with it. If you are sitting at a table with a person and talking, do not put your hand in front of him, as in the photo. The interlocutor may regard this sign as “Please stop talking” and will remember you as an unpleasant conversationalist.

All this, of course, does not apply to the situation when the person you want to take by the hand is sitting opposite you.

8. Fists resting on the sides

A rather aggressive pose, which we sometimes take simply because we don’t know where to put our hands. Her signal is: “Well, what do you tell me? Either way, I disagree." To put it mildly, not very conducive to conversation and trust.

9. Thumb waving

We all know this gesture: a person seems to be pointing his thumb somewhere back. It turns out that it can often be regarded as neglect. You kind of say: “Yes, I know, I know,” and any of your answers looks like a careless go-ahead.


The interpretation of the gesture is explained as follows: when a person's hands are behind his back, the most vulnerable parts of the body (stomach, chest, neck) remain open. Only people who are not afraid of the interlocutor can afford an attacking pose.

This gesture is nothing but a variation of the above gesture. That is, if a person touches his nose, mouth, this indicates the insincerity of the speaker. If this gesture is used by the listener, this means that he knows about the untruthfulness of the interlocutor.

Rubbing (scratching) the ear

A person rubbing his ear while the interlocutor is speaking subconsciously wants to isolate himself from the words of the speaker.

This gesture can be expressed by twitching the earlobe, bending the ear. The last gesture indicates the intention of the listener to express his opinion.

Neck scratching

If a person scratches his neck with the index finger of his right hand, this indicates his self-doubt.

fingers in mouth

This gesture indicates that a person is in a state of severe oppression. If your interlocutor uses it, this means his need for approval and support.

expression of boredom

If your interlocutor puts his hand up to rest his head on it, this indicates that he is not interested in communication.

If a person put his head completely on his hand, it says that he is simply exhausted from boredom.

A sign of boredom or impatience is the tapping of fingers on the table and the stomping of feet on the floor.

Estimated Pose

A pose in which a person props up his cheek with his fingers clenched into a fist, and his temple with his index finger, is called evaluation. If the hand is not an oprah for the head, the interlocutor is really interested.

A negative, or critical, attitude towards the words of the speaker or towards the person himself is manifested if the index finger is directed vertically to the temple, and the thumb supports the chin. Long-term maintenance of this posture indicates that a person maintains a critical attitude for a long time. A critical attitude is indicated by propping up the chin with the thumb.

Chin stroking

If your interlocutor strokes his chin for a long time, this indicates his attempt to make a decision. Basically, evaluative gestures are replaced by decision-making gestures, when listeners are asked to comment on the problem raised by the lecturer. You can judge what their decision will be by the following gestures.

A slap on the forehead and a scratch on the back of the head

A gesture indicating the insincerity of the interlocutor is rubbing the neck and simultaneously looking away (the person looks at the floor). In addition, this gesture can be considered as an expression of anger or frustration, but in this case, the hand first claps on the neck, after which the person begins to rub it.

If a person slaps their forehead while apologizing for their own forgetfulness, it means that they are not intimidated by your disapproval. However, if he pats his neck, it means that he is uncomfortable with your reminder of his mistake.

Barrier hands

Hands on chest

When the interlocutor covers himself with his hands (for example, crosses them on his chest), this is a direct sign of a desire to hide from something. This gesture is a gesture of self-preservation.

Arms folded across the chest is a sign that the person is nervous or adopting a defensive or critical posture. Your interlocutor clearly feels insecure and is trying to protect himself from danger or threat.

Very often this gesture is used by people unconsciously, because it is convenient for them. This is a signal of a constant sense of threat.

Locked hands

Hands on the chest in the castle is the most common pose. This is a modified previous gesture that also expresses a desire to hide from a threat or an unpleasant situation.

If during a frank conversation your interlocutor crosses his arms over his chest, this indicates his disagreement with you. In words, he can constantly assent to you.

incomplete barrier

Incomplete crossing of arms

The full gesture of crossing the arms is a direct sign of the interlocutor's fear. However, incomplete crossing of the arms is more commonly used: a person holds the elbow of the other hand with one hand.

The gesture in which the interlocutor holds his own hands is a variant of the incomplete barrier.

Disguised, hidden gestures

These hand-crossing gestures are subtle gestures. As a rule, they are used by people who are in the spotlight.

If with one hand your interlocutor touches a bracelet on the other hand, a watch or other object, instead of grabbing a hand, this also means a protective barrier. A person tries to establish himself in his own safety and security.

Protective barrier formed by feet

Crossed legs (sitting)

If the interlocutor has taken this position, this indicates his negative attitude towards you or your words. This gesture is used for the purpose of self-defense, as it expresses a readiness to defend oneself, to defend one's position.

There are two varieties of this posture taken in a sitting position.

1. The leg is placed on the leg.

2. The thrown leg resembles the number "4".

The first pose is also called classical.

She says that your interlocutor is agitated or seeks to take a defensive position. It is mainly used by women who are dissatisfied with their spouse or friend.

If the interlocutor throws his legs over his legs and this forms an angle, this position indicates his disagreement with you.

Crossed legs (standing)

If a person stands with his legs crossed and his arms folded on his chest, this indicates that he is not familiar with the people around him.

If several people in a group stand like this, this indicates the presence of a stranger in the group.

Relaxing a tense posture

We change the tense posture to a more relaxed one when we start to feel comfortable. There are several stages in the relaxation process.

First stage: defensive posture, crossed arms and legs.

Second stage: legs uncrossed, feet in a neutral position.

Third stage: the hand on top is no longer in the castle, the palm does not return to the castle.

Fourth stage: open arms, one freely gesticulates.

Fifth stage: one leg is set back, the other is forward and the toe points to the interlocutor.

Some people say that the pose of crossed arms and legs is the most comfortable for them. Or that they are cold, that's why they stand like that. However, there is a very noticeable difference between a person who is cold and who is in a defensive position.

So, if a person wants to keep warm, he hides his hands under his armpits, and not under his elbows, as in a protective pose. He can also clasp himself with his arms, and when the legs are crossed, they are straight and pressed against each other.

Its presence helps you hold your head high, walk with your shoulders back proudly, and roll out your chest. But in order for you to bend over for a crown that has accidentally fallen off, the spine must also have good shock-absorbing properties. Insufficient mobility of the ridge can result in back pain for you, caused, for example, by osteochondrosis.

The assistant marks the first lumbar vertebra from below with a marker (or lipstick) (this is immediately above the buttocks, see Fig.). The second point is ten centimeters higher. Now you, ignoring the ambiguity of the situation, lean forward - keep your knees straight! - as low as you can. By how much did the distance between the points increase?

1. Less than 3cm: quite trouble. Start doing yoga or Pilates right now. At worst, include in the daily diet a couple of exercises that improve the flexibility of the spine. For example:
1) Lying on your back, grab your knees with your hands and gently pull them up to your chin several times.
2) Kneeling (toes extended, buttocks on the heels), grasp the middle of the lower leg with your hands. Press your chin to your chest. Round your back and make several gentle attempts to lift your pelvis, holding yourself with your hands.

2. 3-4 cm: a normal figure for a forty-year-old man. If you are younger, do the above exercises at least every other day.

3. 5-6 cm: excellent result. Keep it up!


Leading a sedentary lifestyle - check the flexibility of the shoulder joints. It is they who, according to the unanimous opinion of surgeons, orthopedists and vertebrologists, are the first to lose their “healthy geometry”. And in the words of ordinary mortals - flexibility. And this is an alarm bell, announcing that soon your posture will deteriorate (first in the thoracic region, then in the lumbar), your back will begin to hurt, and, as a result, old age will come. Yes Yes! From a medical point of view, how old you are is measured not by years, but by sores!

Try to clasp your hands behind your back in a lock, as shown in the picture.

1. Fingers do not touch: very bad. Starting today, make it a rule to do shoulder stretching exercises daily.
1. Raise your right arm vertically and bend it at the elbow so that the hand is behind the head. With your left hand, gently pull your right elbow to your left shoulder several times. Change hands.
2. Stretch your arms in front of you at chest level, take them to the sides and back to the stop, make a few springy swings.
3. Hug yourself alternately with one or the other hand, taking it under the opposite arm. Try to press your hand to your body as much as possible.

2. You can catch on with one or two phalanxes: satisfactorily. Do the above exercises 2-3 times a week. With tension, you can clasp your hands in a full castle: congratulations! In terms of joints, you are a healthy man of 30-35 years old. The same exercises will help you look a little younger.

3. The lock is given easily and painlessly: girls-gymnasts are still far away, but for an adult man the result is excellent. You can consider yourself younger than you actually are by five years.

1. Fold your hands into the castle.
If the thumb of the right hand is on top, write the number “2” on the piece of paper, if the left one is the number “1”.

2. Aim at an invisible target with one eye closed...
If the left eye remains open, then write down the number "1", if the right one - "2"

3. Place your hands on your chest in a cross, and see which hand is on top
If the left hand is lying on top of the right hand, then write down the number "1", the right one on top - "2"

4. Applaud..
If the left hand is on top, then the number "1", if the right one, then "2"

Test result (character traits):

"2222" - a stable type of character, conservatism, no desire to enter into conflicts, argue with anyone
"2221" - you have the most striking character trait - extreme indecision.
"2212" - you are sociable, you can always find a common language with almost everyone
"2111" - you are fickle, do everything yourself, do not look for the support of others.
"2211" is a rather rare combination. You are sociable, you make contact, at the same time you have a very soft character.
"2122" - you are a "techie", an analytical mindset and gentleness. you are careful about everything, there is some coldness in relation to others
"2121" - the rarest combination, defenselessness, susceptibility to the influence of people
"1112" - You are emotional, energetic and decisive
"1222" is a fairly common character. You are emotional, but you lack perseverance and perseverance in solving life issues, you are subject to other people's influence. Good communication skills and people are drawn to you.
"1221" - Emotionality, lack of perseverance, very soft character, naivety.
"1122" - you are a friendly person, but at the same time a little naive and simple. tend to delve into themselves, analyze actions. Many interests, but not enough time for everything
"1121" - you trust people very much and you have a gentle character. Chances are you are creative.
"1111" - you are an extremely non-conservative person. Creativity occupies an important role in your life. You look at many things outside the box. Strong emotions, pronounced individualism, selfishness. You are stubborn and selfish, but this does not prevent you from living.
"1212" - you are a strong-willed person. You can say, stubborn, achieve your goals.
"1211" - You are prone to digging inside yourself, a little closed, it is rather difficult to find friends, but you are strong in spirit, hardly anything can break you in achieving your goal.
"2112" - you have light and laid-back character traits, you easily find new friends, make acquaintances and often change hobbies.

The thumb of the left hand is on top, put (write down, remember) the number 1. If the finger of the right hand is on top - the number 2.

Imagine that you need to aim. close one eye

Closed the right, put 1. Left - 2.

Cross your arms over your chest

Right hand on top - put 2. Left - 1.

clap your hands

If the left hand is on top, then the number is 1, if the right hand is 2.


  • 2222 - you have a stable type of character, you are conservative. You do not like conflicts and disputes.
  • 2221 - you are very indecisive (ay-yay-yay).
  • 2212 - you are sociable, you find a common language with almost any person.
  • 2111 - you are fickle. And you do everything yourself, do not look for the support of others.
  • 2211 is a rare combination of sociability and a rather gentle character.
  • 2122 - you have an analytical mindset and gentleness of character. You treat everything carefully, show some coldness in relation to others.
  • 2121 - sadness: you are defenseless and subject to the influence of others.
  • 1112 - emotional, energetic and decisive.
  • 1222 is a common combination. You do not show perseverance and perseverance in solving life issues, you are subject to someone else's influence. At the same time, you are emotional, sociable, you have charisma.
  • 1221 - emotionality, lack of perseverance, very soft character, naivety.
  • 1122 - you are friendly, but at the same time a little naive and simple. Prone to "self-flagellation" and analysis of their actions. There are many interests, but not enough time for everything.
  • 1121 - you trust people very much, and you have a gentle character. Most likely, you are a creative person.
  • 1111 - you love change and are looking for a non-standard approach to ordinary things. Creativity plays an important role in your life. Strong emotions, pronounced individualism, selfishness. You are also stubborn, selfish, but this does not prevent you from living.
  • 1212 - a strong-willed person. You could say stubborn. You achieve your goals.
  • 1211 - prone to introspection, a little closed, it is quite difficult to get along with people. However, you have a strong spirit. And if you set a goal, then most likely it will be achieved.
  • 2112 - you have an easy character, you calmly find new friends, make acquaintances and often change hobbies.

It's not a fact that this test describes the real you 100%. But you must admit: there is clearly some truth in his results.