Why do Vajrasattvas get sick from the mantra. Purification practice of Vajrasattva. Completing the cleansing process

First of all, the image of diamonds is used by people who want to draw a parallel between their character and the properties of this stone. In particular, this one emphasizes the firmness, steadfastness, perseverance, fearlessness of its owner, his ability to withstand any test without “breaking” at the same time.

The value of luxury, rarity, wealth in this case recedes into the background. That is why a diamond tattoo is often chosen not only by women, but also by men. However, it is suitable for both sexes.

Thanks to its amazing radiance, the diamond has acquired another meaning: it is spirituality, the pure light of the human soul, sincerity, virtue, and for also invincibility, leadership, readiness, it was the “king” just as the diamond is the “master” of all stones. To emphasize this meaning, the diamond tattoo is complemented by rays, symbolizing its bright and pure radiance.

Often it is a diamond that is chosen for paired tattoos. In this case, it symbolizes sincere and pure love, over which time has no power. The classic sign is a tattoo with the image of this stone and those who want to emphasize the inviolability of their connection.

Tattoo in the form of a diamond as a talisman

According to legend, the diamond has tremendous protective power and symbolizes the infinite power of the universe, capable of doing what seems impossible to a person. That is why such a tattoo is chosen for themselves by people who want to protect their dream and achieve.

To enhance the meaning of the diamond, it is often depicted with the Sun. Such a tattoo, according to popular belief, protects not only from the bad intentions of other people and from malicious intent, but even from accidents.

The diamond symbolizes protection from any evil force that a person cannot handle on his own, from ghosts to. A tattoo depicting this stone can become the most powerful amulet. In this case, it will mean purity, which no dirt can spoil, as well as great strength and power.

A tattoo depicting this stone on a woman's body has a special additional meaning. She symbolizes fertility and offspring, and, according to legend, she protects the child in the womb and promotes conception and easy childbirth.

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Almaz, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation of the name.

  • Zodiac Diamond - Cancer
  • Planet - Moon
  • The color of the name Diamond is white, silver
  • Cherished plant of Diamond - cornflower, water lily
  • The patron of the name Almaz is an owl, a goose
  • Diamond Talisman Stone - Silver

What does the name Diamond mean? diamond, diamond, gem Tatar name Diamond of Muslim origin).

Very often, the name of Diamond is interpreted not by the name of the stone, but as “magnificent”, “excellent”, “brilliant”.

The meaning of the name Almaz in translation from the Turkic language can sometimes be interpreted as "the best steel." It must be said that for the Turkic peoples the name Almaz is more familiar than for Russians. Perhaps it came to the Russian-speaking countries along with the Tatars, who borrowed the name from the Arabs, and those, in turn, from the Greeks.

The name Almaz among the Volga Tatars can sound like Ilmaz, Almas, Ilmas, which means "will not touch." From this name, the female version of Almaziya was formed. Most often, the name Diamond is used by followers of Buddhism and Hinduism.

Diamond Angel Day: is not celebrated, since the name Almaz is not included in the list of church holidays.

The nature of the name Diamond: From the point of view of numerology, the meaning of the name Diamond can be analyzed, given that it is patronized by the number 2. It symbolizes an extremely volatile character, which most often becomes a cause for internal unrest. For Almaz, it is important not to delve too deeply into the essence life problems and phenomena that he cannot change, strive to move away from conflicts and quarrels, not to demand from himself and others more than necessary.

A man named Diamond is a sociable and active person. He behaves as if he always good mood, although, of course, his heart can be very hard. He has creativity and impulsiveness, which often pushes him to commit rash acts. It’s good if Almaz has a person who, from the height of his age, knowledge and experience, can, if necessary, give useful advice, since Almaz certainly needs support. Only from the outside he seems strong and invulnerable, but in fact he is quite sensitive to criticism and opinion from others.

Diamond business and career: In work, the name Almaz is most able to prove himself as a performer, and not a leader. At the same time, it is best for him to work in tandem with someone, and therefore, Almaz urgently needs partners, companions, employees, co-authors, partners. Although, of course, much depends on the month, year of birth of Almaz and other factors that influence the formation of his personality. Sometimes Almaz manages to become a good leader, because he is confident in his abilities and is able to quickly take balanced and right decisions. True, sometimes he is inclined to deceive, and it is worth getting rid of this quality. Concerning professional sphere, then the talents of the name Almaz are multifaceted, but it’s worth trying your hand at art and sports.

Love and marriage of Diamond: It is not easy to get along with Almaz in marriage, because he is incredibly demanding of his future wife. It is important that the spouse be able to provide physical and emotional comfort to the Almaz name - in this case, he will really be happy.

The fate of the name Almaz in history:

  1. Almaz Ivanov - Russian businessman, diplomat, clerk, who lived in the 17th century
  2. Almaz Ivanov - customs head
  3. Almaz Pure - Moscow clerk
  4. Almaz Garafiev - philologist-turkologist, author teaching aids in the Tatar language for universities and schools
  5. Almaz Gismeev is an athlete, a nine-time world champion in kickboxing, who was involved in introducing Russian youth to sports
  6. Almaz Ibragimov - Kazakh entrepreneur, industrialist, top manager, academician of the Academy mineral resources Republic of Kazakhstan named after E. Buketov and Sh. Yessenov, Doctor of Commerce Academy economic sciences and entrepreneurial activity Russia
  7. Almaz Sarlykbekov is a theater director and People's Artist of Kyrgyzstan.
  8. Almaz Khamzaev ((born 1955) Kazakh statesman, diplomat)
  9. Almazbek Raimkulov ((born 1977) Kyrgyz professional boxer who performed in the lightweight category)
  10. Almasbey Kchach ((1958 - 2012) Major General, Secretary of the Security Council of the Republic of Abkhazia (2003-2005); Minister of Internal Affairs of Abkhazia (1996-2003))

Name Diamond. Meaning and origin

Remember the adventures of Captain Vrungel on the schooner, which was named "Victory" and which a little later turned into the yacht "Trouble"? Everyone remembers the phrase: “Whatever you call a boat, so it will float!”.

Let's get acquainted!

What do people say to each other when they meet after greeting? Represented. That is, they say their name. If the interlocutor turns out to be Fedor, Eugene or Leonid, we are not surprised, because for the Russian language, these are familiar-sounding names. But if he introduces himself to us as a Diamond, then we involuntarily note to ourselves: “This is necessary! Oh what!” Someone will be surprised at the pretentiousness of the name, someone will chuckle to himself at the desire of parents to emphasize the individuality of their child in any way, someone will envy the sonority ... In any case, for the ear of a Russian-speaking person, this unusual name- Diamond. The meaning for us in this case is, first of all, the common word.


Where did such an unusual nickname come from? Traditionally, the name Almaz, the meaning of which is directly related to the characteristics of this mineral, is considered to be ancient Turkic in origin. Some researchers believe that Arabic. Where is the name Diamond now common? The nationality of the person who wears it is likely to be some kind of oriental. Among the peoples of Asia, both in ancient times and in our time, this is the most common name. They call children in Tatarstan, Bashkiria, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan ... Among the Arabs, it is also very common.

Most people who are interested in the origin of names will say with confidence that this name is male. Diamond, however, can be feminine. This happens too.

When we hear the name Almaz, we attribute its meaning and origin to the East. However, its analogue is also in the West. For example, the name Diamond is Diamond. Translated from English, it means "diamond", "brilliant".


AT old times the name was never just given. It carried a certain meaning, meaning, and was always considered the determinant of fate. If a child was called Diamond, then it means that they wished him to be healthy, strong, strong - just like this precious stone! In addition, the stone itself or the product with it was considered a talisman.

The one who owned the diamond ring was believed to be protected higher powers. Parents always want to raise their offspring healthy, strong, happy anyway ... And here the name - Diamond - will help! Its meaning can hardly be interpreted differently. Namely - "strong", "hardy", "precious", "solid", "indestructible".

The Soviet government denied any shamanism, esotericism and other "remnants of the past." But at the same time, she contradicted herself, introducing significant “revolutionary” names into fashion: Vladlen (Vladimir Lenin), Oktyabrina, Kim (Communist Youth International) ... That is, after all, a set of letters was not enough, but I wanted to also have a meaning in it was laid certain!

It cannot but rejoice that in our time there is a return to the roots. Including the names.

More recently, artsy Western names were in fashion: Isabella, Arthur, Esmeralda, Angela, Edgar ... But in recent times more and more children began to be called traditional and simple, primordially national. Along with them, oriental ones began to come into fashion - Damir, Sultan, Almaz ...

A talking name, isn't it? After all, turning to a man named Almaz, you directly tell him “You are my precious!”

The meaning of the name Almazov

From a patronymic from the old Russian nickname Almaz, which is based on Russian word diamond, borrowed either directly from Greek or from Arabic through the Turkic languages, in which this word means not only a precious stone (in Kazakh, for example, diamond is “the best steel”). It is generally accepted that the Russians adopted this word from the Tatars. The noble family of Almazovs is known, whose ancestor is Erofey Almaz Ivanov's son, from the Vologda trading people, a duma clerk and printer of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. The origin of this surname from the name of a precious stone and Tatar roots confirmed by heraldic data. Probably in individual cases the original nickname could come from the Turkic almaz - "they won't take it, they won't touch it." It is in this meaning, according to N.A. Baskakova, the name Almaz is given, for example, by the Tatars.

it Short story origin and meaning of the surname Almazov.

In the material we will analyze in detail tattoos with a diamond (brilliant), possible options performance and of course diamond tattoo meaning in each option.

What does a diamond tattoo mean?

A diamond is a diamond that has taken an ideal shape under the hand of a master. Stone of warriors, mothers, bishops and ancient monarchs. The play of light on its edges has not left people indifferent for more than one millennium. It is believed that this stone was first found in India, in the 4th century BC. And even then people were captivated by the unimaginable crystal purity of the stone, and at the same time its hardness and strength. Trying to adopt these qualities, people wear diamonds and depict them on their bodies.

The meaning and meaning of a diamond tattoo

The meaning of a diamond tattoo is as multifaceted as it is. This image is considered unisex, which means it suits women and men equally.

Men with a diamond tattoo

It would seem that first of all, diamonds should be associated with women, as a symbol of luxury and beauty, but no, because first of all it is the strongest stone in the world. Ancient warriors believed that the diamond would help them survive and remain steadfast in any, even the most terrible battle, give them strength and courage. This is a symbol of will, fortitude, emphasizing the disobedience and pride of its owner. The sharp temper and indestructible masculinity of the diamond emphasizes in tattoos of the old American school. These are tattoos for strong, individual and self-confident men.

Women and the meaning of a diamond tattoo for them

Beauty and mystery, crystal purity and fidelity - these feminine qualities can be emphasized by a diamond. He shows the unity of a beautiful appearance and the rich spiritual world of a person, as a play of the inner radiance of a stone on its ideal facets. If you want to emphasize purity and innocence or emphasize sophistication and perfection, perhaps a diamond is exactly what you should adorn your body with.

Let's continue about the meaning of a diamond tattoo (brilliant).

Mystical amulet - diamond tattoo (diamond)

The diamond is fraught with crazy energy, it not only protected the warrior in battle, but was also a universal protection against the evil eye, damage and bad intentions. The diamond protected its owner from evil spells, saving his soul from vice and helping to resist other people's influence. For a woman, a charm in the form of a diamond can play a special role as a symbol of fertility and femininity: it can protect the mother and child in her womb from any intrigues of evil forces. In India they believe in healing properties a diamond that can cure many diseases with a simple touch. In Europe, during the plague, Queen Elizabeth I wore a diamond for protection. Diamond is the stone of not only kings but also bishops. It was believed that this stone is so pure that it can be used to resist Satan himself. Indeed, for the dark forces, the light emitted by a diamond is like a divine radiance.

Symbol of eternal love

Men and women often use diamond for couple tattoos. They can even be shown as wedding rings. Then the diamond becomes a symbol of sincere pure love, honesty and inviolability of oaths, unshakable fidelity. So couples strive to show the eternity of their union.

This tattoo is not hidden from prying eyes, a diamond is depicted on open, visible parts of the body (on the back, fingers, forearm). The master emphasizes the inner light and richness of the facets with bright blue, pale pink or lilac flowers, but often there are tattoos made exclusively in black. Semantic shades can be emphasized with all kinds of ribbons, wings and flowers.

If you decide to get a diamond or diamond tattoo, remember that the main thing in it is individuality. Each diamond is unique and multifaceted, as is every person who decides to fill it. Do you want to show your luxury and success, emphasize your brightness and originality? Are you fascinated by the strength, pride and noble brilliance of this stone? Its unique perfect lines... Or maybe you are looking for protection and a talisman? In any case, a diamond is the symbol that will go with you through life, accompany and protect.

What does the name Diamond mean?


Some names just speak directly about their meaning, and this name is also from this series. The name Diamond means simply diamond. In the Kazakh version, this name is written as Almas, but the meaning remains the same. Because in Kazakh this word is written with the letter C at the end.

This name can be called both boys and girls.


Since antiquity, the diamond has been valued, a precious stone with unearthly beauty, extraordinarily expensive. A large diamond is a rarity, its discovery is a whole event. Much more often small diamonds and very small ones, they contain only fractions of a carat. One carat is equivalent to a weight of 0.2 g. The word diamond is from Arabic, translated as the hardest.

The name Almaz is of Muslim, Tatar origin. It appeared in honor of the name of the gem of the same name. In Russia, the name Almaz is practically not used, it is more common among Tatars, Kazakhs, Bashkirs, Azerbaijanis and representatives of eastern peoples.

What does the name Diamond mean?

Despite the linguistic proximity of many peoples professing Islam, given name occurs in various forms:

  • Ilmaz,
  • Almasbek (Kyrgyzstan),
  • Ilmas in the meaning of "will not touch" (Volga Tatars),
  • Almas,
  • Elmaz,
  • Almasbay,
  • Almaskhan,
  • Diamond (they call women, azeir.),
  • Elmas (Turkish)
  • Diamond (female form).

The rather rare name among Europeans Almaz has several interpretations that are close in meaning. The Arabic root, related to a beautiful stone, means "magnificent", "brilliant", or simply: "brilliant". There is another curious interpretation based on the properties of the mineral - “ best steel».

It is widespread among the Turkic peoples. Wishing the newborn boy outstanding achievements in life, mighty physical strength and firmness of spirit, parents name it in honor of the legendary precious crystal. Often used for their children not only by Muslims, but by Hindus, Buddhists.

The list of famous representatives of the name Almaz can include following people: Almazbek Atambaev (President of the Kyrgyz Republic); Almaz Sarlykbekov (theater director, People's Artist of Kyrgyzstan); Almazbek Raimkulov (professional boxer from Kyrgyzstan), Almaz Gismeev (famous athlete from Russia, Honored Master of Sports and kickboxing coach; ten-time champion of Russia, as well as nine-time world champion in kickboxing).

Origin and meaning of the name Diamond

The word "diamond" is Greek roots. Among the Russian peoples, this name is not common, since it got into the Russian language in a difficult way. The Russian people borrowed the word "diamond" from the Tatars, who took this name from the Arabs, and they, in turn, from the Greeks.

Tatars quite often call a child the name Almaz, it has some options: Almas, Ilmaz, Ilmas. It means "not to touch, not to possess." Some time later, a variant of the female name was formed - Almaziya. Woman's name stands for "priceless", "brilliant".

This name was awarded so that unclean forces would not take over the child, since it was believed that this name empowers for the struggle, the formation of a strong spirit in a child.

The meaning of the name Diamond Today everyone calls it that more boys. It is believed that this name, symbolizing wealth, will bring a child to him. Is it so? Or are such speculations just an attempt to justify the desire of parents to distinguish their child from the crowd? To at least slightly clarify the situation, let's take a closer look at the meaning of the name Diamond. Male name given to boys - future warriors. It was believed that the fighter, who was so named, would have a diamond fortress and longevity.

Meaning of the name: precious, unique, best. It is of ancient Turkic origin. Arabs often called children this way, comparing the qualities of their character with precious stone. In ancient Persia, the diamond was considered a natural amulet against dark forces. To protect the child from them, he was called by this name.

  • Discretion.
  • Justice.
  • Conflict-free dispute resolution.
  • Sociability.

Characteristics of the name Diamond

How can you characterize a person named Diamond? Representatives of this name are characterized by activity, purposefulness, sharpness and sociability. They like to be in the center of attention, to hear compliments and praise in their address.
As a rule, a person named Diamond has a stormy temperament, he is an adventurer, boasts courage, loves to take risks. It is difficult to ever find a representative of the name Almaz in a bad mood, he has a wonderful sense of humor, is easy to communicate, cheerful, not envious and not vindictive.

Boys named Almaz are able to achieve great success in sports and in business. If they have a task in front of them, they will complete it with any of the possible ways. From a man named Almaz, a qualified worker in the field of art will come out, a promising athlete or coach, a sensible leader, administrator, personnel worker.

In dealing with the opposite sex, Diamond is self-confident, arrogant and arrogant. But if he happens to truly fall in love, he is ready to “turn mountains” for the sake of the girl he likes. He likes bright, sexy, active, positive women. In bed, Diamond is unsurpassed, capable of delivering unearthly pleasure to his beloved.

It is not easy to get along with a man named Almaz in the same house, he is capricious and demanding of the household and his wife. He does not tolerate objections, Almaz likes it when they listen to him and fulfill his desires. In relation to children, Almaz is caring, but he is not capable of full dedication and sacrifice.

Features of the character named Diamond

The bearer of this name is characterized by such features as the ability to communicate, to be actively involved in collective affairs. Always in good location spirit, resilient adventurer. FROM early age often there is a desire for creativity. You can't call him too smart. Sometimes there is a place for rash and risky actions.

For a man named Almas great importance has the right wise advice. By following him, he can achieve a lot. It is good if someone nearby directs energy in the right direction. It’s bad when there is no such mentor, everything can turn out not very well. The young man is characterized by great physical activity, emotionality, so he simply needs sports.

Invulnerable at first glance, painfully sensitive to criticism. Dodgy and resourceful. Does not shy away from deception, if the case requires it. To negative traits include high conceit, arrogance, which appear from time to time. He loves comfort, always strives for it.

The owner of the name Diamond can be characterized as follows. This is a purposeful, sociable person of indefatigable energy. Leader by nature. Sometimes Diamond needs a mentor, a person who can support him. When such a person appears next to him, Almaz can achieve extraordinary success and heights.

Relationships and family life

A person with this name has a hot temperament, he is a choleric and a sanguine person rolled into one. This temperament can negatively affect relationships, but if it is accepted and directed in the right direction, a trusting, strong and harmonious relationship will be obtained with Diamond. Behind him like a stone wall.

Attitude towards marriage and wife largely depends on the upbringing of Almaz, however, basically this man is very demanding, irritable and quick-tempered in relationships with women. Since the character of Almaz is fickle, it is not easy for him to find a soul mate for a serious relationship.

However, even if Almaz can be "tamed", the problems with him will not end. His chosen one will have to be meek and very patient in order to balance the character of her husband. She should make her husband feel that the family is his fortress and that here he can relax and become calmer. He demands respect for himself, loves when his opinion is considered correct. Then Diamond will feel comfortable, be kind and patient.

The man named by this name is very jealous. May not find a place for himself when his woman is absent for a long time. Such a man can react very sharply to the misconduct of the chosen one, get upset, feel lonely, so she should not provoke Almaz.

He should be surrounded by attention and care, put in first place before all the other components of your life, then he will not feel abandoned.

A successful marriage and family support make him stronger, stronger.

Thanks to this, Almaz achieves success both in his career and in all other areas of life.

Despite its difficult nature, this man needs love. He wants to be loved and wants to be loved. Sometimes his love is too obsessive, but this is only because he is afraid of losing his chosen one and not giving her what she needs. If he manages to find a woman who can accept his selfless loyalty and love, this union will be very long and harmonious.

The fate of the name Diamond

The fate of the owner of the name is decided in childhood. If you treat Almaz with respect and warmth, be his friend and mentor, the boy will turn into a real man. He will be able to achieve success in business or sports. Representatives of this name live to old age if they take care of their health.

Also, a woman who will be next to him will play a big role in the fate of Almaz.

Fate may be diametrically opposed. If a young man chooses the right path in time, then thanks to the strength of character, volitional qualities achieves many of its goals. He is generous, capable of empathy. Will help if asked. Under other circumstances, succumbing to some negative emotions, not having a wise older friend nearby, can greatly distort your fate.

In adulthood, he is able to correct, realize some of the mistakes of his youth, but will always regret unrealized plans. This will affect health and morale. If he meets a complaisant woman on his way, he will be a happy family man. Otherwise, not every beloved will tolerate such a heavy temper. Often reaches heights in the field of arts, sports.

With whom will Diamond be happy?

From childhood, such a baby attracts everyone's attention. It is difficult to find a person who would have more friends than Almaz. His sociable nature allows him to easily find comrades. At the same time, friendship comes first for him. Almaz takes each of his comrades very seriously and is ready to help at any time. However, not all people can achieve harmonious relationships.

In relations with these people there is harmony and complete mutual understanding. Oleg and Vladislav should be treated with caution. When dealing with them, unpleasant conflicts can arise. In conclusion, we add that Almaz is the name of leaders and winners. Its owner has a persistent character. No wonder it is compared with the strongest precious stone. It is difficult to find a person more disciplined than Almaz. His creative person and self-criticism give the boy leadership qualities.

There may be confusion with:

  • Natalya,
  • Irina,

The name Diamond is ideally compatible with the names:

  • Karina,
  • Rose,
  • Regina

Love and marriage of Diamond:

  • Zodiac Diamond - Cancer
  • Planet - Moon
  • The color of the name Diamond is white, silver
  • Cherished plant of Diamond - cornflower, water lily
  • The patron of the name Almaz is an owl, a goose
  • Diamond Talisman Stone - Silver

“Magnificent”, “shiny”, “precious” - this is the meaning of the name Almaz among the Tatar peoples. It originated from the name of everything famous stone. Initially, the name Almaz was given only to boys, but later a female form appeared with an identical sound and spelling.

The Kazakhs so called the child, if they wanted to protect him from the actions of evil spirits, to get rid of possible diseases. In ancient times, among the Persians, the name Almaz was carried mainly by representatives of the upper class. The Tatars changed it a little and received Ilmas with a similar meaning.

The Bashkirs left the original interpretation of the name Almaz for the strong half of the human race. The female version refers to the epithets: “beautiful”, “expensive”. Azerbaijanis use it only for girls. In Western countries, you can meet Diamond, and in sunny Turkey - Elmasov or Almasov.

Main character traits

The eastern name Diamond is characterized by irascibility, impulsiveness, saturation life energy. It is difficult for such men to restrain their own emotions. Desires often prevail over reason, which affects relationships with others. Many of them strive to be in the center of events, to participate in public life.

Being good speakers, guys named Diamond are knocked out as informal leaders. They resort to cunning to successfully manipulate people. However, they are able to stop abruptly if they feel a catch. They do not accept neglect.

The company quickly establishes contacts. Guys named Almaz have few friends at a young age, over the years they lose more and more connections. They can be friends with girls without making attempts at rapprochement. Grievances are always forgiven, especially indulgent to the mistakes of relatives. Conflicts themselves are provoked in order to throw out the accumulated negative.

Guilt is smoothed out with stormy apologies, vivid monologues, expensive gifts. It is easy to calculate the true nature of any person. Young men with the name Almaz honor religious customs, grow old, visit temples, become devout, apologizing for the mistakes of youth.

Study, communication

A school for a student named Almaz is like hard labor in terms of knowledge. He cannot boast of perseverance; he runs away from lessons in high school. But happily preparing for matinees, performances. Willingly goes in for sports. Easily learns:

  • foreign languages,
  • is fond of fiction, psychology.

Profession, career

Almaz Rafikovich Gismeev (Russian athlete, 9th world kickboxing champion, honored: master of sports and kickboxing coach of the Russian Federation)

For a man named Almaz, public recognition plays an important role. Therefore, he chooses public professions that provide an opportunity to reveal talents.

  • Creative specialties for studying at a university, acting courses are suitable.
  • Important maintain acquired skills with knowledge through regular practice.
  • In the political field, a figure named Almaz will have a hard time. It is unlikely that it will be possible to become a high-ranking official.
  • Optionalness, excessive emotionality will prevent you from conquering the political Olympus.

Love, family, compatibility

The name Diamond gives its owner self-confidence, gradually developing into narcissism. The edge is difficult to feel in this case. The chosen one is waiting for a difficult life together with a selfish man.

However, Almaz marries very late. As a rule, the first loves are replaced one after another, and true feelings arise after 30 years. Male infidelity is not uncommon for such families.

Named Diamond perfect fit, Zemfira, Elizabeth,.

An unsuccessful union is possible with Elena, Christina, Larisa, Margarita, Ivanna.


The word "Strong", which means the name Diamond in some languages, very aptly describes the physical characteristics of the owner. Diseases already overcome the elderly. Young people endure stress, but emotionality affects the state nervous system. Stress can seriously damage your health.

Esoteric features

  1. Experienced astrologers with the meaning of the name Diamond associate the zodiac sign Cancer from the element of Water.
  2. Simple flowers cornflower, water lily will become faithful companions, bringing good luck.
  3. From the animal world, an owl and a wild goose are considered mascots.
  4. The name Diamond is combined with the energy of silver jewelry, totems, amulets.
  5. Experts unanimously call the moon as the heavenly patron, and white, gray, silver are the lucky colors.
From the owners of the name Almaz, as a rule, trendsetters are obtained for narrow circle. You belong to a rather thin layer of society, whose representatives, regardless of age and social status, claim that they can "afford not to follow fashion." The way it is. You carefully monitor how your body looks on its own, take care of it tirelessly, thanks to which you have the opportunity to change your style at least every day depending on your own mood. That is why you give the impression of youth for a long time, each time appearing in a new guise, which allows you to influence the tastes of others.

Diamond name compatibility, manifestation in love

Love for you is an urgent, everyday necessity, sometimes unconscious. Therefore, in your attitude towards your partner, tenderness, often quite burdensome, and caring, sometimes bordering on obsessive obsequiousness, prevail. However, you remain in unshakable confidence that you are doing everything right and require an adequate, from your point of view, reaction to your actions - gratitude and admiration. Kara, you are easily vulnerable, suspicious and touchy, often get into a state of irritation without visible reasons. With a long absence of a partner “within reach”, you are visited by a feeling of abandonment, uncertainty that you are happy. All you really need is to find a person who will like both your touching affection and your selfless devotion. Then the union will be long and harmonious.


You are attracted by beauty and harmony in all manifestations. Therefore, the fundamental basis of your spiritual aspirations is the desire to keep them around you. Therefore, any actions that may result in a violation of the usual order of things are contrary to your nature.

But you will not “fight” with those who are trying to create such an imbalance. A “bad peace” is always “better than a good quarrel” for you, which means that the enemy should be turned into a friend, showing tact and diplomacy.

And there is nothing surprising in the fact that you have many friends, but practically no enemies. You are always able not only to find a compromise solution, but also to “wake up better feelings in a person who is negative towards you.

However, just knowing what to do in a given situation is not a choice. Opinions need to be backed up with action. And this is where your indecision often fails you. This is not timidity or fear of consequences. Just hesitation in the process of searching the best option. Life experience will help get rid of them.