Marseille name meaning Tatar. Marseilles. Name: meaning and destiny. origin of the name Marseille

The name Marcel has several completely different versions of the origin and meaning. About these versions and much more in our review article.

The most popular version of the origin of the name can be called the Latin (Roman) version. According to this version, the name Marseille comes from the Roman generic name Marcellus, which later began to be used as a personal name. If so, then the meaning of the name Marseille is "dedicated to Mars", because that is how Marcellus is translated. It is worth noting that a similar path from a generic to a personal name has been made by many popular names today. This is for example the name Sergey (Sergius), the name Maxim (Maximus) and many others.

According to the second version, the name Marseille comes from the name of the city of Marseille, which is in the south of France. The city was founded by the Greeks as early as 600 BC, but was later destroyed during the era of the Roman Empire. The city was revived in the tenth century after r.h. and already in honor of him the name Marcel appeared.

And the last version on our list will be the Arabic version. According to this version The meaning of the name Marseille is "Praising God". This version is popular among Muslims.

The meaning of the name Marcel for a child

A boy named Marcel is distinguished by confidence and determination. He is a brave and persistent kid, and sometimes his perseverance even develops into stubbornness. He is more of an introvert and doesn't like to talk about his experiences. Marcel keeps all the experiences in himself. The child is endowed with strong leadership abilities, but his leadership is quite despotic. Often communication with peers is arrogant, but despite this, the boy has many friends and comrades. The child is touchy and hard to endure even fair criticism. At the same time, he often shows sincere sympathy and helps those in need.

Marseille has good data for studying. He is endowed with an excellent memory and tenacious mind. Easily understands the essence of the subject. Marcel's pride will push him to get high grades, which will also have a positive effect on academic performance. However, it happens that the desire to be the most beloved student in him begins to prevail over the craving for knowledge. Then Marcel can become a formalist and learn only superficially.

The health of the child is average and does not differ much from the general picture. The boy is quite active and can achieve good success in sports. He loves physical education, but most likely he will not do it himself. The weak point in the health of the owner of the name is usually the kidneys. He needs to be careful about hypothermia and not neglect preventive measures.

Abbreviated name Marseille

Marcelka, Marsik, Marik.

Diminutive names

Marselchik, Marselechka, Marselyushka, Marselenka, Marsechka.

Patronymic of children

Marselyevich and Marselievna.

Marseille name for passport- MARSEL.

Translation of the name Marcel into other languages

in Belarusian - Markel
in Hungarian - Marcell
in Greek - Μάρκελλος
Spanish - Marcelo
in Italian - Marcello
in German - Marcellus
in Polish - Marcel
in Portuguese - Marcelo
in Romanian - Marcel
in Ukrainian - Markel
in French - Marcel
in Czech - Marcel

Church name Marseille(in the Orthodox faith) - Markell. It is this form of the name that is adopted when performing church sacraments.

Characteristics of the name Marcel

An adult Marcel is distinguished by the ability to make a positive impression on people, excellent manners and high intelligence. He is often overly harsh and demanding of others, but he always controls who and what he says. He will never be harsh with someone who is stronger and more significant than him. He has a large circle of admirers, because his ability to be the center of attention is getting better and better every year. Marcel also has an excellent sense of humor, but sometimes his humor is merciless and evil. Marcel is a versatile and rather controversial personality.

Marcel's ability to make a positive impression becomes the most sought after in his work. It is this talent that is most in demand and will lead Marcel to the heights of success. He is endowed with good intuition and knows how to understand people. He also has a high capacity for work and a creative approach to solving work problems. All this makes Marcel an excellent worker confidently moving towards success.

In family relationships, Marcel is a rather specific person. In his youth, he is very fickle and amorous. This will make any marriage miserable, so Marcel shouldn't marry early. But at an older age, he is a very faithful and reliable husband. He is a responsible and caring father of the family and shows attention to all his relatives. At home, leadership will of course be his, as he will not tolerate objections in his home. He is strict with children, but is ready to devote a lot of time and effort to education.

The secret of the name Marcel

Marseille's secret can be called his vindictiveness. This secret is well known to those who crossed his path and paid a heavy price for it. Marcel knows how to wait for an opportunity and rarely forgives insults. He does this without much advertising, so as not to spoil the image in the eyes of admirers.

Planet- Jupiter.

Zodiac sign- Sagittarius.

totem animal- Mink.

Name color- Orange.

Wood- Ash.

A rock- Agate.

Marseille name day

Marseille's name day 11, 27 January; February 22; March 14th; June 4, 20; July 31; August 14, 25, 27; 12, 28 November. Saints: Markell of Apamea, abbot, the monastery of the "Unsleeping Ones"; Marcellus of Apamea, Hieromartyr, Bishop; Marcellus Maccabeus, martyr; Marcellus of Rome, Hieromartyr, Pope; Markell, martyr; Markell, venerable martyr, monk, Belogorsk St. Nicholas Monastery; Marcellus (Marcian) Sikelian, Syracuse, Hieromartyr, Bishop.

Marcel name meaning

Marseille means "belonging to the god Mars" (this is the translation of the name Marcel from Latin).

origin of the name Marseille

It makes sense to start analyzing the mystery of the name Marcel with its origin. The history of the name Marseille has ancient Roman roots. It came from the Roman cognomen (personal or generic nickname) Marcellus, which in turn comes from the personal name Marcus. The name Marcus is possibly derived from the god of war, Mars.

What does the name Marseille mean according to P. Rouge

In accordance with the interpretation of the name Marseille according to P. Rouge, the main character traits of the name Marseille are: intuition - speed of reaction - sexuality - health.

Type: men named Marcel are balanced choleric: it seems that they are about to explode, but this does not happen. They manage to be great and consummate mediators. They are hardy and flexible.

Psyche: They are extroverts, have an innate diplomacy and a gift for understanding people. They know how to be objective.

Will: These are determined men.

Excitability: they know how to convince people, and when it comes to feelings and love, they are simply unsurpassed actors!

Reaction speed: these men are incredibly arrogant and simply obsessed with their pride. They are careful not to let anyone take advantage of their generosity.

Activity: life is treated like a lottery.

Intuition: we can say that they have an excellent sense of smell, besides, they also have a good knowledge of psychology.

Intelligence: endowed with a vivid imagination, an amazing memory and a sense of humor. They have a talent for manipulating people.

Susceptibility: seek to be loved, But do not want anyone's feelings to become a burden for them. They feel like they are in charge of life. Sincerely want to help others. They manage to realize their talents.

Morality: They try to adhere to generally accepted moral principles, but it is better not to get in their way.

Health: the instinct of self-preservation is very developed. Weak organs - kidneys, urinary tract, prostate.

Sexuality: such men are sensitive, even despotic voluptuaries. Their sex life depends on many factors: on the role that the family plays for them, on the success they aspire to. Sex is important to them, but not the most important thing in life.

Field of activity: work only for themselves. Most of them are self-taught, at least in the area that leads them to success. They learn from life itself, not from universities.

Sociability: very sociable, cordial and simple in communication.

Additionally: having married, they achieve such a position when their wives fulfill their whims and indulge their weaknesses.

Characteristics of the name Marcel Derivatives of the name Marseille

Variations for the name Marseille: Markell, Markel, Marcellus.

Diminutives of the name Marseille: Marselchik, Marselyushka, Marsik, Marsyushka.

Marseille name in different languages

  • Name Marseille in English: Marcel (Marcel).
  • Name Marseille in German: Marcellus (Marcellus), Marzell, Marcell, Marcel (Marcellus).
  • The name Marseille in French: Marcel (Marseille), Marceau (Marceau), Marcile (Marsil).
  • Name Marseille in Spanish: Marcelo (Marcelo).
  • Marseille's name in Portuguese: Marcelo (Marcel).
  • Name Marseille in Italian: Marcello (Marcello).
  • Marcel's name in Corsican: Marcellu (Marcellu, Marcheddu).
  • Marcel's name in Occitan: Marcel (Marseille).
  • Name Marseille in Catalan: Marcel (Marcel).
  • Marcel's name in Romanian: Marcel (Marcel).
  • Marcel's name in Hungarian: Marcell (Marcel).
  • Marcel's name in Ukrainian: Markel, Markelo.
  • Name Marseille in Belarusian: Markel, Marcel.
  • Name Marseille in Greek: ????????? (Markellos), ???????? (Markelos).
  • The name Marseille in Polish: Marcel (Marcel), Marceli (Martseli, Marcelius).
  • Name Marseille in Czech: Marcel (Marcel).
  • Name Marseille in Dutch: Marcel (Marcel), Marcellus (Marcellus), Marcelis (Marcelis).

Famous Marseilles:

  • Marcel Granollers Puyol is a Spanish professional tennis player.
  • Marcel Duchamp - French and American artist, art theorist, who stood at the origins of Dadaism and Surrealism.
  • Marcel Desailly is a Ghanaian-born French footballer who played for Olympique Marseille, Milan, Chelsea and the French national team.
  • Marcel Carnet is a French film director.
  • Marcel L'Herbier is a French film director.
  • Marcel Marceau is a French mime actor, creator of the Paris school of mimes.
  • Marcel Aime is a French writer, prose writer, playwright, author of comedies, novels, fairy tales and short stories.
  • Marcel Moss is a prominent French ethnographer and sociologist.
  • Marcel Joseph Moise is a French flautist and teacher.
  • Marcel Elphege Dion is a Canadian professional ice hockey player. Position - center forward.
  • Marcel Janco is a Romanian artist and writer. One of the fathers of Dadaism.

Marseille is a name whose meaning is translated as "Praising God" from Arabic. Diminutive forms - Mars, Selya, Marek, although usually even boys are called the full version. It is beautiful and musical, it is chosen by parents who want to give their son a rare and

What does the name Marcel mean?

There are sources that claim that the name has French roots and means "related to Mars." It is common among the French, occasionally found among the Dutch and Tatars.

Marseilles. Name. Significance for the child

As a child, Marcel will be a calm child who does not cause much trouble. Always help a friend, console, protect. Selya is not one of those who prefer to resolve conflicts with the help of fists, because he knows that it is always possible to negotiate and find a compromise. Marcel is the name of a boy who will become a leader among his peers, they quickly succumb to his influence. It will be happy to recite poems, sing songs, dance at children's matinees. If his parents write him down in circles, then the teachers will be convinced that Marek's hands are golden - the model of the boat he made will most likely be made most accurately, it will turn out to be very beautiful.

Marseilles. Name. Importance on health

Has good health. It is necessary to pay attention to the kidneys and organs of the urinary system. Good for sports and outdoor activities. Pay special attention to colds and viral diseases, treat them to the end.

and the nature of the owner

The owner of this name is a pronounced choleric and extrovert. It seems that at any moment he can lose his temper, but this almost never happens, this man knows how to control himself. The weak point is excessive pride and arrogance. Strong are determination, endurance, flexibility. Marcel has a good imagination, a wonderful memory. He likes to make a good impression on others, he wants people to love him. Marcel has an easy-going nature, his sense of humor and kindness contribute to the fact that many friends gather around him.

Family, love and marriage

He quickly finds a girl whom he wants to marry, and she will reciprocate. The family will become strong and friendly. The wife will spoil him and try to fulfill the whims. At the same time, Mars does not understand love, from which people lose their heads. He controls his emotions and does not want to become the object of someone's passion. His inherent tact and ease will help create a good atmosphere in the house, where the household, having gathered in the evening at dinner, will be happy to communicate. His relatives also need to be more delicate, because Marcel is very touchy, a careless word can deeply hurt him.

Marseilles. Name. Significance in choosing a field of activity

It is necessary to choose professions, success in which depends on the presence of diligence, self-learning, perseverance. Marseille will make a good programmer or architect. He does not like to work for someone and will try to organize his own business at the first opportunity. Sociability, tact, diplomacy, the ability to understand the interlocutor will contribute to success. Marcel is often busy, does not sit idle, but is sometimes prone to bouts of laziness, which, however, quickly pass.

All of these qualities will help Marseille to live a decent life, full of many interesting events. Those close to him will be proud of him.

Marcel is a beautiful name in which lightness, play, strength are felt. Parents who call their children this way strive to emphasize their individuality and unusualness. The character of Marseille often depends on the time of year of his birth.

origin of the name Marseille

According to one version, the name Marseille comes from the Roman generic name Marcellus, which translates as "dedicated to Mars." The second version suggests that people began to call their children so in honor of the name of the city of France - Marseille. And there is a third version, which says that the name Marcel originated in Arabic and means "praising God."

Name Forms

Marseille can be abbreviated as:

  • Marsik,
  • Marik,
  • Marseille,
  • Selya,
  • Massey.

Diminutive forms of the name:

  • Marselyushka,
  • Marselichka,
  • Marsechka,
  • Marselenka.

related names:

  • Mark,
  • Martin,
  • Mars.
According to one version, the name Marseille means "dedicated to Mars"

Middle name options

Patronymics derived from the name Marseille:

Table: Marcel's name in different languages

Name day dates and patron saints of the name

In the church canons of the Orthodox faith, the name Marseille sounds like Markell. He celebrates birthdays

  • January 16;
  • February 19;
  • April 9;
  • June 29;
  • August 14th.

The patron saint is Saint Marcel, Bishop of Paris, who lived in the 5th century and is known for serving the poor and the sick all his life.

There is a dragon legend associated with Saint Marcel. A terrible animal lived in a forest near Paris. One day, a rich and respected woman in the city was buried near his dwelling, which greatly enraged the dragon, and he first attacked the grave, and then began to ravage the city. Saint Marcel is the only one who has kept his composure in the raging debacle. With one look, he calmed the angry beast, and then killed him with a staff, hitting him right in the nose. After this feat, Marcel began to be called the "Dragon Slayer".

Marcel Duchamp - French artist, painted in the style of surrealism

Characteristics and influence of the name Marseille

Pierre Rouget describes Marcel as a well-balanced person of choleric temperament. He is often in a state as if he is about to go berserk, but usually this does not happen. Marcel has very well developed intuition, reflexes, he can be an excellent interlocutor, has innate diplomacy, knows how to be objective, he has the gift of persuasion.

The disadvantages of the character include the fact that Marcel is a very arrogant character, obsessed with his beloved.

B. Higir describes Marcel as a person who always strives to become indispensable and loved, he is sensitive, endowed with a very good imagination and a great sense of humor. And also Marcel is very decisive, does not allow himself to be pushed around. He treats life like a lottery.

Marcel is an interesting conversationalist

The nature of the child

Marcel grows up as a confident, determined, brave and stubborn child. His perseverance and firmness can occasionally turn into stubbornness. He is more an introvert than an extrovert, because he hates to talk about his problems and experiences, he keeps everything to himself. Has excellent leadership qualities, but is slightly tyrannical. He communicates arrogantly with his peers, but despite this, he has a lot of friends and comrades. Marcel is very touchy, he can react sharply even to fair remarks addressed to him, but he will certainly try to help everyone who is in trouble.

Marcel studies well, has a good memory, easily understands subjects. His pride does not allow the boy to be among the lagging behind in school.

Health is average, Marcel is active, loves sports and can achieve good success in it. A weak point in a child may be his kidneys, so it is necessary to carefully monitor their condition and prevent hypothermia.

Little Marseille has many true friends

Character of an adult

As an adult, Marcel leaves a positive impression of himself, he has excellent manners, besides, he is very smart and has a wonderful sense of humor. It is often demanding, sharp in relation to others, but knows how to control itself perfectly. For example, if a person is stronger and higher in status than Marcel, he will never find fault with him. He has a large circle of followers and admirers, he knows how to be in the center of everyone's attention.

Most often, Marcel's humor is very good, but sometimes it can be merciless and evil. The owner of the name is a controversial person, distinguished by the breadth of interests and knowledge.

Being a very active person, Marcel has very versatile hobbies: from extreme sports to domestic hobbies, such as painting. Thanks to perseverance, Marcel can develop any talent to a professional level.

Marseille loves extreme sports

Career and business

Thanks to activity, sociability, literacy and well-read Marcel can easily develop his own business and build an excellent career. He does not like to work for someone, he always prefers to open his own business.

Professions that are most suitable with Marseille:

  • diplomat,
  • industrialist,
  • Sales Representative,
  • manager,
  • advocate,
  • judge,
  • programmer,
  • architect.

Marseille will suit the profession of a judge


Marcel is in good health. He must monitor the condition of the kidneys and urinary system. It is best for prevention to play sports, walk in the fresh air. And also attention should be paid to the prevention of viral and colds, in case of infection, they must be treated to the end.

Love and marriage

Marcel's personal life is divided into two parts: before and after marriage. Before marriage, Marcel is a warrior who conquers one peak after another, without thinking about long-term relationships. He loves bright, independent, impregnable women, he likes to conquer those whom others are even afraid to look at. He likes to achieve, kindle passion in a woman, love for himself. After that, Marcel loses interest in the girl and is looking for a new victim.

He chooses his wife among quiet, affectionate, homely girls. It is necessary that the spouse must be faithful and, preferably, smart. Marcel practically does not look at appearance. A quiet, balanced, non-jealous girl will become everything for Marcel - a wife, a mother, a lover, and a muse. He will be infinitely devoted to his chosen one, put an end to all casual relationships.

Marcel loves children, becomes affectionate and playful with them, kids easily trust him with their secrets.

Marcel is the perfect family man whom other women set as an example to their husbands. Affectionate, sympathetic, caring, attentive, guests are always welcome in his house. Households and relatives are proud of him.

Marcel is a wonderful husband and father

Table: compatibility with female names

Significant years of life

Important, fateful events take place in such significant years of Marseille's life:

  • 15 years;
  • 23 years old;
  • 41 years old

Rhymes for the name Marseille: otsel, weeks, drops, panel, lands, April, trout, hops, mamsel, watercolor, snowstorm.

Anna Mard

Table: name matches

PlanetEase in achieving goals, sociability, networking, kindness, dignity, generosity.
Zodiac signSagittariusVitality, the talent to always be in the spotlight, to attract others, optimism, lightness, the gift of eloquence.
ElementAirCheerful, lively character, clear thinking, developed logic and a great sense of humor.
Number7 Harmony, joy, luck, pleasure. At the same time, pride, stubbornness, sarcasm, suspicion.
ColourOrangeBusiness success, insight. Successes in love and intimate affairs.
totem animalDifficulty in communication, but the mink is a powerful ally in the search for good luck.
WoodAshIt symbolizes fertility, the unity of opposites, steadfastness, intuition, protection, inspiration.
Day of the weekMondayPeace of mind, energy, peace, relaxation and tranquility.
A rockKindness, courage, honesty, getting rid of envy and hatred.

Photo gallery: Marseille mascots

Mink - the totem animal of Marseille
Jewelry with agate will protect from human envy Jupiter is responsible for Marseille's sociability

The meaning of the letters of the name

Each of the letters of the name endows Marcel with certain qualities:

  • M - love for humanity, a calm attitude towards other people's shortcomings, caring;
  • A - physical and spiritual self-improvement, leadership;
  • R - the ability to penetrate into the deep essence of things, diligence, the ability to any kind of craft. Excessive demands on loved ones;
  • C - desire for wealth, promiscuity in means, efficiency;
  • E - independence, sociability, occasionally even obsession, the desire for self-expression;
  • L - creativity, artistry, a deep understanding of the nature of things;
  • b - peacefulness and gentleness, calmness and accuracy.

Marcel... Your name is Marcel...
Let the ringing drops caress this name!
And spring is in the air, it's almost April,
The same as everywhere: Paris or Rome ...
Let it be warm there, but here we have snow.
Let, as if in February, a blizzard favors us
I believe there are other shores
In the eyes of that girl named Marcel...


Characteristics of the name in accordance with the time of year

The season in which Marseille was born affects his character and fate:

  • Marseille, born in winter, is very severe, capricious, but dreaminess is also present in his character;
  • spring Marseille loves creativity, is slightly capricious, but at the same time hardworking, assertive and active;
  • Marcel, born in the summer, is vulnerable, but at the same time sociable and self-confident. Possesses great abilities for creativity;
  • autumn Marseille is very smart, but at the same time obstinate.

Marseille, today is your holiday,
And I heartily congratulate him,
Please, do not grow old in soul,
I wish you well.
I wish you long and eventful years,
Success, happiness and support of loved ones,
Don't be sad, look forever
Don't take everything to heart.


Marcel, born in the spring, loves to be creative

Table: name horoscope

Zodiac signCharacteristic
AriesPurposefulness, charisma, calm temperament.
TaurusLove for all the blessings of life, perseverance, practicality, diligence.
TwinsStrong character, talent, sociability, strong imagination.
CancerEmotionality, secrecy, attachment to the family, initiative.
a lionStrong and decisive character, ingenuity, organization, desire for leadership.
VirgoGood taste, sensitivity to aggression, intolerance, desire for a constant change of activity.
ScalesThe demand for equality, the search for better options, the difficulty in making decisions, the desire to transfer responsibility to other people's shoulders.
ScorpionCalmness, endurance, diligence and purposefulness.
SagittariusConstant desire to be seen, excellent coordination, friendliness and concern for others.
CapricornSuperiority over people, strict discipline, wonderful flair.
AquariusOptimism, energy, giftedness, impressionability.
FishAdventurism, acting, idealism.

Photo gallery: famous people named Marseille

Marcel Janco (1895-1984) - famous artist, writer, architect Marcel Liebman (1929-1986) - professor of political science, public figure, secretary general of the Belgian-Palestinian Association Marcello Vincenzo Domenico Mastroianni (1924-1996) - actor in Italy, Federico was madly in love Fellini Marcel Marceau (1923–2007) - French mime actor, created a school of mimes Marcel Yusupov (born 1969) - Russian and Bashkir politician and entrepreneur

Marcel is an independent, intelligent, strong and purposeful person. He likes to always be in the spotlight, achieves great success in his career and business. A great family man, loving father and husband.

Short form of the name Marseille. Marselka, Marselyushka, Mars, Marsya, Selya, Matsi, Massi, Seyo, Selu, Mar, Marcek, Marek, Macek, Sel.
Synonyms for the name Marseille. Markell, Markel, Marcellus, Marcellus, Marcellus, Marcellus, Marcel, Marceau, Marsille, Marcelo, Marcelo, Marcello, Markellos, Marcellus, Marcellus, Marcel.
Origin of the name Marseille The name Marseille is Tatar, Catholic.

The name Marcel is one of the variants of the pronunciation of the name Marcellus (Markel, Marchel, Marcel, Marcellus), used in France. In Germany, this name sounds like Marcellus, Marcel, in France the variants Marceau and Marsil are also used, in Spain - Marcelo, in Portugal - Marcelo, in Italy - Marcello, in Romania - Marchel. In Hungary, Poland they prefer to call - Marcel, in Greece - Markellos, in Ukraine - Markel, in Belarus - Marzel, in the Czech Republic - Marcel, in the Netherlands - Marsel, in Ireland - Marshall.

The name Marcellus (Marcel) comes from the Roman cognomen (personal or generic nickname) Marcellus, derived from the personal name Marcus. The name Marcus, possibly, comes from the name of the god Mars - the Roman god of war, therefore it means "martial", "dedicated to Mars." In ancient Rome, the cognomen Marcellus, in particular, was a generic nickname for the plebeian branch of the Claudian family. In late Latin transcription, the name Markell began to sound like Marcellus or Marcellus.

According to the following version, the name Marseille comes from the name of the French port city of Marseille. The city of Marseille was founded around 600 BC. Phocians - Greeks from Asia Minor - and was then called "Massalia" (Massilia or Massalia in Latin). During the conflict between Caesar and Pompey the Great in the 1st century BC. Massalia supported the latter and was destroyed by Caesar's troops, losing trading posts and fleet. Although the city has retained its independence, but its influence has declined significantly.

The city of Marseille was revived only in the X century thanks to the Dukes of Provence. In 1481, the city, along with Provence, became part of the French kingdom. During the French Revolution, Marseille supported the Republicans, and the French anthem became known as the Marseillaise. With this song on their lips, on July 30, 1792, the Marseille Volunteer Battalion entered Paris. On the same day, this song, which received its famous name, literally began a triumphal procession around the world.

It is believed that the name Marseille comes from the Arabic language and means "praising God." The name Marcel is a common Tatar name. Among the Tatars, it is given in honor of Marcel Cachin, a French communist, a major figure in the Socialist International and the Comintern.

There is also a female name Marseille, which in different European countries can sound like Marsela, Marceline, Marcella, Marchella.

Related names for Marseille are the names Mark, Martin, Marcellinus, Marcianus, Marsyas, Martial - and paired female names to the listed male ones. The diminutive address Mar is also an independent name.

The name Marseille is not mentioned in Orthodox calendars. For this name, Markell's Catholic name days will be listed.

By temperament, Marcel is a choleric. It may look like it's about to explode, but it doesn't. Marcel is an extrovert, he has the gift of understanding people. However, this man is unreasonably proud. Sometimes Marcel is just crazy about it. He is arrogant and is careful to ensure that those around him do not take advantage of his generosity too much.

A very good intermediary can come out of Marseilles. He is hardy and flexible, has diplomatic abilities, is able to be objective. Marcel works more for himself. Throughout his life, he often becomes self-taught. He is able to study the area himself, which will later lead him to success. He has an excellent sense of smell and knowledge of psychology in everything. Most often, Marcel realizes his talent.

By nature, Marcel is a determined man. He manages to convince people not only in business relations. In everything that concerns feelings and love, Marcel is an unsurpassed actor. However, like most people, Marcel strives to be loved, although he does not want this feeling to become a burden for him. A man adheres to generally accepted moral principles, but can violate them in order to achieve a goal.

In his personal life, this man is a sensitive and despotic voluptuary. From his wife, Marcel seeks the fulfillment of all his whims and desires. Marcel is endowed with a sense of humor, a vivid imagination and an excellent memory. He has a real talent for manipulating people. He feels like the master of life. At the same time, he sincerely wants to help others. In communication, Marcel is cordial and simple, easily tying up a new communication.

Marseille name day

Marseille celebrates name days on January 16, February 19, April 9, June 29, August 14, September 4, October 6, October 7, October 30, November 1, November 16, November 26, December 2, December 29, December 30.

Notable people named Marseille

  • Marcel Marceau ((1923 - 2007) real name - Marcel Mangel; French mime actor, creator of the Paris school of mimes)
  • Marcel Cachin ((1869 - 1958) French communist, a major figure in the Socialist International and the Comintern. Marcel Cachin was awarded the Order of Lenin in 1957 for many years of activity aimed at strengthening the friendship between the peoples of France and the USSR.)
  • Marcel Cosmas ((1910 - 2010) French athlete (rowing), bronze medalist of the 1936 Olympic Games. He became the eight-time champion of France (1932-1936).)
  • Marcel Granet, also called Granet in Russian literature ((1884 - 1940) the great French sinologist, student of Emile Durkheim and Edouard Chavannes, who first applied sociological methods to the study of the history and culture of China)
  • Marcel Achard ((1899 - 1974) real name - Marcel-Augustin Ferreol; French screenwriter and playwright)
  • Marcel Morimon ((1886 -?) Belgian rower, silver medalist at the 1908 Summer Olympics)
  • Marcel Jansen ((born 1985) German football midfielder, two-time bronze medalist of two world championships (2006, 2010), silver medalist of Euro 2008)
  • Marcel L'Herbier ((1888 - 1979) French film director)
  • Marcel Reich-Ranitsky ((born 1920) leading German literary critic and publicist)
  • Marcel Rosenberg ((1896 - 1938) Soviet diplomat)
  • Marcel Schwob ((1867 - 1905) French writer and translator. Symbolist, wrote parable fantastic prose.)
  • Marcel Aimé ((1902 - 1967) French prose writer, playwright, author of comedies, novels, fairy tales and short stories)
  • Marcel Lucien van Crombrugge ((1880 - 1940) Belgian rower, silver medalist at the 1900 Summer Olympics)
  • Marcel de Jong ((born 1986) Canadian football player, defender and linebacker)
  • Marcel Janko ((1895 - 1984) Israeli and Romanian artist, architect and writer. One of the founders of Dadaism. Founder of the village of artists and sculptors in Ein Hod near Haifa.)
  • Marcel Schäfer ((born 1984) German footballer)
  • Marcel Jacques Boulanger ((1873 - 1932) French fencer, bronze medalist at the 1900 Summer Olympics)
  • Marcel Muhl ((1901 - 2001) French saxophonist)
  • Marcel Bernard Julien ((1798 - 1881) French linguist and methodologist)
  • Marcel Lucien Tournier ((1879 - 1951) French harpist, composer, music teacher)
  • Louis "Marcel" Brillouin ((1854 - 1948) French physicist and mathematician. During his career, he authored more than 200 experimental and theoretical papers on a wide range of topics, which include the kinetic theory of gases, viscosity, thermodynamics, electricity and the physics of melting. In In particular, he built a new Eötvös balance model, investigated Helmholtz flows and aircraft stability, worked on the theory of tides, and demonstrates that a black hole is a nonsense that is missing from the original Schwarzschild metric.)
  • Marcel Dotremer ((1906 - 1978) French composer, conductor and music teacher)
  • Marcel Sharafutdinov ((born 2000) Russian drafts player, candidate for master of sports. World champion in Russian drafts in the age group "Hope" (boys under 10 years old), bronze of the 2010 European Championship in hundred-cell drafts, champion of Russia in 100 and 64 in his age group. Member of the Russian national team in 2011 in the group "Boys and girls (11-13 years)". At the age of 10, he became the youngest participant in the World Championship among adults, held in July 2011 in Ufa.)
  • Marcel Yusupov ((born 1984) Russian athlete, public figure, municipal employee)
  • Marcel Capelle ((1904 - 1993) French footballer, defender of the French national team, participant in the 1930 World Cup)
  • Marcel Tabuteau ((1887 - 1966) French-American oboist)
  • Marcel Roitman ((born 1933) Soviet and Russian metrologist, cybernetician, doctor of technical sciences (1972), professor (1975). The main direction of scientific activity is precision instruments and automated measuring systems. M.S. Roitman created a scientific school for the development precision calibrators of alternating voltages. Honorary Worker of the Higher School of the Russian Federation (2003).)
  • Marcel Salimzhanov ((1934 - 2002) Soviet and Tatar director, People's Artist of the USSR (1984))
  • Marcel Gossa, or Marcel Hossa ((born 1981) professional Slovak hockey player, winger)
  • Marcel Pinel ((1908 - 1968) French footballer, participant in the 1930 World Cup, played as a midfielder)
  • Marcel Pla ((1890s -?) Polynesian, during the First World War he served as a minder-gunner on one of the biplanes of the Ilya Muromets series as part of the Imperial Air Force. Cavalier of the St. George Crosses III and IV degrees.)
  • Marcel Bon ((born 1925) French botanist and mycologist)
  • Marcel Grossmann ((1878 - 1936) Swiss mathematician, friend of Einstein and co-author of his early work on the general theory of relativity. The international Marcel Grossmann Prize was established in honor of the scientist.)
  • Marcel Camus ((1912 - 1982) French film director, screenwriter and actor)
  • Marcel Liebman ((1929 - 1986) Belgian Marxist public figure of Polish-Jewish origin, professor of political science and sociology at both Brussels Free Universities (Dutch-speaking and French-speaking), Secretary General of the Belgian-Palestinian Association)
  • Marcel Yusupov ((born 1969) Russian and Bashkir politician and entrepreneur)
  • Marcel Davletov (composer, songwriter, lyricist, arranger, singer, musician)
  • Marcel Domingo Algarra ((1924 - 2010) French footballer and coach)
  • Marcello Vincenzo Domenico Mastroianni ((1924 - 1996) Italian actor, who most often starred with Federico Fellini and Vittorio de Sica. His focused, restrained and somewhat eccentric acting style served as an ideal backdrop for the artistic searches of these directors.)
  • Marcello Gandini ((born 1938) Italian car designer. Since 1990, he has worked only on small projects and gives advice.)
  • Marcello Capra (16th century Italian physician and philosopher)
  • Markell Khutynsky (Beardless) ((XVI century) hagiographer and connoisseur of spiritual singing)
  • Saint Markell of Tangiers (Christian saint, martyr, suffered during the reign of Emperor Maximian)
  • Marcel Pauker ((1896 - 1938) Romanian revolutionary of Jewish origin)
  • Marcel Getsov ((born 1988) Czech football player, midfielder)
  • Metropolitan Markell (Bishop of the Russian Church, Metropolitan of Kazan and Sviyazhsk (1690-1698), Metropolitan of Pskov, Izborsk and Narva (1681-1690), Archbishop of Suzdal and Yuryevsk (1680-1681))
  • Markel Susaeta Lascurain ((born 1987) Spanish footballer, winger)
  • Marcelo Pinheiro Davi de Melo ((born 1983) Brazilian professional tennis player)
  • Marcelo Andres Rios Mayorga ((born 1975) Chilean professional tennis player, former first racket of the world. Nickname - El Chino, translated from Spanish as "Chinese".)
  • Marcelo Fabian Sosa Farias ((born 1978) Uruguayan footballer, midfielder)