What is a lanyard - types and areas of application of the tensioner in practice. Suspension and tension of the carrier cable Tension of the steel cable

We can safely say that almost everyone has seen this useful device like a cable tensioner. Many even know how to use this device. However, few people know that this device has a name - it is a lanyard. This word was coined by professional riggers. In our article we will talk about lanyards, their key features as well as tips for proper use.

Application of lanyards - where they are used

This type of tensioners has found wide application in the field of cargo and shipping. To date, it is impossible to imagine any heavy or oversized cargo that would be fastened without the help of lanyards. Due to the special design, the device has the ability to cope with very heavy loads, the mass of which reaches several tens of tons. Initially, craftsmen used a mechanism to connect metal and wooden structures different types and types.

The lanyard is a device that is ideal for securing loads during rigging, as well as transporting goods. For example, the mechanism will be indispensable in cases where it is required to install bulky antennas or metal structures.

Modern lanyards are made from high quality stainless steel. Due to this, the mechanisms are resistant to the destructive effects of corrosion. For amplification performance characteristics, as well as to increase the level of reliability, strength and durability of the device, they are often coated with various coatings. Galvanized lanyards are very popular, the cost of which is slightly higher. average price to similar devices.

At the same time, the cost is fully justified. The bottom line is that metal cable tensioners are usually used to secure loads from the outside, under open sky. Therefore, they are subject to environment. If you purchase a tool coated with zinc, then about the problems associated with deformation or destruction due to the action precipitation, you can forget forever.

When buying cable tensioners, first of all, attention should be paid to the thickness and length of the ropes and cables that require a turnbuckle to work with. Despite the fact that they are able to withstand the enormous loads created by multi-ton objects, the parameters of the lanyards themselves are compact. So, the sizes are in the range from several to tens of centimeters. By choosing the right mounting tensioner for cables, you can count on the successful fixing of the necessary objects.

Lanyard from the inside - how it works

Outwardly, the lanyard resembles a conventional clutch, which consists of several screws. The peculiarity lies in the fact that the threads with the opposite course are applied on the screws. Another important element of any lanyard is the metal base on which the screws are screwed. As a rule, the base is cylindrical in shape. However, bases are not always used. More simple and primitive models are equipped with special rings. Naturally, the metal base provides greater strength and reliability of the device. In any case, the operation of the mechanism is carried out by tightening the screws closer to the center. The result is maximum tension in cables, ropes, belts or ropes, depending on what exactly is being pulled together by a turnbuckle.

Cargo transportation and rigging is far from the only scope of tensioners. For example, turnbuckles can be used in everyday life, in particular, for piano tuning (stringing the strings to achieve a better sound), as well as, if necessary, tightening curtain fasteners.

In most cases, cable devices are made open, that is, the screws for adjusting the tension force are in sight. The body can be made by casting, welding or forging. Next stage technological process consists in milling two holes, through which you can change the force and length. Regardless of the method of production of each specific part that is part of the tensioner, the device itself is made by turning.

The design of any lanyard is represented by the following main components:

  • metal case
  • Two screws with opposite threads
  • The head of a screw, which is made in the form of a ring, hook or fork.

It should be noted that there are also models with closed type screws that are required to ensure additional protection transported goods, because you have to spend large quantity time to loosen the screws. In addition, closed turnbuckles are in demand when working with heavy huge objects in difficult weather conditions.

Lanyards for ropes - their main types

When buying a lanyard for stretching cables, you must decide on its marking, as well as the features of each particular model. There are several types of devices for fastening goods:

  1. 1. O + O - rings are located on each head of the screw
  2. 2. C + O - there is a ring and a hook on the heads
  3. 3. С+С - the lanyard is presented in a configuration with two hooks
  4. 4. B + B - there are plugs on the screws

These are the most popular models, which are on this moment presented on the market. To increase or decrease the tension, it is necessary to rotate the screws, as a result of which they will move either from the center or towards the central part of the device. In the first case, the tension force will decrease, while the movement of the screws towards the center indicates an increase in the cable tension force. There are reinforced models called cargo turnbuckles. A feature of such devices is strong and durable steel that can withstand huge loads. Thus, cargo mechanisms weighing about 25 kilograms ensure the fastening of objects with total weight up to 90 tons.

To increase the tension, you need to turn the screws

We also note that hook-hook turnbuckles have found application in cases where the load is attached to durable products like antennas, masts, as well as cables or ropes. If you purchased a ring-to-ring type device, then a hook-shaped object is required to secure such a lanyard. Otherwise, the O-shaped tensioner cannot be fixed. The moving elements of such mechanisms have a special thread that is necessary to adjust and change the length of the cable. AT modern appliances additional devices appear, the task of which is to change the level of tension smoothness. The scope of such devices is the pulling of fiber-optic cables under small loads.

When working with lanyards of the above varieties, one should take into account the fact that their use is strictly prohibited for fixing load-bearing structures. In this case, the "fork-fork" option on the screw heads can help. A very popular and demanded version of the tensioners. Through such a device, riggers get the opportunity to as soon as possible adjust the length of the cable and the level of its tension. However, this tool is not suitable for lifting objects. Its main purpose is to belay, stretch, and also tune the suspension.

In some situations, chain turnbuckles are used, which boast a significantly longer length. Thanks to this feature, the tool can be used to grab two or even more objects in order to pull them together, setting a certain level of tension.

Proper operation of lanyards - what is the secret of successful work

It is necessary to subject the lanyard for the cable only to such loads for which it is designed. In the event of any deformation individual elements due to increased loads, it is necessary to immediately respond to what is happening: reduce the level of cable tension and replace components that have failed. Moreover, such actions must be carried out with the utmost care and attention in order to tight rope did not destroy the mechanism and did not harm you.

Radial or side loads, significantly reduce the life of devices, since turnbuckles are not intended for testing such loads. In this regard, constant monitoring of the tool before work, during and always after is required. Any, even the smallest and seemingly insignificant deformations at first glance, are unacceptable. Choosing correct device to work with loads of appropriate dimensions and weight, you will minimize the likelihood of failure of the device.

  • Lubrication
  • Felt polishing
  • Flushing with gasoline
  • Tool run dry

One of the most common problems with tensioners is a tightly stuck turnbuckle, the screws of which can be incredibly difficult to unscrew even for physically developed men. To avoid such problems, it is necessary to use special lubricants, including those with an additive of molybdenum bisulfate or graphite, and also periodically rinse the device in clean fresh water.

As you can see, the lanyard is an excellent tool for performing complex work associated with the transportation of heavy loads, as well as their securing. BUT proper care ensures long and trouble-free operation of the mechanism.

There are situations during electrification when you need to conduct electricity in a separate room. At the same time, it is not possible to lay a cable in a trench, due to the complexity of the terrain or architecture. Therefore, along with such types of outdoor laying as trays, cable channels, pipes, corrugations, fastening to the wall, there is such a type of laying as cable wiring. In this article, we will consider the technology of mounting a cable on a cable with our own hands.

Application area

According to this method, it is applicable for networks up to 1000 volts. Most often cable wiring they are used in places where the organization of overhead lines does not make sense, but it is enough to throw the cable attached to the cable, and this will be enough to electrify the facility.

In this way, lighting networks and electrical wiring for sockets are carried out in warehouses, power cables in production shops, as well as between two separate buildings.

For home master this method of wiring is of particular interest. All because with the help of simple technology it is possible to electrify outbuildings in the country. Thanks to the cable wiring, it is possible to conduct light from the house to the bathhouse, garage, barn, gazebo and other spaced at some distance along personal plot buildings and lighting fixtures.

Preparatory work

First you need to decide on the wire and its cross section. About that, we talked about in the corresponding article. After that, you need to measure the length, taking into account the entire route of wiring from the machine to the distribution panel. When choosing a cable and suspension elements, it is necessary to take into account the weight of the wire in this area, with a threefold margin of safety. Since in difficult weather conditions the load on suspended structure increases, can cause a break and blackout. Basically, a galvanized steel cable with a diameter of 4.6 to 6.8 mm is used. In cases where the length of the suspension is small, and the weight is such that it can be neglected, instead of cable wiring you can use a string (galvanized steel wire is pulled or varnished hot-rolled wire from 5 to 10 mm).

Mounting technology

First you need to fix on the selected section of the anchor and the fastening elements of the cable wiring. For the most part, these are steel plates pulled together on both sides of the wall with studs, and rings welded to them for hanging the cable. Fastening tension is done to strengthen and avoid their falling out, distributing the weight of the load evenly along the wall, and not at the fastening points.

The suspension height should not be less than 2.75 meters above the pedestrian area, and at least 6 meters above the road. All norms of overhead electrical wiring, including the distance between the supports, are indicated in the diagram:

After mounting the strings, they begin to tie the cable with a bandage. To hang cable wiring on the street, you can use plastic clamps, galvanized iron strips, galvanized knitting wire. The distance between the bandage is 50-80 cm.

When using a binding wire, it is necessary to prevent the core from cutting into the insulation; for this, a gasket is made between the bandage and the wire made of insulating material. The winding area of ​​the bandage should be distributed as much as possible by laying 7-10 turns of the bandage. When using plastic clamps, check their performance data. Otherwise, in winter in frost or very hot summer, you will find crumbled clamps.

When laying the cable outside along the cable, it is also necessary to protect the line from the influence of the environment on the insulation, therefore it is recommended to stretch it in the corrugation, as shown in the photo below. This will then reduce the cost of operation and restoration of cable wiring.

With a short span or the absence of the possibility of attaching a cable to the cable at the installation site, it is possible to assemble the suspension on the ground. An already prepared structure can be stretched and attached.

Following our instructions, you can independently conduct electrical wiring to separate buildings in the country. We also recommend watching a useful video that shows how to make a loop on a cable with your own hands:

Rope preparation

That's all I wanted to tell you about how to install cable wiring with your own hands. As you can see, laying a cable along a cable is a rather laborious undertaking, but still a home master can do it!

A cable thimble is currently an integral and indispensable part of most lifting, pulling, holding, towing, fastening and many other similar machines, mechanisms and structures used in various areas of production and human activity. It is quite reasonably believed that for the first time kouss were used to equip ship cables and ropes with them, moreover, by Dutch sailors, which is confirmed by the translation of this word from mother tongue Holland - "stocking".


A thimble is such a special mandrel for a loop (fire) of a cable (steel or soft materials), protecting it from damage, fracture and rapid wear (abrasion). What is the protective function of this product and how is it actually carried out? The outer side of the thimble is made in the form of a trough (has a groove), in which the cable, that is, its loop, is placed, and quite tightly, at that. And this mandrel itself has a shape as close as possible to the contour of the fire.

Thanks to this design of the thimble, the cable, being in its groove, does not come into direct contact with the part (element) on which it is attached with its loop. The shape and dimensions of the mandrel provide a uniform and kink-free fit of the rope to it. The sides of the thimble groove do not allow the loop to come off it, and also protect the cable from damage from the side, although there it is least subject to wear and other mechanical influences.

Since thimbles are used in so many areas of production and human activity, several types of them are produced, which are given and briefly described in the corresponding publication of the site. This is an article. In the framework of this publication, we note only that in the form ( appearance) this mandrel is round, triangular or drop-shaped. The thimbles in the latest version are the most common and are used in almost all cases where such cable protection is needed.

The thimbles are mainly made of carbon steel, but there are also plastic ones. Steel is made by casting, stamping or forging, followed by galvanizing or painting to ensure their protection against corrosion. Structurally, the thimble can be made in one piece or composite, consisting of several parts. One of the types of such mandrels in the photographs below. And this is a drop-shaped thimble.

Of course, each rope (of a certain range of diameters) has its own thimble, that is, with the corresponding outer, inner and groove dimensions.

Moreover, for the same cable, the dimensions, dimensions and weight of the thimble produced according to different state standards differ. For example, we can compare the two most common and most popular types of mandrels. This is the same shape, but produced in accordance with GOST 19030-73. The drawings according to which they are manufactured are presented respectively in Fig. 1 and 2. Taken from these GOSTs.

Rice. 1. 2224 thimbles

Rice. 2. 19030 standard thimbles

Let's compare the characteristics of these two products, designed for a cable with a diameter of 3 mm. According to both standards, thimbles are used to protect the fire of ropes with diameters in the range of over 2.5 and up to 3.5 mm inclusive. But the characteristics of these mandrels are different, as can be seen from the presented table.

Table 1. Dimensions and weight of thimble for cables with a diameter of more than 2.5 and inclusive up to 3.5 mm (including 3 mm) of standards 2224 and 19030

GOST products

Size designation on the corresponding drawing and its value, mm

The mass of the thimble of these standards for a rope with a diameter of 3 mm, as can be seen from the table, is only 8 and 1.1 grams. But the weight of mandrels for powerful cables is already measured in kilograms and even tens of kilograms.


Of course, you first need to choose the right cable. In this case, first of all, one should be guided by the value of the maximum breaking force of the rope. That is, such a tensile force that cannot be exceeded, and he is able to withstand it without any damage. Equally important are the conditions, method and purpose (for what work it is intended) for using the cable. Only by taking into account all these parameters, it will be possible to choose the right ones or soft from natural or synthetic materials.

A selection of the necessary ropes for the thimble

Only after choosing the type of cable, and then its diameter, you can proceed to the selection of a suitable thimble. First of all, his kind. In this case, first of all, one should proceed from what type of rope is used (steel or soft) and, again, be guided by the conditions, method and purpose of its use. The standards for thimbles reflect this information, including restrictions on use. And only having decided on the type of mandrel, you can proceed to the choice of a specific product, that is, according to the diameter of the existing cable. The standards for thimble have tables of their standard sizes, which indicate with what dimensions the mandrel must be taken for each rope thickness. So when using GOSTs or reference books, the process of choosing a thimble at all stages (from selection by type to mandrel size) will not cause any difficulties.

If the search for the desired thimble is carried out without using normative documentation on it and only in size, then you should be guided by the following normalized requirements that will ensure maximum term rope services and work safety:

  1. The inner diameter of the mandrel (in the figures and tables above, these are D and d) must be approximately 4 times the thickness of the cable. For a rope with a thickness of 3 mm indicated as an example, the thimble has D = 12, and d = 10 mm (according to GOST 2224 and 19030).
  2. Groove dimensions on outside the thimble should be such that the rope fits into it ("drowned" in it) from 2/3 of its diameter to a position almost flush with the edges.

Compliance with the last requirement can be found out by attaching the cable to the mandrel, or by calculation - by measuring the thickness of the cable, the diameter of the groove and its depth. For the 3 mm thick rope indicated as an example, the thimble of standards 2224 and 19030 has a groove diameter of 4 and 3.4 mm, respectively. Divide by 2 to find the radius. We get 2 and 1.7 mm, respectively. Or we measure the depth of the groove: 2.5 and 1.7 mm, respectively. Judging by the diameter of the cable (3 mm), it does not fit completely into the gutter, and 2/3 of its thickness is 2 mm. That is, these thimbles are suitable for a rope with such a thickness.


There are many ways to terminate cables and ropes on the thimble. Below in Fig. 3 presents almost all, in any case, the most commonly used.

Brief description of the options presented:

  • a - the end of the cable, enveloping the mandrel, is also braided onto it;
  • b - the end of the rope is attached to it with special clamps, the number and location of which depends on its diameter;
  • c - embedding into a thimble, the body of which consists of 2 halves, by means of its wedge and clamp;
  • g - pouring the untwisted end of the rope in the thimble body with a fusible alloy;
  • e - crimping with an oval steel or aluminum bushing (embedding) on ​​a special press.

The main and most common methods are options A and D. However, high-quality crimping requires special equipment. But the braid can be done independently. How to do this correctly is discussed in the following chapters. The tools required for this are shown in Fig. four.

Fig 4. Tools required for pulling work

Moreover, this set is used both for work with steel rope, and soft: 1 - pile; 2 - a bit like a pile, but this tool is called wiring; 3 is a tuck; 4 - this is an awl, it may be different, but it must be powerful and sharp enough; 5 - wire cutters; 6 - steel bar or wooden stick; 7 - thin hemp rope; 8 - muskel (from shipbuilders) or simply a wooden hammer; 9 - not necessarily like this, but sharp knife; 10 - any locksmith's hammer. In addition, you may still need a bench vise and soft wire.


At a certain length from the end of the rope, we temporarily tie it with a wire or a thin vegetable cable (rope). Then we dissolve the rope into strands, which we also tie, but at the very ends. After that, as shown in Fig. 5, we put the cable into the groove of the thimble and then fix it on it with a wire or rope.

Then each of the loosened free strands must be passed (punched) under the corresponding strands of the descent (not loosened part) of the cable. Before this, it is recommended to rub the strands with wax.

Punching is carried out according to the rule "through one strand under one" and in the direction from the thimble, that is, the reverse of the cable descent. In addition, punching should be done as follows: we start each free strand over the nearest strand of the unraveled part of the rope and stretch it with a pile under the next one. This is how all punches are made. In total, they need to be made 3-4 with each free strand. In the process of work, after each punching, the strands must be tightened (pulled) and beaten with a mallet or other wooden hammer.

The last punching should be carried out with strands, from which we cut out half of the fibers (threads) before that. Then we remove temporary markers - strapping around the thimble and the unraveling end of the rope. And also carefully cut off the free strands at the cable itself. You should get something like in Fig. 6.

Sometimes, for greater strength, another punch is made, but in this case, half of the remaining fibers should be additionally cut from each free strand. And to increase the strength and service life of such a thimble, half of the plexus of strands is caged - tightly wound over and tied with a cable of smaller diameter. Shown in the far right image. 7 for simple fires without a thimble.

Caging is performed in the direction from the end of the punch to its middle. But after the middle, the cage is not applied to prevent the rope from becoming damp.


We measure about 500–700 mm from the end of the rope and apply a temporary but strong dressing in this place using a soft wire. Then we bend the cable around the thimble. In this case, the place of dressing must be set in the same way as shown in Fig. 5 for soft rope. Then in several places we fix the cable to the thimble, tightly tying them with wire. After that, we unwind the free end of the rope (with dressing) into strands, which we then part a little in different sides in the form of a spider.

The ends of the strands, if they consist of several strands, are tied with wire. If there is a soft core (organic or synthetic), then we cut it out along the entire length of the untwisted end of the cable.

Then we clamp the rope in a vice with the thimble towards us and so that the running (loose) strands are on the right. We select the first strand for punching (No. 1). This must be done so that at the end of work and removal of the dressing, the cable does not unwind or twist. Then, with the help of an awl, prying the strands of the non-untwisted (root) part of the rope with it, we perform its punching with running (untwisted) strands. There are several ways to do this, but the most common one is shown in Fig. 9.

We carry out the first punching (the middle scheme of the upper half of Fig. 9). We pass the running strand No. 1 in the first punching through the cable from right to left and in the direction from the thimble, that is, the reverse of the rope descent. In this case, strand No. 1 must be passed under 1 root. Then we break through the strands in the same direction: No. 2 - under 2 root, No. 3 - under 3. All 3 strands, as seen in Fig. 9 must be punched in one place. We start running wires No. 4 and No. 5 in the same place as the first 3, but in the opposite direction, punching them under two and one root strands, respectively. The running core No. 6 is threaded, as shown in Fig. 9, covering it with strand number 1 and the one that she pierced.

All subsequent punchings are made from right to left and according to the third (right) diagram of the upper half of Fig. 9. That is, the running strands are threaded through one adjacent under the next two root veins. The last punching must be done only half of total number strands (for example, No. 1, No. 3 and No. 6).

The total number of punches depends on the rope diameter:

At the end of each punching, the running strands must be tightened. Depending on the thickness of the rope, this is done manually with pliers or with the help of a bench vice or manual and electric hoists. And after the final punching and tightening, the ends of the running wires must be chopped off at the very cable. Then, for greater strength and durability of the rope, the entire punching point is tightly caged (wrapped) with soft, preferably tinned wire. At the end, remove all strapping.

It is best to terminate the rope immediately on the thimble, as suggested above, when it is thin or of small diameter. With powerful cables, they do it differently. First, they make a fire (loop), and in exactly the same way as suggested above, and only then they close up a thimble of a suitable size into it.

A lanyard for a cable is a device that is widely used for installation, construction and rigging work. Thanks to this intermediate link, the tension of cables, ropes and ropes can be easily adjusted. You probably know him, but did not know his wonderful name!

What is this intricate tool used for?

Since the cargo lanyard has a special design, this allows it to withstand great stresses and forces, even when working with rather heavy loads. Initially, this device was used to connect wooden and metal structures of the most various types. Often it is used for rigging, when it is necessary to secure the equipment being transported or mounted, or any other heavy load. If you need to make the installation of a metal mast or antenna, then this tool will help to cope with this.

Metal appliances tend to rust if they are exposed to moisture for a while. But a stainless lanyard is protected from this ailment, as it is made of special steel or zinc plated. This measure was developed for the reason that this element is very often located exactly outside the fixed structure, which means that it is always affected by the atmosphere.

It is necessary to choose this device, starting from the length and thickness of the ropes or antennas, and, despite the impressive tasks, such little things as lanyards solve them, their sizes vary from 5 to 20 mm. The overall success of any construction process. First of all, you need to decide what it is for. Most often, such an element is used precisely in order to connect and pull cables or ropes on which a heavy load will be attached.

How does this mechanism work and why?

In order to understand the device of this device, you need to pay attention to the drawing, the lanyard from the side looks like an ordinary clutch, which consists of two screws. Moreover, the screws used are those on which the opposite thread is applied. Then they are screwed into a metal structure, often cylindrical shape. If this device is not available, then a special ring can be used. Thanks to metal structure or ring, the screws are "tightened" closer to the center, as a result of which it is tightened.

Also, in addition to rigging, this device is widely used at home, mainly when it is necessary to tighten the fasteners for curtains, tune the piano (to achieve a better sound, tighten the strings).

Often such a tool is made open, that is, the adjusting screws are visible. Its body is made by forging, welding or casting. After that, two holes are milled, which allow using screws to change the length and force. They are made by turning. In the case when work is carried out in difficult weather conditions, a closed lanyard is used. Most often, this tool consists of three parts: a body, two screws (with right and left threads) and a screw head (fork, hook or ring).

Types of cable tensioners

Before purchasing a tensioner, you need to understand its labeling., namely: C + C - hook and hook, C + O - hook and ring, O + O - ring and ring. These are the most commonly used, but there are others. In order to tighten or loosen the tension, it is necessary to rotate the "ring", after which the screws will move either towards the center or away from it. The type of tool depends on what kind of work you are going to do. A galvanized tool is used when you need a lot of pulling force. The cargo type is used when it is necessary to either pull the cables or attach a heavy load. Such devices can reach a weight of up to 25 kg, and this tool can withstand up to 90 tons.

The "hook-hook" type of device is used when it is necessary to change the length of either or the cable, mainly when installing masts or antennas. "Hook-ring" is also used in such cases. On the moving parts of this version of the device there is a threaded thread, thanks to which the length can be adjusted. Also now there are options using modern technologies, using which you can adjust the smoothness of the tension. Such tools are used when working with fiber optic cable. In order to tension wires and cables under light loads, closed tools can be used.

In such cases, there is no clear value for the allowable load, so you need to be guided by the fact. It should also be remembered that such devices are not used for load-bearing structures. The plug-fork option is very popular and is used quite often. With it, you can quickly change or adjust the tension and length. However, this tool is not used to lift loads. It was created in order to adjust the suspension, stretching and insurance. But the chain lanyard is longer than its counterparts, it is able to capture two objects that are relatively far from each other, and then pull it off, giving the required tension.

The success of the work and the correct operation of the turnbuckle

The forces that act on the mechanism of this tool must not cause deformation during loading. If this happens, then the tension must be reduced, and the parts that have undergone deformation must be replaced. If there is a chance of shock loading or critical mode, then before proceeding with the work, it is necessary to clearly select the product to be used. Permissible load is allowed only along the axle line. There should be no overload.

Products are also not designed to withstand side loads. The used tensioner must always be checked for compliance with safety standards before and after work, otherwise there may be unacceptable critical deformations. If you correctly calculate measurements and observe all the smallest details, as well as carry out preventive work and inspection of the condition of the tool, then it will last as long as possible long term, and the likelihood of breakage or deformation will be minimized.

Before starting work, it is recommended to wash the tool with gasoline, if possible polish it on a felt wheel, apply lubricant and run it idly. The best lubricants in this case - with an additive of graphite or molybdenum bisulfate. During work, it is recommended to turn them (two or three times will be enough). If the work is carried out in complex climatic conditions where humidity is high, it will not be superfluous to spill fresh water on the mechanisms, which will wash off the salt water. Exactly these simple rules deprive the user of many problems, in particular, the painful unwinding of a “stuck” tightly lanyard.

Thus, thanks to universal tool, you can do like simple work(tension of strings, curtains), and complex (tension of ropes or the transfer of heavy loads without the use of additional devices). Also, using this mechanism, it is possible to achieve best score vertically when installing the antenna or mast.

Carbine - famous name, like an earring, but most of us hear the name lanyard and thimble for the first time. Not everyone knows such specific objects, so information about them will not hurt anyone. You have to meet with them when it becomes necessary to hang or fix something.

If you have a professional rigging system available, then many tasks can be solved much faster than with conventional improvised means. Any hardware store offers various cable clamps, which will allow you to securely fasten the whip when forming a loop at the end of the cable using a lanyard, pull the cable with the necessary force.


This is a commonly used cable tensioner, or screw stretching device. It usually consists of three parts: a pair of screws and a housing. By rotating the body of the lanyard, tension occurs. Depending on the need to tighten the cable or relax, the lanyard is equipped with right and left threads, where, when the body rotates, the screws approach each other, or unscrew, moving away from each other. At the end of the screws there can be locking forks, hooks, rings. Steel, as a rule, for the manufacture of turnbuckles, high-alloy, high-quality steel is used, with protective coating nickel or zinc. This prevents the device from rusting.

Yachtsmen and installers know best about such a device. In everyday life, there are many options for using this device. For example, when mounting the antenna on the roof, when attaching lamps and installing fences.


When working with ropes and cables, earrings are often used. This is a U-shaped connecting element with a screw-in stopper (finger). Earrings are used to quickly connect several strands of cables, for fastening to brackets and lugs. The fixtures are available in various sizes for ease of use. different thickness cable and to different loads. To attach the cable to the hook, you need to make a loop at the end of it, and for this there are several types of easy-to-assemble clamps. The diameter of the cable for which the clamp is designed is indicated on the body.


To strengthen the loop, for high load cable, put a thimble inside the loop. All deformation during tension does not go to the cable, but to a drop-shaped loop stamped from metal, so that the cable does not bend and wear out less. The thimbles have various sizes. Depending on the thickness of the cable, the right one is selected. In addition to thimbles for ropes, thimbles for terminating ropes with a plastic base are produced.


A useful addition to the set of above devices. Carabiners are used for quick coupling and disengagement of connections.