Can a large mole on the temple be removed? About moles on the face and their meaning

For a long time, many people believe that a mole on the temple can tell about the character of its owner, as well as what fate awaits a person. According to medical claims, birthmark is an accumulation of pigment top layer epidermis, which can change throughout life. However, representatives of esotericism have an interpretation that nevi have a mystical and fateful character. Various world teachings and philosophies have studied and interpreted the location of moles in different ways.

What does a mole on the temple mean: a list of signs

Birthmarks located on the face and head of a man or woman have greater value compared to other nevi locations. Based on a variety of interpretations, several signs can be distinguished that are of certain significance for people with a nevus at the temples. These include:

  1. They have good intuition.
  2. Often there are cases when a mole on the temple on the right side of a woman indicates the presence of extrasensory abilities. Women often do not attach importance to the fact that they were able to foresee this or that situation, or that their dream came true. However, with the right approach, these skills can be developed.
  3. The different location of the nevus at the temples indicates that its owner has high intellectual data.
  4. If the mole on the right temple is located closer to the ear, this indicates that the person is an extraordinary person. A girl with such an arrangement of the spot enjoys the attention of men, therefore, often due to the large number of fans, she cannot decide on the choice of a life partner. But when they create a family, he tries to keep it for life.
  5. A mole on the left temple in men indicates the presence of talent, which was laid with early childhood. Special skills can be manifested in painting, writing poetry, songs. Also, men have a craving for the study of astrology.
  6. The nevus on the left side of the temple in the representatives of the stronger sex means that a man is able to quickly find mutual language with another person. Communication skills allow you to find new acquaintances. Such a man is always good friend and a faithful companion for his chosen one.
  7. If the formation is located on the temple closer to the eye, such people are different quick response to difficult life situations. They find the right solution that helps to avoid possible problems. Such people are often approached for advice, knowing that he will always be efficient. They marry late, but they are good family men, they love children.
  8. If there are several moles located nearby on the temple, these people have a vulnerable soul. Because of their suspiciousness, they are often afraid to take a decisive step, which will be fateful. Several moles on the temple on the left of women speak of her dominance and individuality. In marriage, such individuals play the role of head of the family. Because of this nature, it is difficult for them to find their life partner.
  9. If moles are present on both temples, this is a sign that the person has willpower. Nevi at the temples indicate a quick character, restlessness. Often such people do not complete the task to the end, fearing that a lot of time will be wasted. Before difficult life situations, hope for a neighbor. In case of success, the victory is attributed to oneself, and the failure is thrown onto another person.
  10. A nevus located closer to the scalp indicates that a woman will go a long way, getting burned many times in her personal life. Until he finds his companion. In the family, women are faithful and devoted spouses, caring and kind mothers. However, this location of the nevus in men speaks of its harsh nature. Often such men prefer to live more alone. They are in no hurry to make new acquaintances. After the creation of a family, they do not want to find compromises, and do not recognize the opinions of others.

Significance in women

Based on ancient interpretations, the owners of nevi at the temples belonged to people who have superpowers, however, not everyone manages to identify and develop them in the future. A mole on the left temple of a woman matters based on the exact location. When located in the center of the temple, life is filled with bright events, pleasant chores. Girls, from adolescence, enjoy increased attention at the opposite sex. Some like it, they are in no hurry to create their own family, while others seek to get married. But the abundance of admirers causes disagreement in relations with the spouse.

If the nevus is large and located closer to the ear, fate has a contrast of bad and good events. Tragic events are followed by joyful ones. It is the woman who is the cause of such diversity. As for health, it is strong, can easily cope with changes in life events. Women are resilient and strong-willed character. Sometimes they take the place of a man in the family. Often, they are looking for a man with a weak character as their companion.

Among relatives and friends, women are respected, they are loved and appreciated, because they are true and devoted friends, loving and sympathetic children, good mothers. Character helps such women cope with any life situations. Rarely subside in depression. In the chosen field of activity, they reach high positions. They develop throughout life. Receive several higher educations.

Small nevi on the right side of the temple can symbolize a calm and measured life. A woman does not strive to do everything, she treats the problems that have arisen with anxiety. Does not have the ability to quickly and correctly solve complex life situation. Prefer to find a person for life who possesses strong character to rely on difficult situations on him. After creating a family, these are ideal housewives, affectionate mothers, loving wives.

Significance in men

If a man is located on his temple, this indicates his good fate, which constantly presents gifts. A man by nature refers to adventurers and lovers of the forbidden fruit. They prefer to travel the world and study the life and culture of other nations. It has a peculiar mindset. Often goes against public opinion, putting forward his own point of view, which he can easily justify.

In relations with a woman, there are regular quarrels on the basis of jealousy on his part. Often unsure of themselves, but easily compromise, quickly forgive, not vindictive. can brag large quantity friends who care about them. Such men are devoted and loyal friends, ready to help at any time of the day or night. They know how to keep secrets. They will always give practical advice, plunging into the problem of a neighbor.

It is also necessary to take into account the medical factor. A nevus is a formation on the skin that can change and grow. And such changes may not mean changes in fate, but the degeneration of a nevus into a malignant growth. This situation requires, as a result of which a person will be prescribed treatment or removal of a mole.

And now let's talk about what, from the point of view of physiognomists, the natural "grains of beauty" on a person's face mean. It is noteworthy that moles that are identical in location and shape, depending on whether they adorn a female or male face, can be the basis for almost opposite characteristics.

Lovely little specks on the girl's face excite male blood, give her charm and unique piquancy and mystery. But, as we have already said, moles not only adorn a woman, they are peculiar marks of fate. If you master physiognomy well, it will not be difficult for you to “read” the character of any girl by moles and choose the most suitable candidate for your friend.

On the right forehead.

The woman is extremely smart. But, knowing men perfectly well, she almost always tries to hide her mind. Her boyfriend usually thinks that everything good decisions- his merit, although the real "think tank" is always it. Such girls have a balanced character, a pragmatic mindset. She gets married most often by calculation. You can be sure that the girl will calculate all the pros and cons more than once, and love will not main reason marriage, but a nice addition.

On the left forehead.

In the first place, girls with a mole on the left side of their forehead have a career dream. Such women rarely marry, and if they do, it is rather late. Work is the main thing for them life value, and relationships with superiors and subordinates mean much more than a fascinating romance with a young man. If these women decide to have offspring, they do not become fanatical "hens", do not lisp, do not tremble over their children. Over time, the most friendly and warm relations are established between the mother and children, since you can talk with her on any topic and she never deprives the child of his individuality, leaving him to act independently.

On the right temple.

The girl is smart, persistent, has a great capacity for work and will achieve everything she aspires to. Such women usually achieve a lot in life, but everything is achieved only with the help of hard work. Too large a mole is a sign of stubbornness.

On the left temple.

The girl will achieve a lot in life, but not without the help of patrons. She gladly places her fate in hands that are eager to assist her. Two or more small moles on the left temple speak of a large number of dizzying novels.

On the right eyebrow.

Such a mole promises an early marriage. He can be either happy or unhappy. Moreover, the owner of a mole on the right eyebrow with children will always have peace and complete mutual understanding.

On the left eyebrow.

The girl may never become a married lady, or find a husband rather late, and even then her marriage will be very happy. A mole on the left eyebrow is evidence of a proud and somewhat arrogant disposition. Such women put themselves somewhat above others, and this immediately becomes noticeable.

Between the eyebrows.

Such a mole distinguishes the real keeper of the family hearth. The girl is destined by fate to have a strong family, a wonderful husband, numerous offspring. From a material point of view, she is usually also all right. But the most important thing for such a person is family, work is always in the background. However, it also happens that in her personal life she is not too happy. A strong family her merit, and does not at all exclude her husband's infidelity. However, by nature, such a woman is endowed with great patience, and therefore, most often, a family boat safely overcomes all rapids on the river of life and remains just as strong.

On the right eyelid.

A good sign, fate chose the girl to be lucky. Everything is easy for her, no matter what she undertakes, and for a long time her life is a real bliss. But ... in the second half of her life, luck is likely to change her, and then failures in her personal life, illness or other troubles are possible.

On the left eyelid.

Such a mole speaks of a somewhat weakened immune system. But if in early age such a girl will be ill with childhood diseases, then, having matured, she will be healthy. And vice versa, if she grew up as a healthy child, diseases will lie in wait for her in adulthood.

In the corners of my eyes.

Evidence of a calm and balanced character. Such a girl is not peculiar sharp drops mood, she quite philosophically perceives life's troubles and at the same time regards all the joys of life as something self-evident. There are few things that can piss her off. She is always friendly and hospitable.

On the right cheek.

This is a sign of stormy, but short novels. Girls with a mole on their right cheek are endowed with a special charm. But they are characterized by eccentricity and some lack of assembly, they themselves do not always know what they want at one time or another. She can easily fall in love with two men at once and will not be able to choose which one to prefer.

On the left cheek.

In life, a girl with such a mole faces many failures, and although she strives for the best with all her might, the villainous fate intervenes all the time and puts up all sorts of obstacles. Evil fate can be deceived by showing perseverance in achieving success, faith in oneself and the ability not to lose heart at the next trouble. Then fate will have mercy and reward the martyr a hundredfold.

Above upper lip.

A sign of a cheerful disposition. The woman possesses good taste and loves luxury. Love - chronic illness persons with such a mole. By the expression on their faces, you can often determine the state of their love affairs, these anemones are usually very emotional, sometimes they shine like the sun, sometimes they become darker than clouds. However, it is not easy to win the favor of such a girl, in feelings she is a real gourmet, which means she always chooses the best.

On the lower lip.

Such a mole gives out an incorrigible coquette. She now and then throws inviting glances at men, and this does not mean at all that someone is seriously interested in her, it's all a matter of habit. The cutie loves a play on words and some understatement in a relationship, this intrigues her. She loves worship and sincerely believes that she deserves it. Such a girl easily distributes advances left and right, but never fulfills her promises.

At the corners of the lips.

The girl is too sentimental. From childhood, she dreams of a prince on a white horse and therefore does not pay attention to the guys who timidly seek her favor. But when such girls fall in love, they give their heart forever. Usually these persons adore television series and women's novels, because there is always a the protagonist their dreams, a strong and romantic man who suddenly appears and takes his beloved into a world of happiness and bliss. In reality, such an “Assol”, if he does not learn to take a sober look at life, risks being left alone.

Under the lower lip.

A mole in such a place betrays voluptuousness and sexuality. Such a girl can be somewhat tactless and cynical. She loves to tell all the details about her novels to her friends, not at all worrying that it might be unpleasant for them.

On the nose.

Such a mole is not too beautiful decoration for a girl, and besides, it is a sign of cunning, spitefulness and even deceit. If you remember, it is customary to depict Baba Yaga with big mole or a wart on the nose. If the mole is invisible, this means that the girl can skillfully weave a network of intrigues, seemingly remaining a cute simpleton.

Top right ear.

The girl is offended. She likes to show others how this or that person touched her. "Don't come near me, I'm offended!" is her life motto.

Bottom right ear.

The girl has a talent for leading household. The house of such a hostess is always clean and comfortable, the dishes prepared by her are not only amazingly tasty, but also appetizingly beautiful. She has one drawback - the inability to dress well, she does not care if it is a dress or a fashionable novelty. Even outfits from famous couturiers fit her poorly, and her manner of picking up a suit makes people with a delicate taste wrinkle their noses in displeasure. The only clothes she looks cute and cute in is an apron.

Top left ear.

A sign that a girl can have a large offspring. She usually has a strong maternal instinct. Such women make the most caring mothers in the world, they always try to dress warmly and feed their baby deliciously. But they rarely establish psychological intimacy with children. The mistake of these women is in desperate attempts to impose their opinion on the growing child, sincerely considering it the most correct. Naturally, they meet quite understandable rebuff.

Bottom left ear.

Decisiveness and courage this girl does not hold. In addition, she is always honest and open. This one will not fool the guy if she has fallen out of love with him, but will speak frankly with him. She never hesitates to take important decision, although he will definitely think everything over and choose best option. Often girls with such a mole are fond of sports, and, as a rule, they choose “male” types: judo, karate, etc. Such a person can stand up not only for herself, but also for another, weaker person.

Red moles on the face. Especially if they small size, indicate the excessive pride of their owner.

Brown moles on the face. Especially if they are small in size, they mean a highly developed sense of self-worth.

Black moles on the face. Indicate an aggressive, scandalous character.

Pale moles on the face. People are cheerful, sociable and charming.

Lower part of the face. Moles various shades Brown, promise love, a happy personal life. If the moles are red, then they indicate irritability, aggression of their owner.

Mole on the right eyebrow. People who are lucky and lucky. With good material well-being. Moreover, to achieve their goals, they do not need to put a lot of effort.

Mole on the left eyebrow. Men are indecisive, prone to disease. Women are happily married.

Mole in the middle of the eyebrow. Men are rich, successful, wealthy. Women are elegant and graceful. They get married early, but their marriage is going well.

Mole above the eyebrow. Indicates chronic fatigue. It is necessary to give yourself rest so that fatigue does not turn into nervous strain. Also, the owners of this sign are waiting for great love.

Mole between eyebrows. On the bridge. People with a well-developed intuition. Also, a person with such a sign is endowed with a clear mind, wisdom and the ability to clairvoyance.

On the right temple. Their owner will be rich successful person. At the same time, relationships with others will not be easy. Therefore, such people are often alone.

On the left temple. Romantic natures and big dreamers.

Two moles on the temple. Especially if they are located nearby and small in size. Found in passionate people capable of strong feelings. As a rule, their owner has a happy marriage.

A large mole on the temple in the center. Indicates a hard life, full of difficulties. Often these people are alone. To achieve any goal, they have to make great efforts.

A mole on the temple is closer to the eyebrow. Their owner is waiting happy life. Such people are called lucky, lucky.

Moles on both temples. They promise their owner health, good luck, and material wealth. But at the same time, such people are absent-minded and forgetful.

To the right of the left eye. The owner will achieve success subject to determination and perseverance.

To the left of the left eye. Such people easily fall under the influence of the environment. They don't reach great heights. If black, then financial difficulties and poor health.

To the right of the right eye. Such people have leadership qualities. Energetic and curious.

To the left of the right eye. If red, then indicates a quick temper. And high intelligence. If a different color, it means good health, stability, material well-being

In the inner corner of any eye. Indicates high sexuality and propensity for adultery.

Mole on the eyeball:

On the right side for men portends good luck, prosperity. For a woman, poor health, especially in adulthood, is also a difficulty in her personal life.

On the left side for women and men promises well-being. The owners of this sign are purposeful individuals who achieve any goals they set.

Bottom right speaks of love and sexuality.

Bottom left promises good well-being. And for women, it promises to receive a large amount of money with easy work.

Moles on the eyelids:

Right upper eyelid. Women are sad and depressed. As a rule, silent, prone to asceticism. Men are charming, loving. But at the same time, they are windy and prone to treason.

Left upper eyelid. Women strive for knowledge, as a rule, they are very erudite and versatile. Men are hardworking, purposeful.

Right lower eyelid. People with this sign are cheerful, friendly. As a rule, they are surrounded by many friends and acquaintances.

Left lower eyelid. People with a purposeful, strong-willed character. It cannot be said that they are minions of fate. On the contrary, everything is given to them with great difficulty. But nevertheless, they achieve great heights overcoming various obstacles.

Everyone knows that a mole located near the lips means a person’s high sexuality and sensuality.
In addition to this feature, one can say that mole near upper lip means that its owner, in addition to sexuality, is a very ambitious and sociable person. Also, its owner is a born speaker and is prone to leadership. BUT mole near lower lip in addition to sensuality and sexuality, it also speaks of the courage, determination and prudence of its owner. People with such a mole, as a rule, have wisdom and prudence in their character.

In the center of the forehead. People with complex character. They are intractable, stubborn, conflict. Never compromise. Their personal life is going badly. At the same time, thanks to perseverance and work, they achieve any goals set, achieving high material prosperity.

Right side of the forehead. It is better for a woman with such a sign to avoid any temptations. Because they can ruin her life. Men with this sign are successful, live a bright, eventful life.

Left side of forehead. In restless people who like to worry about little things. If they can overcome their excessive anxiety, then a happy life awaits them.

On the bridge. Between eyebrows. Indicates a highly developed intuition. Also, a person with such a sign is endowed with a clear mind, wisdom, and the ability to clairvoyance.

On the nose or nostrils. The owners of such a mole have an excellent sense of humor. They are sociable and sociable. Energetic, active people who are always on the move.

Around the nostril. And no matter which side. People with such a mole are sociable, sociable. The family tries to lead. Their marriage usually goes well.

On the cheek at the base of the nose. Its owners will have difficulties with a career under the age of 30. In adulthood, they live a stable, measured life, but, as a rule, do not reach great heights, therefore, often with an average income.

At the tip of the nose. The owners of such a mole are endowed with determination, fortitude. They set goals and achieve them. They have an iron will. Absolutely not amenable to someone else's opinion. But if this mole is black. That portends its owner sadness, difficulties in his personal life and a tendency to alcohol.

Under the nose. The owners of such a mole are inquisitive. Excellent careerists, strive for material well-being. They usually reach great heights.

The chin:

In the middle of the chin. Men with such a mole are ambitious, domineering natures. Strive for independence. Able-bodied, as a rule, successfully engaged in business. In relationships, they like to dominate. Often become tyrants in the family. Women are passionate and sensual natures. Not afraid to take risks, adventurers. But sometimes they get a little windy.

The lower part of the chin. People are resilient and determined. But at the same time, very arrogant and arrogant. They have a highly developed sense of self-worth. They are very easy to offend, and if offended, they will stop any contact with the person who offended them.

At the base of the chin. The location of moles at the base of the chin indicates the possibility of achieving success in various areas of life without serious efforts on the part of their owners. Such people do not experience a shortage of material resources throughout their lives, have true friends, have excellent physical data by nature and succeed in business due to professionalism and business acumen.

Right side of the chin. The owners of such a mole are faithful family men. Very calm and thoughtful. But a little lazy. For harmony and happiness family life, they need an energetic, active, sociable life partner.

Left side of the chin. Men are windy. Sociable, love to flirt with the opposite sex. Strive for an idle lifestyle. Women, on the contrary, are calm and reasonable. Hardworking and not demanding. They will be absolutely happy with an average income.

Right cheekbone. The owners of such a mole are very vulnerable and touchy. They do not tolerate criticism. Men are purposeful, and persistent in achieving the goal. Women are closed. With people converge with difficulty, touchy.

Left cheekbone. Men are indecisive, easily amenable to other people's influence. Closed, prefer to spend time alone. Women love to command, manage. There is despotism in the family.

Right side of the jaw. The owners of such a mole have poor health. Their life is full of obstacles and experiences. If they learn to overcome difficulties without becoming discouraged, they will succeed.

Left side of the jaw. Owners of such a mole are prone to depression. But they are also creative natures, and are happy doing art.

On the tongue. People with such a mole are smart, educated, intelligent. Interested in exact sciences. Not sociable and even closed.

The root of the language. The owners of such a mole have poor health, they are constantly sick. But at the same time they have a good heart.

AT folk omens a mole on the temple is a special mark that you need to pay attention to. Its location can tell a lot about the fate, inclinations of a person, and will reveal the traits of a person's character.

A sign of magical abilities and talent

Hands, face will help to learn a little more about the interlocutor. The mark located on the temple indicates its peculiarity. It doesn't matter which side it's on.

Individuals marked in this way have unique talents. They make excellent psychics, healers, fortune tellers. They can see the future, communicate with dead people.

People with moles on their temples often experience a sense of déjà vu.

According to Japanese physiognomy:

  • the mark speaks of a sentimental personality;
  • the closer it is to the hair, the more carefully the person hides emotions;
  • a mole may appear in someone who past life did not finish an important task;
  • such people achieve success in old age;
  • may indicate inconstancy in beliefs, tastes.

What does a mole on the right side mean

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He speaks of extraordinary talent. If in front of you person who has a mark on the right temple, this person is strong, strong-willed, will not miss the moment to show his superiority. They love to learn, are patient, demanding of themselves and others. Usually they do not reach the top in their careers, but they firmly occupy their niche. If you want to impress them, show off your intelligence.

You can reduce the influence of a mole by hiding it, disguising it with makeup, hairstyles.

At outstanding abilities, such people are often unlucky in their personal lives. They are naive, gullible in love. In youth, they encounter partners who prefer to play with feelings. In adulthood, they prefer to be more careful.

Mole on the left

Points to creative nature, subtle and impressive. Such people have many fans, they are windy, fickle, often change partners, field of activity.

It's hard to rely on them. Rarely are reliable comrades. It is not always possible to reach the heights of a career. Often their merits are recognized only at the end of life.

When you see a mole on a person’s temple, remember these transcripts. Perhaps it will help to understand a little more about the interlocutor and predict his actions. However, this interpretation should not be taken as an axiom. After all, many factors influence the character of a person and his fate.

It has long been believed that one can read the character and fate of a person from moles, that pretty marks on the body carry a certain mystical and even karmic meaning. Moles and their meaning have been the subject of study in many philosophies and teachings of the world, what secret do these spots keep in themselves?

Each of us has some spot, which, according to physiognomy and other teachings, contains important information about human inclinations, character and destiny. You just need to be able to unravel these secret signs.

Of course, you should not blindly rely on the power of fateful symbols, moles speak only about the abilities of the individual, and are not a dogma. This is just additional information about the character and personality of the owner, his inclinations. Good omens need to be developed, invested in their implementation, bad ones - not to be ignored, but to try to correct, change life. After all, moles, like the lines on the hands, change throughout life, and there is an opinion that this happens precisely because a person has done something, committed an act, chosen a different path. That the appearance of moles or their increase reflects the actions we have committed.

But besides this, there are moles, the meaning of which cannot be changed, the so-called signs of fate that protect us. They can be located both on the head and on the body, but their shape is always associated with the image of the hands, eyes, lips or head. As a rule, the karmic meaning of moles in women and men is the same, they have the same meaning.

Moles on the face and their meaning

This is the most significant moles. In various interpretations, there are more than a hundred different zones of the face, according to which the character and fate of a person are determined. The main zones are located along the axis of symmetry and capture parts of the face to the left and right of the axis.

According to Japanese physiognomy, the presence of moles along this vertical, located in the upper part of the forehead, symbolizes the difficulties that their owner will have to endure in childhood and adolescence. Marks in the middle and in the lower part of the forehead speak of difficulties in relationships with people - colleagues, friends, relatives. On the bridge of the nose, a mole symbolizes a sign of fate. A mark in the middle of the nose warns of possible failures on the love front, on the tip of the nose - about chronic failures in life. Often, a mole located immediately under the nose indicates serious diseases that are inherited. A mole located under the lower lip characterizes its owner as the owner of a strong will and strong disposition.

As for the mole on the right temple, it, like the sign on the bridge of the nose, is fateful and carries karmic symbol. It is believed that it marks special, gifted or even chosen people, on whom some kind of mission is imposed, important not only for him, but for all mankind. Moreover, it is not at all necessary for a person who possesses it to do some great deeds and perform feats, which means that even a small act of such a person can radically change the existing order of things. It is believed that such people have a subtle intuition, a bright personality, and even the gift of foresight. Considering the importance, it is recommended not to flaunt such a mole, to hide it from the eyes of strangers.

A mole on the temple is characteristic of extremely sentimental people, especially when it is located near the left eye. At the same time, outwardly, a person is calm, hiding his emotions inside, and the more the mole is closer to the hair. Such people have a strange ability to forget the elementary, but remember something insignificant at first glance, some childhood sensations or dreams. Their dreams often come true, and they are surprised to discover this after many years. It is believed that such a mole appears in people who in a past life did not have time to do something, complete some task, write a book. Therefore, in this life they are haunted by a feeling of forgetfulness and a constant feeling of this. Such a mole often happens with fortunetellers. Often, such a mole promises a person some kind of deprivation or complexes. They manage to achieve recognition much later than those around them and thanks to hard work.

Removal of moles on the face is considered unacceptable due to their significance in the fate of a person, in any case, it is necessary to get rid of spots wisely, being aware of your actions and taking into account the threatening changes in life. It is believed that even after removal, they do not lose their significance, but they can strengthen or weaken the influence.

Scheme: moles on the face and their meaning

1. - A mole on the forehead, right above the bridge of the nose. Such a mole is called the "eye of Shiva", the so-called point of the "third eye". The owner of such a mole is endowed with infinite intuition, a deep mind and a thirst for knowledge. Such a fateful sign can be both happy and fatal for a person. He can become a clairvoyant or a medium. However, others often perceive him as crazy. People with the sign of Shiva often suffer from severe headaches.
In general, moles on the forehead speak of insight and great intelligence. Their owners can become statesmen, politicians, diplomats. They are capable of great things, able to move mountains. However, they often go overboard. When a mole is located on the border of the forehead and hair, especially on the right side, this indicates great organizational skills. He can become political leader to lead people. Such a person cares little about his own benefit, he is obsessed with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bperfection and enviable determination.
A mole under the hair, on the crown of the head happens to great thinkers, hermits. A mole on the back of the head characterizes its owner as a very secretive person, closed and aloof.

2. - Mole in the right corner of the eye characterizes its owner as a passionate, jealous, easily irritable, unbalanced person.

3. - Mole on the right eyelid happens in poetic personalities, prone to intellectual professions. A person with such a mole does not tolerate stress well, it is easy to panic. And despite the creative talents, often loses inspiration.

4. - Mole under the right eye testifies to the ability of a person to love deeply, to be faithful and devoted. Such people are characterized by sensuality, kindness and generosity, both feelings and actions. This is a sign of charm and charm, which is often a family heritage and serves as a sign of nobility of origin for both sexes.

5. - Mole under the right eye near the nose occur in people whose character is dominated by variability, confusion of temperament, excessive emotionality. Such people often start short-term novels.

6. - Mole in the middle of the nose characteristic of people with a passion for travel, wild imagination and a penchant for creativity. In general, moles on the nose are a sign of the sociability of their owner, lightness of character.

7. - Mole under the left eye near the nose mean a tendency to passions, showdowns, unreasonable jealousy. The nature of such people is dominated by self-centeredness and eccentricity.

8. - Mole under the left eye- a sign of boundless sensuality. The married life of such people is rich in experiences. If the mole is located closer to the ear - this is a symbol of the greatest self-sacrifice in the character of the owner.

9. - Mole in the left corner of the eye happens to people who are prone to self-flagellation, and on this basis to some quarrelsome character. This is especially evident in love relationships, they are often tormented by unreasonable guilt, their families quarrel a lot.

10. - Mole on the left eyelid endows his master with an excellent memory, diplomacy, but at the same time with a peculiar earthiness of feelings. Such a mark is characteristic of a person whose feelings prevail over reason. As a rule, this is a dreamy person, fickle in love and inclined to change his own beliefs and views several times a day. A woman with such a sign can easily get carried away by the first one who pays attention to her, marry him with joy, and then she can also easily go to another, barely having played the wedding.

11. - Mole on the tip of the nose symbolizes love for everything forbidden, good feeling humor and lightness of character. People with this mark tend to complicate love relationship his frivolity in behavior, the ability to replace the important with momentary desires. Owners of a mole on the tip of their nose often look funny and are not taken seriously. You can't be angry with them for long. A peculiar frivolity accompanies them in all aspects of life, they are superficial and rarely able to take matters seriously. Often change jobs, finish several educational institutions are not satisfied with their position.

12. - Mole on the cheek under the eye indicates intricate sentimental connections, characterizes a person who surrenders to passion without a trace.

13. - Mole on the cheek on the right a witness to frequent quarrels and quick reconciliations. Such a mark happens to people in whose lives carnal pleasures prevail over platonic love. Such a mole in a man speaks of the liveliness of his character, liveliness of spirit, originality. Women with such a mole are much more popular than other women, they enjoy great attention from men.

14. - Moles under the nose mean the sublime and somewhat mystical mindset of the owner. Such people do not leave the feeling of universal love, as a rule, they have a completely extraordinary fate. Such moles and their significance give people the ability to know better than others what to do in this or that difficult situation, they can give really good advice. They are happy to turn to them for help, share secrets with them and do not regret it after. People with a mole under their nose can become excellent lawyers, combining skill and love for their work. A mark located on the left side of a man is rare mystical sign, giving the opportunity to "talk" with the stars, interpret dreams, work miracles.

15. - Mole right under the nose in the center means independence, a thirst for travel and pleasure.

16. - Mole above the lip is characteristic of generous and faithful people, although the love for their continuation, for children, far exceeds the feelings that a man or woman is capable of experiencing for a partner, spouse. 17. - A mole on the left side of the nose indicates high abilities to temptation. People who possess it are magnificent seducers, prone to provocations, shocking, shocking behavior around them. They strive for diversity in love, but they take marriage quite seriously.

18. - Mark above the upper lip on the right symbolizes the victory of sensuality, power over other human qualities. Such people are endowed with wild imagination and originality. In a woman, this mole speaks of the deceit and even some cruelty of her mistress. She is strong in spirit and seeks to suppress a man nearby, to make a henpecked out of him. She often breaks down on her beloved, can seriously avenge an insult. The purposefulness of their character allows them to achieve recognition in work and position in society, to make a dizzying career.

19. - Mole under the corner of the lower lip endows the owner with a jealous character, an unbridled desire for great and only love. A mole on the lips indicates weakness, the inability of a person to be responsible for his actions. Owners of this sign often postpone things for later, are hostages bad habits, especially men. They are voluptuous, and unable to deny themselves desire, sometimes this quality can reach its climax and reward its owner with mental disorders on sexual grounds.

20. - Mole on the left cheek, located closer to the ear means a tendency to depression and gives a person a difficult character.

21. - Mark on the left cheek often happens with artists, writers, composers, astrologers - people of extraordinary great talents or genius. Even if this is a simple housewife, she will certainly be endowed with worldly talent, causing universal admiration. Such people have a phenomenal memory, a talent for communicating with people, a taste for variability in all spheres of life, both in intellectual and in love. For a woman, this is a sign of natural charm and a witness to intricate relationships. A mole on the left cheek can bring unbalance, hysteria, and a tendency to depression to its owner.

22. - Mole in the corner of the lips symbolizes emphasized eroticism, incredible sexuality and, unfortunately, infidelity.

23. - Mole on the cheekbone indicates clarity of mind, life order. Such a mark characterizes very determined people striving for continuous growth, both spiritual and material. They are able to devote their whole lives to the struggle, an attempt to embody a noble idea, to lead people. This quality is especially pronounced when the mole is located on the right cheekbone. These people have undeniable authority in the team, they are able to become not just leaders, but leaders, or, at worst, instigators.

24. - Mark under the lower lip speaks of the fragile psyche and the health of its owner. Such a sign symbolizes insecurity.

25. - Mole on the chin characteristic of conservative, domineering people. Outwardly, they are sweet and balanced, but they have incredible fortitude. In men, she can talk not just about dominance, but even about despotism, aggressiveness of character. They know what they want and are able to achieve their goal, no matter what. People with a mark on their chin tend to create a strong, traditional family, appreciate family peace and comfort.

Such a mole in a man, located on the chin on the right, indicates inertness, one-sidedness and greed. If on the left, then this is a sign of determination, self-improvement. Women with such marks often have opposite qualities. On the right - self-confidence, generosity, optimism. A woman with such a mole is distinguished by wisdom, the ability to listen, and tact. A mole on the left is a sign of self-centeredness, weakness, indulgence in bad inclinations and whims.

Mole located in the center of the chin speaks of stubbornness, dictatorship. These people are hard to prove. And what more mole, the more pronounced these qualities are. They often become domestic tyrants, or absurd bosses, capable of harassing subordinates to the point of absurdity, while firmly believing in the correctness of their actions, that they are doing good for them, giving them the opportunity to grow.

mole on earcharacterizes a boastful person, prone to exaggeration of his own merits and merits, completely forgetting about shortcomings. Despite this, they are unsure of themselves, and by such behavior, as it were, they are protected from the surrounding reality. However, such weakness is a temporary phenomenon, they overcome difficulties well and struggle with complexes. In the worst case, such a person is capable of deceit, betrayal or theft. At best, it is a sign of some exclusivity, originality in the vision of the world. They are not afraid to stand out from the crowd with their worldview.