Gothic style in the interior: the correct design of non-standard design (150 photos). Interior design in gothic style house in gothic style drawing

The dark beauty of ancient castles with libraries of thousands of books and stained-glass windows was embodied in the modern Gothic style in the interior. A little gloomy, but a beautiful fairy tale - the dream of youth, which can now be settled at home. If magic lives in the heart, and the usual apartment designs reflect only boring reality, take matters into your own hands!

It is not necessary to follow boring standards, our article will tell you how to turn an ordinary modern apartment into real royal chambers. And the program "Interior Design 3D" will help to think over the situation. With it, you can independently develop a visual project.

Mystical and lovely gothic style

Features of the Gothic style

Gothic is often associated with a kind of black castle, vampires and ghosts, with a cemetery theme and the like, not the most pleasant things. However, this image from creepy movies and otherworldly photos does not give a complete and correct idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe style.

Gothic is the splendor of stained glass windows, luxury and medieval beauty. It is very difficult to confuse a style with any other, here it is character traits:

  • ✔ - one of the most important markers of Gothic, a characteristic technique. Unlike ordinary rounded arches, lancet arches are pointed at the top. This design is reminiscent of oriental architecture, and it is no coincidence. It was from there that the idea was borrowed, after which the lancet vaults, windows, doorways became an integral part of the Gothic style.

Pointed arches of a gothic cathedral

  • High ceilings. Unfortunately, if your apartment does not have such luxury, it is better to refuse the Gothic style. It requires vast space and a sense of elevation, and this is categorically impossible in an apartment with ceilings below 2.6 - 2.7 meters.

  • Big windows. Remember gothic cathedrals with huge windows looking up and you will understand that this style is simply unthinkable without this architectural element. Perfect option- lancet windows with colorful stained-glass windows.
Of course, in a standard apartment with standard frames it is difficult to create the desired shape pointed at the top. This is where the mastery of illusion comes in. If you hang the curtains in such a way that they are connected at an acute angle, then the impression of a lancet arch will be created from the inside.

Curtains hung in a special way create an imitation of an arch

  • ✔ The feeling of a fairy tale with noble knights, generous kings and beautiful princesses is difficult to create without chic armchairs, solid carved chests and beds under painted canopies. Beautiful and expensive furniture semi-antique - an indispensable element of the interior.

Gothick style impossible without luxurious furniture

  • Exquisite little things. The Gothic style consists not only of tall, as if in a castle, ceilings and solid sofas. Small but iconic details like antique vases or heavy candelabra help create the right atmosphere.

Gothic finishes

Gothic design is not easy, you will have to make an effort and use your imagination to recreate it in a normal modern apartment or private home. But you can get acquainted with the mass of examples of successful implementation, be inspired by them and get down to business. And we will suggest a few ideas and talk about what you should pay attention to when thinking through the layout.

Walls. If you want a complete immersion in historical realities, then good option will be the drapery of the walls with fabrics, for example, velvet or cloth. Of course, this is not the most practical solution, since it will cost a lot, and the coating will get dirty, absorb moisture and collect dust. A compromise can be the usual painting or pasting textured wallpaper with floral ornament.

Light version of the Gothic interior with light wallpaper

To make the setting more like a chamber from the late Middle Ages, decorate the walls with tapestries or carpets with thematic pattern. But the usual pictures are rarely used.

A Gothic-style room is often zoned with different wall finishes. For example, decorate the corner of the living room where you are going to slowly drink coffee at the table in calm tones, make an imitation of brickwork around the fireplace, and let the place for receiving guests be more lively and colorful.

Ceiling. It is unlikely that today someone pays attention to the ceilings - they are almost the same everywhere. But to create a Gothic interior, you will have to try - ordinary whitewashing, simple stretch and mounted options won't fit here. Complex structures resembling an open umbrella with stucco and murals are not always available in an apartment, but it is quite possible to make a spectacular stylization. Thematic prints, decorative arches, open beams will come to the rescue.

Ceiling design option

Floor. Antique or antique. No simple laminates! Complex ornate patterns of artistic parquet or mosaic ceramic tiles- here are the most suitable options. It is advisable to choose Decoration Materials dark tones are a tribute to history, since during the heyday of the Gothic, it was problematic to care for light floorboards.

Intricate patterns on the floor - a sign of the Gothic style

Carpets and paths are appropriate in the interior, which, on the one hand, will emphasize the luxury of the home, and, on the other hand, will soften the severity and pretentiousness of the situation.

Gothic style furniture

If you want to fully immerse yourself in the gothic atmosphere, it is important to think through everything inside and out. Not only follow the rules of finishing, but also pick up suitable furniture. We remember the lancet architectural elements, in the design of interior items there should also be a motive of aspiration upwards. Furniture should be purchased only solid and high quality, suitable for general style environment. Please note that there is a sufficient number of wooden elements decorated with lace carvings.

Beautiful carved furniture will emphasize luxury and nobility

The bedroom in the Gothic style is wide massive beds with beautiful colorful canopies and mysterious screens. The living room can accommodate carved cabinets, chairs and armchairs with backs that evoke thoughts of a royal throne. Install a luxurious antique chest bound in bronze. In general, furniture should be solid, heavy, with carved patterns upholstered in expensive fabric. It is worth giving preference to dark woods.


Exquisite details smelling of antiquity form an amazing mosaic of the Gothic interior. Without tastefully selected accessories, the design will not find the desired completeness. Not only guests, but also the owners themselves will be pleased to look at the bizarre little things that have settled on the shelves and countertops.

Cups, sculpture, antiques - suitable decor accessories

Pick up antique vases, metal trays, candelabra, crosses, small sculptures. Knightly paraphernalia like crossed swords and a shield will look great. Or maybe you can even set up an entire rack of armor?

Surprise your guests with real knightly armor!

Iconic Gothic items are also tapestries, stained glass, a fireplace behind a forged grate, an armchair-throne. Do not skimp on decorating elements, they allow you to finally immerse yourself in a fairy tale.

An iconic element of the Gothic style is a stained glass rose or rosette. It is a round window, divided into parts by a figured binding. In the center, a pattern is formed in the form of a flower or a star. Such decor can decorate not only windows, but also walls or even a ceiling.

Stained glass rose in the interior

Colors commonly used in the Gothic style

Despite the fact that the Gothic style is firmly associated with a gloomy, slightly creepy atmosphere, you should not assume that the only possible colors in the interior are black, crimson and dark gray. Forget stereotypes! Saturated Beautiful colors are not banned at all. On the contrary, red, brown, yellow, green and blue shades in their bright manifestations perfectly complement the interior. In fact, even white and beige are not taboo. All salt in general concept, which can be transmitted by various means.

Gothic bedroom in green and brown

Walls can be made plain by diluting bright accents in the form of colored stained-glass windows, colorful tapestries and tapestries, luxurious furniture upholstery. Use silver and gold for more chic.

This style cannot be called universal. For example, in a children's room, it is hardly appropriate. Nevertheless, it can be chosen by all those who are not afraid to deviate from the standards in the interior. A luxurious throne room-like living room, a darkened bedroom with a king-size bed, or a room for a teenager who is interested in Gothic culture will look great.

Ready to try own forces in making this impressive design? Then it's time to turn to the program "Interior Design 3D". With it, you can try various options decoration of the premises and choose the one that will be closest. Next, we will tell you how to prepare a gothic-style dwelling project.

Step 1. Installing the program. and double click on the downloaded file. Wait a while for the software to install on your computer. Now launch "Interior Design 3D" using the shortcut that appears on the desktop. Click "Create Project" to get started.

Step 2. Preparing the premises. By using handy tool"Draw a room" precisely build the walls according to real size. Add windows and doors from the catalog. Remember that Gothic gravitates towards arches. You can also make stairs, columns, hang chandeliers and lamps.

Finished premise without finishing

You can make it easier for yourself to create a layout if you live in a typical house. The program offers apartment templates, from which you can choose the one you need and go straight to setting up the materials.

Step 3. Finishing. Now comes the most interesting and crucial part. I need to choose a wallpaper flooring, color of windows and doors. To get to the finish settings, select the room you want to work with and click the Properties tab. Find the right finishing materials to decorate the room in the Gothic style.

Do not forget that it is preferable to choose parquet flooring from dark woods. On the ceiling, use the Rectangle Model found in the Furniture > Miscellaneous tab to create a beam structure.

Gothic style room

Step 4. Choose furniture. Find the relevant section in the right pane. In the catalog of the program you will find a large number of interior items for the living room, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, office, hallway and other rooms. Choose the ones you like and arrange them in the rooms.

Built-in catalog of kitchen furniture

Customize furniture dimensions, rotate, change materials of manufacture through the "Properties" tab. Remember that upholstery and wood species should be expensive and noble. Couldn't find a match in the base directory? Download textures from the web and upload via the "Add your materials" button.

Gothic style living room design developed in the program

Step 5. Save and print the project. When finished, go to the "Virtual visit" tab to evaluate the result from the inside. If it suits you, save and, if necessary, print the layout on paper. To do this, on the top panel there are icons with a floppy disk (Save) and a printer (Print). You can adjust the position of the image on the sheet, as well as select the desired view.

Preparing to print a project

It is not easy to create a Gothic style in the interior of an apartment, but the efforts will be more than rewarded. This is a truly luxurious, expressive and memorable design that will impress guests invariably. Every day, returning home, you will plunge into the amazing atmosphere of jousting tournaments, unrestrained feasts, magnificent outfits and romance. Create your own personal fairy tale with the program "Interior Design 3D"!

Of course, classics are something eternal and unchanging, timeless and fashionable, but not everyone likes classics, and even its modernized interpretation. Someone does not like it in principle, someone lacks zest and unusualness in it, someone lacks a field for self-expression.

Still, how many people, so many opinions. But for those who want something more atmospheric than classic, and more sophisticated than, for example, country style, there is such an interior style as gothic.

How to Create a Gothic Style

Gothic, as an architectural style, originated in France in the 13th century and over the course of several centuries its distinctive features were formed, which later defined Gothic as a style of clothing, and as an interior style, and even as a subculture.

The Gothic style, combining restraint and luxury, mysticism and rudeness, is truly medieval, very specific. If you want to let this spirit of majesty and darkness into your monastery and introduce Gothic into the interior, then for sure you will have to do not only one room, but the whole room at once in this style.

It is difficult to imagine a Gothic bedroom inscribed in the classicism of other rooms. And now the magazine site will tell and show you how to create an interior in this special style at home and how to convey the right atmosphere.

The main elements of the Gothic style

Of course, it is almost impossible to recreate an absolutely gothic atmosphere in a modern home, but the effect is created due, firstly, to the main elements that immediately catch your eye, and, secondly, due to decorative details, thanks to which the interior is tuned in the right way.

To feel the atmosphere right away, look at the photo with the Gothic interior.


One of the main aspects of this style is the upward trend. Ceilings should be high, wardrobes too, and headboards of beds, chairs, etc. stretch to the top and be quite elongated.

This moment has a historical basis: in the Middle Ages, the castles of knights or Christian temples were very spacious, in particular due to exorbitantly high ceilings. This gave the space a sense of infinity and mystery. By the way, in Gothic interiors, imitations are often made on the ceilings. beam floors- it also fits the style.

Wall and floor finishing

As for the decoration of walls and floors, the dominant place here is occupied by wood, of course, dark species (oak, pine, walnut, cedar). But if there can only be parquet on the floor, then the walls can be decorated with wooden panels, decorative masonry, and ordinary plain wallpaper.

Walls are often decorated with tapestries, chandeliers with imitation of real candles, paintings in massive frames, etc.

Gothic furniture

The Gothic style in the interior requires a massive, a little rough, but at the same time elegant - you need to find optimal balance between these features. Basically, furniture is made of wood, but there is also a place to be. forged furniture, or wooden with forged elements.

Wood carving is widely used in furniture, it is very important point gothic.
Standard units are sideboards, bivalve cabinets, tall bookshelves, chairs with high backs, carved legs and a soft seat, beds with a massive headboard and, perhaps, with a canopy, etc.

Very often in the interior of the Gothic you can find ... chests. They perform a variety of functions - and tables, and benches, and cabinets, and shelves.

Even with the Gothic, spiral staircases and fireplaces with wrought iron grates are closely related. It is better to introduce such elements into a Gothic interior in a private house.

Gothic interior colors

The color schemes here are quite interesting. The main color is usually black or dark brown.

Accompanying colors can be called burgundy and its shades, emerald, brown, purple, that is, deep, rich, noble colors.
But Gothic also allows bright contrasting accents, and here there is already more freedom: blood red, hot pink, yellow, blue, etc.

decorative elements

Gothic interior design uses abundance decorative elements that create color and complete the decor. These can be tiled mosaics, stained-glass windows, stucco, bronze and metal parts, forging, which we have already talked about, candelabra, paintings, etc.

An integral part of the Gothic style are heavy curtains of dark deep shades and thick bedspreads. On the floor, instead of a modern carpet, it is better to lay some kind of carpet, either plain or with an ornament that fits into the overall style.

Here are a few more interesting examples Gothic interiors:

To enlarge the photo, click on the picture *wink*

Gothic style in the interior with easily recognizable features causes ambiguous opinion among design art adherents: some tirelessly admire the appearance of majestic castles in the Gothic style, others do not accept excessive gloom in the appearance of the house, but no one can be indifferent to such a dynamic design concept that embodies the era of tapestries and the Middle Ages.

The history of the development of the Gothic interior genre

This unique design trend originated in France in the 12th century. During the Middle Ages, the decoration of mansions with knightly armor, made of wood and metal with a deliberately rough finish, was welcomed, round windows in a lead frame and many details of the furnishings of an elongated shape. The heyday of the Gothic direction of art occurred in the 15th century. During this period of time, architects radically changed the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbuilding houses. Their ascetic features were transformed beyond recognition thanks to talented architects who managed to turn unremarkable houses into remarkable castles:

  • decorate the facades with an abundance of glass and metal elements of ornate form, massive metal ones;
  • radically change the configuration of residential premises - double the height of the walls by installing high columns with a massive base, fan vaults, coffered ceilings, maximize the boundaries of the rooms to create a feeling of maximum spaciousness;
  • to install numerous large-format windows in rooms, regardless of their purpose, be it a bedroom or a bathroom;
  • replace interior doors with arches lancet shape;
  • use natural materials for interior decoration - marble, granite, precious woods, tiles.

In the process of development of the Gothic style of design, the style of housing design was constantly changing: majestic mansions with an abundance of gilded and bronze interior elements adapted to the lifestyle of modern people. Today, designers create the interior of a Gothic-style house from newfangled and wood, and instead decorate the walls with drawings with medieval scenes made in. Thanks to this, the atmosphere of mystery, genuine luxury, magical charm, characteristic of the Gothic style of interior design, prevails in the houses.

Advice! The Gothic interior style has been used for more than ten centuries for home improvement. Over the centuries, it has been constantly improved as a result of the development of new directions in design and architectural art. Therefore, interior paintings in this style can radically differ from each other: it is advisable for lovers of space to fill the house with the aesthetics of ancient art with minimal use of furniture with rough processing, and admirers of luxury need to pick up old canvases with darkened from time to time, chests or metal figurines at the flea market.

Signs of the Gothic style

The unique interior genre delights with the skillful execution of frescoes on dark walls and stained-glass windows, enchants with the predominance of furnishings dark colors, impresses with original furniture with carved facades made of valuable breeds wood and filigree decor.

Interior design in the Gothic style can radically change the familiar look of the house, turning it into a fairy-tale castle. The aesthetic guidelines of this stylistic direction is a list of features:

  • saturated colors with a predominance of black, burgundy, purple,,;
  • a large number of metal furnishing details - hinged double doors with heavy handles made in the form of large hinged rings, made of heavy fabrics, a massive headboard and footboard in the form of a pointed arch, overall wall and floor mirrors with carved bronze frames;
  • the predominance of antiques - antique, candelabra, figurines, table clock, chests and other rare interior items, acting as a link between the ascetic antiquity of the Middle Ages and the excess of modernity;
  • with wrought iron portal, decorated floral patterns, intricate weaves of ornate decorative elements reflecting Celtic motifs or heraldic emblems;
  • a mantelpiece lined with tiles and lined with candelabra with burning candles, table mirrors;
  • curtains from valuable types of fabric - velvet, velor, jacquard, veil, damask silk, satin;
  • large-format arched windows with lancet top and numerous metal bindings are necessarily complemented by massive frames made of wood with iron bolts.

The abundance of architectural inclusions and frills of medieval art that characterize the Gothic interior style requires large rooms in housing with high ceilings. Therefore, recreating the atmosphere of a medieval castle is much easier in a house with a large living area than in an apartment, where massive interior items in dark colors can create a sense of intimacy and look clumsy. Therefore, designers recommend using the Gothic style in the interior of an apartment for two-level housing, where a harmonious symbiosis of stone wall and floor decoration, furniture with dimensional candlesticks will look organic and fascinate, conveying the manner of decorating castles and houses during the Middle Ages.

Ancient aesthetics in the shape of modern houses

Gothic style in modern interior- a rare phenomenon that allows you to unify the appearance of an apartment or a private house. Filled with virtuosic furnishing details, intricately shaped and dynamic dark finishes, the luxurious suites draw attention to the filigree décor furniture facades with carved panels, figured overlays made in the marquetry technique, an abundance of artsy interior details. This noble design style embodies medieval art, which has the following features:

  • the construction of mansions with, equipped with many towers, acute-angled elements of an elongated shape, lancet arches and fan arches;
  • and dominant in the interior stained glass windows depicting knightly duels and everyday life during the Middle Ages;
  • wood beam ceiling with a deliberately rough finish;
  • flooring with porcelain tiles non-standard shape- hexagonal, octagonal or triangular with a non-uniform texture;
  • wall decor, furniture upholstery, , curtains and other furnishings with medieval motifs and plots - the image of a shamrock, four-petal ornaments, a Gothic rose framed by a circle.

Initially, a specific Gothic art direction was used to decorate Catholic cathedrals. Over time, the manner of decorating cathedrals with icons in gilded frames, windows with picturesque stained-glass windows, filling with bronze candlesticks migrated to the interior of private houses. Installation of cabinets with, decoration of housing with paintings and mirrors with baguettes made of precious metals, lamps with metal parts, stylized antique, will create an easily recognizable interior composition in the Gothic style.

To create a characteristic magical aura in a modern interior and divide into functional areas spacious living quarters, it is advisable to install wrought iron partitions decorated with hardwood and ribbon weaving in a studio-style apartment, or install them in plasterboard partitions fake stained glass window. The aesthetics of ancient art in a modern interior looks unique, prompting guests of the house to endlessly admire the delights of the Gothic design style.

The culmination of the development of the medieval European art is a discreet mystical Gothic, which replaced the lush luxury Romanesque style. Bright mosaic stained-glass windows, needles of spiers soaring upward, the radiance of gilding, expression, a symphony of a harmonious combination of light, glass and stone - this is how you can figuratively characterize it in the interior. The term appeared in sunny Italy during the Renaissance. So ironically the Romans called the primitivism of the barbarian culture of the Middle Ages fading into oblivion. At first, this word was used in literature, when the author wanted, with some degree of irony, to designate distorted Latin in the text. Later, this term began to refer to a certain architecture, which in a nutshell can be called eerily majestic.

It is not so easy to reproduce the Gothic style in modern dwellings, but its individual elements are quite often used when creating country house projects.

During the construction of Gothic buildings and their decoration, expensive natural materials are used:

  • stone;
  • marble;
  • oak, pine, spruce, walnut, cedar and juniper wood.

The decor of a Gothic house always implies the presence, so it is decorated with:

  • tiled mosaic;
  • multi-colored stained-glass windows;
  • figured painted or gold-plated stucco;
  • chests covered with genuine leather;
  • an abundance of bronze and metal fittings.

Color solution

Saturated colors are an integral part of the Gothic style. At the core color design Gothic rooms tend to use concentrated reds, browns, yellows and blue tones. Stylistic accents are made with gold and silver. And for introducing contrasting elements into the interior, purple, ruby, green or blue-black colors are great.

The main attributes are a forged spiral staircase, a fireplace with a forged grate and colorful artistic stained-glass windows. Spectacular decoration walls can be multi-colored artistic stained-glass windows with built-in internal lighting. Images of gothic rose, lily, shamrock, grape leaves or cruciferous on stained glass windows or applied to a fabric, wood or stone surface are characteristic features of the Gothic.

In the era of dawn, easel painting and book miniatures were actively developed. Therefore, typical craft items here are such as:

  • woodcarving;
  • stone carving;
  • ceramics;
  • glass products;
  • hardware;
  • miniature ivory sculptures.


The room must have high cupboards and double-leaf wardrobes with panels, palace beds and chairs with high backs, imitating the architectural fragments of knight's castles and majestic medieval churches.

Separate place in gothic interior is given to chests, which, if necessary, can serve as tables, beds and benches. It is customary to put chests one on top of the other, decorating the resulting structure with lancet vaults, in order to obtain an impromptu wardrobe in this way.

In the Gothic table there should be a rather deep drawer and a significantly protruding tabletop, the base of which are two supports. And under the folding tabletop should be hidden from prying eyes lots of tiny drawers and compartments.

Massive Gothic furniture, as a rule, is made of dark wood, decorated with exquisite carvings and various forged elements.

The ceiling in a Gothic room should be high enough, because Gothic is, first of all, skyward-looking architecture. If required by the design on the ceiling, an imitation of carved beam ceilings is made.

The walls are usually finished wood paneling or decorative stone, decorated with bright gothic paintings, colorful tiled mosaics and antique tapestries.

Of course, the presence of huge high windows, for which the walls are only small frame, multi-colored stained-glass windows, the play of natural light and a large stained-glass rose window above the entrance to the room creates a unique "face" of the Gothic style. Stained glass windows, made in the form of lancet arches, are considered the most recognizable feature of the Gothic style. Doors should be oak and paneled.

A photo

As you can see, contrary to popular belief, Gothic is not a synonym for gloom and severity, on the contrary, it can be bright and light, spiritualized, irrational, aspiring to spiritual heights. Gothic stylization transforms ordinary apartment to a mysterious castle in which the kitchen becomes the laboratory of the magician-alchemist, the dining room becomes a magnificent banquet hall, and regular bedroom luxurious bedchamber.

If you have dreamed of living in a beautiful castle since childhood, let your imagination run wild and boldly start design experiments.


We offer you to familiarize yourself with the video material about the history of the creation of the Gothic style.

The heyday of the Gothic style fell on the XII-XV century. Examples of original Gothic can still be seen in the architecture of many countries. Western Europe. Unlike the previous Romanesque style, Gothic is characterized by grace, aspiration upwards, spaciousness, saturation of tones, pretentiousness of the shape of windows and vaults, as well as the intricacy of patterns and stained-glass windows that create an unusual interior. lighting design. Despite the fact that Gothic is a complex and rather controversial style, which sometimes evokes an atmosphere of mysticism and mystery, in the 19th and 20th centuries this style experienced its new revival. And even now, many seek to recreate the Gothic style in the interior of residential premises, giving their design medieval austerity and luxury.

The features of this style and its application in a modern interior today will be discussed on the Dream House website in this publication.

Mandatory details of the Gothic style

In order for the Gothic in a modern interior to look harmonious and convincing, a considerable amount of space is required. In standard small-sized rooms, which are distinguished by low ceilings, the details of this style cannot be fully read, which is why the interior will become too cluttered and awkward.

The basis of the Gothic style in the interior are clear straight lines directed upwards. For example, in the classic version of the style, Gothic architecture was necessarily equipped with high arched windows with lancet points. In ordinary city apartments, it is unlikely that such an element will be recreated, but they will become a real decoration of a country house.

In addition, at all times the Gothic style was replete with multi-colored bright ones, which were not only an adornment of the facade of the building, but also an opportunity to give the room an unusual lighting design. In the modern interpretation, this detail can be found not only on facade windows, but also in interior openings or doors of cabinets and sideboards. Since the creation of stained-glass windows is quite painstaking and expensive work, you can use stained glass film imitating their original design.

In interior decoration windows were often decorated with thick and heavy curtains that were attached to wrought iron cornices. If the Gothic style is recreated in country house, wooden shutters can be used to decorate windows.

A characteristic feature of Gothic is the use natural materials. In this style, it is impossible to find plastic or other modern finishing materials, but instead of them in in large numbers applied natural wood, stone, marble, metal, etc.

During the heyday of the Gothic style, wood and stone carving gained immense popularity. Masters decorated the interior of the room with various characteristic patterns and story pictures. For example, the walls were often painted with scenes from the life of knights and princesses, and the furniture was decorated with ornaments and "Gothic roses" - circles with a flower inscribed inside. To emphasize the status of noble owners, carvings and paintings were often covered with gilding.

Gothic style in the interior of the apartment

Gothic style colors

Any interior style has a certain colors. The Gothic style is characterized by blue-black, purple, cherry, dark blue, gray, ruby ​​​​and scarlet colors. So that the combination of these shades does not look too gloomy, in the modern interpretation, white or milky tones are used as the main tone. If the darkest colors are found on furniture or walls, they are often decorated with gold or silver patterns.

Gothic style interior photo

Furniture in modern gothic style

Typical gothic style furniture should be solid wood and have brightly carved or wrought iron details. For example, a Gothic-style bedroom can be supplemented with a large bed with columns, which, if desired, are decorated with thick or curtains. In this room, it would be appropriate to look at various wooden, wicker, tables with marble finishes, mirrors in a massive frame, bivalve wardrobes and on high legs.

The Gothic living room in the old days was most often equipped with round tables on carved legs, high chairs that looked like a throne, and bulky wooden sets. In addition, an obligatory element of the living room in the Gothic style is a large one, the wooden frame of which is decorated with Celtic symbols or Gothic ornaments. Today, not everyone uses such furniture, but if, nevertheless, the living room should acquire a Gothic style, then some elements from the described furniture will still be present.

Contemporary Gothic decor

In the medieval Gothic style, great importance was given to textile interior design. The floors were often covered with self-woven carpets, matching the color of the curtains or curtains. Textile decoration was present not only on the floor, but also on the walls. For example, tapestries were especially popular - the so-called woven paintings with various plot images. Now instead of tapestries, you can use tapestries or.

To make the Gothic style look harmonious and whole in any interior, you need to choose the right accessories and decorations. Since everything pretentious and sophisticated is inherent in this style, its atmosphere is perfectly complemented by massive forged candlesticks, paintings in gilded frames, wooden and metal figurines.

Lamps and chandeliers are the finishing touch of the interior design. In the Middle Ages, a steel chandelier with low suspensions, decorated with wrought iron candle holders, was considered especially fashionable. Such a chandelier was hung in the center of the room, however, sconces and were additionally installed on the walls of the room. For a particularly accurate recreation of this style, you can use modern chandeliers, whose design resembles appearance medieval products.