The meaning of the name Julia for a girl. What nationality is the name Julia? Famous people named Julia

- paired woman's name male name Julius is of Latin origin, meaning "of the Julius clan." The nature of the bearer of this name characterized by calmness, firmness, the presence of willpower. However, Julia is rather sentimental, but prefers to hide her feelings from everyone, trusting no one.

Julia knows how to present herself, she never allows herself to be harsh, straightforward in communication. She is delicate and tactful, has a great sense of humor. Julia is an optimist in life, she does not tend to think about bad things, be sad. Depression is not about her.

The main disadvantage of Julia is laziness, which relaxes her, even if the business she started is extremely interesting to her. To succeed, she will have to fight with herself and her laziness constantly. Julia is often overly trusting and allows dishonest people to manipulate her. When she finds out about this, it becomes a heavy blow for her, but her offender is also unhappy. Yulia's kindness is manifested in caring for all her relatives, even distant ones. In general, the family for her is sacred. True, she is stubborn in communicating with her relatives, but she can compromise if she does not feel that she is being pressured.

Julia strives for self-expression, but the same laziness prevents her from achieving success. In addition, she often switches from one to another, having many interests and hobbies.

Julia never weaves intrigues, does not substitute anyone. This makes her respected by many people. Respect and a good attitude for her is much more important than career growth and financial well-being. But sometimes her kindness and responsiveness can work against her. Julia sees only the good in others, so she cannot always distinguish good man from bad. She needs to learn to understand people, to be more critical. Julia does not like quarrels and scandals, she always strives to resolve the conflict peacefully.

Insolence, rudeness and disrespectful attitude - that's what can drive Julia out of herself. She does not like it when someone behaves arrogantly, arrogantly, tries to subordinate those around her to her will. Julia prefers to live in peace with everyone, but some people may well become her enemies. She does not like to realize that she has ill-wishers, but she cannot go against her conscience and principles. Julia does not agree to the appearance of friendship with a person whom she frankly does not like, but she tries not to show her dislike, as she is used to being tactful.

Julia is successful among men, but her personal life is often not very successful.

Diminutive forms of the name Julia

Julia, Yulenka, Yulechka, Yulchik, Yulia, Yulia, Yulochka, Yulok, Yulyushka.


A friendly, open girl who knows the art of communication. She is sincere in everything she says and does, as she does not accept falsehood. She has many friends and girlfriends who appreciate and respect her. She dreams of her own business, she will be happy if her dream comes true.


Soft, pleasant in communication, but trusts people too much. He is not afraid of betrayal, does not understand why he should be careful and first get to know a new acquaintance, and then trust him. Sometimes she lacks a sense of humor.


Beautiful, charming, with charm and a sense of humor. It is popular with men, likes to flirt, enjoy attention and compliments. She loves sports, it would suit her rhythmic gymnastics, and if you start at an older age - Pilates.


She is attached to her parents, especially to her mother. She is for her best friend and remain so for life. Such attachment turns into dependence, which prevents her from accepting important decisions. He understands his dependence on loved ones, but finds it difficult to start a truly independent life.

a lion

Cheerful, energetic, active. Can't imagine youth without discos and entertainment. She loves when others respect her opinion. Sometimes he behaves inattentively towards others, may inadvertently offend someone.


Smart, serious, responsible. She is well versed in people, tries not to communicate with those who she does not like. With new acquaintances, he behaves cautiously, even closed, in no hurry to call them friends. Has a penchant for art and creativity, especially writing poetry.


Although lazy, she loves sports, especially swimming. Friendly and cheerful, but a little superficial in assessing others. He can call his friend someone whom he does not know well, which leads to disappointment in people.


Versatile, erudite, serious. He is proud of his independence and independence. Often behaves arrogantly towards others, which pushes them away from him. She behaves proudly with young people, because she is very vulnerable in her soul.


Vulnerable, soft, naive. He considers these traits to be his minus, in every possible way he tries to hide them and seem stronger and firmer. She dreams of finding a person who would become a true friend for her, faithful and devoted. Spends too much time at the computer, in social networks.


Predisposed to business, she is able to raise the company from scratch. Always rely on own forces, never asks someone for help, even if he needs it. She herself is ready to give up everything for the sake of her family and friends, even if she had important plans.


Reliable, responsible, always ready to help. Strives for self-realization and self-expression. He loves and knows how to achieve his goal, but he treats money calmly, not considering it the main thing in life. He is fond of art, likes to go to fashion exhibitions and read interesting books.


Sentimental, emotional, trusting. She cannot resist a handsome man - after all, appearance is very important to her. I'm used to seeing only the good in people. Knows how to forgive, ready to forget everything in order to save good relationship. She has many friends, but not all of them can be considered real.

There is no information about the exact origin of the name Julia. However, there are options. According to one of them, this name originates from a famous hero ancient rome Yula Askania. He is known for the fact that he created a city called Alba Longa and ruled in it. Representatives of the Askania clan began to call their daughters the name Yulia in his honor.
There are several versions of the translation of the name Julia. If you translate it from ancient Greek, you get "fluffy." With Latin the name translates as "July".

The character of the name Julia (Julia)

The meaning of a person's name varies depending on various circumstances, such as the time of year of the bearer's birth. Julia, born in winter, has such character traits as purposefulness, organization and restraint. She also has excessive romanticism and dreams of true love. Spring Julia loves to fantasize. She is characterized by sensitivity and love for creativity. She is very interesting in communication, thanks to which she has many friends with whom she is not ready to say goodbye even for the sake of her family. If Yulia's birthday is in the summer, then kindness and patience are inherent in her. She always treats her loved ones with kindness and respect. Summer Julia has many principles by which she lives. She does not tolerate injustice and always tries to achieve the truth. Julia, born in autumn, is usually not very sociable. She prefers to lead a secluded life. She is practical and pragmatic, but in some situations lacks prudence.

In adulthood, Julia, having gained life experience, becomes a real housewife. She wants to be the best in this field. During the search for a future husband, Julia is extremely cautious, but by choosing someone, she can become too attached to a man.

Adult Julia is characterized by restraint, but sometimes she still shows her emotions. She has a strong character thanks to which she is able to wait for her love for a very long time. Yulia hates being lectured and never lectures other people herself. For her, this is a disgrace. Yulia is also very diligent and shows responsibility in all matters. She has no prejudice. Among Julia's friends there are both men and women. She hates lies and betrayal, and also simply does not tolerate treason. When communicating with Yulia, you need to show a sense of tact, as she often takes everything too close to her heart.

Julia is very stubborn and always does what she promises. For this reason, many consider her too stubborn. She is also excellent developed intellect. When making any decisions, Yulia never stands her ground, but always listens to the opinion from the outside.

Julia will never engage in a business that she is not interested in. Therefore, she chooses the work to her liking. Most often, she works in the field of communication, for example, as a lawyer or psychiatrist. Julia is a very active woman, sports loving. The bearers of this name of the part become famous athletes.
Julia's business will be successful and prosperous. However, she will need to learn how to save and concentrate.

Julia loves to read. Books make her life brighter. She also likes to study mysticism and magic. She does not like conflicts and tries to avoid them. Due to her isolation, Julia rarely defends her opinion. However, this does not upset her either, since she is sure that disputes are useless and you should not waste your time on them. Yulia's intuition is well developed, but most often she solves problems based on her mind. However, Julia also often listens to her inner voice. The combination of excellent mental abilities and intuition allows her to find a way out of even the most difficult situations.

Name Julia (Julia) for a girl

As a child, Yulia is quite fickle and prone to frequent mood swings. She is a very sensitive person who can be offended easily. Julia can play and enjoy life, and in a minute she can already be capricious and cry. However, she calms down very quickly if left alone. Julia is an undoubted leader and strives for victory in any business. She never admits her mistakes. Due to her sensitivity, she very often takes other people's problems too close to her heart and can even become depressed because of this. Julia has a lot of friends. They appreciate her kindness, sensuality and sincerity.

As a teenager, Julia hates to quarrel and conflict. She will prefer one old, time-tested friend to two new friends. Sometimes young Julia behaves too emotionally and shows ambition. Some think that she is insensitive and does not know how to sympathize with someone else's grief. In fact, young Julia is just perfectly able to hide her emotions.

Usually young Julia is a very attractive girl, so she always has a lot of fans among her peers. However, she keeps a low profile and has no intention of having affairs at a young age. Since Yulia likes to do only what she is interested in, her success at school is average. She only performs well on her favorite subjects. She doesn't like studying. She would rather have fun and relax with her friends.

Marriage and compatibility named after Julia

Julia loves solid and strong men who are able to protect themselves and all their loved ones. In a relationship, she never succumbs to her feelings, but is always guided by her mind. Julia chooses a man with all caution. He must accept everything in Julia, including her pedantry. Also, Julia is not ready to connect her fate with a man who has bad habits. She doesn't need a slob. She is looking for a serious man with strong principles and convictions.

It will be very difficult for a man to take possession of Julia. She needs a lot of attention, so it will not be easy for the chosen one to win her favor. However, having found her ideal, Julia completely surrenders to relationships. Family is the meaning of her life for her. She is best suited for a man who dreams of a housewife who will only deal with housekeeping and raising children.

Julia does not strive to become a leader in her family, but all important decisions must be made taking into account her opinion. The husband can always rely on her and consults with her in everything. However, even in adulthood, Yulia retains her capriciousness, so a man must accept his wife with all the pluses and minuses and not try to remake. In sexual terms, Julia is quite constrained until she finds a suitable partner for herself. In this case, she fully reveals herself and can prove herself as a real priestess of love.

Famous people with the name Julia

  • Julia Zhadovskaya- Russian writer and poet. Her lyrical works were filled with emotional experiences. Many of her poems became the basis for the works of famous composers such as Mikhail Glinka and Alexander Dargomyzhsky.
  • Julia Platonova- Russian performer and music teacher. She performed at the Mariinsky Theater, and was also a member of the Imperial Opera Company of the city of St. Petersburg. She promoted Russian opera and was the initiator of the first production of Boris Godunov.
  • Julia Lermontova- the first Russian woman to become a doctor chemical sciences. She is a relative of the famous writer Mikhail Lermontov. Specialized in organic chemistry.
  • Julia Voznesenskaya- Russian Orthodox poet. Over time, I also became interested in prose. In 1976 she was sent into exile for 5 years. Thanks to this, she wrote several works about how women are humiliated in the camps. Soviet Union.
  • Julia Ryabchinskaya- a famous athlete of the Soviet Union. In 1972 she won gold in Olympic Games, speaking on a single kayak. However, the sport was her downfall. 5 months after the Olympics, Yulia had a heart attack right in training.
  • Yulia Savicheva is a popular Russian singer. She became famous thanks to her participation in the second season of the television project "Star Factory". In 2004 she represented Russia at the Eurovision Song Contest. Also an actress.
  • Julia Gavrilova- Russian athlete. She is a saber fencer who won Olympic gold in 2016.
  • Julia Bordovskikh- Russian TV and radio presenter. She hosted a program on the radio "Maximum", as well as a sports editorial on the NTV channel. Since 2001, Yulia, together with her team, switched to the TV-6 channel.
  • Julia Parshuta- Russian singer. She was a member of the Yin-Yang pop group, produced by Konstantin Meladze. In 2011, she left the line-up and began her solo career.

Julia's main character trait is receptivity. She is characterized by sociability, indecision and fearfulness, her intuition is better developed than her mind.

The name Julia in Latin means "curly", "wavy", "fluffy". This is the female version of the name "Julius".

Origin of the name Julia:

The name Julia is derived from the name of the very famous Roman family Julius.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Julia:

Julia usually grows up as a healthy and good-natured child. She can bring problems to parents only by capriciousness and hypersensitivity. She is often in a fantasy world, acutely receptive to new experiences and interested in everything unusual and otherworldly. In the company of a quiet person, he willingly shares toys and sweets with friends. He does not like noisy fun and pranks, but not one of those who prefer loneliness. Tired, it becomes lethargic and touchy. She studies selectively, sometimes she is talented in the humanities. Children's fears often persist until adulthood.

Julia is rarely interested career growth preferring to devote more time to family. Art-related professions that do not require strict reporting are well suited to them. Julia does not like the exact sciences, understanding comes to her from intuition, and not as a result of data analysis. She may seem lazy to her superiors and colleagues, but in fact, Yulia is simply calm and unambitious. Failures are perceived painfully, capable of abandoning the goal because of them. Works well according to the instructions, clearly and on time completes orders. AT independent work can be careless and irresponsible, forgetful and does not attach much importance to other people's interests.

Julia's friends appreciate attentiveness and tact. Rude words hurt them greatly, offended Julias rarely take revenge - usually they just break off the relationship. They are sincerely friends, hard to experience betrayal. A common language is equally well found with both men and women.

Julia is thrifty, which can turn into stinginess. Their defensive reaction is isolation, taciturnity. Yulias can rarely get out of depression on their own, they need the help of relatives and friends. They are disgusted by rude jokes and rudeness, they are drawn to sophistication and aristocracy. They are afraid of doctors, with age they are more and more addicted to self-medication.

Usually Yuliya are graceful, slender, have a pleasant quiet timbre of voice. In the object of a love interest, they are looking for the same thing as in a friend: tact and aristocracy. They are restrained in the manifestation of emotions, shy, they experience failures on the love front much harder than on the career front. With pleasure they provide their husband with a strong family rear, they are not burdened by the role of a housewife.

friendly and a strong family- what Julia is most striving for. Her house is always clean, she loves to cook and receive guests. Usually indecisive, she prefers her husband to solve serious domestic issues. Carefully engaged in the upbringing of children. In moments of rest, he likes to read, at home he collects a good library. With relatives tries to maintain smooth relations, always ready to help.

If Julia was born in the summer, she is characterized by kindness and tenderness. "Spring" - the biggest dreamers, "autumn" - closed, taciturn, dreamy and aloof. Those born in winter pay attention to their careers, are smart and prudent.

Men named Alexander, Vyacheslav, Vladimir and Victor will become good partners for them, relations with Lions, Sergeys, Antons can be cool and unsuccessful.

Attention should be paid to the fact that to date, scholarly historians have not established exact value named after Julius, however, there is one theory according to which this female name is derived from Yul Askania, who is the founder of the settlement of Alba Longa. Many assume that the legendary Julius Caesar is a direct descendant of Yul Ascanius.

In Rome of ancient times, only women belonging to the Julius family were called by this name. Julia is currently a very bright, beautiful and common name for Orthodox women. It should be noted that in our time, women bearing the name Julia are no less common than in ancient times.

This fact, of course, is not something out of the ordinary, since such a large number of beautiful and gifted women are named after Julia. These include pop artists Yulia Savicheva and Yulia Nachalova, theater and film actresses Yulia Snigir and Yulia Menshova, writers Yulia Voznesenskaya and Yulia Shestakova, athlete Lipnitskaya Yulia, and director Krasnova Yulia.

Characteristics of the name Julia

Describing the meaning of the name Julia, it should be noted that women named by this name are direct and sociable natures, which are quite problematic to replace with anyone. The name Julia is distinguished by such an amount of energy, which is characterized by perseverance (and sometimes stubbornness), excessive individualism, fastidiousness, as well as knowledge of how to achieve what is required by absolutely any methods.

A woman named Yulia is an unusual and gifted little person in everything, she is not capable of being ordinary or stupid. A woman named Yulia easily finds with everyone mutual language, however, behind the external carelessness, almost always a selfish intent is hidden. The described meaning of the name Julia suggests that such a woman will not help her neighbor, just because he needs her.

A woman named Julia will never do anything just like that. At the same time, Julia is distinguished by a craving for adventurous actions, quick solutions and risky actions that are not justified by anything. Most often, a woman named Yulia is friends only with wealthy or successful "people", i.e. beau monde, where she is well received. A woman named Yulia is always tactful, correct with absolutely everyone that she requires in relation to herself.

Julia's character traits

A woman named Yulia will not tolerate the use of a mentoring tone, and besides, it is completely ineffective with her. This meaning of the name Julia implies a significant share of responsibility in approaching each case, whether it be a profession, family or career. The woman, named Yulia, is completely alien to all sorts of prejudices, however, in relation to her own nature, she is somewhat suspicious.

A woman named Yulia will never insist on her own opinion, but she will also not tolerate moralizing. All women named Yulia are characterized by a highly developed sense of dignity, and sometimes by excessive pride. A woman named Yulia absolutely always fulfills her obligations, and her statements never diverge from deeds. Julia is an honest woman with strong character traits, most taken for ordinary stubbornness.

A woman named Julia, the meaning of the name and whose fate is described, perfectly restrains her own emotions, for this reason sometimes looks like a heartless and cold person. The mental attitude is vulnerable, sentimental, but it perfectly hides its own feelings. The woman, named Yulia, strives not to create moments when her feelings are able to get out into the light of day.

Each woman bearing the name Julia is a subtle nature that can get out of every situation "dry out of the water." It is distinguished by a wonderful sense of humor, a sharp mind, observation, as well as resourcefulness, which are problematic to hide.

Julia's childhood

Telling the meaning of the name Yulia for a girl, it should be noted that she is an interested and somewhat eccentric daughter, who knows how to infect loved ones with her joyful feelings. A girl named Julia tries to be in the center of everyone's attention, she is not gifted with a sense of embarrassment. In childhood, it is sometimes problematic for the girl Yulia to establish contact with the closest people - her parents.

The girl Julia is very stubborn, she always stands her ground, even realizing that she herself is not right. The girl Yulia has a great imagination, for this reason she reacts very sensitively to everything that happens around her and regularly feels resentment. As a teenager, Yulia fades into a silent, introverted personality, qualities that will persist throughout her life. Child Julia is able to turn into an excellent athlete or dancer, for this reason, parents should enroll her in a dance or sports section as early as possible.

During her school years, Julia studies well, because she is very smart and also likes to read a lot. By any means tries to avoid conflict or quarrels with peers. Already at this time, an aristocratic trait and selectivity in acquaintances are manifested in Yulia.

Julia's intimate life

The woman, named Julia, from the very early childhood has a lot of fans, to the attention of which he gets used and perceives as a matter of course. Nevertheless, Julia, the meaning of the name, the character and fate of which is described, is able to experience inexpressible passion, as well as sensuality when true love appears. In this case, Julia will simply lose all calmness.

In a relationship, a woman named Yulia does not tolerate vulgar statements and a rude attitude, but she also does not need a “slobber”. Usually a woman named Julia regularly has sex, which does not touch her soul or heart at all. In general, Julia loves intimacy itself and does not identify this process with love. Having special moral principles, she is able to walk with several lovers at the same time.

Compatibility, marriage and family

A woman named Julia whose origin and meaning is discussed in this article is incredibly happy in marriage. In the immediate vicinity of her is always the most worthy spouse, who makes her very happy. A woman named Julia never creates conflict situations, both with her husband and his relatives, which does not at all facilitate her joint idyll with her husband.

The woman, named Yulia, has a very changeable and rather problematic character that not every spouse can withstand. The woman Yuliya is largely taken over by household chores, her apartment is just a role model. She cooks amazingly well, makes spins, while not mindlessly spending money on unnecessary goods. A woman named Julia loves to receive guests, does not differ in envy and stinginess.

For the sake of his spouse, as well as the kids, he will sacrifice even an excellent career. He does not pretend to be the head of the family, however, he will not allow himself to be controlled. A woman named Yulia attaches great importance family idyll - to make everything look great, even if in fact it is not. She tries not to take family problems out of the family circle, she tries to find a man who would have a similar approach to family relationships.

He can count on successful relationships with Gennady, Pavel, Eduard, Cyril, Eugene, Maxim, Alexander, Vladislav and Vasily. You need to avoid marriage with Robert, Fedor, Nikolai, Philip, Anatoly and Andrey.

Career and business

In everyday life, a woman named Yulia is not distinguished by the presence of ambitious feelings, for this reason, only in exceptional cases is she able to climb to a significant career height, especially since Yulia is quite satisfied with being a housewife. Giving the meaning of the name Julia, it should be noted that for her a career will always be in the background after the family.

The woman, named Yulia, quite early realizes that each person is characterized by the presence of faintly visible threads, for which, with knowledge of the matter, if you pull, you can achieve a lot. For this reason, a woman named Julia is able to become a successful educator, teacher or psychologist. She has such character traits that allow her to work with troubled teenagers, to be a lawyer or a successful human rights activist.

A woman named Julia will not be able to practice painstaking work, however, is characterized by the presence of a wonderful sense of knowing the boundaries, as well as excellent taste. Julia will make a wonderful make-up artist, makeup artist, artist, fashion designer, choreographer or designer.

With an innate commercial flair, a woman, Yulia, is able to become a successful businessman. It should be noted that the stars generally favor Yulia in the financial sector. Whatever profession Yulia chooses, she is distinguished by responsibility, diligence, but she still has to endure a regular struggle with her own laziness.


Summing up the results of this article, we can conclude that a woman named Yulia will be a rather self-sufficient person in life, who does not tolerate guidance on herself, and also prefers a quiet family life without conflicts and quarrels, a successful career or a profitable business.

In childhood, the girl Yulia does not cause any problems to her parents, as well as to teachers, she studies perfectly, easily. However, it is characterized by a highly developed daydreaming, for this reason everything is close to the heart and offended. Nevertheless, the woman Julia is able to achieve a lot in life.

The origin of the name Julia has three main versions. According to the first, it has ancient Greek roots and comes from Iulos - “curly”, “fluffy”. According to the second, this name has a Latin meaning - “from the genus Julius”, “July”, the female version of Julius. The third version is the Scandinavian version, where it means "born on Christmas". And indeed, not so long ago, girls born in December were often called Julia.

It is currently a well-known and popular Eastern European female name. In other countries of the world, it is no less common - Julia, Julia, Julie, Juliet.

Name astrology

  • Zodiac Sign: Leo
  • Ruler Planet: Sun
  • Talisman Stone: Amber
  • Yellow color
  • Wood: oak
  • plant: sunflower
  • Animal: dragonfly
  • Favorable day: Sunday


With early years the owner of this beautiful name shows his character. Julia is touchy, whiny, capricious and stubborn. He is not shy about teasing other kids, directly pointing out their shortcomings. Arguing with her is useless and even dangerous, because in anger she can beat anyone. However, even such childish aggression quickly subsides, and she again becomes a kind and vulnerable girl.

Julia is always sociable, enjoys new acquaintances, which she easily makes. But this trait sometimes plays against her due to excessive gullibility. It is better for parents to be aware of who their daughter is friends with and communicates with. Being an incredible inventor, she often becomes the ringleader in various children's pranks. And developed fantasy and mind allow her to easily get out of the water dry in all situations.

With age, a born rebel becomes more calm. Julia is still popular among friends and classmates. True, sometimes there are outbursts of emotions when she can be rude for no reason and seriously offend someone. Thinking, Julia realizes her mistakes and she herself will come to ask for forgiveness.

She has Amazonian blood in her blood. She loves adventure and adventure and rarely listens to other people's opinions. Any beliefs are useless: if she has something in mind, she will do everything in her own way. But her friends adore her and never get bored with her. Julia is a real volcano in which energy boils, and she just needs to break out.

Interests and hobbies

The bearer of this name is fond of reading books, and the subject matter of the works is of great importance. Julia gives preference to fantasy, mysticism, that is, everything unusual. He likes to read historical novels, presenting himself either as a countess or as a princess. Other hobbies are everything related to the house - from interior decor to cooking (by the way, also fantastic and unusual).

Profession and business

The owner of the name Julia, as a rule, has a sharp mind, deep intellect and excellent memory, which allows her to show herself remarkably in any field of activity. She is well versed in trading, bank management and other commercial endeavors. She makes a good manager, producer and even an actress. It will not be superfluous to introduce the girl to sports from an early age. In the future, she may appear in figure skating or sports dancing.


In general, Julia is in good health. She is a hardy and tireless girl. worth in childhood Special attention pay attention to diseases of the upper respiratory tract, this is a vulnerable spot, otherwise, in adulthood, ailments can become chronic. You should also take care of the condition of the child's teeth - the girl will go to any tricks, just not to get into the chair to the dentist.

In adulthood, problems with the heart, pancreas and swelling of the legs may disturb.

Sex and love

The name Julia and love are almost synonymous. From an early age, she has many admirers, because among her friends the stronger sex prevails. However, this does not infect her with star disease: the attitude of others is taken for granted and with dignity. But it is worth meeting on the way to the only one, as sensuality and passion spread this external calmness in an instant.

Family and marriage

Usually family life Julia is doing the best. Next to her is only a worthy gentleman, surrounding her with care and love. But he also has a hard time: a man who decides to connect his fate with the representative of this name should critically assess his own merits. Her character is such that she will never tolerate rudeness. But she is even more disgusted by the weak-willed sissy. A woman like Julia needs to match.

In everyday life, she is an ideal housewife, a caring wife and mother. Guests are amazed by both the excellent cuisine and the tastefully decorated interior of the home, as well as the atmosphere of warmth, comfort and goodwill.