How to develop imagination and creativity: effective methods and recommendations. How to develop imagination

Fantasy is an integral part of the childhood of any person. It helps to come up with very unusual things, and with the help of imagination, visualize them in your head. It is used not only by children, but also by adults. And often the second it helps a lot in Everyday life and also supports mental health. Consider how to develop imagination in adults.


The first method by which it will be possible to train fantasy with imagination is games. They are great for adults or kids of all ages. A big plus of such training will be the opportunity to have fun and develop figurative memory.

You can develop your imagination with the following games:

  1. Application of items. The task of the participants is to alternately come up with new options for the use of certain things. It is important that they are unusual, but logical enough. From 2 to 10 people can participate in the game, it is well suited for a family evening.
  2. Figure drawing. The game begins with the first participant drawing any figure, and all the others take turns adding various squiggles to it, creating a complete image. You can continue until the sheet is completely filled, but it is desirable to bring the picture into a logical form.
  3. Questions. Only 2 people take part in the game. It is best for children's development preschool age. The parent must ask the child unexpected questions. For example, "what if you had money" or "how would you get out of the woods." Such questions stimulate spatial imagination and logical thinking.
  4. Imaginary friend. Almost every child invented an imaginary friend with whom he communicated, played and even quarreled. It helped to distract from boredom and also to feel more social. Such simple game perfect even for adults. You just need to imagine a non-existent friend, and then communicate with him, consult or discuss various events.
  5. Who, with whom, where, when. The essence of the game are questions similar to its name. All of them need to be considered by each participant in turn. In the process, a sheet is taken, on which everyone answers their own question, and then bends their inscription. When everyone writes invented words, you need to read the resulting sentence aloud. The game is suitable for people of all ages.
  6. Puppet show. Many children are very fond of theatrical performances presented in a playful way. You can get a lot of benefit from this hobby. It is enough just to give the children the opportunity to personally create all the scenes. Parents themselves can act as spectators in such a game.
  7. Word games. A very simple game, the essence of which is to make different sentences. Participants are required to come up with unusual sentences, including three originally given words. After that, everyone should read them aloud.

You can play every day, but such training should be supplemented with other methods of influencing fantasy. The more you practice, the better the effect will be.

Morning exercises for the mind according to Tolstoy's method can also be a very effective game. Its essence is to describe any object as if it had never been seen before.


You can train your imagination with special exercises. They, like games, can be used not only for adults. It is recommended to do it every day. If desired, the training can be done several times.

Basic exercises:

  1. Formation of images. You need to take any two words that come to mind. Of these, halves are discarded, and the remaining ones are connected together. For a new word, you also need to come up with appearance, description, purpose, etc.
  2. Verbalization. During the exercise, you need to take two nouns, but change one of them into a verb. For example, "needle the sky." After that, you need to show the visualization method and present the invented action.
  3. Combining image with action. You need to select any two items, and then change their main actions among themselves. For example, “glasses walk on a rhino” or “rhinoceros increases glasses.” From such proposals it is necessary to develop unusual story. Exercise will improve not only fantasy, but also thinking.
  4. New names. The goal of a person will be to come up with new variants of names for familiar objects related to their main use. For example, call a shovel a "digger". The use of such an exercise to develop the imagination can influence psychology, which will improve the perception of the world.
  5. Invention. A simple exercise that will help develop imagination, creativity and intelligence. You just need to try to collect something from improvised things. For example, make a car out of coins. A good helper in this case will be a LEGO constructor.

If you train regularly, you can become a very developed person in all areas. The effect of classes will be especially noticeable in fantasy, imagination, visual memory, thinking, as well as understanding the structure of the world around.

You can improve your results with custom solution existing problems. To do this, you need to make a list of special options for how to achieve the desired result.


A creative person can achieve excellent results. Creativity greatly affects fantasy, developing it every time you do what you love, so architects, artists, designers, musicians, writers, screenwriters and people of other similar professions can boast of it. If it seems to them that their imagination is not sufficiently developed, and their imagination does not work well, then it will be much easier to solve the problem than for an ordinary person.

With the help of what creativity it will be possible to develop fantasy at home:

  1. Painting. You can just draw with a pencil or start painting right away. Any visual art allows you to achieve excellent results for a short time. Drawing unusual phenomena will be especially effective. For example, morning time on another planet. The disadvantages of this method include the importance of the presence of inspiration, without which nothing can come of it.
  2. Making up stories. It is best to start by writing small stories that do not require much time. After that, you can start writing large stories. During the creation of the story, you will have to actively fantasize, coming up with unusual situations.

If you need to improve the quality of fantasy with imagination in a child, then you should turn to the help of plasticine. Creating various sculptures can also involve fantasy skills. And for those who know how to compose music, you can try to write new song or create an unusual musical composition.

Creative people boast a particularly developed sense of taste and broad views of the world around them.

You can develop your imagination and imagination in any of the ways presented. But with the help additional tips it will be possible to achieve the result faster, and it will be even stronger. The tips include recommendations for lifestyle changes as well as simple methods workout.

  • Read books every day, fully delve into them;
  • Engage in self-development;
  • Travel, visit new places at least once a month;
  • Look for new inspiration;
  • Regularly visit exhibitions, look at art magazines;
  • Show curiosity, be interested in the device of technology;
  • Expand your interests, try something new;
  • Find creative friends, communicate with successful people;
  • Dreaming, imagining the future with unusual events;
  • Sometimes use one hand instead of the other;
  • Put yourself in the place of the characters in the books, imagine other options for the development of events;
  • Independently voice the characters in the cinema by turning on the TV without sound;
  • Invent unique fairy tales for your child;
  • Compose the fate of people seen on the street, remembering their appearance;
  • visualize real events to imagine what will happen in the future;
  • Watch the clouds, try to find among them known images.

Such simple tips bring good results. You just need to use them regularly, supplementing the main training.

It is important to refuse bad habits and change to proper nutrition.

After writing the previous article, I realized that for many, a “simple” technique can be quite difficult. Complaints about the lack of imagination in beginners are very common. So - in this article - a few simple "chips" for the development of imagination, fantasy and creativity (creativity).

But first, an important thought. If you think you don't have a sense of humor, imaginative thinking, creativity, or imagination, forget that thought. You have everything you need! Most likely - you just forgot where they live, put your imagination in a canvas bag and put it in the farthest corner of the closet. Well, or look in the bedside table - it’s probably there - your imagination - curled up and sleeping, smiling in a dream. And he does not know that it is difficult for you without him.

Seriously, everyone has an imagination. Can you remember what your girlfriend or boyfriend looks like? What does the metro station you use often look like? If yes, you are all right. It's just that your imaginative thinking is somewhat conserved, and only images of the reality familiar to you live in it. And it's worth a little work to expand the space of imagination. For in the human imagination there is a huge creative force and an inexhaustible creative resource.

You can reactivate the imagination with very simple techniques.

Long live advertising!

by the most best material for the development of the imagination is ... advertising. Posters with advertising slogans, shop signs - all this is material for us. They can be read backwards. Or you can combine parts of posters and inscriptions.

Another option - ready-made, combined - “Moscow Coffee House. Don't worry, take a dip!

Another option is to look at a box of sweets and the inscription on the notebook - “My cockroaches are a plastic cover: it won’t get dirty, it won’t wrinkle.”

Another option is to combine pictures with inscriptions. A picture of the same ham + an inscription on a bus passing by. We get: Apartments in new quarters ...

I think the idea is clear...

Image + action

A little more difficult than the previous one, but usually after a couple of days of training, everyone starts to get it easy.

We take one object, we take an action from another. As a result, we get the desired absurdity, which develops the imagination.

Examples. Bedside table + notebook. From the notebook we take action. It opens, you can write in it, etc. We get - the bedside table writes in a notebook. Further it is already possible to develop - what he writes, why he writes, to whom he writes ... But for a start - enough. For, in this case, our task is not to make a handsome man, but simply to shake the imagination.

Lamp + bathrobe. In principle - not bad at once - a lamp in a dressing gown. Bann. Looks like he just got out of the bath. So, she also has a turban. But if you strictly observe the letter of technology, then the robe that caught your eye is fluffy. So, another option - the lamp is overgrown with fur. Or fluff. Or laughter. Fur lamp. Shaggy. Laughing.

In this case, as I have already said, we do not pursue the beauty of the image and do not strive for the images to be funny or edge. We just mix everything.

image + image + action

An option similar to the previous one. Only two items are connected by an action from the third.

Example. Linoleum + balcony door + ruler. Linoleum gallantly opens the ruler balcony door. Balcony door measures linoleum. The ruler walks the balcony door along the linoleum.

Another example. Mobile phone + bus + traffic light. A mobile phone winks at the bus at traffic lights. The bus rings a traffic light on a mobile: “Please turn on the green!”

And here is a simple combination for independent work: Gift box + showcase + zebra (crosswalk).

Half word + half word

This technique comes from childhood. Get new words. The technique is simple, and the imagination develops remarkably. Because behind every word our brain is used to seeing an image. And by creating new words, we encourage the brain to get involved in the work of fantasizing, creating new images. That is, I propose not only to create new words, but also to dream up how “it” could look like.

TV + nightstand = TV

Rhinoceros + cover = oblorog


We pronounce

We take 2 items. The second subject is verbalization. And then we come up with how it could look like.

For example: - the scissors are felt-tip, the stapler is notebook, the hairpin is mirrored, the car is battery-operated, the aquarium is candy, and so on.

The main thing is to act

From experience, I can say that many people have difficulty imagining at first. And it is with simple techniques that you can achieve results the fastest.

It is interesting that the person himself usually does not really notice that he is changing as his figurative space opens and develops. But from the side it is very interesting to watch.

After all, a person wakes up - his creative beginning.

Many participants in the laughter training noted that when you start practicing these and similar techniques, your approach to life changes very quickly. It becomes an order of magnitude more creative, flexible, able to come up with something, as well as the ability to find ways out of any life situations and solving problems of any complexity.

With love for your fantasy, Yunia

Fantasizing is not only pleasant, but also useful, so imagination can and even needs to be developed. But how to do it?

So how do you develop your imagination? Helpful Hints:

  1. Each of us watches TV, but it can be done with the benefit of the imagination. So, turn on the movie or cartoon, but turn off the sound. Watch what is happening on the screen and try to mentally voice the main characters, imagining what they could say. Come up with a plot, think about what the intonation of the characters could be.
  2. If you have recently seen a movie or performance, then you can put yourself in the place of one of the characters, think about how you would act in this or that situation. Also try to come up with a different ending or even fantasize another character.
  3. If you have difficulties, make the most of them. Even if you have found a solution, imagine how the situation could have developed differently. Come up with a few more ways to solve the problem, and not necessarily possible and real. For example, you can imagine that you have some unique ability that can help you.
  4. Dream! Yes, everyone should dream, it helps not only to develop the imagination, but also to strive for the implementation of the plan. For example, if you dream of own house, then imagine the place in which it will be located. It can even be a seashore or an island. Think over to the smallest detail the interior of the home, its facade. Mentally arrange the furniture, fantasize about how you live in a new house.
  5. If you have a child, then you can connect him. Make up stories together. Ask the kid to come up with one character, and you come up with another. Think together about what the characters do, how they live. Then imagine some amazing event that will change the lives of the characters and the course of the fairy tale. Think about how the characters will behave, how everything will end in the end.
  6. If you ride public transport, then consider people. But do it unobtrusively, otherwise your behavior will arouse suspicion. Just look at a person once, fix his image in your memory and come up with his life, destiny. Imagine where he could work, describe all his family members, his relatives, hobbies and so on.
  7. A simple technique called “Five Points” will help develop the imagination. On the sheet in a chaotic manner, put five dots. Now connect them in such a way that you get some kind of pattern. Then put five dots again and connect them in a different way. Make several drawings, complete each one to make compositions.
  8. Drawing various processes and phenomena will help to train and develop the artist's imagination. For example, try to draw your thoughts, morning in space, night on another planet, some non-existent mythical creature. Images can be abstract, this is only welcome. Be sure to add colors, and the most different, bright ones.
  9. You can try to come up with "fan fiction" like fans of famous films and TV shows. In general, "fan fiction" is a prehistory, a different version or continuation of a story previously invented by someone. If you have a favorite movie, then think about how it all could have started, how it could have ended differently, how everything could have continued after the finale.
  10. Books will help you diversify your personality and train your imagination, and certainly without pictures. Read, mentally describe the characters, their facial expressions, thoughts, objects surrounding them.
  11. Try changing hands occasionally. A certain hemisphere is responsible for each hand (for the right - the left, and for the left - the right). And if you use both, then two hemispheres will work at once, which, of course, will help you think creatively.
  12. Play exciting and interesting game"What if". Just imagine different unusual phenomena. For example, think about what will happen if humans can fly, if people don't sleep, if animals start talking, if the sky turns pink, if they start selling new brains, and so on. And the more unexpected and sometimes even crazy your thoughts are, the more active your imagination will work.
  13. It will help to develop fantasy creativity, and any. You can draw, write poetry or songs, design new styles of clothing, create soap, sew or embroider, knit, and so on.
  14. Try to come up unusual names for the most common items. For example, a fork could be called a "edonatekalka", and a spoon "vrotozhelka". In general, think, associate things with some actions, and make unusual words out of these actions. It's not only fun, but also useful.
  15. Do not give your friends and loved ones banal gifts, come up with pleasant and unusual surprises. For example, if a friend is in business, give them the Idea Box. Let it be a regular bank. Put notes in it useful tips that you think could help increase your income. If mom is a salesperson, then present her with a soft seat for a chair with a “sales engine”, the role of which can be played by springs. In general, fantasize and think creatively in order not only to develop the imagination, but also to please loved ones.
  16. Look at the clouds and think about what each one looks like. Look at the outlines, do not think about the real, think abstractly and use your imagination. For example, in a round cloud, you can see the face or muzzle of some animal.
  17. You can put blots on a piece of paper and think what they look like.
  18. Try guessing on wax, it's very exciting! Take a saucer, fill it with water. Prepare a candle, light it and drip the melting wax into the water. In the resulting solidified figures, try to consider objects or even events.
  19. Communicate more with interesting and creative people, it is interesting and useful. Discuss their ideas, ask for their thoughts, ask for their opinion.
  20. Look for inspiration. Its source can be travel, new experiences, some interesting hobby, and so on.
  21. Look for unusual solutions problems. For example, if something is broken, try to make a mini-repair using improvised materials, or even replace the item with another one.
  22. Practice visualization. For example, if you are striving for something, then clearly imagine that it has already happened. So, if you are developing a project, consider how it will be presented, how you will speak, how your ideas will be approved.

Let the tips help you learn how to use your imagination and think creatively!

At visualization his dreams when you need to very vividly imagine the moment of fulfillment of this desire, a well-developed creative mind plays an important role. The ability to imagine your desire at the end point is an important component of the fulfillment of your desire. That's about it how to develop your imagination, and will be discussed in this article.

Unfortunately, not everyone succeeds. And some even believe that they are not given it, because they tried it once and saw nothing, they are disappointed and never return to this good helper upon reaching the desired. Meanwhile, it has been absolutely proved that absolutely everyone is endowed with imagination. Simply, for those who do not use the imagination, this function of our body atrophies, but can be “returned to life” again.

Developing your skill visualize, you develop your own . Need to understand what is not perfect way learn to imagine something in your imagination. After all, each person is individual, therefore, the method should be selected one that is more suitable for you and your feelings. Try to apply simple ways described below. It is possible that they will be suitable for you.

Imagination exercises:

1. Relax, close your eyes, and imagine a number in front of you. 1 - red, it gradually changes to a number 2 orange, after which the number 3 appears yellow color. The number 4 will be green and the number 5 will be blue, followed by the number 6, which will be blue, and the last digit 7 purple.

This arrangement of color in numbers corresponds to the order of the color in the chakras. In order to make it easy to remember these colors, use a hint familiar to everyone from childhood: goes Phazan. This is the arrangement of colors in the rainbow.

2. Pick up some simple object. It can be a notebook, a saucer, a handkerchief, a knitting needle, plastic bottle, mobile phone etc. Carefully consider it and remember how it feels in your hands, that is, you need to remember exactly your feelings from touching this object. Now put it down and, closing your eyes, try to imagine it in your imagination as best you can. Open your eyes and look at those details of the subject that you could not imagine the first time.

It often happens that we look at an object, but then we cannot describe it, because we perceive the object as a whole, without dwelling on the little things. Close your eyes again and try to imagine the subject with nuances that you didn't notice at first. I think you understand the meaning of the exercise. Do this exercise several times during the day with different objects. Set aside 3-4 minutes for this between tasks.

3. Now let's complicate the task a little. Exercise not only for the development of imagination, but also memory. You need to take 2-3 simple items, put them in front of you and remember the location. Close your eyes and visualize these objects. When you are good at representing these items, you can take items that have a lot of small details, colors or patterns.

4. This exercise is also more complex. You have to imagine any geometric figure: circle, square, pentagon, just a line. When you manage to imagine this figure, try to spin it. Then stop and spin to the other side. What is important here is not the creation of an object in your imagination, but the unwinding and stopping of a figure that already exists in your imagination.
Try to consider this figure from all sides at the moment when it is spinning. If you can do this without much difficulty, then color each of the sides in specific color and rotate the shape.

5. This is a way when you invent exercises for yourself. Let's say you are using public transport. Occupy your mind development of the imagination. Anything can be represented here.

You can imagine what your living room will look like if you move the sofa to the middle of the room and lift the TV from the nightstand to the wall. Here is a room with such a permutation and you should see. Or imagine your living room in a different color scheme.

If you are going to go somewhere, then first imagine yourself in the clothes in which you have already decided to go. And then imagine how you will look if you wear a different blouse. After you learn how to perform the first four exercises, doing this exercise will be easy. Moreover, the choice of clothes for going out is based on assumptions about how you will look in it, that is, the imagination is already working.

The boss assigned a creative task, but you don’t know from which end to approach it? Children ask to tell a fairy tale, but apart from "Kolobok" nothing comes to mind? The girl wants surprises, but you can't figure out what that means?

It's time to start looking for information about how to develop imagination in adults. After all, it is precisely with its absence that all the difficulties that may arise in the situations described above and many other situations are connected.

But do not get upset and study tons of information: from this article you will learn the most effective, but at the same time simple techniques development of the adult imagination. Get ready for a journey into a fantasy world!

To begin with, let's figure out what imagination is and why many people do not have it. So what does this word mean?

Imagination is the ability of a person to generate various images, ideas and representations in his mind. It can be active, when you deliberately imagine something, and it can be passive, that is, unconscious.

For example, if you feel hungry and your brain immediately comes up with a picture of a delicious burger or fried meat- Connected imagination; if you were looking at vacation photos and remembered how good it was to lie on the beach, it worked.

Thus, if a person says that he has no imagination, then this is not at all true. Everyone has this ability, but it is developed in different ways. And like any other ability or skill, imagination can be developed.

This ability is most actively manifested in young children, adolescents and young men. It is during these periods of life that we explore the world, dream, and make grandiose plans. With age, a person usually goes deeper into certain thoughts, studies, work, pays attention only to real things and pressing problems.

And if you are not creative person, whose whole life is connected with images, and a serious programmer or sales manager, then it becomes more and more difficult to come up with bright ideas every year. A person begins to think in stereotypes and sees the world too literally.

The consequence of this is boring conversations, the inability to make the world around them beautiful and colorful. How to deal with it?

In fact, developing the imagination is not too difficult, even for adults. Next will be listed various techniques and ways to help deal with the problem of lack of active imagination.

The main condition for the success of these exercises is openness to experimentation and the absence of constraint. The simplest of them are performed only in your head, which means that you should not be afraid of mistakes - no one will see them. And those ways that involve interacting with other people will help you not only develop your imagination, but also have fun.

1. Activate the "imagination" with the help of visualization

Perhaps visualization is the most in a simple way activate the work of the imagination and develop it. The essence of this exercise is a detailed mental reproduction of a certain object, place, action.

You need to start small: try to carefully examine the object lying on the table, and then close your eyes and imagine it. It can be anything, such as a book or a phone.

2. Develop imagination by reading books

Visualization of events from books is closely related to the previous method. Only here the task is more difficult - you need to keep a lot of characters, images in your head, make them move and interact. Try not just to read the letters and words, assimilating certain information, but to generate a complete picture.

Over time, reading books will become the same an exciting activity like watching movies... Or maybe even better! After all, when reading a book, you can not be limited by the director's imagination, but give free rein to your own imagination, and at the same time develop it.

3. We play associations

Associative thinking is developed in most adults. So something, but to imagine the color orange with the word "orange" will work for everyone. Playing this game with a team, you can not only have fun, but also improve your imagination skills.

4. We invent catops and other unknown animals

Where did the names of honey badger and weevil come from? Someone invented them! And, in the simplest way. Since an animal feeds on honey, it means that it should be called a honey badger, and that bird with a long beak - a weevil.

Even though the names you come up with are unlikely to be included in biology textbooks, this activity can be very fun and exciting. Combining different words and inventing new ones from them will perfectly help develop the imagination not only in children, but also in adults.

5. Getting involved in art

In fact, all creative people use this method to develop certain qualities in themselves. If you lack ideas, inspiration or imagination, go to an art gallery or an exhibition, watch films and workshops.

Watch how others do it. Sometimes a brilliant author's concept can be born from small pieces and ideas. And if you periodically observe the work of your favorite authors, then own ideas also won't keep you waiting long.

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