What does the wife of Nikolai Viktorovich Lyubov do. Breakfast with the Governor Nikolay Lyubimov about his family, work and books. My favorite sport is swimming because swimmers don't sweat. Always clean

On the project page Ryazan Team» appeared video interview with the governor of the Ryazan region Nikolai Lyubimov, his wife Oksana and daughters Lera and Alena. Members of the governor's family talked to the project team about everyday life.

When we first entered Ryazan, I saw that the city was large, not some kind of backwater. It was the first impression, — the governor shared. - People were a little wary, and this is understandable, but later it became clear that they were also waiting for something new, positive changes.

Speaking about his favorite places in the city, Lyubimov noted that the Kremlin is the first in this list. The governor said that he rarely manages to take a walk with his loved ones, but when he manages to find time for this, the family goes out of town, to Laskovo, to the entertainment complex "In a certain kingdom".
“There are a lot of such places in Ryazan, but there should be even more,” Lyubimov said. - I hope that there will still be a lot of places to go for a walk.

The governor said that in his work he actively uses the information contained in social networks.
- Due to lack of time, I mostly have to read either what people write in a personal, or public ones that talk about the state of affairs in Ryazan. We try to track requests, negative points, in order to immediately correct something, we redirect requests to those who should respond to them. In working with appeals in social networks, we use the experience of the Moscow region and two more regions that are engaged in this, I think that in the near future the results will already be, - he said.

Lyubimov told how the idea of ​​the "governor's choir" was born, which performed for Ryazan women on the eve of International Women's Day from the stage of the regional philharmonic society.
- The idea, of course, is not new, but in this version it was implemented for the first time. Most of the choir members agreed fairly quickly. We were preparing for this collective flash mob for a very short time, I was generally forced to perform without preparation, but I have a music school behind me - I can, - he shared.

Oksana Lyubimova told how the governor's wife goes about her usual day. She said that, despite the work, in the evenings she still considers it her duty to feed her family with a delicious dinner. According to her, the family is picky about food, for example, Nikolai Lyubimov loves Olivier salad, and over time, his daughters began to share his love.
Oksana Lyubimova noted that the move from Kaluga to Ryazan went smoothly, largely due to the fact that Ryazan has kind and open people.

Latest news of the Ryazan region on the topic:
Nikolai Lyubimov, his wife and daughters spoke about the everyday life of the governor's family

Nikolai Lyubimov, his wife and daughters spoke about the everyday life of the governor's family- Ryazan

A video interview of the Governor of the Ryazan Region Nikolai Lyubimov, his wife Oksana and daughters Lera and Alena appeared on the page of the Ryazan Team project.
11:23 13.03.2018 IA MediaRyazan

The governor of the Ryazan region added three positions in the media rating and strengthened his political influence Medialogia published the media rating of the governors for March 2018.
04/06/2018 New newspaper The first press conference of the governor of the Ryazan region took place this year On Friday, March 30, the first press conference of the governor of the Ryazan region Nikolai Lyubimov took place this year.
03/30/2018 New newspaper Photo: © RZN.info / Alexander Blokhin Nikolai Lyubimov wrote the Unified State Examination in Russian with 18 out of 20 points.
30.03.2018 Rzn.Info

The governor of the Ryazan region, Nikolai Lyubimov, was asked at a press conference on March 30 about his impressions of passing the exam.
According to the governor of the Ryazan region, Nikolai Lyubimov, no one will be hired to replace Sergei Samokhin, who has resigned from his post as deputy chairman of the regional government.
03/30/2018 IA MediaRyazan On March 26, the Governor of the Ryazan region, Nikolai Lyubimov, instructed the heads of relevant departments to conduct inspections of shopping and entertainment centers throughout the region,
26.03.2018 Government of the Ryazan region

TASS-DOSIER. On September 11, 2017, the election commission of the Ryazan region announced that the election of the governor of the region, held on September 10, was won by the acting head of the region, Nikolai Lyubimov (United Russia). Based on the results of processing 100% of the protocols, he received 80.16% of the votes. The second place was taken by the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Alexander Sherin from the Liberal Democratic Party (8.44%). Nikolai Lyubimov has been heading the Ryazan region as the acting head of the region since February 14, 2017.

Nikolai Viktorovich Lyubimov was born on November 21, 1971. in Kaluga. His mother, Valentina Alekseevna, worked as a teacher at the city school No. 36.

In 1993 he graduated with honors from the Faculty of History of the Kaluga State Pedagogical Institute. K. E. Tsiolkovsky (now - Kaluga State University named after K. E. Tsiolkovsky) with a degree in "teacher of history and socio-political disciplines." In 2001 he received a diploma from the Moscow Humanitarian and Economic Institute with a degree in jurisprudence. In the same year, on the basis of the Franco-Russian Institute of Business Administration, he completed a refresher course on the topic "Development Strategy for the Kaluga Region and Development of an Effective Team for Its Implementation."

After graduating from the Kaluga Pedagogical Institute, he remained to work at the university as the head of the research sector.

From 1997 to 2000 - chief specialist of the legal department, then head of the investment department of the department of economy and industry of the administration of the Kaluga region.

In 2000-2003, he headed the Central Agency for Registration of Securities Issues of Joint Stock Companies in Kaluga.

In 2003-2004 - General Director of the open joint stock company (OJSC) "Kaluga Mortgage Corporation".

From 2004 to 2007 - Minister of Economic Development of the Kaluga Region (head of the regional government - Governor of the region Anatoly Artamonov).

On June 25, 2007, he moved to the city council of the municipal formation "City of Kaluga". He took the post of first deputy mayor, head of the department of economics and property relations of the city. He headed the municipal board formed under the head of Kaluga Maxim Akimov. Since July 2007, he has been acting as mayor in connection with the appointment of Akimov as deputy governor of the region (since 2013, Akimov has been the first deputy head of the Government of the Russian Federation).

On September 15, 2007, at a conference of the regional branch of the United Russia party, he was unanimously nominated as a candidate for the post of head of Kaluga.

In 2007-2010 - the mayor of Kaluga. He was elected on December 2, 2007 in early elections, won 73.39% of the vote. His closest rival, a candidate from the Communist Party, dean of the Kaluga branch of the Moscow State Technical University. N. E. Bauman Vyacheslav Popkov, received 15.53%. In the years when the city was headed by Nikolai Lyubimov, a master plan for the development of the urban district was adopted, the construction of municipal housing, the development of the Pravoberezhny district began, the Gagarinsky bridge across the Oka was opened after reconstruction, etc. Gestamp-Severstal- Kaluga" (production of automotive parts), "Gestamp-Gonvarri-Kaluga" (service metal center). In the Kaluga-South industrial park, the production of trucks by CJSC Volvo Vostok was launched, and the placement of auto components manufacturers CJSC Becema-Kaluga and LLC Mercator-Kaluga began. According to the Index of political influence of the heads of the 100 largest cities in Russia, prepared by the Petersburg Politics Foundation, in 2010 Nikolai Lyubimov was among the top five Russian mayors.

In 2009, he was elected chairman of the Kaluga regional branch of the Russian Bar Association.

From December 2010 to September 2015, Nikolai Lyubimov served as Deputy Governor of the Kaluga Region Anatoly Artamonov. At the same time, since September 2011, he was the head of the governor's administration.

In 2015-2016 - Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Kaluga Region of the VI convocation. He was elected on September 13, 2015 on the list of the regional branch of the United Russia party (headed the Zhukovsky territorial group No. 6). He was a member of the United Russia faction. Since September 24, 2015 - Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the region.

In May 2016, he participated in the preliminary intra-party voting (primaries) of United Russia for the selection of candidates for deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation in the Kaluga region. He took first place in the voting (64.87%).

On September 18, 2016, he was elected to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the VII convocation on the list of the United Russia party (the fourth number in the regional group No. 21 - Bryansk, Kaluga, Smolensk, Tula regions). He was a member of the United Russia faction, was a member of the budget and taxes committee.

On February 14, 2017, by decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin, he was appointed Acting Governor of the Ryazan Region in connection with the early resignation of the former head of the region, Oleg Kovalev.

Member of the All-Russian political party "United Russia", member of the presidium of the regional political council of the Kaluga regional branch of the party.

The total amount of declared income for 2016 amounted to 3 million 366 thousand rubles, spouses - 1 million 342 thousand rubles.

Married, has two daughters. Wife - Oksana Vladimirovna Lyubimova (born in 1980), a graduate of the Kaluga State Pedagogical University, worked for Volvo Trucks. Daughters - Alena (born in 2001) and Valeria (born in 2006) - go to school.

The meeting with the governor took place in a rather unusual place and at an unexpected time. The boring halls of the government were replaced by ... a cozy cafe on Postal Street. And it's meeting time! At first they thought it was a joke. But no. Sunday, 8.00 am (still dark outside): head of the region Nikolay Lyubimov sitting in front of us. We drink coffee, at the window, behind which the fantastic "Starry Sky" shimmers in different colors - the know-how of the city authorities. And all this beauty against the backdrop of a snowstorm, which all Ryazan residents have been waiting for so long...

Kefir instead of breakfast

Nikolai Viktorovich, Sunday. 8 a.m. And you meet with us. How does your family feel about such employment?

Such work "weekends" happen. I was in Moscow on Friday and Saturday, today I meet you early in the morning, and I will go to work right after. And the family has long been accustomed to the fact that I can be absent on weekends. Of course, without enthusiasm, but they understand that work is work. Not only in Ryazan, but also in Kaluga and Moscow.

- They say you have breakfast at 6 am?

No, of course not later. Sometimes you have to leave early for work. For example, like today. And so the working day begins at 9.00.

- What time of day is important for you to eat: is it important to have breakfast or is lunch and dinner more important?

It is important to have lunch on time, but it is also not always possible. And sometimes there is no time for breakfast in the morning. I come to work, drink kefir, which replaces my breakfast. But I try to have lunch. But it doesn't always work out. I am constantly on the move.

- You often visit the districts, were there any unexpected places where you had to eat?

Wherever you have to eat. And in regional sports complexes, and in houses of culture ... Often I had to try the products that we grow and manufacture. Always delicious. But no one has covered the field yet (laughs).

A photo: / Dmitry Voroshirin

- Do you have any memories from your childhood: for example, what did your mother cook for breakfast?

Mom made tea with rolls. Like many children, I did not like porridge as a child.

All together at the TV

- What is the life of a governor? Do you have time for family?

Alas, less than we would like. In the evening, when I come home, of course, I see everyone. The children are already big, they are not sleeping yet, they are finishing the lessons. On weekends I try to find time for sports. I understand that they need to do more. In his youth, he was engaged in martial arts. Freestyle wrestling, classical wrestling, karate, hand-to-hand combat…

But what about football? Are you a fan? Soon the World Cup will start in Russia. In addition to our team, who else do you root for?

Yes, fan. In addition to ours, I love the game of the national teams of Spain, Italy, Germany.

- What about club preferences?

I like the game of Barcelona. Unfortunately, I couldn't watch how she beat Real Madrid in the last match. I like this club too. Like Manchester United, Chelsea, Bayern. But, alas, there is not enough time to watch games now. And if there is, it happens that the family wants to see something else. I yield. Yes, there is another TV. But I still want to be with my family.

- And what do you watch with your family together?

They are very fond of travel programs. We all enjoy watching them together.

"We have many beautiful places"

You must be going somewhere with your family. Have you found any places in the Ryazan region where you like to spend time, corners that touched your soul? Where you want to come, relax, not think about work.

Yes, there are such places. With pleasure we go to Konstantinovo, "To a certain kingdom." Sometimes, when I go on a business trip to Moscow, I take my family with me. In the evening we walk around the capital together.

Well, the Ryazan region has already been well studied. Surely you already work as a guide for guests? Where do you recommend to go?

Of course, in the same Konstantinovo. Whoever was not there should definitely visit the homeland of Sergei Yesenin. And I invite you to see the city center.

We have many beautiful places. You just need to develop them. For example, the Alexander Nevsky district, where Mikhail Skobelev, one of the outstanding commanders of the 19th century, is buried. There are many interesting places near Konstantinovo: a stud farm that can be revived, a bee museum that just needs to be updated, the Pirogovs' estate, Poshchupovo ... All these places can be combined into complex tourist routes. And there you can develop both walking and cycling routes.

Probably, you will first take all the guests to Pochtovaya Street. We noticed that before meeting with us, they carefully examined the Starry Sky.

I think that the idea to install such a backlight is a good one. It became very comfortable. Even more people will visit the Post Office.

AiF-Ryazan editor-in-chief Alexander Mysovskikh at a meeting with the governor. Photo: Government of the Ryazan region / Dmitry Voroshirin

- The first year in Ryazan is such a beauty ...

I see that the city administration is trying. We support him in this regard.

The gifts are already under the tree

- Are you already preparing for the New Year?

- We put up the Christmas trees last weekend.

- Alive?

No, both Christmas trees are artificial. One small stands in the corridor. And more in the living room.

- Did you dress up together?

I helped put up the tree. And the wife and daughters dressed up. Every year we try to buy new toys so that the color scheme of the Christmas tree is different. And they bought it. Not fully dressed up yet. But the presents are already under the tree. True, they are empty, for beauty, but they already create a mood (laughs).

- Did your children write a letter to Santa Claus?

The youngest daughter is still writing.

- What does he ask?

I don't know what she asked for this time. I used to ask for dolls, various gadgets. He spends a lot of time with the latter, unfortunately. I would like to have more with the book, but ... to force is a meaningless thing.

"I love Chekhov and Bulgakov"

- Do you have time to read books?

Not much, but I try to read. On the road most often when I go to Moscow or to the regions. And mostly on a tablet. I try to read light literature, often of a historical nature. Sometimes, however, detectives come across. Sometimes, there is enough strength for Umberto Eco. I read Chekhov. I have the complete works. The man has an amazing sense of humor. I used to read it, but now you look at his works with different eyes.

- Have you read Saltykov-Shchedrin yet?

I read in my youth. Might be worth reading now.

- Which other Russian classics do you like?

Bulgakov. One of my most favorite writers. I read it in total. And I often reread. Of course, his favorite novel is The Master and Margarita.

Photo: Government of the Ryazan region / Dmitry Voroshirin

- But what about Yesenin? Did you reread it when you moved to Ryazan?

- Do you remember the poems by heart?

I never liked learning poetry by heart. Reading is one thing, teaching is quite another. But something, of course, must be remembered from the most famous or vice versa - the unknown.

How do you instill a love of reading in your children?

We are trying to instill. We have enough books. And they brought a lot from Kaluga, and they have already bought a lot in Ryazan. The eldest is reading something girlish philosophical, the youngest ... maybe the time has not come yet. The wife reads literature on her new job related to lean manufacturing.

Tell me what this area is.

She did this business when she worked at the Volvo plant. She worked there for eight years. Apply knowledge of lean manufacturing in practice. Now he reads literature, strengthens the theoretical base.

With family at Postal

Tell me, who is the head of your family? Are you or maybe with your wife on an equal footing? Do you listen to the advice of your daughters? For example, what kind of tie to tie to work in the morning ...

Of course, I listen to everyone. To his wife, for sure - she has a sense of style. By the way, she draws well, although she did not graduate from art school. The youngest daughter in this respect went to her.

- Do you pay your wife?

Of course, but where to go then? But I leave something for myself. And so - the wife and shopping, and the housework in the family.

- Do you spoil girls?

They really don't need much. They have everything that most other kids their age have. They don't have any big requests. The older one is already paying more attention to clothes, the younger one is not yet.

- How much is your family interested in your work? Do they read the news?

Wife, yes, interested. But I'm not used, to be honest, to share what happens at work. I draw a line between work and family, I don’t mix one with the other. The eldest daughter, however, sometimes looks through the news on social networks, if she likes something, she sends it to me.

- In the New Year, will the whole family come to the Post Office?

At least with my wife, but if the weather allows, then I will take the children with me.

- Fireworks will go to look at the Victory Square?

I don't see fireworks anymore. You need to be with your family on holidays.

- Will you prepare the New Year's table yourself?

I hardly (laughs). And so the wife cooks herself.

Photo: Government of the Ryazan region / Dmitry Voroshirin

- Is there any family dish that you cook all the time?

Salad Olivier. His wife cooks very well. A distinctive feature of her salad is that everything is very finely chopped. I love Olivier very much. Like the youngest daughter, she can eat this salad for three or four days. And my wife doesn't mind either.

- Don't you cook yourself?

Somehow, on March 8, I prepared a hodgepodge. It turned out delicious. Otherwise, I can cook scrambled eggs well, heat sausages in the microwave (laughs).

- Have you already made friends in Ryazan?

“There are many beautiful churches in Ryazan”

- Do you have any life principle or motto that you are guided by?

As a child, I loved the book "Two Captains" very much. There is a very good slogan there: "Fight and seek, find and not give up." I often remember him.

And he guides you through life.

God is leading. and internal principles.

- As a believer, do you often go to church?

I try when I can. I am in services. I will try, in particular, to get to the Christmas service. When I go to the regions, I try to visit local churches. I really liked, for example, the temple in Kadoma, the Vyshensky Monastery in Shatsk, the monasteries in Solotcha, Poshchupovo ... There are many beautiful churches in Ryazan.

The governor's wife works for a company associated with a dubious enterprise. The author of the family "surprise" is one of Liubov's deputies

The wife of the Ryazan governor Oksana Lyubimova Last week, for the first time, she appeared in public not in her usual capacity as First Lady, but in a new, business role as director of the autonomous non-profit organization Center for Lean Production in the Ryazan Region (ANO TsBP).

As conceived by the husband-governor, this center will combine the potential of universities and enterprises and will provide high-quality assistance to institutions in organizing lean production. The types of activities are appropriate, the company has only three of them: the main one is “Provision of consulting and information services” and two additional ones - “Consulting on business and management issues”, “Provision of consulting services on security issues”.

The company was registered on August 24, 2017 - even before the official election Nikolay Lyubimov governor, but the appointment of his wife to the director's position took place three months after the election, on December 15. During this time, the daughters managed to get used to the new school, and the head of the family solemnly took office, formed and presented a new cabinet of ministers, and even found time for a family vacation in Thailand. It seemed that the delicate formalities of the employment of his wife against the backdrop of close political attention to his person were observed.

With the exception of one - a careful selection of participants in the establishment of ANO "Pulp and Paper Pulp and Paper".

At whose expense is the banquet

According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the co-founders of the organization are OAO Tyazhpressmash (General Director Alexey Volodin, honorary citizen of Ryazan, one of the co-chairs of Putin's Ryazan campaign headquarters) and three LLCs, one of which, "Technology XXI" ( Vladimir Astapenko), with a Moscow residence permit, but with roots leading to the ruins of the Ryazan machine-tool plant, and the other two are purely Ryazan: STL PRO LLC (owned by Mikhail Pronin, ex-Minister of Industry and High Technologies of the region) and Reinforced Concrete Plant-8 LLC ( Nikolai Prilovsky (on the picture) and the company).

ZhBK-8 is a large regional enterprise with an authorized capital of 1.8 million rubles, specializing in the production of reinforced concrete. The founders are five individuals: four from Ryazan and a Muscovite. The largest shares are owned by Nikolai Prilovsky (65%) and Arcadia Davidov(15.16%). The organization has repeatedly applied for auction, having won four state contracts in the amount of 1.75 million rubles. At the same time, since 2015, nine inspections have been carried out against ZhBK-8 LLC, as a result of which 36 (!) violations have been identified by various authorities.

Having studied the arbitration practice of the enterprise, one rather interesting case was discovered. July 1, 2014 between the commercial bank. S. Zhivago (the Bank) and LLC Vozrozhdenie signed a loan agreement No. 0091-2014-1, under which the bank provides the borrower with a credit line with a disbursement limit in the amount of RUB 53 million. In order to ensure the fulfillment of obligations under the loan, as is often the case, a surety agreement was concluded ¬- between the bank and ZhBK-8 LLC, under the terms of which the guarantor (ZhBK-8) undertakes to be fully responsible to the creditor for the fulfillment of obligations assumed by the borrower (Vozrozhdeniye LLC). It is quite logical, because the founders of ZhBK-8 were the same people who owned Vozrozhdenie, which owns a limestone quarry near the village of Tserleva, Chuchkovsky district, Ryazan region, and several dozen pieces of equipment.

It follows from the materials of arbitration cases that in September 2016 there were staff changes in Vozrozhdeniye: three founders, namely Nikolai Prilovsky, Arkady Davidov and Alexander Bely sold their shares in the authorized capital, as a result of which Kiril Lozov became the owner of 95% of the company and he also became the director of this organization. However, some time later, the sellers, namely Prilovsky, Davidov, Bely and a number of third-party organizations filed lawsuits in order to recover from Vozrozhdenie LLC debt in the form of loans, non-payment to counterparties under contracts, etc.

Not only did Lozov begin to hang other people's debts totaling almost 20 million rubles, Prilovsky, as a former director, has not yet transferred either the company's property or documentation to the new owner. The latter is confirmed by the decision of the Arbitration Court of the Ryazan Region dated January 25, 2018. Judge Kuraksina ordered Nikolai Konstantinovich to return the original documents within 30 days, without which the quarry cannot work: patents, licenses, certificates, documents for transport, the charter of the organization - only the list took one and a half pages in the operative part of the decision in case No. A54-3434 / 2017 (available in the public domain on the arbitration website).

We managed to track down the representatives of the injured party and found out that, according to the information they had, the documentation from the territory of ZhBK-8 was taken out in the car of a reinforced concrete magnate in an unknown direction. In September 2016, when Lozov was in the hospital, the workers of his "Vozrozhdenie" and all the equipment were sent without his knowledge to develop a "left" quarry in the Tula region. After that, the cars did not return to the territory of the limestone quarry in the village of Tserleva. But they were found, sealed, photographed and put into storage by employees of the Railway Police Department at the address: Ryazan, Chkalova St., 21. On the territory of ZhBK-8 LLC, where they were found! The fact of the discovery of the loss was recorded and, by territoriality, attached to the materials of the check, neither shaky nor rolled at the Chuchkovo police station of the Shilovsky interdistrict department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. If this is not theft, not fraud, then what is? According to falsified documents, an outsider was admitted to the LLC, who sold the equipment to the left, and the police on this fact are in no hurry, not only to start an operational case, at least to initiate an inspection.

After some time, all of the above equipment was put up for sale on the Avito Internet portal. This is where truly "lean manufacturing" is!

During the inspection, guards were placed on the territory of the quarry to exclude cases of theft of property of Vozrozhdenie LLC. But too many questions remain. For example, to the department for supervision of the technical condition of self-propelled vehicles and other types of equipment of the government of the Ryazan region: how, without permission from the owner, officials of the Chuchkov Gostekhnadzor re-registered equipment for a new owner?

Or to court. After a long time, in the framework of a civil case in the Chuchkovsky District Court, an “examination was carried out to determine the limitation period for the execution of documents”, namely, the loan agreements submitted by Prilovsky. The examination established: in seven contracts, the dates of execution of the document do not correspond to the dates of affixing the signature and seal, some of the contracts were subject to “artificial aging”. Why misuse of justice occurs. and the judge slows down with the decision?

Sergey Samokhin together with the regional Ministry of Industry ( Igor Avdeev) and the Ministry of Education ( Olga Schetinkina). Lyubimov noted that the center should be created before August 21. Samokhin took under his visor. On the 10th, the charter and minutes of the creation of a non-profit organization were prepared (that is, the circle of its founders was determined), and by August 18, order No. 524-r arrived in time. On the 21st, the documents went to the tax office, and after only three days it was possible to drink champagne on the occasion of the birth of a new legal entity.

It is unlikely that the honored teacher Shchetinkina was admitted to the selection of the founders of one of the first offspring of the future governor. It is doubtful that Avdeev, who was finishing his last days in the government, gave advice to Samokhin. Apparently, the latter is responsible to the governor for getting toxic Prilovsky and company into a sterile ANO with ambitious tasks and the governor's wife at the head.

Investigation Division

On the project page Ryazan Team» appeared video interview with the governor of the Ryazan region Nikolai Lyubimov, his wife Oksana and daughters Lera and Alena. Members of the governor's family talked to the project team about everyday life.

When we first entered Ryazan, I saw that the city was large, not some kind of backwater. It was the first impression, — the governor shared. - People were a little wary, and this is understandable, but later it became clear that they were also waiting for something new, positive changes.

Speaking about his favorite places in the city, Lyubimov noted that the Kremlin is the first in this list. The governor said that he rarely manages to take a walk with his loved ones, but when he manages to find time for this, the family goes out of town, to Laskovo, to the entertainment complex "In a certain kingdom".
“There are a lot of such places in Ryazan, but there should be even more,” Lyubimov said. - I hope that there will still be a lot of places to go for a walk.

The governor said that in his work he actively uses the information contained in social networks.
- Due to lack of time, I mostly have to read either what people write in a personal, or public ones that talk about the state of affairs in Ryazan. We try to track requests, negative points, in order to immediately correct something, we redirect requests to those who should respond to them. In working with appeals in social networks, we use the experience of the Moscow region and two more regions that are engaged in this, I think that in the near future the results will already be, - he said.

Lyubimov told how the idea of ​​the "governor's choir" was born, which performed for Ryazan women on the eve of International Women's Day from the stage of the regional philharmonic society.
- The idea, of course, is not new, but in this version it was implemented for the first time. Most of the choir members agreed fairly quickly. We were preparing for this collective flash mob for a very short time, I was generally forced to perform without preparation, but I have a music school behind me - I can, - he shared.

Oksana Lyubimova told how the governor's wife goes about her usual day. She said that, despite the work, in the evenings she still considers it her duty to feed her family with a delicious dinner. According to her, the family is picky about food, for example, Nikolai Lyubimov loves Olivier salad, and over time, his daughters began to share his love.
Oksana Lyubimova noted that the move from Kaluga to Ryazan went smoothly, largely due to the fact that Ryazan has kind and open people.

Latest news of the Ryazan region on the topic:
Nikolai Lyubimov, his wife and daughters spoke about the everyday life of the governor's family

Nikolai Lyubimov, his wife and daughters spoke about the everyday life of the governor's family- Ryazan

A video interview of the Governor of the Ryazan Region Nikolai Lyubimov, his wife Oksana and daughters Lera and Alena appeared on the page of the Ryazan Team project.
11:23 13.03.2018 IA MediaRyazan

The governor of the Ryazan region added three positions in the media rating and strengthened his political influence Medialogia published the media rating of the governors for March 2018.
04/06/2018 New newspaper The first press conference of the governor of the Ryazan region took place this year On Friday, March 30, the first press conference of the governor of the Ryazan region Nikolai Lyubimov took place this year.
03/30/2018 New newspaper Photo: © RZN.info / Alexander Blokhin Nikolai Lyubimov wrote the Unified State Examination in Russian with 18 out of 20 points.
30.03.2018 Rzn.Info

The governor of the Ryazan region, Nikolai Lyubimov, was asked at a press conference on March 30 about his impressions of passing the exam.
According to the governor of the Ryazan region, Nikolai Lyubimov, no one will be hired to replace Sergei Samokhin, who has resigned from his post as deputy chairman of the regional government.
03/30/2018 IA MediaRyazan On March 26, the Governor of the Ryazan region, Nikolai Lyubimov, instructed the heads of relevant departments to conduct inspections of shopping and entertainment centers throughout the region,
26.03.2018 Government of the Ryazan region