Business plan sample medical laboratory. How to open a clinical diagnostic laboratory

Testing is not always a pleasant and fast process, especially if you do it in public medical institutions. That's why recent times the number of private companies in the field of such services has grown significantly. To understand the essence of entrepreneurship in this area, consider the example of conducting analyzes.

The demand for this type of service is constant, great and does not depend on the season. Everyone passes tests and such a business is highly profitable, although it requires significant costs for equipment and qualified medical personnel. If you decide to start your own business, carefully read the contents of this article before planning your entrepreneurial activity.

Key features medical laboratory business plan for analysis

Scope of business plans

Planning methodology using medical laboratory business plan to collect analyzes widely used in other types of business. This is due to the obvious convenience of designing and describing the activities of new companies. The document will structure and formalize all information about subject area and the project itself, as well as calculations were made that confirm its effectiveness and serve as the basis for potential investors when making a decision on investing capital.

And of course, one cannot fail to note the fact that, in principle, any economically literate and educated person who is familiar with the specifics of commercial activity can draw up a business plan.



1 - Summary

1.1. The essence of the project

1.2. The volume of investments for the launch of a medical laboratory

1.3. Work results

2 - Concept

2.1. Project concept

2.2. Description/Properties/Characteristics

2.3. Goals for 5 years

3 - Market

3.1. Market size

3.2. Market Dynamics

4 - Staff

4.1. staffing

4.2. Processes

4.3. Wage

5 - Financial plan

5.1. Investment plan

5.2. Funding plan

5.3. Medical laboratory development sales plan

5.4. Spending plan

5.5. Tax payment plan

5.6. Reports

5.7. Investor income

6 - Analysis

6.1. Investment analysis

6.2. The financial analysis

6.3. Medical laboratory risks

7 - Conclusions

The business plan of the medical laboratory is provided in MS Word format - it already has all the tables, graphs, diagrams and descriptions. You can use them "as is" because it's ready to use. Or you can adjust any section for yourself.

For example: if you need to change the name of the project or the region where the business is located, then this is easy to do in the "Project Concept" section.

Financial calculations are provided in MS Excel format - in financial model parameters are highlighted - this means that you can change any parameter, and the model will automatically calculate everything: it will build all tables, graphs and charts.

For example: if you need to increase the sales plan, then it is enough to change the sales volume for a given product (service) - the model will recalculate everything automatically, and all tables and charts will be ready immediately: monthly sales plan, sales structure, sales dynamics - all this will be ready .

A feature of the financial model is that all formulas, parameters and variables are available for change, which means that any specialist who knows how to work in MS Excel can adjust the model for themselves.


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The main structural parts of the content:

  • review of the market of similar companies with an assessment total capacity, speakers, options further development of the industry;
  • determining the amount of external funding required;
  • technologies used in the process and necessary equipment;
  • amount of current expenses;
  • volume and structure of revenue
  • marketing tools;
  • the size of the wage fund and provision necessary quantity employees;
  • calculation of the return on investment period.

Another promising option for developing a business in the service sector is opening a fitness club. will help you evaluate in what format it is better to open an institution, how to properly plan revenue and expenses, and what investments will be required for this.

The first steps in the formation of a business plan for a medical laboratory

As starting stage work, a summary is drawn up that reflects the main points of the project, its objectives and strategic goals. After that, the content is formed, in which all actions to achieve the goal should be expressed.

Brief description of the enterprise

Medical laboratory for sampling, providing services to the public and organizations. The number of types of analyzes is XXX.

Market overview and its importance for the quality execution of a medical laboratory business plan

The sphere of paid medical care has been developing for a long time so that certain laws of interaction and specific features of work have developed within it. By studying this question, you can draw a conclusion about what customers need now and what they may need in the future. This is one of the most important questions for medical laboratory business plan on collection analyzes.

What the client needs:

  • lack of queues;
  • friendly service;
  • quick result;
  • low cost;
  • full range of analyses;
  • proximity to home.

Organizational preparation within the project

List of mandatory activities that will ensure high-quality implementation medical laboratory business plan for analysis:

  1. Registration of a company, tax registration and conclusion of a contract for banking services with the opening of a current account.
  2. Obtaining a license to engage in medical activities.
  3. Choosing a room for opening a laboratory.
  4. Study of modern methods for collecting analyzes and suppliers of the necessary equipment.
  5. Determination of sources of hiring professional staff.
  6. Studying the investment market and the requirements of potential investors for the industry.

Investment costs for the implementation of a business plan for a medical laboratory for collecting analyzes

Doctors and medical workers are a respected and highly professional field of activity. To combine professional skills with entrepreneurial abilities, download a full-fledged ready-made medical laboratory business plan, with all the important calculations of financial attractiveness. And then, your talent and perseverance will allow you to short time develop a profitable business.

Investment structure:

  • room equipment in accordance with sanitary standards- XXX rub.;
  • purchase of diagnostic equipment and medical devices - XXX rubles;
  • branding of the premises and the facade of the building - XXX rubles;
  • recruitment and testing of employees - XXX rubles;
  • advertising campaign - XXX rubles;
  • force majeure fund - XXX rub.

The total amount of investments will be from 50 to 120 million rubles.

Stages of the technological cycle and the required equipment

The technology consists in the following sequence of actions: concluding an agreement with a client, taking tests, sending them to a laboratory for research, writing a medical report, handing it over to a visitor.

Equipment required for implementation medical laboratory business plan for analysis:

  • special readers;
  • analyzers;
  • flasks and test tubes;
  • other equipment for analysis;
  • computers and specialized software;
  • furniture and office equipment;
  • security and fire alarm systems;
  • video surveillance system.

Economic section of the medical laboratory business plan

Operating costs

To determine the approximate volume of operating costs within medical laboratory business plan according to the analyzes, we use the following classification :

  • lease payments - XXX rubles;
  • water, electricity, heating and others utilities- XXX rub.;
  • facility maintenance and preventive maintenance medical equipment- XXX rub.;
  • commercial cost components - XXX rubles;
  • wage fund and deductions from it - XXX rubles;
  • payment of taxes and fees in favor of the state - XXX rubles;
  • all other types of expenses in the framework of current activities - XXX p.

Total total amount monthly operating expenses will amount to XXX rubles.

Profitable part of the medical laboratory business plan

Revenue part medical laboratory business plan on collection analyzes depends on the number of customers and sales structure. In turn, the number of customers is influenced by the quality and price characteristics of laboratory services:

  • convenient location in a large residential area;
  • the possibility of pre-booking and convenient hours of reception and issuance;
  • lack of queues;
  • professionalism and quality of service;
  • terms of issue of the conclusion;
  • price policy;
  • types of services provided.

Sales structure:

  1. Services individuals- XXX rub.
  2. Services legal entities- XXX rub.;

The amount of monthly revenue will be XXX rubles.

Requirements for the number of specialists and the definition of the wage fund

Laboratory research is a responsible business and without the use of qualified and highly paid personnel it is impossible to work effectively within the framework of medical laboratory business plan on admission analyses.

An example of a staffing table for such institutions:

  • chief doctor - XXX rubles;
  • accounting - XXX rubles;
  • hiring specialist - XXX rubles;
  • specialists in the types of analyzes - XXX rubles;
  • marketer - XXX rubles;
  • administrators - XXX rubles;
  • procurement specialist - XXX rubles;
  • administrative staff - XXX rub.

Payback medical laboratory business plan

The payback of the project will be from 3 to 5 years, depending on the quality of its implementation.

The business plan has a clear structure, contains detailed financial calculations, and the financial model allows you to flexibly change any business parameter. it optimal solution for those who plan to attract investments, want to get a loan or have ready template to develop your business plan.

The financial model is a separate file in MS Excel format - in fact it is
a separate product designed for business planning and calculation of all its
indicators. Each of the parameters of the financial model can be changed manually.
There are no macros in the financial model. All formulas are transparent and accessible to

Traffic report Money is the most important document of any business plan. Contains comprehensive information on operating, investment and financial receipts and outflows of the company, and also allows you to evaluate the overall picture of the company's performance.

Pros of a professional business plan

If you get sick, you will surely find and make an appointment with the best doctor - a professional in his field. So it is in business - if you do everything yourself, without resorting to the services of specialized companies, you are unlikely to be able to achieve the planned results in the right period of time.

Make sure of our professionalism - download from our website finished example medical laboratory business plan, containing necessary set financial and economic indicators. Or order an individual turnkey business plan that fully takes into account specific industry specifics. Then you can provide necessary funding and quality implementation of your project.

The provision of paid medical services is a sought-after and profitable business, especially in comparison with the quality of such services in public institutions. Great importance in this industry has a reputation - it takes time to earn it, but then it will work for you. And the better you plan your business, the less time will pass before achieving strategic goals and recognizing your professionalism.

MS Word Volume: 40 pages

Business plan

Reviews (90)

The proposed business plan for a medical laboratory will allow you to start your own business in the field of private medical care for the population. You see how often it happens that our fellow citizens do not want to go to state medical institutions, some of which are equipped in the old fashioned way. And trust is given to real professionals, with the latest equipment and accurate research results, many dream about it. This business is promising, because science does not stand still, and people want to accurately diagnose their ailments and detect diseases at an early stage.

This document will help you focus on the essentials. Innovative research is constantly emerging that allows you to create new devices with which you can get ultra-accurate test results. And it is in your power to create such an institution that patients will trust and which will be able to carry out fences, ranging from general analysis blood and ending with the most complex biochemical studies.

You can study the finished document on our website. Good specialists, experienced workers, who necessarily have a medical education, sterility and compliance with the strictest standards when taking tests, will allow your medical institution to become famous. People will strive here to take paid tests and get accurate results. The equipment should be purchased expensive and modern, and it is important that it is on site that the main work on processing analyzes is carried out. AT difficult cases analyzes should be sent to other laboratories with proper transport. This is a profitable business, moreover, it is so necessary for hundreds of thousands of our compatriots.

The basis of any section of medicine is high-quality and timely diagnostics. Before making a diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a lot of different tests to the patient, forcing him to lose a huge amount of time. Municipal polyclinics are not yet ready for high level service, and long queues, the inattentive attitude of medical personnel - all this, alas, is the reality of our time.

Meanwhile, many people who value their time and nerves are willing to pay money for quality service. This explains the high demand for the services of private medical laboratories. This market segment is just beginning to develop, especially in regions where there is a clear shortage of high-quality medical services. And there is an explanation for that.

The opening of a private laboratory is associated with very serious difficulties in organizing this process. Obtaining a license to carry out this type of service is quite difficult. To do this, it is necessary to obtain permission from the relevant regulatory authorities, and, as you know, there are very big problems with this in our country.

Difficulties in organizing a chemical laboratory sometimes become an insurmountable obstacle for many entrepreneurs, despite the bright prospects in the event of a favorable end to the troubles. Exists Alternative option: the opening of an office for blood sampling, which will then be sent for research to large laboratories. But even here there are no problems.

Yes, of course, you will save significantly, because you do not have to buy expensive equipment for analysis. But you will face another, no less serious task: ensuring the correct transportation and storage of blood. At the same time, the time for conducting the analyzes themselves will significantly increase, which is unlikely to suit your customers.

Another problem that many novice businessmen are unable to cope with is the high initial costs. In order to open a medical laboratory in Moscow or St. Petersburg, an entrepreneur will need at least 1 million dollars, in the regions the costs will be less - 200-250 thousand dollars. The organization of a laboratory as a business will be greatly simplified if you do not start acting independently, but buy a franchise of a well-known network operator. Business proposal to open a private laboratory under the name famous brand much more profitable.

What equipment and equipment will be required for a microbiological laboratory, how to calculate the costs of opening it - these problems are very difficult for a beginner to cope with. But if he has at hand a competent example of a business plan for opening a medical laboratory for analysis with ready-made calculations, there will be no particular difficulties. In this document, the entrepreneur will find for himself a lot useful information, which will allow him to avoid common risks and securely occupy his niche.

Modern medicine begins with high-quality diagnostics, which, in turn, is impossible without tests. Not every modern person wants to spend hours pushing in a crowd of elderly women who are always dissatisfied with something, another thing is to quickly donate blood on the way to work. cozy office with polite staff, and in the evening e-mail get message: “You are healthy, but if possible, eat more vitamins and walk on fresh air» . It is according to this mechanism that the laboratory of analyzes should work.

Market research

Today, people who earn money are very attentive to their health, because the money for prevention and examination is not as large as modern treatment. That is why the market for laboratory diagnostics is beginning to gain momentum. Today there are still many cities where private treatment rooms are a rarity. This indicates that the opening of an analysis laboratory is a profitable and sought-after business.

To organize this business, it is necessary to determine the form of organization:

  • Biomaterial sampling room. The main task of such an office is to take biomaterials and send them for analysis to another laboratory. In this case, the entry threshold is the lowest - there is no need to purchase expensive equipment, hire narrow specialists. The main thing is to provide the necessary conditions for transportation of analyzes and their safety.
  • medical laboratory. This type business requires the purchase of high-quality expensive equipment (oshers, thermal cyclers, analyzers, readers, robots, etc.), therefore investments for the organization of the laboratory are very large - from 1.5 million dollars in million-plus cities and 200-250 thousand dollars in the regions. On average, the profitability of such an institution is low - 15%, and the payback period is 5-7 years.
  • treatment room. The level of investment in such an office is lower than the organization of the laboratory, so this is a more common form in recent times. To organize such a business, you can buy a franchise from major participants in the laboratory research market. The entry threshold is 40-60 thousand dollars. The payback period for a treatment room is 2-4 years.


Before opening an analysis laboratory, it is necessary to issue a License for clinical laboratory activities, since the provision of laboratory medical services in our country is subject to mandatory licensing. Issuing a license federal Service on supervision in the field social development and healthcare. Issued for 5 years.

Then it is necessary to obtain permission to carry out activities from the sanitary and epidemiological supervision and from fire service.

If you plan to operate under the terms of a franchise, the franchisor will take care of obtaining the documentation, but in this case it will increase the lump-sum fee.

Premises selection

The premises may be rented or owned. His choice should be influenced by a number of factors. The room must comply with all safety standards (square area from 30 m², separate entrance, availability of communications, etc.). But keep in mind that in addition to standard norms, you should start from convenience for potential clients when choosing a location. The laboratory of analyzes should be located near transport interchanges, have parking.

Formation of a service profile

The next aspect is the choice of services with which you are going to enter the laboratory research market. Today there are several main types of research:

  • enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) - testing of antibodies to a pathogen or special proteins;
  • detection of DNA, polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

Before you open your laboratory, decide on the range of services provided. The cost of running ELISA and PCR is almost the same. In the first case, investments are needed for the purchase of equipment, in the second - for premises, since PCR analyzes require compliance with strict safety standards. As for demand, both methods are equally in demand.

The cost of the services provided

The price list will depend on many factors. When setting the cost of services, analyze the activities of competitors. Do not forget that in most cases one person has to take several tests at once, so by inflating prices, the final amount payable can be impressive. Consider the overall workload of the establishment. The fact is that most of the materials for analysis and reagents will have to be purchased in large quantities, but the shelf life of such substances is not long. Therefore, if the materials are not used on time, it will be necessary to dispose of them, losing the money invested. This means that prices must be attractive to potential customers in the first place.


In most offices this type the main staff does not exceed 6-7 people: doctors and nurses who work in shifts, administrator. The success of the organization and the flow of customers depend on the quality of the work of personnel, therefore, treat its selection with special attention.

Approximate financial plan for opening a treatment room

Starting investments:

  • registration of licenses and permits of Fire Supervision, SES - 1500 dollars.
  • conducting repair work- 5000 dollars.
  • carrying out the necessary communications - 1500 dollars.
  • purchase of equipment for analysis - 15,000 dollars.
  • the cost of rent for 1 year with an area of ​​50 m² - 12,000 dollars.

Fixed costs:

  • salary of nurses (2 employees) - 400 dollars.
  • administrator's salary - 500 dollars.
  • salary of doctors - 600 dollars.
  • purchase Supplies- 3000 dollars. per month
  • courier (transportation) costs - 1000 dollars. per month.

Business analysis is no different high profitability(20-40%), but does not depend on the season and is characterized by reliability and stability, because services of this type will always be in demand. Monthly income is 15-18 thousand dollars with proper organization all business processes. It is possible to recoup all costs in 2-5 years, depending on the form of organization and the profile of the services provided.

The creation of a laboratory does not require special knowledge in the field of medicine from the founder, it is more important to know the algorithm and legal conditions for the creation and functioning of an institution as a business organization.

This medical laboratory business plan with calculations is a document for practical guide when creating an institution and can be used during negotiations with investors and other interested parties.

The opening of the laboratory involves the solution of the following social and entrepreneurial tasks:

  • Meeting the needs of citizens in conducting diagnostic medical research.
  • Creation of new jobs for qualified medical personnel.
  • Replenishment of the budget with tax revenues from a highly profitable enterprise.
  • Extraction of profit.

The project implementation costs are financed by a bank loan of 1,470,000 rubles at a rate of 14% per annum.

The total estimated cost of the project is 1,470,000 rubles with a life cycle of 2 years.

During the investment period, the bank will be paid interest in the amount of 94,500.12 rubles. Their payment begins from the 1st month, which allows us to simplify the methods for calculating cash flows and discounting the loan used in this business plan.

Under such conditions of financing and the estimated forecast of receipt of income from the functioning of the laboratory for analysis, the payback period of the project will be:

  • From the beginning of practical activities under the project - no later than 4 months.
  • Taking into account discounting – no later than 2 years.

Per life cycle general economical effect will reach the value of 21,459,843.65 rubles.

Description of the object

In modern medicine, diagnosis is one of the main factors in the successful treatment of patients. Unfortunately, testing services are not always readily available due to the overburdening of existing medical laboratories. That is why the creation of a modern laboratory for analysis is, first of all, a socially significant project that allows reducing the overall burden on institutions operating in this field of activity.

The provision of services in the field of laboratory analysis is extremely complex view activities in terms of administration both at the initial stage of project implementation and during the functioning of the institution. The creation of a laboratory requires a lot of approvals, compliance with the standards and procedures provided for by domestic legislation.

Critical to normal functioning the laboratory has a selection of personnel. Not only must they be highly qualified, but they must also be prepared for continuous improvement. professional level, which is due to the high frequency of updating technologies used in laboratory activities, equipment and the very content of work in this area.

It is important to take into account that, according to statistics, over 70% of patients applying to medical laboratories are women. This fact must always be kept in mind when planning the premises of the laboratory, arranging their interior and selecting personnel.

Market analysis

Russia in the issue of creating a network of private medical laboratories, improving their equipment is in line with global trends. All new institutions are emerging and successfully functioning in the country, which are mastering the most complex tests and comprehensive medical research.

Conventionally, the domestic market of medical diagnostic services is classified into two categories:

  • Instrumental laboratories specializing in functional (visual) diagnostics (70% of the market).
  • Laboratories specializing in the analysis of biomaterials. They perform cytological (microscopic), hematological, biochemical, molecular genetic, immunological and microbiological studies.

Medical diagnostics as a business is one of the three leading areas in the development of Russian private medicine. In dentistry, it occupies 60% of the market, gynecology - 20%, in the general structure of medical services - 10%. Experts estimate the annual growth of participants in the laboratory services market at 170 institutions. To date, there are over 11.5 thousand medical laboratories in the country operating in various areas, although there are only about 1 thousand private ones. However, they carry out about 70% of research conducted on a paid basis.

The rate of growth in the number of private laboratories is ambiguously reflected in economic statistics. According to some experts, the annual growth is 10%, which is slightly higher than the global average of 7%. According to others, our market adds 15% every year, and in major cities– up to 30%.

In this service sector, 2 main trends are fixed: centralization and automation of ongoing research. This is manifested in the expansion of the range of ongoing research, the development of innovative technologies for analytical and laboratory work, raising common culture patient care. Analytical laboratories are increasingly introducing into the practice of their activities remote methods interactions with medical institutions based on the application modern means communication and data transfer technologies.

According to the results of evaluation of indicators such as total strength the population of the country, the demand for the services of medical laboratories, the existing trends in the market, the demand for increasing their number is 10-15% per year.

Object characteristic

A medical laboratory is an institution that conducts medical analyzes and research commissioned by the main consumers of these services: citizens and medical institutions.

The implementation of the laboratory creation plan includes the following main activities:

  • Administrative and legal registration of business: obtaining a license, permits for its conduct from the State Fire Supervision Service, SES and other competent authorities.
  • The choice of premises and bringing it into line with SES requirements.
  • Purchase of equipment and materials.
  • Purchase of equipment.
  • Installation of laboratory equipment and necessary communications.
  • Selection and training of personnel for the laboratory.
  • Organization of advertising and marketing activities.

In this segment of the business, 2 forms of its organization are most common: the creation of a laboratory or a treatment room.

The second format is simpler and more economical. And the creation of a laboratory for analysis will create a business that can be developed for decades. Of course, such an institution would require much big investments than a treatment room.

Room selection

The premises for the medical laboratory must be selected, guided by the requirements of the SES. From the point of view of work comfort and business demand, the best option is a room with an area of ​​at least 100 sq. m, located near public transport stops in places with high traffic. Mandatory requirement is the presence of a separate entrance and bathroom. The room needs to be wired plumbing system and be sure to set the phone.

Today, medical laboratories operate in two main profiles:

  • PCR studies (polymerase chain reaction) aimed at detecting DNA.
  • Carrying out enzyme immunoassay (IFL), which allows to establish the presence of antibodies to specific proteins or their pathogens.

In terms of costs, these types of laboratories are practically equivalent, although they differ in the distribution of expenditure items for the purchase of equipment. Moreover, in the second case more funds will go to the premises, because there are very strict PTB requirements for performing PCR.

Purchase of equipment

Medical laboratory equipment is not in short supply today. There are many types of domestic and imported equipment on the market in the widest range of prices. Our equipment and materials are practically not inferior in quality to imported ones, since the vast majority are produced under licenses, but their cost is 20-30% lower. It should be borne in mind that the price of reagents for the laboratory exceeds the cost of test tubes and other laboratory glassware.

The cost of opening a treatment room is significantly lower and may not exceed 450-600 thousand rubles. Such an object pays off in no more than one and a half to two years.

On average, the implementation of a project to open a medical laboratory can take from two to three weeks to six months. Basically, it depends on the quality of staff training.


This stage of work is one of the most important in the project, because it affects not only the time spent on the implementation of the business idea, but also the success of the facility.

For the qualitative organization of the activities of the laboratory, this business plan provides for the establishment of three doctors, two nurses working in shifts, and a cashier-administrator on the staff of the institution. Recruitment of personnel is carried out on a competitive basis in compliance with established requirements to the qualifications of specialists for this type of activity.

Couriers who are not included in the staff of the institution and perform work under a contract may also be involved in the work of the laboratory.

Marketing and Advertising

In order to promote the laboratory services on the market, throughout the entire period of its operation, the following is carried out:

  • Advertising activities in kindergartens, schools, residential areas.
  • Distribution of leaflets and booklets in medical institutions.
  • Advertising in local media, including radio and television.
  • Printing and distribution of business cards.
  • Development of a website with online registration services for the provision of laboratory services.

Technical and economic characteristics of equipment

For a medical laboratory, the main types of equipment are:

  • Medical microscope.
  • Leukocyte formula counters.
  • Thermal cyclers and analyzers.
  • Thermostats air, water and dry air.
  • Shakers and centrifuges.
  • Water distillers.
  • Scales, thermostats and dispensers.
  • Magnetic mixers and vortexes.
  • Special equipment for PCR.
  • Lighting equipment.
  • Ionometers and pH meters, etc.

Depending on the prevailing profile of the laboratory, this list may change qualitatively and quantitatively.

Financial plan

The sales forecast for laboratory services in this business plan is calculated based on data for 2016, namely:

  • Service demand analysis.
  • Analysis of the provision of services in the market.
  • Conclusions about the balance of the services market.

When compiling the forecast, the lowest profitability indicator of the enterprise for initial stage project implementation.

This forecast is based on information about the average prices for medical laboratory services in the country.

no./p. Name of service average price
(in rubles)
1 Plasma clotting time 500
Research levels and products
2 Paracoagulation 800
3 Procalcitonin 2 700
4 fibrinogen 380
5 fibrinolytic activity 585
6 Coagulogram 1 100
7 Investigation of braids (acid-base state) 445
8 Electrolyte research 445
9 Measurement of thromboplastin/prothrombin time in blood or plasma 370
10 Measurement of thrombin time in blood 445
11 Hematocrit assessment 135

Based on these data, for billing period The medical laboratory will provide services in the following volumes:

Period Type of service Number of services per month Price Revenue (in rubles)
1-12 months (investment period) Comprehensive research 4,000 units 350 1 400 000
1-12 month
(investment period)
Outsourcing 350 units 550 192 500
13 mts (period of operation) Comprehensive research 4 400 units 400 1 760 000
14-24 mts (functioning period) Outsourcing 615 units 600 369 000

The total cost of the project will be:

Thus, the object will reach the break-even point no later than 4 months after the start of operations. During this period, the company will receive a profit in the amount of 1,052,094.33 rubles. After the end of the lending period, it will increase to 1,722,426.67 rubles.

Final gross profit project - 39,880,500 rubles.


An example of this business plan for a medical laboratory clearly demonstrates that this business is in demand in society and super-profitable. Its profitability is determined by the objective conditions of the country's economic and social development. The level of competition in this market allows us to consider the medical laboratory as promising business, in which all investments quickly pay off and which is not subject to critical risks.

The complexity of business administration will require high responsibility, perseverance and dedication from the founder. The algorithm for opening a medical laboratory requires careful study and calculation of all the components recommended in this document.

The laboratory is a rather profitable and very promising business at the present time. Therefore, its discovery will be profitable investment money that will definitely pay off.

Of course, it is not so easy to issue all the necessary documents and obtain permission to open, but the result is definitely worth it. After all, the number of people who want to quickly get tested, while getting rid of huge queues at the hospital, is growing every day. But in order to open a laboratory, you need to carefully prepare for this event, properly organize it.

Which room to choose?

The premises can be both owned by a person and rented. It must comply with all safety standards. Its area must be at least 100 sq. meters, there must be a separate entrance. Also, we should not forget about the convenience of future customers. It is best if the building is located near bus stops, there is parking, it is located in a crowded place.

medical laboratory

A medical laboratory is a very serious business that requires a lot of money. Its development can be planned for many years ahead. Such a business will always be relevant, because it is constantly developing, and modern people are more and more concerned about their health. It does not pay off very quickly, but such a business is stable and reliable.

Before opening a medical laboratory, you need to complete all the necessary documents: a license, permission from Sanepidnadzor, permission from the fire service. After you need to decide on the set of services provided. Currently, there are main types of studies: ELISA (enzyme immunoassay) and PCR (DNA detection, polymerase chain reaction).

The first method requires a special room that meets all the rather stringent security measures, and the second requires a large amount of equipment. It is worth thinking about how quickly the analyzes will be performed. The faster the results of the analyzes come to customers, the more popular the laboratory will be.

Laboratory equipment

Particular attention should be paid to the choice and purchase of equipment. It is necessary to purchase analyzers, thermal cyclers, oshers, readers, robots and much more. You will also need high-quality laboratory furniture. The choice of equipment for the medical laboratory is quite wide, both domestic and foreign manufacturers are represented on the market. In most cases, buying domestic equipment will cost you much less.

According to the editors of the site, opening a laboratory, although expensive, is a very promising business. Do not be afraid to take risks, and luck will always accompany you!
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