Gross profit. The concept and calculation of gross profit, reflection in the balance sheet, postings

Osipova Daria group TD1-1

1. The most complete definition of the concept of "profit"

a) source of funds for investment

*b) final financial results production and economic activities of the enterprise, an indicator of its effectiveness

c) source of formation of payments to the budget

d) end result of transactions

2. Profit from the sale of products is defined as:

a) the sum of all goods

b) the difference between the proceeds from the sale of products

c) the price of inventory without value added tax

*d) the difference between the proceeds from the sale of products without value added tax

3. total weight profit received depends on

*a) sales volume and price level

b) price level

c) the scale of trading activities

d) the purchasing power of the population

4. What is the source of funds for the payment of dividends in JSC, distribution between participants in proportion to their shares in limited liability companies:

a) gross profit

* b) net profit

c) intangible assets

d) non-operating expenses

5. Logical sequence of profit planning:

a) formation of an information base for profit planning; assessment of the received calculations; formation of an information base for profit planning

b) the choice of the forecast value of profit; assessment of profitability for the range of goods; enterprise profitability planning

* c) setting goals and objectives for profit planning; formation of an information base for profit planning; determination of profit and the most important economic and financial indicators of the enterprise's activities

d) making changes to the organization and management of the trading process for the range of goods and types of activities in order to increase profits; formation of an information base for profit planning

6. The amount of profit depends on:

a) the correct choice of assortment

b) creating competitive conditions for the sale of their goods

c) on the volume of production

*d) all options are correct

7. Comparison of profit with costs means:

a) profitability

*d) rate of return

8. All profit received by a trading enterprise is called:

a) cumulative

*b) balance sheet

c) residual

d) distribution

9. Profit before tax is determined by:

a) as the difference between sales revenue and total cost of goods sold

*b) as the difference between sales profit and the balance of operating and non-operating income and expenses

c) as the difference between gross profit and selling and administrative expenses

d) as the difference between the profit from sales and all expenses

10. What does the concept of "gross profit of the enterprise" include:

a) proceeds from the sale of products

b) monetary value of goods

c) the difference between the proceeds from sales of products and the full production cost of marketable products

*d) profit from the sale of products, the result of other sales, income from non-operating operations, expenses and losses from non-operating operations

11. Product profitability can be defined as the ratio:

a) sales proceeds to material costs

*b) the absolute value of profit to the cost of production

c) profit to material costs

d) profits to the wage fund

12. What is included in the main group of factors that affect the amount of profit of a trading enterprise:

*a) Balance of income and expenses on non-sales operations

b) the tax intensity of the enterprise

c) the number of employees of the enterprise

d) turnover and composition of capital

13. At the final stage of the analysis of the profit of a trading enterprise:

*a) the main reserves for profit and profitability growth are identified and measures are developed to increase the profitability of the enterprise.

b) there is a comparison of the effect obtained with the costs or resources used

c) study of profit from the sale of fixed production assets

d) identification of factors affecting profit

14. Profit is an indicator of:

*a) economic effect

b) economic efficiency

c) profitability of production

d) business profitability

15. The net profit of the enterprise is defined as:

*a) the difference between balance sheet profit and mandatory deductions from profit to the budget and funds of the enterprise

b) the difference between the gross income of the enterprise and the total costs of production and sale of the enterprise's products

c) the difference between balance sheet profit and profit from non-operating income

d) the difference between revenue and total costs of production and sales of products

16. Profitability threshold reflects:

a) the net income of the enterprise in cash, necessary for expanded reproduction

*b) the amount of proceeds from the sale, in which the company has neither losses nor profits

c) the minimum amount of revenue required to reimburse the fixed costs of production and sale of products

d) the value of the ratio of profits to production costs

17. Indicate which profit planning method is based on the construction of multifactorial models:

a) direct counting method;

b) profitability forecast method;

*in) analytical method;

d) liquidity overlap analysis method.

18. What profit is the object of taxation:

a) net income

*b) gross profit

c) book profit

d) profit from the sale of products

19. Non-sales activities of an enterprise can serve as a source of profit formation, namely:

a) admission data Money to the settlement account and to the cashier for the finished products shipped or issued from the warehouse of the enterprise on an accrual basis

b) data on shipped products, but not paid on time

c) leftovers finished products, unmarketable

*d) income of previous years, revealed in the reporting year

20. Factors affecting the proportions of profit distribution are divided into external and internal. External factors include:

*a) legal restrictions (rates of income taxes, interest deductions to reserve funds, etc.)

b) coefficient level financial leverage(the ratio of debt and equity), which is one of the indicators financial risk and one of the factors determining the return on equity

c) the need to accelerate the completion of the initiated investment projects

d) the current solvency of the enterprise, at a low level of which the enterprise must reduce the consumed part of the profit

21. The calculation of the overall economic profitability (profitability) of a trading enterprise is performed according to the formula:

a) Rsk \u003d - x 100%

*b) Pο \u003d P / T 100

c) PE \u003d Pr + VnD - VnR - NP

d) Pk = P / Ks

22. Return on sales ratio:

a) show the effectiveness of the use of equity and debt capital

b) shows the ability of the company to use working and non-working capital and how many units of cash the company needs to receive a unit of profit

*c) shows the share of gross, net and operating profit per unit of sales

d) determines the percentage of excess revenue from the sale of goods and services

23. Profit of a trade enterprise and the number of employees factors:

*a) mutually influencing

b) unrelated

c) inversely proportional

d) there is no correct answer

24. When stable economic conditions management, the main way to increase profits from the sale of products is to:

a) an increase in the cost of intangible costs

*b) cost reduction in terms of material costs

c) increase in cost in terms of material costs

d) reducing intangible costs

25. The impact of changes in the volume of trade on the amount of profit is calculated by the formula:

a) Vl.UIO \u003d T1 (UIO1 - UIOo) / 100

b) Knp = NP / VP

* c) Vl.T \u003d Po (T1 - To) / 100

d) Vl.ATC = Т1 (ATC1 – ATCDo) / 100

26. Net profit ratio:

a) shows what share of the profit of a commercial enterprise is withdrawn from a commercial enterprise in the budgets of various levels in the form of taxes and fees

*b) characterizes the share of profit remaining at the disposal of the trading enterprise

c) shows the amount of net profit paid to the personnel of the enterprise

d) characterizes the entire profit of a trading enterprise

27. From the indicator of accounting profit economic profit enterprises differ in that:

*a) when calculating it, the cost of using all long-term and other interest-bearing obligations, and not just the cost of paying interest on borrowed funds, is taken into account

b) when calculating it, the cost of using short-term interest-bearing obligations is not taken into account

c) when calculating it, the cost of only short-term interest-bearing obligations is taken into account

d) when calculating it, the cost of using long-term and other interest-bearing obligations is not taken into account

28. An important direction for preparatory stage profit analysis of a trading enterprise is the study of the main economic preconditions analysis, for example:

a) evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of net profit

b) allocation of the main reserves for profit and profitability growth

* c) study of legislative, normative documents on accounting, formation and taxation of profits of trade enterprises

d) development of measures to increase the profitability of the enterprise

29. Profit from the sale of goods primarily depends on:

a) the fixed capital of the enterprise

*b) the level of trade markup

c) income of the population

d) working capital of the enterprise

30. When forecasting profit from the sale of products (works, services), the average annual rate of change in profitability is used:

*a) for 3–5 years preceding the planning period

b) for 1 year ahead of the planned period

c) not used

d) 3-5 years ahead of the planned period

Similar information.

One of the key indicators that characterize the financial performance of an economic entity is gross profit. The accuracy of the economic analysis carried out to determine the promising directions for the development of the enterprise largely depends on the correctness of determining this indicator. In the article, we will consider what gross profit is, differences from other types of profit, we will study the calculation algorithm, its differences from other results.

The concept of gross profit

Gross profit is the difference between the proceeds from the sale of products, goods, works or services by the organization and the costs of their production or purchase. The main purpose of the gross profit indicator is to determine the rationality of spending labor, material and other resources of a legal entity.

As a rule, the reporting period for determining the amount of gross profit is a month, quarter, half a year and a year. But for internal economic analysis and management accounting, depending on the goals of the company, gross profit can be calculated for a shorter period - a week, 10 days, a decade.

The difference between gross profit and other indicators of financial results

The indicator of gross profit differs significantly from gross income, net, marginal and balance sheet profit.

Difference from gross income

Gross revenue (income) represents all the funds that the company received from its activities. This figure includes tax and other similar payments included in the price of assets sold. The amount of gross revenue depends not only on the price and quantity of sales, but also on the range of products, labor productivity, demand and other indicators.

Gross profit is the difference between the sum of revenue from all activities and the costs associated with them.

Gross and net profit

There is a major difference between these indicators. When determining gross profit, in contrast to net profit, the amount of taxes, fees and other similar payments is not taken into account. First, calculate the gross profit. After that, by subtracting the amount of taxes and fees accrued by the enterprise, the amount of net profit is determined.

Difference from contribution margin

The concept of marginal profit is closely related to the concept of variable costs, which are directly proportional to output. These are materials, wages of workers engaged in production and sales. Marginal profit is calculated as the difference between income and variable costs organizations.

Its main difference from the gross one is that with the help of this indicator it is possible to determine the optimal output in terms of volume and assortment, the most cost-effective option for the development of production. Gross profit characterizes the success of the company as a whole.

Balance sheet and gross profit: the same thing?

How to Determine Gross Profit

Gross profit can be calculated in different ways. The easiest way to define it is the difference between sales revenue and sales expenses. You can calculate gross profit based on the value of turnover. This performs three actions:

  • turnover is multiplied by the estimated markup of gross profit;
  • the resulting value is divided by 100;
  • the cost of sales is subtracted from the calculation result.

The estimated allowance is determined as follows:

  • the trade markup as a percentage is divided by 100;
  • the value of the trade margin in percent for the reporting period is added to the result obtained.

Indicators involved in determining gross profit

The indicators taken into account when determining gross profit will differ slightly depending on the type of activity of an economic entity.

Index Manufacturing enterprise Trading company
Revenues from salesProductsGoods and paid services
Fixed assets and intangible assets
Products, goods, services of structural divisionsValuable papers
Valuable papers
Costs forRaw materials, materials, toolsPurchase of goods
Transportation of goods
Administrative expensesSalary and contributions to funds
depreciationRent of commercial premises
OverheadsFor advertising and storage of goods
Product transportationOther articles

Gross profit as an indicator of financial statements

Gross profit is shown in the income statement on line 2100. The value of this line is calculated by subtracting from the sales proceeds on line 2110 their cost on line 2120. Gross profit can be either positive or negative. If, as a result of the organization's activities, a negative gross profit is received, we are talking about a loss, which is recorded without a minus sign in parentheses.

For example, Raduga LLC is engaged in tailoring of workwear. The reporting of the organization for the previous period contains the following data:

Gross profit is calculated by subtracting its cost from the proceeds from the sale: 50,000 - 40,000 \u003d 10,000 rubles.

Gross Profit Accounting: Postings

Account 90 “Sales” is intended to reflect gross profit in accounting. To calculate the gross profit for the reporting period, you need to compare the turnover on the loan with the turnover on the debit of this account in the context of sub-accounts.

Account 90/9 is closed monthly by writing off the balance to account 99 "Profit and Loss". The debit balance on account 90/9 means that the financial result for ordinary species the company's activities became a gross loss, credit indicates the gross profit for the month. At the end of the year, sub-accounts are closed on account 90.

Account correspondence Contents of operation
Debit Credit
90/9 99 Write-off of gross profit
90/1 90/9 Sales revenue
90/9 90/2 Cost of sales
90/9 90/3 VAT
90/9 90/4 excises
90/9 90/5 Sales tax
90/9 90/6 Export duties

Consider, for example, the reflection of product sales and the formation of gross profit on accounting accounts. The main activity of the enterprise is the production of lungs metal structures(medals, orders, badges, metal fittings). In 2016, 1,180,000 rubles of products were sold (including VAT 180,000 rubles). The cost of production amounted to 700,000 rubles. In accounting, the accountant reflected the implementation as follows:

  • Dt62 Kt90 / 1 = 1180000 - shipment of products;
  • Dt90 / 2 Kt43 \u003d 700000 - write-off of the cost of production;
  • Dt90/3 Kt68 = 180000 - VAT on shipped products;
  • Dt90/9 Kt90/2 = 700000 - account closing;
  • Dt90/9 Kt90/3 = 180000 - account closing;
  • Dt90 / 9 Kt99 \u003d 300,000 - the result of sales.

Gross profit, EBIT and EBITDA - what do they have in common

Analyzing financial condition and the economic activity of the organization, in world practice, EBIT and EBITDA indicators are used. In the Russian Federation, they are mainly used by the largest resource companies (Lukoil, Gazprom, etc.). Among domestic small and medium-sized businesses, these indicators have not received much distribution and practical application.

Their difference from gross profit consists in a special "cleaning" of this indicator and the calculation algorithm.

EBIT and EBITDA are defined in Russia somewhat differently than according to IFRS. In domestic practice, EBIT and gross profit are identical. EBIT is the difference between sales revenue and direct costs. In the Russian Federation, when calculating it, one must take into account the amount of net interest, income tax reimbursement and the balance of extraordinary expenses and income.

  • EBITDA = EBIT + depreciation.

Gross profit in economic analysis

Gross profit analysis is necessary for making important management decisions and developing an organization's strategy for the future. Based on this value, the profitability of sales, capital turnover and a number of others are determined. key indicators characterizing the activity of an economic entity. Conducting the financial analysis, you can compare the indicators obtained on the basis of gross profit values ​​for the period:

  • planned and actual;
  • previous and present (actual).

It is relevant to compare the indicator for the enterprise with the average value for the industry, as well as actual values with regulations.

Answers to current questions

Question number 1. What is the difference between such concepts as gross income and gross profit?

Question number 2. What factors affect gross profit?

The amount of gross profit depends on two levels of internal factors:

  • the first level - income from sales, interest receivable and payable, operating and non-operating profit;
  • the second level is the cost of production, the structure of the goods sold, the volume of sales and the purchase price of the goods.

Gross profit is affected by the quality of products, the correctness of the formation of the price of goods, fines and economic sanctions. Gross profit is also influenced by external factors - geographical, political, natural. The management of the organization can easily influence internal factors. With regard to the influence of external factors, it is required to choose a flexible strategy that can quickly change the strategy of the enterprise.

Question number 3. What transactions reflect the formation of gross profit in a retail organization?

When selling goods at retail, the accountant makes the following entries:

  • Dt50 Kt90 - cash received for the sold Goods;
  • Dt90/2 Kt41/2 - write-off of the cost of goods (sales price);
  • Dt90 / 2 Kt42 - trade margin of goods sold (posting is reversed);
  • Dt90/3 Kt68 - VAT payable;
  • Dt90 / 3 Kt44 - write-off of distribution costs;
  • Dt90/9 Kt99 - financial result from sales.

Question number 4. The trade organization has set the same percentage of the trade margin for all groups of goods (20%). Revenue for the reporting period amounted to 1,500,000 rubles. How to correctly calculate the realized enterprise overlay?

When a single percentage of the trade margin is established in a trade organization for all groups of goods, then to calculate the gross income (realized overlay), you can use the method of determining the turnover (T), that is, total amount sales revenue.

  • First of all, I determine the estimated trade margin:
  • One click call

Gross revenue and profit are used in the development of an estimate of the income and expenses of the enterprise for the upcoming fiscal year. These indicators reflect the costs associated with the production cycle. Gross profit does not take into account the amount of administrative or selling expenses, so it can be used to make forecasts in the short and medium term.

What is gross profit in simple words

To determine this indicator, it is necessary to know the exact amount of the organization's income and cost of goods sold. Gross profit is the difference between revenue receipts and expenses included in the actual cost of production. When calculating the total value, it is not necessary to allocate tax liabilities.

The indicator is formed by subtracting from the total value of income for a certain period of time such expenses as:

  • production costs (payment for the cost of materials and raw materials, Maintenance used equipment);
  • payment of bills for consumed electricity, water supply;
  • wage.

Gross profit is the result of the company's activities, which is calculated with the frequency established by the accounting policy. Its value can be influenced by external and internal factors. What does the concept of gross profit of the enterprise include:

  • income received after the sale of manufactured products;
  • receipt of funds for services rendered or work performed;
  • resources generated by logging farms;
  • gross profit is not only revenue from core activities, but also profitable transactions under contracts for the sale of equipment and other own assets organizations;
  • amounts credited to the company's accounts for shares purchased from it.

If the gross profit has decreased, this indicates a decrease in the level of profitability of production, a drop in the level of labor efficiency, or the use of incorrect logistics. Preventive measures will be actions to reduce costs, promote goods in the target segment, launch additional capacities to reduce average costs.

Gross profit and gross margin are different concepts. When calculating profits, variable and partially fixed costs are subtracted. Margin is characterized by focusing only on variable costs. Gross and net income differ by the amount of tax liabilities and fees payable. Net profit is calculated on the basis of gross profit by subtracting accrued taxes from it.

The statement that book profit is gross profit is incorrect. These terms cannot be identified. The value of gross profit can be found on account card 90. Balance sheet or taxable profit (gross profit is not used as a tax base) is reflected in accounting in the amount of the balance on account 99.

Gross profit (loss) in accounting and reporting

Summing up the gross type of profit occurs through a comparison of the sum of debit and credit turnovers of account 90, taking into account the breakdown of operations by sub-accounts. The resulting balance must be written off to account 99. The financial result can be a loss or profit (and gross profit - the difference between the debit and credit of one account). With a formed debit balance at the end of the month, a loss appears, credit balances indicate the profitability of the project. If gross profit is received, the posting will be in the format D90.9 - K99. At the end of each reporting year, all sub-accounts on account 90 are closed.

When reflecting profit in reporting documentation negative indicators are entered without a minus sign. To indicate the unprofitability of the activity, the number is taken in parentheses. Gross profit is not shown in the balance sheet - there is no line for this. The report form involves entering data only on the part of the profit remaining undistributed on a specific date.

Gross profit does not appear in the balance sheet, but it can be seen in the report in form 2. The convenience of this form is that it makes it possible to trace the chain of calculations. Gross profit in the income statement is shown on line 2100. The document template with code symbols clearly demonstrates how the indicator is calculated using lines 2110 and 2120.

Gross profit of the economy and enterprise: calculation formulas

The degree of efficiency of production cycles through profitability can be assessed on the scale of one company or country as a whole. In the latter case, the gross profit of the economy is used, the formula involves finding the difference between the value of GDP and the total costs of producers for manufacturing products. The resulting total shows what profit the residents received or what losses they suffered as a result of the sale of their goods.

What is the gross profit of an enterprise - the essence of the concept can be traced by the formula for its calculation:

Monetary valuation of products sold - Cost of goods sold - Production costs.

According to the report form 2, calculations are carried out according to the scheme:

  • Line 2110 - Line 2120.

The calculated gross profit does not show the real income of a business entity, but the basis for analyzing the structure of production resources.

The economic activity of enterprises is based on making a profit. It becomes an indicator of the quality of work of all its employees. Gross profit characterizes the effectiveness of using all the capabilities of the organization.

For some types of enterprises, there are differences in the definition of gross profit. Not everyone can benefit from this economic indicator.

The performance of different companies is compared in terms of EP. Additionally, gross profit is calculated for other types of work within the organization in order to analyze the effectiveness of the product release.

What is VP

Gross profit is the quantitative value of the acquired benefit from various types work, reduced by associated costs. For example, the main profit comes from the sale of a product, and its initial cost will be a waste. The difference between the two values ​​will be the gross profit for the main type of work.

Similarly determine the gross profit from all possible types of work. It is interesting that in trading it will be a quantitative difference between the sale and the initial price. For production, gross profit is found by more than complex formula, since the cost price includes many components that obey certain rules.

Trade is understood as making a profit by mediating between end user and manufacturer. The organization must buy products from the manufacturer at a price close to the cost, and then send it to outlet for sale to buyers at a premium.

VP - the difference between the amount of purchase of goods and its implementation. The difference between gross and net profit is that the first is equal to the income received before mandatory deductions, deductions. Gross profit does not include spending on taxes and unavoidable payments.

Types of gross profit

Consider the concept, features of gross profit for various cases:

  • Gross profit of the economy- a large-scale concept that is used to determine the economic performance of countries. It is defined as the difference between GDP and production costs, including wages, purchase of raw materials, imports, etc. As a result, the gross profit of the economy characterizes the profit or loss of residents from sold goods and their other types of income.
  • VP from implementation- this is separate view, consisting only of the sale of specific goods, services. It does not include receipts from dividends and other passive sources.
  • Gross profit of the bank. It's all profit financial institution in full, received from the operations carried out, not taking into account any costs. It consists of profit from transactions, dividends, income from transactions.
  • net gross profit- the difference between total profits and costs. First, they add up all the income received, then subtract the cost of services sold, goods of the organization.

Gross profit will be the main measure of profitability or revenue. It is often used to analyze the performance of an enterprise.

Gross Profit Calculation

To correctly determine the VP, it is necessary to take into account all expenses without exception, including the cost of goods. Under the cost understand the set of expenses in monetary terms for the manufacture of goods.

There are two types of reasons that affect gross profit. The first includes internal factors that depend on the management of the enterprise:

  • growth rate of production volumes;
  • increase in assortment;
  • sales efficiency;
  • implementation of measures to increase it;
  • reduction in initial cost;
  • product quality;
  • marginal value of capacity utilization;
  • the effectiveness of advertising companies.

External consider those that cannot be influenced:

Reasons that can be influenced are considered more significant. The need for goods depends on them.


Consider the organization of pricing policy. In a crisis, the management of the organization must competently approach pricing. Need the right approach to consumers in order to use a minimum of funds to attract them.

However, a constant price reduction can increase turnover, but does not always ensure the financial well-being of the organization. It is better to have a good volume at a reasonable price than to sell more at a lower price.

When analyzing profitability, knowing the exact consumer demand, it is permissible to expand the output of demanded products by reducing or removing another category of products. This will help you make a profit from in-demand goods and reduce the cost of unclaimed ones.

VP calculation formula

There are several types of gross profit, and, accordingly, the formulas for calculating them are different. The classic formula for calculating VP is quite simple and understandable - the difference between the net profit from sales and the initial price of the goods (cost price). Unlike net income, it does not contain variable or operating expenses, taxes.

VP \u003d P - S

VP- gross profit;

P- profit from the sale of products;

FROM- the cost of production.

In order to optimize the value of VP, they begin to work with cost items included in the initial cost, and cover variables that were not previously included in the calculation.

Focusing on the costs of production, the sale of goods, you can accurately determine the gross profit in a certain period.

Retail and wholesale organizations

Organizations whose accounting is based on sales prices calculate the financial result in accounting by a different method. Since accounting is based on the price paid by the consumer, the actual write-off from account 90 is based on the price of the sale price. In other words, the proceeds from the buyer is equal to the amount that is debited from the loan account. 41-2 to debit account. 90 for the sub-account "Cost". To find the financial result, it is not the selling price that is written off, but the difference between the retail and purchased prices - to reverse the trade margin on the account. 42. This difference will be the gross income or realized overlay.

After the third-party trading margin on the account. 90 forms the credit balance, which will be the gross income from the sale of products.

Calculation by turnover

It is permissible to use by retail organizations if all goods sell at one trade margin as a percentage.

The turnover is considered to be the total revenue with VAT, which is stated in clause 2.2.3 methodological recommendations №1-794/32-5.

PD for turnover:

VD \u003d T * PH

T - overall size turnover, for wholesale organizations use wholesale turnover with warehouse and transit;

RN- estimated markup:

PH \u003d TH / (100% + TH)

TN- established trade markup.

Consider an example. In the store for the entire range of trade margin 30%. Revenue for the period under review is 170 thousand, including VAT.

pH = 30%/(100%+30%) = 0.23

VD \u003d 170,000 * 0.23 \u003d 39,100 rubles.

If the trade margin has changed in the reporting period, then the use of the method is possible, but the PD is determined and calculated separately for different periods.

Calculation according to the range of goods turnover

The calculation method is used when setting a different trade margin for various kinds goods.

Gross income is calculated:

VD = (Т1*РН1+…+ Тn*РНn)/100

The turnover (T) and the estimated margin (PH) are taken separately by groups.

Example. In the store I sell dairy products with a markup of 25%, and bakery products- twenty%. Revenue for the period in the dairy department is 120 thousand rubles, and in the bread department - 90 thousand rubles.

Estimated markup in the dairy department РН = 25*(100-25) = 0.2. The size of the implemented overlays of VD = 120,000 * 0.2 = 24,000 rubles.

Estimated markup in the bread department РН = 20*(100-20) = 0.17. The size of the implemented overlays of VD = 90,000 * 0.17 = 15,300 rubles.

The total amount of gross income: IA \u003d 24,000 + 15,300 \u003d 39,300 rubles.

When changing the margin, the calculation is carried out separately for groups.

Gross profit by average percentage

The most common method in retail. VD is determined by:

VD \u003d (T * P) / 100

T- turnover

P- average percentage of VD:

P \u003d (Nn + Rp-Nv) / (T + Ok) * 100%

Hn- margin on the remaining goods at the beginning of the reporting period. This is the balance of account 42 at the beginning of the period.

Np- margin on the goods received (monthly turnover on the credit of account 42).

Hb- margin on retired goods (monthly debit turnover on account 42). Retired goods are those that have documentary evidence: return to the supplier, cancellation of defects, etc.

OK- balance at the end of the period (balance account 41.2)

Example. In accounting, the balances on account 41.2 are 80 thousand, on account 40 - 15,514. Goods received for the period are 120 thousand rubles, the margin on them is 27,692. Revenue for this period is 165 thousand rubles. There were no out-of-stock items. The balance of goods at the end of the reporting period is 35 thousand rubles.

P \u003d (15,514 + 27,692) / (165,000 + 35,000)) * 100% \u003d 21.6%

VD \u003d 165,000 * 21.6% \u003d 35,640 rubles.

PD by stock assortment

The method is rarely used, since the amount of the accrued, realized margin for all items is required. If it is possible to account for certain goods, then it is better to keep accounting at purchase prices.

Gross income:

VD \u003d Nn + Np-Nv-Nk

Hn- markup at the beginning of the period on balances: balance account. 42;

Np- mark-up of goods arrived for the reporting period: credit turnover c. 42;

Hb-mark-up on retired goods: debit turnover account. 42;

Hk- markup at the end of the period for the balance: balance account. 42.

Calculation features

  • For revenue production organization you can use fixed assets, issued goods, intangible assets that are on the balance sheet, securities, other goods, services.
  • The proceeds from sales will be income from the sale of previously purchased goods, services rendered for a fee, property of the enterprise.

When calculating, you will need to use the data of all expenditure items, if available. The complexity of the calculation is that it is required to include all income and a number of production costs, the cost price.

Timely and high-quality accounting will greatly simplify the calculation of gross profit. You can quickly find the required items of expenses and income in it.

Enterprise profit

Not everyone has accurate representation about the concept of gross profit of the enterprise. It is often confused with accounting profit.

VP- income from the sale of products, which is calculated through deduction from the total amount of revenue after the sale of goods VAT, expenses and excise taxes for production and sale, included in the cost price. main part VP consists of sales revenue.

Accounting profit - the combined gross profit, a favorable financial outcome, which is calculated from the accounting records of the organization for the required period. When determining it, all business procedures and balance sheet items are taken into account.

Accounting profit is based on two theses:

  • the idea of ​​capital accumulation or wealth stabilization;
  • the concept of performance, capital increase.

Enterprise income

There are several views on the concept of "income". Some consider it an increase in income financial resources during the calculated period from the funds invested by the founders, a consequence of the improvement of well-being. This definition was based on the thesis of A. Smith: income is the amount spent without attempts on a part of the fixed capital.

The stated thesis was called the idea of ​​profit formed on changes in the balance of the organization: liabilities - sources, assets - resources. The method is effective only with an increase in assets or a reduction in liabilities, costs - on the contrary. income is growth financial resources, and losses - reduction.

The second concept of income is the quantitative difference between the profit received and the expenses incurred. Income becomes the result of a competent distribution of revenue and costs over periods. Profit becomes an asset and costs a liability even in future periods. This is the basis of the double entry in accounting, which forms a double financial result.

The accounting profit of the enterprise

Accounting profit is the difference between IA and external costs:

PB = VD - IV

PB- accounting profit;

VD- annual income of the organization due to economic activity in monetary terms (the difference between revenue and costs incurred for receiving);

IV- the cost of manufacturing products (cost) - wages, material costs, loans.

External costs will be passed on to the consumer of the product.

Calculation of economic profit

Economic profit - the income remaining for the organization after withholding the obvious and implicit costs.

P \u003d SD - I

P- profit;

And- total costs;

SD- total income.

Serious errors in the calculation appear when a person confuses the classical profit with the gross. A video will help you avoid mistakes, where an economist will explain all the features of these two different concepts.

Calculating gross profit every month or quarter is impractical and meaningless. Data will not show real situation. As a rule, calculations are carried out once a year.

You should be careful about the distribution of VP in the organization, as this will improve, increase the capacity of the enterprise, increase the potential of employees, increase net profit in future. The main thing will be the construction of the trading process rationally and cost-effectively.

Hello! In this article, we will talk about the gross profit of the enterprise.

Today you will learn:

  1. What is gross profit.
  2. How is it different from other types of income?
  3. What do her scores say?
  4. How is the analysis of gross profit indicators.

What is gross profit

In the course of its activities, any organization is faced with the need to form economic indicators. They are needed to evaluate the results of her work and identify. One of the main indicators of the company's work is gross profit.

This concept combines the profit from all areas of work, except for production costs. The indicator value should be displayed in . It is compiled on the basis of many indicators. All of them are divided into 2 groups. The first includes elements that depend on the management segment:

  • Reducing the value of the cost of production.
  • Product sales performance ratio.
  • An indicator of growth in production volumes.
  • Implementation of measures aimed at improving the quality of products.
  • Application of production capacities at maximum speed.
  • Location of the enterprise.
  • The regulatory framework within which production or commercial activities are carried out.
  • General political and economic state of the state.
  • Ecological and natural parameters.

Based on all of the above factors, with the help of gross profit, the results of the work of the subject are revealed commercial activities. Unprofitable and profitable business activities are determined for subsequent analysis and formation of profitable development paths.

How is gross profit different from other types

difference with gross income.

The concept of gross revenue (income) includes all the assets that the company received from work. These include tax and other related payments included in the cost of assets sold. This indicator is formed not only on the basis of sales volume and cost of goods, but also taking into account demand, assortment, productivity and many secondary components.

The difference with net income.

There is also a significant difference here. When calculating gross profit, the amount of tax deductions and other similar payments is not taken into account, as when determining income in a net form. Gross profit is calculated before tax, after which the amount of net profit is formed.

The difference with marginal profit.

Marginal income is directly related to the amount of variable costs, which are directly proportional to the production process. This includes the cost of materials, staff salaries, etc. The contribution margin is equal to the difference between the company's income and irregular expenses.

The main difference between the margin: with its help, you can develop correct order product releases based on sales volume and assortment, as well as the most cost-effective way to break down a business. Gross profit reflects the profitability of the enterprise as a whole.

The difference with the balance sheet profit.

Gross and balance sheet profit are quite similar indicators, however, there is a difference between them. The first coefficient is displayed on account 90, as the difference between costs and profits. The second is defined as the balance of account 99 - the total profit to.

How gross profit is recorded in the balance sheet

Gross profit, as one of the indicators of the results of the company's work, is recorded in line 2100 of the income statement. The value of this line is calculated using the deduction from revenue for item 2110 of the cost price from item 2120. The coefficient can be positive or negative. If a negative indicator is obtained in the course of work, then this is a loss, which is displayed in parentheses, without using a minus sign.

What is Gross Profit?

Further planning and organization of commercial activities directly depends on its size. A negative score indicates wrong work organizations. With its help, you can identify problem areas when expenses exceeded the planned budget.

Reducing the cost of production or the cost of its release is one of the methods to increase the gross profit from the sale. It is she who provides an opportunity for the subsequent development of the organization's activities, the use of new technologies, investment in more efficient equipment, correct consumption of material, labor resources etc.

What does the gross profit ratio show?

The gross profit ratio also deserves increased attention. This is its ratio with the amount of revenue, which is fixed as a percentage. A high ratio indicates a large profit, plus there is complete control over all costs. If it is expressed in low percentages, then this indicates a lack of proper control over the cost of goods and services.

The coefficient is often used in the process of general monitoring of the state of the enterprise, comparison of past segments of activity and forecasting further work. In addition, it can be used to obtain detailed information about the company's performance compared to its competitors. This is a multifunctional indicator that is used in many areas of business.

Gross margin analysis

In economics, this indicator reflects the financial result in the context of production costs. Its peculiarity is that it includes commercial and administrative costs. For example, salaries, expenses in the context of signing agreements and contracts, as well as other institutional costs. The coefficient is derived as the difference between the revenue and the technological cost, which reflects the workshop costs, the purchase of materials and wages.

Each type of indicators is divided into narrower ones. The amount of profit of managers who are directly related to production process, is reflected in the technological cost.

What does the calculation formula look like

AT standard form The formula for calculating gross profit looks like this:

GP = TR - TStech, where

  • GP - gross profit;
  • TR - revenue;
  • TStehn - technological cost.

How Gross Profit is Analyzed

After calculating the indicator, an analysis is carried out, including a study of the sources of gross profit formation and its subsequent application.

The process starts with an analysis of the dynamics of the total amount through the use of constituent components (horizontal approach). Further, complex changes are formed, included in gross profit (vertical approach).

A more voluminous version of the analysis contains a detailed examination of each component of profit and the factors that affect it. All of them are divided into two groups: external and internal.

The external ones include transport, economic and natural conditions, the cost of materials used and the coefficient of development of foreign economic activity. Internal are divided among themselves into categories 1 and 2 according to the magnitude of subordination.

The first category includes income from commercial activities, interest payable (receipt), operating income (costs) and non-operating income (costs). The second category includes the amount of gross output sold, its structure, cost and retail price. In addition to them, this section includes episodes of non-compliance with economic discipline: misshaping costs, non-observance of working conditions, deterioration in the quality of manufactured and sold goods, etc.

In the process of planning for increasing income, other components of accounting policies are taken into account:

  • Proper debt relief.
  • The introduction of the LIFO method in the analysis of stocks - the product that was registered last is sold first.
  • Compilation of indicators of reduction of intangible assets.
  • Reducing taxation through the introduction of a preferential system.
  • Reducing production costs.
  • Use of dividends for the development of the company.
  • A smart approach to pricing.

Such an analysis is necessary for the proper management of net income. In the course of its analysis, the structure of the application of gross profit in dynamics, the impact of each individual direction on a comprehensive indicator of income, and the percentage of profitability are revealed.

Where to find the company's gross profit figures

Metrics are displayed in financial statements, in account 90 "Sales". To identify them for the selected period, the volumes of the loan are compared with the debit indicators of this account in the direction of sub-accounts. For example:

AT this example account 90/9 is closed every month by writing off the balance to account 99 "Profit and Loss". The debit indicator for this account means that the total for the standard activities of the company is the gross loss, the credit indicator shows the gross profit during the reporting period. At the end of the year, sub-accounts are written off on account 90.