Valtek drawings. Heating systems (water heating). Video: Underfloor heating with a VALTEC pump and mixing unit

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1 KALBPOL01 ALBUM of typical schemes of water heating systems for residential buildings VALTEC

2 ALBUM of typical schemes of water heating systems for residential buildings VALTEC

3 Èäåÿ âîçíèêíîâåíèÿ òîðãîâîé ìàðêè VALTEC ïðèíàäëåæèò ãðóïïå ðîññèéñêèõ è èòàëüÿíñêèõ ñïåöèàëèñòîâ, ïðèíÿâøèõ ðåøåíèå ñîçäàòü èíæåíåðíóþ ñàíòåõíèêó, ìàêñèìàëüíî àäàïòèðîâàííóþ ê ñëîæíûì óñëîâèÿì ýêñïëóàòàöèè ðîññèéñêèõ ñèñòåì òåïëî è âîäîñíàáæåíèÿ. Appeared in 2002 in Italy, VALTEC S.R.L. The following is the reference to the referral of the reference to the same Íà ñåãîäíÿøíèé äåíü âûïóñêîì èíæåíåðíîé ñàíòåõíèêè ïîä òîðãîâîé ìàðêîé VALTEC çàíèìàþòñÿ íåñêîëüêî ïðåäïðèÿòèé â Èòàëèè, Ðîññèè, Òóðöèè ýòî ñòàëî ïðåñòèæíî äëÿ ëþáîãî ïðîèçâîäèòåëÿ. Íà àâ ïîñòàâêè íà ðîññèéñêèé ðûíîê âåñíîé 2003 ãîäà, VALTEC ê íàñòîÿùåìó ìîìåíòó äîñòèã ñëåäóþùèõ ðåçóëüòàòîâ, êîòîðûå âûãîäíî îòëè- àþò ýòó òîðãîâóþ ìàðêó: 7-ËÅÒ ÃÀÐÀÍÒÈÈ Áåçóïðå íûé îïûò èñïîëüçîâàíèÿ èçäåëèé ïîä ìàðêîé VALTEC ïîçâîëÿåò èçãîòîâèòåëþ óñòàíîâèòü áåñïðåöåäåíòíûé ãàðàíòèéíûé ñðîê ýêñïëóàòàöèè ñâîåé ïðîäóêöèè. The reference is to be based on the reference to the consignment. Èçãîòîâèòåëü ãàðàíòèðóåò ñîîòâåòñòâèå èçäåëèé òðåáîâàíèÿì áåçîïàñíîñòè, ïðè óñëîâèè ñîáëþäåíèÿ ïîòðåáèòåëåì ïðàâèë èñïîëüçîâàíèÿ, òðàíñïîðòèðîâêè, õðàíåíèÿ, ìîíòàæà è ýêñïëóàòàöèè. ÀÑÑÎÐÒÈÌÅÍÒ VALTEC ïðåäëàãàåò ñâîèì êëèåíòàì óíèêàëüíûé ïî øèðîòå ñïåêòð êîìïëåêîòîïëåíèÿ è âîäîñíàáæåíèÿ: òóþùèõ äëÿ ñèñòåì îòîïëåíèÿ è âîäîñíàáæåíèÿ: ìåòàëëîïîëèìåðíûå òðóáû; crimp and press fittings; brass ball valves; threaded fittings and manifolds; polypropylene pipes and fittings; TM water etiquette and “heat field” system; membrane tanks and automation; tools and materials for installation. ÄÎÑÒÓÏÍÎÑÒÜ È ÎÏÅÐÀÒÈÂÍÎÑÒÜ Ïðîäóêöèÿ VALTEC äîñòóïíà íàøèì ïîòðåáèòåëÿì áîëåå åì â ðîçíè íûõ ìàãàçèíîâ, ïðàêòè åñêè â ëþáîé òî êå Ðîññèè è ñòðàí ÑÍà îò Áðåñòà äî Ñàõàëèíà è Êàì àòêè, îò Ìóðìàíñêà è Íîðèëüñêà äî Àëìà-Àòû è Áàêó. It is possible to have a referral, ò ø ø ø ø ø ø ø ø ø Óíèêàëüíûé ïî îáúåìó ñêëàäñêîé çàïàñ ïðîäóêöèè VALTEC â Ìîñêâå è øèðîêàÿ ñåòü ïðåäñòàâèòåëüñòâ, ðàáîòàþùèõ ïî ïðèíöèïó «çäåñü è ñåé àñ», ïîçâîëÿþò ìàêñèìàëüíî îïåðàòèâíî óêîìïëåêòîâàòü îáúåêò ëþáîé ñëîæíîñòè è ìàñøòàáà. ÏÎÏÓËßÐÍÎÑÒÜ Â ïîäòâåðæäåíèå øèðîêîé ïîïóëÿðíîñòè òîðãîâîé ìàðêè VALTEC äîñòàòî íî ïðèâåñòè òîò ôàêò, òî åæåãîäíî íàøè ïîêóïàòåëè â ìèðå ïðèîáðåòàþò îäíîé òîëüêî ìåòàëëîïîëèìåðíîé òðóáû VALTEC áîëåå 40 ìëí. running meters! Íà èíàÿ ñ ìîìåíòà ñâîåãî ïîÿâëåíèÿ íà ðûíêå VALTEC ïîñòîÿííûé ó àñòíèê ìåæäóíàðîäíûõ ñïåöèàëèçèðîâàííûõ âûñòàâîê âî Ôðàíêôóðòå, Ìèëàíå, Êèåâå, Ìîñêâå è â ðåãèîíàõ Ðîññèè. The most importantly, they are able to have the same, the same VALTEC is the owner of the prestigious Brand of the Year awards in Russia and the Trade Mark of God in Ukraine ÍÀÄÅÆÍÎÑÒÜ Âûñòðîåííàÿ çà ìíîãèå ãîäû ñèñòåìà êîíòðîëÿ êà åñòâà è óïðàâëåíèÿ ïðîèçâîäñòâîì ãàðàíòèðóåò áåçóïðå íóþ ðàáîòó èçäåëèé ïîä òîðãîâîé ìàðêîé VALTEC íà ïðîòÿæåíèè âñåãî çàÿâëåííîãî ñðîêà ýêñïëóàòàöèè. A2

4 ÒÅÕÍÈ ÅÑÊÀß ÏÎÄÄÅÐÆÊÀ Âñå èçäåëèÿ ïîä ìàðêîé VALTEC ñîïðîâîæäàþòñÿ äîêóìåíòàöèåé íà ðóññêîì ÿçûêå, îòâå àþùåé òðåáîâàíèÿì êàê ðÿäîâûõ ñàíòåõíèêîâ, òàê è áîëüøèõ ïðîåêòíûõ è ñòðîèòåëüíûõ îðãàíèçàöèé. Ïîëíûé ïåðå åíü ñîïðîâîäèòåëüíîé äîêóìåíòàöèè äîñòóïåí íà ñàéòå Ñïåöèàëèñòàìè VALTEC ðàçðàáîòàíà ïðîãðàììà ðàñ òîâ ýëåìåíòîâ èíæåíåðíûõ ñèñòåì, à òàêæå ïîñîáèå ïî ìîíòàæó ìåòàëëîïîëèìåðíûõ òðóáîïðîâîäîâ ñ èñïîëüçîâàíèåì ïðîäóêöèè VALTEC. VALTEC brand products are insured by VALTEC. ПРАКТИЧЕСКИЙ ÏÐÀÊÒÈ ÅÑÊÈÉ ОПЫТ ÎÏÛÒ ШИРОКОГО ØÈÐÎÊÎÃÎ ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ ÈÑÏÎËÜÇÎÂÀÍÈß Продукция Ïðîäóêöèÿ Valtec ñàìàÿ самая øèðîêî широко ïðèìåíÿåìàÿ применяемая â Ðîññèè в России êàê â èíäèâè- как в индивидуальном, äóàëüíîì, òàê è â так ìàññîâîì и в массовом æèëèùíîì жилищном ñòðîèòåëüñòâå. construction. Only in Only one 2 in Moscow one our Moscow with our products every year every year the package is completed with more than 1.2. each is the third dwelling. flat. A3

5 CONTENTS Section name EXPLANATORY NOTE DRAWINGS Section 1. Built-in heating systems (“warm floor”) Scheme 1.1. The scheme of heating the premises of the first floor with the help of a "warm floor". The area of ​​heated premises is not more than 10 m2. Manual temperature control in the premises. Scheme 1.2. The scheme of heating the premises of the first floor with the help of a "warm floor". The area of ​​heated premises is not more than 20 m 2. Manual temperature control in the premises. Scheme 1.3. The scheme of heating the premises of one floor with the help of a "warm floor". Manual temperature control in rooms. Scheme 1.4. The scheme of heating the premises of one floor with the help of a "warm floor". Automatic temperature control in rooms. Scheme 1.5. The scheme of heating the premises of one floor with the help of a "warm floor". Automatic temperature control in rooms. Collector block with flow meters. Scheme 1.6. The scheme of heating the premises of several floors with the help of a "warm floor". Manual temperature control in rooms. Page A Scheme 2.5. Scheme of radiator heating of premises of several floors. Manual temperature control in rooms. Horizontal two-pipe wiring. Scheme 2.6. Scheme of radiator heating of premises of several floors. Automatic temperature control in rooms. Horizontal two-pipe wiring. Scheme 2.7. Scheme of radiator heating of premises of several floors. Manual temperature control in rooms. Vertical two-pipe distribution with a lower supply line. Scheme 2.8. Scheme of radiator heating of premises of several floors. Automatic temperature control in rooms. Vertical two-pipe distribution with a lower supply line. Scheme 2.9. Scheme of radiator heating of premises of one floor. Manual temperature control in rooms. Beam wiring. Scheme Scheme of radiator heating of premises of one floor. Automatic temperature control in rooms. Beam distribution. Scheme Scheme of radiator heating of premises of one floor. Automatic room temperature control with room thermostats. Beam wiring Scheme 1.7. The scheme of heating the premises of several floors with the help of a "warm floor". Automatic temperature control in rooms. Scheme 1.8. The scheme of heating the premises of several floors with the help of a "warm floor". Automatic temperature control in rooms. Collector block with flow meters. Section 2. Radiator heating Scheme 2.1. Scheme of radiator heating of premises of one floor. Manual temperature control in rooms. Horizontal two-pipe wiring. One branch of heating. Scheme 2.2. Scheme of radiator heating of premises of one floor. Automatic temperature control in rooms. Horizontal two-pipe wiring. One branch of heating. Scheme 2.3. Scheme of radiator heating of premises of one floor. Manual temperature control in rooms. Horizontal two-pipe wiring. Two or more branches of heating. Scheme 2.4. Scheme of radiator heating of premises of one floor. Automatic temperature control in rooms. Horizontal two-pipe wiring. Two or more branches of heating Scheme Scheme of radiator heating of several floors. Manual temperature control in rooms. Beam distribution. Scheme Scheme of radiator heating of premises of several floors. Automatic temperature control in rooms. Beam distribution. Section 3. Combined heating (radiators + "warm floor") Scheme 3.1. Scheme combined heating premises of one floor based on the VT.DUAL mixing unit. Manual temperature control in rooms. Horizontal two-pipe wiring. Scheme 3.2. Scheme of combined heating of premises of one floor based on the mixing unit VT.DUAL. Automatic temperature control in rooms. Horizontal two-pipe distribution of radiator heating Scheme 3.3. Scheme of combined heating of premises of one floor based on the mixing unit VT.DUAL. Manual temperature control in rooms. Beam distribution of radiator heating A4

6 CONTENTS Scheme 3.4. Scheme of combined heating of premises of one floor based on the mixing unit VT.DUAL. Automatic temperature control in rooms. Beam wiring of radiator heating. 45 Scheme Scheme of combined space heating (the first floor is radiator; the second floor is “warm floor” based on the mixing unit VT.COMBI). Automatic temperature control in rooms. Beam wiring of radiator heating. 65 Scheme 3.5. Scheme of combined heating of the premises of one floor based on the VT.DUAL mixing unit and the VT.DHCC 100 controller. Automatic temperature control in the premises. Beam wiring of radiator heating. 47 Scheme Scheme of combined space heating (the first floor is radiator; the first and second floors are "warm floor" based on the mixing unit VT.COMBI). Manual temperature control in rooms. Horizontal two-pipe distribution of radiator heating. 67 Scheme 3.6. Scheme of combined heating of premises of one floor based on the mixing unit VT.COMBI. Manual temperature control in rooms. Horizontal two-pipe distribution of radiator heating. 49 Scheme Scheme of combined space heating (the first floor is radiator; the first and second floors are "warm floor" based on the mixing unit VT.COMBI). Automatic temperature control in rooms. Horizontal two-pipe distribution of radiator heating. 69 Scheme 3.7. Scheme of combined heating of premises of one floor based on the mixing unit VT.COMBI. Automatic temperature control in rooms. Horizontal two-pipe distribution of radiator heating. 51 Scheme Scheme of combined space heating (the first floor is radiator; the first and second floors are "warm floor" based on the mixing unit VT.COMBI). Manual temperature control in rooms. Beam wiring of radiator heating. 71 Scheme 3.8. Scheme of combined heating of premises of one floor based on the mixing unit VT.COMBI. Manual temperature control in rooms. Beam wiring of radiator heating. 53 Scheme Scheme of combined space heating (the first floor is radiator; the first and second floors are "warm floor" based on the mixing unit VT.COMBI). Automatic temperature control in rooms. Beam wiring of radiator heating. 73 Scheme 3.9. Scheme of combined heating of premises of one floor based on the mixing unit VT.COMBI. Automatic temperature control in rooms. Beam wiring of radiator heating. 55 Scheme Scheme of combined heating of premises of several floors based on VT.COMBI mixing unit. Manual temperature control in rooms. Horizontal two-pipe distribution of radiator heating. 75 Scheme Scheme of combined heating of premises of one floor based on mixing unit VT.COMBI and controller VT.DHCC 100. Automatic temperature control in premises. Beam wiring of radiator heating. 57 Scheme Scheme of combined heating of premises of several floors based on VT.COMBI mixing unit. Automatic temperature control in rooms. Horizontal two-pipe distribution of radiator heating. 77 Scheme Scheme of combined space heating (the first floor is radiator; the second floor is “warm floor” based on the mixing unit VT.COMBI). Manual temperature control in rooms. Horizontal two-pipe distribution of radiator heating. 59 Scheme Scheme of combined heating of premises of several floors based on VT.COMBI mixing unit. Manual temperature control in rooms. Beam wiring of radiator heating. 79 Scheme Scheme of combined space heating (the first floor is radiator; the second floor is “warm floor” based on the mixing unit VT.COMBI). Automatic temperature control in rooms. Horizontal two-pipe distribution of radiator heating. 61 Scheme Scheme of combined heating of premises of several floors based on VT.COMBI mixing unit. Automatic temperature control in rooms. Beam wiring of radiator heating. 81 Scheme Scheme of combined space heating (the first floor is radiator; the second floor is “warm floor” based on the VT.COMBI mixing unit). Manual temperature control in rooms. Beam wiring of radiator heating. 63 Scheme Scheme of combined heating of premises of several floors based on VT.COMBI mixing unit. Manual temperature control in rooms. Vertical two-pipe distribution of radiator heating with a lower supply line. 83 A5

7 CONTENTS Scheme Scheme of combined heating of premises of several floors based on VT.COMBI mixing unit. Automatic temperature control in rooms. Vertical two-pipe distribution of radiator heating with a lower supply line. Scheme Scheme of combined heating of one floor based on a mixing three-way valve VT.MR. Manual temperature control in rooms. Horizontal two-pipe distribution of radiator heating. Scheme Scheme of combined heating of one floor based on a mixing three-way valve VT.MR. Automatic temperature control in rooms. Horizontal two-pipe distribution of radiator heating. Scheme Scheme of combined heating of one floor based on a mixing three-way valve VT.MR. Manual temperature control in rooms. Beam wiring of radiator heating. Scheme Scheme of combined heating of one floor based on a mixing three-way valve VT.MR. Automatic temperature control in rooms. Beam wiring of radiator heating. Scheme Scheme of combined heating of several floors based on a mixing three-way valve VT.MR. Manual temperature control in rooms. Beam wiring of radiator heating. Scheme Scheme of combined heating of several floors based on a mixing three-way valve VT.MR. Automatic temperature control in rooms. Radiant distribution of radiator heating APPENDICES Appendix 1. Recommendations for the selection of a distribution (collector) cabinet Appendix 2. Approximate determination of the number of radiator sections and the number of "warm floor" pipes Appendix 3. "Heat floor" structures 101 Appendix 4. Examples of installation of bypass valves 102 Appendix 5 Mixing unit VT.COMBI 103 Appendix 6. Mixing unit VT.DUAL 107 Appendix 7. DHCC thermostatic controller Appendix 8. Zone communicator ZC A6

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112 VT.COMBI MIXING ASSEMBLY APPENDIX 5 Front view Rear view Side view Purpose and area of ​​application coolant temperature. The unit maintains the set temperature and flow rate in the secondary circulation circuit, hydraulic balancing of the primary and secondary circuits, and also allows you to adjust the temperature and flow rate of the coolant depending on the user's requirements. The mixing unit is used, as a rule, in underfloor (radiant) heating systems, heating systems for open areas and greenhouses. The pumping and mixing unit is adapted for joint use with distribution manifolds of underfloor heating loops with a center-to-center distance between the manifolds of 200mm. The dimensions of the mixing unit allow it to be placed in a manifold cabinet. 103

113 MIXING ASSEMBLY VT.COMBI APPENDIX 5 Thermal-mechanical scheme of the pump-mixing unit VT.COMBI 5 5a Submersible thermometer (D-41mm) with rear connection Threaded sleeve G 3/8 for immersion thermometer Indication of the current value of the temperature of the heat carrier at the inlet to the mixing unit, secondary circuit and at the outlet of the mixing unit. An immersion thermometer is inserted into the sleeve. The sleeve is serviced by open-ended or wrench(SW 17) Bypass valve Ensures a constant flow of the heating medium in the secondary circuit, regardless of the manual or automatic adjustment of the underfloor heating loops. 7 When the set value of the differential pressure is exceeded, the valve bypasses part of the flow to the bypass (pos.13). Adjustment to the required value of the differential pressure is carried out using a plastic handle. Regulates the flow rate of the heat carrier returned to the primary circuit (pos.12). To adjust, remove the plug (SW 22). Adjustment is carried out with a six-point wrench (SW 5). The adjustment position can be firmly fixed by screwing in the locking pin in the valve seat with a thin-bladed screwdriver until it stops. If you loosen the pin a little, then the valve can be closed, but when opened, it will return to its previous setting. Structural elements node Pos. Name of the element Function of the element 1 1a Thermostatic control valve with a liquid thermal head Immersion coolant temperature sensor Regulation of the flow of the coolant coming from the primary circuit depending on the temperature of the coolant at the outlet of the mixing unit. The required temperature is set by the thermal head. Records the instantaneous temperature value at the outlet of the mixing unit with the transmission of an impulse to the thermal head (1) through the capillary impulse tube (1b) 9 10 Automatic float air vent G1/2 Rotary drain valve G1/2 with plug G3/4 . When the system is initially filled with coolant, the air vent must be closed. The air vent is dismantled and mounted with an open-end wrench or adjustable wrench (SW 30) Emptying and filling with secondary circuit coolant. The valve can be connected flexible eyeliner with union nut with G 3/4 thread. The valve is opened with a profile key on the plug. The valve is mounted using an open-end or adjustable wrench (SW 25). 1b Capillary impulse pipe of the thermostatic unit Connects the liquid thermostatic head (1) and the immersion temperature sensor (1a) Ball valve 2 Secondary circuit balancing valve Sets the ratio between the quantities of heating medium coming from the return line of the secondary circuit and the direct line of the primary circuit; equalizes the pressure of the coolant at the outlet of the circuit warm floors with pressure downstream of the thermostatic control valve (1). The Kvb setting of this valve and the set pump speed (3) determine thermal power mixing unit. The valve is adjusted with a hexagon wrench (SW 10) Return pipeline (D 15x1) Shutdown of the pump for maintenance or replacement. The valves are opened and closed with a hexagon wrench (SW 6) or a flat head screwdriver. Returns the heating medium to the primary circuit. Attached to the assembly with two union nuts G3/4 (SW 30). 2a 3 4 Locking clamp screw balancing valve Circulation pump (not included in the scope of delivery) Threaded sleeve G1/2" for the immersion temperature sensor Fixes the setting position of the balancing valve (item 2). G 1 1/2") operated with an open-end wrench or adjustable wrench (SW 50) The immersion sensor (pos. 1a) of the thermostatic valve (pos. 1) is inserted into the sleeve. The sleeve can be moved to the socket (pos.4a). In this case, the vacant socket is either plugged with a plug or used to install a safety thermostat ( additional option), turning off circulation pump(pos.3). The sleeve has a screw with which the position of the sensor is fixed. The sleeve is serviced with an open-end wrench or adjustable wrench (SW 22). The fixing screw requires an Allen key SW Bypass T1 T2 T11 Primary circuit flow Primary circuit return Primary circuit flow or collector Circulation in the secondary circuit irrespective of the heating medium requirement of the underfloor heating circuits. Connected to the assembly with an elbow G1/2 x3/4 (H-B) and a union nut G3/4 (SW 30) G 1 (B) G 1 (B) Connection is made with a double nipple art.ac606 G 1 (H ). Installation with two open-end wrenches (SW41) 4a G1/2" socket for pocket (pos. 4) or safety thermostat circulation pump (item 3) T21 Return pipe or secondary circuit collector Connection is made with double nipple art.ac606 G 1 (H) Installation is made with two open-end wrenches (SW41) 104

114 VT.COMBI MIXING ASSEMBLY APPENDIX 5 Specifications pumping and mixing unit Instructions for installation of the unit Unit. The value of the characteristic for the node: The name of the characteristic p / p meas. Combi 02/4 Combi 02/6 1 Circulation pump brand (item 3) Wilo Star Wilo Star RS 25/4/180 RS 25/6/180 2 Maximum heat output of the mixing unit kV Mounting length of the pump (item 3) mm Maximum coolant temperature in the primary circuit С Maximum operating pressure bar Temperature setting limits for thermostatic valve with thermal head (pos. 1) C Coefficient bandwidth thermostatic valve at setting -2K (pos.1) m 3 /h 0.9 0.9 Coefficient local resistance thermostatic valve at setting -2K (pos.1) Maximum capacity coefficient of the thermostatic valve (pos.1) m 3 /h 2.75 2.75 Coefficient of local resistance of the thermostatic valve at maximum capacity (pos.1) factory setting coefficient of throughput of the balancing valve of the secondary circuit (item 2) m 3 /h 2.5 2.5 Coefficient of local resistance of the balancing valve of the secondary circuit (item 2) at factory setting scale: 14 1 m 3 / hour m 3 / hour 1.75 1, m 3 / hour 2.5 2, m 3 / hour 3.5 3, m 3 / hour Measurement limits of thermometers (pos. 5) С Setting range bypass valve (pos. 7) bar 0.1-0.6 0.1-0.6 21 resistance of the balancing and shut-off valve (item 8) at factory setting Maximum air temperature surrounding unit C Minimum pressure before the pump bar 0.1 0.1 Primary circuit pipelines (T1, T2) can be connected directly to mixing unit or through the collector of the radiator heating circuit. Connection to the primary circuit is made with a G1 threaded connection (female thread). The collectors of the secondary circuit (T 11, T21) are connected using the AC606 G 1 (H) connectors supplied with the assembly. For their installation, two open-end wrenches SW 41 are used. First, the connectors are screwed onto the nozzles of the assembly. Then, holding the attached half of the composite nipple with one key, the second half of the nipple is screwed to the collector with the second key. The connector has both threaded ends rubber gaskets, so the use of additional sealing materials is not required. To connect the thermal head, you must first remove the plastic protective cap from thermostatic valve 1. The thermal head is connected manually at the maximum setting value (“60”). circulation pump 3 is recommended with closed ball valves 11, which are closed and opened with a screwdriver or hex wrench SW 6. It is also recommended to loosen the union nuts securing the bypass 12 and the outlet pipe 13, which will facilitate the removal and installation of the pump. It should not be forgotten that special ring gaskets must be installed between the union nuts of the pump and its threaded nozzles. Before hydraulic test installed mixing unit with connected underfloor heating manifolds, make sure that the union nuts securing the bypass and return pipe of the unit are tightly tightened. Before turning on the pump, make sure that: - Ball Valves 11 open; - balancing and shut-off valve 8 is open; - on the thermostatic head 1 the required value of the coolant temperature is set; - balancing valve 2 is set to the calculated Kvb value and fixed with screw 2a; - on the bypass valve 7 the required value of the differential pressure is set. If it is necessary to install a safety thermostat, it is purchased separately and mounted in slot 4 or 4a. As a rule, the safety thermostat controls the turning on and off of the circulation pump, although other schemes are allowed. automatic regulation. 105

115 MIXING ASSEMBLY VT.COMBI APPENDIX 5 Calculation of balancing valve setting (2) and selection of pump speed. Actions Units Formula Example 1 Known thermal power of the underfloor heating system, Q W Q=12000 W 2 Known temperature of the direct heat carrier of the warm floor, T 11 C T 11 \u003d 50 ºC 3 Known temperature of the heat carrier coming from the primary circuit, T 1 C T 1 \u003d 80 ºС 4 Known temperature of the return heat carrier of the warm floor, T 21 С T 21 \u003d 40 ºС 5 Heat carrier flow in the secondary circuit, g 2 kg / h G 2 \u003d 0.86Q / (T 11 - T 21) G 2 \u003d 0 ,86x12000 / (50-40) \u003d 1032 kg / h 6 Coolant flow in the primary circuit, g 1 kg / h G 1 \u003d 0.86Q / (T 1 - T 21) G 1 \u003d 0.86x12000 / (80-40 )=258 kg/h 7 Coolant flow rate through balancing valve 2, G b kg/h G b = G 2 - G 1 G b = = 774 kg/h \u003d (G 1 / ρ) 2 / K vt 2 ΔР t \u003d (258/972) 2 / 0.9 2 \u003d 0.087 bar 9 Required throughput coefficient of the balancing valve 2, K vb m 3 / hour K vb \u003d G b / ρ(δр t) 0.5 K vb =774/992(0.087) 0.5 =2.6 10 Pre-calculated pressure loss in pa counting circuit warm bar According to the results of the hydraulic floor ΔР calculation floor ΔР floor \u003d 0.2 bar 12. A pump with a head of 3 m and a capacity of 1032 kg/h is accepted (Wilo Star RS 25/4 at second speed). Balancing valve setting

116 MIXING ASSEMBLY VT.DUAL APPENDIX 6 Purpose and field of application The mixing unit is designed to create an open circulation circuit in the heating system of a building with a coolant temperature reduced to the set value. The unit maintains the set temperature and flow rate in the secondary circulation circuit, hydraulic balancing of the primary and secondary heating circuits, and also allows you to adjust the temperature and flow of the coolant depending on the requirements of the user. The mixing unit is used, as a rule, in underfloor (radiant) heating systems, heating systems for open areas and greenhouses. The pumping and mixing unit is adapted for joint use with distribution manifolds of underfloor heating loops with a center-to-center distance between the manifolds of 200mm. The unit is recommended to be equipped with a circulation Wilo pump Star RS 25/4/130 or Wilo Star RS 25/6/130. Any pump with similar characteristics and installation length of 130mm can be installed on the unit. The mixing unit consists of two modules (pump and thermostat), which are mounted on both sides of the supply and return distribution manifolds. The dimensions of the mixing unit allow it to be placed in a manifold cabinet. Thermal mechanical diagram of the pumping and mixing unit 107

117 MIXING ASSEMBLY VT.DUAL Structural elements of the assembly APPENDIX 6 Pos. Element name Element function 1 Six-way block connector (2 pcs) Includes a ball valve, pipes for connecting manifolds, a pump, pressure gauges, thermostats and an air vent Pos. Name of the element Function of the element The electric wires from the safety thermostat and the pump are connected in the box. Switching diagram: 2 Ball valve Switch off the pump for service or replacement. The valves are opened and closed with a hexagon wrench (SW 6) or a flat head screwdriver. 13 Terminal box 3 Half rail with union nut Manifold connection G 1" (M) 4 Threaded plug 3/8" 5 Safety thermostat, adjustable, submersible 6 Union nut G 1 1/2" For pump connection 7 8 Submersible thermometer (D-41mm ) with rear connection Circulation pump (not included in the scope of supply) Plugs off the threaded socket, which can be used to install a 3/8" drain valve Turns off the pump if the setting value is exceeded. Indication of the current value of the coolant temperature at the inlet to the supply manifold Provides circulation of the coolant in the secondary circuit. Union nuts of the pump (G 1 1/2") are serviced with an open-end wrench or adjustable wrench (SW 50) 9 Manual air vent 3/8" For manual release of air and gases Threaded sleeve G1/2" for immersion temperature sensor Connection plug for installing immersion thermometer G1 /2" The immersion sensor (pos. 1a) of the thermostatic valve (pos. 1) is inserted into the sleeve. The sleeve can be moved to the socket (pos. 4a). option) that turns off the circulation pump (pos. 3. The sleeve has a screw that fixes the position of the sensor. The sleeve is serviced with an open-end wrench or adjustable wrench (SW 22). The fixing screw requires a SW 2 hex key. immersion thermometer settings, which are used depending on the location of the unit (right, left, top, bottom) Unused nozzles are closed with plugs. 2 Power cord To connect the pump to the mains 220V 50Hz 14 Mounting yoke Thermostatic liquid head Capillary impulse tube of the thermostatic unit Submersible coolant temperature sensor Three-way thermostatic valve MR01 Double nipple art.ac606 G 1 (Н). 20 Bypass bypass Union nut (with ferrule) for fastening the bypass G 1/2 Tee with built-in balancing valve Bypass balancing valve For attaching the terminal box to the six-way connector block. Regulates the supply of primary coolant depending on the temperature at the outlet of the mixing unit. The required temperature is set manually. Connects the liquid thermal head (15) and the immersion temperature sensor (17) Records the instantaneous temperature value at the outlet of the mixing unit with the transmission of an impulse to the thermal head (15) through the capillary impulse tube (16) Regulates the supply of the primary heat carrier (mixture) due to the action of the thermal head . For connecting a manifold. The connection is made using two open-end wrenches (SW41). When the collector circuits are closed, it bypasses the coolant from the supply manifold to the return one. For attaching the bypass to three-way valve Has branch pipes G 1 (В-В) for accession to the primary circuit and the collector. Regulates the differential pressure between the supply and return collectors in the mode of overlapping the underfloor heating circuits. For adjustment it is necessary to remove the plug (SW 22). The adjustment is made with a hexagon wrench (SW 5). The adjustment position can be firmly fixed by screwing in the locking pin in the valve seat with a thin-bladed screwdriver until it stops. If you loosen the pin a little, then the valve can be closed, but when opened, it will return to its previous setting. 108

118 p/p MIXING ASSEMBLY VT.DUAL Technical characteristics of the pumping and mixing unit Instructions for mounting the unit Characteristic name 1 Circulation pump brand (pos.8) Unit. rev. Characteristic value for the assembly: Dualmix 01/4 Dualmix 01/6 Wilo Star RS 25/4/130 Wilo Star RS 25/6/130 2 circuit C Maximum operating pressure bar Temperature setting limits of the thermostatic valve with a thermal head (pos.15,18) Capacity coefficient of the thermostatic valve at setting -2K (pos.18) Coefficient of local resistance of the thermostatic valve at setting -2K (pos.18) Maximum coefficient capacity of the thermostatic valve (pos.18) C m 3 /h 0.9 0, m 3 /h 2.75 2.75 10 Local resistance coefficient of the thermostatic valve at maximum throughput (pos.18) 11 Setting limits of the safety thermostat Protection class of the safety thermostat IP 40 IP Switching capacity of the safety thermostat 16(4)A;250V 6(1)A; 400V 16(4)A; 250V 6(1)A; 400V 12 Limits of measurement of thermometers (item 7) С Maximum temperature of the air surrounding the unit С Minimum pressure in front of the pump bar 0.1 0.1 15 Switching the pump rotation speed Manual, 3 speeds : 1/2 m 3 /h 0.13 0.13 1 0.52 0.52 1 1/2 0.78 0.78 2 1.03 1.03 2 1/2 1.3 1.3 3 1 .77 1.77 3 1/2 2.08 2.08 4 2.34 2.34 Full opening 2.6 2.6 APPENDIX 6 The primary circuit piping is connected to the thermostatic module of the Dualmix unit from a G1 threaded connection (female thread). The secondary circuit manifolds are connected to the thermostatic module using the AC606 G 1 (H) connectors supplied with the assembly. For their installation, two open-end wrenches SW 41 are used. First, the connectors are screwed onto the nozzles of the assembly. Then, holding the attached half of the composite nipple with one key, the second half of the nipple is screwed to the collector with the second key. The connector has rubber gaskets on both threaded ends, so no additional sealing materials are required. To connect the thermal head, you must first remove the plastic protective cap from the thermostatic valve 18. The thermal head is connected manually at the maximum setting value (“60”). The remote sensor is placed in the sleeve 10 and fixed with a screw in the head of the sleeve using a SW 2 hexagon wrench. Mounting and dismantling of the circulation pump 8 is recommended with ball valves 2 closed, which are closed and opened using a screwdriver or a SW 6 hexagon wrench. It should not be forgotten that special ring gaskets must be installed between the union nuts of the pump and its threaded nozzles. Before carrying out a hydraulic test of the mounted mixing unit with connected underfloor heating collectors, make sure that the union nuts fastening the bypass and return pipe of the unit are tightly tightened. Before turning on the pump, make sure that: - ball valves 2 are open; - balancing valve 23 is open for the estimated number of revolutions; - on the thermostatic head 15 the required value of the coolant temperature is set; - the value of the maximum allowable temperature for the secondary circuit is set on the safety thermostat; After filling the system with coolant, it is necessary to release the remaining air using a manual air vent. 109

119 MIXING ASSEMBLY VT.DUAL Structural elements of the assembly APPENDIX 6 Actions Unit of measure Formula Example 1 Known heat output of the underfloor heating system, Q W Q=15000 W 2 Known temperature of the direct heat carrier of the warm floor, Т 11 С Т 11 =50 ºС 3 Known temperature coolant coming from the primary circuit, T 1 C T 1 \u003d 90 ºС 4 Known temperature of the return heat carrier of the warm floor, T 21 C T 21 \u003d 40 ºС 5 Coolant flow in the secondary circuit, g 2 kg / h G 2 \u003d 0.86Q / (T 11 - T 21) G 2 \u003d 0.86x15000 / (50-40) \u003d 1290 kg / h 6 Coolant flow in the primary circuit, g 1 kg / h G 1 \u003d 0.86Q / (T 1 - T 21) G 1 \u003d 0.86x15000 / (90-50) \u003d 323 kg / h 7 Pre-calculated pressure losses in the design circuit of the warm bar According to the results of the hydraulic floor ΔР calculation floor ΔР floor = 0.25 bar kg/h G H = G 2 + G 1 G H = =1613 kg/h 9 Required capacity factor of the balancing valve 23, K vb m 3 /h K vb = G 1 / ρ(δr floor) 0.5 K vb =323/992(0.25) 0.5 =0, A pump with a head of 2.5 m and a capacity of 1613 kg/h is assumed (Wilo Star RS 25/6 at third speed). Balancing valve setting 1 1/3 turn 110

120 THERMOSTAT CONTROLLER VT. DHCC 100 APPENDIX 7 Purpose and field of application The climate microprocessor controller is designed for proportional-derivative-integral control of the coolant temperature in climate systems (heating, ventilation, underfloor heating, area heating, etc.). Regulation is carried out by applying an analog control signal to the drive of the executive body of the mixing unit of the controlled system, depending on the readings of the mixed heat carrier temperature sensor and the outdoor air temperature sensor. Main purpose: control of the mixing unit VT. COMBI. The package includes a sensor outdoor temperature and a coolant temperature sensor, which allows automatic adjustment of the coolant temperature, taking into account weather compensation. It is recommended to use the controller in combination with the ZC 100 zone communicator, which regulates the temperature of the heat carrier in the rooms (circuits) in accordance with the commands of the room thermostats. Specifications Name of indicator Unit. rev. Indicator value Supply voltage V 24 Type of supply current AC Remarks Supply current frequency Hz 50/60 Total power consumption VA 15 Control parameter V 0-10 voltage, analog Number of input channels pcs 3 analog Number of output devices pcs 1 analog Pump overrun min 4 After request to switch off Display language English, French, German, Italian Equipment Controller, passport, outdoor temperature sensor with cable, heating medium temperature sensor with cable, packaging Weather compensation according to user-defined schedule, Functionality compensation at a given time interval during the day (night, absence, etc.) Warranty period 5 years From the date of installation Recommended drives IVAR SRV 24, TE 3061, M106Y, Behr, Moehlenhoff, Lineg assembly, connect to the 4-pole connector "ACTUATOR / MOTOR" (MIXER DRIVE). 2. Connect the cable from the heating medium temperature sensor to the 3-pole connector “MIXED SENSOR” (HEALTH TEMPERATURE SENSOR). 3. Install the outdoor temperature sensor on the northern facade of the building in a place inaccessible to direct sunlight. Connect the cable from the outdoor temperature sensor to the 3-pole connector "OUTDOOR SENSOR". The colors of the wires in the cable (from left to right): red-white-black (power supply-sensor-ground). 4. Connect the cable from the 2-pole DEMAND INPUT connector to the PUMP connector on the ZC Zone Communicator board. The cable from the 2-pole DEMAND OUTPUT connector. connect to the magnetic starter (start relay) of the circulation pump. 6. Connect the cable from the power supply 24 V AC (according to the IEC EN standard) to the 3-pole “POWER” socket. ATTENTION: Applying 220V voltage to the “POWER” connector will lead to the failure of the controller. 7. If there is a safety thermostat, connect the cable from it to the 2-pole connector "AUX A" (ADDITIONAL DEVICE). 111

121 THERMOSTAT CONTROLLER VT. DHCC 100 APPENDIX 7 Functions of the buttons below the display Symbol Meaning Action Back Return to main menu, select menu, accept changes Select Select menu, select submenu. Up Return to the previous menu or submenu, increase the value Down Go to the next menu or submenu, decrease the value Controller setting Main menu Set: 35C Out: 5.1 VT.COMBI: 34C 09:17 Set VT.COMBI Out Time exit from the mixing unit. Either set manually, or regulated according to a given schedule. Indication of the actual temperature at the outlet of the mixing unit. OFF no request from the zone communicator Actual outdoor temperature (according to the outdoor temperature sensor) Current time Temperature graph details Temp A: -20C Max: 45C Temp B: 20C Min: 30C Temp A Max Temp B Min Minimum outdoor temperature according to the graph . The heating medium temperature at the minimum outdoor temperature is displayed or set. Displays or sets the Maximum outdoor temperature according to the graph. The heating medium temperature at the maximum outdoor temperature is displayed or set. Display or set Reduced day period On: 02:00 Temp: 5C Off: 06:30 On Temp Off Period start time from low temperature. Displayed or set The number of degrees by which the temperature of the coolant drops. Displays or sets the start time of the period with a reduced temperature. Display or set Set the current time Set (HH:MM) 00:00 Set Set and display the current time in 24h format (HH:MM) 112

122 THERMOSTAT CONTROLLER VT. DHCC 100 APPENDIX 7 Controller settings Connection example Enabling/disabling weather and time compensation Noturna: OFF Esterna: OFF Noturna (night) Esterna (outdoor) Enabling (ON) or deactivating (OFF) the decrease in the temperature of the heat carrier in a given period of the day (night compensation) (ON) or disable (OFF) the operation according to the set temperature schedule (weather compensation) Reset to factory settings Factoty Resert Confirm (Su) (up) Back (Giu) (down) Confirmation of the return to the factory settings. After a power outage, the Reset Reset to Factory Reset menu will appear language selection (English, French, German, Italian) Mixing valve servo data Zero: 20 Settle: 10 Zero Settle Minimum recognizable actuator control signal voltage value (0.01V). Values ​​for actuators: VALTEC-20; IVAR-20; BEHR-20; MOEHLENHOFF-60; LINEG-60 NOTES Actuator position polling interval Values ​​for actuators: VALTEC-10; IVAR-10; BEHR-10; MOEHLENHOFF-5; LINEG-5 1. The backlight of the controller automatically turns off 1-1.5 minutes after the last button press. 2. To reboot the controller, as well as change the language, do the following: - turn off the power; - turn on the power; - press (down) three times; - press (up) to return to the message about the selected language. 3. The safety thermostat connected to the controller, in case of exceeding the set limit temperature of the coolant, gives a command to turn off the pump and the mixing valve drive. 4. The first time the controller is turned on, the language is selected (see note 2). 113

123 ZONE COMMUNICATOR VT.ZC 100 APPENDIX 8 Purpose and field of application The communicator is used to transmit control signals (on/off) from room thermostats to actuators of thermostatic valves that control the supply of heat carrier through the circuits. If there is no request for the supply of coolant to all connected circuits (the required temperature has been set in all rooms), the communicator relay sends a command to turn off the circulation pump of the mixing unit. This allows you to create economical heating schemes, and also extends the life of the circulation pump. The communicator can be used as a separate device or in combination with a climate controller (type DHCC 100, DHCC 100). rev. V Type of supply current 24 Hz 50/60 Apparent power consumption VA 3 Number of connected circuits pcs 6 Type of input signals from room thermostats On/Off Type of control signals to servomotors On/Off Switching capacity of the pump relay Remarks variable Power supply frequency Power supply for servomotors V 24 I /U 2A/25V AC pump relay opening condition Allowed serial connection of 3 communicators (18 circuits) AC Contacts of all room thermostats are open Pump overrun Set by the controller (not provided by the communicator). When using the DVCC100 controller, the factory setting is 4 min. Complete set Communicator in case, passport, packaging Required transformer power 24V AC Additional functions Estimated life 114 Rating 40VA for 12 circuits; 50VA for 18 VA circuits LED indication of the presence of a signal on the circuits and the circulation pump years 15 From the date of installation

124 ZONE COMMUNICATOR VT.ZC 100 APPENDIX 8 Installation and configuration procedure 1. Connect the 24V AC power cable to terminals A and B on the left side of the panel. 2. Connect two-wire cables of room thermostats with a cross section of at least 0.25 mm 2 to the terminals of the corresponding zone on the communicator board. No more than one thermostat may be connected to one pair of terminals. Maximum length connecting cable -50m. 3. Connect two-wire cables (2x1mm2) of servo drives to the terminals of the corresponding zone on the communicator board. Make sure the servos are rated for 24V AC (2A). 4. Connect the two-wire cable from the pump start relay (24V AC) to the PUMP terminals on the communicator board. 5. Set the DIP switches for zones (red) 1 to 6. The zone is enabled (contact between input and output is closed) when the switch tab is up. The zone is disabled (contact between input and output is open) when the switch tab is down. When using all communicator zones, set all switches to the on position. When controlling one thermostat with several circuits, connect the thermostat cable to the first zone, set the switches of adjacent zones to the on position: these zones will be controlled by one thermostat. 6. Switch 7 is reserved (not used). 7. Switch 8 controls the pump relay. When the switch tongue is up, the pump relay is on; when it is down, it is off. 8. When connecting several communicators in series, terminals A,B,C,D on the right side of the first communicator board, connect the 1.5 mm2 wires to the corresponding terminals on the left side of the next communicator board. In this case, the pump can be controlled from any communicator (the pump relays must be turned off on the rest) 9. The thermostat connected to the first communicator can control adjacent zones of the second communicator. For example: if you connect a thermostat to zone 6 of the first communicator, and set the switches for zones 1 and 2 of the second communicator to the “on” position, then the thermostat will control zones 6, 1, 2. ATTENTION: Applying 220V to connectors A and B will result in an output communicator out of order. 115

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2a 2 7 3 T T 2 T 2 T pump not included with assembly 5 3 0 2 3 pump not included with assembly T2 T T T 2 5 8 0 a 4 2 4 0 8 b b T 2 3 2 0 T 4a 4 b Purpose and scope of application The mixing unit is intended for

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Water types of warm floors continue to improve, while remaining popular among consumers. One of recognized leaders is Italian company Valtec (Valtek).

Advantages of the Valtec system

Before starting installation and selecting a mixing unit for Valtec underfloor heating, it is necessary to analyze the advantages of this type of water circuit.

  • Thanks to high-quality materials, durable fasteners, reliable operation is ensured.
  • Developed in modules, components fit together precisely, eliminating the risk of leaks.
  • The manufacturer provided for the release related materials required for thermal and waterproofing equipment.

Calculation instructions

In order to properly develop a project for laying a warm floor, a preliminary calculation of the main indicators will be required, focusing on their average values.

Do-it-yourself installation of a water-heated floor

You have to take into account a variety of factors, including the role of the water floor as the main type of heating or its use as an additional source of heat. Since the detailed calculation for self-fulfillment is a complex process, in practice, averaged parameters are used.

Once the key parameters have been determined, a scheme can be developed in which exact scale the most rational pipe laying is determined. After that, their total length is calculated. At the same time, it is thought out where the pumping and mixing unit and controls will be located.

Key characteristics of the mixing unit

In order for the installed water circuit to function effectively, it is necessary to correctly calculate the entire system and correctly install the mixing unit for the Valtec underfloor heating in accordance with the provisions reflected in the instructions attached to the kit.

Parameters of the pumping and mixing unit:

The pipes have an external thread with a Eurocone connection.

Pumping and mixing unit for underfloor heating


The main purpose of the pumping and mixing unit is to stabilize the temperature of the coolant when it enters the water circuit by using water from the return line for mixing. Thus, there is an optimal functioning of the warm floor without overheating.

The Combi assembly includes the following service elements:

The following organs are used to adjust the node:

  • balancing valve on the secondary circuit, which ensures mixing in the required proportion of heat carriers from the supply and return pipelines to ensure the standard temperature;
  • balancing and shut-off valve on the primary circuit, which is responsible for supplying the required amount to the unit hot water. It allows, if necessary, to completely block the flow;
  • a bypass valve that allows an additional bypass to be opened to allow the pump to operate when all control valves are closed.

The connection diagram is designed taking into account the possibility of connecting to the pumping and mixing unit the required number of floor heating branches with a total water flow not exceeding 1.7 m 3 / h. The calculation shows that a similar flow rate of the coolant at a temperature difference of 5°C corresponds to a power of 10 kW.

If several branches are connected to the mixing unit, it is advisable to select collector blocks from the Valtec line with the designation VTs.594, as well as VTs.596.

Mounting algorithm

After the preliminary calculation of all components is completed, the installation of a warm floor begins directly, which involves the passage of several stages.


To connect pipes to distribution manifolds, a pipe cutter is used to cut the desired length, a calibrator that chamfers and compression fitting. It is difficult to carry out a detailed calculation at home, therefore, the instruction must be studied, which details the setting of the pumping and mixing unit in a certain sequence.

k νb = k νt ([(t 1 - t 12) / (t 11 - t 12)] - 1),

where k νt - coefficient = 0.9 valve capacity;

t 1 - water temperature of the primary circuit at the supply, ° С;

t 11 - temperature of the secondary circuit at the coolant supply, ° С;

t 12 - return water temperature, °С.

The calculated value k νb must be set on the valve.

Consumption G 2 (kg / s) is determined by the formula:

G 2 \u003d Q /,

where Q is the total thermal power of the water circuit connected to the mixing unit, J/s;

4187 [J/(kg °C)] is the heat capacity of water.

A special program is used to calculate pressure losses hydraulic calculation. To determine the pump speed, which is set using the switch, according to the calculated indicators, a nomogram is used, which is in the instructions attached to the underfloor heating design.

  • Operations are being made to adjust the balancing valve on the primary circuit.
  • The thermostat sets the desired temperature for comfortable heating.
  • The system is being tested.

In the absence of leaks, it remains to perform concrete screed, and after its complete hardening, lay the flooring.

Video: Underfloor heating with a VALTEC pump and mixing unit

VALTEC equipment solves all problems with the heating system configuration. Thanks to the proven production and installation technology, technical support, a wide range of equipment, materials and tools, working with our products will seem simple and exciting to you. Created by VALTEC specialists, technical and study guides they will show how to avoid mistakes in the selection and installation of components, prevent unpleasant situations and their consequences. Good help in choosing design solution can become an Album of typical schemes of heating systems. The schemes thought out by the developers are provided with explanations and a detailed specification indicating the number of required elements and their article numbers. This will allow you, without hesitation, to draw up a project estimate and place an order in trading network VALTEC.

Scheme of combined heating VALTEC

We offer you an example of a modern energy efficient system heating system based on VALTEC equipment. It is designed for country house or any other object with an autonomous heat source (boiler, etc.). The scheme provides for the combined use of traditional radiators and underfloor heating. This combination of technologies, as well as the applied automation, makes it possible to provide high level comfort at optimal costs for the purchase of equipment and its operation. The scheme uses and displays components from the current VALTEC assortment.

vendor code Name Manufacturer
1 VT.COMBI.S Pumping and mixing unit VALTEC
2 VTC.596EMNX Collector block with flow meters VALTEC
3 VTC.586EMNX Stainless steel manifold block become VALTEC
4 VT.K200.M Weather-compensated controller VALTEC
4a VT.K200.M Outdoor temperature sensor VALTEC
5 VT.TE3040 Electrothermal Servo Drive VALTEC
6 VT.TE3061 Analog servo VALTEC
7 VT.AC709 Electronic room chrono-thermostat with floor temperature sensor VALTEC
8a VT.AC601 Room thermostat VALTEC
8 VT.AC602 Room thermostat with floor temperature sensor VALTEC
9 VT.0667T Bypass with bypass valve to ensure circulation with closed loops VALTEC
10 VT.MR03 Three-way mixing valve for maintaining the return temperature VALTEC
11 VT.5012 Thermal head with remote overhead sensor VALTEC
12 VT.460 Security group VALTEC
13 VT.538 Squeegee VALTEC
14 VT.0606 Double manifold nipple VALTEC
15 VT.ZC6 Communicator VALTEC
16 VT.VRS circulation pump VALTEC

Explanations for the scheme:

tie in single system high-temperature circuits (heat source and radiator heating) and underfloor heating circuits with a low coolant temperature allow the use of the pump-mixing unit VALTEC COMBIMIX.

Distribution of coolant flows is organized using collector blocks VALTEC VTc 594 ( radiator heating) and VTc 596 (underfloor heating).

The wiring of the high-temperature heating system and the warm circuits are made of VALTEC metal-plastic pipes. Pipelines were installed using press fittings of the VTm 200 series; connection to the manifolds - by crimp manifold fittings for metal-plastic pipe VT4420.

Underfloor heating operation is controlled by the VALTEC K100 controller with weather compensation function. Thanks to this, the temperature of the water in the underfloor heating circuits changes depending on the outside temperature, which guarantees the saving of energy resources used for heating. The control signal from the controller goes to the analog electrothermal servomotor of the control valve of the COMBIMIX unit.

Thermal comfort in rooms with underfloor heating is maintained room thermostat VT AC 602 and chronothermostat VT AC 709 equipped with air and floor temperature sensors. Through electrothermal actuators, these automation modules control the valves on the return manifold of the VTc 596 unit.

A thermostat is used as a safety remote sensor temperature VT AC 6161. It stops the circulation pump of the COMBIMIX unit if the set maximum temperature of the heating medium at the supply to the underfloor heating circuits is exceeded.

The heat output of the radiators is regulated by the room thermostat VT AC 601, which controls the valves of the VTc 594 manifold block using electrothermal actuators.

The heat source circuit is equipped with a boiler safety group, membrane expansion tank, check and drain valves VALTEC.

As stop valves ball valves of the VALTEC BASE series were used.