Boiler combined firewood electricity. Combined and separate boilers for heating on wood and electricity. Combined heating boilers

Combined heating boiler is a technical tool that uses various types of fuel for its work. This is the main advantage of this device. Why, then, combined boilers have gained such great popularity? Why do people switch to combined boilers without using specialized ones, such as diesel boilers?

To date, the heating equipment market has a large selection of household boilers, namely electric, solid fuel, gas generators and diesel boilers. The vast majority of boilers using liquid fuels operate on diesel fuel, in small quantities there are boilers operating on heating oil or fuel oil. Diesel boilers have a number of significant advantages, namely:

they give high power to the mountain (due to this factor, a liquid fuel boiler is able to independently heat a large building with a large cubic capacity), have a high level of efficiency (and this already speaks of low costs, when the boiler gives off much more heat per ruble of investment than boilers of other types ). Diesel heating boilers do not depend on the presence of gas in the main (autonomy is a significant advantage, especially at times when gas is intermittent).

However, diesel fuel is more expensive than gas, and if we talk about environmental friendliness, here gas has taken a clear palm.

Quite often, combined heating boilers are connected in country houses based on the following reasons. Gasification has not yet been carried out on the site, and at the same time it is in the plans. The owner acquires such a boiler ahead of time, so that in the future it will be connected to the gas main. In other words, at first we have a pure diesel boiler, the house is heated by diesel fuel. For these purposes, a budget model of a diesel boiler is purchased. When the house is already connected to the gas main, a more expensive model of a gas boiler is purchased. In the second option, the house is initially connected to the gas main, and at the same time the gas goes to the user in waves. Those. there are significant interruptions in supply. In case of gas interruptions, diesel boilers help out, especially in harsh winters.

In other words, combined boilers add the following advantages to the advantages of diesel ones:

low cost of heating due to gas, the air around the building in which the boiler operates on gas is much cleaner than the air with emissions from liquid fuels, at any time when there are interruptions in gas, you can switch to a solarium.

There are several types of combined boilers. Some devices use solid fuels and, in addition, one of several energy sources, including liquid sources, electricity or gas. Solid fuel boilers of this type have three positive features, namely their availability, autonomy and low costs for the consumed fuel. And at the same time, they are distinguished by three disadvantages, namely, low efficiency, the need for constant fuel loading, and regular cleaning of the ash pan. For electric boilers, the main advantage is autonomy, and at the same time, the maintenance of such devices costs a lot of money. The possibility of selecting the optimal type of heating is the prerogative of universal devices.

Switching the device from one fuel to another is quite simple. The current burner is removed from the boiler, another one is installed in its place. The combined boiler on the front of the body has a flanged hole for the burner nozzle. The type of burner is determined by the type of fuel that the device can process (solar oil burners use diesel boilers, gas burners use gas appliances). The desired burner is mounted in the front hole, after which it is adjusted to the desired depth. The union nut is used when mounting an oil or gas burner. After that, the tightness of the burner itself is checked, possibly the air remaining in the fuel line is removed. At the end of everything, the wiring is connected. It is recommended to invite a specialist to adjust the burner during its first start-up, the expert can adjust the burner operation in accordance with the standards for the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere.

As a result, a device of this type is good because under a solarium it is a diesel device, under gas it is a gas one. And its cost is lower than the sum of the price tags of these two devices.

The beginning of the heating season does not always begin with the onset of cold weather. Sometimes frosts literally take you by surprise, and the central heating batteries have not yet been turned on. Combined boilers firewood electricity solve this problem. They are versatile, cost-effective and can switch from one program to another automatically. But first things first.

How the unit is arranged

By external signs, combined wood-electricity boilers are very similar to any unit that runs on solid fuel. The only difference is the presence of a heating element. Those. this allows you to heat the room either from the mains or with the help of firewood.

Its design allows you to install devices even inside multi-storey buildings. Owners of three-room apartments will save especially well. The device is connected to the central heating system, which allows you to heat the room at any time of the year.

For country houses, this design will relieve the owners of the need to control the amount of fuel burned in the furnace.

Dacha settlements that are not gasified can heat their premises from the mains. But even if there is no light in the village for a long time, solid fuel can become an alternative during the cold period.

In our country, unfortunately, many villages suffer from sudden power outages. Without light, people can sit for two, even three days. And if some kind of accident occurs in this area, then it can take a very long time to fix the problem. In this case, the wood-electricity combination is very beneficial. When there is light, the house is heated with electricity, when the light is turned off, the unit switches to solid fuel.

Advantages and disadvantages

Compared to other devices that work on a similar principle, combi boilers have their advantages:

  • versatility allows you to switch from one type of fuel to another;
  • heating a room with electricity is considered one of the most economical options;
  • various types of wood waste, firewood, coal, etc. can be used as solid fuel;
  • the design is thought out in great detail, any details are taken into account, in connection with this, the heat is evenly distributed throughout the room;
  • long service life (if the boiler is used correctly, do not restart, then it can last about 20 years);
  • automatic heat control system, i.e. the temperature does not need to be monitored, the automation of the combined boiler will do this independently;
  • even at low power, the heating device works efficiently;
  • the ability to connect some units to the "warm floor" system.

The disadvantages include:

  • equipment for the device of a separate room;
  • some models that are cast from cast iron weigh a lot, not all floors can withstand such a load;
  • very expensive installation;
  • the power of the electric heater is very low compared to other types of heating devices;
  • the price of combined boilers is much higher than that of other heating devices.

How the device works

Combined heating boilers that can operate both on wood and on electricity are very complex structures. But at the same time, the engineers paid attention to even the smallest detail. The design implies the presence of such elements as:

  • a hatch where solid fuel is loaded (when choosing a model, you should pay attention to this parameter - the larger the hatch, the more firewood fits there);
  • the ash pan supplies oxygen inside, which maintains the fire and collects the ashes;
  • burners, depending on the selected mode, switch from one type of fuel to another;
  • the draft damper allows you to change the intensity of the flame, and the chain drive opens or closes the damper itself;
  • temperature sensors that regulate the operation of the unit, allowing you to control a constant temperature level.

Models of combined boilers have a variety of additional functions. Some of them have special panels for cooking, other units have special pipes to which you can connect the "warm floor" system, but they all have an automatic mode that allows you not to control the heating process of a private house. Although there are models with manual control.

Units for heating produce two types - with one circuit and with two. One circuit only allows you to heat the house, but two circuits make it possible to connect a water supply system to heat running water.

How the device works

Despite the complexity of the design, the wood-electricity boiler works very simply. The heat generator, which starts the entire system from the mains, turns on the electric heater. The heating elements begin to heat the water, i.e. part of the device on electricity is involved. The whole process takes place automatically. You just need to choose a program. The only thing that is started manually is solid fuel, which is lowered into the furnace. And while the water is heating, it is necessary to fill the firebox with firewood and set it on fire. Heat is transferred from the furnace to the heat exchanger. As soon as the temperature reaches the set point, the heating element will turn off. Everything - the device works exclusively on wood.

The heating power of the premises with solid fuel reaches 30 kW. This is quite enough to serve a country house.

The program can be changed as you like. If the wood in the firebox runs out, the heating element turns on again and maintains the set temperature. As soon as the furnace chamber is filled with solid fuel again, the heating element will turn off. But you can set a program so that the room is heated only with the help of electricity.

There is also a program where wood heating is used as a backup. Usually this program is chosen in those regions where there are problems with electricity. In the event of an emergency power outage, the combined boiler switches to wood heating mode.

How to choose the right combination boiler

If you are about to run to the store and buy a device to heat your home, always pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • The maximum power of the boiler is determined by what area the device will heat.
  • The presence of a water heating circuit in order to heat water for domestic needs in parallel with heating.
  • The material from which the heat exchanger is made.

Cast iron is resistant to physical damage, but it does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature. A heat exchanger made of steel tolerates temperature changes better, but it is susceptible to corrosion. This must be considered before ordering the unit.

  • The presence of a valve, which increases safety when working with the boiler.
  • The size of the fuel chamber (the larger, the less often you have to add firewood).
  • The material from which the grate is made (as with a heat exchanger: cast iron, ceramic or steel).

Steel or ceramic grates are currently more popular than the cast iron option. This is due to the fact that fuel can be used to heat the house in the form of consumable wood material (wood chips, sawdust, shavings). But in order to use this type of fuel, a large amount of air must enter the honeycomb hole. If it is not enough, the millet fire will go out.

  • The dimensions of the unit and its weight - it is necessary to choose in such a way that it fits in the size of the boiler room where it will be installed.

Mounting Features

When installing combined boilers, there are some nuances that owners need to be aware of.

  • The pipe through which the smoke must exit must be equipped in the same way as the pipe for a wood-burning stove.
  • There must be good draft in the pipe, i.e. its head must be of a certain height (about half a meter), which rises above the roof.
  • To prevent carbon monoxide from spreading throughout the room, it is necessary to install an additional ventilation system.
  • In cold weather, condensation may form at the joints of the pipe and the roof. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to insulate the pipe itself.
  • For the boiler, it is recommended to allocate a separate room and close access for children to this room.
  • Before installing the boiler, it is necessary to find out whether the floor can withstand such a load. You may need to further strengthen the floor.


Combined wood-electricity boilers are very beneficial for our regions. When the light is turned off, the unit heats the house with solid fuel, and if there is no firewood available, the electric heater maintains heat no worse than a central heating battery. But these devices are very bulky. For them, you need to allocate a separate room.

The large-scale construction of suburban real estate has led to the rapid development of the heating systems market. Owners of private and country houses increasingly prefer modern autonomous heating systems, refusing gas water heaters. Often this is due to the high cost of natural resources or the inability to connect gas to the house. Universal combined boilers are gradually replacing gas units.

Combined boilers are designs that are able to operate on various types of fuel. Versatility of these units lies also in the fact that they can be used absolutely in any area, they do not require special conditions. Plus, combined boilers can be used without worrying about a weak gas supply or electricity fluctuations. In case of problems, you can easily switch to another fuel source. Combined equipment can operate on diesel and solid fuels, gas and electricity.

The device of combined boilers

Types of combined boilers

Depending on the combination of fuel types, various types of combined boilers are distinguished:

  • diesel fuel and natural gas;
  • diesel, natural gas and solid fuels (usually wood is used);
  • diesel, natural gas and electricity;
  • diesel, solid fuel, gas and electricity.

Combined boilers for diesel and natural gas are less common than others. This is a rather unusual combination of the most expensive and cheapest fuel. But this model of the combined unit is very technically efficient.

Gas, diesel and solid fuel boilers have been gaining more and more popularity in recent years. It has become unfashionable to use boilers only on wood, however, boilers with a combination of different types of fuel continue to be produced. In addition, it is not at all necessary to use firewood, they can be replaced peat or wood briquettes, coal or coke.

Gas-fired boilers are no less popular, but these models have the lowest level of control. security and automation, accordingly require more attention and concentration of the owner. In this regard, such boilers have the lowest cost.

Combined gas-solid fuel-electricity boilers. Very common in private and country houses. The only and most important drawback of such boilers is inability to fully heat the entire house. This device can only maintain the optimum temperature level in the system.

A boiler using electricity, gas, diesel and solid fuels is a universal device for heating and water supply residential premises. The use of such boilers minimizes heating costs, and also reduces the risks of operation.

A variation of this model is a combined boiler that runs on electricity and solid fuel (wood).

Combined wood-electricity boiler

The design of this unit is well thought out and practical designed. In order to warm the house in a short time, you can use wood or wood waste. Electric mode operation is switched on only to maintain the optimum level of temperature in the room. This is very convenient, especially at night, when it is almost impossible to constantly monitor the firebox.

Unlike traditional solid fuel boilers, an additional heating element is installed in the heat exchanger tank. In addition, this combi boiler model has a built-in automation system, allowing to change the power and operating modes of the boiler. Also in such models automatic switching between types of fuel is provided, which provides maximum unit safety. It can be concluded that this model of boilers is the most efficient and has a number of advantages over other types of combined boilers.


  1. Low cost of the unit;
  2. Versatility;
  3. Availability;
  4. Availability of an automation system;
  5. High quality heating.

Principle of operation

This model works almost the same as a conventional solid fuel boiler. Firewood is loaded into the furnace, which is located below, and the heat that is released during the combustion of wood is heated by a heat exchanger with water that enters the heating system. Additional heater maintains the required temperature preventing freezing of the coolant. After burning firewood, it turns on automatically.

What to Look for When Buying an Electric Wood Boiler

A combined boiler that runs on wood and electricity is worth buying, given the main parameters:

  • power;
  • the presence of a coil for hot water - the second circuit;
  • grate material for sifting ash, when using firewood, it is better to give preference cast iron grates, they are the most heat-resistant, ceramic grates are suitable for bulk materials - straw or wood chips;
  • unit weight - some models can weigh more than a dozen kilograms, so additional floor reinforcement may be required before installation;
  • furnace size;
  • valve for silent operation of the boiler;
  • heat exchanger material, it can be steel or cast iron the latter are heavier in weight and can crack from temperature extremes, but, unlike steel ones, they will save them from corrosion.

The use of combined heating systems will ensure reliability, high performance and heating efficiency of your home.

In recent years, autonomous heating has become more and more popular, and not only in private properties, but even in apartment buildings.

This is explained by significant cost savings and ease of use of such a system, as well as the possibility of independent decision-making on the beginning and end of the "local heating season", depending on specific weather conditions. In the conditions of apartments, certain types of boilers are installed, operating mainly on gas, and sometimes on electricity.

But in the private sector, especially located outside the city, combined heating boilers are well suited, which can work both on wood and on electricity, since it is easy to find solid wood fuel and electricity is almost always in abundance, unlike gas. Moreover, if for some reason the electricity is turned off or the supply is unstable, you can always switch to heating with wood or coal, which is extremely convenient. The preparation of solid fuel must be carried out in advance in order to always be ready for any prevailing circumstances.

The design of this heater is thoroughly thought out and works equally efficiently both on electricity and on wood.

Combined boilers differ in their structure from those that operate only on solid fuels. Their main feature is the presence of a heating element installed directly in the tank with a coolant.

Electric heater - heating element

In the lower part of the device there is a firebox in which firewood is burned. The released thermal energy heats the coolant, which is then sent to the heating circuit.

The boilers are equipped with devices that automatically turn on the heating element to achieve the set coolant temperature, if notgets power when burning solid fuel. That is, when the firewood burns out, the heat subsides, the temperature drops, at this time the heater turns on, and the boiler starts to work on electricity. The whole process takes place independently, is regulated by automation, and human participation is not required in it.

During the combustion of solid fuel, a power equal to 26–33 kW is released, which should be enough to heat a house with an area of ​​100 110 square meters, and then the electric heating element maintains the even required temperature.

Boiler structure

Boiler running on solid fuel and electricity, consists of the following main components and elements:

  1. Body-box of the device
  2. Firebox.
  3. Gas outlet.
  4. Chimney pipe.
  5. damper.
  6. Grate grate.
  7. Ash blower.
  8. Furnace door.
  9. Blower door.
  10. Air door.
  11. Lever arm.
  12. Gate lock.
  13. Reflector.
  14. Pressure gauge.
  15. The casing is the body.
  16. Front cover.
  17. Shuttle door.
  18. Traction regulator.
  19. Chain.
  20. Supply pipe.
  21. Return pipe.
  22. Stub.
  23. Regulator.
  24. Ground bolt.
  25. Sleeve for heat limiter.
  26. Sleeve for temperature sensor.
  27. Sleeve for control sensor.
  28. Drain pipe.
  29. Nameplate with name and serial number of the boiler.
  30. TEN.

Provided in the design of combined boilers and maintaining a minimum temperature in the circuit in cases where firewood is loaded into the furnace irregularly. This makes it possible to protect the heating system from freezing. Therefore, you can leave home for a long time without worrying that the pipes will freeze.

It is important that the device can operate at low power, only to maintain the minimum temperature in the system.

Boiler characteristics

To choose the option that is most suitable for the house in which it will be installed, you should consider all its parameters. They are indicated in the instructions, and you must definitely look into it before buying the device. These include the following items:

  • Boiler power during operation electricity, wood or other solid fuel.
  • Availability of the function of providing points of water intake with heated water (water heating circuit).
  • heat exchanger material. A heat exchanger made of cast iron is resistant to corrosion damage, but its main drawback is that it does not tolerate temperature extremes. Such frequent exposure can lead to cracking of the part.
  • If the heat exchanger is steel, then corrosion can easily damage it, but for that it is easier to tolerate changes in temperature conditions.
  • Be sure to check the presence of the valve, which makes the operation of the boiler safe from the possibility of overheating.
  • It is important to take into account the size of the fuel chamber - this will determine how often you have to put firewood into it.
  • The grate installed in the furnace can be made of steel or cast iron, as well as ceramics.

Cast iron grates withstand high temperatures and are suitable for any type of solid fuel. Another advantage of cast iron is that it retains the heat obtained from coals for a long time.

The boiler can operate on bulk types of solid fuels

Today, steel and ceramic grates are used more. Due to the shape of the holes in the ceramic grate, they are well suited for the use of fuel in the form of pellets, chips, sawdust and other combustible materials with a fine fraction. But the disadvantage of honeycomb holes is the need for more air to enter, i.e. you need to make sure that the blower is open in the right way, otherwise the fire may simply go out.

  • Important parameters are the dimensions of the boiler and its weight. The possibility of its installation in a home boiler room largely depends on this.

Chimney and boiler installation requirements

Combined boilers, according to the rules of their operation, have some features that differ somewhat from simpler designs of heating appliances. These nuances must be known at least in order for the device to be safe in everyday use.

  • The main condition for installation is a properly equipped chimney. It should be arranged in the same way as for a wood-burning stove.
  • It should have good traction, and it will provide the necessary height of the pipe head rising above the roof. This distance should be at least half a meter.
  • A very important condition is the flow of air into the blower chamber. To prevent carbon monoxide from unburnt fuel from entering the room, it may be necessary to arrange forced ventilation. It will help burn the fuel to the end and remove all the resulting combustion products into the ventilation pipe.
  • The chimney must be well insulated so that condensation does not form during the cold season from the difference between hot outgoing air and cold outside air. The accumulated moisture in the pipe can lead to the formation of ice blocking the smoke outlet. To prevent this from happening, the chimney must be insulated immediately after installing the boiler.
  • Such a boiler should be located in a separate room (boiler room) - in this case, its operation will be safer.

The boiler is quite large and massive

  • It must be remembered that the weight of the heating boiler is quite large, and can even be several hundred kilograms. This must be taken into account when installing it, since not every floor is able to withstand such a load, and it may need to be strengthened. The floor or a special foundation must be reinforced concrete, otherwise they may simply sag.

Single-circuit heating boiler on wood and electricity

To install such a boiler, it is better to contact the masters working on this profile for help. They will competently advise the best model of the device, and install it without any problems, based on safety rules and technology requirements.

All in our time, you can increasingly see combined heating boilers that are universal for a private house, operating simultaneously on two types of fuel. Combining firewood and electricity together is a pretty smart solution, such a boiler is quite reliable, compact and practical. And if there is a power outage or a lack of fuel, you will not experience discomfort from the cold or lack of hot water during the cold period.

Modern heating boilers use solid fuel, combining it with both gas and electricity, which is more relevant for consumers. When purchasing a heating boiler that works both on wood and on electricity, several problems are solved at once:

  1. For heating, two alternative energy carriers relative to natural gas are used at once.
  2. The issue of cooling down the premises is being solved in the case when everything in the firebox has completely burned out, and a new portion of fuel has not yet been loaded.
  3. Makes water heating more comfortable, since you no longer have to get up in the middle of the night and go to the boiler room to load fuel.

Combined electric wood heating boilers of the latest generation with a large firebox are made in such a way that switching to electric heating occurs automatically when the water temperature in the boiler drops below a certain point. Naturally, the reverse transition to the combustion of solid fuel occurs with the help of external actions.

The design of the electric wood boiler

Externally, the combined TT firewood boiler is in no way different from a conventional solid fuel unit. In fact, this is the same wood-burning heating boiler, the only difference is that it has a heater installed in the heat exchanger. Another important difference from the standard configuration is the presence of a water jacket.

One of the walls of such a boiler is made by cold stamping and has a complex configuration. Heating elements are installed between the walls of the shirt and there is a special contact hole to which the electrical wiring contacts are connected.

This type of heater device is similar in design to a standard solid fuel boiler, which consists of the following main elements:

  • firebox (combustion chamber), a place for loading solid fuel;
  • outside it is washed by the coolant, which is inside the water jacket;
  • a water-tube or fire-tube type heat exchanger, where the combustion products transfer most of the heat to water before being released into the chimney;
  • at the bottom of the firebox there is a grate, and under it there is an ash chamber;
  • firebox and ash pan in front equipped with doors;
  • to adjust the intensity of combustion, there is a mechanical draft regulator or a fan-blower (if there is no manual control of the air damper).

Household combined heating boilers are distinguished by the design of a water jacket, where a place is provided for the installation of a block of tubular electric heaters - heating elements. Their contacts are brought out and connected to the control panel with the help of an electric cable, and the heating part is immersed in the coolant.

How a combi boiler works

The principle of operation of a solid fuel heater, in which electric heaters are installed, is as follows:

  1. Kindling and heating of the boiler are carried out in the usual mode. When burning solid fuel, the temperature of the coolant is maintained using a mechanical thermostat or a fan together with a sensor, and the heating elements are turned off at this time.
  2. After the contents of the fuel chamber burn out, the temperature of the coolant in the system gradually drops to a certain value, reaching which, according to the temperature sensor signal, the heating element (one or more) is turned on. At this point, the boiler starts to work on electricity.
  3. After the next portion of firewood or coal is loaded, the water in the system begins to be heated from the side of the combustion chamber, the electrical part automatically turns off until the temperature of the coolant drops to a certain value.
  4. Electrical equipment is auxiliary.
  5. The heater control unit is used to maintain a certain water temperature, based on the readings of the air or water sensor.

Continuous heating of water is provided by switching from one mode to another, which provides comfortable conditions in a private house.

Advantages of universal boilers

After installing a combined wood-electricity heating boiler, you will receive the following bonuses:

  1. Versatility. You will have the choice of which of the two fuels to use and when.
  2. Due to the built-in heating elements, the coolant will maintain the set temperature even after the fuel has burned out in the loading chamber. This will maintain a comfortable temperature inside the room, and in case of your long absence, it will prevent pipes and radiators from freezing.
  3. Comfort. Maintaining the temperature with electricity will be of great service, helping to get rid of the problem of night trips to re-load fuel into the combustion chamber.
  4. If electricity is metered according to a multi-tariff scheme, then in addition to convenience, you can also save on the night operation of heating elements.
  5. Thoughtful device. The heat is distributed in such a way that the loss of thermal energy is close to a minimum, thanks to which the boilers are quite efficient.
  6. Long period of operation. If properly maintained, such a boiler can serve you for at least 20 years.
  7. Autonomy. You do not need to constantly monitor the process - for this the unit is equipped with automation. Especially in the case of operation from electricity, the operation mode using a heating element is limited to an uninterrupted supply of electricity.
  8. You can find models with pre-built pipes in order to be able to connect the "warm floor" system.

Heating combined boilers, which work both on wood and on electricity, cope with their task even in low-power mode.

Disadvantages of combined units

Electric heaters of a universal boiler assume only maintaining the temperature of the water in the system; they cannot completely replace the combustion of solid fuel. The reason for this is the low power of the block of heating elements, which are mounted by manufacturers on solid fuel boilers. This feature, unfortunately, is one of the serious drawbacks of combined boilers for heating a private house on wood.

Heating a private house with a combined boiler that runs on both electricity and firewood has other disadvantages.

  1. The useful volume is taken away from the loading chamber by the block of heaters, which significantly affects the burning time from one load.
  2. The operation of the device directly depends on the stability of the power supply.
  3. The cost of combi boilers is much higher compared to classic solid fuel boilers.
  4. The efficiency during operation of the heating elements drops by 2-5% due to the air flow that passes through the cooled firebox. The reason for this is the constant draft in the chimney, it forces the air out of the rooms to leave through the chimney and thereby cools the water jacket of the heater.

Do not forget one more important detail. As in the case of a classic solid fuel boiler, a combined heating boiler of the wood and electricity type must be connected to the water heating through a three-way valve, as shown in the diagram below. A small circulation circuit is necessary to protect the furnace from the negative effects of condensate during kindling.

In order to prevent the walls of the combustion chamber from being covered with condensate when the temperature drops, the solid fuel boiler must be connected according to the standard scheme with a three-way valve:

In the event that the power of the heating elements is not enough to heat the coolant to a temperature of + 55 ° C or more, then condensate will never appear in the furnace of the combined boiler during ignition, and the unit with a three-way mixing valve will not be needed. But as practice shows, a small circulation circuit, nevertheless, is necessary, at least in the event of a power outage or a breakdown of one of the heating elements.

How to choose a boiler "firewood electricity"?

Manufacturers offer combined heating boilers that run on both wood and electricity, which differ in performance, power and equipment. When buying this equipment, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Power - this parameter depends on what type of fuel is used. It is necessary to determine in advance the main type of fuel for the purchased device.
  2. The dimensions of the combustion chamber - its volume will show how often it will be necessary to load fuel.
  3. Noiselessness - installation of a special valve will ensure quiet operation of the unit.
  4. Number of circuits - some models heat water only with the help of heating elements.
  5. The most economical models are those in which the coil is mounted in the combustion chamber.
  6. Heat exchanger. It is made from both steel and cast iron. Cast iron ones are not so susceptible to corrosion, they give off heat longer, although they heat up longer, they also have a rather serious weight, and with sudden temperature changes they can crack. Steel has less resistance to corrosion and oxidation, but they are lighter and more resistant to temperature extremes.
  7. Grids. The material of manufacture can be very different. They can be both cast iron and ceramics. Cast iron has a higher heat resistance and is suitable for the combustion of any solid fuel. Honeycomb cast iron grate with ceramic coating is suitable for bulk materials, the combustion of which consumes more oxygen.
  8. The weight and dimensions of the unit. Due to the large dimensions, it may be necessary to reinforce the surface area where the unit will be installed with a concrete screed.

When choosing a boiler for heating a house, you need to correctly calculate the power of the device based on the parameters of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. This will indicate how much fuel consumption will be required. If the area of ​​the house does not exceed 80 m2, then you do not need to buy a boiler whose capacity is designed to heat a house with an area of ​​400 m2. This may lead to overspending of budgetary funds for the purchase of the unit, and for its subsequent operation.

A combined wood and electricity boiler is perhaps one of the most successful solutions for heating a summer house or a small private house. In a cottage that has 2-3 floors, heating elements will only save the system from freezing. Combined boilers will help out if it is not possible to use a constant and reliable source of energy. In addition, these boilers will save you quite a lot of money if you use more expensive fuel as a fallback.

For the installation of such a boiler, it is better to use the services of a specialist who works in this profile. He will advise the most suitable device model for you and install it without unnecessary problems, based on the requirements of safety rules and technology requirements.