What is better oven or boiler. Solid fuel for furnace or boiler. What is long burning

The coming cold forces the residents of Buryatia, who are building private house, quickly decide on the heating of your home

Of course, everyone at the same time wants it not to require large material costs and physical effort, and to be warm and comfortable. And therefore, first of all, you need to carefully consider what kind of heating will be the most optimal for your home - a simple stove or boiler. And if a boiler, then on what fuel - solid, liquid, electricity or gas?

"There is nothing more reliable than a stove"

Furnace on two levels

Dashima Dugarova, a resident of Ulan-Ude, lives in a two-story comfortable house on Zelenkhoz. A house measuring 7 by 8 meters on two floors, approximately 110 square meters, is heated by an ordinary stove. The sides of the stove go to all rooms of the house. On the ground floor are located large hallway, where the stove itself stands, a kitchen combined with a living room, a bathroom and a toilet. By the way, they are heated by electricity (warm floor. - Approx. "OB"). On the second floor there are two large bright bedrooms and a small hall.

When my husband and I were thinking about what kind of heating to choose, we thought that nothing was more reliable and cheaper than a simple stove, - the hostess of the house shares.

They believe that in any unforeseen situations: there is no light, electricity, gas or liquid fuel will rise in price, etc., the stove will never let them down. After all, we have no problems with firewood in Buryatia yet.

In the most severe cold, they heat twice a day: in the morning and in the evening, one firebox each. The house is reliably insulated from the outside and finished with metal siding.

During the winter, the owners burn one and a half or two cars of firewood.

"Zakamenskaya" stove

Ulan-Ude residents Svetlana and Aleksey Dorzhievs also adhere to their position in favor of the stove. They, unlike Darima, are only building their own house.

When we were faced with the problem of choosing heating, we, after consulting with relatives, chose a stove after all, - says Alexey. - Build a boiler room with an expensive boiler, buy components for it, and these are pipes, and radiators, and expansion tank and so on, beyond our means.

At first, as they say, they wanted to spend from the stove steam heating. Since the house is large, with a cut it turns out 11 by 14 meters. But then my friends advised me not to run pipes and radiators around the house at all, but to install an unusual stove, which they called “Zakamenskaya”, since the stove-maker from Zakamny. It differs from a simple oven in its size. It is only 25-30 centimeters wide, and three meters long, and it replaces the entire main wall. The stove will heat the hallway, kitchen, living room and one corner of a large dressing room. There is no heating in two bedrooms.

The doors of the bedrooms will almost always be open, the heat should come from the living room from the stove. But if it suddenly becomes cold in winter, then we will install additional electric convector-radiators. We will turn it on as needed, - says Alexey. - And in general, we'll see how the stove behaves, I hope we won't freeze. The people who installed such stoves do not regret it, and the stove-maker himself praised it.

Two stoves in the house

There are those in the republic who, in the old manner, put in big house two stoves, as did the former resident of the Yeravninsky district, and now a resident of Ulan-Ude, Damdin Erdyneev.

He moved to the city a house that he built for the family back in the late 90s, it is 14 by 12 meters in size. Friends laugh, they say, a whole gym, - says Damdin.

According to him, he did not carry out any heating, but simply installed two simple stoves. He wintered one winter and does not complain about the cold.

Firewood, of course, takes a lot, after all, two stoves, but it's still better than messing with the boiler room. There is a lot of trouble, taking care of the entire heating system, and you can’t turn it off in the winter cold, because everything will freeze. And the stove can be left at any time, and if necessary, flooded, - Erdyneev believes.

In the next issue, we will talk about which boiler is better to choose for your home. Our readers will also share their experience, talk about the advantages and disadvantages of different boilers.


For a large oven for a house measuring 8 by 9 meters, 1000 bricks are needed

For a medium-sized oven - 800 pieces

On the stove for a small two-story house with one firebox without a fireplace - 1200 pieces

400 pieces in one pallet

price for one kiln brick

7 rub. 50 kop.

Dear readers!

For a small country house always, it seems to me, will remain topical issue what to choose for heating - a boiler or a stove.

When the house is big, from 100-120 square meters, . Especially if the house is built on 2 floors and divided by partitions into separate rooms.

In this case, to heat the house, it is reasonable to install a boiler with a liquid heating system or heat the house with any type of convector - gas or electric.

If a gas main runs along the border of the site, to which you can connect for little money, then the issue of installing the boiler generally becomes resolved and is not subject to serious discussion.

The convenience it offers gas heating, will not give you any other type of heating, except for electric.

However, with current electricity tariffs or convectors, only people with a constant good cash income can afford it.

But in the case when the house has a small total area, from 40 to 100 square meters, the question of what to supply for its heating remains open.

Heating a house with a stove - the pros and cons

In the case when the house is an open space, not divided by partitions into separate rooms, it is possible and necessary to consider the issue of heating the house with a stove - brick or metal.

  • A lot of good and bad has been written about brick ovens that have served our ancestors for hundreds of years. The main advantage of brick ovens is relatively uniform heat transfer and “soft” heat.
  • The main advantage of metal stoves, steel and cast iron, is their cost compared to laying a real brick stove and installation speed.

Suffice it to say that a cast-iron or metal stove can be started in just one day - from buying in the morning and in the evening of the same day.

You buy a ready-made thermal unit made of steel or cast iron, bring, mount the base, provide fire protection walls and ceilings, install steel chimney. You can fire up the oven.

In the case when you use a ceramic chimney, it will last a little longer.

The main disadvantage of a metal furnace is a large fire hazard, the walls of such a furnace heat up strongly, surrounding objects or walls made of combustible materials can ignite if the required distances and materials for protecting walls and penetration of floors are violated.

The main disadvantage of a brick oven is that it is extremely difficult to find a competent stove-maker in our time who will put together a really good brick oven for you.

However, the brick oven, and metal ovens and fireplaces have one big plus in common - they heat the air in the house and do not require the installation of a heating system. That is, when installing a brick or metal stove, you will not need pipes, radiators, shut-off valves, safety group and expansion tank.

For a small country house, this moment will be decisive for many fellow citizens.

Also, you do not need to worry about the fact that in cold weather, when you are not at home, in case of any problems,.

Heating a house with a boiler - the pros and cons

If you have the opportunity to install a gas, electric, pellet or diesel boiler, then you can set up a home heating system with automatic regulation temperature. No furnace is able to work in full automatic mode, in contrast to the above types of boilers.

If you permanently reside in your country house, then the boiler will allow you to start the heating system in the fall and turn it off in the spring. And in the interval between starting and stopping CO, it is minimally controlled. This mode of operation will provide you with electric, gas and diesel boilers.

In the case of a pellet boiler, you will have to load the bunker with fuel at a frequency of 1 time per day to 1 time per month, depending on the volume of the bunker and the degree of automation of the boiler. Pellet boilers, equipped with automatic ash removal, will allow you to make “trips” to the boiler room no more than once a month.

What to choose for home heating - a boiler or a stove?

If you visit your country house on short trips, on weekends or during vacations, then you have no special alternative - you have to bet. Since in the case of a boiler, you will have to constantly monitor the performance of the heating system and make sure that the CO does not freeze.

It is possible to supplement the air heating system at home, which is any stove, with other heat generators air heating– electric or gas convectors.

For installation electric convectors you will need dedicated electricity capacity in a decent amount. BUT gas convectors can be powered both from the main gas, and from the "cylinder" liquefied gas.

In the event that you permanently live outside the city in your house, then the installation fluid system heating systems are the most reasonable alternative to stove heating.

Vladimir Tolbukhin, 2015.

Private houses are being built not only in rural areas, but also in "one-story" areas of big cities. Gasification covers more and more settlements, so connecting the boiler to the gas main is not difficult. The only difficulty for the population is the payment for the development of the project, the passage of the procedure for its approval. This is done by competent employees of urban, rural and settlement gasification and gas supply services. Mounting gas equipment and related equipment is carried out only by specialists: any amateur performance in such a matter can be fatal.

Heating with gas using a boiler is gradually outpacing stove heating in popularity, but cannot completely replace it. Some people experience a panic fear of gas, as they have heard about the consequences of explosions, leaks and other troubles. They prefer the complex and cheaper process of laying stoves. The stove has always been an attribute of a cozy "house in the village." They slept on it, cooked in it, warmed themselves near it. At the same time, ensuring a constant supply of heat to the room completely depends on the activity of the one who is responsible for the quality of combustion of solid fuel. It is necessary to monitor the draft and intensity of combustion, clean the ash in time, clean the chimney, keep firewood and coal dry. It is possible and necessary to “program” heat transfer in the process of laying the furnace: equipment of the so-called mirror (heat-reflecting surface on back wall stoves) is one of the conditions for efficient heating.

When arranging a gas boiler house, it is important to keep a record of fuel: it is necessary to install a meter and regularly check it in accordance with the operating instructions technical specifications. Preventive checks of gas equipment should be carried out annually and, at the slightest suspicion of a malfunction, call the gas service. Most boilers are equipped with a system automatic shutdown gas supply in case of emergency, but this does not relieve residents from the need to remain vigilant. It is necessary to monitor the operation of the boiler in windy and rainy weather. It is advisable to be instructed by an experienced employee gas service. He will teach you how to operate a miracle technique, conduct a mini-exam on turning the boiler on, off and setting it up, and explain the nuances that may not be clear to a non-specialist.

If solid fuel is chosen for heating a house for one reason or another, then the homeowner faces the problem of choice: what kind of heating equipment Prefer - stove or boiler? Old and proven grandfather method heating, of course, carries a share of retrograde, but, nevertheless, is still alive, and moreover, is not going to leave the stage. Of course, we are talking about traditional ovens. However, now furnaces are increasingly being replaced by solid fuel boilers, which have a number of advantages over furnaces. It cannot be said that boilers provide a colossal advantage, but it is still more convenient and profitable to deal with them.

Today, more and more owners of suburban housing are trying to play it safe autonomous systems heating. And this is quite reasonable, because if a gasified house is left without blue fuel in winter, life in it will become impossible. Another thing is if there is a stove or boiler, the fuel for which can always be obtained in the countryside.

At the same time, a solid fuel stove or boiler is often the only available means heating, since the cost of connecting to a gas main can exceed all reasonable limits. So almost forgotten furnaces are recalled, which make it possible to receive heat in exchange for solid fuel with a guarantee. But it is even better to purchase a modern solid fuel boiler. Its superiority is undeniable, and in this article it will be proved during an objective comparative analysis all aspects.

Let's start with territorial preferences. First of all, let's define a furnace. She happens to be heating device, in which, due to the release of heat in the process of burning wood or coal, massive walls are heated, transferring heat to the room. The oven is by no means an inefficient device. The designs of some models of furnaces make it possible to extract most of the generated heat (efficiency up to 90%), although in this issue the human factor matters, namely, the skill of the stoker. Do not forget that the most common solid fuel stoves Huge palaces have been heated for centuries. Modern dwellings are more modest in scale, and it is more than realistic to solve the problem of heating with the help of stoves, especially if there is always someone in the house to throw firewood into the firebox.

However, stove heating can be recommended not to any cottage. It is believed that the oven should be used for heating only small houses, the area of ​​​​which does not exceed 70 m². Exceptions are furnaces of special designs - Buleryan and Kuznetsov systems. The efficiency of such stoves is so high that they can heat an area of ​​150 m² or more. Buleryan's oven has a relatively simple device, and its appearance can claim to be an art object. In fact, this is a modernized potbelly stove. Made of metal, it can handle the heat small house, and a large cottage will help out in case of problems with gas supply. The body of the Buleryan stove is wrapped with pipes in which the room air is continuously heated. The circulation of air inside the pipes occurs naturally due to convection.

In Kuznetsov's furnaces, the stake is made on the use of a special mechanism for moving burning gases under the influence of their own gravity. Stone wall construction in conditions high blood pressure and the constant presence of turbulence perceive heat more strongly. In turn, this leads to an increase in the efficiency of the furnace and, accordingly, lower fuel consumption. Such stoves, like Buleryan, can decorate the interior and replace the traditional fireplace in the living room.

The boiler, unlike furnaces, is designed to heat the coolant, i.e. heating of the room with it does not occur directly. This allows you to heat rooms located at a distance from the main heat source. Theoretically, a solid fuel boiler, like a gas boiler, can provide heat to a cottage of any size. The coolant in solid fuel boilers is most often water, less often antifreeze or oil. They can work on wood, hard or brown coal, pellets, peat, etc.

The performance of the boiler is of paramount importance for comfortable heating of the cottage. As in the case of other heating technology, to calculate power solid fuel boiler use a ratio of 1-1.25 kW per 10 m² of area. Accordingly, for a cottage with an area of ​​150 m², the boiler power should be 15-19 kW, and taking into account the power reserve, all 20-25 kW. A more accurate calculation of power, taking into account the degree of thermal protection of the building and a number of other factors, will be made by professional heat engineers.

From the point of view of the convenience of heating a multi-room cottage, boilers clearly outperform stoves, since they allow the heat of one source to be transported to all rooms. The only stove in the house is capable of this only in the case of a special layout.

Ease of installation of furnaces and boilers

Bake can be folded at any stage of building a house, but already existing building its installation is very difficult. The only exception is metal furnaces such as Buleryan, etc., for the installation of which it is necessary to assemble an external or internal modular chimney. Sample projects not suitable if classical heating is planned brick oven. Adaptation of the project will also be required for the Kuznetsov furnace. No wonder they say, "dance from the stove" - ​​planning in projects with furnace heating performed literally around the oven. The essence of such a layout is that all rooms have a common wall with an array of furnaces. In projects with furnaces, a foundation for the furnace is provided, as well as a passage through the floors and the collapse of the chimney.

Boilers do not require special planning and can be installed in an already built cottage. Moreover, if there is a gas boiler, they may have common system. When switching from gas to solid fuel, you only need to let the coolant go to another boiler by switching the corresponding valves. True, you cannot put a boiler in the living room or in the dining room - for it you will need to allocate separate room. The height of the ceiling in the boiler room for a solid fuel boiler must be at least 2.5 m, while natural lighting is calculated in accordance with the ratio of 0.03 m² / m³. If such a boiler room is located in the basement or in ground floor, you will need a separate exit to the outside. Finally, the boiler will need to be connected to the chimney; the boiler room itself must be ventilated. Square smoke channel calculated by a specialist. The chimney can be external (mandatory insulated) or internal (with thermal insulation and / or lined with bricks).

Obviously, installing a stove in a house is more complicated than installing a boiler. Besides, really a good specialist, which will be able to implement the furnace part of the project, is quite difficult to find today. At the same time, many specialized companies are engaged in the installation of boiler equipment.

Furnaces and boilers in operation

Any solid fuel heat sources are inconvenient because they require periodic loading with fuel and cleaning the ash pan. Automatic fuel supply can only be arranged in pellet boilers (boilers with automatic supply of firewood, coal, briquettes also exist, but they are considered not so reliable), but this does not relieve the need to clean the ash drawer. The price for energy independence and the relative availability of solid fuel is the physical maintenance of the boiler, which requires the presence of a person. If we talk about stoves that heat the cottage, then the laying of fuel must be repeated up to 7-8 times a day. Traditional stoves use more fuel than modern ones solid fuel boilers. In addition, the latter are distinguished by a longer interval of work on one load. On average, 2-3 hours pass between fuel tabs. This became possible due to the increased volume of the combustion chamber, as well as the secondary air supply system for the afterburning of combustible gases emitted by solid fuel. Thus, the number of bookmarks of fuel in the boiler furnace can be reduced to 2-3 times a day, which is quite acceptable.

Modern solid fuel boilers can be equipped with control automation, which greatly facilitates the work of the stoker. But this system at the same time reduces the energy independence of the heating system, since electricity is used.

Solid fuel boilers have some differences, depending on the type of fuel used, so burning, say, coal in a boiler designed for burning wood is highly discouraged. Exist universal boilers, but their cost is higher than narrowly specialized ones, and by 30-50%.

The most common and affordable solid fuel in Russia is firewood. For the operation of a solid fuel boiler that heats a cottage with an area of ​​150-200 m² per day, you will need 15-20 kg of firewood. Traditional ovens consume about the same amount. The most economical is the Kuznetsov stove, which consumes only 10-15 kg of firewood when heating the indicated area.

With regard to the issue of operation, the ovens in this case they lose slightly to the boilers, however, even here the championship does not belong to them. Boilers are cheaper and easier to install, provide more wide opportunities transportation of heat, it is more convenient in operation and at the same time they are not inferior to furnaces in durability.

The approaching cold forces the residents of Buryatia, who are building a private house, to quickly decide on the heating of their homes

Of course, everyone at the same time wants it not to require large material costs and physical effort, and to be warm and comfortable. And therefore, first of all, you need to carefully consider what kind of heating will be the most optimal for your home - a simple stove or boiler. And if a boiler, then on what fuel - solid, liquid, electricity or gas?

"There is nothing more reliable than a stove"

Furnace on two levels

Dashima Dugarova, a resident of Ulan-Ude, lives in a two-story comfortable house on Zelenkhoz. A house measuring 7 by 8 meters on two floors, approximately 110 square meters, is heated by an ordinary stove. The sides of the stove go to all rooms of the house. On the ground floor there is a large entrance hall, where the stove itself stands, a kitchen combined with a living room, a bathroom and a toilet. By the way, they are heated by electricity (warm floor. - Approx. "OB"). On the second floor there are two large bright bedrooms and a small hall.

When my husband and I were thinking about what kind of heating to choose, we thought that nothing was more reliable and cheaper than a simple stove, - the hostess of the house shares.

They believe that in any unforeseen situations: there is no light, electricity, gas or liquid fuel will rise in price, etc., the stove will never let them down. After all, we have no problems with firewood in Buryatia yet.

In the most severe cold, they heat twice a day: in the morning and in the evening, one firebox each. The house is reliably insulated from the outside and finished with metal siding.

During the winter, the owners burn one and a half or two cars of firewood.

"Zakamenskaya" stove

Ulan-Ude residents Svetlana and Aleksey Dorzhievs also adhere to their position in favor of the stove. They, unlike Darima, are only building their own house.

When we were faced with the problem of choosing heating, we, after consulting with relatives, chose a stove, after all, - says Alexey. - Building a boiler room with an expensive boiler, buying components for it, and these are pipes, and radiators, and an expansion tank, and so on, is beyond our means.

Initially, as they say, they wanted to install steam heating from the stove. Since the house is large, with a cut it turns out 11 by 14 meters. But then my friends advised me not to run pipes and radiators around the house at all, but to install an unusual stove, which they called “Zakamenskaya”, since the stove-maker from Zakamny. It differs from a simple oven in its size. It is only 25-30 centimeters wide, and three meters long, and it replaces the entire main wall. The stove will heat the hallway, kitchen, living room and one corner of a large dressing room. There is no heating in two bedrooms.

The doors of the bedrooms will almost always be open, the heat should come from the living room from the stove. But if it suddenly becomes cold in winter, then we will install additional electric convector-radiators. We will turn it on as needed, - says Alexey. - And in general, we'll see how the stove behaves, I hope we won't freeze. The people who installed such stoves do not regret it, and the stove-maker himself praised it.

Two stoves in the house

There are those in the republic who, in the old fashioned way, put two stoves in a big house, as Damdin Erdyneev, a former resident of the Yeravninsky district and now a resident of Ulan-Ude, did.

He moved to the city a house that he built for the family back in the late 90s, it is 14 by 12 meters in size. Friends laugh, they say, a whole gym, - says Damdin.

According to him, he did not carry out any heating, but simply installed two simple stoves. He wintered one winter and does not complain about the cold.

Firewood, of course, takes a lot, after all, two stoves, but it's still better than messing with the boiler room. There is a lot of trouble, taking care of the entire heating system, and you can’t turn it off in the winter cold, because everything will freeze. And the stove can be left at any time, and if necessary, flooded, - Erdyneev believes.

In the next issue, we will talk about which boiler is better to choose for your home. Our readers will also share their experience, talk about the advantages and disadvantages of different boilers.


For a large oven for a house measuring 8 by 9 meters, 1000 bricks are needed

For a medium-sized oven - 800 pieces

For a stove for a small two-story house with one firebox without a fireplace - 1200 pieces

400 pieces in one pallet

Price for one oven brick

7 rub. 50 kop.

Dear readers!