The meaning of the name Olga. Folk signs, customs. Olga and her personal life

The dominant features of a girl named Olga are great work capacity developed intellect and strong will. She has a rather difficult character, always knows what she wants, and stubbornly goes to her goal. Olya has a negative attitude towards criticism - she can withdraw into herself and remember the offense for a long time. Olga does not tolerate familiarity, repeated requests, weakness and frivolity. At the same time, she is always ready to help those who need it.

Olya has an analytical mindset, likes to analyze, make plans for the future. She is very energetic, never sits idle for a minute. girl named Olga is a fighter for whom failures are not decisive. Having fallen, she immediately rises and again continues to go to the intended goal. Olga is quite stubborn - even if she admits guilt inside herself, it is very difficult for her to ask for forgiveness. It is also difficult for her to forgive the offender herself - she is very vindictive, and will not miss the opportunity to remind her of mistakes.

Often a girl named Olga is hypocritical and envious, loves to gossip, but this does not prevent her from being a faithful friend. She does not want to seem weak in the eyes of others, so usually you will not expect sentimentality, tears and a violent manifestation of feelings from her. However, in a state of passion, Olga can be vindictive and angry, so it is very important for her to learn to control herself, to restrain negative emotions in a fit of anger.

What does the name Olga mean?

From birth to five or six years old, there are usually no problems with little Olya - she eats well, sleeps soundly, and, basically, she is a fairly obedient child. Like all children at this age, often suffers from colds - rhinitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis. Many diseases can be inherited from her, in particular, from her father. These are diabetes mellitus, psoriasis and other skin diseases. Olya has rather weak lungs, so bronchitis often occurs. Of great importance in caring for a child is hardening, starting from the first months of life.

In adulthood, Olga are subject to infectious diseases . Also, usually after childbirth, their health begins to deteriorate - teeth deteriorate, hair falls out. Possible decreased immunity, chronic fatigue, problems with gastrointestinal tract. During this period, Olgas need to carefully monitor their health, take vitamins.

Characteristics of the name Olga: marriage and family

Often a girl named Olga connects fate with her first love. Such an alliance is favorable and strong enough. If the relationship does not work out, then after the divorce, Olga does not dare to start new relationships and marry for a long time.

She has been popular with men throughout her life, as she is quite feminine and charming. However in marriage, she is faithful to her husband and does not notice admirers. Loyalty is of the utmost importance to her. If a rival meets on her way, Olga will fight for her man to the last. She is very jealous, but tries not to show it.

Olga is an excellent hostess and caring mother. She often gives birth to girls who inherit her mother's difficult character. With children, Olga can be soft, gentle, caring. With her husband, she is more restrained, even somewhat cold. Therefore, she needs to choose a partner who will not expect violent manifestations of feelings from her.

What does the name Olga mean: career and hobbies

For Olga great importance has a choice of profession, since, if she does not realize herself professionally, she will suffer greatly. At work, she strives to lead, a secondary role does not suit her. Olga excels in almost every field- she can be a public figure, and a doctor, and a stylist. Girls with this name often occupy leadership positions. A heightened sense of responsibility and perfectionism help them quickly move up the career ladder.

It is difficult to single out one or more of Olga's hobbies - she is fond of a little of everything. Olya is often interested in cooking, loves to sew, embroider, knit. However, they do not always have enough inspiration and patience to bring the work they have started to the end.

Famous name bearers

  • Duchess Olga(in baptism Elena) is the first Russian saint. She rules Kievan Rus after her husband, Prince Igor Rurikovich, died from 945 to 962.
  • Olga Korbut- Belarusian gymnast, four-time Olympic champion.

Olga Khokhlova

  • Olga Khokhlova- a famous ballet dancer, the first wife of Pablo Picasso.
  • Olga Rubtsova- World champion (chess).
  • Olga Aroseva- Theater and film actress.
  • Olga Spesivtseva- Russian ballerina

Olga Aroseva

Olga's name day

The secret of the name Olga

given name carries a very strong energy, and the time of the year in which the girl was born is of great importance. Winter Olgas often have the gift of clairvoyance, summer ones are born leaders. able to lead people. Those born in autumn are unusually talented - they often become musicians, writers, artists.

The meaning of the name Olga, character and fate largely depend not only on the name, but also on the patronymic. Olga Leonidovna are creative, creative natures, Vasilyevna are successful in work and study, Yuryevna are sociable, they will be able to find an approach to everyone. Olga Nikolaevna often become teachers, Ivanovna - doctors, Sergeevna - lawyers (lawyers).

Olga, what does your name mean to you? What character traits did it endow you with? Do you agree with the interpretation of the meaning and origin of the name Olga (Olya)? Does the description match? Write comments and additions to the article. Your opinion matters to us!

She feels in herself a huge supply of strength and energy. Her only and cherished dream is to become the most feminine and attractive among all women on the planet. She needs to distinguish herself from the gray mass of the crowd. To men, she seems to be an ideal wife, able to understand, reassure and help in difficult times with advice. She attracts with femininity and coldness at the same time. It is the coldness that stops them in a rush to propose to her. There is self-doubt, it seems that she has not yet made her choice. If they knew that all her thoughts are chained to herself, she is afraid of her assessment, which means that she cannot relax, give herself freedom, which makes her a little detached, cold. In her soul, she is Princess Olga, allowing her to admire herself and building her house at her own discretion, according to her own laws.

We can say that she was born to become an ideal wife and mother. The character is soft, but selfish, in need of praise and attention, which she expects and demands with all her appearance. In the absence of attention, selfish qualities are amplified to the maximum, pushing her to completely ignore the environment that does not compliment her. She needs everyone to love her, praise and approve of any of her undertakings. She is not prone to envy, greed and quick-witted. However, her self-esteem requires only the highest possible rating, as others do not suit her. Her behavior is unstable, she strives for renewal and novelty, she constantly requires jewelry, outfits, cosmetics, because this is the only way she can count on a surge of sensuality, because in her normal state she is cold, which contradicts her external brightness and the efforts she spends on it. Her husband must learn to accept her desire for brightness and external showiness without jealousy and irritation. However, it is precisely because of her inconstancy and desire to please everyone that men are afraid to approach her and start a serious relationship, confident that they will not be able to maintain her devotion. It is this circumstance that most often leads her to loneliness, but it is loneliness that gives her the freedom to show herself to many men, especially since this does not contradict her spirituality, in which there are no strict prohibitions and taboos. Of the professions most suitable for her: a nurse (better in cosmetology), an actress, a model, a makeup artist, a gymnast in rhythmic gymnastics, dancer, ballerina, etc. It is better if the husband is much older than her, necessarily wealthy, important, a leader who has weight in society, which will allow her to feel superior to other women whose husbands do not have similar qualities. In such a family, she will become a true keeper and mistress of the house, especially since sexual relations it doesn't matter much to her.

The most important thing for her is to achieve maximum result in the manifestation of its attractiveness, femininity. However, her practicality can be discouraging and even frightening, since men see her as a spectacular woman, and she immediately shows herself as a zealous mistress of his wallet and adviser, which frightens them with a possible loss of freedom. That is why the husband must be a weighty figure, able to provide her with his home as her territory, where she will rule and establish her own rules, feeling like Princess Olga (both externally and in her soul).


It is advisable to pay attention to weak lungs, heart and liver. The liver should be nourished, and it will restore the other two weak organs. To do this, it is recommended to take milk thistle and eat chicken meat, cereals (for example, wheat groats), pumpkin and pumpkin juice more often.

The meaning of the name Olga: this name for a girl means "sacred", "wise". Another meaning of the name Olga is "sunny". This is the female form male name Oleg.

Origin of the name Olga: Old Russian.

Diminutive form of the name: Olya, Lelya, Olyunya, Lyunya, Olyusha, Lyusha, Olyanya, Lena.

What does the name Olga mean? The girl monitors her behavior and appearance, it produces good impression on those around you. Olechka can be quick-tempered and impatient, she is a responsible employee, but at the same time she does not strive for leadership. First love is the brightest feeling in her life, and if the chosen one does not offer marriage, then the girl will worry for a long time. Olya is an impeccable hostess, a strict and attentive mother.

Angel Day and patron saints of the name: the name Olga once a year celebrates a name day: July 24 (11) - St. Blessed Princess Olga, in holy baptism Elena.

Signs: On Holguin's day, they tell fortunes from the thunder: if it is deaf, it will rain quietly, the thunder is booming - to a downpour.


  • Zodiac - Cancer
  • Planet - Moon
  • Yellow color
  • Auspicious tree - ash
  • Treasured plant - buttercup
  • Patron - owl
  • Talisman stone - amber

Characteristics of the name Olga

Positive features: The meaning of the name Olga from the point of view of psychology. Since childhood, Olya has been serious, thoughtful, prone to introspection. She does not tolerate familiarity, frivolity, repeated requests, female tears, adheres to strict moral standards.

Negative Traits: She takes grievances hard, is prone to delving into her own feelings. Sometimes she lacks perseverance in actions. It is difficult for her to ask for forgiveness, and she herself does not forgive anything, she will be able to recall old faults. As a rule, Olya is the ruler of the family. In order to suffer less in dealing with her and be on an equal footing with her, one should have emotional strength and strong-willed stability.

The nature of the name Olga: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Olga? Here is what the great Russian philosopher P.A. Florensky about the bearers of this name: “Oli usually have significant facial features and figure, and rather beautiful, but not thin; almost unfeminine power breathes in them, at least in modern concepts... The girl's mind is also strong, above average, and, moreover, not formal or abstract, but very flexibly applied to circumstances and finding the most correct way to achieve what she wants. "The girl does not tolerate when she is given advice, but to those who knows something worse than her, treats her condescendingly: this shows the limitations of her nature. Olya is characterized by hypocrisy; she is very kind with her superiors, and with people who are dependent on her she is often dismissive. faithful wife, however, women with this name are traditionally considered chilly: games of the heart are not for them.

Olya is a serious, touchy, thoughtful girl. Vulnerable Olechka may suddenly withdraw, after some harmless remark, tears appear in her eyes. At the same time, she is stubborn: even in cases where she is undoubtedly guilty, she will never ask for forgiveness. The girl is equally friendly with both boys and girls, she always finds something to talk about with both. The young one who owns the name is capable, but studies without much desire, within the limits of what the school curriculum requires. Keeps in the shadows, never commits daring acts, there are no troubles at school, but sometimes she can be rude with loved ones.

For all her pleasant appearance, she has a rather tough character. Olya always knows what she wants, and nothing and no one can be an obstacle to her. This girl is smiling, sociable, will always support the company, but will not relax enough to forget where the boss is and where the subordinate is. She has a rather difficult, domineering character, but even in anger she does not lose control over herself. Olya treats failures calmly, overcoming any obstacles with endurance and patience.

As always, the name P.A. very accurately characterizes. Florensky: “Olga usually have facial features and figure significant and rather beautiful, but not thin; an almost non-feminine strength breathes in them ... Her mind is also strong, above average, and, moreover, not formal, and not abstract, but very flexibly applied to circumstances and finding the surest way to achieve what is desired.

Olga and her personal life

Compatibility with male names: Favorable marriage with Anatoly, Barzda, Boris, Boyan, Bryachislav, Viktor, Gavrila, Zakhar, Ignat, Igor, Leo, Oleg. The name Olga is also combined with Semyon. Difficult relationships are likely with Andrei, Bazhen, Bashilo, Bogdan, Bazan, Denis, Mal, Peter.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Olga promise happiness in love? If the first love does not end in marriage, then Olya worries for a long time, compares new fans with the first man in her life, and will not be able to get married for a long time.

Olechka has a negative attitude towards weakness, sentimentality, a violent expression of feelings, but if she likes someone, she does not keep it a secret. Most often, she marries quite early and will devote her whole life to her husband, firmly believing that her chosen one is the smartest and best. If she suddenly has a rival, then it’s easy with what she has in her hands, Olya will not part. She is a fighter strong character and her devotion deserves the highest respect.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Work means a lot to her. A woman named Olga can become a leader public organization, lead the opposition or choose the path of a lone rebel. She Olya is able to perform men's work both intellectual and physical. If she is forced to do only household chores, then sooner or later she is likely to protest against routine and thankless work. Olechka has many plans, and she wants to realize them. Purposefulness and vanity allow her to achieve success in sports, ballet, cinema, theater.

Business and career: She can make incredible efforts, overcome herself and do such work, which not everyone will undertake, and for this she will be rewarded.

Olga's ability to work hard, a heightened sense of responsibility - all lead to significant career success, including in leadership positions. The latter is important for Olya in most cases. A doctor, a political or public figure, the head of an enterprise is Olechka's field of activity. In extreme cases, she can be a store manager, manager, work in the service sector.

The meaning of the name Olya implies the possession of a cold, prudent mind, adheres to strict moral standards, does not forgive anything and will always be able to recall old faults.

Health and Energy

Health and talents named after Olga: The meaning of the name Olga from the point of view of medicine. In infancy, Olechka is calm, there are no difficulties with feeding. All difficulties begin at the age of six. At this time, she often suffers from respiratory diseases. Many diseases are inherited. So, psoriasis or diabetes can be transmitted from Olya's father, which can manifest itself both in childhood and in adulthood. As a child, Olechka, like all children, suffers from respiratory diseases, childhood infectious diseases. There are no special deviations in health. The lungs and bronchi are somewhat weakened.

The December girl may be deaf and mute from birth, but she is a very smart girl, and if you start dealing with specialists with her in time, she will begin to speak and understand by her lips what they say to her. This child needs heightened attention she is irritable, emotional. Very affectionate and kind, needs human warmth.

She Olga is prone to complications after the flu, can get sick with infectious meningitis, after which her mental development slows down somewhat. In this case, it is very important to make the correct diagnosis. Often, doctors state mental retardation, while this may be a mild form of mental retardation. The name Olya perfectly assimilates everything, only a little slower than her healthy peers.

Olga's health problems arise in adulthood. She has bad teeth, after giving birth she quickly loses them. There may be an overbite, but this is fixable if the parents convince Olya that treatment is necessary, she is very stubborn and reluctant to wear corrective plates, takes them off when her parents are away, and puts them on only in their presence so that they do not scold her.

In the "October" - there may be complications after childbirth, the formation of a cyst on the ovaries is possible. A summer girl suffers from jaundice already in adulthood. High probability of removal of adenoids. Olya, born in August, may have impaired blood circulation, which leads to varicose veins. Olya is not suspicious and turns to doctors in extreme cases. By old age, the named Olya is disposed towards fullness, although until old age she remains mobile and easy-going. Her hip joints are weak.

The fate of Olga in history

What does the name Olga mean for women's fate?

  1. St. Olga is a Russian princess, the wife of Igor Rurikovich. According to the chronicle story, she cruelly took revenge on the Drevlyans who killed her husband, destroying their prince Mal, along with his most important associates, and established "charters and lessons" in the Drevlyan land, that is, tribute and natural duties; then went to Novgorod land and here she arranged churchyards, that is, administrative centers, and determined dues and tributes in favor of the prince. The princess died in 969 at a ripe old age, having bequeathed to bury her according to the Christian rite. She is considered a saint by the church.
  2. Olga V. Lepeshinskaya - ballerina, People's Artist of the USSR. In 1933–1963 danced at the Bolshoi Theatre. Among the parties: Kitri ("Don Quixote" by L.F. Minkus), Tao Hoa ("Red Poppy" by M.R. Glier), Cinderella ("Cinderella" by S.S. Prokofiev), etc. Was a teacher-consultant in Hungary , Germany, Sweden, etc. Four times awarded the State Prize of the USSR.
  3. Olga Spesivtseva - (1895 - 1991) Russian ballerina.
  4. Olga Zabelinskaya - (born 1980) Russian cyclist, two-time bronze medalist of the Summer Olympic Games 2012 - in the group and separate race. World Junior Champion 1997.
  5. Olga Knipper-Chekhova - (1868 - 1959) Russian and Soviet actress. People's Artist of the USSR (1937). Laureate of the Stalin Prize (1943). A.P. Chekhov's wife.
  6. Olga Berggolts - (1910 - 1975) Russian Soviet poetess, prose writer.
  7. Olga Korbut - (born 1955) Soviet Belarusian gymnast, four-time Olympic champion, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1972). Olga Korbut was the first to perform the unique element "Korbut's Loop". The gymnast stands on the high part of uneven bars and does a back somersault, clinging to the top bar of the bars with her hands. The element was performed during her routines on uneven bars at the Munich Olympics.
  8. Olga Khokhlova - (1891 - 1955) ballet dancer of Russian-Ukrainian origin, better known as the first wife of Pablo Picasso and mother of his son Paul Olga
  9. Olga Rozanova - (1886 - 1918) artist, one of the brightest representatives of Russian futurism.
  10. Olga Rubtsova - (1909 - 1994) world chess champion.
  11. Olga Sadovskaya - (1849 - 1919) Russian actress, Honored Artist of the Imperial Theaters (1911).
  12. Olga Aroseva - (born 1925) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1985). Known for performing comedic, poignant roles.
  13. Olga Voronets - (born 1926) pop singer, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1978). In 1956, at the International Folklore Festival in France, the Russian folk song "Kalinka" performed by Voronets enjoyed such success that the singer was nicknamed Olga-Kalinka.
  14. Olga Androvskaya - (1898 - 1975) real name- Schultz; Soviet theater and film actress, teacher. People's Artist of the USSR (1948). Laureate of the Stalin Prize of the first degree (1952). Aunt Alexei Batalov.
  15. Olga Ostroumova - (born 1947) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress.
  16. Olga Kabo - (born 1968) Soviet and Russian actress, Honored Artist of Russia (2002), member of the Russian Stuntmen Association (1995).

Olga in different languages ​​of the world

Translation of the name into different languages has a similar sound. On the Belarusian language translated as Volga, in Italian: Olga, in German: Olga, in Polish: Olga.

The name affects the fate of a person no less than the date of his birth. The owner of the name Olga has her own special energy, because this name is one of the oldest and energetically strong names.

The meaning and origin of the name

The name Olga is one of the most common in Russia. It is a variant of the name Helga, which was borrowed from the Scandinavian languages. It means "holy" and "bright". It is believed that it is also a female form of the name Oleg.

There is a version about the Slavic origin of the name. In this case, it means "great" and "bright". Thus, whatever this name goes back to, it carries a powerful positive energy by virtue of its origin and significance.

The fate and character of Olga

Olga is a very independent and active girl. To some extent, her character is complicated due to the fact that sometimes she puts herself a little above others. However, there are reasons for this. By nature Olga strong-willed person, and, having a noticeable intellect, almost always achieves success in the workplace. She tends to take care of her clothes and look beautiful. Undoubtedly, Olga turns out to be an authority for many people around her.

In relationships with men, Olga turns out to be very faithful if she loves, and her affection can almost know no limit. Quite often, first love turns out to be not only long-lasting, but also turns into strong family further. This girl usually does not forgive mistakes, she can even show rancor. The story of Princess Olga, well known to all of us from school, is an example of this.

Money for Olga does not come first, but she often achieves a good income. He simply accompanies those aspects of life that Olga appreciates along the way: a strong family nest and the recognition of colleagues. Therefore, although Olga herself does not connect her fate with capital, she rarely needs finance.

The meaning of the name Olga for a child: we select a name for children

Since childhood, Olga has been diligent in her studies. In terms of friendship, not also does not have a lack: she will turn out to be a true friend. It must be understood that the character of the child will be very independent, and it is very wrong to impose your care or opinion on her. It is best to help her develop her talents, so take a closer look and understand what your daughter will show an inclination and interest in.

Olya and Olenka are the most frequent diminutive derivatives on behalf of Olga. These options bring softness to the character of the girl. Often Olya, growing up, loves to be called by her first name and patronymic, thus outgrowing her lack of independence and infantilism. When naming a girl by the name of Olga, parents should take into account this nuance.

name energy

This name carries an extremely strong energy. This is connected not only with the sound of the name: it is believed that names derived from male ones carry a male desire for leadership, and in Olga it often manifests itself very strongly.

However, weak side girls named Olga may turn out to be excessive emotionality and irascibility at unexpected moments. To avoid such situations, she needs a favorite and exciting thing to which she will devote herself.

Characteristics of the name Olga

What patronymic is the name Olga suitable for: Alekseevna, Andreevna, Grigorievna, Mironovna, Svyatoslavovna.

Patron Animal: leopard, can be used as a totem animal and another member of the cat family.

Name element: the fire.

Charm stone: amber of light, transparent color.

Metal: gold or aluminum; the first metal will help win over those around you, and the second will not let you bend under circumstances in difficult times.

Colour: yellow, red, fiery tones.

Planet: Moon; balances fire characteristics.

Plant: ranunculus flower, ash tree.

Number: 1.

Notable Representatives: Grand Duchess Olga (the first Russian saint, ruler who converted to Christianity), Olga Stepanovna Khokhlova (wife of Pablo Picasso, ballerina), Olga Ivanovna Skorokhodova (scientist-defectologist, teacher)

Awareness of oneself and one's destiny largely depends on the name by which a person is named. The name Olga will help its owner more than once on the path of life.

Numerology of the female name Olga

One, the number of the name Olga, speaks volumes. Olga is a born leader, able to lead people. Nature endowed her with such rare qualities as determination, straightforwardness and perseverance. She can do any task that at first glance may seem impossible ... A more detailed numerological analysis of the name is possible.

All names in alphabetical order:

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Olga is one of the most beautiful and significant ancient Russian female names. It originated in the Scandinavian countries, where it sounded like Helga (Helgla). The feminine form of the male name Oleg (Helgi). Has the meaning: holy, bright, great. The name is timeless.

Like many centuries ago, many of our contemporaries wear it. A name that does not have a derogatory form. Full of dignity, strong energy and pure light.

name day Olga only once a year - July 24. patronizes her Holy Princess Olga(in baptism Elena).

Personality: willpower and insecurity

The powerful component of the name Olga is also transmitted to the character of the person named by him. Women with the name Olga are usually active and hardworking, with a strong-willed nature, deep intellect, and analytical abilities.

But they do not always reach a high position in society, since they do not claim it. They have different values. Sometimes modesty and self-doubt get in the way.

They have artistic talents. Usually this bright personalities who are loved and respected by others, in their society it is comfortable for both bosses and janitors. They have their own principles and moral principles. Demanding to others, but most of all to themselves.

Women named Olga are very feminine. They have regular facial features and figure proportions. Their beauty is not so much external as internal. At the same time, they can be both slender and graceful, and full, but their volumes are always harmonious, which attracts men.

Childhood: without hassle, but with tears

The eccentricity of character is manifested already in childhood. Olya likes to be near adults, to participate in their conversations. Her knowledge is not encyclopedic, rather, there is a female worldly wisdom and a lively mind. At school, Olya is a good student, she likes not to cause trouble for teachers and parents. Outwardly calm and aloof girl, meanwhile, is quite vulnerable and touchy.

AT early childhood she often cries, not always from resentment, but more from surging emotions. Her nervous system needs a long rest and being alone.

Olga likes to delve into herself, analyze her emotions and experiences. Highly doesn't like being given advice and teach because as a rule, she knows everything herself.

Health: “If I get sick, I won’t go to the doctors”

Rarely gets sick in early childhood. The exception is respiratory infections, after which there may be complications. Possible liver disease. Olga categorically dislikes and distrusts doctors.

By old age, problems with joints or veins begin, since Olga is disposed towards fullness. But gaining weight, she remains mobile, easy to lift.

Love and marriage: hidden passion and an unattainable ideal

Love occupies a significant place in Olga's life. An amorous girl, as a rule, hides the feeling and revels in her suffering from unrequited love. In adulthood, may be subject to strong passion, which, nevertheless, carefully hides. She thinks that strong feeling makes her weak and dependent.

If Olga quickly marries, then it becomes faithful and caring wife. But in his soul he lives with memories of an unfulfilled first love. She does not like to excel in the family, but she knows how to turn the situation so that everything will be as she needs.

If you don't get married early stay free for a long time. It is difficult for men to match a self-sufficient personality - strong and original.

A successful marriage Olga with Anatoly, Boris, Zakhar, Leo, Semyon,.

Difficult and even dramatic relationships likely with a husband named Peter.

Fate: a bright and thorny path

The life of a woman named Olga can be difficult, but quite extraordinary and intriguing. She is unlikely to be a passive housewife.

If her husband provides her with great prosperity, she will devote herself with all her passion to raising children; will be engaged in music, drawing, writing; open a charitable foundation or art gallery.

But more often than not, Olga prefers to find herself in work. Olga interestingly combines sufficient isolation with external activity. People trust her. She can find herself in professions: medical or social worker, psychologist, sociologist, journalist.

Olga can go into politics or social activities, become a top manager successful company. Olga heightened sense of responsibility. Such a woman will achieve visible results in any field of activity.

personal life and women's fate can often fail. Olga early creates in her imagination ideal man, with certain requirements, which rarely fall under real person. If she manages to accept loving person the way he is, then she can be happy.

Sometimes self-doubt will interfere with the realization of talents. But powerful inner strength and a sense of extraordinary mission will support her in difficult moments and make it life path boring and efficient.

Name and signs of the zodiac

Name Olga harmoniously combined in a person born under the sign of the Zodiac:
Aquarius, Capricorn, Libra, Taurus

The name is perfect does not harmonize with signs of fire:
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

AT harmonious combination the name receives additional characteristics from the zodiac sign, which it may lack.

Aquarius complements Olga's cold and rational intellect with subtle and deep intuition. It further enhances analytical abilities, allowing Olga's thinking to reach unlimited proportions.

Scales make Olga more diplomatic. Her desire for arrogance and emphasizing her own importance is smoothed out, her adaptability in the team is enhanced.

Taurus adds warmth and tenderness to Olga's character, more open sexuality, and the manifestation of talents in cooking. Makes it more successful in the financial and business sphere.

Olga's character

Strong character traits

  • Intelligence
  • prudence
  • Analytic skills
  • perseverance
  • industriousness
  • Responsibility
  • Moral principles

Attractive character traits

  • Sociability
  • Grace of nature
  • Ease of lifting
  • Empathy
  • Talent

Make life hard Olga such features of nature, obstinacy, resentment, vulnerability, self-doubt, weak ambition, vulnerability nervous system, limited by its own principles.