The real name of Dmitry Medvedev radically changes the facts of his biography. The Ministry of Internal Affairs did not consider the facts from Navalny's investigation about Medvedev to be corruption

Dmitry Medvedev is the third President Russian Federation. The years of his reign are characterized not only by the economic crisis of 2008, the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict and a fairly liberal policy. Woman's Day recalls what President Dmitry Medvedev remembers.

  • Dmitry Medvedev is a big fan of gadgets. He headed the country, being with an iPhone in his hand, so all kinds of newfangled technical devices become inseparable from the image former president Russia. During the four years of his presidency, he has demonstrated his dedication to various hi - tech devices.

    During his reign, Dmitry Medvedev could not meet his main idol, after the Deep Purple group, Steve Jobs. Then the "apple" king demonstrated Russian President iPhone 4, and after only three months, both left their main posts in life.

    So that spending time with gadgets was not in vain, Dmitry Medvedev created an account on Twitter, and the head of state did this while on a working trip to California. The president liked the microblog very much, but it seemed to him not enough to communicate with the people. And soon Dmitry Medvedev appeared in social network"In contact with". As an active Internet user, the head of state has always been aware of everything that happens on the Internet. During the hacker attacks on LiveJournal, Dmitry Medvedev was extremely outraged by what was happening. “I received a lot of calls in connection with DDoS attacks on LiveJournal. As an active user of LiveJournal, I consider these actions outrageous and illegal,” the ex-president left a message.

    Among other things, Dmitry Medvedev turned out to be a big fan of optics. There is more than one professional camera in his collection. Dmitry Medvedev shares his work on Twitter. By the way, many even like what eventually comes out as a result of pressing the shutter button.

    In fact, under his leadership of the country, a fashion arose among civil servants not only for gadgets with the apple logo, but also for accounts in various social networks. As a modern person, Dmitry Medvedev is remembered for his extremely irritable attitude towards computer illiteracy among the state apparatus. He called for the dismissal of officials who do not know how to use computers.

    But with all the advancement of the ex-president in the field high technology his fascination with all kinds of devices caused rather not approval, but irony. Too intrusively Dmitry Medvedev demonstrated his awareness and modernity.

  • Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev is a Russian statesman who, during his political career managed to visit the highest government posts, including the position of President of the Russian Federation. Yesterday, May 8, 2018, he was elected for the second time State Duma to the post of Prime Minister of Russia. However, according to unconfirmed reports, the new chairman of the government of the Russian Federation has a completely different surname, which is not indicated in any official source of information.

    According to documentary sources, Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev was born on September 14, 1965 in Leningrad into a family of intellectuals. His parents were Anatoly Afanasyevich Medvedev, a professor at the Leningrad Technological Institute, and Yulia Veniaminovna Medvedeva (nee Shaposhnikova), who worked as a teacher at Pedagogical Institute, and then a guide in Pavlovsk.

    Dmitry Anatolyevich's childhood passed in Leningrad, where he successfully graduated from school, and still maintains relations with his beloved teachers.

    In his youth, like all students, he joined the ranks of the Komsomol. Later, at the State University of St. Petersburg, he studied law and became a graduate student in the Department of Criminal Law, where he prepared a dissertation and taught.

    In his youth, Dmitry Anatolyevich was actively involved in sports and even won university competitions. Among the hobbies in his student years was also photography and hard rock music.

    Medvedev did not serve in the army, but took part in military training. In his student years, he worked as a janitor, receiving a salary of 120 rubles. per month.

    The history of the political career of the new Prime Minister of Russia

    Medvedev's supervisor at the department was Anatoly Sobchak, whom the young man helped during the election campaign for the post of mayor of Leningrad. In 1990, Sobchak invites him to his team and Medvedev takes the position of his adviser, without leaving teaching activities in university.

    It was in the service of Sobchak that he met Vladimir Putin, who also worked on the staff of the chairman of the Leningrad City Council, and later became his deputy.

    It is Putin who appoints Medvedev as an expert on foreign relations of the city administration and sends him to Switzerland for an internship.

    Around this time, Dmitry Anatolyevich became the head of the Ilim Pulp Interpraz pulp and paper mill and the owner of half of the company's shares. After Sobchak leaves the post of mayor of the city, Medvedev leaves his job in government and moves to Moscow.

    After Vladimir Putin won the presidential election in 2000, he became the first deputy, and after 3 years the head of his administration, as well as a member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

    The peak of Dmitry Medvedev's political career was the victory in the presidential elections in Russia in 2008, where he beat his competitors, gaining 70.28% of the vote and became the third president of the Russian Federation after Yeltsin and Putin.

    However, in 2016, he returned his post to Vladimir Vladimirovich and became the Head of the Government of the Russian Federation and the head of the ruling United Russia party.

    On May 8, 2018, on the recommendation of the newly elected President of Russia Vladimir Putin, the State Duma approved the candidacy of Dmitry Medvedev for the post of Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. Despite the resistance of the Communist Party faction and the "Fair Russia", he was elected with 374 votes with the support of " United Russia"and the Liberal Democratic Party.

    Unconfirmed information about the origin and real name of Medvedev

    According to unofficial data, Dmitry Medvedev is a galachic Jew, since his mother, Yulia Veniaminovna, was in fact a Jewess, whose name is Tsilya. According to rumors, Medvedev's father has Jewish roots and his real name is Aaron Abramovich Mendel.

    These names were given to the parents of Dmitry Anatolyevich at birth, however, according to the tradition of the Soviet state, they were changed. The prime minister himself bears the family name David Aaronovich Mendel.

    An indirect confirmation of this information is the marriage of Medvedev, which he entered into with Svetlana Linnik, her maiden name is also considered to be originally Jewish.

    Another confirmation of the theory of hiding the true origin of Medvedev is the fact that at the genealogical exhibition in Nizhny Novgorod, which talked about the genealogy of famous political figures Lenin, Stalin, Yeltsin, Putin and others, Medvedev's biography was not presented at all.

    Genealogists answered questions from the media that the description of the origin of the prime minister had not yet been completed and that the presence of Polish roots in his family was being checked.

    According to official sources, Medvedev's ancestors were full-blooded Russians - peasants of the Kursk province and immigrants from the Belgorod region. Since there are no documents confirming the Jewish origin of Dmitry Anatolyevich, all information on this issue is considered fiction.

    State Duma Deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Valery Rashkin published a response received from the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs to a parliamentarian's request regarding the facts set forth in the investigation of the Anti-Corruption Foundation by opposition blogger Alexei Navalny about the material assets of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

    “On behalf of the Minister of Internal Affairs, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the city of Moscow considered the deputy’s request for possible illegal actions related to the transfer of real estate to the Sotsgorproekt fund. Checked. Violations of the criminal and administrative legislation referred to the competence of the internal affairs bodies have not been established, ”the ministry said in a statement.

    Earlier - on March 22, 2017 - Rashkin asked the head Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin to check reports of corrupt activities by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

    In a request addressed to Bastrykin with a copy to FSB Director Alexander Bortnikov, it is said that the Communist Party of the Russian Federation received an appeal from the public movement "City Control", in which the authors indicate that "more than 9-10% of Russian citizens looked at and got acquainted with the documents of Medvedev's corrupt activities" .

    At the same time, the deputy notes that there are no official explanations from the authorities. Rashkin asks for instructions on the immediate verification of the information indicated in the appeal of representatives of the public movement.

    A month later, Deputy Chairman of the Investigative Committee Igor Lazutov told the deputy that the supervision of non-profit funds in Russia is the responsibility of the Prosecutor General's Office, in connection with which the request was redirected to this department.

    “There are currently no issues within the competence of the Russian Investigative Committee,” the response says.

    And at the end of April, the deputy received an answer about his request from the FSB under the heading "for official use."

    “There is a little less than zero information on the issue,” Rashkin noted about this classified message.

    “I was once again convinced that everything related to corruption in the highest echelons of power for the TFR, the FSB, the Prosecutor General’s Office and other security officials is a taboo, instead of investigating the facts, everyone is footballing an inquiry to each other,” RBC quoted the deputy.

    On March 26, 2017, unsanctioned actions against corruption took place in a number of Russian cities. It is widely believed in public space that there were a large number of youth.

    Before the events described, FBK released a film about Dmitry Medvedev called "He is not Dimon to you." The tape contains a number of statements suggesting that the prime minister could allegedly be involved in corruption cases. The investigation clings to the findings that Medvedev allegedly ordered new sneakers to a "secret" email address.

    Then the oppositionist tried to coordinate a rally in the city center, but was refused. Navalny interpreted it as an opportunity to take to the streets without the appropriate approval of the mayor's office. About 7 thousand people took part in the procession.

    “We all submit income and expense declarations every year to the relevant authorities, who check and double-check these declarations from a to z. Thus, the authorities responsible for the fight against corruption receive full information about the incomes of Russians, including civil servants and officials, ”said Dmitry Peskov, press secretary of the President of Russia, in this regard.

    According to him, those who posted their materials on the “corruption” of the authorities cannot have the completeness of information that certain authorized representatives have. government agencies. He also called populist statements about the corruption of the Russian authorities made in a number of media and on the personal pages of public figures.

    Later, Dmitry Medvedev himself called the FBK film a "compote" and a "provocation" made to pursue "dishonest" political goals. According to the prime minister, the promotion of such materials is beneficial to those who order them, that is, people who have specific political goals.

    Fact one: Dmitry Medvedev is perhaps the shortest ruler of the state on the planet. His height is 162 cm, according to The Guardian.

    Although other sources provide different data on Medvedev's height from 162 to 167 cm. But during the presidential campaign in 2007, D.A. Medvedev was depicted on posters and leaflets with V.V. Putin at the same height. Given his small stature, Medvedev always comes out a little ahead of the rest at speeches, and journalists try to photograph him with their cameras lowered. Before Dmitry Medvedev, the shortest ruler in modern history was Kim Jong Il, his height was also 162 cm.

    Fact two: Dmitry Medvedev is a big fan of hard rock and heavy metal. Even at the time when he was studying at the Leningrad State University, Dmitry is addicted to the music of "Deep Purple" (has them complete collection discs), "Black Sabbath", "Led Zeppelin", and remains faithful to them until now. Of the Russian-speaking performers, he prefers Chaif.

    Fact three: The current President of the Russian Federation, D.A. Medvedev, for some time was an ardent opponent and critic of free computer operating systems"Linux" and "GNU" and Microsoft's commercial software advocate. But, since the election of Medvedev to the presidency of the country, developing Information Technology, he made a statement that "...Microsoft products are too expensive and will be even more expensive in price, and free software is so secure that it is difficult to crack it and within three years we will supply educational institutions the best free software, including Linux developments, which are not inferior to Microsoft products, neither in the possibilities of learning and programming, nor in speed and efficiency ... "

    Thus, he contradicts himself.

    Fourth fact: In an effort to increase the length of service in the army, Dmitry Anatolyevich himself did not serve in it, limiting himself to military training in Karelia in the city of Hukhoyamiaki, being a student at Leningrad State University.

    Fifth fact: Russian President Dmitry Medvedev uses the Apple iPhone, which is not officially supplied to Russia, does not have Russian quality certificates and is prohibited for sale in our country.

    Fact six: In his student years, D.A. Medvedev was engaged in photography and weightlifting, and even won weightlifting competitions at the university in his weight category.

    Fact seven: According to political analyst Alexei Mukhin, Medvedev made a great contribution to the collapse of the corruption case initiated against former Russian President Vladimir Putin following an investigation by the Petrosoviet commission in 1992 and threatening Putin with the loss of his seat.

    Eighth Fact: According to The New Times website, Medvedev, on Putin's orders, transferred several million dollars for the alleged restoration of an Orthodox church in Greece. The transfer was carried out through the bank "Russia" brothers Kovalchuk. However, the further fate of these funds is unknown.

    Fact nine: Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev swims 1500 meters in the morning and the same amount in the evening every day. In addition, he jogs almost every day, engages in weight lifting, yoga and playing chess.

    Fact ten: Dmitry Medvedev is not registered in any social network on the Internet.

    Fact eleven: The President of Russia is a fan of FC Zenit, St. Petersburg.

    Fact 12: With his future wife Svetlana Linnik, Medvedev studied at the same school.

    Fact thirteen: D.A. Medvedev is the youngest head of the Russian state over the past 100 years (including the Soviet period, after 1917, when the Provisional
    the government was headed by 36-year-old A.F. Kerensky).

    Evgenia Medvedeva revealed one of the secrets of her victory, spoke about her love for Japan, about what style she prefers in clothes, where her first champion skates are, and what importance she attaches to manicure.

    Your first Olympic Games Evgenia celebrated with a victory: in Pyeongchang, Medvedeva managed to beat her own world achievement in terms of points, established year back at the World Cup. AT South Korea the athlete scored 81.06 points, setting a new record. " Victory is when you stand on a pedestal and understand that all the hardships, all the work, all the hardships were not in vain", says Zhenya. With her performance, she helped our team win the Olympic silver. After the performance, Zhenya revealed one of the secrets of her victory: when going out on the ice, the main thing is to keep calm.

    At the closing of the 2018 Olympics, the famous Korean boy band EXO is scheduled to perform, which Evgenia really likes. In general, the skater loves mainly Asian music, Zhenya listens to soundtracks from Japanese films. In addition to music, Medvedeva also likes the Japanese art of animation. Last year, she received a lot of accolades on her social media page after posting spoilers for the anime series Yuri!!! On Ice. Well, in response, Japan loves Medvedev, where she is affectionately called Medo-chan. Instagram has a lot of drawings of her fans from the Land of the Rising Sun. And in response, knowing a little Japanese, she answers the fans in their language. For example, she somehow surprised her colleague Moa Asade when she read her a poem in Japanese. " I like Japanese culture. And language. Everything is arranged there quite differently from ours. Lifestyle, clothes, shops - everything is different. Even cars go the other way. Very interesting. And also very tasty food. And the cosmetics there are good, I always bring them from Asia", - Zhenya admits.

    Zhenya left her first championship skates as a souvenir, placing them at home under a glass showcase. In fact, few see them. The athlete rarely invites anyone to visit. Usually she is accompanied by her pet - the French bulldog Jerry.

    In clothes, Evgenia prefers casual style. Among the favorites are jeans, of which she has a whole collection: high-waisted, low-waisted, flared, torn. They are complemented by sweatshirts with zippers. The girl also likes country style. She has cowboy hats and boots and plaid shirts. But Zhenya does not forget that she is still a girl, so in her wardrobe you can see shoes, dresses, expensive bags. But she has nowhere to wear it, because the Olympic medalist does not like to relax in nightclubs. He believes that it is better to relax at home and alone, wrapped in a blanket. Well, besides, Zhenya does not drink alcohol and does not understand why others do it.

    But even in ripped jeans and a modest sweatshirt, Zhenya does not forget about makeup and manicure. In the morning, she must be painted. " And not because I have complexes about my appearance. It just needs to be a habit”, she says herself. For a real fetish of an athlete - her manicure. If suddenly during training she breaks her nail, then, despite her fatigue, after class she will go to the nail salon to redo everything. She admits that with an imperfect manicure she feels uncomfortable.

    The athlete is sure that in order to win the competition, among other things, complete calmness is necessary.

    For her physical form, the athlete is calm. At such a young age, she is completely indifferent to cakes and pastries. And not because it’s impossible, she just doesn’t like greasy creams and chocolate glaze. The only thing that can make her forget about proper nutrition, - milk chocolate. But the athlete, accustomed to strict discipline, does not allow herself to eat more than a couple of small tiles per day.

    Usually, athletes, in order to recover physically, resort to the services of masseurs, and to restore mental balance - to psychologists. Zhenya is an exception. She is sure that in any stressful situations you can handle it yourself. To recover, she needs only peace and complete loneliness. By the way, Evgenia generally believes that people who are involved in big-time sports are always single - they just don’t have time for friendship.