“Life must be planned taking into account the fact that it will be lived under United Russia and under Putin. “Life must be planned taking into account the fact that it will be lived under United Russia and under Putin A, taking into account the fact that



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Of great concern is the build-up of debt to unsustainable levels, and given that that the developed countries have accumulated the largest stocks of debt since the Second World War, it is clear that this is no longer a problem exclusively for developing countries.

The build-up of unsustainable debt is a crucial concern, and with developed economies accumulating the highest levels of debt since the Second World War, it is clearly no longer a problem exclusive to developing countries.

And with developed economies accumulating the highest levels of debt since the Second World War, it is clearly no longer a problem exclusive to developing countries.">

Such parties are a serious threat to democracy and peace, and given that that they are mostly composed of young people, they can exist for a long time.

and since most of their members were young people, were likely to endure.">

American companies have postponed urgent capital expenditures, and given that that American airports and bridges are in a terrible state by European standards, investment in infrastructure is just as important.

American businesses have postponed much-needed capital spending and, with American airports and bridges in appalling condition by developed-country standards, investment in infrastructure is crucial as well.

And, with American airports and bridges in appalling condition by developed-country standards, investment in infrastructure is crucial as well.">

During the Human Resources Network meeting in February 2014, the Secretariat mentioned the OIOS recommendation that the relocation allowance be calculated at a non-uniform global rate, and given that which regions are in question.

During the meeting of the Human Resources Network in February 2014, the Secretariat raised the recommendation of OIOS to define the level of relocation grant according to specific regions, rather than maintaining one global level.

According to specific regions, rather than maintaining one global level.">

For example, poverty eradication is a top priority for development, and given that With over 70 per cent of the world's poorest people living in rural areas, agriculture and rural development have a critical role to play in poverty eradication.

For example, poverty eradication is the highest development priority and the role of agriculture and rural development in poverty eradication, with over 70 per cent of the world's poor living in rural areas, has been recognized as crucial.

And the role of agriculture and rural development in poverty eradication, with over 70 per cent of the world"s poor living in rural areas, has been recognized as crucial.">

The dynamics of the general interest plays an instrumental role in balancing tasks, and given that that these incentives in line with the common interest are growing more and more, there is reason to believe that they will allow compromises and solutions to be reached.

Some delegations indicated that they preferred the option And given that the fact that its text is simpler and clearer.

Variant A because of the fact that the text is more simple and clearer.">

And given that, which could be achieved through its use, this is, perhaps, a modest and feasible value.

Considering what could be achieved by using it.">

And given that that the Fortress is no more, we will have to carry out the mission without his help.

But with the fortress destroyed, You"ll have to do it without jor-El"s guidance.">

And given that that security is indivisible, it would be in the interests of the international community to strengthen the role of the United Nations in efforts to improve the effectiveness of preventive diplomacy and to implement the principle of the responsibility to protect.

And because security is indivisible, it is in the interest of the international community that the United Nations should play a greater role in strengthening preventive diplomacy and making the principle of the responsibility to protect work.

And because security is indivisible, it is in the interest of the international community that the United Nations should play a greater role in strengthening preventive diplomacy and making the principle of the responsibility to protect work.">

And given that that there has been an erosion of consensus on some of these steps and cannot simply be replaced by something else, this will be at least a major challenge for the Review Conference.

This will be a major challenge for the Review Conference to say the least given that the consensus on some of those steps has been eroded, and that they cannot simply be replaced with something different.

Given that the consensus on some of those steps has eroded, and that they cannot simply be replaced with something different.">

And given that that the genetic heritage of each person is unique, data about it can be used in forensic science and in the judicial system for identification purposes.

Furthermore, as each person's genetic heritage is unique, forensic science and the judicial system make use of it for identification purposes.

Furthermore, as each person"s genetic heritage is unique, forensic science and the judicial system make use of it for identification purposes.">

And given that that such weapons are the primary means of waging local armed conflicts in various regions of the world, and especially in sub-Saharan Africa, it turns out to be huge political, social and economic costs and consequences.

Considering that these conventional weapons are the primary means of prosecuting local armed conflicts in various regions of the world, most especially in sub-Saharan Africa, the political, social and economic costs and consequences are quite enormous.

Considering that these conventional weapons are the primary means of prosecuting local armed conflicts in various regions of the world, most especially in sub-Saharan Africa, the political, social and economic costs and consequences are quite enormous.">

And given that that it was the wedding of the police commissioner's son, I don't think any of the guests would agree to say.

And given that the wedding was for the police commissioner's son, I doubt any of the guests are going to talk.

And given that the wedding was for the police commissioner "s son, I doubt any of the guests are going to talk.">

And given that While it is possible to interpret the perpetuation of the NPT as granting an indefinite license to possess nuclear weapons, it becomes even more imperative to achieve a legally binding commitment to eliminate such weapons within a specific time frame.

Given the possibility of treating the perpetuation of the NPT as providing an indefinite license for possession of nuclear weapons, it becomes even more imperative to have a legally binding commitment to eliminate these weapons in a specific time-frame.

Given the possibility of treating the perpetuation of the NPT as providing an indefinite license for possession of nuclear weapons, it becomes even more imperative to have a legally binding commitment to eliminate these weapons in a specific time-frame.">


The Duma and regional parliamentary elections in Russia have been declared valid. In the federal district, the same four parties that worked before managed to get into parliament: United Russia, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the Liberal Democratic Party and Fair Russia. Not a single opposition candidate made it to the Duma. Bloggers and experts are ironic

AT Russia held elections to the State Duma of the seventh convocation. In addition to the traditional parliamentary four, single-mandate members from various political forces that did not enter parliament on party lists managed to get several seats. In some regions, the elections were held with a record low turnout.

The main result of the elections was the low turnout. Less than half of the voters cast their votes for their favorite candidates. The New Duma was elected by less than 50% of Russians; in some regions, less than a third of registered voters came to the polling stations. The turnout in Russia as a whole was 47.8% (hereinafter, the data on the results of counting 94.1% of the votes are presented). “The turnout is like a turnout,” commented Ella Pamfilova, head of the CEC.

According to preliminary data, in Moscow, the Moscow region and St. Petersburg, the turnout was a record low. As of 18.00 in Moscow, only 28.62% of voters came to the polling stations (in the elections to the State Duma in 2011 at that time the turnout was already 50.1%), in the Moscow Region - 21.73% of voters (in 2011 the figure was 44 %). In St. Petersburg, 16.1% of voters voted by 5:00 pm (in 2011, by 6:00 pm turnout was 38.65%).

The maximum turnout in the elections on September 18 was noted in the Kemerovo region (78.96% - data as of 17.00), the Tyumen region (74.3%) and Chechnya (72.16%).

Political scientist Georgy Bovt commented on the results of ER: “I expected that United Russia would come closer to the constitutional majority, but what it will take, I don’t know how much it diverges from expectations. That is why they made changes in the electoral legislation and elect half of the Duma in single-mandate districts in order to get the missing seats for the party in power. We succeeded,” he told BFM.ru.

Moreover, Bovt connects such a result with a low turnout.

“In post-Soviet Russia, there is always a low turnout, not only in these elections. It contributed to an increase in the proportion of votes received by the party in power. This has always been the case, and this is no exception. Since the turnout was a record low, then, accordingly, a record high victory.

Political scientist Konstantin Simonov discusses the reasons for such success of United Russia in the elections: “The result was quite impressive. Attempts to say that there were violations, falsifications sound very timid, and no one from the non-systemic opposition can even think of a reaction “a la 2011”. Perhaps this is surprising - this is exactly the success of United Russia, although it does not look shocking. The explanation is quite obvious: on the one hand, we are dealing with what we call the “post-Crimea consensus”, such a beautiful term, when after Crimea the trust in the president and the party that is still associated with him is quite high. And most importantly, it pulls out single-mandate constituencies, where United Russia receives the main mandates. In this regard, the transition to a mixed system is also one of the factors: we see in single-mandate districts that United Russia, together with satellites, with the Popular Front, is gaining much more than on party lists, despite the fact that here they also exceed 50% and they also divide the undistributed mandates at the expense of parties that do not enter the Duma. However, in single-mandate constituencies, it is even easier to recruit these mandates, because there is still support at the level of governors, no one has canceled this. And low turnout, despite the fact that opponents of the current government, most likely, could not come to the elections, who motivated themselves by the fact that this time they would definitely not decide anything, because we are dealing with this post-Crimean consensus, there is obvious support Putin. And then excuses begin: people have been brainwashed on TV, there is no chance to fight. This is a serious problem for the opposition camp, that they have not been able to mobilize their electorate. It is clear that, of course, the country has not yet entered a phase of serious economic shocks, an economic crisis, and this also provided good support for United Russia. The topic of the economy began to accelerate, but did not give any effect, the elections were held on time, when there were no serious economic shocks, and the opposition has been catching up since 2014 that the collapse is about to come.

Journalist Ekaterina Vinokurova spoke about her attitude to the election results: “I woke up today with the understanding that I need to calculate my life strategy, based on the fact that my life will be lived under United Russia and under Vladimir Putin.

First, I want to congratulate all the friends who won.

At the same time, I want to congratulate my friends from the United Russia party, who had the perseverance, strength, and technology to win. I know at least a few good people in this party. God bless them.

Secondly, I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who did not give up to the end, who fought, was elected and nevertheless came to the polls.

Thirdly, I want to say that I do not feel the slightest anger towards those who did not come. Who cares more about a playground in the yard than freedom of speech. Who dreams of barricades and romantic books from youth.

Well, with special tenderness I want to say kind words to those who, like me, are now difficult and difficult. I do not want to say that "one day we will definitely win." I want to say that being alive is very difficult. In the coming years, it will be difficult for us every day, because it is very, very difficult to be an absolute, insignificant minority. And here it remains only to wish everyone kindness to each other, and to everyone - to find some kind of personal hope.

For now, that's all."

Social psychologist Alexei Roshchin writes the following on Facebook: “Perhaps, of all the expected “flights” of the opposition in Moscow, the defeat of Gudkov Jr. seems to be the most surprising. It seemed that he, perhaps the only one of all, should have won. Everything was for Gudkov, and above all, the fact that he managed to overcome the most important barrier - lack of money (After all, the main trouble of the political opposition in Russia, I do not tire of repeating this, is total lack of money).

But Gudkov managed to remove this curse from himself. He, almost the only one of all democrats, managed to fill his electoral fund "to the eyeballs" - up to the mark of 40 million rubles, above which it is simply impossible under the law. It is not entirely clear, of course, to whom he owes such success - whether (which is unlikely), the head of his election headquarters, Maxim Katz, led to success, who managed to organize an unprecedented “crowdfunding” from scratch in three months - and “grateful Muscovites”, chipping in 500-100 rubles each, filled the pod to the top; whether (which is most likely) the Gudkov family pulled themselves together and invested their own savings in the business from different sides - like old women used to give their hard-earned "coffin" ...

But the fact remains - Gudkov really HAVE MONEY in these elections. And this - especially in elections in super-large constituencies, in which up to half a million voters live - is the most important component of success. More precisely - the very NECESSARY condition, without which there is simply no point in discussing any others.

But after all, Gudkov seemed to have other quite significant advantages. Here is Maksim Katz, whom I still, despite the failure, continue to consider one of the most promising young political strategists, one might even say, a representative of a new generation of political strategists. And the fact that the elections were still held not somewhere in a conservative province, but in cosmopolitan Moscow, which, it would seem, should favor young, European-oriented politicians.

Finally, Dmitry Gudkov himself: a handsome man, with experience in the State Duma, not Katz, not a "reindeer herder", young and promising, able to speak to an audience. A personal resource is far from the last thing for a politician, I dare to assure you. And everything is in order with Gudkov's personal resource. Yes, perhaps he lacked charisma - but, in the end, he did not run for leaders, but only for deputies, so the demonstration of leadership qualities was not so important.

There is a fourth, but also important point - the composition of the "team of competitors". Gudkov had, in fact, one competitor - and this factor, too, in theory, should have played in his favor: after all, the former Chief Medical Officer Onishchenko opposed Gudkov from United Russia, an odious personality, a kind of Wasserman from the "party of power", gushing wild ideas like "everyone needs to sleep 4 hours a day." It seems that such a fruit should have become easy prey for the Gudkov team ...

And what is the result? Maxim Katz put together a good team, Muscovites willingly sent money (that is, I think, with their five hundred million, three or four actually collected - this, no joke, is an outstanding result), volunteers, propaganda newspapers, "cubes" ... Apparently, Katz did not disdain and "dirty" against the same little girl - which means that the money for the campaign was "in excess" of the white electoral fund (for which, again, let's not be hypocrites, an additional plus for both Gudkov and Katz). However, in the end - a complete failure. Gudkov lost. And to whom?? Onishchenko - this half-crazy old man!

How so? Why, even having gathered the best forces locally on the spot, the "democrats" could not defeat the System even in its, let's face it, far from the strongest place?

The answer, I think, is one: “Apple”. Back in July, before the start of the campaign, in one of the very first issues of The Psychology of Events, I pointed out the undeniable fact that Yavlinsky, with his strategy “Apple demands the return of Crimea to Ukraine,” unequivocally ruined all the “apple” single-mandate members throughout the country. Crimea is a sore point of the current Russian society; putting pressure on her, Yavlinsky instantly made his party an outcast. Not without reason, according to the latest polls, Zhirinovsky's seemingly eternal record fell on this campaign: always, all the last 20-25 years, his party has been the unchanging leader of the pre-election ANTI-ratings - that is, when people answered the question "Which party would you vote for in any no way”, they most often chose the Liberal Democratic Party.

And only in 2016, Zhirik, with his LDPR, for the first time lost the first line to ... who? Apple!!

Thus, even the absolutely checkpoint Gudkov turned out to be a hostage of Yabloko. All that shone for single-mandate members from Yabloko in the “Crimean consensus” is, if you exert all your strength, literally turning blue from the effort, you will slightly go beyond 20% of the votes. EVEN in Moscow. Which, in fact, Gudkov demonstrated. However, to win in a single-mandate district, this is usually (and almost always) not enough.

Yavlinsky definitely chose a losing plan in this campaign. The most curious thing is that he seems to have sacrificed the single-mandate candidates absolutely deliberately - he hoped to win on the list, that those 5-10% of the opponents of the “Crimean consensus”, who certainly exist in the country, would come and, in spite of the majority, vote for Yabloko …

However, even here he miscalculated: the anti-Crimean outcasts, apparently, did not come to the elections for the most part either. Their alienation from the Russian state turned out to be much higher than Yavlinsky had supposed.

As a result, both Yavlinsky and Gudkov, and Katz will now be pecked by his malevolent "comrades in the opposition camp."

All Akels missed. Time to look for Maug whether."

Logical operators have the following precedence: actions in brackets, inversion, &, v, ~.

A table showing what values ​​a compound statement takes for all combinations (sets) of values ​​of its simple statements is called truth table compound utterance.

Compound statements in the algebra of logic are written using logical expressions. For any logical expression, it is enough to simply construct truth table .

The algorithm for constructing a truth table:

    determine the number of rows in a table m = 2 n ;

    establish the sequence of execution of logical operations, taking into account brackets and priorities;

    determine the number of columns in the table: the number of variables plus the number of operations;

    write out sets of input variables, taking into account the fact that they are a natural series of n-bit binary numbers from 0 to 2 n -1;

    fill in the truth table by columns, performing logical operations in accordance with the sequence established in clause 4.

Sets of input variables, in order to avoid errors, are recommended to be listed as follows:

a) determine the number of sets of input variables;

b) divide the column of values ​​of the first variable in half and fill the upper part of the column with 0, and the lower part -1;

c) divide the column of values ​​of the second variable into four parts and fill each quarter with alternating groups of 0 or 1, starting with group 0;

d) continue dividing the columns of values ​​of subsequent variables by 8, 16, etc. parts and filling them with groups 0 or 1 until groups 0 and 1 will not consist of one character.

Example. For the formula A&(B v C), construct a truth table algebraically and using spreadsheets.

The number of boolean variables is 3, therefore, the number of rows in the truth table should be 2 3 = 8.

The number of logical operations in the formula is 2, therefore, the number of columns in the truth table should be 2+3 = 5.

AT v C

BUT & (AT v C)

Boolean expressions called equivalent, if their truth values ​​coincide for any values ​​of the logical variables included in them.

The apparatus of the algebra of logic can be successfully used to solve meaningful problems. However, for this it is necessary to learn how to correctly translate statements from natural language into the symbolic language of the algebra of logic.

Consider an example. Translate the following sentence into the language of propositional algebra:

I will go to Moscow, and if I meet friends there, we will have an interesting time.

We introduce the following simple statements:

M - "I will go to Moscow";

B - “I will meet friends there”;

And - "we'll have an interesting time."

Formula: M& (ATAND).

Good afternoon. I could not find the following situation in the questions and answers. Which is correct: "Director of the branch of PJSC FGC UES - Northern PMES" or "Director of the branch of PJSC FGC UES - Northern PMES". What is a generic word here, taking into account the fact that only the name of the PJSC itself (FGC UES) is included in quotation marks, and the name of the branch (Northern PMES) is without quotation marks? FGC UES is a federal grid company of the unified energy system PMES - an enterprise of backbone electrical networks.

It's better to do it like this: director of the Northern PMES branch of PJSC FGC UES.

Question No. 301110

Dear editors! How should one write "not" in the expression "the side of the moon not visible from Earth"? If according to Rosenthal, then together, and if according to Lopatin, then separately. "Your recommendation? Best regards, Valery

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

We consider the continuous spelling to be preferable, taking into account the fact that the word "invisible" is used in the meaning of an adjective (inaccessible to sight).

Question #300566

Hello. How do you spell "ok" in the sense of "acceptable" and taking into account the fact that it is pronounced in Russian [ok]? An example of a phrase: If you act within the bounds of decency, then ok.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

The way you describe is possible.

Question #298823

Dear colleagues, is a comma needed in the sentence "Among the genre and thematic diversity of modern Russian-language prose, the texts of Evgeny Vodolazkin (,) and, in particular, the novel Laurus" occupy a special place ...? Is it possible to interpret this case as a construction "in general - and in particular", in which the comma is not used, given that "in general" is implied here? I would be grateful for the answer Janusz Swierzy, Poland

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

The option you suggested is not possible because there is no word here generally. comma before and in particular needed, it highlights a clarifying phrase.

Question No. 297209

Hello Literacy! There are two questions. 1. This one has already been asked before, but did not receive an answer. In the news, I came across the following position: "Representative of the Government of Japan in the Russian-Japanese Fisheries Commission, Head of the Resource Control Department of the Fisheries Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of the International Department of the Government of Japan." Is such an arrangement of registers acceptable and what is the recommended one (given that this is not an official document)? 2. Title of the discussion: "Russian companies know how to produce, but they must know (,) what and why." Colleagues insist that the comma is not needed. I believe that without a comma after “know”, the shade of meaning changes: in this case, companies must understand the subject (“what”) and the reasons (“why”) of production, that is, the wording leads to a higher level of abstraction. Here, I think, there is just a strong syntactic reduction: companies need to know what [exactly they produce] and why [they produce exactly that]; being expanded, the phrase suggests a more specific meaning and does not seem to justify the removal of the comma after the reduction. Who is right and why? Thank you.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

1. Capitalization is correct.

2. Comma before what need not. A comma is not placed between the main and the following subordinate part of a complex sentence if the subordinate part consists of one allied word (relative pronoun or adverb): I would also like to know why(L. T.); I don't know why but I didn't understand it(Trif.). A comma is not put even if there are several relative words that act as homogeneous members of the sentence. Wed: I don't know why or how, but the letter suddenly disappeared; Call - ask who and why.

Question #275269
Good afternoon!

Tell me, please, how to write the phrase Donetsk People's Republic on a letter, taking into account the fact that this is not yet an official name?


The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

There is no established (and normative) spelling, the design option you proposed is possible.

Question #272289
How to write correctly "in the Moscow Art Theater" or "in the Moscow Art Theater"?
Taking into account the fact that now the theater is not called the Moscow Art Theater, but the Moscow Art Theater.


The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Correctly: at the Moscow Art Theater(read: in em-ha-te).

Question #268481
Good afternoon! Please, help me decide how to write correctly in the menu in the SOUP section: Hungarian goulash soup or just Hungarian goulash (taking into account the fact that this is a soup and it "worth" in the SOUP section)? Thanks in advance!

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

It's better to write: hungarian goulash.

Question #261310
But(,) given that... Is a comma needed?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

The comma in brackets is not needed.

Question #257362
There was a dispute at work about the comma, please judge us.

"Taking into account the fact that the cable routes were mounted in the ceiling of the premises, technological holes were used in the upper part of the cabinets."

The corrector argues that the comma in "taking into account the fact that .." is not needed, referring to complex conjunctions. everyone else is sure that it is needed) "taking into account the fact that ..."

Thanks in advance!

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Question #255186
To question number 254849.
I would like to clarify on what basis you consider the expression "a person of Caucasian nationality" to be incorrect. The assertion that such a nationality does not exist in nature seems at least strange. It's no secret that the Caucasus is home to many ethnic groups, different in number. At the same time, the word "Caucasian" may well be used in the sense of "related to the Caucasus", so this expression is used in a general sense, the use of the singular (although there are many nationalities in the Caucasus) also does not contradict the laws of the Russian language (because the singular is regularly is used in the meaning of the plural in the same generalized meaning, for example: "man is a wolf to man"). It seems that from this point of view, the expression "a person of Caucasian nationality" has as much right to exist as the expression "peoples of the North" ...
In answering the question, the service specialist should rather clarify that, being a clerical stamp, the expression "a person of Caucasian nationality" should be used in a limited way (although he does not have an unmarked, neutral equivalent in the NRY, with the exception of perhaps "Caucasian" (neutrality is doubtful) or descriptive expressions "a native of the Caucasus, a native of the Caucasus", and the correspondence is again not entirely accurate, because many representatives of these ethnic groups were born and live in the Russian Federation, i.e. in fact, they are not immigrants from the Caucasus.
It should also be noted that the expression "a person of Caucasian nationality" has a pronounced negative connotation, which again is caused not by linguistic reasons, but by current socio-economic processes in the former Soviet Union. However, taking into account the fact that this expression has a roughly colloquial equivalent (it is pointless to give this lexeme here because of its well-known), in relation to the slang equivalent, this descriptive phrase is rather a euphemism! Being a phraseological unit, turnover has every right to be idiomatic and unique in form, i.e. does not have to be correlated in the language with analogues of the type *person of the Carpathian nationality. By the way, such a euphemism does not exist for "immigrants from Ukraine", due to the ethnic homogeneity of the population of Ukraine. That is, instead of the corresponding slang word, it is enough to say "Ukrainian". Phraseologism "a person of Caucasian nationality" thus fills a gap in the language.
I note that from the point of view of linguistic typology, the situation with this expression in Russian is not unique. In the US, it is not customary to say "Negro" (etc.), the generally accepted name for the black population of the United States is "Afroamerican", and to say so - "politically correct".
So there is no reason to deny that the expression "a person of Caucasian nationality" is a real linguistic fact. Rather, it can be argued that, depending on the conditions of the speech act, one can only choose between "very bad" and "slightly rude" options. Such is the distribution of the given semantic field in the SRN, and the reasons for this, as mentioned above, are not linguistic. I also do not think that for reasons of political correctness one should "delicately" agree with the opponents of this turnover to the detriment of objectively existing speech practice. And you first try to convince the carriers of the SRY that it is wrong to say so. What will they tell you? That people who themselves do not always speak Russian correctly begin to stumble into frenzied purism. For that matter, the word "Russian" abroad also evokes conflicting feelings, not least due to the rampant behavior of our compatriots who find themselves abroad, abroad, and to this day, some people think that bears walk the streets in our country ( and not necessarily on a leash with a nose ring).
So I would like to address the opponents of the notorious expression - there is no need to strive to change the language, this is a completely pointless exercise. the language reacts to changes in society, therefore it would be reasonable and correct to change the stereotypes of behavior of representatives of the mentioned nationalities in the Russian Federation. in order to destroy connotations by their own example (but this is quite real).

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Thanks for the comment. We invite you to express your point of view on our "Forum".

Question #242962
Hello! I would like to clarify how to correctly agree on the proposal - the Doctor accepted patients (without indicating the surname, taking into account the fact that the doctor is a woman) and Doctor Ivanova accepted patients.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Your options for matching are correct.

Question #241326
Good afternoon!
Question on the Old Russian language. (If Old Russian is not within your competence, then please tell me another source that could answer my question.)
I am interested in the use of interrogative and relative "kako/kakyi" and "yako/yakyi". Is it fair to assume that "kako/kakyi" are actually Old Russian, and "yako/yakyi" (with the variant "ako/akyi") are Church Slavonic? (Taking into account the fact that modern Russian retained "how / what", and modern Ukrainian and Belarusian "yak / yaki").

Thank you very much.


The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Unfortunately, the issue is out of our competence. We can help with modern Russian, and this question should be addressed to the relevant specialists.

Question No. 231206
taking into account the fact (,) that spabiso

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Question #226066
So what about "taking into account the (,) what"? The answers to questions 224385 and 197883 gave conflicting answers. For example - such a phrase: Taking into account the fact (,) that ... this knowledge is sure to become in demand, the technical part of the training was strengthened ... The answer "optional" in this case would be undesirable. Regards to you and your well-founded answers

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

There is no contradiction. With complex unions, a comma is placed either before the entire union, or before its second part (_what_). If a complex union is at the beginning of a sentence, then a comma before _what_ may or may not be placed. So, really, the production is optional, there's nothing you can do about it.