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Plinths made of polyurethane today are considered by most experts as one of the most suitable materials for decorating ceilings and walls. A wide range of polymer fillets, their good performance, as well as a number of other advantages explain the demand for such products in this market niche.

In our article we will consider what these advantages are, and then we will describe the installation polyurethane skirting board, paying attention to key features technology.

Product overview

Main varieties

Polyurethane foam skirting boards are elongated panels that are made from polymer raw materials. As a rule, such parts are installed at the junctions of surfaces, because their design provides for the presence of two perpendicular planes used to fix on the base.

The front part of the plinth can be very different.

Depending on its configuration, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • smooth - the simplest, used simply to mask the corner. Smooth skirting boards are characterized by a minimum price, but their decorative potential is also low;

On the other hand, the smoother the front part is, the less prone it is to the accumulation of dust, and the easier it will be to care for the skirting board.

  • shaped - have more complex configuration. It is shaped models that occupy the main market share, since they combine an attractive appearance, and simplicity of form;
  • embossed - act as an independent element of decor. Most often, the relief imitates plaster molding, because such a polyurethane foam plinth will not be appropriate in any interior.

Depending on the purpose of the products, an alternative classification can be given:

Product Application Peculiarities
Ceiling decorative Skirting boards (otherwise they are called fillets) are mounted at the junction of the wall and ceiling and practically do not experience operational loads.

They are made from lightweight polyurethane foam with a low density, therefore they can be mounted even on weak bases.

Special mention deserves flexible models that allow you to design curved surfaces without joints. For the production of such products, polyurethane of increased elasticity is used.

Ceiling for lighting They differ from the previous ones primarily in the configuration: such products have either holes for installing built-in lights, or gutters for laying LED strip.

As a rule, the fillet is attached only at the bottom, because the parts are usually equipped with a massive base.

wall They are used as a decorative edging, and are also sometimes used instead of platbands.

They have a fairly simple configuration, since they have only one mounting plane.

floor standing Polyurethane skirting boards made from raw materials with increased density (and hence strength) can also be installed in the lower part of the room.

In this case, the part is attached to the wall close to the floor covering.

Borders for countertops Sometimes the plinth is also installed on the countertops to mask the gap between its edge and the adjoining wall. For this purpose, small corner moldings made of dense polyurethane, resistant to external influences, are usually used.

Let's try to understand the practical nuances of this process.

When is it necessary to paint skirting boards?

Many readers believe that painting ceiling plinths is only done when required. interior design premises. That is, this procedure is purely aesthetic in nature.

But there is a rather important point here. Painting ceiling plinths significantly strengthens them and allows you to hide minor scratches and dents that often appear in the process. installation work or during the transportation of the products.

As a rule, the natural color of foam skirting boards is white, which means that through certain time the material will begin to turn yellow or become covered with dust and acquire a grayish tint. Painting also protects them from such troubles.

Practice shows that painted polystyrene foam skirting boards have a longer service life than those without painting.

Thanks to this factor, you benefit economically, even though additional expenses associated with the purchase of materials for painting.

If you still have doubts about whether to paint ceiling plinth foam, find photos of rooms with painted and natural fillets, and then compare them. In most cases, users choose the first option (painted baseboards).

When and how to paint

Even a person with no experience repair work will say that it is much more convenient to paint ceiling fillets before they are installed, right?

In this case, there is no need to constantly move the ladder from one place to another and work in an uncomfortable position. Another positive moment- in the process of painting you will not stain the walls and ceiling.

On the other hand, after the installation of painted foam skirting boards, as a rule, gaps form (due to uneven surface walls and ceiling), as well as the joints between the individual parts of the fillets. They need to be sealed with putty and repainted.
Given the above arguments, we can say that the choice of how to paint ceiling plinths depends solely on your personal preferences.

Important point! When choosing paint for foam baseboards, carefully study the information about it. Do not use formulations that contain solvents. Styrofoam is a very "delicate" material, designed for the use of paints on water based.

Experts advise to buy the following types colors:

  • acrylic;
  • latex;
  • polyvinyl acetate.

In case you can't find paint desired color, make it yourself using a white composition without solvents and the necessary dye.

To paint foam ceiling fillets you will need:

  • tassel;
  • putty knife;
  • capacity;
  • dry rag;
  • paint of the desired color.

Quite often, the design of the room provides that the ceiling and skirting boards should be the same color.

In this case, before you start painting, be sure to cover the floor with a film and thick cardboard. This is necessary to protect the flooring from paint and marks left by the stepladder.

Having figured out what the ceiling plinth is painted with, you need to pay a little attention to the tools that are used to perform the presented work.

For painting embossed skirting boards, it is better to use a thin brush, which allows you to evenly apply paint even on very complex patterns. For a smooth surface of ceiling fillets, a wider brush is suitable.

When painting installed ceiling plinths, be sure to use a wide spatula.

It is needed to prevent paint from getting on the walls and floor. Right hand you paint fillets, and with your left, hold the trowel at an angle to the baseboard (the paint falls on the trowel). For these purposes, you can use a piece of plastic or thick cardboard.

Preparatory stage

Before you start painting the installed foam ceiling moldings, you must carefully prepare them for this procedure.

  1. 1. We prepare the tools and materials (trowel, dry cloth, sandpaper, water, putty and silicone sealant).
  2. 2. At the next stage, the joints, cracks and mechanical damage skirting boards. To eliminate defects in the corners of the room, apply putty with your finger (work with gloves!).
  3. 3. Excess putty is wiped off with a wet cloth.
  4. 4. When everything is dry, you can clean up the bumps using sandpaper for this purpose.

If you have completed preparatory work, following the instructions provided, then you can safely proceed to painting.


AT this case you will need a place with low humidity, without drafts, so that there is no direct sunlight.

It allows you to paint quickly and much better than with a brush. In order to prevent the appearance of streams on the baseboard, try to keep the spray can of paint at a distance of 30 cm from the surface to be treated.

Before you start painting the installed foam skirting boards, you must thoroughly clean them from dirt and dust.

To prevent paint from getting on the ceiling and flooring, it is best to use masking tape. Fix it as close to the fillets as possible so that there are no gaps between the tape and the baseboard.

The painting process will be much easier if you decide to make the ceiling and fillets the same color. The first is painted with a roller, and the baseboard with a brush. After the paint dries, you need to repeat this procedure.

Important point! Painting of ceiling plinths is carried out in at least two layers, regardless of the type of paint, the chosen method of work and other factors. Otherwise, you will have to paint the ceiling skirting boards again in a few months.

If, according to the repair plan, your ceiling and fillets should be different color, then, first of all, the ceiling is painted. In this case, as already mentioned, it is necessary to use masking tape, which will prevent the paint from getting on the ceiling.

Non-standard ways of painting ceiling fillets

lovers original ideas on the design of the premises will definitely be interested in non-standard ways of painting ceiling plinths.

For example, fillets with large, embossed patterns can be given the appearance of a stone surface. For this you need:

  1. 1. A glaze of the appropriate shade is applied to the surface of the plinth.
  2. 2. With the help of a brush, small light strokes are made.
  3. 3. The surface is covered with dark spots (Umber Glaze is used).
  4. 4. Small strokes of dark shades are applied.
  5. 5. All excess is removed from the surface of the plinth.
  6. 6. After everything dries, strokes of a bronze shade are applied.
  7. 7. Fillets finally dry out and become like a stone surface.

A good designer will definitely figure out how best to combine these ceiling plinths with other elements of the room's design so that it acquires a harmonious and original look.

Thus, painting the ceiling plinth from foam turns into a real art. You have the opportunity to get not only the "stone effect", but also others interesting colors and shades:

  • Malachite.
  • Patina.
  • Gold.
  • Aged tree.

But do not forget that the listed options can only be used if they "fit" into general design premises. "Golden" or "malachite" skirting boards are hardly suitable for a room decorated in a modern style.

In the process of preparing ceiling plinths for painting, you can use a vacuum cleaner to remove dirt and dust, building hair dryer for removal old paint, and a "grinder" or a drill to eliminate irregularities on walls and ceilings.

Before applying masking tape, be sure to check how strongly it sticks to the surface. It is possible that when you remove the tape, it will pull on fresh paint, decor, etc. In such situations, it is better to use an ordinary spatula or cardboard to protect the floor and walls from paint.

Even if the natural color of the Styrofoam skirting boards is great for your room, it is better to paint them white too. This will protect the fillets from dust and yellowing as a result of ultraviolet radiation.

After studying this topic, you know how and how to paint the ceiling plinth so that this procedure is successful and your room becomes more comfortable and attractive. You also made sure that this type of repair work is deservedly considered simple, not requiring special skills and education.

When Finishing work approached the final phase, then it was the turn final touch in interior design - installation and painting of skirting boards. How to paint floor plinth in a suitable tone, choose a paint so that there is harmony in the interior, we will consider.

A floor plinth is needed to close the gap between the wall and the floor along the perimeter of the room. In addition, today almost all skirting boards have a cable - a channel that allows you to place cables in it.

There is currently a huge range of materials for plinth, but we will consider only those types that need to be painted.

Types of skirting boards for painting

Wooden- environmentally friendly building material, durable, resilient, easy to maintain, durable, has a respectable appearance. They are mounted mainly on parquet, wood and in dry rooms.

MDF- made from compressed wood fiber, mounted mainly on laminate, linoleum, other floor coverings. Beautiful, does not fade from sunlight, environmentally friendly, stain resistant, easy to clean, but fragile from hard hit inferior to wood in terms of durability.

Manufacturers offer ready-to-install MDF products or unpainted strips, the tone of which you choose at will and paint yourself.

Before considering how to paint a floor plinth, let's decide on the range of paints and varnishes (LKM) for this job.

Paint for floor skirting boards

Alkyd paints (enamels), when applied, form a strong and dense water-repellent film on the surface, resistant to mechanical damage and detergents.

They should be applied to the dried baseboard, otherwise, when the fillet dries, bubbles will appear on the paintwork layer, which will lead to peeling of the painted layer. The drying time is short, but a significant disadvantage is that these materials have an unpleasantly pungent odor.

Acrylic enamel is a water-based composition, so the surface of the treatment breathes. In addition, it is moisture resistant, odorless, easy to care for, does not dry for long, it has the properties of durability and fire safety.

The list can be long, and polyurethane varnishes and paints, oil paint is still in use today, all kinds of varnishes and other modern paints and varnishes. To emphasize the texture of wood, you can simply cover the product with alkyd varnish, if desired, pre-soak it with stain.

Painting a wooden baseboard

Consider how to paint a wooden floor plinth. First of all, you need to prepare everything you need for work.

  • Wooden plinth;
  • brushes;
  • Composition for a primer;
  • Masking tape, sandpaper;
  • Sponge or rags, gloves.

We protect the surface of the walls and floor near the plinth with masking tape, sticking it around the perimeter. If you work very carefully, you can substitute a wide spatula in the places of painting and move it in the course of the work.

Sand the planks first sandpaper to remove all the roughness, minor defects, then the paintwork will lie evenly on the fillet.

To keep the paint on the surface with high quality, prime the fillet for better adhesion of wood and paintwork materials.

Paint with a brush, the paint should be applied in a thin layer so that there are no smudges. After it dries, apply a second layer. Remove the adhesive tape only after 100% drying.

MDF skirting board painting

After installing the slats, we proceed to painting them. To protect wall finishes and floor coverings from accidental contact with paintwork materials, it is better to protect them with masking tape. It will not be superfluous to also cover the floor with a film from accidental drops. Put on gloves on your hands.

Planks made of MDF are naturally porous material, so they need a little preliminary preparation surface so that its villi do not rise during painting. This is eliminated by grinding the surface with fine sandpaper to remove the villi.

Then the primer composition should be applied twice. The second layer of primer is applied after 100% drying of the primary layer and its re-sanding. As a result, you will receive quality surface for applying the selected paintwork.

We will paint with a brush - select the size based on the height of the MDF fillet. Paint thinly to avoid smudges. We are waiting for the paintwork to dry and repeat the painting of the planks for the second time.

Alternatively, the fitted planks can be painted prior to installation. All the preliminary steps for preparing them for painting are the same, but you can paint them with spray paint - everything is up to you.

What color to choose a plinth for the floor

When choosing a skirting board for the floor, as a rule, they are guided by the type floor covering. For example, to parquet floors most suitable plinth of a similar material - wood, MDF. Exactly the same as for ceramic tiles- ceramic plinth.

When deciding how to paint the floor plinth, what tone to choose, then the parameters of the room, its geometry, ceiling height, general style interior and, of course, your preferences.

The color of the skirting board can be chosen:

To match the floors

Classical is the selection of the color of the fillet to match the floor covering. The plinth should be a couple of tones darker than the floor covering or lighter and serve as a kind of floor-wall boundary. With the uniformity of the elements, we visually get an increase in the boundaries of the room.

To match the walls

A good decision would be to “tie” the tone of the floor plinth to the clothes of the walls. If the walls are plain, then this is easier to do. Then there is not only the harmony of design, tranquility colors, but also visual magnification room sizes.

To match the doorways

Often the color of the plinth is oriented to the tone of the doors, or rather the trim, which is visually perceived as a continuation of one continuous line of color in the interior. They should be the same in thickness.

Color Contrast

Often, the contrast in the selection of colors has a very advantageous effect on the overall perception of the room as a whole. It turns out that the plinth is a kind of accent, which should overlap with other details of the room in color. It can be any interior items - cushioned furniture or decorative pillows to her, curtains, wall panel And so on.

We discussed how to paint a floor plinth - in fact, it seems that this is a small element of the interior. Nevertheless, there are no trifles when decorating a room - sometimes minor changes bring very interesting notes to the overall harmony.

The coloring of the ceiling plinth is by no means the final chord in the repair, as is commonly believed. This work is recommended to be done before finishing walls, so as not to stain the wallpaper. However, despite the order of work, the question of the need to paint the molding is rhetorical. Painting ceiling skirting boards is necessary measure, aimed at preventing translucence, darkening and yellowing of their surface, as well as at obtaining a certain shade of fillet. Therefore, let's find out what paint to paint the ceiling plinth, and how to do it right.

The need to paint the ceiling plinth

Ceiling fillets made of polystyrene, polystyrene or polyurethane, which are most often used to hide the junction of walls and ceilings, have White color. If the ceiling in the room is also white, people often wonder if the ceiling plinth should be painted. Let's see why it is recommended to paint the ceiling baguette:

  • Baguettes from the listed materials often have small dents and scratches that will be noticeable in bright light.
  • These materials have a rather loose structure, they are a little translucent, and the paint is able to give them a more solid appearance and strength.
  • Over time, the unpainted material from which the ceiling plinth is made may darken from dust or turn yellow. Therefore, the question arises whether it is necessary to paint the ceiling plinth, and how to properly apply coloring composition. It will be difficult to clean, but the painted moldings can be easily washed with a damp cloth.
  • Skirting is difficult to stick without joints, and these gaps are very conspicuous, especially in the corners. Therefore, before painting the ceiling plinth, it is customary to seal the joints, and the paint layer hides the cracks underneath.
  • Wooden skirting boards also require painting, varnishing or impregnation. This will make them more beautiful and prevent the invasion of pests.
  • And finally, the baguette will have to be painted if you want it to get a certain shade and acquire the tone of the ceiling or walls.

Now let's find out if the ceiling plinth can be painted if it is already fixed in place. Of course, it is easier or more convenient to paint when the baguette is not yet in place - you will not need to jump with a stepladder and be afraid for already finished surfaces. However, in this case, you will still have to close the formed joints. Therefore, it is customary to first install the ceiling plinth, and then paint it. So the result will be more complete.

The choice of paint for the ceiling baguette

It's very important to do right choice what paint to paint the ceiling plinth. Products made of polyurethane and foam literally dissolve before our eyes from white spirit and other solvents, therefore it is recommended for them to choose only water-based paints - acrylic, water-dispersion, latex. Wooden baguettes are not so demanding on coloring compounds.

If you still paint the baseboard first and then fix it, you can buy paint for the ceiling baseboard in a can, so you can do the job very quickly, without streaks and streaks. If you need paint for ceiling baguette a certain shade, but it could not be found on sale, then you can purchase white paint for a ceiling plinth and tint it yourself or use this service at any hardware store.

If more serious requirements are put forward for the interior, and great importance has the final color and texture of the molding, it is better to use glazes for painting. Gleize is a kind of tinting agent, like stain, which is used to paint products made of natural wood. Glaze is sprayed onto the surface, which is intended for painting, from a spray gun or spray can, and rubbed with a cloth, sponge or brush.

The use of glazes allows you to give the surface of the molding almost any necessary texture - wood, natural stone, gold or worn metal:

  1. Patina effect. To recreate the patina effect on the ceiling plinths, it is customary to use Taire color glaze. Apply it in an even layer on the surface of the baguette, leaving middle part unpainted. Then, using a rag or sponge, blend the joints of the unpainted and painted parts and remove upper layer substances. A similar technique will help make convex surfaces lighter and brighter, and deep areas - richer and more contrast. Next, with the help of a dark Umber glaze, you should highlight the relief layer and enhance the effect of painting with a brush.
  2. Gilding effect. Before decorating the ceiling with a gilded plinth, you need to take a thin brush and a silver, gold or metal glaze. The brush should be dipped into the coloring solution, then wiped until almost dry, as shown in the video about painting ceiling plinths. Then attach the bristly part to the relief surface of the baguette and slowly draw along it in such a way that the “gold” remains exclusively on the convex parts.
  3. Malachite effect. Before applying paint to the ceiling plinth, prepare a green glaze and a swab of leather or leatherette. Gleize should be applied to the surface of the baseboard and using a swab to create veins on it. After that, it is necessary to color with a pen with a light glaze, which is slightly diluted with water.
  4. Aged wood effect. A similar effect on the molding is achieved by applying a brown glaze to it with a brush with a stiff bristle. Thanks to this, you can create a texture that looks very similar to wood. With a thin brush with a dark coloring composition, you can finish the stripes of wood flaws and fibers, which are typical for solid wood. This allows you to make the wood texture more believable in appearance.
  5. Dirty stone effect. This effect will be especially pronounced on ceiling cornices with an expressive and large relief pattern. To begin, apply the Glaze to Taira, evenly. After that, you need to shade the paint with a brush to get light strokes. The next step is to apply dark spots Glaze Umber, after which the surface of the eaves is shaded. Further, with the help of a dark glaze, small strokes are made, regularly removing excess substance. After the strokes have dried, apply strokes of bronze glaze, which is usually applied to the relief contours of the plinth.

Preparation for painting the ceiling plinth

After you have chosen the coloring composition for applying to the baguette, you should prepare the ceiling plinth for painting and eliminate all defects on ceiling surface. Prepare a bowl of water, a soft cloth or sponge, so you can wash your hands of drying glue or soak the already applied composition, as well as a small rubber spatula. Instead, you can use a flexible plastic or cardboard plate that does not damage the surface of the skirting board. You should work with gloves.

When you attach the last plank of the eaves, walk along it with any fine-grained finishing putty or white silicone sealant to smooth out all the defects and irregularities that appeared after the installation of the molding. For wooden baguettes, it is better to use wood putty. Apply putty to the spatula and coat the joint along the seam from top to bottom so that the level difference is not noticeable.

Press the tool against the baguette tightly, but not strongly, trying to repeat all the bends of the profile. Use a damp sponge to remove excess putty. It is more convenient to seal joints in the corners by typing sealant or putty on the tip of your finger. It is recommended to work with gloves. If there are gaps between the baseboard and the ceiling or wall, they should also be sealed. Wait for the substance to dry completely and clean the surface irregularities with the finest sandpaper.

The technology of painting the ceiling plinth

If you have already prepared the paint for the molding, you should figure out how to paint the ceiling plinth with your own hands. Painting ceiling plinths is a simple matter that does not require special skills. But the very technology of painting the ceiling plinth depends on at what stage of finishing you decide to do this work. Before starting work, carefully clean the plinth from dust and prime it.

Before you paint the ceiling plinth, cover the floor with paper or film so that the surface does not stain. If the walls are already finished, they must also be protected from paint. No matter what, you can easily erase a fresh water-based paint with a damp cloth, the wallpaper may still be damaged.

To do this, stick masking tape along the plinth, trying not to leave any open areas. The adhesive tape should be glued close to the fillet, which will avoid soiling the surface when painting the ceiling plinth. You can remove masking tape after the paint applied to the ceiling cornice has dried.

If you are afraid to spoil the wallpaper with adhesive tape (the finish when it is peeled off can also move away from the wall or lose decorative spraying), then you should use a different technique, how to properly paint the ceiling plinth. Take a clean, wide trowel, a sheet of thin cardboard or plastic, and attach it to the wall when painting the appropriate area.

In this case, the spatula must be applied close to the baguette from the side of the wall and the lower half of the protected area should be painted over, then the spatula should be rearranged and the next section should be painted over, and so on until the end ceiling cornice. When you have painted the bottom of the baseboard, you can rearrange the spatula, pressing it close to the top, and paint over the top half in the same way.

To paint the ceiling plinth, it is best to use a brush, as it will be difficult to paint a carved ceiling plinth with a complex texture with a roller. Complex textures are easiest to paint using a spray gun. In this case, the paint will lay down more evenly and more evenly, in contrast to the procedure for applying with a brush. But in any case, it is recommended to apply the paint in a thin layer and smear it well, otherwise the composition will collect in drops, flowing down onto the wallpaper after you remove the spatula.

After you have applied the first coat of paint, let it dry. If the joints do not show through the paint, and you are satisfied with the result, then the painting of the ceiling plinth can be considered finished. If the effect is not to your liking, then repeat the procedure again. If you are planning to paint an uninstalled baguette on an unpasted wall, then you can use spray paint and a soft brush. But paints for outdoor use should be avoided.

Knowing how to paint a ceiling plinth, you can do this work yourself without spending financial resources and money to pay rent work force. Once again, it is worth paying attention to the most important points, which we described in the article, and you can safely get down to business. For example, to achieve a certain effect, whether it is an aged tree or a patina, it is worth using a special glaze instead of paint, and often more than one. Also pay Special attention preparation of the skirting board for painting and protection of finishes and furniture from staining.