How to wash upholstered furniture at home. How to effectively clean polished furniture from various types of stains. How to restore the shine of polished furniture

Upholstered furniture is wonderful way create a feeling of comfort in the room. People put sofas and armchairs at home, dreaming of relaxing in a pleasant environment, surrounded by family and friends. It is very nice to come home after a hard day and relax on soft sofa. But the idyll is often disturbed by unpleasant stains on your favorite sofa. You should not worry too much about this and look for something to replace it, home cleaning products for upholstered furniture can solve this unpleasant problem. The owners do not have to call specialists or transport large items to their office.

On the this moment A huge number of methods have been developed for cleaning furniture from stains and eliminating unpleasant odors. When choosing one or another tool, you need to remember some requirements for the cleaning process:

  • The cleaning agent must not irritate the skin and allergic reaction from family members. No matter how well the product is washed off after cleaning, a small part of it runs the risk of remaining on the surface of upholstered furniture;
  • Upholstered furniture should be cleaned with a minimum amount of water. Sofas and armchairs, in addition to upholstery, have filler, after getting wet it will take a long time to dry. Currently, for the production of furniture, only synthetic hygroscopic materials are used that do not retain moisture. But even modern sofa will accumulate moisture inside and require prolonged drying. It cannot be taken outside and dried in the sun, the only thing the owners can do is open windows in the apartment and create additional air movement. However this method does not work during the cold season. It is much more convenient to use a minimum of water when cleaning;
  • The agent should not have a pungent odor. All work is carried out at home, indoors, so the pungent smell that ordinary life no one will notice with long contact with human receptors, causes headache, darkening in the eyes and general poor health;
  • The upholstery cleaner you choose should clean gently without damaging the upholstery. furniture fabric. Even if the product is selected in accordance with all requirements, it will have to be checked directly on the upholstery before cleaning. To do this, choose the most distant and inconspicuous area, apply the agent and evaluate possible reactions.

At the moment, there are several types of cleaning products for upholstered furniture:

  • Folk - many people do not even suspect how you can use the usual substances and objects that are in every home;
  • Household - this group includes chemicals that remove any pollution without problems, they can be bought at every household chemical store, and thanks to a wide range, choosing the ideal substance will not cause difficulties;
  • Technical - this includes steam cleaners and vacuum cleaners that help the owners keep clean not only furniture, but the entire apartment.



By type, stain removers and cleaners can be divided into:

  • Powders - diluted with water in the ratio indicated on the package;
  • Gels - diluted with water and give a persistent foam, which is applied to the stain;
  • Sprays - stain removers in a ready-to-use form;
  • Pencils are a convenient stain remover that will last for a long time.

The pencils


Household chemicals are presented in a wide range in many stores, but when choosing such substances for upholstered furniture, you will have to carefully read the recommendations for use. For each type of upholstery, its own type of household chemical products is suitable. It should be selected according to the recommendations of the furniture manufacturer. professional tools for cleaning furniture are selected very carefully, before use they must be checked in an inconspicuous area. If you choose right household chemicals, then the problem of pollution will be solved.

Household products are usually universal. They easily cope with the most common types of pollution, especially if the stain has not had time to dry.

Read the label carefully - avoid products with chlorine. The substance can provoke the appearance of stains on the upholstery, which then cannot be removed! It is better to choose an oxygen purifier. On the label there will be an inscription - "active oxygen" or "with active oxygen".


To clean furniture, you can use not only household chemicals, but also folk remedies that are available in every home. Can be cleaned upholstered furniture from dirt at home using one of the following methods:

  • Cleaning with a vacuum cleaner. Fabrics that do not have a strict pile structure are cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. To do this, it is necessary to fix a gauze cloth soaked in saline at the end of the hose. The tissue should be in the solution vessel for about 10 minutes. It is prepared in the proportion: 1 teaspoon of salt per half liter of water. The gauze can be attached to the vacuum cleaner with a rubber band;
  • Delicate fabrics can be cleaned by applying a waffle towel. It should be dipped in a solution of vinegar, water and salt: take one tablespoon of salt and vinegar per half liter of water, mix thoroughly and soak the fabric. It is placed on the surface to be cleaned and knocked out. The fabric must be exclusively light color to show contamination. Each time the canvas is washed and re-wetted in the solution. The procedure is performed until the color of the cleaning cloth stops changing;
  • Do-it-yourself cleaning of upholstered furniture with a soapy solution. To do this, you need to take a napkin, moisten it in soapy water and gently wipe the furniture in the direction of the pile. Do not use too much water so as not to soak the chair through.

Cleaning with soapy water

Applying a wet towel and vinegar

When we clean furniture from stains, the nature of the stain becomes the main criterion for choosing a product:

  • Laundry soap is suitable for removing coffee traces. It is applied to the surface and after a short period of time removed with a damp cloth;
  • Red wine can be removed with salt. The stain is sprinkled with salt, and after the contamination is absorbed, it is removed with a damp cloth. This method works well on fresh stains;
  • The blood can be easily wiped off with a damp cloth. cold water. If the contamination does not disappear, then a little soap should be added. In no case should hot water be used: it causes the blood to clot, and it will forever eat into the tissue;
  • Grease stains are removed in the same way as wine: sprinkle with salt, wait until the dirt is absorbed and remove with a rag;
  • The wax is removed in several stages: first, the parts protruding above the fabric are removed with a non-sharp knife, then the contamination is covered with a sheet of paper and ironed. The action is repeated until complete cleansing. It is important to monitor the temperature of the iron, it should not melt the material;
  • Chewing gum leaves the upholstery well when frozen, so to clean the furniture you will have to get a piece of ice from the freezer and apply it to the place of contamination for several minutes;
  • Juice stains are removed with soapy water, if this does not help, then it is necessary to dilute ammonia and vinegar in equal proportions. This solution will not leave juice marks on the couch.

To remove the smell, you can take a solution of vinegar and wipe the place from which the stain was removed. It should be remembered that the younger the stain, the easier it is to remove. Do not wait, you should remove contaminants immediately after they are detected.

Soap helps with blood stains

The coffee stain is removed laundry soap

Chewing gum on upholstered furniture

Grease stains are removed with salt

Selection rules depending on the upholstery

When it became clear how to clean upholstered furniture at home folk remedies, you can identify several cleaning rules depending on the materials. Each type of upholstery requires a special attitude on the part of the owner:

  • Velor and flock are extremely capricious in the way of cleaning, they do not tolerate a change in the direction of the pile and strong chemicals. To clean them, use steam or a microfiber cloth. Before that, the surface is cleaned of dust. The soft brush should move in the direction of the pile. A napkin dipped in soapy water should move exclusively in the direction of the pile;
  • Tapestry is a rough fabric, it can be cleaned with a stiff brush or vacuum cleaner. But tapestry upholstery cleaners should not be used with large quantity water, the fabric, upon contact with it, loses color and shape;
  • Suede and nubuck are cleaned with a brush with soft rubber bristles. A steam generator can be applied to these tissues;
  • Leather is quite easy to clean, it does not absorb moisture, dirt is easily removed. To clean the leather chair, you need to take a cloth soaked in soapy water and gently wipe the contaminated area. Do not use steam generators or chemicals to clean this material.

Many stains can be removed on your own, but to protect furniture it is better to use removable covers. They can harmoniously fit into the interior of the room, the covers can be changed, depending on the renovation of the room, then the sofa will always harmoniously fit into the interior, and the furniture will not have to be changed along with the wallpaper. Furniture covers can be removed and washed in a typewriter, it is very convenient, because in this case you do not have to buy additional funds and spend your time on it.

tapestry demands a large number water

A brush is used for suede

Velor and flock are steam cleaned

The skin is cleansed with soapy water

Top Producers

When choosing cleaning products for upholstered furniture at home, people pay attention to the reputation of manufacturers. Variety of companies providing their products:

  • Shampoos for upholstered furniture and carpets "5+" - the products of this company are odorless, do not irritate human receptors. After diluting the product, it is used as a foam for cleaning upholstered furniture, and in an undiluted state, the drug becomes a good stain remover. You can apply "5+" while cleaning furniture or carpet with a washing vacuum cleaner. In addition to removing stains, the product removes static electricity.
  • Vox is a means Russian production. It is characterized by the appearance of lush foam when diluted with water. It is this foam that is applied to the contaminated surface, left to dry completely, and then removed with a vacuum cleaner or brush. The tool has an extremely pleasant aroma, does not leave streaks and is inexpensive. It can remove stains various pollution without significant effort and does not require rinsing with water, which saves the strength of the owners.
  • "Help" is a tool in a convenient package. It is equipped with a sprayer with different modes of operation. Unfortunately, such a tool is quite caustic, you can only work with it with gloves. The product is sprayed onto contaminated areas, left for a few minutes and removed with a damp cloth. It is necessary to wipe the place of purification several times before complete removal chemical. It is not able to wipe off every type of dirt and requires preliminary testing on inconspicuous areas of the fabric, as it can damage the structure of the fabric. But this tool effectively eliminates odors.
  • Selenium is an inexpensive tool that can clean any surface. It can be used to remove old and stubborn stains. Not suitable for treating a large surface, it is used exclusively for point impact on stains. It is poorly washed off, so you have to make an effort. On the plus side, it doesn't have a strong smell.

The best preparations and cleaners are chosen depending on the characteristics of the upholstery and the work required. For example, some substances are suitable for general cleaning furniture, and others - to remove hard-to-remove old stains.

What you need for wood and fittings

Upholstered furniture does not consist entirely of textiles, it includes wooden and metal fittings. These parts are somewhat easier to care for, but can still be difficult.

An effective tool for cleaning metal fittings is an ordinary cloth dipped in soapy water. The metal does not absorb dirt, so removing them is not difficult.

The situation with wooden parts is a little more complicated. The tree absorbs all the stains, it can be quite difficult to remove them from a non-varnished surface.

  • You can try to remove the stain with an iron. To do this, the steam mode is turned off on the device, unnecessary cotton fabric is placed under it. At the lowest power, the damaged area should be held under the iron. If the stain has not disappeared, then the procedure is repeated;

Professional dry cleaning of a sofa, upholstered chairs, armchairs or other upholstered furniture is an expensive service. Sometimes you can’t do without it, but in most cases even complex contaminants like blood stains, baby urine, wine, etc. can be removed on your own for mere pennies.

  • In this article, we have presented 2 step by step guides how to clean a sofa at home using products that are in every home.

How to clean a fabric sofa

Before cleaning your sofa, read the following recommendations and warnings.

  • All upholstery cleaners must first be tested on invisible areas (for example, under or behind a sofa).
  • Before cleaning a flock sofa, make sure that the selected product does not contain alcohol. After cleaning, go over the entire upholstery with a soft-bristled brush to straighten the pile.
  • To clean a microfiber sofa at home, use only dry methods. Wet cleaning is possible only in extreme cases.
  • To clean light sofa Use only white rags. colored fabric under the influence of detergents can stain light-colored upholstery.
  • Do not use bleach or undiluted vinegar.

Step 1. The first step is to get rid of the dust. You can skip this step if you are only concerned with local contamination. However, if you get down to business thoroughly, then first the upholstery of upholstered furniture must be cleaned of accumulated dust, and at the same time from wool, scattered crumbs, etc. You can do this in two ways:

  • Method 1. With a vacuum cleaner: If you have a vacuum cleaner at home, great, you just need to vacuum the upholstery, giving Special attention all joints and corners. you can use special nozzle for furniture (preferably with a brush) or just a dust pipe.
  • Method 2. Without a vacuum cleaner (for fleecy fabrics): If there is no vacuum cleaner in the house or if the upholstery of the sofa is made of velor, velvet or any other fleecy fabric, then the dust is simply knocked out. Prepare an old sheet and carpet beater. Wet the sheet in water (you can use soapy water) and wring it out (you can do this with a washing machine in the rinse and wash cycle). Next, cover the furniture with a cloth and start actively knocking out the dust, not missing a single corner. So you can clean the sofa of dust without polluting the air, because it will remain on the fabric.

Step 2. Manually remove solid contaminants, if any. If necessary, the dirt can be scraped off with the butt of a knife, spatula or other object with a blunt edge.

  • From fabrics with pile (flock, velor or chenille), it is impossible to scrape off hardened dirt. They need to be soaked in soapy foam.

Step 3. Finally, get rid of the stains.

For starters, you can try universal remedy for removing stains from upholstered furniture, which is suitable for all types of fabrics - foam from a soap solution or any mild detergent, for example, Vanish for cleaning carpets. Simply apply the foam directly to soiled areas, let it work for 10-15 minutes, then rinse the fabric clean and finally remove excess moisture with a clean rag. If the stain still remains, try removing it:

  • A solution of 9% vinegar (2 tablespoons / 1 liter of water);
  • Shampoo solution with warm water and with 10 drops of ammonia.

In most cases these simple procedures it is enough to clean the sofa, for example, from stains of tea, coffee, chocolate, white wine, beer, jam, cola, etc.

If the soap did not cope with the stain, but you can determine its origin, then look for your case in the following collection of cleaning recipes:

  • Urine. This is one of the hardest organic pollution, which may not be noticeable on the fabric, but exudes a pungent odor. As a rule, over time, the inhabitants of the house can get used to it and not feel it at all, but the guests catch specific flavor straightaway. How to clean the sofa from children's urine or animal urine? As soon as this trouble occurs, blot the soiled area with napkins so that the urine is absorbed. Then dry it with a hair dryer so that there are no streaks left. If the upholstery fabric is colored, then treat the stain with a solution of 9% vinegar (in a ratio of 1:5) or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. How to clean a bright sofa from urine at home? In this case, the stain must be treated with a solution of citric acid (in a ratio of 1:10). After 30-60 minutes wash the area with soap/shampoo solution and finally wash the upholstery clean water and dry.
  • Oily spots. Sprinkle a fresh stain with fine salt and let it absorb all the fat (3-5 minutes). Soak the remaining trace in Fairy foam or any other dishwashing detergent for 10-15 minutes, then rinse the area clean and dry.

  • Red wine. Blot a fresh stain with a napkin and cover it with fine salt. Allow the salt to absorb moisture, repeat the procedure if necessary. Brush off the salt with a soft-bristled brush and scrub the stain with ethyl alcohol and then with soapy water. Next, remove the soap residue with water and blot the area dry with napkins.
  • Gum. To remove chewing gum from sofa upholstery, it must be frozen. To do this, put a couple of ice cubes on it alternately (you can in a bag). When the gum hardens, gently scrape it off. If there is a stain on the upholstery after removing the chewing gum, apply methyl alcohol to it and wipe it clean.
  • Felt-tip pen, ballpoint pen, traces of lipstick, nail polish. Apply ethyl/ammonia or acetone to the stain, then rinse the area clean.
  • Candle wax. Let the wax dry, then break it apart and scrape it off. Cover the trace of wax with a thin cotton cloth or two or three paper napkins and iron a few times. If necessary, repeat the procedure again.
  • Blood stains. Fresh blood stains should be quickly soaked in cold water until they disappear completely. If the stain is old, then you need to hold it longer under ice cubes, soak it with a weak solution of vinegar (2 tablespoons of 9% vinegar per 1 liter of water) and, finally, wash the area with soapy water.
  • Fruit or vegetable juice. Apply a solution of ammonia and 9% vinegar to the stain, then rinse the fabric with a clean, damp cloth.

Step 4: If your sofa upholstery is tarnished or smells bad, and simple cleaning from dust did not solve the problem, then you can wash the entire upholstery:

  • Soap solution: warm water + mild soap;
  • Shampoo solution: warm water + shampoo;
  • A weak solution of 9% vinegar with water (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water);
  • Alcohol (such as vodka) can be used to clean upholstered furniture with microfiber upholstery.

For convenience, spray the product from a spray bottle

To remove odor from a light-colored sofa, you can sprinkle baking soda all over the upholstery, leave it for 20-60 minutes, and then vacuum it up with a furniture brush attachment. The baking soda should absorb the bad smell.

  • After cleaning a sofa with pile upholstery, go over the entire fabric with a soft to medium-hard bristle brush. This technique will allow you to "fluff" the fibers and refresh the color.

And finally, we suggest watching the following video on how to clean the sofa from dust and dirt at home.


Step 1. Make a warm soapy solution from warm water and mild soap.

Step 2 Dampen your rag with soapy water and thoroughly wipe the upholstery with it.

Step 3 Wipe the sofa with a dry, clean cloth to remove moisture.

Step 4. Now, we need to use a conditioner that will protect the skin and refresh it. appearance. To do this, mix one part of vinegar with two parts of linseed or olive oil. Wipe all over with the mixture. leather upholstery furniture and leave it for 10 minutes.

Step 5. After 10 minutes, buff the skin with a dry microfiber cloth.

  • Do not use undiluted vinegar or wet wipes containing alcohol, as they will draw moisture out of the leather and cause cracking.

Step 6. How to clean leather sofa from stains? In order to remove any contamination, you need to locally apply a soft toothpaste or hairspray (after testing on an inconspicuous area!), then quickly wipe off with a clean cloth. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

  • Hairspray is especially good for removing ink from pens and markers.

Even experienced housewives they do not always know exactly how to clean furniture from stains of various origins.

Furniture is bought for long-term use, but stains spoil the appearance of the furniture, make the whole situation in the room or kitchen sloppy. Under the influence of substances that caused stains, the material from which the furniture is made gradually deteriorates.

The question of how to clean furniture from stains is decided taking into account various factors:

  • manufacturing materials;
  • furniture age;
  • intensity of use;
  • finishing coating of individual pieces of furniture.

Important! To remove old stains with penetrating damage to the furniture surface, you will have to clean in 2-3 steps.

To find out how to clean furniture from stains in a particular case, you need to test the prepared products on an inconspicuous area. If after applying the cleaning agent there is a trace, then another option is needed.

The varnished surface must not be cleaned with solutions using washing powder, dish gel or soap. A soap solution of any consistency will inevitably damage the varnish.

Do not use acetone, alcohol or cologne to clean polished furniture. The polish becomes dull and may become cloudy.

What to cook for furniture cleaning

Before cleaning furniture from stains, you may need the following tools:

  • small pieces of soft tissue;
  • cotton pads or swabs;
  • containers for preparation of cleaning solutions;
  • soft brush;
  • sharp knife;
  • small brush.

To solve the question of how to clean furniture from stains, various means will help. It can be:

  • Food;
  • hygiene products;
  • some chemicals.

Advice! Flour, talcum powder, or baby powder will help remove stains. The stain must first be sprinkled, then treated with olive, burdock or sunflower oil.

Deep old dirt can be removed with table vinegar(9%). In heated vinegar, lightly moisten a cotton swab or soft cloth. Gently rub the stain with smooth circular motions. Remove remaining vinegar soft cloth. Then the cleaned furniture should be polished with wax or colorless shoe polish in the usual way.

Brine acts similarly to vinegar. sauerkraut. It is applied to the contaminated surface of furniture with a piece of leather, leatherette or soft oilcloth. Instead of wax, you can try vaseline or grease. At the end of the process - polish with a soft cloth. The choice of a specific cleaning agent depends on the specific stain and the material from which the furniture is made.

Cleaning natural wood furniture

Grind baby soap (50 g) with a knife or grater and dissolve in warm water (0.5 l). Apply the prepared solution with a cotton pad or soft cloth to the contaminated surface. Then wipe the treated areas dry using flannel, cloth or velvet.

To remove scratches and other minor damage to the outer layer, you need to prepare slate powder (from colored crayons or pencils). suitable shade). It is applied to the damaged area with a soft brush. Excess powder is removed with the edge of a sheet of soft cardboard.

Add to 50 ml of water essential oil lemon (15 drops) and stir. Wet a soft cloth or foam sponge and wipe the surface, gradually removing dirt.

Lemon juice will help remove stains and simple stains. It must be squeezed out and mixed with warm water in equal proportions. Apply the resulting mixture in small portions to the contaminated surface using a cotton swab or soft cloth. Rub carefully. Then polish the surface with a piece of cloth or felt.

Many types of dirt will help to remove a mixture of water (60 ml) and ammonia(10 ml). Soak a rag with the mixture and gently rub in areas of intense contamination. Wipe the treated areas dry and polish with a soft cloth.

How to clean polished furniture

Do not use wet objects to clean wooden polished furniture (the structure of wood deteriorates from moisture). To clean polished furniture and restore the color of the surface, you need to prepare a mixture of 9% vinegar and olive or burdock oil. Spray the finished composition evenly over the surface of the furniture using a spray gun. Polish with a piece of flannel or baize.

Water stains accidentally spilled on polished furniture can be removed with soap. It is better to use baby or laundry soap for this, dissolving it in warm water. Apply the resulting solution to the surface of the stain with a soft cloth. Lightly rub the surface. Then remove the remaining liquid with a dry cloth.

On the lacquered furniture often leave fingerprints. They can be removed by rubbing with a raw potato. You can also use baby powder for powder.

Raw potatoes will help remove iodine stains from the surface of the wood. After treatment of problem areas, they are wiped with a dry soft cloth.

Vegetable oil (sunflower, olive or linseed) will help get rid of complex stains of unknown origin. Soak a cotton pad in the oil and gently rub the surface of the furniture with it. Remove the remaining oil with a damp cloth and pass over the surface of the furniture with a dry cloth to shine.

Grease stains on polish

The task of how to clean polished furniture from greasy stains is solved different ways. The easiest option is to apply greasy spot some baby powder or dry talc. After 10 minutes, when the fat is absorbed, the topping must be carefully removed with a soft cloth. Then wipe the surface with a dry cloth.

Raw potatoes need to be washed, dried and cut into 2 halves. Rub the stain with potatoes. After 2-3 minutes, the treated area on the furniture should be polished with a dense soft cloth. For example, cloth.

To prepare a mixture to remove traces of fat on polishing, you will need:

  • a lump of wax;
  • beer (200 ml);
  • enameled container;
  • a piece of woolen cloth.

Pour the wax with beer in a suitable container. Place over low heat and bring to a boil while stirring. Remove from heat when wax dissolves and set aside.

The cooled mixture is applied to the contamination with a woolen cloth and gently rubbed over the surface. Then you need to remove the remnants of the mixture with a dry cloth and rub the surface of the furniture well.

Drops of wax that have hardened on polishing can be removed with a heated knife (blunt side). Then, with a cotton cloth, apply a little gasoline to the mark from the stain. Rub the surface with a light movement of the hand and polish.

whitish spots

Many housewives are interested in how to clean furniture from white spots: they can arise from hot dishes, an iron, a curling iron - hot objects that accidentally fall on a polished surface. good remedy to remove white spots - refined vegetable oil in combination with other substances.

A good remedy for removing white spots is refined vegetable oil.

A whitish spot on a polish can be covered with a mixture vegetable oil and alcohol. A mixture prepared in a 50/50 ratio must be thoroughly mixed. It is applied to the stain with a soft cloth or cotton pad. After a while, the remnants of the mixture must be removed with a clean, dry cloth.

Small table salt should be wrapped in a piece of light cloth. Lightly dip the finished swab in vegetable oil. Then gently rub in circular motions. White spot prepared swab. Remove oil and salt residues with a dry soft cloth.

You can apply a mixture of fine salt and vegetable oil to the stain. Leave for 2 hours. Then remove the remnants of the mixture with a soft cloth and polish the surface with a felt or flannel cut.

Vaseline can be used. It is rubbed into whitish areas of the surface and left for 10-12 hours. Better at night. Then the remaining vaseline must be removed with a dry cloth, and the surface polished with cloth or felt.

How to clean upholstered furniture

The question of how to clean upholstered furniture from stains is decided based on the type of textile upholstery. Upholstered furniture is upholstered in leather or various fabrics which require careful handling.

Basic rules for cleaning sofas and armchairs, which must be observed in order not to spoil the upholstery:

  1. The cleaner should be tested on an inconspicuous area.
  2. When using water and various liquids for cleaning textiles, place a dry cotton rag around the stain so that no streaks remain.
  3. You need to moisten a swab or rag with the product; you cannot pour it on the upholstery fabric.
  4. Detergents must be applied separately to avoid unforeseen chemical reactions.
  5. Detergent compositions after removing the stain from the upholstery must be immediately removed with warm water using a soft sponge.
  6. On the old stain you need to spread out a cloth moistened with soapy water, laying a clean, dry cloth around it, and leave it for a while.
  7. Fresh stains from the upholstery should be blotted with a napkin or soft cloth, preventing the absorption of liquid into the material.
  8. If there are kids in the house or someone from the household suffers from allergies, from using strong chemicals with a pungent odor is better to refuse.
  9. A wet spot after cleaning must be dried naturally without a hair dryer or fan.
  10. While the wet upholstery dries, the piece of furniture cannot be used.


Cleaning a sofa or other upholstered furniture has its own characteristics. At correct use you can quickly and accurately get rid of any stain with improvised means.

If you do not know the type of fabric and the nature of the stain, you can ruin your piece of furniture. To avoid this situation, you need to follow a number of rules and recommendations.

Any piece of furniture has its own nuances that need to be considered when cleaning. For upholstered furniture, the basis of cleaning lies in the choice of means and method corresponding to the type of upholstery material.

How to prepare furniture and cleaning supplies

First, if possible, the nature of the contamination is determined and a product is selected that will remove the stain without damaging the fabric.

You will also need to free up a small area for the procedure and prepare a vacuum cleaner, rags and brushes.

How to apply fabric cleaner

The selected agent is applied to the entire surface of the contamination. If the nature of the stain allows, you can resort to a soft brush, with its help the product will interact more with pollution.

How much to wait

With fresh stains, ten to fifteen minutes is enough; with old contamination, you will have to wait at least half an hour. If you start cleaning right away, the result will not be optimal, since the cleaning agent that has not completely saturated the stain has not yet had time to react with it.

How to properly remove a stain

Any contamination after impregnation can be removed with a damp sponge or cloth, if necessary, soft brushes can be used - this will depend on the nature of the contamination. If the first attempt to remove the dirt failed, then the procedure is repeated. The cleaning process is carried out with gentle movements along the pile of the upholstery from the edge of the stain to the middle.

When removing stains from fabric upholstery the sofa should not be wet.

The need for additional processing

The cleaning area must be wiped again with a damp cloth. You can wipe the entire sofa so that there are no clear boundaries from the removed stain. After that, the fabric must be thoroughly dried with a hair dryer or fan with warm air. After the piece of furniture dries, it can be used.

Cleaning Features

For cleaning upholstered furniture there is a series simple rules to remember:

  • Hard brushes are not used during the cleaning procedure;
  • It is not recommended to use several cleaners at once, as this can lead to additional reactions and destruction of the fabric.

Simple rules will help you clean the sofa correctly and without negative consequences.

How to clean sofa

You can choose any tool. It is not necessary to use household chemicals and special detergents. For the full removal of stains, you can use improvised means that are always at home.

How to clean with soda

For some types of fabrics, tea soda works great for cleaning. Often it is used together with detergents, this allows you to remove even persistent greasy stains.

You can try to remove fresh grease stains with a powder drinking soda. To do this, you need to fill the stain with soda, distribute it evenly over the stain. After a few minutes, gently remove the soda that has absorbed the fat with a small brush. After that, the fabric should be wiped with a damp cloth and dried.

How is vinegar used?

Vinegar is considered one of the the best means to remove difficult stains. It is enough to dilute it with water and apply to the stained area.

It must be remembered that the fabric should not be overly sensitive to alkaline and acidic substances.

After soaking with vinegar, the sofa should dry completely. Then wipe the spot with a damp cloth or sponge.

Using Vanish

A popular stain remover can also be used to clean the sofa. When dirty, a layer of cleaning foam is evenly applied to the stain and left for a while. Traces of fruits and berries, fat can be easily removed with Vanish.

Use with caution on leather and silk upholstery.

Steam Cleaner Application

Use a steam cleaner only if the steam does not damage the upholstery of the sofa. When applying, it is necessary to observe a certain angle of inclination and the correct temperature regime. Via technical means Dissolve the stain and wipe it off with a soft cloth.

Combination of methods

If you have vinegar, baking soda, and detergent at home, you can create an all-purpose cleaner. To do this, add a couple of tablespoons of soda and a little vinegar to the soapy water. This mixture is applied to the contaminated area, after which the tissue is allowed to soak. After rinsing the stain, allow the fabric to dry.

More detailed instructions how to clean sofa in a combined way contained in the video.

Cleaning different types of fabrics

Each fabric has its own set of characteristics, so a general approach will not always be appropriate.

Each type of upholstery has its own cleaning methods.

  • Purification of leatherette.

Leatherette is very sensitive to hard bristles and products with hyperacidity. Therefore, brushes are selected soft, and all cleansing is mainly carried out with a sponge, leaving no wet spots behind.

  • How to clean velour.

For velor, neutral cleaning agents are used, which are applied with a damp cloth or a special cloth. When cleansing excess moisture removed, and the rag is driven in the direction of the pile.

  • Cleaning suede or nubuck.

Suede cannot be wetted too much, and it also does not like high temperatures.

  • Tapestry cleaning basics.

The tapestry is most often vacuumed using a soft nozzle. It is impossible to wash such a fabric categorically.

  • Vinyl upholstery.

Vinyl can be vacuumed and washed with most cleaning products. One has only to follow the rules and not mix substances.

  • Care of leather furniture.

The skin is wiped with a damp cloth. Most of the products will stain it, so a weak detergent solution is used, which must then be washed off and the surface wiped dry.

For white fabrics, use the usual stain remover. Vanish is perfect for white upholstery. In case of heavy pollution, it is better to use the services of dry cleaning.

Each fabric requires special care, so it is important to choose your cleaning agent carefully.

With the wrong choice, the appearance of the sofa can suffer greatly, as a number of types of fabrics are very sensitive to external factors.

The nature of the stains and how to clean the upholstery of the sofa

Spots vary in nature, so before cleaning, you should, if possible, find out the type of contamination. This will help you choose the best product and quickly remove pollution.

  • Removing juice stains

Spots of this type can be removed by wetting the contaminated area with a mixture of ammonia and vinegar.

  • Traces of coffee or tea.

Tea or coffee is easily removed with a solution of vinegar and soda. You can also use soap foam.

  • Chewing gum marks.

After removing chewing gum, a small stain remains, which can be reduced with liquid soap and acetone.

  • Blood stains.

Fresh blood can be removed with water and laundry soap, and old blood drops are easily washed off with a salt solution.

  • Oily spots.

Fat is washed off with any solution of vinegar, which is mixed in ordinary detergent.

  • Smell and stains of urine.

Urine is excellent strong solution laundry soap.

  • Dirty spots.

Normal dirt can be removed with dish detergent, water and a sponge.

  • Cream marks.

The cream can be removed with a mixture of ordinary soap and dishwashing detergent.

  • Beer.

The beer is cleaned with dishwashing detergent, to which water and two tablespoons of vinegar are added.

  • Wine.

Wine can be removed by wiping with a cloth soaked in vodka and salt.

  • Chocolate contamination.

Chocolate is removed with a solution of ordinary or liquid soap.

  • Ink stain.

Ink can be removed with bleach and laundry soap.

When cleaning the sofa, it is necessary to observe next rule- it must not be wetted too much, since the moisture that has penetrated deeply will not dry out and the filler may become moldy.

When using any liquid products, you need to moisten a rag or sponge in it and gently blot the stain.

Removing greasy stains

Any greasy stain can be removed from the upholstery of the sofa with a simple recipe:

  • Two glasses of water;
  • Two tablespoons of salt;
  • A little washing powder, after which everything is stirred.

After applying the solution, you need to wait about fifteen minutes. The remaining solution is washed off and the stain is dried.

Removing odors from upholstered furniture

Any smell is perfectly removed with laundry soap, which must be diluted in water.

After this procedure, the stain is wiped with a cloth soaked in water with the addition of aromatic oil or dishwashing gel.

Sofa color restoration

You can update the color of the sofa with the help of table vinegar, dissolved in any detergent for cleaning carpets. This tool will remove unpleasant odors, spots and refresh color.

Cleaning the sofa from dust

  • How to hit correctly.

Place wet gauze or a sheet on the surface of the sofa. After that, the sofa must be knocked out. All dust during this procedure will be absorbed into the damp matter.

  • Vacuum cleaning.

You can use a vacuum cleaner to clean the sofa from dust. To do this, use a narrow nozzle to remove dust from the corners of the sofa or a special nozzle for upholstered furniture. You can wrap a regular nozzle with a cloth soaked in a one-to-one solution of salt and water.

  • How to get rid of dust.

There will always be dust on the surface of the sofa. To avoid such contamination, you can buy a special cover. It is necessary to clean the surface of the sofa from dust at least once a week.

Features of care for upholstered furniture

In the care of upholstered furniture, there are a number of rules that must be observed in order to preserve the integrity and beauty of the upholstery.

  • Vacuum cleaner.

Using a vacuum cleaner without nozzles, including special ones, is not recommended. This is due to the fact that, with strong suction, the fabric loses its elasticity.

  • How to avoid divorce.

So that after cleaning the upholstery does not leave border stains or stains, you need to wipe the entire sofa with a slightly damp cloth.

  • Avoid moisture.

To avoid waterlogging and damage to the fabric, it is necessary to use only those methods that will not damage the type of upholstery. Wipe wet areas with a sponge and paper towels.

  • Care rules.

The main rule when caring for upholstered furniture is to match the means and method of cleaning the upholstery fabric.

You can’t take the sofa out to the balcony and hang it to dry, therefore, in order to avoid excessive moisture and the appearance of mold or fungus, you don’t need to wet the stain too much. Choose the cleaning agent and method depending on the type of stain and the type of upholstery fabric.

A party of friends or an afternoon nap, a snack in front of the TV or doing needlework - the sofa remains an integral part of these processes. There is a problem of cleaning it from dust, dirt and stains.

Contaminants can be different type and statute of limitations. Importance has the material from which the upholstery of the sofa is made. It can be fabric, leatherette or genuine leather.

How to clean a sofa from dirt

If you see different stains, dirt or dust on your favorite sofa, don't be discouraged. There are several ways to clean a sofa at home.

Ready funds

Before treating the surface of the sofa, vacuum or dust it with a damp cloth.


  1. To use, mix one part Vanish and 9 parts warm water, lather and lather onto stains and dirt.
  2. Leave the foam for an hour.
  3. Vacuum the areas where the foam has been applied. Vanish leaves marks after cleaning that are difficult to get rid of.

Marseille soap

It is a natural product made from olive oil and soda.

  1. To use, treat areas of contamination with moistened soap and leave for 20 minutes.
  2. Rinse the area with a damp cloth.

Soap is used to clean fabric sofas, especially velor sofas, and small stains.


This foam is for cleaning carpets and sofas. Suitable for sofas with a coating that is afraid of moisture: velvet, tapestry and silk. Cleaning with foam or sprays is considered dry cleaning.

  1. Shake the bottle and apply the foam to contaminated areas. Wait for complete drying.
  2. Remove the remaining foam with a vacuum cleaner.


The product will clean the sofa from dirt and the oldest dirt. Sama disinfects coatings and kills pathogenic bacteria, which is very important for families with children.

  1. Dissolve the dosage indicated on the package in warm water and lather with a sponge.
  2. Apply foam to contaminated areas and let it dry.

Folk remedies

When cleaning the sofa, it is not necessary to buy expensive funds. All ingredients for folk recipes you can find in your kitchen.

Method number 1

  1. Dilute in 0.5 l. warm water 1/3 cup table vinegar, 2 tablespoons of baking soda and 2 drops of dishwashing liquid.
  2. Stir and apply with a medium-hard brush to the surface of the sofa.
  3. Remove residual liquid with a washing vacuum cleaner or a damp, clean cloth. Leave until completely dry.

At first, the stains will become bright and visible, but when the sofa dries, all the stains will disappear.

Method number 2

  1. Mix in 2 l. hot water 1 tablespoon of soda, 1 tablespoon of vinegar and 800 gr. washing powder.
  2. Apply to the sofa with a cloth or brush.
  3. Leave to dry or blow dry.

Method number 4

  1. Combine 1 tablespoon baking soda, 1/3 cup vinegar, 1 tablespoon laundry detergent, and a cup of hot water.
  2. Apply the mixture to the sofa with a spray bottle and leave for a couple of minutes.
  3. Wipe contaminated areas with a damp cloth.

How to clean the sofa from the smell

Unpleasant smells on the sofa appear in homes where there are small children, the elderly or animals.

Ready funds

To clean your sofa from odor, purchase an odor remover from a pet or hardware store.


The product consists of vegetable proteins that accelerate the breakdown chemical compounds. Dufta doesn't just mask the smell, it eliminates it.

simple solution

A zoological remedy that is used to eliminate the smells of urine, wet wool and animal feces. Contains enzymes that eliminate even strong odors.

  1. Clean the sofa from dust and dirt.
  2. Apply the product in two layers with a frequency of 20 minutes.
  3. Wipe off product residue with a dry, clean cloth. The deeper Simple Solution is absorbed into the sofa cover, the more effective its action will be.

Nature's Miracle

Helps to get rid of strong odors and urine stains. Thanks to its enzyme formula, Nature's Miracle breaks down biological compounds that cause odors and leads to their complete elimination.

  1. Apply the product in a thick layer on the surface and let it soak in for 5-10 minutes.
  2. Remove residue with a dry, clean cloth.

Folk remedies

Quickly clean the sofa from odors will help "grandmother's" methods.

Method number 1

  1. Mix 2 tablespoons of table vinegar with a liter of hot water.
  2. Treat the odorous areas with a cloth soaked in the mixture, or dampen an old sheet, cover the entire sofa, and tap with a carpet beater or hands. So you will remove not only the unpleasant smell, but also the remnants of dust.

Method number 2

  1. Sprinkle table salt over the entire surface of the sofa. Leave on for a few hours or overnight.
  2. Vacuum the salt.

Method number 3

Place a few tea bags on scented areas and leave for a few days.

Method number 4

  1. Sprinkle problem areas with freshly ground coffee and leave for 8 hours.
  2. Vacuum the sofa.

How to clean sofa stains

It happens that wine will spill on the sofa or a greasy sandwich will fall, leaving a stain. In such cases, it is not necessary to wash the entire sofa, but only the contaminated area should be treated.


Traces of spilled coffee can be easily removed with laundry soap. Scrub the stain with soap and rinse with a clean, damp cloth.

Red wine

Sprinkle a layer of salt over the red wine stain. Wipe with a cloth or brush.