Divination is a white spot. Online tarot divination. Why do so many resort to divination

Card 1 - what you are aware of and do not hide from others; Card 2 - unconscious driving forces, which not only your environment does not know about, but also you yourself; Card 3 - shows a part of you, what you hide and do not want others to know about you; Card 4 is what you are asking about, what you should know about.

Strong family relationships should be built on mutual respect and sincerity. Any understatement and lies can destroy even the most ideal couple. It is men who are most often involved in deceiving their soul mates. Psychologists consider this fact to be natural - the stronger sex tends not to fall in the eyes of their chosen one. Faithful men usually lie little, but any woman should know exactly what the lies are.

A banal female question before leaving the house is: “How do I look?”. Naturally, a loving husband will respond with the words that a woman wants to hear. This is a little lie. He cannot begin to criticize your outfit and makeup, and even more so voice flaws in the figure. Otherwise, instead of going to visit, the couple will have to sort things out, and most likely in a raised voice.

Confess to a woman watching erotic films or going to a strip club with friends? Yes, for nothing! The man will have many excuses and even witnesses to confirm his alibi. In fact, sexual instincts are present in men of any age and there is no escape from this. Yes, and it’s worth admitting that women really like to watch films with beautiful actors and they are unlikely to turn away from the screens during bed scenes.

Young guys most often lie about the culinary skills of their girls. At the initial stage of the relationship, each of the partners does not want any conflicts and exaggerates the possibilities of the other. You will not envy some of them; eating salted or burnt food is not good for the body.

The next male lie is to deny the existence of surrounding women. If a man claims that a beauty passing by does not excite him in any way, know that this is a lie. Attraction to sexy women, even in the presence of a beloved half, is laid down at a psychological level. And there is nowhere to go from this.

Very rarely men find a common language with the mothers of their women. Therefore, they lie about wonderful communication with the mother-in-law, if only to calm the wife and not create a conflict situation. They have to endure a lot of jokes in their address, transfer the conversation to neutral topics, but at the same time feel anger and irritation.

In general, men are complex and touchy natures, but almost always ready to be the first to reconcile. So, the word "sorry" from their lips sounds more often, but this does not mean at all that the man agrees with the opinion of the woman. He just wants to quickly forget about the conflict and see on the face of his beloved not an evil look, but a kind smile.

The layout of the Tarot cards "Blind Spot" was invented by Hayo Banzhaf, a tarot reader who was repeatedly mentioned earlier and very respected by me. First of all, it is intended for a deep self-analysis of the personality, it helps a person to understand and understand his beloved himself, suggests the necessary direction vectors for correct work on himself.

The Blind Spot layout is based on a fairly simple table called the Johari Window, invented, developed and used for personal development by two very famous psychologists Joe and Harry in the late 60s of the last century. Over time, the above table has become the main applied tool for many psychoanalysts and psychologists.

Table - "Johary's Window"

1. The so-called "open zone": what a person knows about himself and what everyone else knows about him.

3. The so-called "blind spot": what other people know about a person, but what this person does not know about himself.

2. The so-called "hidden zone": what a person knows about himself, but what other people do not know about him.

4. The so-called "unknown zone": what a person does not know about himself and what other people do not know about him.

The main essence of the method of working with the above table for human individual self-development is filling all of the indicated four windows of the table with your own data and the “striving” for items 2-4 to gradually disappear and only window number 1 appears in the remainder.

Many psychologists provide various weighty justifications for the described method of self-development of an individual and agree that the very principle of a person's work on himself has been demonstrated very clearly and in detail.

The "Blind Spot" layout is made using only four cards (see diagram below), which suggest and show how our own opinion of ourselves is different from how others see us.

Layout scheme:

Deciphering the cards in the layout positionally:

1. Unequivocal self-esteem: our own perceptions of ourselves are as close as possible to the assessment of us by those around us.

2. "Mr. X": Our ownsubconscious processes within our own "I", which we ourselves do not notice and are not aware of and which are also not visible to others.

3. Hidden, "shadow": what we know about ourselves, but carefully hide from others.

4. "Blind Spot": Certain patterns and stereotypes of behavior that others notice, but we ourselves do not notice them behind us.

Naturally, this layout gives out valuable and necessary information for introspection and the necessary line of action for the individual.

Thinking about how to begin the story of this alignment, verses surprisingly appropriate for this moment came to mind:

The Knowledge window is closed for us.
As long as we live life blindly.
We are not allowed to know about ourselves.

There will be those who want to object and argue with this. How so? Is this what we don't know about ourselves? Who then knows? The beginning of life cannot require any specific actions from us, since our birth does not depend on us. We get our physical body and a half-filled astral one (we will have the other half throughout our lives). And if the physical body of a person is not difficult to touch. Here it is in front of you: arms, legs, sometimes even a head on your shoulders. But what about the astral? Because it is so important to us. Through it, we communicate with the outside world emotionally, but we cannot touch it.

All the feelings that we show (anger, rage, tenderness, kindness, and all others) are not character traits, but the qualities of our astral body, in which these feelings were formed. The astral body appears to us as an energy shell around our physical body. It is not a blind spot that moves alongside the physical body. This is its component part, on the quality of which our health, and sometimes life, depends. Outbursts of indignation, blind rage, rage break through the protective shell of the astral body and attack the physical. As a result, the physical body is weakened, and various diseases arise, causing a lot of trouble. Knowing these causes of disease can save you the next nervous breakdown. You will behave more restrained and calm, without violating the integrity of the astral shell of the body. We will no longer live blindly, but open our eyes wide to our problems, and they will become much less.

Good advice to those who are still poking through life with their eyes closed. Refer to tarot cards. They contain the wisdom of centuries and the experience of millennia. There are different Tarot decks, with different images and slightly different meanings, but they are all ready to come to your aid in difficult times. The name of the deck (Crowley, White, Osho Zen, etc.) comes from the author who created it.

Why do so many resort to divination?

There are lots of reasons for that:

  • cards open eyes to existing problems;
  • they talk about what these quality problems are;
  • with their help, you can find the best ways out of difficult situations;

Tarot card layouts will help you formulate life situations that are happening, which will still happen to you. You can not live blindly, as many people still live. The need to remove the bandage from the eyes has already come. And the sooner we do this, the fuller and better our life will be.

Simplicity of the "Blind Spot" layout

We will use the simplest, but fairly accurate “Blind Spot” layout showing the situation. He will certainly help to understand the inner state of a person who came to Tarot cards for advice. Take the cards in your hands before starting the divination and feel them. In the first position of the layout, the card tells everything that it knows about this person and the opinion of others about him. The card in the second position will reveal what no one knows - it will tell about the subconscious processes and forces operating within one's own "I". The next card will tell the secrets of a person who knows a lot about himself, but hides from others. The final card will remove the blindfold from the fortuneteller's eyes and show him what others see, but he himself does not see.

(The current deck is Tarot Gothic. You can change the deck -)

It reveals the four aspects of personality and shows how our opinion of ourselves differs from how others see us.

Alignment Blind spot online.

The alignment comes from the so-called "Johari table" used in psychology. It reveals four aspects of personality and shows how our opinion of ourselves differs from how others see us.

Interpretation of the meaning of the cards

It is better to start with card number 1 as the easiest. Then try to imagine what lies under the mask of "Mr. X" (card in position 2). This, in fact, is the meaning of the layout, since the subconscious, the unconscious can play a big role in our life. If a person does not know about him, then he does not develop any attitude towards him or simply endures, believing that this is how it should be. Meanwhile, if this is some kind of really difficult problem, then its mere awareness is already important, because thanks to this, a person can learn to perceive it constructively, and even put its potential to his own advantage. If this is some valuable ability, then, naturally, it is also better if a person learns about it.

The other two cards have an interesting additional meaning: position 3 expresses our self-esteem, and position 4 - how others evaluate us. If these cards are very different, that is, people perceive us in a completely different way than we think of ourselves, this serves as a warning, because a misconception of ourselves can have very adverse consequences.

layouts on self-knowledge is usually difficult to understand immediately. Therefore, it makes sense to take the dropped cards and place them somewhere in a conspicuous place. When you do not look at them specifically, but only notice them briefly, but often enough, they gradually awaken certain associations in us, from which at a certain moment the desired result will be formed.

22. ira, 2015-01-27 23:48:40
oh, that's right!
23. guest, 2015-04-13 16:40:26
everything is so. My current state of mind.
24. Guest, 2015-07-23 20:10:36
I'm amazed, exactly about me.
25. Margarita, 2016-04-05 14:28:44
Letter for letter exactly. It's funny. Even strange. Usually almost everything is always a lie.
29. Guest, 2020-01-19 04:21:22