Hide and seek in the interior: we mask the technique. Refrigerator built into the closet Install under the stairs if it is a private house

The refrigerator is an integral part of the kitchen space, like a sink or stove. If the kitchen is too small, then the owners face the important question of how to properly place the refrigerator in such a room so that it does not create inconvenience.

The main problem is that a refrigerator, even of a modest size, takes up a large part of the area in the kitchen. In addition, this very dimensional piece of furniture visually reduces the already cramped space of the kitchen.

However, you should not fall into despair. There are several ways to correctly place the refrigerator on small kitchen so that the room remains comfortable and convenient.

Where can I install a refrigerator in a small kitchen - the best options

In one corner of the kitchen- so that the refrigerator does not visually clutter up the room and does not interfere with the household, designers advise installing it in the farthest free corner. This technique will make the refrigerator less noticeable, in addition, it will visually raise the low ceiling.

All large items are best placed against the wall - this also applies to the refrigerator. As a rule, on each, even the most, there is a corner, one of the walls of which goes into working area, and the second is adjacent to the window.

The distance from the window to the walls can be very different, but this place will be the most convenient for placing the refrigerator.

The main thing is that households do not have to constantly stumble over the refrigerator. If you also choose the right dimensions for the size of the room, it will take up quite a bit of space.

If the decision is made to place the refrigerator in the corner, it is recommended to buy its highest and narrowest model.

It is desirable that it be light - white or metallic, then the room will not seem cramped. To save even more space, a microwave oven can be placed directly above the refrigerator in the corner.

Refrigerator installed near the kitchen window- this method of placement is most often chosen when the kitchen has. A separate refrigerator by the window is located not far from the work surface, so it is quite convenient to use it in the process of cooking.

At the same time, it does not clutter up the kitchen and leaves quite a lot on it. free space. It is important to choose high and narrow model, which will need to be pushed as tightly as possible to the wall.

Another option is a small refrigerator by the window, above which is located wall cabinet for storage of dishes or other utensils.

Refrigerator installed near the sink- often there is a rather spacious "dead" zone near the sink, in which nothing stands. It also happens there free corner or niche. You should take a closer look at this place, because the refrigerator installed there can completely transform a small room.

With this layout option, the rest of the space will look lighter and more spacious. To enhance the effect, you can use light furniture and the same finishing materials.

To make it easier to find a place for a refrigerator in a small kitchen area, designers advise getting rid of some bulky and rarely used kitchen appliances - it can be replaced with a more compact one.

For example, you should choose an oven with a steamer function and microwave oven. Massive food processor Easily replaceable with a regular immersion blender. Full dining area you can easily equip it in the living room, and install a light and compact replacement in the kitchen itself.

Refrigerator near front door - This is another fairly popular place to locate the refrigerator. Depending on which one was chosen, either a roomy corner or a flat wall can form there.

Both options are great for installing a refrigerator. The main thing is to correctly combine it with the rest of the furniture, in particular, with a set. In general, designers advise making custom-made furniture for small kitchens.

This approach makes it possible to use each square meter leaving no gap between household appliances and cabinets.

The location of the refrigerator in a niche- this option is one of the most practical and convenient. In the niche, the refrigerator is partially protected from sun rays, household pollution and mechanical influences. It is only necessary to strictly observe the rules for connecting a household appliance, and make sure that nothing prevents the free opening of the doors.

When installing a small refrigerator, you can take up free space above the shelves or cabinets for storing dishes, seasonings, kitchen utensils.

If the niche provided technical documents, is missing, then it is quite possible to equip it yourself, after consulting with the architect. Perhaps such a redevelopment will require coordination with government agencies.

Advice! If there is no air circulation in the niche, the refrigerator may overheat, and this will disrupt it. normal work. As a rule, manufacturers indicate in the instructions minimum dimensions niche required for embedding.

Installation of a refrigerator under the windowsill- this option should be chosen if the kitchen is really very small, and if no more than two people live in the apartment, for whom there is no need to store large stocks of food.

A compact refrigerator can be placed directly under the windowsill, which acts as a dining or desktop.

Installing an under counter refrigerator- if a small family lives in the apartment, you can safely buy small refrigerator. It can be perfectly positioned directly under the countertop of the work surface, under dining table, under the bar or in another similar place in the kitchen.

As a rule, the height of such a refrigerator does not exceed 50 cm. This model is devoid of a freezer, so it takes up very little space. To store frozen fruits and vegetables, you can purchase a separate freezer and install it outside the kitchen - for example, in the pantry.

Installing a refrigerator in a cabinet- to implement such an idea, it is worth ordering a custom-made kitchen set with the possibility of embedding a refrigerator in it. Myself household appliance should be small or medium in size, then it will fit perfectly into the interior.

This is a great way to save kitchen space as much as possible, make it more ergonomic and functional. The refrigerator can be located in the upper compartment of the cabinet, then you will not need to bend down to it to get certain products.

Refrigerator located on the balcony- this option can become ideal under certain conditions:

  • The kitchen room should be as insulated as possible, otherwise it is forbidden to place a refrigerator in it.
  • Required good ventilation balcony.
  • The loggia itself must be reinforced, and easily withstand the considerable weight of a large refrigerator.
  • The refrigerator should not be constantly exposed to direct sunlight.
  • It should be remembered that it is forbidden to place sockets on the balcony, so when connecting the refrigerator, you will have to use an extension cord.

Installing a refrigerator in the hallway- this option can be used if it was not possible to find a place in the kitchen, and the existing corridor adjacent to the kitchen is quite spacious for this. It is important to place the refrigerator in such a way that it does not interfere with the movement of family members around the home.

Its door should open freely without bumping into foreign objects. One more appropriate place to install a refrigerator - a small closet or pantry.

How to design a small kitchen with a refrigerator

Equipping a small kitchen, you must be guided, first of all, by the issue of convenience. You can not buy bulky furniture that will clutter up an already cramped room.

In this case, only or the type of layout is ideal. To slightly expand the space, you can combine the kitchen with a balcony.

Furniture for a small kitchen should be chosen depending on the style of the interior. For rooms, the interior of which is made in traditional styles, headsets made of natural wood or chipboard.

The color of such furniture can be white, beige, made in any pastel shades. Setting up a small kitchen modern styles, you should pay attention to furniture made from lightweight synthetic materials.

An abundance of metal, glossy surfaces and glass is welcome - they help to visually enlarge the space.

Concerning household appliances, then its choice depends only on the taste preferences of the owner of the kitchen. In any case, it is better to choose comfortable and practical models that fit perfectly into any style - this also applies to the refrigerator.

For interiors, modern and retro-style household appliances are suitable, for other interiors you can choose modern options refrigerator in white, light gray or metallic.

In the refrigerator, you can simply hide behind the facade of furniture. The ideal solution for a small kitchen there will be a built-in refrigerator of a small size.

Advice! The main rule that should be followed in the process of planning a small kitchen is to give up furniture that you can do without. There is no place for sideboards, chests of drawers, decorative bedside tables and numerous shelves - let it be better to take their place necessary thing like a fridge..

Small kitchen with refrigerator (real photos)

The dimensions of this unit are far from small, so the question often worries us - where to put the refrigerator in the kitchen? Everything is simple when your kitchen is spacious, but what if it is small in size?

In our article, you will find several ways to solve this issue, as well as their advantages and disadvantages. The owners of large kitchens who can get some good ideas for themselves.

Most practical options, where you can put a refrigerator in the kitchen of any area, you will see in the photos below.

Proper installation of the refrigerator

It is important to know how to properly install the refrigerator! Whatever your kitchen, be sure to consider the installation rules.

By following them, you will not only be able to observe safety precautions, but also provide your refrigerator with multi-year term services. After all, you see, this is not the item that we buy every year.

When installing, consider the following factors:

  1. 1. Cooling products, refrigerator gives off heat, so the distance from it to the wall should be at least 10 cm. Moreover, the wall should also not be warm in order to create excessive heating of the device. If older models had rear ventilation - i.e. this rule concerned the location of the back wall, then modern refrigerators have ventilated side walls, which greatly simplifies the installation situation.
  2. 2. For the reason mentioned above refrigerator should not be placed near heating devices gas stove, oven or radiator. Recommended optimal distance is 50 cm. It is also necessary to avoid overheating of the unit body - it is better not to expose it to direct sunlight. This is especially true if your kitchen is located on the sunny side.
  3. 3. Unlike a gas stove or sink, the refrigerator has more freedom of "movement", because it is tied only to the outlet. But here there are some nuances:
  • it is desirable that the connection be made directly, without extension cords and adapters;
  • the wire at the refrigerator, as a rule, is not so long, so the socket must be nearby;
  • the socket should be installed away from the sink and stove;
  • the possibility of grounding connection is welcome.

The refrigerator must be installed on a level floor, otherwise it will make unnecessary noise or work incorrectly.

  • 4. And one moment. Taking it into account, you can avoid a number of inconveniences and possible injuries - do not forget about the door! In modern models, a mechanism is provided that allows, if necessary, to rearrange the handle and change the direction in which the refrigerator door will open. But not all models can boast of this. Therefore, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the device before buying.
  • If you have a large kitchen

    Well, that's wonderful! You have limitless options! In particular, you can:

    • choose traditional accommodation refrigerator, making it the main focus of your kitchen - bright element decor or the embodiment of your own creativity;
    • put the refrigerator in the corner, giving the wall a more rounded shape and thereby following the rules of Feng Shui;
    • divide the expanses of your kitchen into separate zones;
    • in case you live in a mansion or two-story apartment, and your kitchen has a staircase leading up, you can build a refrigerator into the stairs, filling the empty space and thereby saving space;
    • embed refrigerator in furniture, providing it with the most harmonious appearance with the kitchen set.

    The photo shows modern interiors, illustrating how a refrigerator can be located in spacious kitchens.

    One “but” - there are more and more necessary and very useful household appliances for the kitchen, and all of it needs to be placed somehow, while using the space as rationally as possible. Therefore, you may need ideas for small kitchens.

    The principle of convenience

    In addition to complying with safety regulations, the location of the refrigerator is also important. It would be quite logical to put it closer to the table or to the sink, and for someone - for example, to the microwave.

    The essence is the same - no one wants to wind extra circles, albeit within their own kitchen.

    Of course, for the sake of convenience, you should not sacrifice security. We advise you to simply consider both factors, as well as the fact that some amenities may need to be waived.

    If you have a small kitchen or - the long-awaited 5 places

    Where, where, but in the kitchen in Khrushchev you definitely can’t wind circles! Yes, and the layout of apartments in new buildings tends to reduce the kitchen space.

    What can be done for small kitchen? And here's what:

    1. 1. If there is absolutely not enough space for a refrigerator, consider whether you can place it in a corridor, pantry or room, perhaps mounted in a closet, which will give it a more appropriate look to the room.

      Pros: an obvious plus is the solution to the issue of placing the unit, and in some cases this, unfortunately, is the only option that allows you to win at least some free space to move.

      Cons: if you are not afraid of winding circles along the corridor-kitchen or room-kitchen route, then you should be reminded that the refrigerator is a rather noisy device. Modern models generally tend to make very strange sounds, and what can we say about older samples. Are you ready for these sounds to come to you from the corridor or become part of your room?

      Another disadvantage. What do you associate a refrigerator with? That's right, with food, like everyone else. Will it not be an extra reminder of food and a reason, for example, to eat unscheduled between lunch and dinner or “sin” again and eat up at night looking?

    2. 2. A more radical option may seem to connect the kitchen with a balcony or loggia. This also includes the combination of a kitchen with a room to get quite popular in modern interior studio rooms.

      Pros: solving the issue of placement; it is possible to reduce the distance between the refrigerator and kitchen table compared to the previous version.

      Cons: in the case of a loggia, it would be nice if the refrigerator did not warm up all day in the sun - to avoid this, you can use curtains or blinds on the windows. Keep in mind that all kitchen smells and sounds will be present in your room. In the photo you can see examples of interiors where these recommendations have been successfully applied.

    3. 3. Sliding doors to the kitchen. In some cases, this completely resolves the situation, because you fill in a non-functional space.

      Pros: obvious.

      Cons: dismantling the door, which is not always possible.

    4. 4. The easiest, but far from a budget option custom sizes refrigerator or his wall option. A narrow refrigerator can easily fit into a small cabinet, it can also be placed in a shallow niche. The facade of a wall-mounted refrigerator may not differ from the facade kitchen furniture. And if you don’t get a ready-made option that suits you outwardly, you can always arrange it yourself, since there are many quite available ways and materials. But the main goal, you see, will be achieved.

      Pros: obvious.

      Cons: High prices and possibly a long search for the right size.

    5. 5. Such exits from the situation include separate modules for refrigerator and freezer(for example, there is a mini-freezer with a height of 85 cm), which can be placed under kitchen furniture and work surfaces, having decorated their facade to match the kitchen furniture.

      Pros: obvious.

      Cons: as in the previous version: it will take a long time to look for ideally suitable sizes.

    We are glad if this article turned out to be informative for you, and even more so - it helped to bring comfort and beauty to the interior of your small or large kitchen.

    The refrigerator is one of the vertices of the working triangle “stocks-washing-cooking”, which means that the convenience of the kitchen and even the cooking time largely depend on its placement. Yes, and the dimensions of the unit are so large that one way or another it is necessary to plan the place and the way it is arranged with all care, especially if the kitchen is small. In this material, we will tell you where it is best to install a refrigerator, how to plan the design of a small kitchen with a refrigerator, how to organically fit it into the interior, and what planning decisions you should not make.

    13 principles for placing a refrigerator in the kitchen

    1. The refrigerator should not “break” the working triangle

    The main principle that should be followed when choosing a place for a refrigerator is the rule of the working triangle, which we have already mentioned.

    The work triangle is the area of ​​the most activity in the kitchen, which includes three vertices: the storage area (refrigerator and cabinet with supplies), the cooking area (stove), and the washing area. To make the kitchen as comfortable as possible, all these zones should form a triangle, ideally an isosceles one. At the same time, they should be in reasonable proximity to each other (no more than 200-180 cm), and on the way from one point to another there should be no obstacles in the form of, say, a table or a bar counter. If you break this rule by placing the refrigerator too far from the sink and stove, the triangle will break and during cooking / serving, the cook will have to run back and forth with food on hand, wasting extra time and effort.

    Options for building a working triangle with the main types of kitchen layouts

    Of course, in practice, it is not always possible to observe the rule of the working triangle in planning a kitchen, however, this should be strived for.

    4. Convenient places to install a refrigerator - in the corner or near the door / at the entrance to the kitchen

    The location of the refrigerator in the corner will save space, and the large unit will not look so bulky here.

    Placing a refrigerator near the door, firstly, will be convenient for unloading food packages, and secondly, it zones the space due to the formation of an additional “partition”. With this layout, the refrigerator can be built into a drywall niche or the door can be dismantled, creating a wide and open portal that visually lightens the space.

    5. Sometimes a refrigerator can fit into a niche formed when moving a doorway

    In this case, the entrance to the kitchen is laid, and a new opening is arranged in the partition between the kitchen and the living room. Often this technique can be applied in small kitchens in Khrushchev and some other typical houses.

    Refrigerator in a niche in a redesigned kitchen in Khrushchev

    6. The depth of the refrigerator must match the depth of the headset

    So the unit will not break the straight line of kitchen furniture, and the interior will visually look orderly. This tip is especially true for freestanding refrigerators and small kitchens.

    7. If possible, the refrigerator should be built into the headset

    The built-in refrigerator saves precious centimeters and allows you to create a uniformity of all kitchen surfaces, due to which the space is visually lightened and enlarged, and the interior seems neat.

    Built-in refrigerator in a small kitchen in Khrushchev

    In addition, built-in appliances are much easier to keep clean - just wipe the facades and the camera itself. A free-standing unit requires cleaning of the upper part, the space behind the back and around the walls.

    • Embedding a refrigerator is especially desirable not only for small kitchens, but also classic style kitchens , rustic and ethnic style.

    Built-in refrigerator in the interior of the kitchen classical style in stalinka

    8. For a small kitchen, you should choose compact models

    For example, a narrow but high model (only 40-55 cm wide and up to 180 cm high), a mini-fridge that can be placed/embedded under the countertop, or just a small unit (for example, 120 l).

    • And of course, it is desirable that the refrigerator in a small kitchen be built-in.

    Below are photo examples of equipment in mini format.

    Small refrigerator built under the oven

    Small freestanding refrigerator by the window

    Embedding a mini-fridge under the countertop is as easy as, say, a washing machine, a large dishwasher, or a cupboard with shelves. For those who live alone or with a couple, this is a great solution.

    9. If the kitchen is very small, then the refrigerator can be moved to an adjoining room or corridor

    The main thing is that the design of the refrigerator echoes in color and style with other interior elements, such as curtains, an apron or headset facades. It is also important to understand that a "designer" refrigerator involves a discreet kitchen interior, without an abundance of colorful and elegant details.

    TV set

    This favorite of the public is not always possible to fit into the interior, but many of us cannot imagine our life without it. Provide access to electricity in the closet and install a TV stand. Sliding doors, unlike swing doors, give a wide viewing angle, so you can watch TV from anywhere in the room.


    Sliding wardrobe with a secret, or rather, with folding bed. Putting it away for the day and hiding it behind cabinet doors is no more difficult than laying out a sofa. And don't worry about making your bed every day. The pillow, blanket and mattress are fixed with straps, so they will stay in place even when turned upside down.

    Dressing table

    Every woman dreams of a "beauty room" - her own dressing room and dressing room. cherished desire easy to perform, even if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment does not provide for this. In one of the sections of the wardrobe, install dressing table, hang a mirror and provide lighting, for example, with wireless LED lamps.

    Washing machine

    Bathroom furniture is not limited to vanity units and wall cabinets. Here you can install a wardrobe and hide a washing machine and dryer in it. Even in such a "pantry" it is convenient to store cleaning equipment and household chemicals. Cabinet doors can be matched to match the walls or become bright accent. Be careful with mirrored doors - they will visually increase the size of a small bathroom, but will often get dirty due to splashing water.


    In a small kitchen, it is not always possible to allocate space for a refrigerator. In this case, you can rearrange it in the hallway. To large equipment didn’t look like an alien object here, place it in a niche or hide it behind the wardrobe doors. Please note that good ventilation is required for the stable operation of the refrigerator in the cabinet.


    Psychologists do not recommend installing computer desk in the bedroom or living room - every now and then it will remind you of business, interfering with a relaxing holiday. But organize workplace maybe in the closet! " Home Office» will save space in the room and help you leave thoughts about current work behind closed doors.

    Trash can, bowl pet, electric wires- all these things do not decorate the interior at all, but only spoil it. How to disguise them and where to hide them so that they do not irritate and do not create a mess in space? We found a number of practical and very interesting ideas!

    Dirty laundry

    Dirty trousers and skirts can never become part of the bathroom decor, so you need to try not to see them. For this, of course, there are the most common baskets for dirty laundry. But you can be more inventive and original, choose a beautiful wicker rattan basket for your interior. Eco-friendly, beautiful and practical!


    But the interior of the kitchen can spoil the trash can that is in plain sight. It is reasonable to hide it and there are several places for this at once. The first and most common option is under the sink, the second is in the kitchen island, the third is roll-out under working surface(To make it convenient to remove the trimmings immediately during cooking).

    Internet router

    There is a router in almost every house and every apartment, they often put it in the living room and it also does not look very aesthetically pleasing. How to hide a small box with an antenna? Can do original screen in the form of book spines or even put the router in the cover from a large old book. It will turn out very original and interesting!

    Air conditioning

    Air conditioners are installed in different ways, sometimes they fix it on outer wall, but sometimes there is no such possibility and you have to fix it right on the window. In this case, it doesn't work very well. beautiful view from a window, which is easy to disguise with a plywood panel covered with slate or any other paint.

    Electric meter

    Electric meters are the biggest enemies of space in the hallway, they do not look attractive at all. But they can also be disguised! And it's very easy to do if you have wooden plank and slate paint, it will act as an organizer for notes.

    Electric wires

    Electrical wires, extension cords, phone chargers and USB cords can really spoil the interior picture. To prevent this from happening, it is worth coming up with a creative disguise for them. Simply put cords and chargers in a beautiful basket and put on a shelf. But from the wires from the extension cord, some manage to make interesting decorative elements on the walls.

    Ugly bath

    If it is not possible to replace the bathtub, and its outer lower part is already very annoying, then you should think about inexpensive decor. For example, stitch outside old boards that stylishly decorate spaces.

    Washing machine

    Making a "camouflage" for a washing machine is as easy as shelling pears! This will only require adhesive tape and a little imagination. Well, you can't do without scissors either. Everything here depends entirely on the mood and style of the interior, you can cut out rhombuses, circles, squares, floors and decorate them washing machine.

    pet bowl

    Pet bowls take up a lot of space in the kitchen or hallway, and don't look very pretty. For them, you can make a small roll-out panel at the bottom. kitchen set, she will hide the bowls and make the interior neat.


    Refresh the design of the refrigerator, turn it into an art object and breathe into it new life? Easily! This can be done with slate paint or adhesive tape.

    How to successfully fit the refrigerator into the interior of the kitchen? We found