Sample business plan for a training company. How to create your own training business from scratch. Why training and not a book or video

Over the past ten years, Western companies have accustomed the market to international corporate standards. Among other innovations brought from the West are business trainings. In the 2000s, domestic companies also began to use this format of employee training willingly. Today, the market for such services is far from being saturated, and both Moscow and million-plus cities are in dire need of professional training companies.

Now any large company is trying to invest in the development of its subordinates.

And training is one of the tools to motivate and retain employees. And with today's shortage of specialists in Moscow, this is becoming an urgent task for an increasing number of employers.

A paradoxical situation has developed in the capital's training market: more than 1,000 trainers now work in Moscow, while the market is experiencing an acute shortage of highly professional services in this area.

This is due to the fact that a significant place in the market is occupied by small and weak companies.

Judge for yourself: there are more than 500 training companies in Moscow, employing from two or three to 50 trainers. But there are no more than ten large and universal ones. Therefore, if you can create a company that offers quality training (programs) and consistent quality, you can find a place in the market. For example, we have grown to a company with a staff of 50 people and a turnover of $5 million in seven years. Now, with proper organization of work, such indicators can be achieved in just three to four years. Dare! Investments

I have a feeling that today most training companies are created without any money at all. Such "budgetary" companies work approximately according to the following scheme: they sell trainings in all areas (management, project management, sales, procurement, finance - whatever), they just sold them, they immediately begin to look for a freelancer trainer in the market or in their database who can conduct training on the topic sold (as a rule, such companies have few programs and trainers of their own).

With this scheme, investments are really minimal.

In fact, these are not even training companies, but intermediary platforms.

In my opinion, in the future, such agencies are not competitive. After all, customers know that they invite freelancers.

How to open your own business

And if so, it’s easier to invite a freelancer directly than to overpay an intermediary company twice or three times.

Creating a truly professional company with a large staff of trainers (not freelancers!), with a stable service is a rather expensive project.

Let's start with employee costs. Trainer high level and with real business experience for a salary of less than $ 4 thousand is difficult to find. Accordingly, a coach’s salary will be at least $50,000 per year.

The optimal number of trainers for a company focused on long-term work is at least 20. As a result, only $1 million will be required for a salary per year.

That's not all. A serious company definitely needs an office, representative office, category not lower than B+. For 20 trainers and 20 back office people, at least 300–400 sq. m.

This is another $150-200 thousand per year for rent.

The third item of expenditure is equipment. Each coach - a laptop, a video camera with a tripod, plus one projector for two or three coaches. This is about another $80,000 at the first stage.

From my own experience I will say: given these costs, own production(prepares handouts for trainers), organizing an office, paying for mobile phones and the Internet, etc., it is almost impossible to meet less than $ 1.5 million.

Don't rely on banks.

Banks do not understand the training market, for them this area is completely incomprehensible, therefore they prefer not to take risks.


If you are interested in a low-cost, however, and unpromising business with freelance trainers, I can not give any recommendations. If you are closer to the option of creating a serious training company, you will have to think about its concept. I will say right away: work in a low price segment($1.5 thousand per training day) is not interesting. We will have to look for ways to minimize costs, and this is only possible by hiring “budget” trainers, using standard or even mediocre programs, low-quality handouts, etc. The quality will also be an economy category. A more interesting niche is from $2.5 thousand and more.

It turns out that it is difficult to count on success as a standard training agency - there are hundreds of them, and against their background a potential customer is unlikely to see you. In my opinion, the most promising formats today are "training boutique" or a network agency.

The concept of the first one is to bring together several (up to ten) superstars, preferably people from business who have reached significant career heights there, or experienced consultant trainers with a name in the market. Having such resources, you will be able, firstly, not just to conduct one-time trainings, but to work with customers on a long-term basis, for example, to develop employee training concepts for them. Secondly, having practitioners of a very high class on the staff, you will be able to take on a clientele of the same high level - top managers.

And work with this audience is paid higher than with average management. Thirdly, with high-level specialists, the company can take on non-standard projects.

It is also a higher paying product. There are only a few such companies on the Russian market today, in my opinion.

A network project, on the contrary, should work in the middle price segment and with average management. But against the background of competitors working in the same field, it can be distinguished by standardization, which means predictability of the quality of services. I think it is easier to reach large customers with such a concept. It is easy to replicate such a company in several regions at once, because there are common standards, unified programs, etc. The customer will know that in Moscow, Alma-Ata, Kyiv, his employees will be taught the same way. For them it is very important.


Do not repeat the mistakes of others - do not select employees based on whether they have a psychological education or not. The fact that the coach must be a certified psychologist is a purely Russian delusion. Training is not a treatment, but the development of professional skills.

In the West, there are no trainers younger than 35, and most of them are people who have reached a high level in business.

What do we have? Picture this: a 23-year-old graduate psychologist is teaching project management training for project managers. The fact that she does not have any practical knowledge will become clear to the participants of the training-students at the third word. The credit of trust to the trainer is zero, the effectiveness of the training is zero. What are the prospects for such a company? Like I said before, in my mind best option for a start-up company - to attract specialists from real business to their staff.

Ideal - those who worked in a large Western company in leadership positions or in the training and development department.

It is almost impossible to invite a freelance star to your place. Good specialist such a profile can earn $10-15 thousand per month. He is not interested in going to a fixed salary. But it is quite easy to find and interest in cooperation "personnel officers" from large companies. Many of them are already cramped within their positions in their companies. Moreover, many of them dream of creating their own training projects, but are afraid to do something on their own, as they are used to being hired employees.

But people with such experience know all the needs of your potential customers! In a word, seek. In most cases, the specialists you need are either the director of personnel or the manager of training and development. A training and development manager can be lured away from a large company for $4-5 thousand, an HR director - for $7-12 thousand.


Perhaps the biggest difficulty in the training market is to reach a large interesting client. There are no standards and criteria in trainings by which it would be possible to check the effectiveness of a training company. Therefore, HR directors, who in large companies are responsible for large training budgets, work only on recommendations.

Spamming is completely ineffective. In addition, most companies form budgets in advance, for example, the budget for the next year is formed in the autumn of the previous one. Therefore, if you created a company in the second half of the year, there is practically no chance of finding customers for this year.

Do this: start hiring people in the summer, start training them in the fall, and in the meantime sign contracts for the next year. If you do well on both tasks, there is a chance that by the middle of next year the company will start earning its first money.

For most newcomers, making their first steps in the market is terribly difficult. On average, in order not to “wear out”, it is advisable for a coach to work no more than 100-120 days a year. But, as a rule, at first, due to the poor reputation of the company, narrow client base etc.

trainers in new companies are employed no more than 40–50 days a year. Be prepared, this slow development will continue for the first year or two.


If you are planning to create a large company with long-term prospects, you should look for clients with an annual turnover of at least $50 million. It is interesting to work with those companies with a contract value of $100,000 or more. Smaller companies, firstly, do not have sufficient training budgets, and secondly, they do not need high-quality trainers as much as the leading companies. And development-oriented companies allocate about 1% of their turnover for training. Accordingly, a corporation with a turnover of $300–400 million spends an average of $1–3 million on employee training and development. Newcomers always face a dilemma: focus on Russian companies or Westerners.

There is no single answer.

The advantage of foreign companies is that they clearly know what they want to get from the training. They have successful training practices from other markets, and they clearly understand who, what, when and for how long to teach. If you give them a high-quality product that meets their standards, you can successfully, and most importantly, long-term cooperation.

But they have their own characteristics: many companies have their own international standards, which must be strictly adhered to, which reduces the level of creativity of trainers.

With Russian companies sometimes it is more difficult to negotiate, they often do not have a clear understanding of what they want in general from training. But domestic customers are ready to order non-standard and complex projects, which are often much more profitable. And most importantly, such projects allow the development of trainers and programs.

In any case, it is worth concentrating either on Moscow or on the key million-plus cities: St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk.

When choosing a geography, be guided by one criterion: whether there are decision-making centers in this city (either head or regional offices of federal companies). At the moment, it does not make sense to go to smaller cities.


Don't expect big earnings right away. Most start-up companies end their first year with zero profit at all. The main reason, as I said, is the difficulty in finding large clients. If in two years you have not entered the top ten largest training agencies in Russia, there is no reason to consider the project a failure.

If the client base is not growing at all, try to prove yourself at one of the specialized events. In my opinion, the most effective exhibitions are Trainings and "Personnel".

The performance of the company is best assessed in the second year. The main evaluation criteria are: does the company have its own portfolio of programs, do customers recommend at least half of the company's trainers to other potential customers, and finally, are there at least 10-15 clients who are ready to continue working with you and in next year. If at the end of two years this is still not the case, perhaps the project should be sold.

Although, since the main asset of a training company is trainers, it is very difficult to sell it. For example, we are interested in buying a company that has two or three strong specialists in a narrow professional field and eight to ten programs on it. But buying without people is not interesting. After all, the program can be bought in the West. Therefore, leading companies are ready to buy companies with stars, provided that they work in the company for at least two more years.

Newspaper \"Business\"

How to open a training center for psychological support

How much can you earn by organizing trainings, webinars and seminars


Sale(organization) of both one’s own and other people’s trainings and seminars is a very profitable and sought-after business. Moreover, it is very new, not very competitive, and therefore there is a chance to take a firm place in it in a niche for quite a long time. In the age of the Internet, these are very attractive qualities for business that you are going to do. Businessmen realized that such events can and should raise business. It brings:

  • client base
  • and income from sales as the event itself, if it is paid
  • and from the resale of its past materials on it
  • and sales of new products of your business

But businessmen have no time to organize in full and they are happy to pay someone who will replace them in this matter, who will take over the organizational and related chores.

A profession with a business perspective

And what is the long-term performance of paid work, if not a profession? Moreover, by organizing these events for others, sooner or later you:

  • start spending yours, that's for sure.
  • because by then you will have accumulated enough experience yourself and to train your clients
  • and for the profitable organization of their training.
  • at the same time, you will already have your own client and partner base
  • which will help you to immediately increase the sales of your trainings.

The longevity of your business is made up of:

  • you learned the profession on your own (for a long time you looked for grains of materials,
  • disrupted events, lost money and image)
  • or did not waste time and simply learned everything from specialists latest methods full scheme of work
  • whether or not you continue to learn everything new that appears in business
  • whether you have chosen the right niche and identified the target audience
  • and many more

About how much you can earn

Imagine that a hairdresser came up to you and asked how much he would earn in six months, in 2 years. How would you answer his question? You do not know:

  • whether he will work diligently these 2 years.
  • will work alone or organize a team
  • will he pick up new trends to win the competition
  • will he learn from super specialists or will he trust only his ingenuity

So - to answer such a question can only the man himself. And experts in this business can also clarify the prospect of income growth. And you will be taught to calculate future income and what you need to do for their growth. Do you want to understand how much you earn? Or just want to earn a lot in this niche? Welcome to Training for training organizers. The training is carried out by excellent professionals, Valery Morozov, Ruslan Gafarov. They not only show outstanding results in their practice, but also the students acting according to their system, in less than 1.5 months from scratch, start organizing seminars from 100 person and above.

Who should not spend time on this training:

  • Losers who are constantly looking for excuses
  • Anyone who just wants to “cut the dough quickly”

Who needs to come to the training:

  • Anyone who wants to collect full houses for their trainings, but lacks experience and personal knowledge
  • Anyone who wants to teach a personal organizer

How to sign up for a training?

Pre-registration is open, enter your details in the form below:

Education center business plan

The development and implementation of a profitable business project is always associated with certain tasks and difficulties that must be completed and resolved on time and according to a specific plan. It is no secret that the main goal of any entrepreneurial activity is to make a profit, it is its size that measures the social and professional status of the entrepreneur and the significance of the project. You can get the desired profit through a well-built, efficient work process.

In order for the financial performance of the project to be high enough, in addition to the original business idea, resources for its implementation, partner support, etc. a clear work plan, built in accordance with the goals and objectives, is needed.

In this article, we will look at the step-by-step process of developing and implementing a business plan for creating a technical training center.

It should be noted that this process runs under the following conditions:

■highly competitive business environment;

■presence of advanced clients-users;

■limited material (financial) and intangible (people) resources.

The development of a business plan begins with the formulation of the main idea of ​​the project, and more broadly, the definition of the company's mission in the market. In our case general concept project may look like this: creation of a single corporate information and educational resource in key areas technical training; this project is intended for corporate clients, key partners, users who receive knowledge in the format of open trainings; the ultimate goal is to establish effective intra- and international communication and encourage partners to cooperate and interact with the company and its branches.

Training is a process aimed at bridging the gap between what an employee knows and what he needs to know and be able to do in order to be productive at work.

An effective system of professional training of personnel is the key to its further competent and qualified work, which, in turn, guarantees the achievement of the company's goals. Since the high qualification of the staff is one of the key factors of the company's competitiveness, it is impossible to overestimate the importance of the employee training process.

As the strategic priorities of the project, first of all, one should indicate financial success, social relevance (due to the formation of a positive image of the provider of educational services), the search for new business partners and strengthening ties with existing ones.

According to what criteria will we determine the effectiveness of the project?

First of all, this is the material satisfaction of the investor (project customer). Do not forget about the material satisfaction of the performers of the work - members of the project team, who receive payment for their work, additional remuneration based on the results of the project and, among other things, improve their professional level.

How to create your own training business from scratch

In addition, it is necessary to mention the benefits for the state, which receives good taxpayers in the person of customers and executors, and in the person of the educational center - an assistant in improving the technical literacy of specialists working, including at state enterprises.

Thus, we can formulate the following main goals for the presence of the training center in the market:

1) receiving an annual net profit in the amount of 30% of the initial costs;

2) capturing the market share of educational services (35-40%);

3) systematic improvement of the quality of services provided.


The market of educational services in the Republic of Kazakhstan in this moment is in the process of its formation, this is indicated by the following characteristics:

■non-guaranteed quality of education;

■lack of publicity of companies and services provided;

■weak post-training support, insufficient control during the step-by-step training of the client.

Speaking of technical training, we mean the training of specialists in the field of software and system equipment.

The main areas that major training centers in Kazakhstan are implementing are training in working with software products Microsoft and the transfer of knowledge and skills necessary for installing and configuring Cisco equipment, troubleshooting in small business networks. The acquired skills and abilities will allow students to configure switches, routers, maintain the connection of the branch network with the global network, and ensure security in the administered network.

All training centers adhere to approximately the same pricing policy, the differences in the cost of the services of the centers are insignificant. The main advantage of the center, which is planned to be created within the framework of the project, is the full authorization of courses, the high qualification of the coaching staff, and a positive image. Conducting a SWOT analysis will help us gain a better understanding of the competitive environment in which we are implementing our project. On fig. 1-4 presents the results of the analysis of several centers-competitors (companies A, B, C and D). Note that the opportunities and threats for all companies in this case are the same.


Service description

At present, the information technology industry is a highly dynamic, constantly evolving industry. Accordingly, ever higher requirements are imposed on the personnel employed in this area. The competence of the company's employees is one of the main conditions for its competitiveness. Thus, the technical training of personnel is an important strategic direction in the work with personnel.

Training Center X provides comprehensive training for IT specialists with subsequent certification tests.

A wide range of areas of study in the field of information technology and system integration includes more than 300 authorized courses. Clients can receive training at various levels (from beginner to specialized) in the following areas: Cisco, Microsoft, Oracle, Linux, Sun Microsystems.

The training center has spacious rooms equipped with modern technology, a large number of laboratory and projection equipment.

Certified teachers of the center have great experience practical work. Most of the trainers previously held the positions of engineers, developers, project administrators of national importance.

The main advantage of this training center is the status of CLSP (full authorization of courses).

We list the main tasks that need to be solved as part of entering the market:

1) creating a positive image of the company - the provider of educational services;

2) constant monitoring of the work of trainers;

3) constant control over the quality of handouts;

4) search for new connections, customers;

5) search for new directions in work and forms of service provision.

The management and staff of the center strive to ensure that the proposed training is interesting and most useful for students. This is achieved through the practical orientation of trainings, as well as original technologies and training programs.

Carrying out the learning process, the specialists of the center adhere to following principles:

■maintaining a high level of relevance teaching materials;

■appeal to the life experience of the participants;

■the presence of feedback between the coach and the participant;

■orientation to real tasks in a real context.

Trainers of the training center use in their work a full arsenal of modern teaching methods (trainings, discussions, analysis of case studies and specific situations, modeling / role-playing games).

Applying to the training center X promises clients obvious consumer benefits:

■high quality of the service provided;

■ timely provision of services;

■high quality service;

■relatively low price of the service;

■availability of a system of discounts.

This educational organization segments its target audience into four levels:

1) heads of technical departments, leading specialists;

2) heads of companies;

3) engineering and technical staff;

4) sales managers, HR managers.

What does cooperation with the training center give to corporate clients?

Firstly, the center can provide assistance and support to company employees in setting up effective work (technical and administrative

parts); secondly, to establish an exchange of ideas and experience in the field of specific technologies between the company and its partners through the introduction of interactive communication systems; thirdly, to form a personnel training system based on determining the needs of the company and assessing the level of professional and personal development of employees. Finally, such cooperation stimulates the desire of managers for self-education and professional growth.

The creation of a unified educational system will allow the client company to choose the optimal strategy for personnel training, as well as

the most effective methods for its implementation (taking into account available resources).

We list the main goals of the training center X as part of the promotion of the service (second half of 2010):

■bring the service to the designated market;

■set average, competitive prices;

■carry out a broad PR campaign (in the media, through direct mail);

■identify the main competitors, conduct comparative analysis training programs;

■form commercial offers for the target audience;

■prepare high quality trainers.

To achieve the set goals it is necessary:

1) develop a marketing activity plan;

2) find the best way of pricing;

3) analyze the competitive situation in the market;

4) identify target market segments, calculate their capacity;

5) determine the most promising areas of study.

The pricing policy of the training center pursues three main goals:

1) maintaining the image;

2) obtaining maximum profit;

3) achievement of the status of a leader in the quality of services.

Given these goals, the organization should adhere to the strategy of "high quality - reasonable price".

Initially, the training center can set prices for its services based on the price level in the market of educational services of a technical nature. Basic principle pricing can be described as "average costs + income" (charge of a certain markup on the cost of goods). In the future, the scheme may be transformed under the influence of changes in the pricing policy of competitors (for example, price dumping by competitors). In addition, mention should be made of the possibility of providing discounts (3-10%) to regular customers.

Marketing activity plan

Marketing activity involves a set of activities, the cost of which should be calculated in advance. In table. 1 shows one of the options for such a complex.

It is necessary to understand how effective cooperation with the media will be. Unfortunately, a wide audience coverage always implies an extremely high cost of services that have to be resorted to during the implementation. marketing strategy(Table 2). Thus, as in the case of pricing, you need to find golden mean when getting a tangible effect will not mean spending the entire marketing budget.

Based on the main characteristics of the service and the specifics of the consumer audience, it can be concluded that the most appropriate methods of marketing activity will be cooperation with specialized magazines (advertising, publication of PR materials) and the use of such a direct marketing tool as direct mail.

To promote the service to the market, it is necessary to use a set of marketing communications:

■sales promotion (various promotions, discounts for regular customers);

■personal selling.

Organizational structure of the training center

The total number of employees of the organization is ten people.

The head of the center performs the following functions:

■coordination of the work of the organization;

■building a system of relationships with clients;


■monitoring, analysis and planning of the organization's activities.

The terms of reference of the accountant of the training center are traditional:

■maintenance of accounting and tax records in accordance with national standards and regulations in force in the territory of the region;

■providing tax and financial reporting to the relevant authorities and within the time limits established by applicable law.

The duties of the trainers of the center (four people: two trainers - Cisco direction, one trainer - Microsoft direction, one trainer - Oracle direction) include direct training of students and technical consulting of clients.

Training sales managers (two people) perform the following functions:

■establishment of business relations;

■search for clients;

■maintenance of the client base, contacts with customers (before trainings, post-training support);

■conclusion of agreements and contracts for training.

In addition, the staff includes a secretary and an administrator.

Main costs Premises rental

For monthly training of 100-150 people in four shifts (morning, two afternoon, evening) you will need a room with a total area of ​​200 m2:

■two classroom(50 m2 each);

■computer class (ten places equipped for work - 60 m2);

■reception and director's office (about 40 m2). Based on the cost of renting 1 m2 (average

50 c.u.) we get: 200 x 50 = 10000 c.u.

Equipment and teaching aids

The required minimum will look like this:

■projection equipment - 1000 USD;

■15 computers - about 3000-3500 USD;

■20 tables - 1000 USD;

■closet - 100 USD;

■fax - 100 USD;

■copier - 200 USD;

■ educational literature - 1000 c.u.

Total: about 7000 USD

Employee salary

A significant part of the costs is the remuneration of the staff of the training center:

■head: 2000 c.u. x 12 months = $24,000;

■accountant: 600 c.u. x 12 months = 7200 USD;

■two sales managers ((400 USD + interest (10%)) x 12 months) x 2 = 10560 USD;

■coaches: ((600 USD + interest (5%)) x 12 months) x 4 = 29376 USD

Total: 71136 c.u.

Marketing activity

Taking into account the data presented in table. 1, the costs will be:

■ for 1 month - 1500 USD;

■for 12 months - 18000 c.u.

Formation of the overall project budget

The profitable group consists of ten people. At least ten groups must be assembled per month. As already noted, the main way to attract students is direct mail, advertising and PR in print media.

In table. 3 shows the main budget items of the training center.

Project implementation plan (second half of 2010)

June 2010

Preparatory stage:

■carrying out research to identify the existence of similar programs in competing companies;

■analysis of the possibilities of such educational centers.

July 2010

Work on the creation of the center:

■legal registration, rental of premises;


■determination of areas of study, specification of the target audience;

■formation of a database for direct mail.

August 2010

Marketing activity:

■preparation of PR materials to familiarize the audience with a new training provider in the territory of the designated region (specialized newspapers, magazines, Internet portals);

■holding presentations and seminars;

■beginning of training.

September 2010

Development of a customer motivation mechanism:

■search for new forms of education and presentation of information;

■simulation of business games;

■publication of informational announcements in the media, continuation of information distribution;

■continuation of education.

October 2010

Development of a mechanism for motivating employees of the center:

■creating a bonus fund for employees;

■formation of the basis of non-material motivation;

■set of groups for training;

■continuation of education.

The success of the project is based on an effective business strategy, professionalism of the performers, and excellent technical equipment. These components should be considered both separately and in interconnection, as an integral structure, the work of which is aimed at increasing the profitability of the organization. We hope that this article, at least in general terms, familiarized the reader with the scheme for developing a project in the field of technical training and the main actions within its phased implementation.

Chernysheva Alina Petrovna - head of the training center of JSC LogyCom (Almaty)

Journal MARKETING SERVICES ■ 04(24)2010

J oomla SEF URLs by Artio

Continuing education is one of essential requirements in all areas of activity. Therefore, highly qualified specialists are trained on an ongoing basis, constantly expanding and deepening their knowledge. Thanks to this, educational or training centers have become widespread. Opening your own training center is a promising idea that requires certain knowledge from the field of entrepreneurial activity and the availability of a competent business plan for the training center.

The purpose of the training center is to provide additional education or advanced training for specialists of various levels. In connection with such specifics, the main consumers will be individuals or organizations interested in obtaining various services educational nature.

Most modern companies implement international corporate standards as the basis of their activities. This allows you to increase the level of professionalism of employees, improve the microclimate within the team and increase productivity, while increasing the quality of the company as a whole. Compliance with certain standards promotes employee motivation and retention, preventing employee turnover.

The main reason why new market participants should take up this type of activity can be called a significant increase in demand, as well as a lack of modern training centers that meet the requirements of modern society. However, an increasing number of companies, especially international level strive to meet current standards.

As for the form of entrepreneurial activity, for a training center that claims to cooperate with large corporations, the status of a legal entity is more suitable. When forming an LLC, its founder actually declares his seriousness and reliability, confirming these qualities with a charter and making authorized capital. In addition, applying for a loan to a bank in the status of a legal entity, it is easier for the applicant to get a positive answer. The same applies to cooperation with potential clients - training centers, formalized as opening or closed joint-stock companies, are more trustworthy.

The LLC registration process includes preparation constituent documents according to this list:

  1. - the charter, which will indicate the type of activity of the company;
  2. - the decision to establish an LLC;
  3. - decision on the appointment of the head;
  4. - minutes of the meeting of founders;
  5. - receipt of payment of state duty;
  6. — confirmation of the contribution of the authorized capital;
  7. — copies of personal documents of all founders.

These some other documents that may be requested from the tax service are submitted along with a completed application, which indicates the appropriate OKVED code for the selected type of activity. The main code may be 85.41 "Additional education for children and adults." But other basic and additional codes are also possible - it is important that the services offered correspond to the declared information.

Financial aspects of the business plan of the training center

The company that provides additional educational services, according to preliminary calculations, needs financing. The most rational way to get the necessary funds is to turn to lending. According to the provisions of the business plan, it will be necessary to obtain a bank loan of a commercial nature in the amount of 1 million 950 thousand rubles. This is the approximate size total cost this project. The duration of the project from the moment of its launch until the company reaches the level of self-sufficiency will be 2 years. Taking into account the fact that the interest rate will be 14 percent, and payments on the loan will begin from the first month of the establishment of the center, total amount interest payments for this period will amount to approximately 123 thousand rubles. For the selected period, the overall economic effect will reach 9 million 242 thousand rubles.

Such figures can be obtained, given the fact that large training companies that rely on the long term can focus on an annual turnover of 1.5 billion rubles, subject to the conclusion of a contract of at least 3 million. But such centers must have highly qualified specialists who need an appropriate salary level, as well as a massive marketing campaign. Medium-sized training centers that do not claim to be premium-class trainers should expect that in the first year of operation, big profits should not be expected - during this period, all efforts and funds are invested in the development of the company, attracting qualified trainers and selecting a customer base. The main reason why most centers get a zero balance by the end of the first year is the lack of really big clients. This is logical - in the first 2 years, the company only earns a reputation in the market.

In addition to lending as the main source of new business investment, entrepreneurs resort to other sources of financing. Approximately 30% will fall on the issuance of bonds, 25% - the placement of shares on the stock exchange, 23% - the participation of financial investors and within 14% - own funds.

Such calculations can be obtained by analyzing the existing proposals in the industry, studying the pricing policy and comparing these data with the costs incurred during the opening and promotion of the company.

When planning the pricing policy of the future center, it is necessary to take into account all existing factors. So, average price open curriculum is between $300 and $700. True, in elite organizations, the cost can significantly exceed this figure. Corporate programs will cost from 3 to 5 thousand dollars. Depending on the territorial features, the composition and intensity of training programs and the qualifications and reputation of trainers, the price indicator can significantly differ upwards.

The profitable part of the business plan is determined by several important features- the level of demand, the state of this market segment and the nature of the proposals of a particular organization. At the same time, in order to avoid bias in the calculations, the lowest profitability threshold should be taken into account, not forgetting the existing risks.

Taking into account that the period during which the company will reach the level of self-sufficiency and will bring stable income, will be approximately 2 years, a plan for the volume of services provided in this billing period should be prepared:

If the indicated financial results are maintained during the first two years and, in addition, the trend towards profit growth and an increase in the client base continues (in this case, the growth rate will be from 20 to 55 percent per year), the annual growth in sales volumes will reach 18 million rubles or more.

One of the main points of the business plan will be its expenditure side. If we take into account the most significant items of expenditure, we can draw the following conclusion:

Item of expenses 1 month, rub. 12 months, rub. One-time costs, rub. Total for the year, rub.
Buying or renting premises 93.8 thousand 1 million 125 thousand 187.5 thousand 1 million 313 thousand
Purchase of equipment 37.9 thousand 37.9 thousand
Purchase of computer equipment 81 thousand 81 thousand
Creation of a website, hosting, purchase of scripts 92 thousand 92 thousand
Advertising expenses 50 thousand 600 thousand 200 thousand 600 thousand
Wage 738 thousand 8 million 856 thousand 8 million 856 thousand
tax payments 236 thousand 2 million 832 thousand 2 million 832 thousand
Unforeseen expenses 93.6 thousand 93.6 thousand
Total 882 thousand 10 million 880 thousand 1 million 30 thousand 11.5 million

When drawing up a financial plan, be sure to take into account all existing risks. The most significant factors include:

  1. - high competition, which has a constant upward trend;
  2. — uncertainty in market trends;
  3. — high level of investment.

All of these factors, common to most organizations providing continuing education services, can be overcome by providing highest quality services and developing an effective marketing strategy.

The tax part of the costs will depend on two main factors - the chosen taxation system and the income that the organization receives. But in general, the list of tax deductions for the training center will be standard:

The conclusion that can be drawn as a result of studying the market for additional educational and training services is very optimistic: this sector is very promising and is constantly open to new participants. By properly organizing the activities of the company, it is possible to make it a highly profitable business with a tendency to constant development and expansion. Having calculated financial investments and expected income, you can pre-plan all the steps of creating and developing an organization in advance.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Is it possible today to find a free niche in the training business in which you can consistently earn money? The answer is yes! And for this it is not necessary to invest millions, 80 thousand rubles is enough.

Today, the word “training” has become so common in the information space that it seems to have already turned into white noise. Psychological training, business training, motivation training, sales training, personal growth, lead generation, team building, creativity - how many other different trainings have you heard or attended in person? It would seem that it is almost impossible to find a free niche for opening your own business at trainings - supposedly “author's” methods wander from coach to coach, and all topics have long been sorted out. But it only seems that way on the surface.

Trainings in which the coach is not the main thing

As you know, the abundance of competitors in the market inevitably leads to the fact that the cost of the product eventually decreases. Moreover, we live in an era when any information can be found and “absorbed” for free - if there is a desire. Sooner or later, most consumers will understand that 90% of knowledge does not need to be paid for, in principle, and what is served under the sauce of uniqueness and author's exclusivity is just mashed potatoes made from common free potatoes.

Another thing is personalized, individual information. The demand for it will never dry up. What is meant by personalized information? Imagine such training. 5 different personalities come to your training center at the same time. One of them is a 45-year-old woman who is in a state of midlife crisis. Relations with her husband reached a dead end, at work - a career ceiling, and around the neck - two children and elderly parents. The second client is a young man 25-27 years old who wants to open his own online store selling sports equipment, but does not know what strategy to choose for a startup. The third person is a man of about 55 years old, the head of his company, who wants to find new ways to rally his unexpectedly quarreled work team. Let's add to our contingent, for example, a young elegant lady, a fashion designer, who lost her inspiration somewhere, and another girl, a call center operator, whose boss urgently instructed her to increase sales by 10 times. Now imagine that each client from this group was satisfied with the training and went home, if not with turnkey solution his problem, then, at a minimum, with an answer to a few questions that concern him or a plan of action. Can't believe it, is it?

No matter how trite it may sound, the whole secret is that all the correct answers lie within ourselves. Even more - the role of a consultant or trainer is not only overestimated, it is secondary. We can say that the best coach or psychologist is not so much the one who gives a lot of valuable advice, but the one who knows how to direct the client’s thoughts, reasoning and conclusions in the direction in which he himself will find the right and suitable solutions for him personally. And for this, he does not have to be at the same time a specialist in family relations, a guru in the field of fashion design, or have experience in cold sales. It's enough for him to know effective tools... search for answers to questions. Here we turn to the description of a new unique method of conducting trainings, the potential of which has not yet been revealed in many respects.

A technique that suits every need

Solving the question of how to increase the efficiency of the process of “search for answers in oneself”, the company “1000 Ideas” developed a methodology for psychological prompt sets for various requests - problems family character, self-development and self-knowledge, professional growth, opening and building a business, money and motivation, interpersonal relationships, building relationships in a team, promoting goods and services, developing creativity and many other topics. Data universal sets were called psychological cards (not to be confused with divination, tarot, etc.).

“How many cards did you need to create so that they could answer all questions and solve all problems?” - you ask. “Maybe the authors of the methodology have opened their file cabinet or created a new Internet?”. Vice versa! The task was just to not make a new “Internet”. You will be surprised, but only 3 decks of 78 cards each were created. Despite such a seemingly insignificant volume, the work was done colossal. The main work was to generalize the “world experience”: fairy tales various peoples world, mythology, repetitive plots of classical works and all those patterns of behavior that lie in our unconscious nature. All professions, personality types and social roles with their inherent characteristics and traits were combined into the main archetypal characters, all options for action - into archetypal paths and action strategies.

The specialists of the company “1000 Ideas”, being practicing medical psychologists, tried to make sure that each card gave the client a whole stream of associations with own life and contributed to the rapid search for answers to personal problems. Each card is a unique strategy, presented simultaneously in the form of textual advice, images, phraseological units, leading questions, tricks and techniques, and united by a common idea. Psychological maps turned out to be such a versatile tool for counseling and problem solving that the authors of the methodology developed more than 300 exercises for various requests, helping to achieve the effect in the shortest possible time, and the methodology itself became widespread throughout the country and beyond. Today, the geography of official partners of 1000 Ideas already includes 22 cities in Russia and the CIS.

The net profit of the coach is more than 100 thousand rubles.

The most important difference between the training business on psychological maps is the ability to start on your own, in the shortest possible time (up to 1 month), with minimal investment in the region of 80 thousand rubles and with a powerful competitive advantage in your hands. 60,000 rubles will be spent on teaching the methodology, and about 20,000 more will be spent on the purchase of the psychological maps themselves. The training takes place over eight days, six of which are devoted to mastering the methodology and two to creating and promoting your own business. Those who want to start their own training business have two options - work as an independent consultant or open their own training center. Under both options, ready-made business plans are provided. In the first case, upon reaching the sales plan, the entrepreneur can count on a net profit of about 125 thousand rubles, in the second - about 234-250 thousand rubles. If we are talking about independent consulting without creating a training center and hiring staff, the payback period is minimal and amounts to 1-2 months.

Ready-made ideas for your business

In both cases, the income part includes group trainings, individual consultations (online and offline), as well as the sale of the psychological maps themselves to clients. Thanks to the implementation of psychological maps, the profitability of a business increases significantly. Moreover, consultants do not seem to have to sell cards - clients themselves ask for cards when they see the result. Naturally, official partners who have completed the training course on the “1000 Ideas” methodology acquire cards at a discount. Another advantage is that consultants can provide their services to an unlimited number of clients, regardless of their location. To do this, the company has developed a special online service that allows you to work with electronic versions of psychological maps.

The expenditure part of the main period of work consists of the cost of rent office space or hall, the purchase of psychological maps and supplies. According to the company's experience, renting a suitable office for trainings costs 8-12 thousand rubles a month. The most effective advertising tools are social media and email marketing. At the first stages, advertising expenses for the activities of an independent consultant will not exceed 10,000 rubles. The number of purchased cards will depend on the number of trainings held, while consumables mean only the purchase of office supplies, as well as sweets and drinks for coffee breaks. The advantage is that the company is directly interested in the success of its partners and popularization of the methodology, in connection with which they are provided with free centralized support.

Business features: advantages and pitfalls

Of course, the main advantage of the training business with psychological maps is the breadth of application of the methodology. Partners of the company "1000 Ideas" use psychological maps in combination with their own knowledge and skills, adapting and improving the methodology for working with children, fairy tale therapy, psychological counseling for women, aromatherapy, training for senior management, HR-specialists, sales specialists , marketers. Most of the company's partners, having mastered the methodology of working with cards, create their own exercises for the needs of their clients. The peculiarity of working with cards is that whoever the client is, having seen such an unusual and fascinating tool as psychological cards, he will be 100% involved in the work. This advantage, firstly, allows you to reduce the "nervousness" of the coach, as the audience's attention switches from him to the cards, and secondly, it makes the audience work much more actively, giving live feedback. As a rule, all trainings with psychological maps are a productive dialogue between all participants.

Another plus of consultations using psychological maps is the absence of legal barriers. Run this business It is possible without licenses and even without the education of a psychologist. At the official level, there are no clear boundaries for psychological and consulting services, so many individuals register such a business either as household services, or by OKVED codes related to business consulting services. For example, 70.22 “Advising on business and management”, 82.99 “Activities for the provision of other business support services, not included in other groups”. In the case of registration as a medical service (for medical psychologists), a license from the Ministry of Health and a medical education of a psychologist are required. The most convenient organizational and legal form of business is an individual entrepreneur, the tax rate is simplified (6% of income).

Of course, like any business, there are pitfalls. Consulting services are characterized by a high degree of uncertainty of the client, who cannot adequately evaluate the service before he receives it. In this regard, the need to collect a large number of attributes of “trust” increases significantly: certificates and diplomas, evidence of participation in various specialized events, and most importantly, a large number of positive reviews. It requires constant feedback from the client, maintaining a dialogue in social networks. Sometimes difficulties in relationships arise due to traditional attitudes, when the client thinks that “a service is when they do something for me, but definitely without my participation, which helps me save time or health.” In addition, there is also seasonality in psychological services, with the largest decline in the summer. Risk minimization in this case involves holding the largest and most expensive events in the summer, the audience for which is preliminarily formed in the spring.

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In any case, trainings and consultations with psychological maps have several undeniable benefits compared to the usual ones. Firstly, so far the technique is only being mastered, so there is no competition in the market. Secondly, it not only gives results, it is competitive. A person who has attended a training once, as a rule, either recommends it to his friends or purchases psychological maps for himself or as a gift to friends. Thirdly, this technique is understandable. Unlike most techniques, it does not operate with an array of alien Latin names, but communicates with him in a language of associations, comparisons and metaphors that he understands and quickly wins over. Finally, fourthly, the technique itself is perceived as a tool for everyday use. Having tried it in practice, they trust it, which distinguishes it from competitors. Most users of psychological maps perceive them as a set of universal prompts and purchase several sets for use at home and at work. And the trust of the client, as you know, is an expensive thing.

232 people are studying this business today.

For 30 days this business was interested in 43633 times.

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rent + salaries + utilities, etc. rub.

It is better for a novice outsourcer to stop at just 2-3 types of services in order to start doing their job really competently without huge costs, leaving all the rest...

It is unlikely that you will need more than 200 thousand rubles to open an outstaffing company, and if you take into account the reserve funds for the first time, then in the most unfavorable scenario, you will not need more than half...

The amount for opening a small law office is unlikely to exceed 200-300 thousand rubles, although it can increase significantly depending on its size. A lawyer in private practice usually...

Your business on psychological games. Easy to organize. Redeemed in a week.

Successful will be the training that gives people something new, does not copy programs already available on the market, and really works. It can be difficult to develop such a concept, but in this case ...

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Trainings have become a very common phenomenon, because they allow the personality to open up and give her some new positive experience that will help her in her professional or personal life. Many large organizations order training in the office or send their employees to additional courses. Among the population, the practice of training a personal company is constantly gaining popularity, which is aimed directly at the person himself, and not at a professional in a certain area. Also, trainings can be conducted in many areas: from staff development to unlocking the potential in the team; from learning the basics of socialization to pick-up. All this makes it possible for a novice entrepreneur, having chosen his area for training, to start doing what seems at first glance an easy task.

However, even in the case of a very original idea, there is a considerable chance of failing the whole undertaking. First, people should be interested in the new training. And not some group of fanatics, but a certain contingent that will be constantly interested in training, and from which new trainees will constantly be recruited. Secondly, the training should be interesting, attracting new people and not losing the old ones. Thirdly, the training should be really useful and benefit the person who completed it. And fourthly, the trainer and the training program itself must be constantly evolving, if you do not take into account any changes and trends, then you will not be able to fulfill the three previous conditions. And this is not to mention the fact that the presenters and organizers themselves must have the appropriate qualifications and knowledge, be the guru of their subject, and not green beginners.

To get started, you need to register as a business entity. In this case, both the form of an individual entrepreneur and a limited liability company (individual and legal entity, respectively) are suitable. It is worth choosing only from these two forms, because they have access to a simplified taxation system, which was introduced to support small businesses. In this case, the concept of work may be slightly different. Registration is carried out at the nearest department of the tax authority, where all formalities will be settled within a month. Registration of a legal entity is much more difficult, but in some cases it is the only possible variant. Codes are indicated: (OKPD 2) 70.22 Advisory services in the field of enterprise management or (OKPD 2) 85.23 Services for the training of highly qualified personnel, (OKPD 2) 85.31 Vocational training services, (OKPD 2) 85.41 Services for additional education of children and adults or (OKPD 2) 85.42 Additional professional education services. The coding is chosen depending on the type of trainings being conducted, and the indication of the second group significantly changes the principle of doing business.

Of course, here you need to stop a little more. With the first encoding, everything is relatively clear. It includes simple consulting services that do not involve lengthy training and are aimed at providing reimbursable assistance to clients on various issues. If it is even easier to explain, then the businessman simply helps those who apply for advice thanks to his experience and knowledge. What is important, trainings in this case cannot have programs that exceed the norms of non-licensed education (for this moment are programs with a course duration of less than 144 hours). In general, this is a good niche for business, but you can’t engage in full-fledged training and advanced training in it, it won’t be possible to issue certificates either (in any case, they will be just “papers” that have no legal force). This is work with enterprises and assistance in matters of a certain subject.

The second grouping is somewhat more complicated. Education in the legal sense of the word without a license can only be conducted by teachers with educational qualifications and working alone. That is, only individual entrepreneur and with the condition that he himself will teach trainings and at the same time he also has an educational qualification. If a businessman does not plan to personally conduct classes and simply recruits teachers for his staff, then he will have to obtain a license for himself. But the educational qualification and qualification certificates will have to be provided by trainers.

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If you have to work via the Internet (the so-called webinars) or conduct slightly non-standard classes, then you also need to indicate the code (OKPD 2) 96.09 Other personal services not included in other groups. But here in the law there is a clause that obliges to carry out licensing of their activities only in certain cases. This list is constantly changing and supplementing, but regarding vocational education, it can be presented as follows:

    Implementation of the main program of vocational training - a program of vocational training in the professions of workers, positions of employees.

    Implementation of the main program of vocational training - the program of retraining of workers and employees.

    Implementation of the main vocational training program - advanced training programs for workers and employees.

    Implementation of additional general educational programs - additional general developmental programs.

    Implementation of additional general education programs - additional pre-professional programs.

    Implementation of additional professional training programs.

    Implementation of additional professional programs for professional retraining.

That is, if the activity does not fall under these definitions, then you can safely engage in work without a license. However, such a list seems to cover in general all possible training programs for personnel.

If you do not pretend to be a psychologist, then you also need to decide on the topics of the programs of the classes. Here, the need for a license is also determined by whether the topic fits the definition of licensed activities or not. In general, we can say that the state is aimed at compulsory licensing of general education and higher educational institutions; if an entrepreneur tells his clients how to improve his social skills or learn how to manipulate people, then he does not need to deal with licensing. However, if this takes place as part of psychological work, then a medical license will be needed (as mentioned above).

Summarizing, we can conclude that in each case it is necessary to accurately collect information even on local legal acts(because different regions have their own requirements, and they can change in different parts of the country); and the help of a competent lawyer at first will not hurt.

In addition, it should be noted that if licensing is necessary, it is necessary not only to provide the licensing authority with information about teachers and curriculum, but also information about the premises (and it should be at the disposal of the entrepreneur permanently on the basis of ownership or long-term lease) and equipment. Such a vague definition of "training equipment" is given in detail in the licensing authority, because in different regions it is defined differently.

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To obtain a license, it is worth contacting the local committee for supervision and control in the field of education. All information about the entrepreneur, information about available funds and personnel are transferred there. The licensing process is similar to obtaining all other types of licenses, and the terms of the decision and some conditions, as already noted, vary from region to region.

You can significantly simplify your task by contacting companies specializing in obtaining a license. This will save your nerves (and sometimes time), but will require more investment. Provided that all requirements are initially met, the process of obtaining a license should not take more than two months. By the way, it should be noted that educational activities commercial organizations have been eligible only since 2013, previously only NGOs were allowed to do so.

After that, in order to enter the market as a company with guarantees, you should contact non-profit organizations, which are non-profit associations of trainers and training companies. Perhaps the most famous in this country is the International Association of Personality Development Professionals. But, as you might guess from the name, she works with personal growth training companies, not actually related to business training. In fact, the client will be attracted to loud statements and membership in some organizations; it does not matter to him in which, the main thing is that the coaches have this membership. Associations and associations can even help with programs, establish qualifications and issue other information about the level of training. Of course, you can do it alone, without cooperating with anyone. Such communities should be viewed primarily as advertising (although some of them may offer real help).

Due to the tightening of the licensing regulations, it is now necessary to look for permanent premises. If these are simple, in fact, not training (from a legal point of view, again) programs, then you can work the way the first training companies started - through a one-time rental of premises or with a visit to the place of the client's request. Gradually, this practice will become a thing of the past (although the service of visiting coaches is to the liking of many enterprises), but it is necessary to comply with the law.

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The size of the room may vary depending on how many trainings will be held at the same time. So, one group can consist of 20 people, although some topics involve no more than 10-15, or even 5 people. But the theme itself can affect the size of the areas. After all, there are trainings that involve active games and even the presence of sports equipment, therefore, within the framework of one article, it is impractical to consider all the options, and it is illogical to derive any universal indicators.

It should only be noted that it is better to be located in the central and business districts of the city, where the cost of rent is higher, but there are also more potential customers. After all, none of the employees who undergo corporate training want to travel half a city for the sake of training that the boss started.

All trainings can be conditionally divided into the following types according to the goals to be achieved:

    Formation of certain behavior; this includes both the development of positive patterns and the "erasing" of negative ones.

    Training and development of certain skills, knowledge and skills; moreover, it can be both psychological and physical skills, the coach here may not have the necessary skills himself, his task is to help trainees acquire them.

    Training that helps to transfer the knowledge and experience of the trainer to the trainees; differs from the previous paragraph in that here the teacher is an expert and a master of his craft.

    Gradual formation of personality and its self-disclosure; most often refers to psychology, as it helps a person gain knowledge about himself without learning anything specific.

Within the framework of one training center, all methods can be used to achieve the goal. Moreover, a person may well visit them all. After reading the description, you can understand that in some cases you will need a first-class specialist in your field, in others - just an experienced psychologist, in the third - a person with charisma, in the fourth - just an interesting conversationalist and "the soul of the company." Ideally, when all these features are present in one person, who can then become a universal trainer who conducts several trainings, each of which is certainly a success.

The personnel issue is the most serious, and its solution can take a long time, because competent specialists who at the same time know how to work with people are not so easy to find. However, they can be trained, and here associations that have experienced mentors on their staff to train future coaches can come to the rescue.

Interestingly, within the framework of one center, it is good to conduct trainings in various directions. Moreover, if there is a license, one can engage in real training or retraining of highly qualified personnel, and simple “consulting” services. And even household tips. After all, no one forbids including several classifiers and working in accordance with each of them. Especially if there are many ideas and people who are able to implement them.

Yes, that training will be successful, which gives people something new, does not copy programs already available on the market, and really works. It can be difficult to develop such a concept, but in this case the fee will be very significant. Without a good idea (regardless of the field of training) it will be impossible to enter and, in any case, stay in the market. Usually experienced trainers who have a well-known name have their own programs, but such a person will demand a high percentage of the amount collected and set certain conditions. And yes, it's not easy to find.

What training companies often forget about is the follow-up service, the so-called “post-training”. In accordance with the theories of management, a person is not always a creature aimed at obtaining information and assimilating it, therefore, many members of the group will acquire only fragmentary knowledge upon completion of the course. Post-training allows you to identify what was not mastered by the students, determine the reasons for this and lead to the completion of the training program. Moreover, it is better to include the cost of post-training in the initial cost of the course, because the trainer himself is also interested in conducting an analysis after the end of the program. In some cases, this can be done for free at all, because this practice will allow you to identify the weaknesses of the program (and the trainer himself), refine them and bring an improved product to the market. Post-training is one of the tools for developing and improving one's own skills. But not the only one.

But any undertaking is interesting only if it brings money. Conducting trainings will be paid differently depending on the subject, but, as a rule, business trainings are more expensive than personal growth trainings. At least because in the first case, top managers are trained, in the second - housewives (this is a conditional division, but it accurately shows the difference). The cost of the service is also strongly affected by the reputation of the trainer, because eminent lecturers can charge more than half the cost of the training for their name alone. As a result, the coach takes for himself from 50 to 80% of the collected amount, but given that the entrepreneur actually does nothing himself, he will receive a smaller, but passive income.

But in this case, it is especially cost-effective to hire several trainers who lead several trainings. And to arrange such work so that there are minimal downtime in time. To ensure this, you will have to spend a lot on advertising, but in the end these investments will justify themselves.

232 people are studying this business today.

For 30 days this business was interested in 43633 times.

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It is better for a novice outsourcer to stop at just 2-3 types of services in order to start doing their job really competently without huge costs, leaving all the rest...

Description (abstract) How to become a well-known business coach at the age of 30, open your own training center and advise the owners of large companies? Denis Gevorkov knows the answer. He has been conducting business trainings in Kaliningrad and other regions of Russia for more than 8 years, and he is happy to share with us the secrets of his success.


Main points of the interview:

  • Type of activity: conducting business trainings, corporate training.
  • Location of business: Russia, Kaliningrad
  • Occupation before entrepreneurship: sales, personal consulting.
  • Starting date of business activity: 2011
  • Organizational and legal form of doing business: LLC
  • Investment in the project: 10 thousand rubles
  • Source of initial capital: cash
  • Formula for success: You need as little euphoria and maximalism as possible, more common sense - then there will be more results! Step by step, that should be your motto.

Life path to vocation.

Good afternoon, Denis! Tell us how you became a business coach?

Hello! Already in adolescence, I became interested in psychology. For as long as I can remember, I've always liked talking to people. At the age of 14, I began to study books on this topic, and at 18 I went to study in Moscow. There I met famous psychologists, analysts and business coaches, and learned a lot from them. The dry theory of the university program was boring to me, I did not see any practical use in it, it was much more interesting to study myself, to learn something new in order to influence the lives of other people and my own.

I wanted to be in the circle of professionals, to participate in their work, and after 2.5 years of living in the capital, I began to assist business coaches. In parallel, he was successfully engaged in sales. So gradually gained experience, expanded the circle of acquaintances, and I came to the conclusion that I myself began to engage in private sales consulting.

That is, before you opened your own business, you were engaged in sales?

Yes, but my goal has never been to convince a customer to buy something. I myself, without any prompting, formed my own approach: to understand a person and find out what he really needs, and then make an appropriate proposal. This strategy turned out to be very effective, and it is what I use to this day.

What motivated you to move from personal counseling to training?

It's not just that individual work with a person is very hard work. Group training provides more opportunities: both for my business (audience coverage and scaling of activities) and for program participants, it means useful acquaintances, an outside perspective, and live interaction, as a result of which a real skill is formed.

About how it all began.

How long have you been doing business coaching?

In 2011, I returned to Kaliningrad and decided to open my own company: Gevorkov Training Center. We have been working for the fourth year, not only in our region, but also in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and other cities of Russia. We receive many requests from Kazakhstan.

How is your training different from many others?

I lean on real practical experience, that is, I give only what I personally checked and the benefits of which I was convinced of. I do not teach from books or information from other trainers. If I have not gone through something myself, I will not invest it in my clients, even if I understand that the information I have may be useful to them.

In my work, I give all my best and expect the same return, therefore, before the training, I hold meetings with each participant, where I clarify the client’s personal requests, his goals, the scope of activities and many other parameters. I also determine whether he needs training or not. If a person comes with an unclear understanding of his tasks, the knowledge gained will not give any result!

Even the most successful and well-established technologies in most cases do not work, because a person's personality may simply not perceive them. Despite the fact that I conduct group trainings, I always make personal diagnostics, because business is, first of all, people, their ideas and personal qualities. What a person is inside, so he builds his business. There are very few people who are able to take some method from a book and implement it, no matter what.

How it all began? How did you recruit the first group?

The first group consisted of those people who came to me for individual counseling. I just offered them a different format of work, and they agreed. Teamwork, exchange of experience, feedback, the ability to see the mistakes and successes of other people - all these are the benefits of the training, which they appreciated

When I started, social networks were not yet so widespread, and I did not give any advertising. After the release of the first group, it already began to work " word of mouth”, and customers began to contact themselves.

Maybe at the beginning of your activity you encountered some problems?

There were no particular problems, since all this was preceded by a huge preparation - for 7 years I was engaged in individual counseling, and life itself led me to this work. As a child, I was seriously ill for a long time, and these difficult circumstances greatly influenced my personality. I grew up very cautious, observant, I always tried to delve into the inner world of people, to understand them. Therefore, I have formed my own special approach to conducting trainings and consulting.

Problems usually occur with novice coaches, of which there are a lot now. Having learned some information, having been trained, they begin to consider themselves "gurus", they begin to teach people according to invented schemes, affecting psychology and the like. The result of such trainings is deplorable - clients' business collapses, problems begin.

Unfortunately, for many aspiring business coaches, the main motivation is to make big money and as soon as possible. Several months of active work, and then these people cannot be found. I've seen a lot of these guys! You will achieve a much greater result if you work long and systematically, gaining experience, delving into what you are going to teach. You need to be a psychologist in life and education.

You can not enter this business and immediately reach unprecedented heights.
You can’t offer a client solutions that you yourself have never tried.
You can't answer a question if you don't really know the answer.

Being a business coach is a very big responsibility to the client, because you influence the success of his business, his personal and psychological condition, in the end - for the rest of his life!

You know, I recently gave an interview for a TV program, and a journalist asked me this question: “Denis, have you become a business coach because it’s fashionable?” This question struck me! Of course not!

Although I can say that conducting seminars and trainings has really become a fashionable trend now. Previously, for businessmen, the next step in life was to become a politician. Now the popular way is to teach others. That's just usually in pursuit of the prestigious title of business coach, such people use the training model "I passed it - so I know!". They try to make other people the same as themselves. But one approach cannot be used for everyone - all people have a different mindset, character ... All this must be taken into account. You can drag a person to your level, but the question is, can he stay there? The statistics are very cruel. For example, in Moscow, out of 100 start-ups, only one survives! In the regions of Russia, the situation is slightly better - out of 30 start-up businessmen, only two remain afloat, of which one was just lucky, and the second really knew what he was doing.

Business culture in Russia, unfortunately, has not yet been formed. If business has existed in Europe for centuries, it all started in our country only in the 90s. Both the attitude towards clients and the style of doing business in our country is the same - "every man for himself."

More about trainings conducted by the center

Who is your target audience - start-up entrepreneurs or already established businessmen? Who is your training aimed at?

The Gevorkov Training Center offers various programs, but if we talk about our favorite product - the two-month course "Business Reformer", then it is aimed at already established businessmen with three or more years of experience in running their own business, as well as those who works as a manager in large companies.

The average age of clients is 30-35 years, the period of doing business is from 5 to 7 years, the level of business is from small to medium (turnover from 3 to 60 million rubles per year). Large business owners send their managers for training.

Of course, we also work with start-ups, but this is not our main profile, time is too precious a resource. We take only those who really want and are ready to go into business, and not just dream about it. We also conduct corporate trainings to increase the level of sales, team building and negotiations. We do not just train people, but give them effective tools for the development of companies: our center is engaged in analytics, as well as the creation of business plans ... In general, the range of activities is very wide.

The most popular, of course, is our active training "Business Reformer".

What are you teaching your clients?

At "Business Reformer" we do not just teach how to increase sales and earn more. This is a clear step-by-step system, working through which a person is able to reform his business, bring it to new level:

  1. Work with personal qualities manager. We identify the main models of behavior, approaches to business and their causes. We determine which of them help development, and which hinder.
  2. Workshop. We identify a losing context, perform practical exercises that help you look at yourself and your business from the outside. We analyze the current state.
  3. We identify business potential. Let's see how internal organization business is liquid.
  4. We analyze business process management. We identify the possibilities of their modernization.
  5. We identify the main problems in development. We find out their reasons.
  6. Together we start reforming the business. Building a managerial position.

According to statistics, after three years of existence, almost all types of businesses experience a long period of stagnation, during which there is no development. In these cases, most executives don't try to max out and fix the situation, but want to expand into other markets. Only this way is almost always fraught with a huge loss of finances. It is better to sit down and sort out the problems, change your approach, methods, strategy, goals - this is what we are doing at the "Business Reformer".

How does a typical session go?

The training session is built in the following way: 30% - information component, 30% study of the material at the blackboard, practice; 30% - work in groups; 10% - exercise. This is a basic training, but if I am invited to some company, I first conduct a preliminary diagnosis and build a lesson plan based on the needs of a particular group of people.

On-line-learning - a new vector of development

You offer participation in trainings on-line. What is needed for this and is this offer popular?

Yes, on-line trainings are very popular with us! Usually this happens as follows - a person gets acquainted with the training program on the sites or, contacts me via Skype, and then I carry out diagnostics. I look to see if the person’s tasks match what I can give him, if he is ready for training, etc. If everything is in order, then the client pays and registers in our internal social network. By the way, on-line training is cheaper - only 40 thousand rubles for the entire course.

This is our special workspace, created on the basis of the Bitrix 24 platform. It provides 24/7 support to our program participants. It gives everyone the opportunity to create their own Personal Area, where you can store your own information, for example, the company's development strategy, which allows you to work it out together with other participants. Also, after each lesson, we post training materials, photos and videos of trainings there so that a person can work independently. In this social network, we have the opportunity to give individual tasks and track their implementation. Clients can correspond with each other, discuss common topics on the forum. There is even a place for their personal advertising. Also, anyone can send a message to me at any time. In general, everything is stored in one place, and even after the end of the training, our clients still have access to it.

How many students are usually in a group?

30-35 people - optimal amount. We do not recruit more than 40 students, as in this case it will be very difficult to give them a guaranteed result. If the group is small - say, 20 people, then by the third week they already know each other so well that they become uninteresting in sharing experiences, and this is an important part of learning!

Do you provide individual consultations?

Yes, I continue to engage in individual consulting, both for personal growth and for building a business. It can be held both in the form of personal meetings and on-line via Skype.

What the cost of studying?

Active training "Business reformer" costs 50 thousand rubles, and if the training is in the on-line broadcast mode, then 40 thousand rubles. This includes 16 training sessions with a total duration of 64 hours. After graduation, the client has access to his personal account, and he can ask any questions for a year or even longer, we follow the success of graduates! We also provide video recording of classes and a complete set of training materials.

Do you work alone or do you have your own team?

My team is a few assistants. All of them have also been trained by me. These are people who have real experience in management, some are business owners.

My main assistant is a lady who has vast experience as a manager in six large companies, and she, along with me, conducts some corporate trainings. Also, assistants are indispensable in organizing and broadcasting classes of the "Business Reformer" on-line.

Why training and not a book or video?

Today, store shelves are simply "littered" with literature about business, sales ... There is a lot of comprehensive information on the Internet. Why do people come to you?

80% of those who completed the Business Reformer course have real positive results in their business. This is a very high score!

People come to us for understanding themselves, for competent self-realization, for developing their capabilities, for reorganizing their thinking and business, for building skills. Information is really a sea, and you can just drown in it.

There are two completely different concepts: “knowledge” and “information”. The book is good, but it only informs! Very few can turn the truth written in the book into a skill - and these are those who already have a lot of experience and are ready for this.

Most people in Russia are "Zavtra-Men" (the antipode of the American "Super-Man") - they have known everything for a long time, but for some reason do not do it. Sometimes there are some things, sometimes there is no possibility ... Excuses are sometimes very beautiful, there is not one thing - the result. What can be realized in a month and a half, stretches for years. People are afraid to go to the next level. They want to have money, but few of them really intend to earn. So it is with books - many people read them just for the sake of positive emotion to "tick": I did something, I'm done...

The "Business Reformer" program is a constant monitoring of a person's success, resource support, it is the development of skills, and not just the presentation of information. The client is forced to change and do something, otherwise - we are not on the way!

Is there competition in this type of business in your city?

The very concept of "competition" is highly controversial. It is much better to cooperate with those who are also responsible for their work. Of course, there are people in Kaliningrad who conduct trainings, but this is not competition. In fact, every coach will always have “his” client. There are guys who are trying to dump, reducing prices and thinking to attract customers. I never reduce prices and do not make promotions and discounts, but there are more customers. Why? The cost of education is justified. Everything I say is verifiable and sometimes I even get clients to do it!

Organization of a training center: the technical side of the issue

What was your starting capital?

Since we are talking about selling a service, all you need is to register a company and open a bank account. All this will cost 10 thousand rubles. At first, the office is not needed at all, and the training rooms can be rented for several hours on an advance payment made by the participants. You can completely do without paid advertising - promote through social networks.

In fact, start-up capital is not needed here - I started just like that, with 10 thousand rubles.

How is everything legal? What system of taxation did you choose?

"Training Center Gevorkov" today is LLC. At the moment we use a simplified system and pay 6%. When expanding the company, we will revise the taxation system.

Do you need to obtain any license or permission for educational activities in your case?

How do people find out about your trainings? Do you provide any advertising?

To pass the training, a person must be imbued with confidence, feel the one to whom he is going to go for training. Personal contact is very important here. I've never been into advertising campaigns. I give interviews, communicate with people - this is also a kind of advertising. I also work with agent firms that organize various events and invite me, having their own percentage from this. The main flow of customers comes from the reviews of colleagues, friends and acquaintances, partners.

My assistant insists that we should think even more about customer acquisition. Now we are starting to focus on selling on-line trainings on our website, we are planning to release videos, conduct webinars, and even a small online magazine. Next year we want to increase the number of free open workshops.

How NOT to start

Are there any features in this type of business that distinguish it from others?

Clearly, training people requires a high level of personal responsibility and competence. We need knowledge in pedagogy and psychology, we need a clear program and an understanding of what result the client should get at the end of the course. It is necessary to be aware of the criteria for the quality of work. It is also impossible to conduct business training without having real experience in managing and organizing activities. It is necessary to constantly monitor your own experience, check methods, improve them and improve!

Now our kind of business is experiencing, I would say, a certain period of the heyday of charlatanism. People come into this field of activity who just want to earn money by reading books and indistinctly broadcasting other people's thoughts, ideas and behaviors.

Before you start, look into yourself - is this really your calling? Do you have something that you can give to others? You should have a plan for your business for a year and a half ahead. After all, how do many guys start? They have a circle of people who love and respect them, and for the first months they successfully conduct trainings for their acquaintances, friends ... But now everyone has already been trained and the question arises - what to do next? Many people end up here, having never learned how to work with a “cold” market.

Conducting activities by purchasing a franchise of a large training company is also a controversial path. This often results in stamped, incompetent, untested business coaches broadcasting someone else's ready-made program.

Secrets of success and plans for the future

What do you think is the secret of your success?

I think that I am attentive to people, and I also have stamina and patience. In general, I would like to warn you that it is very easy to burn out emotionally and physically in this profession. Therefore, you need to take care of yourself, observe the regime, play sports - live correctly.

What do you see as positive and negative aspects of running your business?

The advantage is that you manage your own life - your resources, opportunities, time ... A real businessman is constantly developing, analyzing himself, gaining invaluable experience ... In fact, business is a person's communication with himself through action, his self-realization. Own business is not only accounting, schemes, papers and goods!

The downsides are that you can’t shift responsibility to anyone and you need to go through your own “thorny path” - but for someone this is a plus, it all depends on the person’s attitude to the business he is doing.