How long do gray crows live. How long do ravens live in the wild and in captivity

A lot of associations arise at the mention of this bird. Most often they are from the gloomy region of the emotional spectrum. In general, since ancient times, many mysterious and mystical properties have been attributed to the raven. Incomprehensible to many, it was a bird - a raven, how many years he lives, it was unknown. It was believed that a very long time, longer ordinary person. But apparently it is worth dividing the real raven and its mystical reflections. They do not always and not always coincide.

Raven: how many years he lives and where he flies

Among other things, for some it will be unexpected news that the raven and the crow are, although related, but different birds. Crow - absolutely not the legal wife of a crow. These birds differ both in appearance and in their behavior. The raven is noticeably larger and blacker in plumage, usually takes off with a running start, after two or three jumps. The raven is a bright individualist, it always flies and hunts alone. It has a wedge-shaped tail. A crow, on the contrary, is much smaller in size, has a gray plumage, takes off from a place and prefers to live in a flock. The sounds made by these birds also differ. The crow croaks, and the raven makes a characteristic scream. The crow is also capable of imitating human speech, dog barking and the sound of various machines and mechanisms no worse than a parrot.

Differences are also significant in the life expectancy of a crow and a crow. Raven, how many years does this bird live? There is no unanimity of opinion on this matter, but nevertheless, according to generally accepted data in ornithology, it is believed that in vivo his age does not exceed 30 years. Another thing is the ideal conditions created for this bird in captivity. A comfortable cage can almost double its existence. They lived in the Tower of London for half a century or more. The oldest allegedly lived to be 210 years old, but it is not possible to verify the reliability of these data.

How many years does a raven live outside of ornithology

In addition to nature, the raven also lives in many ancient legends and works of art, poetry, prose and cinematography. This is a very smart bird. Cunning, cautious, sometimes insidious. Since ancient times, people have treated her with a fair amount of respect. She is credited by many magical properties and mystical dimensions. This is a powerful and impressive image and totem sign many peoples and tribes - Raven. How old is this image? Yes, exactly as much as humanity itself. For many nations, it is generally a symbol of immortality. But everyone agrees on his exceptional wisdom and longevity. And this is not without reason.

How many years does a crow live

And with this gray bird, everything is much simpler. There is no magic around her. Crow flocks habitually live near human habitation and often feed on human waste. Large dumps around cities and flocks of crows above them are a completely ordinary and familiar sight. These birds spend their lives in the struggle for existence, and their age usually does not exceed ten years. Only a few outstanding individuals live up to fifteen. And to find out how long an ordinary gray crow will live in comfortable conditions of captivity, somehow it has not occurred to anyone yet.

Domain: Eukaryotes

Kingdom: Animals

Type: Chordates

Class: Birds

Detachment: Passeriformes

Family: Corvidae

Genus: Crows

View: Common Raven


Widely distributed in Eurasia North America, North Africa. In Europe, from the north of Norway, Sweden, Finland, the north of Russia south to Portugal, the Pyrenees, Italy, west. Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Black Sea, Caucasus. To the east through the Western, middle and Eastern Siberia, where the northern border of the range, with some exceptions, runs along the coast, the raven is distributed to Anadyr, the Chukotka Peninsula, Kamchatka, Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. In the south, the range includes North Africa, Arabia, Palestine, Syria, Mesopotamia, Iran, Afghanistan, Balochistan, northwestern India, the Himalayas, Tibet and Mongolia, west to Kobdo and Lob Nor. Also common in Greenland and North. America.

In the CIS, the border of the range in the north generally coincides with the border of the forest zone, but in some places it passes to the north. Breeds on the Kola and Kanin peninsulas, in the Timan tundra. Absent from Novaya Zemlya (zalet), Kolguev Island, Yamal and Taimyr. In the mouths of the Ob and Yenisei it happens as a stray bird. In the east, the northern border is at the headwaters of the Khatanga. To the south, the raven is ubiquitous and goes to the Black Sea and the Caucasus. From here it enters the Kopetdag and other mountainous regions of Turkmenistan - from the Big Balkhans, in the west, apparently, to Kugitang in the east. There is no exact information about the nesting of the crow in the Astrakhan region. Breeds, apparently, in the south of the Volgograd region.

Found for nesting near Orenburg (in the forests along Sakmara). In Kazakhstan, the southern border of the European crow requires clarification. In any case, in the forest-steppe zone of Kazakhstan, both in its western and eastern parts, it nests. Available in Altai and Sayan Mountains. To the north it reaches the coast of the mainland - the mouths of the Lena, Yana, Indigirka and Kolyma. Further, the raven inhabits the Anadyr basin, the Chukotka Peninsula, and Wrangel Island. To the east it goes to the Commander Islands, Kamchatka, Sakhalin, the Kuril ridge. Breeds in Koryatskaya Land. To the south, it is distributed to Transbaikalia, southern Primorye, eastern Mongolia (to the west to Kobdo) and Xinjiang (Lob-Nor).


In particular, the length of the body of crows can reach 70 cm, and a massive bird sometimes weighs up to two kilograms. The female is somewhat smaller. It has a large, thick beak and a wedge-shaped tail, which the same crow cannot boast of. The coloring also attracts attention: the bird has a black plumage with slight variations in shades near the neck, while the abdominal region has a glossy, metallic sheen. Young birds: In young chicks, the color is matte, with brown or shades of gray. The raven has a wingspan of one to one and a half meters. The bird has pointed throat feathers, and under the beak, with age, they form in the form of a “beard”. Like the plumage, the beak and legs of the ravens are also blue-black. The claws on the legs are curved. The iris of the eyes of crows of coffee shades.

Similarity to other birds

Similarities can be found with rooks, but the raven is much more massive and differs in a number of ways. Unless the color of the body of the ravens is monophonic, like that of the same rooks or a black crow. A low, guttural "kru" or a loud, short or drawn-out "kra" is heard in the bird's voice, also known as a croak. It is believed that crows are able to imitate sounds, imitate the voices of other animals.

Distinctive features of ravens from ravens

Ravens have characteristic differences from their "brothers" in kind. Pitch black plumage shimmers under the rays of the sun, creating a greenish or blue tint. Crows live in natural conditions and in captivity. There is a known case when in "imprisonment" black bird lived for 70 years. The natural habitat does not provide ideal conditions for life and is designed to hone the instinct of self-preservation. Maximum term The life of crows in nature was 40 years, but most often the birds do not live up to 20 years.

If we characterize these birds, we get the following picture. Birds are unique in nature. They can even be called proud, wayward and even mysterious.

Ordinary crows tend to live close to people, where they can easily get food for themselves. It is generally accepted that crows are distinguished by their larger size and louder voice. Ordinary representatives of the black-and-gray brethren do not disdain to carry things from bags from inattentive passers-by. As soon as a person resting in the park hides behind a newspaper, a backpack next to him will attract an impudent bird to him.

But crows prefer to avoid people. Ornithologists also assure that these birds, creating pairs, cherish each other's loyalty no worse than swans.

If a flock of ravens has chosen a certain area in the park for themselves, then they will protect it from strangers. Especially these large birds will be at enmity with their raven brothers. Due to the large beak and body size, it is not difficult for Ravens to pounce on other people's dwellings of birds and destroy nests. Without a twinge of conscience, they can be called scavengers, who often gut the carcasses of dead animals.

Scientists note the intelligence of this species of birds. There is an assumption that it is thanks to their mind that the proud and live twice as long from the unintelligent crows. This bird is accompanied by mystical stories. Moreover, black birds can often be found among sorcerers and magicians as pets. It is common for a mystical feathered bird to imitate some of the voices of animals, including dogs, cats and some birds.

Despite the fact that these birds belong to the same family of corvids, they have such differences.

Raven Descriptions:

  1. body length 60-65 cm;
  2. weight 1.5 kg;
  3. adults have long feathers in the goiter area, which bristle;
  4. in flight, the shape of the tail is wedge-shaped;
  5. the color of the plumage, beak and legs is black;
  6. prefer secluded places and loneliness.

Raven prefers to hunt, for which he can even join his relatives for a while. In general, this is a solitary bird.

Crow Description:

  1. body length 50–52 cm;
  2. weight 550–700 kg;
  3. the shape of the tail in flight is rounded;
  4. plumage color gray-black or black;
  5. prefer to live in flocks close to people.

Ravens live in most countries of the world, where they lead a sedentary lifestyle in rural or urban areas near human settlements.

Both those and other birds from the corvidae family do not differ in gastronomic tastes. These birds are omnivorous and can absorb almost everything (insects, food waste, carrion, small rodents, vegetables, plants, berries, worms, etc.).

After reading this article, the reader will no longer have a question - how many years do ravens live? Now children can be confidently answered about the life expectancy of these birds.


Ravens live in solitary pairs, but during long and cold winters they can stray into flocks and populate the empty nests of rooks. Sometimes they feed in the same area with rooks and magpies. The voice of a crow cannot be confused with the voice of any other bird.

The guttural voice of a crow sounds in the same timbre, its croaking emits a deep, hoarse scream k-r-a-a. Sitting on the top of a tree, the bird makes a lot of noise, because it emits its piercing croak several times in a row with short pauses. Some cycles of croaking can last for hours. In short intervals between periods of vocal exercises, the crow can change its location. She flaps her wings slowly, measuredly, without fuss and haste.


The raven is well adapted to scattered and scarce food sources and eats almost everything edible that it can catch or find. Carrion plays a key role in the diet, primarily rather large animals like a wolf or a reindeer, which helps it survive in harsh conditions. climatic conditions. On occasion, it feeds on dead fish, dead frogs and rodents. At the same time, the bird also shows the features of a real hunter - it catches a variety of game up to the size of a hare or a small ungulate, including rodents, birds, lizards, snakes.

In the stomachs of ravens, the remains of insects, scorpions, mollusks, earthworms, sea ​​urchins. Raven can ruin bird's Nest eating eggs or chicks. Plant foods are as diverse as animals, although they occupy a smaller share in the total volume. As examples, the authors mention blueberries and poison oak seeds.

American biologists have noticed that with food abundance, individuals can specialize in different types Forage: According to observations in Oregon, some of the ravens nesting in the neighborhood ate more vegetable food, others were engaged in the search for carrion, and still others focused on catching Belding's gophers and ferrets. Raven willingly enjoys the fruits human activity: Follows deer epaulettes, accumulates near barnyards and slaughterhouses, in landfills, near garbage bins and picnic tables. Willingly eats anthropogenic garbage, and such a diet, according to observations in the western part of the Mojave Desert, leads to a more successful hatching of chicks.

Reproduction and offspring

Ravens are considered monogamous. Created pairs are preserved for many years, and sometimes for life. This is due to the attachment of the bird to the territory and nesting site. Biologists know cases when a pair of crows returned every year to the same place to raise offspring. The bird becomes sexually mature in the second year of life. Pairs prefer to settle at a distance of one to five kilometers from each other. They start breeding in winter, in the second half of February, however, in the south this period shifts by more early term, and in the north, on the contrary, to a later one.

For example, in Pakistan, crows breed in December, and in Siberia or in the mountains of Tibet only in mid-April. Mating is preceded by mating games. The male performs complex maneuvers in the air or walks in front of the female with an important look with his head held high, his neck swollen and ruffled plumage. If a pair of crows has developed, the "wedding" ends with mutual cleaning of feathers.

Both the female and the male equally take part in the creation of the future nest. It is arranged in a place inaccessible to enemies - in the crown of a tall tree, on a rock ledge or a man-made structure. Thick branches of trees are woven into a large nest, then smaller branches are laid, and the inside is insulated with wool, dry grass or cloth. Birds living next to humans have adapted to use for building nests modern materials like wire, glass wool and plastic.

The construction of the future house takes 1-3 weeks. The finished nest has a diameter of up to 50-150 cm, a depth of up to 15 cm and a height of 20-60 cm. In most cases, a couple builds two or even three nests and uses them alternately.

Ravens are able to adapt the nest litter to the ambient temperature, using cooling or, conversely, warming materials.

On average, the clutch consists of 4-6 eggs of bluish-green eggs with gray or brown spots, in rare cases, the female can lay one or seven to eight eggs. Their dimensions are approximately 50 by 34 mm. The incubation period lasts from 20 to 25 days. All this time, the female incubates the eggs, without leaving the nest unless absolutely necessary, and the male takes care of her food.

The devotion of ravens to their offspring is a mass of examples. There are cases when the female continued to incubate eggs with a shot in her body or after the tree on which the nest was located was cut down by lumberjacks. The first one or two weeks after hatching, the female does not leave the brood, warming and protecting the immature young. Upon reaching 4-7 weeks, the chicks begin to learn to fly, but finally leave their native nest only at the end of the next winter.

natural enemies

In the city, ravens have practically no enemies, with the exception of cats or dogs that hunt them. AT natural environment this list is growing exponentially. All birds of prey, such as eagles or hawks, are considered enemies.

In search of carrion, the raven is forced to settle next to another predator - a wolf, a fox, or even a bear. Another worst enemy of the raven is the owl. At night, when the raven is sleeping, it can attack nests and steal chicks or even kill an adult. To protect themselves from enemies, crows are forced to gather in flocks.

It is best to tame a raven when it is still a small chick. It is advisable to do this until he is still less than two months old. At this time, they are obedient and do not cause any inconvenience at all. But a little later, they begin to grow up and do not recognize anyone at all, except for the current owner. In the first year of life, they become quite adults.

A crow cannot be kept in a cage, otherwise it will be able to cripple itself. They are very energetic. They can be closed in a cage only when you are not at home. They can not be taught to shit in the same place. If you decide to have a crow, then get ready to clean the entire apartment. Because they love to destroy and spoil everything. They can also be kept in separate room. You will have to spend quite a bit to maintain a tame crow. a large number of money, because by all means it is necessary to conveniently build a place for him to live and provide him with the necessary toys.

Special food for crows is not for sale. To feed them, you need to make a “mash” (cook porridge, grate carrots, add cottage cheese, meat and vegetables). A crow should be given a bath at least once every two days, because otherwise a rather unpleasant smell may begin to emanate from it.

Crows are very smart. It would seem that this is a plus, but they direct their minds exclusively to destruction. They are paired, not flocking birds. The world for him will be divided into two halves: the first half is you and him, and the second is enemies. All living beings except you entering the apartment, he will attack and try to kill.

Before you are going to start a crow, it is better to think a hundred times than to regret later.

Raven in culture

The oldest mention of a raven in the Babylonian legend of Gilgamesh, dating back to the last third of the 3rd millennium BC. In this legend, Ut-write ( only person, who gained immortality) during the flood is saved in a boat, from which he sends a swallow, a dove and a raven one by one to find out if the earth has been exposed somewhere. The first two birds returned without finding a dry place, but the raven did not - it found dry land.

In the biblical description of the flood, the raven also did not return, but here it is blamed for this, for the dove returned with an olive leaf in its beak. Noah cursed the raven, turning it black, and blessed the dove. In the Middle Ages, the Christian religion proclaimed the raven as the personification of evil, the forces of hell and the devil, and the dove as the blessed bird of paradise. Holy Spirit and Christian faith.

In the myths of the pagan tribes that once inhabited Europe, the raven is a bird that brings misfortune. The appearance of a raven on the left side of the house was considered a bad omen, if a raven appeared during sowing - this foreshadowed a crop failure, and the meeting of two ravens in the air - a war.

“The raven croaks at the church - to the dead in the village; croaks in the hut - to the deceased in the yard. Through which the yard the raven flew croaking, there will be a dead man. Every crow would croak on his own head. The old raven will not croak in vain. Like a raven waiting for blood. These beliefs and proverbs about the raven are given by R.H. Dahl in " explanatory dictionary living Great Russian language.

But it wasn't like that everywhere. The Scandinavian supreme god Odin is accompanied by two wise birds - the crows Hugin and Munin. Raven and crow followed the heroes ancient greece associated with the sky, the sun, war or the underworld. The helmet of the goddess Athena looked like a raven. The raven accompanied Kronos, who was thrown into the tartar, and Asclepius, the god of healing, who came to the bold idea of ​​resurrecting the dead. (In the tale of Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky “About Ivan Tsarevich and gray wolf"By order of the wolf, the raven sends a crow for dead and living water in order to revive Tsarevich Ivan, who was killed by the brothers).

AT Western Europe the raven, by the middle of our century, was almost completely exterminated as a species, which was greatly facilitated by the superstitions associated with it. Where he is still found, he tries to stay in the mountains, large old forests and on rocky sea ​​shores He is very shy and afraid of people. In the European part of our country and in Siberia, the raven, met in the 40s of our century even on passing roads, flew into villages and cities, where it built nests on tall buildings. Now it is rarely seen ... Just like the close relatives of the raven, the ravens, it is almost omnivorous, but it is distinguished by great predation, boldly attacks birds and animals larger than itself. He can peck to death a hare, domestic chickens, and newborn lambs; robs the nests of all birds, drinking eggs or devouring already hatched chicks. And at the same time, it is a useful bird for gardens and fields, as it destroys insects, snails and fawn mice.

The lifespan of ravens has been a subject of controversy for many ornithologists for many years. According to the legends, this beautiful bird associated with dark forces and can live up to 300 years. This belief, of course, is a myth: so many crows do not live. If only because they are regularly in danger, and it is not easy for these birds to get food. But there was supposedly such a case: once one of the representatives of the ravens lived to be 210 years old, but this fact has no confirmation, except for rumors; Accordingly, this record is highly controversial. But the fact that the raven is not a stupid bird, is easily tamed and trainable is an indisputable fact. It is not for nothing that crows are recognized as a symbol of longevity and wisdom.

Here it should be emphasized that many people confuse two different birds. This is a raven and a crow. And some even believe that it is a male and a female. But in fact, we are talking about completely different birds. The raven is larger and by nature is a loner, while the crow is smaller and keeps in flocks. In addition, the raven is predominantly a forest dweller, and the crow prefers cities. As for life expectancy, both of these representatives have it approximately the same. But since the crow is more of an urban bird, due to ecology and nutritional problems, it lives less than its more hardy "brother".

It is problematic to unequivocally answer the question of how many years crows live. Since their life expectancy directly depends on many factors, the main of which is the conditions in which these birds live. Least of all, no more than 10 years, they live in an urban environment, where it is very difficult to protect themselves from hungry cats and constantly scurrying transport. Also, crows can live in the wild for a short time, about 15 years, because wildlife is a constant survival. These birds live much longer at home: with the right maintenance, they calmly live up to 30 years, even more.

However, ornithologists claim that these figures are not exact, but approximate, since there have been unique cases when in captivity crows lived up to 40–50 years. The official record, which is documented, is 59 years. Although, according to rumors, there were more impressive cases. Therefore, it is impossible to say with certainty how many years a raven lives. If you create for him comfortable conditions, away from dangers (for example, a nature reserve), then in such a favorable and safe place for a peaceful existence, a crow can live long enough. According to experts - even up to 70 years. And even longer.

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Many are familiar with such amazing and proud birds as crows, solely from their own observations. These birds are very capricious. And how many of them gather when they fly in a flock! As a rule, when they arrive, they scare away all other birds and inspire others with some anxiety.

Raven and crow

The opinion of ornithologists about the nature, habits, as well as the life span of ravens and ravens is somewhat different. No matter how long this goes on, one thing is clear: the raven is one of the most interesting and mysterious birds.

Differences between a crow and a crow

It is a mistake to assume that these are birds, between which it is appropriate to put an equal sign. They represent two completely different types . The only thing that unites them is the crow family. Both have both females and males.

Ravens, unlike ravens, prefer to live close to people. It's much easier for them to get food. Also, thanks to this neighborhood, these birds can practice their favorite pastime - theft. Opened bags, as well as simply inattentive townspeople - this is all that attracts so many crows who love to live among us.

Such a bird as a raven has completely opposite features. Its main differences from crows can be called:

Interestingly, the raven is not a very gullible bird. It can, of course, be taught, but these cases are rather exceptional. Crows are very smart. You can see this for yourself, you just have to look him in the eyes. Perhaps that is why the quality and duration of life of ravens is higher than that of ravens. Sometimes this look can even inspire fear; it is not for nothing that this bird is often present at sorcerers and at seances held by fortunetellers.

Crows are very good at imitating. It can be either the singing of another bird or the barking of a dog.

Raven lifespan

It is impossible to answer the question of how much the belly of a crow is unequivocally. For life span many factors influence, including quality, living conditions. There is a significant difference in the duration of existence of those birds that live in captivity, and live, multiply in the open space, far from man and any civilization.

Speaking of crows who love and try to live in wild nature, then they risk more crows, which have virtually no enemies in the urban environment. Crows get sick more often, it is more difficult for them to get their own food. At the same time, if crows live in an industrial area and in the course of their existence constantly inhale harmful fumes, their life expectancy is also short.

If we talk about how long crows can live, then those. Who live in the city, sometimes can live up to 30 years, but under favorable conditions. Most often this figure reaches 10 years. Thus, the range of years that crows can live is quite wide.

Speaking of large crows that are not urban birds, it can be noted that their life expectancy is somewhat longer. You can find many ancient records that say that the raven was able to live for about 300 years. People said that these birds live nine human lives.

If today a crow creates favorable conditions for living, it may well live up to 70 years. We are talking about those who live in captivity. If a bird lives in the wild, then the average life expectancy is an order of magnitude less - about 10-15 years. Maximum amount How many years can this bird live in the wild is 40 years. This is the opinion of modern ornithologists.

own view of this question exists among various peoples:

Despite the fact that there are such different opinions about the lifespan of ravens, these birds continue to be the most mystical and mysterious among all existing ones. Many peoples know a lot of legends and believe in signs associated with these amazing birds. They constantly attract many curious looks from both scientists and simple lovers nature and animals. There are many more interesting facts that ornithologists have yet to find out about them, about how they like to live and what are their features.

    Many people say different things, let’s say, according to sayings, a raven lives for 300 years, but I don’t know how true it is, but since there is a saying, it means it’s not just fiction, but on average, ravens live about seventy to eighty years

    A brief description of the raven / crow is as follows:

    It is well known that there are: the black crow bird and the gray crow bird. Gray crows in nature, in cities and villages live in flocks. Gray crows can often be found together with jackdaws, rooks and sparrows, they sit together perched on trees during the rain, walk around the arable land together. Less often among the flock of these birds you can meet magpie. There is nothing surprising in the fact that these birds live together, because they all belong to the same order - the order of passerines or passeriformes.

    How many years a crow lives depends on several factors and conditions. The more difficult it is to survive, the less they live and vice versa. It is easier to survive (no enemies, no diseases, no poisonous food) - they live longer.

    • In the city - up to 10 years,
    • in the village - up to 15 years,
    • in captivity - up to 70 years.
  • How old is a crow

    Crow interesting and mysterious bird. Grown by man, it is easily trained and knows how to imitate the voice of the owner, keeps him devotion. Since it is quite large predatory bird, then she lives for a relatively long time. But for 300 years, the raven lived only in the fairy tale Pugachva (The Captain's Daughter, Pushkin). In the conditions of the modern ecological situation, if she lives for thirty years, it will be wonderful. Interesting information about crows and about the duration of their life.

    The hooded crow shown in the photo in question is one and a half times smaller than the raven

    And she lives no more than 20 years, while the raven lives up to 70, and according to some sources, up to 200 years.

    Both birds are smart, gray crows have learned to carry food from bags hung out of windows in winter, and the raven has been considered a symbol of wisdom since ancient times.

    The city crow is probably up to 10 years old. The raven is somehow a more legendary bird (Odin, Gilgamesh, the prophet Elijah ..), hence the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhis such a long life. He lives in captivity and actually for a long time. There is evidence that the longest-lived person lived in captivity for 75 years, which, of course, is a lot for a bird ..)))

    I saw him live in the forest on a tree branch. Well, I'll tell you something scary in your soul when you see him. Black, big, does not let close and sweat creepy. They are said to be easy to train and can mimic the human voice. They don't live 300 years. In general, since ancient times, many mysterious and mystical properties have been attributed to the raven. There is no consensus on this matter, and yet in ornithology it is believed that at large his age does not exceed 30 years.

    The duration of crows depends on their living conditions. If a crow lives in better, more domestic conditions, then it will live up to a hundred years. On average, it turns out somewhere 60-70 years. But if a crow lives in nature, then its life is shorter, somewhere around 20-25 years.

    As for the raven, it is a more noble bird, and lives for more than 100 years in captivity, in nature up to 100 years.

    In addition to being very smart, crows are also long-lived. It’s not worth talking about life expectancy records, but on average a crow lives 10-15 years. For crows, this is a lot. About 300 years - this is just a tale, it seems, Snow Queenquot ;.

    I read an article on the Internet. From not I learned that ravens live several times longer than ravens. The average life expectancy of crows is 10-15 years, and crows - about 80 (some individuals are very tenacious and live up to 150-200 years).

    crow lives not a decade.

    In nature, the life expectancy of a crow ranges from 15 to 20 years. Some individuals die even earlier, before reaching the age of 15.

    Sun depends on the environment of existence, enemies and other things.

    The raven is the largest representative of the passerines. Although his life is also not very long. It is proved that the raven lived in captivity for 40 years.

    This is not to say that crows live very long, only somewhere from ten to fifteen years.

    And the story that crows live for three hundred years came from someone's story, I don't remember exactly which one. As a child, I myself thought that crows live a very long time, but in reality this is not so!