Scarecrow mask scream. Terrible beauty, or do-it-yourself garden scarecrow. How to make a scary garden scarecrow with your own hands

Since ancient times, to protect the crop from feathered raiders, gardeners placed scarecrows on the site. In the 21st century, this tradition not only did not disappear, but also developed: scarecrows became more fashionable and attractive.

Making a garden scarecrow

Settled to protect the ripening crop in the garden or in the garden, a garden scarecrow can be made, as in the famous song, "from what was." But it is very important that it not only cope with the task of scaring away birds, but also decorate the place on the site where it registered for residence.

A scarecrow should be not only functional, but also attractive.

Preparation of materials and tools

There are many options for creating a garden scarecrow, but the principle of operation is the same: clothes are put on a wooden frame of intersecting poles and the head is attached. The rest is the details that make each scarecrow unique.

The principle of creating a scarecrow is very simple.


The frame can be made from two slats of suitable size, boards and even sticks, which are crossed at any desired angle and fastened with screws.

A simple version of the frame for a scarecrow: wooden coat hangers mounted on a rail


For the head of a scarecrow, any more or less spherical object is suitable:

Beautiful curls on the head of a scarecrow can be created from an old magnetic tape. Such a hairstyle, in addition to everything else, will also sparkle in the sun and rustle in the wind.

Magnetic tape curls have additional deterrent properties: rustle and shine

Hands, feet and clothes

To create a scarecrow of the hand, you can fill the gloves with voluminous material (synthetic winterizer, cotton wool, straw) and fix them on a transverse pole. To create legs on a vertical pole, trousers, shorts, etc. filled with suitable voluminous material are also attached under the clothes and suitable old shoes are fixed on them.

To make your stuffed animal pleasing to the eye, you should not dress it casually and pick up some torn clothes that no one needs. Dress it brightly, with charm, then it will not only scare away birds, but also decorate your site and please the eye.

Dressed up cute scarecrow can decorate the site

Adding accessories to your look will depend on your overall design. The scarecrow can be decorated:

It is believed that birds are especially suspicious of the blue color, so it makes sense to add blue scarecrows to the costume.

A scarecrow dressed in a blue suit will scare away birds more reliably

So that in the future you can quickly protect a new garden resident from the rain, you should immediately prepare a large plastic bag or even an umbrella.

To protect from the rain, you need to prepare an umbrella or immediately dress up the scarecrow in a raincoat

If it suddenly turns out that your scarecrow, instead of scaring away the birds, began to play the role of a convenient airfield, you will have to change the design and move it to another place. Therefore, it is better to have more than one scarecrow, but at least a couple, in order to periodically change their places.

Master class on creating a straw man

To get started, prepare the following materials and tools:

  • two handles for a rake or two even sticks (from hazel or aspen);
  • a couple of screws and a screwdriver;
  • bag of dry straw or hay;
  • synthetic twine;
  • scissors;
  • headdress (preferably a hat);
  • black marker;
  • thick wire for attaching a hat;
  • wide shirt, trousers or breeches.

The sequence of operations is as follows:

  1. Let's tackle the frame first. To do this, connect the two prepared rails with screws. It is better to immediately sharpen the lower end of the vertical rail so that later it enters the ground more easily.

    Reiki for the future scarecrow fastened with screws

  2. We create the volume of the body with the help of straw. To do this, we twist the straw bundle, twisting it with twine, and fix it on a vertical rail. We also form the volume for future hands on the transverse rail.

    Two straw bundles will add volume to the future scarecrow

  3. We form the head of the scarecrow. To do this, we fill a white bag with straw and synthetic filler, fix the resulting head on a vertical rail.

    The head can be made from a white bag or pillowcase.

  4. Create a scarecrow face. Eyes, nose, mouth can be made from pieces of skin or fabric of the appropriate color, glue eyebrows, eyelashes.

    A scarecrow's face doesn't have to be intimidating.

  5. We put a wide-brimmed hat on the head of the scarecrow and fix it with a wire.

    A straw hat will add a human resemblance to the scarecrow

  6. We dress up the scarecrow in a shirt and pants. Preference should be given to blue.

    We also fill the pants with straw and attach them with twine to the shirt.

  7. We decorate the scarecrow by adding scary accessories. To prevent the scarecrow from being static, you can attach fluttering and rustling elements to the hat, sleeves, belt:
    • beads from bottle caps;
    • canned food cans fastened in pairs;
    • CD belt.

    A belt made of CDs will add charm and shine to the scarecrow.

Video: creating a scarecrow

Master class on creating a scarecrow crow Karkusha

Often, to scare away jackdaws in the garden, a dead bird is hung on a pole. We will not do this, but we will try to create a scarecrow in the form of Karkusha's crow. Perhaps she will cope with scaring away the feathered robbers.

Scarecrow in the form of a crow will help expel other birds

To craft Karkusha, you will need the following set of materials:

  • pole with crossbar;
  • black fabric (polyester);
  • nitron (synthetic fiber);
  • Styrofoam;
  • children's shorts / breeches in black;
  • black and yellow knee socks;
  • black nylon stocking;
  • black tow or linen;
  • glue, twine, thread;
  • black marker;
  • willow rods.

Sequence of operations:

  1. For the frame, we take two poles 1.5 and 0.5 m long, connect them together.
  2. We cut out a square with a side of 50 cm from black fabric, in the middle we make a hole for the head, and cut the edges into strips 5 cm long.
  3. We bend the resulting part in half so that both the front and the back of the fabric look like a triangle, and put it on the frame.
  4. We sew the torso, and then to add volume we fill it with nitron.
  5. We attach bunches of flax or tow to the “wings” hanging along the edges of the transverse crossbar. They will imitate feathers.
  6. We also fill the black stocking with nitron to make Karkusha's head.
  7. We cut out the eyes and beak from the foam, glue them on the head, which we fix on a vertical rail.
  8. At a height of one and a half meters, we fix willow rods horizontally, Karkusha will comfortably “sit down” on them.
  9. We put the stockings and panties stuffed with nitron together and sew them to the rods.
  10. We cut out paws for Karkusha from foam plastic and glue them to the golfs.
  11. On the rods you can hang cans fixed on twine, which will ring in the wind.

Variants of garden scarecrows

Ideas for creating exclusive options for a garden scarecrow are endless. You can choose to create your scarecrow some of these options, but it is better to use them for inspiration and come up with something of your own.

Photo gallery: defenders of orchards and orchards

A straw man can help protect an entire field You can create a scarecrow and without much effort A scarecrow can be given a national color Bright details of clothing will give a scarecrow elegance When creating a garden dweller, you can show imagination A scarecrow head can even be made from a pumpkin Scarecrow can perform some kind of agricultural work Special resemblance to a person will have a scarecrow made from a mannequin

Video: ideas for creating creative "guards" of a ripening crop

Creating a scarecrow for your garden is very simple, so you can show your imagination and make it unique by working on your own "patterns". And let it be as it is said in these lines: “... our scarecrow with you is no longer a stuffed animal, not a doll and not a mummer, but a faithful, kind friend!”.

At the very least, even today the garden scarecrow remains one of the effective, albeit short-term, means of protection against annoying birds that threaten the crop. To be honest, in order for a scarecrow to actually “work”, it is necessary that it also rumble and move in the wind. However, the decorative effect is also worth something. If you don't want to be considered incompetent, create a crop protector yourself. In this article you will find a description of the main details and step-by-step instructions for creating a scarecrow for a summer residence, as well as many ideas and photos of how you can make an unusual garden scarecrow with your own hands.

As a rule, a garden scarecrow performs 2 functions or roles at once:

  • scaring away birds;
  • garden decoration.

Indeed, if you want to have a well-groomed garden that is not littered with feathered pests, let your garden scarecrow inspire fear exclusively in birds, but not in any way on your neighbors. Therefore, in any case, it should complement, “revive” and decorate the site, or rather be terribly unpleasant, scary for birds and unusual for people. Although a garden scarecrow most often looks rather untidy, but rags are not at all a mandatory attribute in the fight against very cunning garden pests.

In short, a garden scarecrow really should be a real decoration for your dacha, and it doesn’t matter if you have a need to protect the crop. And in fact, why not make it just like that - for beauty and giving more aesthetics to your garden plot.

One way or another, in order for a garden scarecrow to really scare away birds, it should look a certain way:

  • its dimensions must correspond to human;
  • appearance should be bright and noticeable;
  • it should be near the guarded volume.

How to make a garden scarecrow with your own hands

Usually any garden scarecrow is made on the basis of the following components:

  • frame (or torso);
  • head;
  • arms and legs;
  • clothing and other accessories.


You can make it both metal and wooden.

A wooden frame, as a rule, is made of two fairly thick boards of different lengths (or take 2 cuttings for shovels). They are fixed crosswise, driving a nail in the middle (and preferably two, so that the scarecrow's hands do not bend or stagger).

Boards (or cuttings) can also be secured with an ordinary rope and a special knot. Such fastening is no less reliable than a hammered nail.

The future torso of a garden monster can be made using the same 1 handle from a shovel, attaching a hanger to it instead of hands.

For more information on how to make a monster in the garden on such a frame, see the next step-by-step master class.

Video: how to make a scarecrow on a wooden-frame hanger

To make a metal frame, you will naturally need more time and welding skills, or you will have to ask a neighbor for a service or find a professional welder.

Video: how to make a summer scarecrow with your own hands on a metal frame


You can make the head of a garden scarecrow from various materials in a variety of ways.

For example, you can sew a head from two pieces of fabric, stuffing it with straw or some other stuffing. Or take a regular fabric bag and stuff it with something to give it the desired shape.

And then embroider eyes, nose, mouth on the face and sew on the ears.

Although you can also draw with paint or wear mask.

Suitable for the most common 5 liter bottle.

It is not a sin to make the head of a garden monster out of garden pot, securely attached to the frame.

Often the scarecrow is made completely hay including his head.

As a head, you can use the old doll head or the head of one who has worked his mannequin.

Or you can not make a scarecrow face, but simply use high hat, but to give it some form, in other words, to fill it, no matter what you have to.

Or just throw it on the frame straw hat.

Arms and legs

If you want the garden scarecrow to be as human-like as possible, then you need to give it clear outlines of the legs and arms.

Creating the arms of a garden scarecrow is very easy: you just need to put on the ends of the frame gloves and stuff them with something, for example, with the same straw.

The legs of the scarecrow are made in the same way: trousers, a bright dress or skirt, visible from afar, are put on the frame, and a clearly visible one is attached below. shoes(for example, rubber boots or galoshes).

Clothing and other accessories

How elegantly you dress your garden scarecrow will depend on its aesthetic appearance and, possibly, fate.


The most typical headdress for a scarecrow is hat.

However, the style and material of the hat can also be different.

It might even be hat with ear flaps.

You can put on your granny scarecrow scarf.

It is not necessary to cover the entire head with a hat, this may be enough symbolic and decorative headdress.


It will not be trite to put into the hands of a garden scarecrow badminton racket.

And it’s also in your power to create a whole composition: as if the girl is carrying on the yokebucket with water, which I just picked up in the well.

It will not be superfluous to give a stuffed stroller-flower bed into the hands of a stuffed animal.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a garden scarecrow

To make the simplest garden scarecrow, you will need the following materials:

  • 3 cuttings from shovels (or strong and thick boards) of different lengths (one for the body is long, for the arms - a little shorter, for the legs - even shorter);
  • 2 (or 4) nails and a hammer;
  • head (bag stuffed with straw);
  • clothing and other accessories.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a garden scarecrow with your own hands:

  1. Make a frame.
  2. Securely fix it in the ground.
  3. Attach the previously made head and wear a hat.
  4. Put on a shirt and pants or a dress (skirt) on the body, depending on the gender.
  5. To make the appearance of the scarecrow more human-like, attach gloves instead of hands, boots instead of legs.

Video: do-it-yourself garden scarecrow master class

What garden scarecrow to make in the country: photo ideas of beautiful garden scarecrows

Frankly speaking, the most curious sight is presented by various original garden scarecrows, of pleasant appearance.


It is most popular to dress a garden scarecrow as a farmer or peasant, in other words, as a villager.

The figure of a scarecrow dressed in a plaid shirt and jeans will not be critical.

2 scarecrows

An interesting idea for decorating a garden would be to form a family of several scarecrows.

Two stuffed adults.

Two scarecrow-children.

Using several scarecrows and other garden items, you can create whole country compositions.

A fun ride in a wheelbarrow.

Husband and wife on the bench.

From pots

If you like the idea of ​​creating a head for a stuffed garden pot, then you can do everything scarecrow entirely out of pots.

Another version of the battle scarecrow (knight) from pots.

From plastic bottles

A lifesaver for developing a beautiful and creative image of a scarecrow can be used plastic bottles in catchy colors.

Another idea for creating a dark-skinned native scarecrow from plastic bottles.

Note! Still, scarecrows from plastic bottles turn out to be really pretty ugly, so it’s better to make them out of them.


Such a scarecrow stimulates interest not only in amateur gardening, but also in fishing. It seems to want to say: “Everything will be cool with us!”


A scarecrow dressed in a military uniform and a gas mask will look very intimidating.

Bandit or cowboy

It will not be shameful to dress the scarecrow in a cowboy or, perhaps, a bandit outfit.


Say what you like, but the monster-athlete is cool!


It will be quite funny and original if you make a scarecrow with a bird's head. As they say: a wedge is knocked out with a wedge.

And here is a simpler, but also boring option in all respects.


This pumpkin man is, without a doubt, worthy of the flattering attention of gardening fans.

And it's hard to tear off an enthusiastic look from this foppish figure of a pumpkin farmer. He's still handsome!

Caring for a dacha, a garden or a vegetable garden is an occupation that requires considerable effort and trouble. Having spent a lot of time to achieve the desired result, no gardener wants to say goodbye to a precious crop due to uncontrolled bird raids. To protect the fruits of their labor from hungry feathered pests, the owners often install colorful human-sized dolls on their plots - scarecrows (or stuffed animals), designed once and for all to discourage birds from approaching incredibly tasty beds. Of course, such “watchmen” will not completely protect the garden, and especially brave winged thieves will be able to feed freely in the garden further, however, stuffed animals nevertheless bring certain benefits, scaring away most of the voracious birds.

To make the scarecrow scary for the birds and useful for the owners, it is best to make it:

  • Noisy. Bells, empty cans, bottles, metal parts and other trinkets - all this, ringing in every way in windy weather, scares the birds, preventing them from even getting close to the garden.
  • Big. A bulky and impressive figure sometimes looks intimidating even for people, not to mention birds.
  • Look like a human. Birds, no matter how impudent and bold they sometimes seem, have retained the makings of the instinct of self-preservation and will not meddle in the garden, where the owner is walking around. A humanoid stuffed bird may well be mistaken for the owner.
  • Movable. Items of clothing fluttering in the wind will create the impression of a moving figure, even more similar to the owner or mistress of the garden.
  • Cute for the owners themselves. Indeed, in addition to protection, the scarecrow also serves as a decoration, and sometimes such “crafts” fit very organically into the country landscape.

So, in the name of preserving the harvest, a responsible summer resident decided to make a terrible scarecrow from improvised materials, but does not know how to do it? It's not that difficult, actually.

There are many options for making stuffed animals, however, most of them consist of the same simple parts, such as: frame, head, torso, limbs and clothes.


Often the frame is made of two thick and even sticks of different lengths, fixing them with a long nail crosswise. Instead of sticks, you can also use cuttings from a shovel- they are perfect both in shape and length, and in strength.

You can also tie the details of the frame with an ordinary rope- such a mount, despite its apparent simplicity, is no less reliable and durable.

You can also use boards.: such a frame will be much easier to manufacture, but much more difficult to install - this point is also important to consider.

And finally you can make a metal frame, by welding several parts of a suitable size and shape. This method is perhaps the most reliable and durable, but at the same time the most difficult to manufacture. This method was liked by the authors of the Garden and Garden channel.


For the manufacture of the head, you can also use completely different materials.

The most common variant of the rag head. To make it, you will need a piece of fabric, a needle, threads, several hours of patience and a little imagination.

To make a stuffed rag head, you need to cut two pieces of fabric of the appropriate shape, having previously outlined the shape of the face, the position of the eyes, nose and mouth.

Then you need to sew two pieces of fabric together, stuff the resulting bag with straw(pillows and soft toys are stuffed in the same way), embroider a mouth, sew on button eyes and hair from a thick woolen thread. The nose and ears are best made from the same color material as the face for a more realistic look..

If you are reluctant to bother with making a head, you can go the simplest way, using an ordinary bag or a plastic bag as a head, again stuffed with straw. On top of it, you can pull on old tights or a pillowcase, as well as sew on eyes, a mouth, and in general everything that your heart desires.

You can also use a large empty bottle as a head.

The pot is also great for making a head.

Some gardeners suggest not having to worry about creating a face for a stuffed animal, using an ordinary photo - a clipping from a magazine.

If you want to create something special. bright and unusual you can give free rein to your imagination and use, for example, a pumpkin as a head. Such a scarecrow will be not only a garden watchman, but also an excellent decoration, designed in the style of Halloween horror films.

You can show your imagination and turn an ordinary craft into a work of art.


The body of a scarecrow is most often made not so much to scare away birds, but to give it a resemblance to a person and turn a stuffed animal into a pretty decoration.

It can be made in the same way as the head - from a bag stuffed with straw.

Another popular option is to sheathe a wooden frame with synthetic winterizer. The scarecrow turns out to be “voluminous” and even more like a person.

In addition, you can use a large bottle or tank to create the torso.

An interesting point: when creating a stuffed animal, consisting entirely of plastic bottles alone, you can not use a frame at all. It is enough to make holes in the bottles and tie them together with an elastic band or wire. Such a scarecrow will not be the most durable, but it will be quite loud and very original.

Arms and legs

These details are created solely at the whim of the owners - practice shows that the stuffed animal does fine without them.

The easiest way to create hands is to put on gloves stuffed with straw or padding polyester on the ends of a short pole. You can do the same with the legs by attaching socks or shoes to the trousers or skirt of the stuffed animal.

The most plausible arms and legs for the scarecrow were proposed by the authors of the Garden and Garden channel. In their video tutorial, they advise using small plastic bottles for the legs and shoulders, and a large amount of polyethylene for the arms and feet. We advise you to watch a video that explains how to make a scarecrow with your own hands for the garden.

Clothes and accessories

Perhaps it is at this stage, when dressing and dressing up a scarecrow, that you can show the most creative approach. Of course, there is nothing easier than getting old shabby things from dusty attic spaces that no one has been wearing for a long time and putting them on the frame. However, through the efforts of creative gardeners, ordinary garden guards turn into real fairy-tale characters and acquire the most original look.

Summing up, we can say with confidence that the scarecrow is an integral part of any garden, vegetable garden or summer cottage.

It not only helps to save a valuable crop from feathered pests, but also serves as an excellent addition to the country landscape and just a charming decoration.

In anticipation of the harvest, after planting, the owners of household plots should take care of its safety. Quite often, in the absence of legal owners, gardens and gardens are visited by feathered "pests", who immediately arrange a feast. Therefore, many resort to the help of a "garden protector" - a garden scarecrow.

Why put a scarecrow in the garden?

There are many methods of dealing with feathered guests, but the safest and most environmentally friendly- is to install a scarecrow in the garden.

Now it is difficult to say who was the first to put a frame in the garden, and then put unnecessary clothes on it. It is believed that this tradition has a connection with paganism, when people needed to scare away or appease evil spirits.

Over time, the appearance of the scarecrow has undergone significant changes. At present, the garden "guardian" serves not only to scare away feathered guests, animals, but also is the subject of decor for the backyard.

Making the perfect garden scarecrow

It will not be difficult to make a garden "guard" on your own, even a child can do it. It is only necessary to show a little ingenuity and imagination to create a "defender".

How to make a scary garden scarecrow with your own hands:

Before you start making a scarecrow, you need to know what birds are afraid of:

  • Of blue color. In nature, this color is quite rare, birds do not have time to get used to it and bypass those places where it is present;
  • Noise, cod, loud sounds;
  • Shiny and moving objects.

Scarecrow Kuzya fabric

Would need:

  • Unnecessary shirt and trousers (preferably blue);
  • Headdress;
  • Gloves or mittens;
  • Fabric bag to create the head;
  • Straw for stuffing;
  • Needle and thread;
  • markers;
  • Leg-split;

REFERENCE: If you put a bird on the shoulder or head of a stuffed animal, this will become an additional protection from a flock of birds.

  • Two CDs;
  • Stuffed bird or balloon.


  1. Creating a framework. To the pole at around 1.7 meters, nail the crossbar across. It will become the basis for the shoulders and arms;
  2. Head making. Stuff a cloth bag with straw to shape the head;
  3. Put your head on a pole and tighten the edges of the bag;
  4. Face shaping. Using a marker, draw eyes, nose and mouth;
  5. From the straw, form a hair and fix it on the top of the head with pins;
  6. Put a shirt on the crossbar and stab it;
  7. Fill the sleeves and the rest of the space with straw;
  8. Sew up the edges of the sleeves and shirt so that the stuffing does not come out;
  9. Sew stuffed gloves to the sleeves;
  10. Pass a rope through the discs and tie it to gloves so that they scare away feathered guests with their brilliance;
  11. Fill trousers with straw;
  12. Tighten the edges of the trousers with twine, sew the top to the shirt;
  13. It is not necessary to fasten the bottom of the trousers, they should easily develop in the wind and give the impression of movement;
  14. Attach a hat with a stuffed bird or a balloon on your head.

The ideal garden scarecrow with your own hands:

Scarecrow Dusya from plastic bags

Would need:

  • Flesh-colored tights or stockings;
  • polyethylene bags;
  • Drink cans;
  • Twine, pins, thread with a needle;
  • Nitron;
  • Black tow;
  • Color markers;
  • Scotch;
  • A two-meter pole and a meter crossbar;

REFERENCE: To create a costume, you need to choose voluminous packages so that they make a lot of noise.


  1. Creating a framework. To the pole at around 1.7 meters, nail the crossbar across. It will become the basis for the shoulders and arms;
  2. Head making. Stuff a nylon stocking with threads, nitron, rags made of fabric. Do not use straw as stuffing, as it can break through the nylon;
  3. Put your head on a pole and secure the bottom with twine;
  4. Face framing. Draw eyes, nose, mouth with colored markers. Make eyebrows from black tow;
  5. Make hair from tow and fasten it on the top of the head with threads or pins;
  6. Make a bow out of the blue bag and fix it on the crown;
  7. Sleeve manufacturing. Put polyethylene bags on the crossbar with the open edge to the sides glued to the middle. Wrap the edge with tape to fix the bag on the frame. The second edge should develop and scare away feathered "pests";
  8. Put on a T-shirt or a blouse with short sleeves on Dusya;
  9. Stuff a T-shirt with nitron;
  10. As a skirt, use bags of multi-colored polyethylene. First, tape a long petticoat to the pole. Fix the short second skirt on top of the first;
  11. Attach tin cans to Dusi's hand by tying them with twine.

Video master class how to sew a scarecrow:

Scarecrow "Karkusha"

Would need:

  • Black polyester fabric;
  • Children's black shorts / breeches;
  • Knee-highs in black and yellow;
  • Nylon stocking black;
  • Styrofoam;
  • Black tow or linen;
  • Black nitron;
  • Glue, twine, thread, pins;
  • Black market;
  • branches;
  • Pole - 1.5 m and crossbar - 0.5 m.

Creative flying scarecrow cry:


  • Cut a square from the fabric with sides of 50 centimeters;
  • Cut a hole in the center so that it is convenient to put on a pole;
  • Cut the edges of the fabric into ribbons five centimeters long;
  • Put the fabric on the crossbar to make triangles in front and behind;
  • To give the silhouette volume, fill with nitron, and sew the edges (up to the cut ribbons) with threads or fix with pins;
  • Tie tow or linen to the edges of the crossbar, they will serve as an imitation of bird wings .;
  • The head will be a nylon stocking stuffed with black nitron;

REFERENCE: Long tow develops better.

  • Put your head on a pole and fix with twine;
  • Cut out eyes for Karkusha from foam, glue them;
  • Cut out the nose from the foam and glue it with quick-setting glue;
  • Draw pupils with a black marker;
  • Make a forelock from tow and glue it to the top of the head;
  • At the meter mark, fasten a bunch of branches on a pole, Karkusha will be located on them;
  • Stuff shorts and stockings with nitron, sew stockings to shorts;
  • Sew shorts to the body and branches so that the bird sits;
  • Cut out the legs from the foam and glue them to the golfs;
  • Tie tin cans to the branches with long threads.

Making a garden scarecrow is not only useful, but also a rather entertaining pastime that will allow you to discover creative possibilities in yourself. Even if the goal pursued is to save the crop from winged guests, the created scarecrow can become a real decoration of the garden plot. Each house will have the necessary materials that will be required for the production of a protector of gardens and orchards.

DIY garden scarecrow:

Birds often annoy gardeners by running on the roof and leaving spots on it, eating berries in the beds, etc. The author of the video made the simplest scarecrow for the garden from tin. Having the contours of a bird of prey and making oscillatory movements under the breath of the wind, this repeller imitates the active actions of a predator. You can make this “bird” in haste with a minimum of material and tools.

A tin scarecrow is made simply. A metal rod or a piece of pipe with a closed and flat, even upper end is stuck into the ground. A bird is cut out along the contour and bent so that the beak protrudes, and when mounted on a rod, it creates an equilibrium state of the entire structure.

The design turned out to be quite elegant and can even serve as a decoration for the garden.
Unfortunately, the video is not very clear.
Modern birds are little afraid of technology and people, especially ordinary scarecrows and moving sparkling objects. But they are afraid of their wild relatives. The device was invented to effectively scare away birds in garden plots, it imitates a full-fledged bird of prey. Is in motion continuously in any weather, even in calm. Can be equipped with twinkling LED eyes, triggered by vibration. It is able to scare away not only birds, but also animals due to movement, vibration, eye gleam, rustling of sheathing material, the illusion of a bird of prey flying. Assembles in 15 minutes at home. You can give any shape to the wings by bending the frame wire, you can use candy foil for the eyes. Polyethylene for the wings can be of any color and pattern, it does not stretch much on the scarecrow frame. The more colorful the scarecrow, the more alive it looks. It can scare away not only birds, but also any living creatures.
Serves not only as a watchman, but also decorates the garden. Does not require material costs.

Stuffed repeller in the form of a bird predator Peregrine Falcon 3

Usually on the web they talk about bird repellers in theory, but I decided to show how the device works in practice. And I wanted to show the work of the repeller on crows and starlings, since it is these birds that do the most harm by destroying fruits and berries.

The layout is fixed on the 4th floor on the loggia.