Toys for director's games of a preschool child. Tasks. Conclusions to the third chapter

As in the case role play, director's play requires acting characters, the things with which they act (objects of operation), and the place in which the action takes place (play space). However, the nature of these materials and the requirements for them are somewhat different.

figurative toys

The main characters of the director's game of the child are figurative toys - dolls (Fig. 6.7), figurines of animals and fairy-tale creatures.

Rice. 6.7. doll on a sled Grimms 1

Through a figurative toy, the child accepts social and everyday ideas, social and family way of life, ethical and aesthetic norms. That is why, when choosing figurative toys, one should be especially attentive to the external image and aesthetic appeal of a doll or other character.

A figurative toy often becomes an object of identification for a child - unconsciously he copies the doll's facial expression, characteristic postures. Therefore, a neutral expression and pose of any character is preferable to expressive ones, since their appearance a toy can set (or impose) certain ethical and aesthetic ideas, set a particular style, plot and content of the game.

Dehumanization of the image of a toy, emphasizing the animal or mechanical principle in a person, an evil expression on the face, distortion of the proportions of the human body are undesirable, since they contradict the task of the imagination - to endow the doll with a look, emotions, facial expressions that change depending on the situation.

Detailed images or exact copies of people or animals are undesirable, as this narrows the field of possibilities and impoverishes the game. Conditional toys are preferable, displaying some characteristic features of an animal or person, on the basis of which it is possible to accurately determine - this is a dog, not a bear, this is a deer, this is an old man, this is a king, and this is a witch.

The most natural and organic directing action occurs with figures that are comfortable to hold in the hand, ranging in size from 5 to 20 cm.

Choosing toys, attention should be paid to their image, as well as technical specifications.

Pupae - images of people (Fig. 6.8) - must match the following criteria:

  • the stability of the figures is necessary so that they can “live and be”, and not fall from any movement in the game, bringing irritation and disappointment to the action;
  • it is important that the toy has a harmonious face with a neutral expression, a proportional physique and a simple neutral pose;
  • incompleteness, conditionality of the image, giving scope to the imagination and the ability to act in a variety of ways with the toy, endow it with certain qualities, provide it with a sign of the role, if necessary: ​​a mantle, handkerchief or knapsack;
  • excessive detailing and interactivity are inappropriate: the toy should not make sounds, move independently, etc.

Children should have at their disposal little men of different sex and age so that they can play different stories - family, friends, army, etc. The more conditional the images are, the more suitable they are for both family and everyday life, as well as for heroic and fairy-tale plots. It is very good if the figurative toys for the director's play are proportionate to each other, it is convenient to combine them.

Similar requirements apply to animal toys and fairy-tale creatures:

  • stability of the figure, naturalness and simplicity of the pose. It is better if the animal stands on four legs; complex postures (jumping, sleeping, stretching, etc.) are undesirable;
  • the presence of characteristic features that make the character recognizable, the absence of both caricature and excessive literalness, detail in appearance.

Rice. 6.8.Fisherman on a yachtImaginarium 1

The proportionality of dolls and animal figurines is highly desirable for combining them in stories and fairy tales.

A fairly common version of toys for director's play are sets of little men with various attributes (sword, hat, crown, wizard's cap, etc.). They allow you to change the roles of toys, embody various interesting plot moves.

A special kind of figurative toys for director's play are characters famous works(girl Masha, Cheburashka, Luntik, etc.). These figurative toys differ from the usual ones in that they carry a certain plot, image and character of the heroes of the work. They seem to symbolize some story, fairy tale, event and thus activate the desire to lose, to reproduce this story in the game. Such heroes, on the one hand, are easily recognizable and very attractive to children, and on the other hand, the rigid predetermination of their image narrows the range of roles played and makes it difficult to transform into a game. The value of these characters largely depends on the work from which this character came, on its age-appropriateness, the fascination of the plot, and the attractiveness for a particular child.

It is very good if the educator makes figurative toys with his own hands. Such toys are usually in special demand among children due to co-creation: children can observe their birth, anticipate and expect to play with them, which endows these toys with special properties and makes them emotionally close to children.

Small figures for director's play can be made together with older children. Characters can be molded from plasticine, wax,

1 Photo from the catalog of the Center for Games and Toys " Best games and toys." Issue. 3.

clay. It is not scary if such toys are unsightly and bear little resemblance to real ones. Even their flaws can suggest a new plot twist. For example, if an ear falls off a plasticine hare, it must be urgently taken to a doctor. Or this hare wants to turn into a wolf and turns into a game (this is easy in plasticine technique).

Do-it-yourself felt toys - such a charm? And cute, and pleasant to the touch, and sewn quickly, even on a typewriter, even with your hands. Our collection of felt figurines is “from grandma”, for all occasions. For all storylines. And what is not, will definitely happen.

It all started with finger toys made of felt and fleece. I asked to sew a set that would fit many Russian fairy tales: to have a grandmother and grandfather, a cat, a mouse, a dog, and forest animals: a hare, a wolf, a bear, a fox. The collection has since grown.

One of the first - the heroes of the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man". There is a wolf, he is wanted, he hid somewhere.

Additional forest characters reached out.

Actors for "Turnip"

Chicken family. A chicken with an egg is also available, but they wander.

New Year's series - finger heroes of New Year's stories, together with animals, they can tell a lot.

"The Three Little Pigs" was shown earlier,. The wolf was still with us there.

insects, for story games and acquaintance with this species of animals.

Big company marine life. Down to the pig fish.

Especially for Pasha - transport. When I was a kid, I loved it. And now he plays, despite the abundance of ordinary transport toys. These are so cozy!

This is my contribution to the collection, weather conditions for story and geographical games. I sew felt with my hands, so you can never confuse who created what.

Our favorites are dinosaurs.

All this is stored in one small container. The toys are small and there are a lot of them. It is convenient to take with you when for some reason you need to play outside the nursery. For example, when adults watch KVN, and children need to be occupied with something right there. Easy to take on the road, to visit.

Almost everything is sewn on a typewriter with a straight stitch or zigzag, in some places using beads. Ideas taken from the Internet and reworked. Who still does not know how to search, drive in “…. from felt with your own hands, ”and instead of dots, insert what you are going to sew - food, animals, birds, and so on.

Speaking of products. Felt collection of food, already in my performance -.

Anna Kulyasova

As well as traditional methods for the all-round development of children in preschool institutions are used innovative pedagogical technologies. One of promising ways development of the child's personality is prototyping. Its application opens up a number of additional features for development gaming activity children.

The game is the leading activity of the preschool period, the main content of children's life.. This is joy, and knowledge, and creativity. While playing, the child learns the world around him, acquires new knowledge, new relationships, skills and abilities, learns to search, think and create.

Layout "Fairy meadow"

great place in the life of preschoolers takes a director's game with small toys, when a child creates an imaginary situation, invents events with characters, identifying himself with them, performs one or more roles, simulates real social relations in a playful way. She demands high level development of the imagination(according to the child's own design).

Layout "Our Kindergarten"

What do children need to develop their imagination in directing?

The first is the presence of an individual space for the child to play. In modern kindergartens, and in families, this is far from being provided everywhere. The play corner that exists in some houses also does not always satisfy the child. Now one of the favorite games of children is to build houses for themselves under a table or under a chair, or inside a space fenced with pillows from a sofa. Children feel good there, it is a necessity for their mental development.

Second necessary condition- the child has small play material. On sale there are sets of small toys united by one theme ("Zoo", "Pets", "Army", etc.).

A necessary condition for director's games is the selection of game material. The toy must obey the baby, obey his logic, play along with him. Then the child will be able to transfer the functions of any object to it, use it as he wants, be able to imagine.

one more effective condition for the development of director's games can be called the creation of layouts.

Road Layout

Playing with models, the child creates an imaginary situation, plays one or more roles. Models real situations or social relationships in a playful way.

The self-made subject environment is developing. The child actively uses and creatively transforms the skills he has, seeks and tries out new ways of acting in practice. Another important developmental feature of the homemade mockup environment is that Each child can choose the most attractive activity for him.

Model "On the lake"

The work on creating layouts also involves interaction with the parents of the pupils., efficiency educational process depends on their direct participation. Therefore, we actively involved parents in the selection of materials and making models at home, in participating in competitions for the best family model.

If the layout is created by children together with adults, if they take part in the process of its creation, it is they who own the ideas for the content of this play space, then we can talk about the developmental effect of this play environment.

Layout "Underwater world"

When developing your kid's imagination in director's games, remember that a wizard lives in every child, this wizard is unique. Your child can see what others cannot see, hear incomprehensible, magical sounds, paint the whole world in his favorite color and much more. But still he needs help. It is necessary to give him the opportunity to act independently, to show individuality, you need to communicate with him a lot. This game will help you. She will be able to make the baby obedient, teach him to do one thing for a long time and with concentration, turn your everyday communication with him into an exciting activity. Thus, the skillful organization of the director's game, the creation of the necessary conditions for its development - contribute to the assimilation of game skills and skills by children, help to educate a real creative person.

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The selection of game material for director's games is a necessary condition for their development.

Director's games require realistic and imaginative toys that reproduce the appearance of people, animals, features of real objects. Such toys include, for example, dolls with eyelashes, closing eyes and movable body parts, toy animals, dishes and furniture, such as a stove with burners and an opening oven, etc.

Another type of toys - prototypical - only conditionally reproducing the details of the subject, for example, a doll with a painted face and a stucco wig or a stove with burners and an oven painted on it.

The third type of toys are substitute objects, i.e. objects that do not resemble real things, but are convenient for use in a conditional sense, such as sticks, cubes, balls, parts from designers, etc. Substitute objects play an important role in the development of visual-figurative thinking, creative imagination.

Children can be given toys of all kinds. (see appendix) It should only be remembered that the child's passion for research can distract him from the plot game to manipulate an object that has many details. For example, instead of cooking food on a stove with many handles, a child may start twisting or trying to break them off. Therefore, before organizing a story game with such toys, you should first give him the opportunity to study them. Only after the orientation actions run out can the toy be used for the story game.

At the same time, it must be remembered that a child will be able to play with toys on his own, only when he already knows how to play well and build his own imaginary world. Only those who already possess this remarkable ability can teach him how to play.

Puppets are an indispensable attribute of director's games. Their size is important. Very large dolls are inconvenient for manipulation, it is difficult for kids to hold them in their hands, they often sit in static poses and are used in a small number of play situations. For example, such dolls are easier to feed and comb, but inconvenient to swaddle or bathe.

For more flexible use naked dolls with painted faces and molded hair are good. There should be quite a few of these dolls. They should be different sizes, with different facial expressions (laughing, calm, sad), have movable arms and legs. Such dolls are easy to wear, rock, swaddle, plant, etc.

To play out various plots, it is good to have dolls representing different professions: a doctor, a policeman, a fireman, a cook, a clown, an astronaut, a racer, etc. Soldier dolls will be interesting for boys.

In addition to dolls, children should have toy animals (cats, dogs, bears), birds (chicken, cockerel), etc. Such toys should also be made of different materials, have different sizes and bright colors.

Plot toys, the proximity of their content childhood experience, the prompt introduction of new toys, depending on the impressions of the child - all this goes in a circle pedagogical guidance directed by children of younger and partly middle preschool age. The teacher first plays with a toy that is new in content to show the possibility of its inclusion in a familiar plot. For example, the teacher offers the toy Aibolit after reading the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky and shows the actions associated with the image of the doctor.

In senior preschool age children prefer to use small toys that fit well into the playing field, which becomes more detailed and meaningful. At this stage, a generalized idea of ​​many phenomena, objects of the surrounding world is formed. Therefore, children willingly use substitute toys, multifunctional toys. As such a multifunctional material for director's games, E.M. Gasparova offers cubes of different sizes with a schematic design ( human faces with signs of cheerful, sad mood). HER. Kravtsova has transformed the content of these cubes: they replace children different types Vehicle, furniture, animals, telephone, etc. In order to develop creativity E.E. Kravtsova advises giving "empty cubes" to preschoolers 6-7 years old. Then the child has the opportunity to arrange them in accordance with the development of the plot of the director's game.

Such cubes, as well as other items for director's play, preschoolers can make themselves (at the suggestion of the teacher, with his participation, involving their parents in this work, etc.). The teacher thinks over the storage of game material. It is important that children can independently select everything they need (figures of people, animals, houses, outdoor equipment, etc.), and at the end of the game, put it away.

It is advisable to refrain from direct instructions, comments about the playing child. It is better to resort to setting a problematic task (“Think about how your Dunno can be on the moon?”), A leading question (“Is it time for the Masha doll to go to bed?”). However, it should be remembered that such intervention in the director's game must be tactful, taking into account the characteristics of the child, so as not to lead his game to destruction.

The most important condition for the development of director's games is the creation of an individual space for children, providing a place and time for the game.

Given the predominantly individual nature of the director's games, the teacher should resort to indirect guidance of the child's activities.

Plot toys, the closeness of their content to children's experience, the prompt introduction of new toys depending on the impressions of the child - all this goes into the circle of pedagogical guidance of the director's game of children of younger and partly middle preschool age

The intervention of an adult in the director's game of the child should be tactful, taking into account the characteristics of the child.

DIY toys for director's games. How to make a themed set for games on the theme "Hockey Team".

Competition of New Year's master classes of the site for teachers and parents "Rodnaya Path" and the leading specialized magazine on games with children "Games and Toys".

We made a hockey team and shared an idea with you Mikhailova Olga Valerievna and the children of the group "Bell"(babies 4 years old). Structural subdivision « Kindergarten"Alyonushka" GBOU secondary school No. 2 named after. V. Maskina railway station Klyavlino, Klyavlinsky municipal district, Samara region.

director games - This is a type of story games for children in which the child does not take on any role (doctor, driver, and others), and all roles are played by toys. The kid, as a director, organizes the interaction of its main characters with each other during the course of the plot.

For director's games, thematic sets of small toys are used. How to make toys for winter games about hockey, you will learn from this master class prepared by O.V. Mikhailova - a participant in the competition of New Year's master classes "New Year's Toy".

You will find all the master classes of the competition and the conditions for participation in it.

How to Make a Hockey Team Director's Playset


  • Styrofoam,
  • white cardboard,
  • silver self-adhesive paper,
  • sintepon,
  • cork.

In winter there were winter Olympic Games. And the guys and I talked about winter views sports. And we decided to make a hockey field.
Working process:
Step 1. First, we made a gate out of foam. And glued on them the names of the teams.
Step 2. We made borders for the hockey field from the synthetic winterizer.
Step 3 We glued the gates and borders onto silver-colored self-adhesive paper.
Step 4. We made a puck out of cork. And from polystyrene - a scoreboard.
Step 5. Each child from home brought their own snowman with a stick, made together with their parents.

The snowmen were different: sewn, knitted, made of pompoms, threads, Christmas decorations, light bulbs, oak bark and yogurt bottles.

The set is ready!