Signs of a hyperactive child - should parents be concerned? Hyperactive child: educate or treat

Hyperactivity is a phenomenon that manifests itself in many children, interfering with their full adaptation to society. According to various statistics, from 2.5 to 18 percent of children suffer from it. Such children, regardless of the situation, run around all the time, fuss, move aimlessly, and in some cases are also unable to hold their attention on objects for a long time. What is childhood hyperactivity, how to cope with it and what should you absolutely not do?

Hyperactivity concept

Back in the sixties of the last century, doctors defined excessive motor activity as a pathological condition caused by minimal disorders of brain function. In the eighties, hyperactivity began to be classified as an independent disease.

On at the moment The concept of hyperactivity is interpreted as a state in which a person’s excitability and activity significantly exceed the norm. If such behavior becomes a problem for others, excessive activity is classified as a mental disorder.

If the phenomenon is accompanied by impaired attention, the disease is called ADHD - “attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.”

Who is susceptible to hyperactivity?

This condition is most often observed in children or

Because it is caused by emotions. At the same time, boys suffer from hyperactivity 4-5 times more often than girls. This is explained by the fact that guys are born larger and their brain matures later, which creates the preconditions for receiving birth or intrauterine injuries.

Symptoms usually begin to appear between two and three years of age. However, the average age of a child when parents decide to see a doctor is 8-10 years. The reason for this lies in the fact that if in the first years of life the baby is not required to take responsibility and hyperactivity is easily confused with childish activity and inattention, then at the age of ten, housework and study already require concentration and independence from the child.

Activity and hyperactivity in children - what is the difference?

Children who are too obedient and calm are frightening - thoughts immediately appear like “It seems like something is wrong with him.” However, excessive activity, when a child jumps twenty-four hours a day, is not normal. So where is the line between the norm and outright “excess”?

The hyperactivity test is something like the game “Find the Five Differences.” For example, active child does not sit still most of the day, prefers active activities to passive ones, but if necessary, he can read a book with his mother or devote an hour and a half to putting together puzzles. A hyperactive child is not capable of this - he is in constant motion, even if he is tired of it, and when completely exhausted, he begins to fray and cry.

An active kid asks a lot of questions out of curiosity, and a hyperactive one simply because he can’t do otherwise; he talks and asks a lot without listening to the answers. An activist is calm about prohibitions and does not show aggression, but a hyperactive child takes everything with hostility.

Causes of childhood hyperactivity

At the moment, there are many theories about what could provoke the manifestation of hyperactivity or ADHD syndrome in a child, but it cannot be said that the picture is completely obvious. Research is still being conducted and experts are working to solve this problem. However, many factors can be named today.

The causes of hyperactivity in children may be the following factors:

  • Heredity. According to experts, about 57% of parents whose children are susceptible to increased activity complained of the same symptoms in childhood. True, sometimes other problems are observed in such families, for example, the presence of antisocial psychopathies, affective disorders or serious allergic diseases (asthma, eczema), alcohol consumption, smoking.
  • Intrauterine hypoxia. Oxygen starvation of the fetus leads to organic brain damage.
  • Injuries during pregnancy. And not only physical, but also psychological.
  • Premature or difficult labor.
  • Birth injuries.
  • Serious infections or injuries in the first years of life, chronic diseases.
  • Incorrect or poor nutrition, lead poisoning, nutritional deficiencies.

The main symptoms of hyperactivity are:

  • Frequent getting up from a place.
  • Sharp rises from a place, after which - fast running.
  • The child behaves as if he is “wound up.”
  • When excited, the child fidgets in the chair or makes other aimless and intense movements with his arms or legs.
  • Inability to participate in peaceful and quiet leisure activities.
  • Failure to wait your turn in a game, during class, etc.
  • Interfering with other people's conversations or activities.
  • Trying to answer a question before it has been fully formulated.
  • Shouting or other noisy behavior during a class, event, etc.

Symptoms of attention disorders

Since excessive activity in children is often combined with attention deficit, it is necessary to be able to identify it:

  • Decreased selective attention, careless errors.
  • Inability to focus on a particular subject or its details for a long time.
  • A child can be easily distracted by even minor extraneous noise.
  • Lack of composure when performing a task, inability to complete the task.
  • Difficulties in organizing your own activities.
  • Feeling as if the child is not listening when spoken to.
  • The child tries to avoid solving problems that require prolonged mental stress.
  • Increased forgetfulness.
  • Constant loss of things.

To be diagnosed with attention deficit or hyperactivity disorder, six of the nine symptoms described above must be present. If a child exhibits signs from both categories, the child most likely has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). In any case, if you suspect any violations in your child, parents should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

If a child exhibits any of the symptoms described above and the doctor confirms the parents’ fears, of course, a specialist will be involved in the treatment. However, there are things that parents can and must do for a child.

So, some tips for moms and dads on how to communicate with a hyperactive child:

  • The first tip is the “correct” wording of prohibitions. Most hyperactive children react painfully to prohibitions, so parents, in order not to provoke aggression, should avoid denial and the word “no.” For example, instead of “Don’t run on the grass!” It’s much better to say “Please step out onto the path!”
  • The second tip is calm and calm again. If conflict situations arise, you should remain calm, as otherwise this will only increase painful activity and even provoke aggression in the baby.
  • Tip three is consistency. Since the main distinctive feature Hyperactive children are inattentive; it is not recommended to give them several tasks in a row. For example, having heard from the mother “Change your clothes, wash your hands and come to dinner,” the child will most likely be completely distracted by something else and will not complete a single task.
  • Tip four is to channel excess energy in the right direction. A hyperactive child will benefit from having a hobby. When choosing one, you should first of all focus on the interests of the child.

If your child is susceptible to ADHD, there are two more tips to add to the tips above:

  • Tip five – clear goal setting. Since children with ADHD syndrome are characterized by a lack of concentration and poor logical thinking, they need to formulate tasks as simply and clearly as possible. You should speak in short sentences without unnecessary semantic loads.
  • Tip five: stick to your daily routine. This is the basis for successfully raising a child with ADHD. Performing the same actions at the appointed time will discipline the baby, and healthy sleep will help to become calmer.

Whatever parenting scheme is chosen and whatever advice parents listen to, the main thing in raising a hyperactive child is a positive model of communication. Praise your child if he did well, don’t ignore even minor successes, and especially don’t scold him with or without reason. This way, education will be not only effective, but also enjoyable!

Contents of the article:

Hyperactive children are becoming increasingly common in modern world. What signs indicate a hyperactive child, what should parents do, how to raise a hyperactive child, how is ADHD treated - a psychologist will answer these questions.

What is the diagnosis of ADHD, or who are hyperactive children?

If your child has been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), don't be alarmed. This does not mean that he will 100% have learning problems or difficulties communicating with peers. These children just need to be given more attention so that the manifestations of hyperactivity are smoothed out. Early correction and treatment of ADHD will allow you to develop a mentally and physically developed personality.

ADHD is, as a rule, a consequence of hypoxia in the fetus during pregnancy or at the time of natural childbirth, when the child’s brain did not receive enough oxygen. A child with this syndrome has increased muscle tone, and is very sensitive to sounds and light stimuli. Children with ADHD have restless sleep, and during periods of wakefulness they exhibit excessive mobility and agitation.

These kids often begin to walk and talk earlier than their peers. At the same time, relatives rejoice at the baby’s abilities and believe in his special talent. But already from the age of three, parents begin to notice signs of concern. It becomes clear that the baby is unable to focus his attention on any one activity. He may not listen to an interesting fairy tale to the end or quits the game if he needs to concentrate.

Behavior problems become most noticeable at events that require organization (for example, holidays in kindergarten), a hyperactive child cannot stand in one place, he constantly spins and sways.

At school age, another feature becomes clear, which greatly upsets the relatives of a hyperactive child. The child cannot sit at a desk for a long time, concentrating on classes. He is constantly distracted by something, often gets up, walks, and can disturb his classmates. Impulsive actions and overly active behavior are not the only problems at school. Already in the first grade, it becomes clear that the child has a difficult time mastering educational material. Difficulty with counting, reading and writing may occur. Parents are naturally very upset. After all, in the first years of his life, their hyperactive baby developed so quickly that he seemed like a child prodigy. And now he does not stand out among his classmates or may even lag behind them.

Neurologists, child psychiatrists, psychologists and speech therapists have long been dealing with the problems of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

What to do with a hyperactive child

Treatment of hyperactive children can be divided into: 1) medical care and 2) the conditions and efforts that parents must create for the child. Moreover, the role of parents is no less important in medical treatment, and in some cases is decisive.

Treatment of hyperactive children

A neuropathologist prescribes medication and restorative physiotherapeutic treatment for a hyperactive child, which are aimed at normalizing the functioning of the central nervous system.

Medication treatment for ADHD

For children diagnosed with ADHD, neurologists prescribe courses of medications that inhibit excitation and normalize the activity of the nervous system. First of all, the child needs B vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, and nootropic drugs (for example, glycine or hopantenic acid; more serious drugs can only be prescribed by a doctor). The specialist may also recommend additional treatment - herbs with a calming effect. Usually this is fennel, lavender, motherwort, valerian, mint, St. John's wort. Remember that self-medication is unacceptable, especially when it comes to children. All these remedies can be given to a child only with the permission of a doctor.

Non-drug treatment for ADHD

Not only medications are used to help hyperactive children. They are recommended massage treatments to help relieve increased muscle tone, as well as physiotherapy (electrophoresis with drugs to improve blood circulation in the brain). In addition, the biological method is used effectively in the treatment of hyperactivity. feedback(BFB) and therapeutic exercises.

If possible, it is worth enrolling your child in the pool. Swimming has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and allows children to use up excess activity. At home, you can carry out very useful water treatments: baths with salts and soothing herbs.

Another important point in the development of hyperactive children - correctional classes under the guidance of specialists - speech therapist, psychologist. The purpose of such classes is the development of speech, coordination of movements, fine motor skills, attention and memory, the ability to control one’s behavior and restrain excitement.

What should parents of a hyperactive child do?

The next stage of helping a child is creating comfortable conditions in the family. Naturally, all parents try to make their child feel as good as possible. But in this case, a special approach is important. It is necessary to properly organize the daily routine and nutrition, be attentive to relationships in the family, and devote time to educational games and activities. Below are given detailed recommendations parents of a hyperactive child.

Daily routine

A good daily routine is very important for children with ADHD as it helps them become more independent and organized. Great option- write it down in writing and hang it in a visible place in the children's room. If the baby has not yet learned to read, the routine can be indicated with pictures: getting up, exercise, breakfast, etc. Of course, not everything will work out right away, but over time the child will acquire the very necessary skills of self-organization, obedience, and accuracy. It is extremely important to develop in a child the ability to plan things and bring them to the end, to develop in him responsibility for all his actions.

To make it easier for your child, help him by making tips. Write or draw things you need to do during the day on pieces of paper and hang them on the refrigerator. For example, sorting out books, packing things for school, tidying up the toy shelf and many other simple tasks.

Walking in the fresh air

Fresh air strengthens the body, calms the nerves, and also helps hyperactive children get rid of excessive physical activity. Therefore, do not forget about the need for regular walks. When picking up your child from kindergarten or school, do not rush home. Spend an hour and a half on the playground. This is a great opportunity for a child to get relief from a strict routine in educational institution. Let him jump, run, ride on a swing. You just need to remember that children with ADHD get overtired too quickly. If signs of fatigue become noticeable, sit on a bench and let the child calm down and rest well. And then take a leisurely walk.

Activities related to physical activity - roller skating, scootering, skiing, etc. - have a very good effect on hyperactive children. Try to keep the baby occupied with something interesting activities, come up with an exciting game, build a snowman in winter, throw snowballs, go down the hill. On weekends, if possible, go outside the city to be in nature. Clean air and a calm environment have a positive effect on the nervous system of hyperactive children. From such useful and exciting leisure time, your child’s emotional background will improve, and it will be easier for him to concentrate on his studies, as well as complete the tasks that you give him.

Proper nutrition

Hyperactive children most often have stomach problems. Why is this happening? The reason lies in the excessive tearfulness and anxiety of such children, their imbalance, and frequent mood swings. That is, they are often in a state of stress. And stress, as you know, has the most negative effect on digestion. This means that the diet and diet of such children require special attention. Make sure your child receives regular healthy eating. It is necessary to teach him to eat at the same time, to exclude fast food, chips, and sweet carbonated drinks from the diet. Vegetables and fruits, as well as preparations with bifidobacteria, will be very useful.

Hobbies and sports sections

The next step is to find an exciting hobby for your child. Nowadays, there are many different sections and circles. The advantages of such leisure are obvious: by doing something interesting to him, the child learns to focus on one activity and sit still for 40 minutes. In addition, he gets used to communicating in a team where discipline of behavior is constantly maintained. And this is very important for preparing for study.
So, a small child will be very interested in lessons in modeling, appliqué, and drawing. Such activities are good for developing fine motor skills, which are often underdeveloped in hyperactive children.

Active activities are also very useful: aerobics, dancing, various sports. Thanks to such activities, the child will be able to throw out excess activity, as well as develop a sense of balance, coordination of movements, and strengthen various muscle groups.

We should also talk about chess. This game helps to develop children's abilities for abstract and logical thinking, it simultaneously uses two hemispheres of the brain, which contributes to its harmonious development. In the left hemisphere, processes associated with the creation of sequential chains are activated, while the right hemisphere models possible situations. Chess also develops a child’s memory well, because both operational and long-term memory are used during the game. Moreover, the child works with different types information: digital, visual, color stimulus. Young chess players gain many valuable skills, such as the ability to predict the development of events, important decisions, miscalculation different options etc. Problems with concentration, memory, and inability to organize oneself are characteristic of all hyperactive children. Therefore, it can be argued that regular play of chess is one of the most effective techniques when raising them.

Children will also benefit greatly from playing sports in teams. We are talking, first of all, about the following sports: football, basketball, volleyball, water polo, hockey. Children will be able to put their excess energy to good use, learn to interact with peers, following the rules of team play, and control their actions. And with hyperactivity this is very important.

But in no case should you overload the child. Don't give it to many clubs at the same time. Hyperactive children should not be overtired, otherwise they will develop a negative attitude towards all types of activities that are offered to them, including school. Choose exactly the activity that most attracts your baby.

All the child’s relatives should have a clear understanding of what ADHD is. Such children do not always manage to control their actions; they often cannot calm down in time. This should be treated not as a disadvantage, but as a feature. Therefore, all family members need to develop a common tactic of behavior and strictly adhere to it. The main rule is to avoid extremes when raising a child. On the one hand, you should not overprotect him, and on the other hand, you should not make excessive demands and treat the baby too strictly.

Remember that parents' mood swings and their different reactions to similar cases have a negative impact on the psyche of a child with ADHD. Therefore, parents’ behavior should be even and calm; the most appropriate tactic, according to psychologists, is “affectionate severity.” Do not be irritated under any circumstances and be extremely patient. It will be useful to you, because usually any questions and requests when communicating with hyperactive children have to be repeated more than once.

Raising a child with ADHD is a challenging experience for parents. To make it easier to cope with this difficult task, it is advisable to seek the help of a professional psychologist. Good specialist will carefully study the situation, analyze it and select a model of behavior that is appropriate for your family, and advise methods that will help you successfully cope with certain problems.

Remember that a positive assessment of his actions by loved ones is of great importance for a child. Therefore, be sure to praise him for every achievement (no matter how small). For example, the child drew a picture or was able to solve difficult task. Tell him that you are proud of him, tell others how smart he is. And next time the child will try even harder.

But under no circumstances should you shout at such a child. This will not calm him down, but, on the contrary, will lead to excessive overexcitation and loss of self-control. If the baby is excessively active, it is better to use gentle methods. Hold him close, stroke his hair, take his hand and in a quiet voice begin to calm him down, repeating the same words: “Hush, hush, don’t worry, don’t worry, tell me what happened.” Repetition has a calming effect on the child's psyche, and the child relaxes.

Special school preparation courses will be of great benefit. Classes usually begin at the age of four. The baby will learn to read, write, count, and it will be much easier for him to learn the material at school. Psychologists also recommend music lessons because they have a beneficial effect on the children's nervous system.

And finally, it’s worth noting - communicate with your child as much as possible. Engage in conversations, read books, offer to come up with interesting stories yourself. This is much more useful than watching TV or playing monotonous games. computer games. Pay attention to the child, listen to him, show care and participation. Remember that your irritability and lack of understanding can cause serious stress in your child with ADHD.

Hyperactive child- This is a baby suffering from excessive motor mobility. Previously, the presence of a history of hyperactivity in a child was considered a pathological minimal disorder of mental functions. Today, hyperactivity in a child is classified as an independent illness called a syndrome. It is characterized by increased physical activity of children, restlessness, easy distractibility, and impulsiveness. At the same time, individuals with high level activity, there is a level of intellectual development that corresponds to their age norm, and for some, even above the norm. Primary symptoms of increased activity are less common in girls and begin to be detected at an early age. This disorder is considered a fairly common behavioral-emotional disorder. mental functions. Children with excessive activity syndrome are immediately noticeable when surrounded by other children. Such little ones cannot sit quietly for a minute in one place, they are constantly moving, and rarely finish things. Symptoms of hyperactivity are observed in almost 5% of the child population.

Signs of a hyperactive child

It is possible to make a diagnosis of hyperactivity in a child only after long-term observation of child behavior by specialists. Some signs of increased activity can be seen in most children. Therefore, it is so important to know the signs of hyperactivity, the main one of which is the inability to concentrate attention for a long time on one phenomenon. When detecting this sign, you need to take into account the age of the baby, since various stages In childhood development, the inability to concentrate manifests itself differently.

A child suffering from increased activity is too restless, he constantly fidgets or rushes about, runs. If the baby is in constant aimless movement and has an inability to concentrate, then we can talk about hyperactivity. Also the baby’s actions with increased activity must have a certain amount of eccentricity and fearlessness.

Signs of a hyperactive child include the inability to combine words into sentences, a persistent desire to take everything into hand, disinterest in listening to children's fairy tales, and the inability to wait their turn.

Hyperactive children experience a decrease in appetite along with an increased feeling of thirst. It is difficult to put such babies to sleep, both during the day and at night. Older children with hyperactivity syndrome suffer. They react sharply to completely ordinary situations. Along with this, it is quite difficult to console and calm them down. Children with this syndrome are overly touchy and quite irritable.

Obvious precursors of hyperactivity in early adulthood include sleep disturbances and decreased appetite, low weight gain, anxiety and increased excitability. However, it must be borne in mind that all of the listed signs may have other causes not related to hyperactivity.

In principle, psychiatrists believe that the diagnosis of increased activity can be given to children only after they have passed the age of 5 or 6 years. During the school period, manifestations of hyperactivity become more noticeable and pronounced.

In learning, a child with hyperactivity is characterized by an inability to work in a team, difficulties with retelling text information and writing stories. Interpersonal relationships with peers do not work out.

A hyperactive child often exhibits behavior in relation to his environment. He is inclined to not fulfill the teacher's requirements in class, is characterized by restlessness in class and unsatisfactory behavior, often does not complete homework, in a word, such a child does not obey the established rules.

Hyperactive kids, in most cases, are too talkative and extremely awkward. For such children, everything usually falls out of their hands, they touch everything or hit everything. More pronounced difficulties are observed in fine motor skills. It is difficult for such children to fasten buttons or tie their own shoelaces on their own. They usually have ugly handwriting.

Hyperactive child in general outline can be described as inconsistent, illogical, restless, absent-minded, disobedient, stubborn, sloppy, clumsy. At an older age, restlessness and eccentricity usually go away, but the inability to concentrate remains, sometimes for life.

In connection with the above, the diagnosis of increased childhood activity should be treated with caution. You also need to understand that even if the baby has a history of hyperactivity, this does not make him bad.

Hyperactive child - what to do

Parents of a hyperactive child should, first of all, contact specialists to determine the cause of this syndrome. Such reasons may be genetic predisposition, in other words, hereditary factors, reasons of a socio-psychological nature, for example, climate in the family, living conditions in it, etc., biological factors, which include various brain lesions. In cases where, after identifying the cause that provoked the appearance of hyperactivity in a child, appropriate treatment is prescribed by the therapist, such as massage, adherence to a regimen, taking medications, it must be carried out strictly.

Correctional work with hyperactive children, first of all, should be carried out by the parents of the children, and it begins with creating a calm, favorable environment around the children, since any discrepancies in the family or loud showdowns only “charge” them with negative emotions. Any interaction with such children, and in particular communicative, should be calm and gentle, due to the fact that they are extremely susceptible to emotional state and the mood of loved ones, especially parents. All adult members family relations It is recommended to follow a single model of behavior in raising a child.

All actions of adults in relation to hyperactive children should be aimed at developing their self-organization skills, removing disinhibition, developing respect for others and training accepted standards behavior.

An effective way to overcome the difficulties of self-organization is to hang special leaflets in the room. To this end, you should determine the two most important and most serious things that the baby can successfully accomplish over the course of daylight hours, and write them on pieces of paper. Such leaflets should be posted on a so-called bulletin board, for example, in a child’s room or on the refrigerator. Information can be displayed not only through written speech, but also through figurative drawings and symbolic images. For example, if your child needs to wash the dishes, you can draw a dirty plate or spoon. After the baby completes the assigned order, he must make a special note on the reminder sheet opposite the corresponding order.

Another way to develop self-organization skills is to use color coding. So, for example, for school classes you can create certain colors notebooks that will be easier for the student to find in the future. Multi-colored symbols also help to teach your child how to put things in order. For example, on boxes for toys, clothing, notebooks, attach various color scheme leaves. Labeling sheets should be large, easily visible, and have different designs to represent the contents of the boxes.

In the primary school period, classes with hyperactive children should mainly be aimed at developing attention, developing voluntary regulation, and training the formation of psychomotor functions. Also therapeutic methods should cover the development of specific skills in interaction with peers and adults. Initial corrective work with an overly active baby should occur individually. At this stage of correctional intervention, it is necessary to teach the little individual to listen, understand the instructions of a psychologist or another adult and pronounce them loudly, and express independently during classes the rules of behavior and norms for performing a specific task. It is also advisable at this stage to develop, together with the baby, a procedure for rewards and a system of punishments, which will subsequently help him adapt to a group of peers. The next stage involves the involvement of an overly active baby in collective activities and should also be implemented gradually. First, the child must be involved in the game process, go to work with a small group of children, and then he can be invited to participate in group classes, which provide large number participants. Otherwise, if this sequence is not followed, the baby may become overexcited, which will cause loss of behavioral control, general fatigue and lack of active attention.

It is also quite difficult to work with overly active children at school, however, such children also have their own attractive traits.

Hyperactive children at school are characterized by a fresh, spontaneous reaction, they are easily inspired, and are always willing to help teachers and other peers. Hyperactive kids are completely unforgiving, they are more resilient than their peers, and are relatively less prone to diseases than their classmates. They often have a very rich imagination. Therefore, it is recommended that teachers, in order to choose a competent strategy of behavior with such children, try to understand their motives and determine the model of interaction.

Thus, it has been practically proven that the development of the motor system of children has an intense impact on their comprehensive development, namely, on the formation of visual, auditory and tactile analyzer systems, speech abilities, etc. Therefore, classes with hyperactive children must certainly include motor correction.

Working with hyperactive children

Three key areas involve the work of a psychologist with hyperactive children, namely the formation of mental functions that are lagging behind in such children (control of movements and behavior, attention), the development of specific abilities to interact with peers and the adult environment, and work with anger.

Such correction work occurs gradually and begins with the development of one function. Since a hyperactive child is physically unable to listen to the teacher with equal attention for a long time, restrain impulsiveness and sit quietly. After sustainable positive results have been achieved, you should move on to simultaneous training of two functions, for example, lack of attention and behavioral control. At the last stage, you can introduce classes aimed at developing all three functions simultaneously.

A psychologist’s work with a hyperactive child begins with personal lessons, then he should move on to exercises in small groups, gradually incorporating everything more children. Because the individual characteristics of children with excessive activity prevent them from concentrating when there are many peers nearby.

In addition, all activities should take place in an emotionally acceptable form for children. The most attractive for them are activities in the form of games. A hyperactive child in the garden requires special attention and approach. Since the appearance of such a baby in a preschool institution, many problems arise, the solution of which falls on the teachers. They need to direct all the actions of the baby, and the system of prohibitions must be accompanied by alternative proposals. Game activity should be aimed at relieving tension, reducing stress, and developing the ability to focus attention.

A hyperactive child in kindergarten has a rather difficult time withstanding quiet time. If the baby is unable to calm down and fall asleep, then the teacher is recommended to sit next to him and talk to him affectionately, stroking his head. As a result, muscle tension and emotional arousal will decrease. Over time, such a baby will get used to quiet time, and after it he will feel rested and less impulsive. When interacting with an overly active baby, emotional interaction and tactile contact are quite effective.

Hyperactive children at school also require a special approach. First of all, it is necessary to increase their learning motivation. For this purpose, you can use non-traditional forms of correctional work, for example, use the teaching of children by older students. Senior schoolchildren act as instructors and can teach the art of origami or beadwork. Besides this educational process should be focused on the psychophysiological characteristics of students. For example, it is necessary to change types of activities if the child is tired, or to fulfill his motor needs.

Teachers need to take into account the unusual nature of disorders in children with hyperactive behavior. They often interfere with the normal conduct of classes, because it is difficult for them to control and manage their own behavior, they are always distracted by something, and they are more excited in comparison with their peers.

During schooling, especially at the beginning, it is quite difficult for children with excessive activity to complete an educational task and be careful at the same time. Therefore, teachers are recommended to reduce the requirements for accuracy in such children, which will further contribute to their developing a sense of success and increased self-esteem, which will result in an increase in learning motivation.

Very important in the correctional impact is working with the parents of a hyperactive child, aimed at explaining to adults the characteristics of a child with excessive activity, teaching them verbal and non-verbal interaction with their own children, and developing a unified strategy for educational behavior.

A psychologically stable situation and a calm microclimate in family ties are key components of the health and successful development of any child. That is why it is necessary, first of all, for parents to pay attention to the environment surrounding the child at home, as well as in a school or preschool institution.

Parents of a hyperactive child should ensure that the child does not become overtired. Therefore, it is not recommended to exceed the required load. Overwork leads to children's whims, irritability and worsening of their behavior. In order to prevent the baby from becoming overexcited, it is important to follow a certain daily routine, in which time is necessarily allocated for daytime sleep, outdoor games are replaced by quiet games or walks, etc.

Parents should also remember that the less comments they make to their hyperactive child, the better it will be for him. If adults do not like children's behavior, then it is better to try to distract them with something. You need to understand that the number of bans must correspond to the age period.

A hyperactive child needs praise very much, so you should try to praise him as often as possible. However, at the same time, you should not do this too emotionally, so as not to provoke overexcitation. You should also try to ensure that a request addressed to a child does not carry with it several instructions at the same time. When talking to your baby, it is recommended to look into his eyes.

For correct formation fine motor skills and comprehensive organization of movements should be involved in children with high activity in choreography classes, various types dancing, swimming, tennis or karate. It is necessary to attract children to games of an active nature and sports orientation. They must learn to understand the goals of the game and obey its rules, as well as try to plan the game.

When raising a child with high activity, there is no need to go too far; in other words, parents are advised to adhere to a kind of middle position in behavior: they should not be too gentle, but they should also avoid excessive demands that children are not able to fulfill, combining them with punishments. Negative impact Children are affected by the constant change of punishments and moods of their parents.

Parents should spare no effort or time to form and develop in children obedience, accuracy, self-organization, to develop responsibility for their own actions and behavior, the ability to plan, organize and bring to completion what they started.

To improve concentration during lessons or other tasks, you should, if possible, eliminate all factors that irritate and distract your child. Therefore, the child needs to be given a quiet place where he can concentrate on lessons or other activities. While doing homework, parents are advised to periodically check in with their child to check if he is completing his assignments. You should also provide a short break every 15 or 20 minutes. You should discuss your actions and behavior with your child in a calm and benevolent manner.

In addition to all of the above, correctional work with hyperactive children also involves increasing their self-esteem and gaining confidence in their own potential. Parents can do this by teaching their children new skills and abilities. Also, academic success or any achievements in everyday life contribute to the growth of self-esteem in children.

A child with increased activity is characterized by excessive sensitivity; he reacts inadequately to any comments, prohibitions or notations. Therefore, children suffering from excessive activity need the warmth of loved ones, care, understanding and love more than others.

There are also many games aimed at teaching hyperactive children control skills and learning to manage their own emotions, actions, behavior, and attention.

Games for hyperactive children are the most in an efficient way developing the ability to concentrate attention and help relieve disinhibition.

Often, relatives of children with increased activity experience many difficulties in the process of educational actions. As a result, many of them, with the help of harsh measures, fight against the so-called children's disobedience or, on the contrary, in despair, “give up” on their behavior, thereby giving complete freedom of action to their children. Therefore, work with the parents of a hyperactive child, first of all, should include enriching the emotional experience of such a child, helping him master basic skills, which helps smooth out the manifestations of excessive activity and thereby leads to a change in relationships with close adults.

Treatment of a hyperactive child

Today the question has arisen about the need for treatment of hyperactivity syndrome. Many therapists believe that hyperactivity is psychological state, which should be subject to corrective action for the further adaptation of children to life in a team, while others are against drug therapy. Negative attitudes towards drug treatment are a consequence of the use of amphetamine-type psychotropic drugs for this purpose in some countries.

In the former CIS countries it is used for treatment medicine Atomoxetine, which is not a psychotropic drug, but also has a number of side effects and contraindications. The effect of taking this drug becomes noticeable after four months of therapy. Having chosen drug intervention as a means of combating hyperactivity, you should understand that any drugs are aimed solely at eliminating the symptoms and not at the causes of the disease. Therefore, the effectiveness of such an intervention will depend on the intensity of the manifestations. But still drug treatment hyperactive child should be used exclusively in the most difficult cases. Since it can often harm a child due to the fact that it has a huge amount side effects. Today the most gentle medications are homeopathic medicines, since they do not have such a strong effect on the activity of the nervous system. However, taking such drugs requires patience, since their effect occurs only after accumulation in the body.

Non-drug therapy is also successfully used, which should be comprehensive and developed individually for each child. Typically, such therapy includes massage, manual manipulation of the spine and physical therapy. The effectiveness of such drugs is observed in almost half of patients. The disadvantages of non-drug therapy are the need for an individual approach, which is practically impossible in the conditions of modern healthcare, huge financial costs, the need for constant adjustment of therapy, lack of qualified specialists and limited effectiveness.

Treatment of a hyperactive child also involves the use of other methods, for example, the use of biofeedback techniques. For example, the biofeedback technique does not completely replace treatment, but it helps to reduce and adjust drug doses. This technique refers to behavioral therapy and is based on the use of the hidden potential of the body. The key task of this technique involves the formation of skills and their mastery. The biofeedback technique is one of the modern trends. Its effectiveness lies in improving children's ability to plan their own activities and understand the consequences of inappropriate behavior. Disadvantages include inaccessibility for most families and the inability to obtain effective results in the presence of injuries, vertebral displacement and other diseases.

Behavioral therapy has also been used quite successfully to correct hyperactivity. The difference between the approach of specialists and the approach of followers of other directions lies in the fact that the former do not seek to understand the causes of the phenomenon or predict their consequences, while the latter are engaged in searching for the origins of problems. Behaviorists work directly with behavior. They positively reinforce so-called “right” or appropriate behavior and negatively reinforce “wrong” or inappropriate behavior. In other words, they develop a kind of reflex in patients. The effectiveness of this method is observed in almost 60% of cases and depends on the severity of symptoms and the presence of concomitant diseases. The disadvantages include the fact that the behavioral approach is more common in the United States.

Games for hyperactive children are also correctional methods that help develop skills in controlling motor activity and managing one’s own impulsivity.

Comprehensive and individually designed treatment contributes to a positive effect in the correction of hyperactive behavior. However, it should not be forgotten that for maximum results joint efforts of parents and other close associates of the baby, teachers, doctors and psychologists are needed.

Every child is active and inquisitive - this is the norm, because the baby is actively exploring the world around him, and everything that happens around him arouses genuine interest. If the child's activity is excessive, this may be considered pathological.

Therefore, parents should carefully note any changes in the baby’s condition, because they may indicate abnormalities such as ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder).

What symptoms and signs indicate the presence of hyperactivity in infants and children under one year of age? Let's tell you in more detail.

Characteristics of the pathology

Hyperactivity is a deviation in the functioning of the nervous system, in which all processes in the brain responsible for excitation occur more intensely than in children of a particular age group.

Brain cells constantly produce nerve impulses, which are responsible for all vital processes in the body.

In hyperactive children this happens more intensely: they are restless, inattentive, and disobedient.

And this is not a feature of the baby’s character or temperament, which has not yet been formed.

Manifestations of pathology occur in 5-7% of newborns under the age of 1 year, and boys face the problem much more often.

A hyperactive child has good physical development and quickly masters motor skills (the ability to roll over, sit, crawl).

Etiology of the disease

The syndrome can develop in infants due to numerous reasons.

Unfavorable factors are usually divided into 3 groups: intrauterine, that is, developing during gestation, generic (arising during childbirth), other risk factors.

Intrauterine causes include fetal hypoxia, poor nutrition of the expectant mother, bad habits, and exposure to stress and depression.

Generic factors include:

  • Complications during childbirth (use of aids for successful delivery).
  • Prolonged or rapid labor.
  • Injuries received while passing through the birth canal.
  • Birth ahead of schedule.

The risk of developing pathology is increased by family history and severe intoxication of the body of the pregnant woman or fetus.

Main features

It is difficult to identify pathology in infants, because the child’s character, his temperament and behavior pattern have not yet been fully determined. He cannot yet express emotions or characterize his condition.

What may indicate the presence of deviations:

  • Sleep disturbance, when a child can wake up several times, reacting to even the slightest noise. Often such children confuse their daily routine, that is, they sleep almost all the time during the day and are awake at night.
  • Increased physical activity. The limbs are constantly moving, and little activity is observed during periods of sleep.
  • Strong and prolonged crying. The baby screams even when he does not feel hunger, pain or discomfort.
  • Excessive muscle tension, hypertonicity.
  • Excessive regurgitation, turning into vomiting, which is observed both immediately after feeding and after some time.
  • Increased excitability. Any irritants, such as bright lights or sounds, can throw a child off balance.
  • It is very difficult to swaddle a baby: he actively resists.
  • He pays attention to toys, however, such attention is short-term.
  • He reacts negatively to the presence of strangers, unfamiliar people.

These symptoms can also appear in healthy children, however, this happens periodically, for example, if something bothers them (colic, hunger, wet diapers).

In hyperactive children, such manifestations are permanent.

Does the child need to be treated?

It happens that the presence of the symptoms mentioned above is not a pathology. The child does not require specific treatment.

You should not worry if:

  • The baby moves actively during the day, but, when tired, prefers quieter activities (hyperactive children practically do not get tired).
  • He sleeps normally during the day and hardly wakes up at night (depending on his age).
  • During a tantrum, it is easy to calm a baby down and distract him with something interesting for him.
  • The baby does not show excessive aggression, and at the end of the first year of life he begins to respond adequately to prohibitions.

In all other situations, medical attention will be required.

Do you have a hyperactive child? How to help such a baby? We have a lot of tips and tricks on this topic. Read these articles:

Therapy for hyperactivity can be medicinal or non-medicinal.

For babies medicines Rarely used, more often non-drug methods of treatment.

Eliminate unpleasant manifestations of pathology:

Excessive activity and mobility are not always signs of pathology. Perhaps these are the first manifestations of a child’s violent temperament.

A few more interesting facts Learn about hyperactivity in children from this video:

If symptoms of the problem occur regularly, You can't ignore these warning signs.

Over time, the problem will only get worse. It is important to seek medical help promptly.

Hyperactivity in children is excessive activity, a tendency to constant distraction, and an inability to concentrate for a long time on a particular activity. The child is constantly nervously excited.

Such kids are able to shock, irritate, and terrify adults with their behavior. Toddlers are scolded by teachers, and school-age children are scolded by teachers. Even loving parents are not at all happy with this behavior.

The kid doesn’t want to remember anything, constantly spins around, and undermines discipline. Of course, most of the guys are active. But sometimes the baby’s behavior goes beyond any boundaries.

Faced with such a diagnosis, it is important to understand what hyperactivity is? This is a syndrome of increased mental and physical activity, in which excitation processes predominate over inhibition. A child with this diagnosis has difficulties concentrating, maintaining attention, self-regulation of behavior, learning, processing and retaining information in memory.

According to statistics, this syndrome is diagnosed in almost 18% of children. At the same time, pathology is much more common in boys than in girls.

Causes of the disease

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) develops even before the baby is born.

The causes of pathology in children lie in unfavorable factors during pregnancy:

  • threat of interruption;
  • fetal hypoxia;
  • smoking;
  • poor nutrition;
  • stress.

A child may develop hyperactivity syndrome as a result of unfavorable factors during childbirth:

  • prematurity (birth of a baby before the 38th week);
  • stimulation of labor;
  • rapid labor;
  • protracted labor.

The causes of pathology can be completely different factors:

  • the baby has neurological pathologies;
  • constant conflicts or difficult relationships in the family;
  • excessive severity towards the child;
  • poisoning of the body with heavy metals (for example, lead);
  • incorrect diet for the baby.

If several factors are combined in a baby, the risk of hyperactivity syndrome in the child increases.

Symptoms of pathology

It is very important to know how and at what age childhood hyperactivity manifests itself. However, parents should understand that most of the signs can characterize a completely different pathology, for example, neurasthenia. Therefore, it is strictly prohibited to independently diagnose or draw conclusions. If you suspect hyperactivity in a child, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Signs of pathology in babies under one year old

The first symptoms of the disease may appear in a newborn. The baby is different:

  • excessive excitability;
  • violent reaction to various manipulations;
  • excessive sensitivity to external stimuli - sound, bright light;
  • disturbed sleep (wakes up often, has extreme difficulty falling asleep, stays awake for a long time);
  • backlog in physical development(approximately 1-1.5 months);
  • delayed speech development.

If such signs appear only occasionally, they should not be classified as pathology. Since children under one year old can have many reasons for capricious behavior - teething, changes in diet and others.

Symptoms of pathology in children 2-3 years old

This is the age when the symptoms of the pathology clearly appear. In a 2-year-old child, the disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • restlessness;
  • a large number of unnecessary movements in the baby;
  • randomness of movements;
  • delayed speech development;
  • motor clumsiness.

Signs of illness in preschoolers

At the age of three, the child experiences his first crisis. The baby becomes capricious and stubborn. Such traits are observed in all children. However, in children with ADHD they become significantly worse.

At this age, most children go to kindergarten. Parents should pay attention to the opinions of teachers. In preschool children, the disease manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • restlessness;
  • inattention;
  • disobedience;
  • difficulty going to bed;
  • slow development of attention and memory.

Manifestations of pathology in schoolchildren

In hyperactive children with increased demands for mental and physical stress nervous system doesn't cope. Therefore, there is a significant deterioration in the condition of the school.

The main signs to look out for are:

  • inability to concentrate;
  • inability to sit in one place for any length of time;
  • difficulty listening to an adult;
  • imbalance;
  • low self-esteem;
  • hot temper;
  • headache;
  • nervous tic;
  • the emergence of various phobias (fears);
  • enuresis.

Symptoms of the disease in older children

The guys have excellent intelligence, but at the same time they have poor academic performance. The reasons lie in inattention. Such children have a very difficult time finding a common language with their peers.

Guys are prone to various conflicts. They are distinguished by impulsiveness, inability to assess the consequences of actions, and aggressiveness.

Types of pathology

According to the dominant symptoms, the following types of disease are distinguished:

  1. Attention deficit disorder without hyperactivity. There is a predominance of attention deficit. More often this pathology is observed in girls. The disease is characterized by wild imagination, withdrawal into one’s own world, and head in the clouds.
  2. Hyperactivity disorder without attention deficit. A rare type of pathology. The disease is caused individual characteristics child or certain central nervous system disorders.
  3. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. A pathology that combines impaired attention and hyperactivity. The most common form of the disease.

Possible consequences

Most parents naively believe that the baby will outgrow it over time. However, changes without treatment will be of little satisfaction. Symptoms of hyperactivity may worsen during adolescence.

Complications of advanced pathology are fraught with specific manifestations of physical aggression:

  • beating;
  • bullying by peers;
  • fights;
  • suicide attempts.

Many children are not able to successfully graduate high school and go to college. At the same time, hyperactive children have an excellent level of development, often exceeding the average. Learning disabilities are associated precisely with a lack of concentration.

Hyperactive children often become creatively gifted individuals. It is known that such diagnoses were once made to Einstein and Mozart.

Diagnosis of pathology

The following specialists treat hyperactive children:

  • pediatric neurologist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • psychologist.

The diagnosis is not made during initial treatment. The child is observed and examined for six months. Clinical and psychological examination is based on:

  • methods of conversation, interviews;
  • direct observation of behavior;
  • neuropsychological testing;
  • information received from parents and teachers using special diagnostic questionnaires.

How to distinguish activity from hyperactivity?

Parents often wonder what hyperactivity is and how it differs from normal activity. How to determine pathology yourself? To do this, it is recommended to use a small test for child hyperactivity in the following table:

Hyperactive child Active child
The baby is constantly on the move, unable to control himself. When very tired and unable to move on, he becomes hysterical and cries. The baby does not sit in one place and loves active games. If interested, he can spend a long time putting together puzzles or listening to a book.
He speaks quickly and a lot. Often does not listen to the end and interrupts. Rarely listens to answers to questions asked. He talks a lot and quickly. Asks a lot of questions.
It is difficult to put the child to sleep. The baby's sleep is restless. Intestinal disorders and allergies are not uncommon for a child. Digestive and sleep disorders are rare.
The baby is constantly uncontrollable. He does not respond to restrictions and prohibitions. His behavior is active in various conditions. Activity is not evident everywhere. Restless at home, the baby behaves calmly at a party or in kindergarten.
The baby himself provokes conflicts. Unable to control aggression - bites, fights, pushes. He can use any means: stones and sticks. The baby is non-aggressive. In the heat of conflict, he is capable of giving back. But it does not provoke scandals on its own.

However, remember that such a diagnosis allows you to suspect pathology. Only a doctor can make a final diagnosis.

Examination of a young patient

Before treating pathology, it is necessary to make a correct diagnosis. After all, such a syndrome can hide any neurological and somatic disorder (anemia, hyperthyroidism, chorea, epilepsy, visual impairment, hearing impairment, arterial hypertension).

To clarify the diagnosis, the child is referred for consultation to:

  • endocrinologist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • epileptologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • speech therapist

Hyperactivity syndrome is confirmed only after the following examinations:

  • Brain MRI;
  • blood tests (biochemistry, general);
  • EchoCG;

Treatment of pathology

Parents need to strictly understand how to deal with this pathology. Treatment includes:

  • psychotherapy;
  • psychological and pedagogical adjustment;
  • drug therapy;
  • non-drug methods.
  • gentle teaching (small class, dosed tasks, shortened lessons);
  • good sleep;
  • proper nutrition;
  • normal physical activity;
  • long walks.

Preference is given to non-drug methods of treatment. However, what to do if the methods taken were ineffective? In this case, the choice is on drug treatment.

Motor activity

Choosing sports games For a child with ADHD, try to avoid competitive elements. Games with statistical loads or demonstration performances are not recommended for children.

Swimming, aerobic training, cycling, and skiing will be of great benefit.

Psychological assistance

Various techniques have been developed to demonstrate how to cure the pathology.

They are aimed at reducing anxiety and increasing communication skills.

The psychologist will tell you how to reduce the child’s aggressiveness.

By simulation various situations success, he will help you choose a specific area of ​​activity in which the child will feel confident enough.

Under the guidance of a psychotherapist and psychologist, special autogenic training, individual, family, and behavioral psychotherapy are carried out.

In correctional work, it is necessary to involve almost the entire environment of the child - parents, educators, teachers. Individually developed special exercises for the development of memory, speech, attention.

A speech therapist can tell you how to treat serious speech disorders.

Drug therapy

Drugs are prescribed as auxiliary methods of correction.

For effective treatment, a stimulant may be prescribed. This medicine for pathology is recommended for complex forms diseases. It helps the patient ignore distractions and improve concentration. Popular drugs are:

  • Adderall;
  • Dexedrine;
  • Concert;
  • Focalin;
  • Ritalin;
  • Methyline;
  • Vyvanse.
  • Cortexin;
  • Gliatilin;
  • Encephabol;
  • Phenibut;
  • Pantogam.

Use of folk remedies

Fighting pathology folk remedies may bring additional positive effects. However, remember that it can just as easily harm the baby. Therefore, be sure to consult your doctor before use.

Features of communication with a hyperactive child

Parents should prepare themselves for long-term treatment, which will require compliance with certain rules:

  1. The baby should be praised often when he deserves it. Encourage minor successes and be attentive to them.
  2. Be sure to come up with daily tasks for your baby (take out the trash, make the bed). Don't do them for him.
  3. Keep a notebook in which you and your child write down his progress every day.
  4. Set tasks that match your child’s abilities, and be sure to praise them for completing them. Don't underestimate or overestimate your requirements.
  5. Define clear boundaries - what is not allowed, what is possible. The baby must learn to cope with difficulties, do not create hothouse conditions.
  6. Do not order your child, try to always ask.
  7. Defiant behavior of a baby is a desire to attract attention. Spend more time with him.
  8. Maintain a strict daily routine at home that all family members must follow.
  9. Try to avoid overly crowded places - markets, shopping mall– so as not to provoke overexcitation of the baby.
  10. Protect your baby from overtiredness. This condition causes increased motor activity and decreased self-control.
  11. Don't let your baby watch TV for a long time. Enter a specific viewing mode and strictly follow it.
  12. All your rules and restrictions must be feasible. Therefore, before introducing them, analyze whether he can complete them.
  13. The child needs an established sleep schedule. He should wake up and go to bed at the same time. The baby must get enough sleep.
  14. Teach your child to think about the consequences of his actions and teach self-control.
  15. Try to remain calm. You are an example for the little one.
  16. The child must realize his importance and be successful in something. This is very important to him. The same goes for kids who are obese. Help choose an area of ​​activity in which the child can reveal his abilities.

Preventive measures

Prevention begins before the baby is born. It provides for ensuring normal conditions for pregnancy and childbirth.

Comprehensive and timely correctional work will allow the child to learn to control behavior and properly build relationships with adults and peers.

A prerequisite for the full development of a hyperactive child is a favorable microclimate in the children's team and family.

Doctor pays attention

Never make a diagnosis yourself. Do not label your baby even if there are many characteristic signs of ADHD. The presence of pathology can only be confirmed by an experienced neuropsychiatrist based on thorough examinations and a series of tests. Early diagnosis allows the necessary treatment to be undertaken much earlier. If adequate therapy and recommended rules of behavior are followed, the baby has every chance of recovery.

A hyperactive baby is a child who is characterized by behavioral and neurological disorders. The baby is characterized by: restlessness, difficulty concentrating, impulsiveness, distractibility, and high physical activity. Such a child requires a neurological and neuropsychological examination. And assistance involves psychological and pedagogical individual support, the necessary psychotherapy, medicinal and non-medicinal therapy.