Test of a person's home, life support features of the home. Development of a lesson on life safety on the topic “Human housing and features of life support for housing. II. Motivation for learning activities

Hello! I'm with you again - Professor Galileo! You probably remember that in the last lesson we talked about the city and its dangers? LET'S REPEAT THE TOPIC OF LAST LESSON Great! Then I suggest you answer the questions of a small test. Excellent! Then I suggest you answer the questions of a small test Sources of danger High danger zones Transport Railways Industrial production Environmental pollution Concentration of offenses Stadiums, places of mass entertainment Stations, markets Courtyards, vacant lots, abandoned houses Highways Crossings of railway and tram tracks

Well, now, divided into teams, try to guess my charade!!! Make up a sentence from the suggested words and write it down in your notebook. Well, now, divided into teams, try to guess my charade!!! Make up a sentence from the suggested words and write it down in your notebook LET'S REPEAT THE TOPIC OF THE PAST LESSON

Well done! You did a great job! Now listen to the poems and answer me - what will we talk about today? Well done! You did a great job! Now listen to the poems and answer me - what will we talk about today? WHAT ARE THESE POEMS ABOUT? This is my house, my apartment, This is where I study, play, and sleep. Tell me guys, am I safe? This is my house, my apartment, This is where I study, play, and sleep. Tell me guys, am I safe?

Let's systematize our knowledge and fill out the table SOURCES OF DANGEROUS SITUATIONS IN THE HOME AND THEIR CAUSES Sources of dangerous situations in the home Their causes Fire Electric shock Gas explosion Flooding Poisoning (gas or chemicals Destruction of building structures Faulty electrical wiring, equipment, careless handling of fire, gas leakage Failure to follow instructions, malfunction in electrical equipment Malfunction of a gas stove, a stove that is not turned off, leaving a stove unattended. A pipe rupture, a washing machine, a faucet left unattended. Careless handling, violation of instructions, violation of storage rules, negligence. Explosion, earthquake, underground accidents. communications

1. Fundamentals of life safety: textbook for 5th grade of educational institutions / A.T. Smirnov, B.O. Khrennikov; under the general editorship of A.T. Smirnov. – 5th ed. – M.: - Education, Fundamentals of life safety: a textbook for 5 classes of educational institutions / M.P. Frolov, E.N. Litvinov, A.T. Smirnov, etc.; under the general editorship of Yu.L. Vorobyov. – 2nd ed., rev. and additional – M.: AST: Astrel, 2007 tp://s59.radikal.ru/i166/0906/6f/0d2aea9ee10c.jpg LITERATURE AND INTERNET LINKS

  • Introduction
  • Human dwelling, history
  • Human dwelling early 20th century
  • Human housing at the beginning of the 21st century
  • Conclusion

Life Safety Teacher

Kovalev Alexander Prokofievich

Secondary school No. 2


One of the very first human needs is the need for housing. And not only humans.

Birds make nests or arrange them in the hollows of trees, many animals dig holes, and there are also such skilled craftsmen, such as beavers, who build truly mansions for themselves.

Human constantly strived to improve his living conditions, constantly improved his home, trying to provide it with everything he needed.

And the man has achieved a lot. Modern life is very different from the life of our ancestors. Even one century ago, in most urban and rural houses, many things were completely different from what they are now.

Early 20th century. Let's see what the average person's home was equipped with then.

Then even in large cities there were rural houses.

In a house (even a city one) there was a stove that heated it and in which food was cooked.

In order to maintain heat, it was necessary to prepare firewood and heat the stove with it.

The rooms in most houses were lit by kerosene lamps, and the toilet was outside.

They washed themselves from washstands, and carried water into the house from wells or street pumps.

Water was stored in buckets or barrels.

Nowadays, rural houses often have water heating, they are lit with electricity, and everywhere there are televisions, refrigerators, satellite dishes, gas and electric stoves.

In many rural houses, water is supplied using special pumps and there is a shower cabin

Nowadays, a city dweller's apartment in an average city is mainly provided with cold and hot water, domestic gas, has a sewerage system, and is electrified.

To meet the needs of a person in his home today, various household electric and gas appliances, audio and video equipment are used.

The saturation of a home with various devices required a person to have a different attitude towards his home and other responsibilities.

To protect yourself and your home when using equipment and devices, a person must know well and follow the rules of their operation.

There are rules of conduct in everyday life. Failure to follow these rules can lead to disaster.

Violation fire safety rules when using electrical household appliances, when storing and using flammable and flammable substances, it can lead to a fire.

Violation rules for operating water supply and sewerage systems can lead to flooding of your apartment and neighbors' apartments.

In conclusion, the following should be noted: in order for your home to always be in good condition, in order to reduce the risk of dangerous situations in the house and unpleasant and even tragic consequences, it is necessary to maintain constant order in the house.

You need to help parents clean the rooms, always keep your textbooks and sports equipment in a certain place.

If you need to use this or that household appliance, you need to remember or, if it is a new device, study the rules of its operation together with your parents.


§ 1.2 p.10-13


Class: 5

Topic: “Human dwelling and life support features of the home”

Continuation of the training session: 45 minutes

Type of training session: Lecture, conversation.

Goals and objectives training session:

    Educational : Identify the sources of emergencies and dangerous situations in the home, familiarize students with the reasons for the occurrence of possible dangerous situations in the apartment.

    Developmental: With students, make a list of possible emergency and dangerous situations in the home.

    Educating: Form a sense of responsibility for a safe life in your own home.

Equipment : life safety office with a multimedia projector, laptop or desktop computer.

Didactic materials : Book for teachers “Methodological materials and documents for the course “Fundamentals of Life Safety”, thematic and lesson planning for the textbook by A.T. Smirnova “Fundamentals of Life Safety”, multimedia presentation “Human Dwelling, Features of Life Support at Home”, textbook “Fundamentals of Life Safety” for 5th grades of secondary schools under the general editorship of A.T. Smirnov - M.: Prosveshchenie, 2008, “Thematic Games according to life safety. Methodological manual for teachers." – M.: Sphere shopping center, 2003

Progress of the training session

I lesson stage: greeting




Set students up for positive emotions to perceive new material

Give positive emotions, liberate students for conversation

1 minutes

Teacher activities

Student activities

Teacher's word: Hello children! Sit down. I am glad to welcome you to our lesson “Fundamentals of Life Safety. In the last lesson, we started with where we live and what dangers await us. You have all completed your homework and read a paragraph of our wonderful textbook.

They greet the teacher and sit down.

The teachers are listening.

II stage of the training session repetition of the material covered (testing, questions)




Check your understanding of the material from the previous lesson in different ways.

Reinforce the knowledge gained from the previous lesson. Identify deficiencies in mastering the material covered

5 minutes

Teacher activities

Student activities

Teacher's message to students:

(slide 2) You probably remember that in the last lesson we talked about the city and its dangers? (mouse click ) Great! Then I suggest you answer the questions of a small test (mouse click )

Insert sources of danger and high-risk areas correctly into the table from the proposed options.Handout "Test"

(slide 3) And this is how you were supposed to complete the task (mouse click ). Those who have not made a single mistake can give themselves a “5” in the rating column, and two “4” mistakes. Everyone else can hopefully prepare a little better for class next time.

Children listen, take handouts with the text, sign the checklist and

(slide 4) Well. Now, having divided into groups, try to guess this riddle.(mouse click)

From the suggested words, make up a sentence with one of the safety rules and write it down in your notebook.

(slide 5) (After 1 minute) Great! You have completed the task and have well remembered one of the safety rules: “Dangerous situations can and should be foreseen.”

Children, divided into groups of 4, try to make a sentence from the given words.

II stage of the training session: determining the topic and setting the goal of the lesson




Determine the topic of the lesson in a relaxed manner. Set a lesson goal for students

Orient and set up students to work throughout the lesson

1 minutes

Teacher activities

Student activities

(slide 6) Well done! You did a great job! You have mastered the previous topic well.

Now listen to the poems and answer me - what will we talk about today?

This is my house, my apartment,

Here I study, play, sleep.

Answer me guys

Am I safe?

Right! Today we will talk to you about the safety of our home.

Children listen to poems and try to understand the topic of the lesson. Those who understand raise their hands and answer the teacher.

(slide 7) So, the topic of our lesson is “Human Dwelling and Life Support Features of the Dwelling.” Today we will find out what dangers await us in our home, find out their reasons, and try to learn to anticipate them.

Children write down the topic of the lesson in a notebook.

III stage of the training session: learning new material




Familiarize students with the main hazards in the home

Teach to anticipate and explain the causes of dangers

33 minutes

Teacher activities

Student activities

Teacher's word: Man constantly sought to improve his living conditions, constantly improved his home, trying to provide it with everything he needed.

(slide 8) It was difficult for ancient man. Dilapidated housing or cave. The fire served as lighting, cooking and heating. Can a person live long in such conditions?

They answer the question posed.

Teacher's word: And the man has achieved a lot. Modern life is very different from the life of our ancestors. Even one century ago, in most urban and rural houses, many things were completely different from what they are now. Let's mentally move back 100 years, to the beginningXXcentury, and let's see what the average person's home was then equipped with.

(slide 9) The house had a stove with the necessary supply of firewood. Food was cooked over fire in an oven. The rooms were lit by kerosene lamps, and the toilet was outside. They washed themselves from washstands, and brought water for him and for other needs from wells. Water was stored in buckets or barrels. Do you think it took a lot of time and effort for a person to create normal living conditions?

Children listen to the teacher's story.

They answer the question posed.

Teacher's word: (slide 10) Today, a city dweller's apartment in an average city is mainly provided with cold and hot water, domestic gas, has a sewerage system, and is electrified.

To meet the needs of a person in his home, various household electric and gas appliances, audio and video equipment are used today.

Children listen to the teacher's story.

Teacher's word (slide 11) Gives a definition of housing and the features of its life support.

Children listen and write down

Teacher's word: It seems to us that we are completely safe at home.

(slide 12) " My home is my castle,” says a well-known saying.(mouse click) Do we always follow mandatory safety rules and what dangerous situations can await us at home?

Children listen to the teacher's story.

(slide 13): Your task now, in groups, is to list as many dangerous situations as possible that may arise in our home. Let the 1st group think about the dangers in the kitchen, the 2nd - in the bath, the 3rd - in the rooms. Thinking time is 1 minute.

Children are divided into groups in rows and complete the task. After 1 minute of independent work, there is a discussion of the assigned task.

Teacher's word: (slide 14) I propose to systematize our knowledge and fill out the table “Sources of dangerous situations in the home and their causes.”

(The teacher names the sources and causes of dangerous situations in the house).

Children draw a table in their notebooks (you can use the handout “Table. Sources of dangerous situations in the home and their causes”). Record the sources and causes of dangerous situations in a table.

IV stage of the training session: final, summing up




Summarize the lesson, consolidate the acquired knowledge, give marks for answers from the spot

Set tasks for the next lesson. Give homework

5 minutes

Teacher activities

Student activities

(slide 15) Have you ever thought about how many dangerous situations can arise near us, in our homes?

Let's remember what rules of safe behavior we know, That's right!

    Anticipate danger.

    Avoid it if possible.

    Take action if necessary.

    Fight to the last.

Children answer the questions posed.

Teacher's word: (slide 16) Well, now it's time to give homework. Explain the proverbs and try to illustrate them with examples.

Option 1 – “If you gain time, you lose your life”

Option 2 – “Trouble can torture you, trouble can cure you.”

And, of course, you read our wonderful textbook, pp. 14-17.

(slide 17) This concludes our lesson. Take care of yourself!

Children write down homework.

Lesson 1.2. Human dwelling, features of life support of the dwelling

Purpose of the lesson. To systematize students’ knowledge of the life support features of a modern house (apartment) in the city, to draw attention to the need for strict adherence to the rules for operating life support systems and household appliances in everyday life to ensure personal safety and the safety of others.

Lesson objectives:

1. Educational: Identify the sources of emergencies and dangerous situations in the home, introduce students to the causes of possible dangerous situations in the apartment

2. Developmental: students’ ability to compare, analyze, systematize, and generalize acquired knowledge.

3. Educational:

Form a sense of responsibility for a safe life in your own home.

Continue the formation of universal educational actions:

cognitive UUD: the ability to select the main thing from a textbook text;

regulatory UUD: development of goal-setting, planning, reflection skills;

personal UUD: formation of a responsible attitude towards learning, readiness and ability of students for self-development and self-education based on motivation for learning and cognition;

communicative skills: ability to work in a group, ability to argue your answer.

Subject results :

1 . know about the city as a place of residence of a person, about the peculiarities of life support of the home

Meta-subject results:

    understand the educational task of the lesson and strive to fulfill it;

    make assumptions and prove them;

    be able to extract the necessary information when studying textbook illustrations;

    answer final questions and evaluate your achievements in class.

Personal results:

be aware of the need for a responsible, careful attitude towards the environment

Lesson type: mastering new knowledge.

Lesson structure

I. Organizational stage................................................... ............................5 min.

II. Motivation for learning activities................................................................... .........2 min.

III. Updating basic knowledge................................................................... ...............3 min.

IV. Primary assimilation of new knowledge. ........................................................ ....15min.

V Initial check of understanding.................................................... ...................5 min.

VI. Primary consolidation. ........................................................ .................... 10 min.

VII. Homework................................................ ................................2 min.

VII. Summing up the lesson................................................................... ......................3 min.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational stage. Greetings. Motivation.

II. Motivation for learning activities.

Charade. What is the safety formula? .

III. Updating basic knowledge.

    Checking homework.

IV.Primary assimilation of new knowledge

Listen to the poems and answer me - what will we talk about today? Formation of the lesson topic.

This is my house, my apartment,

Here I study, play, sleep.

Answer me guys

Am I safe?

Application of cluster technology. Building a cluster lesson to set the goals and objectives of the lesson together with the students. Students name goals and

lesson objectives.

Identifying difficulties.

    Associative series method. Human dwelling.

    Story with elementsconversations.

Man constantly sought to improve his living conditions, constantly improved his home, trying to provide it with everything necessary.
And the man has achieved a lot. Modern life is very different from the life of our ancestors. Even one century ago, in most urban and rural houses, many things were completely different from what they are now.

    Free microphone method. How does modern life differ from the life of our ancestors?

    Story with elementsconversations.

It was difficult for ancient man. Dilapidated housing or cave. The fire served as lighting, cooking and heating. Can a person live long in such conditions?

Let us mentally move back 100 years, to the beginning of the 20th century, and see what the average person’s home was equipped with then. The house had a stove that heated it. In order to maintain heat, it was necessary to stockpile firewood and heat the stove with it. Food was also cooked over fire in an oven. The rooms in most houses were lit by kerosene lamps, and the toilet was outside. They washed themselves from washstands, and carried water into the house from wells or street pumps. Water was stored in buckets or barrels. In other words, it took a lot of time and effort to create normal living conditions.

Work in pairs. Name basic household appliances used by city dwellers in everyday life.

Conclusion. Today, a city dweller's apartment in an average city is mainly provided with cold and hot water, domestic gas, has a sewerage system, and is electrified. To meet the needs of a person in his home today, various household electric and gas appliances, audio and video equipment are used. The saturation of a home with various devices required a person to have a different attitude towards his home and other responsibilities towards it. To protect yourself and your home when using equipment and devices, a person must know well and follow the rules of their operation. Failure to follow these rules can lead to dangerous situations and disaster.

VInitial check of understanding

Work ingroups. What dangers might there be at home? Make a diagram: dangers in the kitchen, in the bath, in the rooms.

Working with a proverb.“MY HOME IS MY FORTRESS”. Do we always follow mandatory safety rules?

    Story with elementsconversations.

Violation of electrical safety rules can lead to electrical injuries and fire.

Violation of fire safety rules when using electrical household appliances, when storing and using flammable and flammable substances can lead to a fire.

Violation of the rules for operating water supply and sewerage can lead to flooding of your apartment and neighbors' apartments.

The rules for safe behavior at home are set out in detail in Chapter 2. And here we note the following: in order for your home to always be in good condition, in order to reduce the risk of dangerous situations in the house and unpleasant and even tragic consequences, it is necessary to maintain constant order in it. You need to help parents clean the rooms, always keep your textbooks and sports equipment in a certain place. If you need to use this or that device, you need to remember or, if it is a new device, study the rules of its operation together with your parents.

Brainstorming method. Name the main reasons for the occurrence of dangerous situations in the apartment.

Conclusion: The main reasons for the occurrence of dangerous situations in the apartment:

Negligence (faucet not closed, iron not turned off, boiling kettle flooding the gas stove);

Improper handling of equipment and household appliances;

Careless handling of fire, gas and chemicals;;

Criminal situations (burglary, robbery).

Dangerous situations happen in the apartment. Most often it is:

Fire (faulty wiring and electrical equipment, careless handling of fire);

Gas explosion (gas leak, stove not turned off);

Flooding (faulty water supply or a washing machine plugged in and left unattended);

Poisoning (gas or chemicals);

Electric shock (violation of safety rules when using electrical appliances and electrical equipment);

Destruction of building structures (as a result of an earthquake or explosion).

VI. Primary consolidation Generalization and systematization of knowledge.

    Working with the textbook. Exercise. Test yourself.

    Explain proverbs and illustrate them with examples.

A) “If you win a second, you lose a life”

B) “Trouble will torture you, trouble will cure you”

    Fill out the table“Sources of dangerous situations in the home and their causes”

Frontal survey. Questions :

    What equipment and household appliances are available in your house (apartment)?

    What rules are observed in your home (apartment) when using various electrical, gas and other appliances?

    What cases of breakdowns of household appliances have occurred in your life and how did adults behave in these situations?

VII. Summing up the lesson. Reflection“What new did you learn in class today? What is your attitude to this lesson topic?


    Study § 1.2 of the textbook and prepare answers to the questions posed.

    Complete tasks in the safety diary.



Src="http://present5.com/presentation/1/-101118911_426478906.pdf-img/-101118911_426478906.pdf-1.jpg" alt=">Human housing, features of housing life support">!}

Src="http://present5.com/presentation/1/-101118911_426478906.pdf-img/-101118911_426478906.pdf-2.jpg" alt="> Man has achieved a lot in achieving comfort. Modern life is very different from everyday life"> Человек многого достиг в достижении комфорта. Современный быт очень сильно отличается от быта наших предков. Даже один век назад в большей части городских и сельских домов многое было совсем не так, как сейчас. Мысленно перенесемся на 100 лет назад, в на чало. XX в. , и посмотрим, чем было снабжено тогда жилище среднего человека.!}

Src="http://present5.com/presentation/1/-101118911_426478906.pdf-img/-101118911_426478906.pdf-4.jpg" alt="> There was a stove in the house that heated it. In order to to maintain warmth it is necessary"> В доме была печь, которая его обогревала. Для того чтобы поддерживать тепло, необходимо было запасать дрова и топить ими печь. Пища также готовилась на огне в печи. Комнаты в большинстве домов освещались керосиновыми лампами, туалет был на улице. Умывались из рукомойников, воду в дом носили из колодцев или уличных колонок. Хранилась вода в ведрах или бочках.!}

Src="http://present5.com/presentation/1/-101118911_426478906.pdf-img/-101118911_426478906.pdf-6.jpg" alt="> In other words, it took a lot of time and effort to create normal living conditions today."> Иными словами, требовалось много времени и сил для создания нормальных условий быта. Сегодня квартира горожанина уже в среднем городе в основном обеспечивается холодной и горячей водой, бытовым газом, имеет канализацию, электрифицирована. Для удовлетворения потребностей человека в его жилье сегодня используются различные бытовые, электрические и газовые приборы!}

Src="http://present5.com/presentation/1/-101118911_426478906.pdf-img/-101118911_426478906.pdf-8.jpg" alt="> Saturating a home with various devices required a person to have a different attitude towards his home and"> Насыщение жилища различными приборами потребовало от человека другого отношения к своему дому и иных обязанностей по отношению к нему. Чтобы обезопасить себя и свое жилище при использовании оборудования и приборов, человек должен хорошо знать и соблюдать правила их эксплуатации. Несоблюдение этих правил может привести к беде.!}

Src="http://present5.com/presentation/1/-101118911_426478906.pdf-img/-101118911_426478906.pdf-10.jpg" alt=">Violation of electrical safety rules can lead to electrical injuries and fire.">!}

Src="http://present5.com/presentation/1/-101118911_426478906.pdf-img/-101118911_426478906.pdf-11.jpg" alt="> Fire safety rules l and"> Правила пожарной безопасности л и е прави арушен ри Н пас ности п ми ой безо тробытовы пожарн ии элек н и п ользова хр анении ми, прибора ании в и спользо и х горючи ющихся. с пламеня вести к пожару легково ожет при м веществ!}

Src="http://present5.com/presentation/1/-101118911_426478906.pdf-img/-101118911_426478906.pdf-12.jpg" alt="> Operating rules Violation of the operating rules for water supply and sewerage can lead to"> Правила эксплуатации Нарушение правил эксплуатации водопровода и канализации может привести к затоплению своей квартиры, квартиры соседей.!}

Src="http://present5.com/presentation/1/-101118911_426478906.pdf-img/-101118911_426478906.pdf-13.jpg" alt="> Reduce risk To ensure your home is always in good condition,"> Снизить риск Чтобы ваш дом всегда был в хорошем состоянии, чтобы снизить риск возникновения опасных ситуаций в доме и неприятных и даже трагических последствий, необходимо в нем поддерживать постоянный порядок. В этом есть и часть ваших обязанностей: нужно помогать родителям в уборке комнат, всегда держать в определенном месте свои учебники, спортивный инвентарь.!}

Src="http://present5.com/presentation/1/-101118911_426478906.pdf-img/-101118911_426478906.pdf-15.jpg" alt="> Operating rules If you need to use a particular device, you must remember or,"> Правила эксплуатации При необходимости использования того или иного прибора надо вспомнить или, если это новый прибор, вместе с родителями изучить правила его эксплуатации!}

Src="http://present5.com/presentation/1/-101118911_426478906.pdf-img/-101118911_426478906.pdf-16.jpg" alt="> Conclusions: You learned that: a man of many things"> Выводы: Вы узнали, что: человек многого достиг в достижении комфорта; в начале XX века требовалось много времени и сил для создания нормальных условий быта; при использовании бытовых приборов надо соблюдать правила эксплуатации.!}