Instructions for truck crane operators. Safety requirements at the end of work

Instructions for crane operators on the safe operation of jibs truck cranes.

1. General Provisions

A truck crane is a hazardous production facility, the rules for its safe operation are determined by many regulatory documents and organizational measures. The main regulatory document is the "Rules for the design and safe operation of cranes" (PB). The organization of the safe operation of cranes is also subject to a number of state standards (GOSTs), guidelines (RD) and other documents, both interdepartmental and departmental. An interdepartmental document, for example, is the "Rules for labor protection during loading and unloading operations and placement of goods." An example of a departmental document in the field of construction is SNIP 12-03-99 “Labor safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements.

To oversee compliance normative documents and organization of all work on the safe operation of truck cranes across the country has been created federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (Rostekhnadzor). At the scale of your organization (enterprise), at least there should be OFFICIALS responsible for:

a) maintenance of cranes in good condition;

b) supervision safe operation cranes, lifting devices and containers;

c) safe work performance;

d) crane operation and maintenance.

Driving a car crane can be entrusted to a car driver after he has been trained according to the program for training crane operators and certification by the qualification commission. The duties of a crane operator and his assistant can be performed by persons at least 18 years of age who do not have contraindications for health reasons, which must be confirmed by the results of a medical examination. Training and certification of crane operators and their assistants should be carried out in vocational schools, as well as in courses and technical schools for training workers in the specified specialties, created at enterprises that have a base for theoretical and industrial training and have a special permit (license) from Rostekhnadzor bodies.

Certified workers are issued certificates of the established form signed by the chairman of the commission and a representative of Rostekhnadzor. The crane operator's certificate indicates the type and design of the crane he is authorized to operate. A photo card must be pasted into the certificate of the crane operator and his assistant. They must have their ID with them when they work.

2. Obligations of crane operators before starting work on the crane.

2.1. Inspect and make sure that all mechanisms, systems, metal structures and other parts of the crane are in good condition, including checking:

by crane installation

    completeness of the crane;

    crane mechanisms, their fastenings and brakes;

    the presence and serviceability of fences mechanisms;

    rope lubrication, as well as the condition of lubricating devices and glands;

    in accessible places, metal structures and joints of boom sections and elements of its suspension, as well as metal structures and welded joints of the supporting and rotary parts;

    in accessible places, the condition of the ropes and their fastening on the drum, boom, as well as laying the ropes in the streams of blocks and drums;

    rope blocks for the absence of cracks and chips;

    hook and its attachment to the clip;

    serviceability of outriggers and suspension locking mechanism;

    the completeness of the counterweight and the reliability of its fastening;

    availability and serviceability of safety devices and devices on the crane;

    serviceability of lighting and signaling devices;

    hydraulic drive system, high pressure hoses, pumps, safety valves and the level of the working fluid in the hydraulic tank.

by chassis

    cleanliness of license plates, external lighting and signaling devices, cab windows;

    the condition of the rear-view mirrors, the fastening of their brackets, the correct installation;

    operation of cab door locks and fastening of wheel mudguards;

    reliability of fastening of springs and wheels, condition of tires;

    tightness of power supply, lubrication, cooling systems, power steering and hydraulic (pneumatic) brake drive, make sure that there is no oil leakage from the gearbox and axles;

    oil level in the engine crankcase, coolant and fuel;

    the operation of external lighting devices and alarms: headlights, sidelights, rear lights, direction indicators, horn, stop signal, license plate lighting, as well as the presence of reflectors;

    serviceability of the parking brake;

    backlash of the role wheel, reliability of fastening and splinting of steering parts, make sure that there are no damages to the steering rods;

    reliability of transport fastening of the hook suspension;

    availability of a first-aid kit, a fire extinguisher, an emergency stop sign.

Start and warm up the engine to a coolant temperature of 70-80C, listen to his work in various modes. Check instrument readings. Check the operation of the clutch, gearbox, smoothness and simultaneity of the vehicle's brakes, as well as the operation of the speedometer.

2.2. Together with the slinger, check the compliance of removable load-handling devices with the mass and nature of the load, their serviceability and the presence of stamps or tags on them indicating the load capacity, test date and number.

2.3. Test all mechanisms at idle and at the same time check the serviceability of the crane mechanisms; instruments and safety devices; brakes; hydraulic systems.

2.4. Make sure that the slingers have certificates and decals.

2.5. Carry a valid crane operator's license.

2.6. Make an entry in the watch log about the acceptance of the crane.

2.7. If, during the inspection and testing of the crane, faults or shortcomings in its condition that impede safe operation are found, and it is impossible to eliminate them on their own, without starting work, inform the specialist responsible for maintaining the crane in good condition and notify the person responsible for safe work with cranes.

2.8. To get acquainted with the project of works, technological maps of loading, unloading and warehousing of goods.

2.9. Check the condition of the site when installing the crane; the slope of the site is allowed no more than 3.

2.10. Make sure that there is no power line at the work site or it is located at a distance of more than 30 meters.

2.11. If necessary, obtain a work permit for the operation of a crane at a distance closer than 30 meters from the power line.

2.12. Check for adequate lighting working area(should be at least 10 lux).

3. Obligations of the crane operator during the operation of the crane.

3.1. Be guided by the requirements and instructions set out in the crane operation manual, production instructions and the Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of Hoisting Cranes.

3.2. Keep unauthorized persons away from the crane area.

3.3. Before putting the crane mechanisms into operation after a break, give a warning sound signal.

3.4. When moving the crane:

    lay the boom on the boom support stand;

    fasten the hook suspension in the prescribed manner;

    lay the load handling devices in the specified place;

    raise the suspension hydraulic cylinders to the stop and unlock the suspension stabilizer (if any);

    move the outriggers to the transport position and, if provided, lock them with locks;

    make sure that the pump drive is turned off, and the fluid flow switching handle is set to the “on tap” position;

    remove, lay and secure in the established places of the lining;

    turn off the power supply of the crane installation;

    within the working area, do not increase the speed by more than 5 km/h;

    signal the beginning of movement by giving a warning sound signal.

3.5. Install the crane on the working site in compliance with the dimensions of the approximation and in accordance with the project for the production of work by cranes.

3.6. Proceed to perform crane operations only after installing the crane on additional supports; make sure that the supports are in good order and that strong and stable linings are placed under them, which are an inventory of the crane; the gap between the tires of the rear axle and the ground should be at least 30-40 mm.

3.7. Loading and unloading gondola cars, moving cargo with several cranes, near the power line, moving cargo over ceilings, under which industrial or service premises are located, where people can be, moving cargo for which a slinging scheme has not been developed, as well as other work provided for by production projects works or technological regulations, perform only under the direct supervision of the person responsible for the safe performance of work with cranes.

3.8. The movement of goods shall be carried out in compliance with the following rules:

    work with a crane is possible only at the signal of the slinger. If the slinger gives a signal, acting in violation of safety requirements and his duties, then you should not maneuver the crane on such a signal. Both the crane operator and the slinger who gave the wrong signal are responsible for damage caused by the operation of the crane due to the execution of an incorrectly given signal. The signal exchange between the slinger and the crane operator must be carried out according to the procedure established at the enterprise (in the organization). The signal "Stop" the crane operator is obliged to carry out regardless of who gives it;

    determine, using the available safety devices, the lifting capacity of the crane for each departure;

    before lifting the load, the slinger and all persons near the crane should be warned with a sound signal about the need to leave the area of ​​the load being moved, the possible fall of the load and the lowering of the boom. It is possible to move the load only if there are no people in the moving area of ​​the crane. The slinger may be near the load during its lifting or lowering, if the load is at a height of not more than 1 m from the platform level. When the crane is in operation, it is forbidden for people to be near its platform, as well as to go to the fixed part, so as not to be squeezed between the rotary and non-rotary parts of the crane;

    it is allowed to load and unload trolleys, motor vehicles and trailers for them, railway gondola cars and platforms only if there are no people on Vehicle ah, what you must first make sure;

    install the hook of the lifting mechanism above the load in such a way that when lifting the load, oblique tension of the load rope is excluded; lifting the load from the platform and lowering it onto the platform should only be done with a cargo winch; prevent swinging of the load;

    when lifting a load, you must first raise it to a height of no more than 200 mm to make sure that the slinging is correct, the crane is stable and the brakes are working properly, after which you can lift the load to desired height;

    when lifting the load, the distance between the hook holder and the blocks on the boom must be at least 500 mm;

    loads moving in the horizontal direction (handling devices) must first be raised by 500 mm above the objects encountered on the way; lifting, lowering, moving the load, braking during all movements should be performed smoothly, without jerks;

    it is necessary to hook and unhook the load after the load rope has completely stopped, it has been loosened and with the hook suspension lowered;

    when lifting the boom, it is necessary to ensure that it does not rise above the position corresponding to the smallest working reach;

    when moving cargo located near a wall, columns, stack, railway car, car, machine or other equipment, you should first make sure that there is no slinger or other people between the transported cargo and the specified parts of the building, vehicles or equipment, as well as the impossibility of hitting the boom or transported cargo behind walls, columns, etc. Stowing cargo in gondola cars, on platforms and in trolleys should be carried out without disturbing the balance of gondola cars, trolleys and platforms; loading of the car body (trailer) must be carried out from the cab to the rear side, unloading - in the reverse order;

    movement of small-piece cargoes should be carried out in containers specially designed for this, while the possibility of falling out of individual cargoes should be excluded. It is allowed to lift bricks on pallets without fencing only during loading and unloading (on the ground) of motor vehicles, trailers, railway gondola cars and platforms;

    before lifting a load from a well, ditch, trench, pit, etc. and before lowering the load into them, by lowering the free (unloaded) hook, first make sure that at its lowest position on the drum at least one and a half turns of the rope remain wound, not counting the turns under clamping device;

    stowage and dismantling of cargo should be even, without violating the dimensions established for warehousing cargo and without blocking the aisles;

    ropes must be carefully monitored. If they fall from drums or blocks, loops are formed or ropes are damaged, the crane should be stopped;

    slinging of goods must be carried out in accordance with the slinging schemes. For slinging, slings should be used that correspond to the mass and nature of the load being lifted, taking into account the number of branches and their angle of inclination, slings general purpose are chosen so that the angle between their branches does not exceed 90;

    the movement of goods of unknown mass is carried out after determining their actual mass. It is forbidden to lift a load, the mass of which exceeds the lifting capacity of the crane or lifting device;

    when the crane is operating, it is allowed to lower the load or the boom only to the place intended for this, where the possibility of falling, overturning or sliding of the load being installed is excluded. Linings of appropriate strength must be preliminarily laid at the place of installation of the load; placement of goods in the area of ​​pits, trenches should be carried out outside the collapse prism, but not less than 1 m from the edge of the natural slope or fastening of the excavation (pit, trench);

    tilting of loads by cranes should be carried out on tilting platforms or in specially designated places. Such work is carried out according to the developed technology, indicating the sequence of operations, the method of slinging the load and information on the safe performance of work.

3.9. Monitor the condition of the units and mechanisms of the crane, promptly eliminate the detected malfunctions.

3.10. Monitor the level of the working fluid in the hydraulic drive tank and the fastening of the suction hoses. If there are signs of emulsification of the working fluid by air, stop the operation of the valve.

3.11. During the performance of work, the crane operator is prohibited from:

    perform loading and unloading operations when a crane malfunction is detected;

    allow random persons who do not have the rights of a slinger to tie or hook cargo, as well as use lifting devices that do not correspond to the mass and nature of the cargo, without tags or brands. In these cases, the crane operator must stop work and notify the person responsible for the safe operation of cranes;

    lift or turn over a load, the mass of which exceeds the lifting capacity of the crane for a given departure. If the crane operator does not know the mass of the load, then he must get in writing information about the actual weight of the cargo from the person responsible for the safe performance of work by cranes;

    lower the boom with the load until the departure, at which the lifting capacity of the crane will be less than the mass of the load being lifted;

    carry out sharp braking when turning the boom with a load;

    drag cargo along the ground, rails or logs with a crane hook with the ropes inclined, as well as move railway cars, platforms, trolleys or carts with a hook;

    tear off a load covered with earth or frozen to the ground, embedded with other loads, reinforced with bolts, filled with concrete, etc.;

    release with a crane the removable load-handling devices (slings, chains, pliers, etc.) pinched by the load;

    lift reinforced concrete products with damaged hinges, improperly strapped (tied) cargo that is in an unstable position, as well as in containers filled above the sides;

    put the load on electrical cables and pipelines, as well as cargo supported by hands;

    transfer control of the crane to persons who do not have the right to operate the crane, as well as allow students and trainees to independently control them without their supervision;

    load and unload vehicles while the driver or other people are in the cab;

    lift cylinders with compressed or liquefied gas not packed in special containers;

    deliver cargo to window openings and on balconies without special reception areas or special devices;

    lift the load directly from the place of its installation (from the ground, platform, stack, etc.) by changing the outreach of the boom;

    use limit switches as working bodies for automatic stop of mechanisms;

    work with the safety devices and brakes disabled or faulty;

    install cranes for work on freshly poured uncompacted soil, as well as with a slope exceeding 3;

    arbitrarily install a crane to work near the power line (until receiving an assignment from the person responsible for the safe performance of work by cranes);

    be in the crane operator's cab when installing the crane on the supports, as well as when removing it from the supports;

    enter and leave the crane while the movement, rotation or lifting mechanisms are operating;

    work in closed unventilated rooms (due to increased air pollution);

    allow the placement of flammable substances and objects near the exhaust pipe;

    use random objects as linings for outriggers;

    carry out the movement of the crane with the extended boom;

    start the movement of the crane when someone is in the crane operator's cabin;

    work without the use of supports in the crane mode.

4. Duties of the crane operator in emergency situations.

An emergency situation is a situation caused by natural or man-made (industrial) manifestations and consisting in the impact or threat of exposure to the crane of hazardous factors. Under hazards understand natural disasters, fire, electrical stress, external mechanical forces, etc., which can lead to death of people, cause the crane to lose stability or break it. In the event of an emergency You must:

1) immediately stop lifting, give a warning signal, lower the load to the ground or platform and establish the cause of the emergency in case of loss of stability of the crane (ground subsidence, breakdown of outriggers, overload, etc.);

2) immediately warn the workers about the danger and move the boom away from the wires of the power line if the elements of the crane (boom, ropes) are energized, if this is not possible, leave the crane cabin without touching the metal structures and observing personal safety measures against electric shock current;

3) observing personal security measures, take measures to free the victim from action electric current and provide the necessary first aid if, during the operation of the crane, the worker (slinger) came into contact with live parts;

4) immediately call fire department, stop work and start extinguishing the fire, using the fire extinguishing equipment available on the crane in the event of a fire on the crane;

5) stop work, lower the load to the ground, leave the cab and go to a safe place in case of natural disasters (hurricane, earthquakes, etc.); if possible, after lowering the load, bring the crane boom to the transport position;

6) immediately notify the person responsible for the safe performance of work with cranes about the accident or accident that occurred during the operation of the crane, and ensure the safety of the situation of the accident or accident, if this does not pose a danger to human life and health; provide first aid to the victim;

7) make an entry in the watch log and notify the engineering and technical worker responsible for maintaining the lifting machines in good condition about all emergency situations.

5. Obligations of the crane operator at the end of the work of the crane.

5.1. At the end of the crane operation, the crane operator must comply with the following requirements: do not leave the load, magnet or grab hanging; put the crane in the place intended for parking, slow it down and lock the cab; set the boom and hook to the position specified in the manufacturer's instructions for the operation of the crane; stop the engine, turn off the circuit breaker for electric cranes if the crane is powered from an external source; enter in the logbook information about the identified defects and malfunctions of the components and elements of the crane.

5.2. When the crane is operating in several shifts, the crane operator handing over the shift must inform his shift worker about all malfunctions in the operation of the crane and hand over the shift by making an appropriate entry in the logbook.



1. General safety requirements

1. General safety requirements

1.1. This instruction provides for the basic requirements for organizing and conducting the safe work of a crane operator (hereinafter referred to as the crane operator) during the operation of overhead and gantry cranes.

1.2. Persons at least 18 years of age who have passed:

- vocational training and having an appropriate certificate in the profession and a certificate of assignment to him of an electrical safety group (not lower than II);

- preliminary medical examination and received a conclusion on suitability for this profession;

- introductory briefing on labor safety, fire safety and provision of first aid to the victim;

- initial briefing at the workplace and trained in safe methods and techniques for performing work.

1.3. Admission to the work of crane operators is issued by the owner of the crane by order of the division of the enterprise.

1.4. A crane operator employed at a job where the labor organization provides for work on cranes of the same type, but of a different model, must be familiar with the features of the device and maintenance of such a crane, undergo an internship, pass exams and obtain a permit.

1.5. The crane operator must pass:

- periodic medical examinations - once every two years;

- repeated briefing on labor safety - at least once a quarter;

- education safe methods and methods of work and checking their knowledge in the scope of the program approved by the administration of the enterprise - once a year;

- unscheduled and targeted briefing on labor safety - as needed.

1.6. A crane operator with signs of obvious malaise, in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication, is not allowed to work.

1.7. The crane operator is obliged: to comply with the internal regulations and labor discipline; timely and accurately execute the orders of the administration; comply with technological discipline, requirements for labor protection, safety precautions and industrial sanitation; take care of the company's property; follow the traffic order railway tracks and highways; know the meaning of the safety signs, sound and light signals used at the enterprise, be attentive to the signals given and comply with their requirements.

Each incorrectly given or incomprehensible signal should be perceived as a "Stop" signal.

1.8. If any questions arise during the work related to its safe performance, you must immediately contact the employee responsible for the safe performance of work with cranes (foreman or shift supervisor, etc.).

1.9. Throughout work shift the regime of work and rest established by the administration must be observed.

1.10. Resting and smoking is allowed only in specially designated areas.

1.11. For drinking, use water only from saturators, drinking fountains, drinking tanks. Use of other (random) sources is not allowed.

1.12. Eating should be done only in specially equipped rooms (dining room, buffet).

1.13. When servicing overhead and gantry cranes, there are such dangerous and harmful production factors as: moving machines and mechanisms; moving parts production equipment; increased dust and gas content in the air of the working area; transported and stored goods; microclimate; increased voltage in the electrical circuit.

1.14. The administration of the enterprise must provide the crane operator with personal protective equipment in accordance with the current industry standards for the free issue of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment:

- cotton overalls - 1 pc. for a year;

- combined mittens - 6 pairs per year;

- dielectric galoshes - on duty;

- dielectric gloves - on duty.

For outdoor work, in winter additionally:

- a jacket on the warming laying - on belts;

- trousers on the warming laying - on belts;

- felt boots - on the belts.

1.15. A crane operator without work clothes, special footwear and other personal protective equipment and safety devices that are required by the conditions of production is not allowed to perform work.

1.16. The crane operator must:

- comply with the requirements of fire safety at work, as well as comply with and maintain the fire regime;

- observe safety precautions when working with flammable and combustible liquids, flammable gases and other substances, materials and equipment that are dangerous in terms of fire and explosion;

- know the location of the main and emergency exits from the territory of the workshop and the evacuation routes from the area of ​​fire or accident;

- be able to use primary fire extinguishing equipment.

1.17. It is prohibited to use primary fire extinguishing equipment, non-mechanized fire tools and equipment for household and other needs not related to fire extinguishing.

1.18. The collection of used cleaning materials should be carried out in special metal boxes with lockable lids.

Drawers containing used cleaning material should be emptied as they become full, but at least once per shift.

1.19. The crane operator must: have an elementary technical knowledge of electrical installations, a clear understanding of the danger of electric current and approaching live parts; observe basic safety precautions when working in electrical installations with voltage up to 1000 V; have practical skills in providing first medical care affected by electrical current.

1.20. It is forbidden to touch open live parts of the equipment and bare wires, to make unauthorized correction or connection of electrical wiring, as well as to hang clothes and put any objects on wires, insulators, switches, sockets, control stations and other switching equipment.

1.21. About cases of injury and all malfunctions of the crane mechanisms, violations of technological regimes, deterioration of working conditions, the occurrence of emergencies, the crane operator must inform the foreman (chief) of the shift or the employee responsible for maintaining the cranes in good condition and take preventive measures according to the circumstances, ensuring their own safety .

1.22. In case of illness, poisoning or an accident, the crane operator must stop work, notify the foreman (chief) of the shift and seek medical help.

1.23. In case of an accident with other workers, it is necessary: ​​to provide the injured person with first aid, observing the measures of their own safety; if possible, preserve the situation of the case and report the incident to the foreman (chief) of the shift.

1.24. In the process of work, the crane operator is obliged to observe the rules of personal hygiene: dedust overalls; wash hands with soap before eating; Maintain cleanliness of the workplace, overalls and personal protective equipment.

1.25. As they get dirty or worn out, the overalls of the crane operator must be dry-cleaned, washed or repaired at the expense of the enterprise.

It is not allowed to process and wash contaminated overalls at home by the employee himself, as well as the use of explosive and flammable substances for this purpose.

1.26. For non-compliance with the safety requirements set forth in this manual, depending on the nature of the violations committed and their consequences, the crane operator bears disciplinary, material or criminal liability in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Safety requirements before starting work

2.1. Inspect, tidy up and put on overalls. Fasten and tuck it in so that it does not have hanging and fluttering ends.

2.2. Familiarize yourself with the entries in the logbook, accept the crane, make sure that all mechanisms, metal structures, assemblies and other parts of the crane, as well as the crane track are in good condition.

In this case, the crane operator must:

- get a brand key for controlling an overhead crane in the order established by the enterprise from the crane operator handing over the shift, or from the employee responsible for issuing brand keys. If at the time of accepting the shift, the crane was under repair, then the key-mark is accepted upon completion of the repair from the employee responsible for the repair;

- observe safety measures when entering the crane cabin, using fixed ladders, landing platforms or walk-through galleries. If the entrance to the cabin is arranged through a bridge, then at magnetic cranes, the trolleys supplying the electromagnet should not be turned off when the door is opened in the end railings and should be fenced or located in a place inaccessible to contact;

- enter the crane cabin together with an assistant, trainee, student (if any) and receive the shift directly at the workplace. If the crane operator does not appear, his assistant (trainee, apprentice) is prohibited from climbing the crane;

- inspect the crane mechanisms, their fastening and brakes, as well as the chassis and anti-theft grips;

- check the presence and serviceability of the mechanism guards and the presence of dielectric mats in the cab;

- check the lubrication of gears, bearings and ropes, as well as the condition of lubricators and glands;

- inspect in accessible places the metal structures of the crane, welded, riveted and bolted joints;

- inspect in accessible places the condition of the ropes and their fastening on the drums and in other places, as well as the correct laying of the ropes in the streams of blocks and drums;

- inspect the hook and its fastening in the holder, the locking device on it or another replaceable lifting device installed instead of the hook;

- check the presence of interlocks, devices and safety devices on the crane;

- check the serviceability of the lighting of the crane and the working area;

- inspect crane tracks gantry crane and dead ends;

- inspect electric motors in accessible places, trolleys or flexible current-carrying cable, current collectors, control panels, protective earthing, check whether the doors of protective panel cabinets, main circuit breakers, magnet panels and hatches of platforms for servicing the main current collectors are locked;

1.1 This instruction determines the safety requirements before starting work, during work, at the end of work and in emergency situations by crane operators of electric bridge-type cranes (hereinafter referred to as crane operators).

1.2 Persons at least 18 years of age who have undergone a medical examination to determine the compliance of their physical condition with the requirements for this profession, are trained, certified and have a certificate for the right to operate a crane of this type, who have completed an internship at the workplace in during 10 shifts.

1.3 Re-testing the knowledge of crane operators is carried out in the scope of this manual and the manufacturer's instructions for the installation and operation of the crane:

Periodically, at least once every 12 months;

When moving from one enterprise to another;

At the request of an engineering and technical worker supervising the maintenance and safe operation of load-lifting cranes, removable load-handling devices, crane tracks and containers, or an inspector of Gospromgornadzor.

1.4 The results of certification are drawn up in a protocol, the number of which is affixed to the certificate and confirmed by the signature of the chairman of the commission and the seal of the enterprise.

1.5 Repeated briefing for crane operators in the scope of this instruction is carried out once a quarter or after a break in work for more than 30 days with an entry in personal cards and a journal of briefings on labor protection with a list of the instructed and instructing.

1.6 The work of the crane operator is three-shift, according to an uninterrupted schedule, with a working shift duration of 7.5 hours:

1 shift - from 7-00 to 15-00 lunch break from 9-30 to 10-00;

2nd shift - from 15-00 to 23-00 lunch break from 18-30 to 19-00 .;

3rd shift - from 23-00 to 7-00 lunch break from 2-30 to 3-00.

1.7 Overalls: cotton suit GOST 27575-87, leather boots GOST 5394-74, combined gloves GOST 12.4.010-75, protective helmet GOST 12.4.087-84.

1.8 The crane operator must: comply with the internal labor regulations, do not come to work in a state of intoxication, do not drink alcohol, do not take drugs in working time and before work, smoke in designated areas, dine in the dining room or dining room, observe personal hygiene rules, comply with the requirements of this instruction, as well as fire and electrical safety requirements.

1.9 To the crane operator, issued or hung out in the places of production of works by the crane: weight categories of goods; graphic images(diagrams) of slinging, tying or securing cargo; technological layouts and cargo storage schemes.

1.10 After a break in work for more than one year, the crane operator passes a knowledge test in the commission of the enterprise and, in case of satisfactory results, is allowed to an internship to restore the necessary skills.

1.11 The crane operator must know:

1.11.1 this manual and the manufacturer's manual for installation and operation of the crane;

1.11.2 arrangement and purpose of all crane mechanisms, its individual elements, all equipment and safety devices;

1.11.3 the procedure for maintenance, operation and repair of the crane, the range and purpose of lubricants used to lubricate the rubbing parts;

1.11.4 the procedure for exchanging signals with slingers established by the Rules - sign signaling (Appendix B);

1.11.5 norms for rejection of ropes and removable load-handling devices (Appendix A and B);

1.11.6 rules for the safe movement of goods by cranes;

1.11.7 requirements for crane runways and their maintenance;

1.11.8 safe methods of slinging, tying and hitching cargo;

1.11.9 technological layouts and cargo storage schemes;

1.11.10 locations of troll switches and repair sites;

1.11.11 basic information on electrical engineering;

1.11.12 methods of release from the action of the current of persons under voltage, and methods of providing them with first aid;

1.12 A trained and certified crane operator must be able to:

1.12.1 operate all crane mechanisms;

1.12.2 check the serviceability of mechanisms, identify defects and breakdowns;

1.12.3 prepare the crane for operation and take care of it;

1.12.4 check the safety devices, the quality of the ropes and their fastening to the drum;

1.12.5 check and adjust the braking devices of the crane;

1.12.6 determine the suitability for operation of ropes, removable load-handling devices (slings, traverses, grips, and others) and containers.

1.12.7 correctly lift, move and lower loads;

1.12.8 follow the slinger's signals quickly and accurately;

1.12.9 determine the weight of the load to be lifted;

1.12.10 participate in the work on the current and overhaul crane;

1.12.11 keep a logbook correctly;

1.12.12 use materials and energy economically;

1.12.13 observe the rules of labor protection, fire and electrical safety;

1.12.14 provide first aid and techniques for relieving persons under voltage from the action of the current.

1.13 The crane operator is responsible for the actions of the student attached to him for training and controls the work of the slinger.

1.14 In the process of work, the crane operator may be exposed to hazardous and harmful production factors:

Increased air temperature of the working area;

Reduced air temperature of the working area;

Monotony and immobility;

Increased gas contamination and dustiness of the air in the working area;

Possibility of electric shock;

Falling from height;

Increased levels of noise and vibration.

1.15 The crane operator is personally responsible for violation of the requirements set forth in this manual in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.

2. Safety requirements before starting work

2.1 Before starting work, the crane operator must:

2.1.1 put the work clothes, footwear and personal protective equipment in order and put them on.

2.1.2 get acquainted with the state of the crane according to the entries in the watch log, and when accepting the crane that was previously in operation, find out the state of the crane from the crane operator handing over the shift;

2.1.3 inspect the hook and its fastening in the holder, hook suspension, cargo ropes, grab;

2.1.4 check, together with the slinger, the containers and removable load-handling devices, the presence of tags on them, inscriptions on them;

2.1.5 inspect the crane mechanisms, brakes, chassis, buffer devices and their fastening;

2.1.6 make an external inspection of: metal structures and electrical equipment (protective panel, control cabinets, contactors, starting resistances, limit switches, controllers, cables, etc.) without removing covers and disassembling, protective earth;

2.1.7 check the presence and serviceability of machinery guards, transition platforms and galleries;

2.1.8 check the lubrication of gears, bearings and ropes, the condition of lubricating devices;

2.1.9 check the condition of the ropes and their fastening on the drum, as well as the laying of the ropes in the streams of blocks and drums;

2.1.10 check the availability and serviceability of working and repair lighting by turning on the lamps, as well as the audible signaling device;

2.1.11 check the presence and serviceability of dielectric mats and gloves, the presence of a fire extinguisher and sand;

2.1.12 make sure that there are no foreign objects on the crane and on the crane tracks that may fall down when the crane is moving, maintenance personnel or unauthorized persons.

2.2 The crane is inspected jointly by the crane operators handing over and accepting the shift when the mechanisms are not working and the knife switch is turned off, and the key tag removed from the socket breaking the control circuit.

2.3 When inspecting the crane in case of insufficient lighting, a portable lamp with a voltage of 12 volts should be used.

2.4 Crane operation is prohibited when:

2.4.1 expired technical certification or normative term crane service;

2.4.2 broken strand of cargo rope, local damage or wear exceeding established norm(see rejection rates in Appendix A);

2.4.3 the presence of cracks and deformations of the crane metal structure;

2.4.4 unacceptable wear of the hook (over 10%), ropes, chains (see Appendix B for rejection rates);

2.4.5 malfunctions of the load lifting mechanism;

2.4.6 cracks in the hook and in the elements of removable load-handling devices, if there are no cotter pins, clamps or rope fastening elements are loose;

2.4.7 if the hook does not rotate in the holder; nut securing the hook; does not have a securely fixed locking bar;

2.4.8 failure or damage to the brakes;

2.4.9 malfunctions of safety instruments and devices (hook or grab lifting height limiters, travel mechanisms, blocking devices, signaling devices, audible signaling device, etc.);

2.4.10 inactivity of the limit switches or if their levers do not return to their original position; inactivity of the blocking contacts of the hatch, the door of the entrance to the cabin and the exit to the crane tracks, the failure of the zero blocking of the controllers;

2.4.11 malfunctions of the crane runway;

2.4.12 lack of reliable fastening or displacement during operation of mechanisms, gearboxes, brakes, brake pulleys, electric motors and other crane equipment;

2.4.13 absence of a rubber dielectric mat in the crane operator's cab;

2.4.14 lack of protective grounding of electrical equipment cases or its damage;

2.4.15 energized housings of controllers and other electrical equipment, as well as the metal structures of the crane;

2.4.16 flexible trolleys sag a lot; wiring insulation is damaged; ground conductors are broken;

2.4.17 the absence of guards for mechanisms and bare current-carrying parts of electrical equipment, violation of the insulation of electrical wiring;

2.4.18 failure of lighting in the cab and under the crane;

2.4.19 detection of other malfunctions and violations of the requirements of the rules for the production of work that threaten the safe work of people.

2.5 After inspecting the crane, before putting it into operation, it is necessary:

2.5.1 check the zero blocking of all controllers;

2.5.2 check the operation of the limit switches front door, doors for access to crane tracks and a hatch, limiters for the travel of the bridge and trolley;

2.5.3 test all crane mechanisms empty;

2.5.4 check the operation of the limit switches for limiting the lifting of hook suspensions in next order: first, the correct installation and reliability of the fastening of the switches, the fastening of the weight to the rope and the rope to the lever or the engagement of the coupling halves (gears) are examined, then, after making sure that there are no people under the crane and they cannot appear, raise the hook suspension without a load in the first position controller until the limit switch is turned off (in this case, it must be remembered that the limit switch may be faulty and you need to be ready to turn off the crane with the emergency switch). The distance between the hook suspension after it has stopped and the lower parts of the trolley, against which the suspension can abut, must be at least 200 mm. Then, lower the hook suspension down and turn the controller back up to maximum speed. After disconnection, the gap must also be at least 200 mm (precautions are the same). If there are two lifts on the crane, each lift limit switch is checked;

2.5.5 make an entry about the acceptance and delivery of the shift in the logbook.

2.6 If malfunctions are detected that impede the safe operation of the crane, the crane operator, without starting work, must make an appropriate entry in the watch log and report this to the employee responsible for maintaining the cranes, removable load handling devices, containers and crane tracks in good condition and the employee, responsible for the safe performance of work with cranes, removable load-handling devices and containers.

2.7 The crane operator has the right to start working on the crane only after the elimination of the detected malfunctions and the corresponding entry in the watch log by the person who eliminated the malfunction.

3. Safety requirements during work

3.1 The crane operator must enter and exit the crane through the landing area.

3.2 The crane operator during work should not be distracted from his direct duties and not allow unauthorized persons to the crane.

3.3 Before entering the deck of the crane gallery or leaving the crane, the crane operator must turn off the switch in the cab, hang a poster on it “Do not turn it on. People are working”, set the handles of all controllers to the zero position, take a key tag with you. On cranes with bogie rails located at the level of the deck, the crane operator, before entering the gallery, must place the bogie in the middle of the bridge, except when he goes out to inspect the bogie itself; in such cases, install the trolley in the immediate vicinity of the exit to the deck.

3.4 During the operation of the crane, the crane operator must ensure that workplace under the faucet was illuminated.

3.5 During the operation of the crane, the crane operator and his trainee are prohibited from being distracted from their duties, as well as cleaning and lubricating the mechanisms.

3.6 Lubricants and cleaning materials should be stored in metal boxes.

3.7 The crane operator is not allowed to:

3.7.1 independently repair the crane, its mechanisms or electrical equipment, inspect and repair the main trolleys and current collectors, as well as replace the fuses of fuses, coils and contacts of contactors;

3.7.2 inspect and clean the tap with the knife switch on;

3.7.3 turn on the switch and operate the crane mechanisms while there are people on its gallery; exceptions are allowed for maintenance personnel when they inspect the crane mechanisms; in this case, the crane operator only executes the commands of the person performing the inspection, and can turn on the switch and crane mechanisms at his command, if he is in the crane operator’s visibility zone;

3.7.4 leave tools, as well as loose equipment or parts on the deck of the gallery or on the crane trolley;

3.7.5 drop something down;

3.7.6 get on or off the crane while it is in motion;

3.7.7 go out onto the crane tracks, climb from one crane to another, and also move from one gallery of the bridge to another through the trolley;

3.7.8 jam contactors, disable brakes, limit switches, blocking contacts and electrical protection.

3.8 Before making any movements with the crane, the crane operator must make sure that there are no strangers in the area of ​​the crane. The slinger may be near the load during its lifting or lowering, if the load is at a height of not more than 1 m from the level of the platform on which the slinger is located.

3.9 Before performing each operation, as well as when people are in the way of the movement of the load, the crane operator must give a warning sound signal, if people do not leave the path of the movement of the load, then the crane operator must stop moving.

3.10 The crane operator must switch on the crane mechanisms only on the signals of the slinger; if the latter gives the wrong signal, the crane operator must not follow it. The signal "Stop" the crane operator is obliged to carry out regardless of who gave it.

3.11 On cranes with two or more lifting mechanisms, hooks not used during operation must be released from removable load-handling devices and raised to the upper position.

3.12 It is not allowed to simultaneously perform more than two operations with a crane, for example, move the crane and the trolley, as well as lift the load. An exception is allowed only if it is necessary to prevent an accident or an accident.

3.13 Turning on and stopping the crane mechanisms must be carried out by transferring the controllers from one position to another with a time delay. It is not allowed to transfer mechanisms from forward to reverse until they stop completely.

3.14 The crane operator must drive up to dead ends or to a neighboring crane at a reduced speed.

3.15 Before lifting the load, the crane operator must make sure that the hoist ropes are in a vertical position, that the load being lifted cannot catch on anything during lifting.

3.16 When lifting a load, the weight of which is close to the maximum capacity of the crane, the crane operator must first lift the load to a height of 200-300 mm and, after making sure that the brake is reliable and the load is properly slinged, continue lifting to the required height.

3.17 When lifting a load, the crane operator must ensure that the load being lifted does not rest against the lower chords of the crane truss or the cab.

3.18 To move the load in the horizontal direction, it must first be raised at least 0.5 m above the objects encountered on the way and make sure that there are no people under the lifted or moved load.

3.19 It is allowed to lower the load to be moved only to the place intended for this, where the possibility of falling, overturning or sliding of the load being installed is excluded. Stowage and disassembly of cargo should be carried out evenly, without violating the dimensions established for cargo storage and without obstructing the passage. It is necessary to stack the cargo in gondola cars, on platforms, in motor vehicles in such a way as to ensure the possibility of convenient and safe slinging during unloading, and at the same time, so that the balance is not disturbed.

3.20 It is not allowed to lower the load on vehicles, gondola cars and platforms or lift the load located on them when people are in the back or cab of the car, in the gondola car or on the platform. An exception may be made when the hook crane is operated when good review from the cab and if the slinger can move away from the load hanging on the hook to a safe distance.

3.21 The hoist hook is positioned exactly above the load to be lifted.

3.22 When working near a column, rack, railway car, etc. the crane operator must first make sure that there is no slinger in other persons between the load being lifted, moved or lowered and these objects, and also that the load will not touch the column, stack of cargo, etc.

3.23 When lowering the load-handling device to a level lower than usual (pit, caisson, etc.), the crane operator must make sure that at the lowest position of the load-handling device, at least 1.5 turns of the rope remained on the drum, not counting the turns under the clamps .

3.24 If there are several cranes on the same runway, the crane operator, in order to avoid collision of the latter, must monitor the serviceability of the limiters of mutual movements and not use them as a working body, for which the cranes should not come closer than 1 meter.

3.25 The approach of the crane to the lines of limit switches should be carried out only at a reduced speed. The use of limit switches as working bodies for switching off electric motors is not allowed.

3.26 Lifting and moving cargo with two cranes is allowed in some cases and only under the guidance of a person responsible for the safe performance of work with cranes, removable load gripping devices and containers. At the same time, the cargo ropes must maintain a vertical position, and the load on each crane must not exceed its carrying capacity. Lifting speeds, movement of trolleys or crane bridges must be the same.

3.27 During the operation of the lifting machine, it is not allowed:

3.27.1 lift a load whose mass is unknown, exceeds the capacity of the crane or removable lifting devices;

3.27.2 push a neighboring crane with a crane;

3.27.3 use limit switches as working bodies for automatic stop of mechanisms;

3.27.4 lift cargo that is in an unstable position, or cargo suspended by one horn of a two-horned hook, as well as in containers filled above its sides or above the established filling mark (100 mm from the level of the side);

3.27.5 lifting a load covered with earth or frozen to the ground, embedded with other loads, reinforced with bolts or poured with concrete;

3.27.6 release by means of a crane removable load-handling devices pinched by the load;

3.27.7 pulling cargo along the ground, floor, rails with a crane hook with an inclined position of cargo ropes, as well as pulling railway cars, bogies, etc. without the use of guide blocks that ensure the vertical position of the cargo rope;

3.27.8 pulling the load by hand during lifting, moving and lowering. Guys should be used to turn long and bulky loads;

3.27.9 leveling the load with the own weight of the slinger and straightening the slings in the air;

3.27.10 use lifting devices without a tag indicating the carrying capacity, their number, manufacturer's stamp and date of commissioning;

3.27.11 allow persons who do not have a slinger's or hooker's certificate to sling.

3.27.12 lay the load on electric cables and pipelines, on floors of underground premises;

3.27.13 lift a load with people on it, as well as a load supported by hands;

3.27.14 allow access to the crane and transfer control of the crane to unauthorized persons, allow students and trainees to independently control the crane without supervision;

3.27.15 leave the load suspended when leaving the crane;

3.27.16 lift bricks and other materials stacked on pallets without barriers; this is allowed only when loading and unloading (on the ground) motor vehicles, their trailers, railway gondola cars and platforms;

3.27.17 lift loads for which graphic images (schemes) of correct slinging and hooking have not been developed;

3.27.18 to adjust the brake of the lifting mechanism with the lifted load;

3.27.19 lift cylinders with compressed or liquefied gas that are not placed in special containers;

3.27.20 work at an air temperature below the permissible one specified in the crane passport;

3.27.21 perform work with a crane if the period for its next survey has expired;

3.28 When working with a grab crane, the crane operator should not perform any work if there are people in the area of ​​​​action of the grab crane. Ancillary workers may be allowed to perform their duties only during breaks in the operation of the clamshell crane, when the clamshell is lowered to the ground.

3.29 When operating a grab crane, the crane operator must, in addition to all of the above, be guided by the following:

3.29.1 check the condition of: jaw lifting and closing mechanisms, their fastening, swivel joints and their lubrication, laying of ropes on the drum and in blocks;

3.29.2 test the operation of the grab at idle;

3.29.3 unload the material from the grab into containers at a height of not more than 200 mm from their sides;

3.29.4 lift the grab at the same speed of the drums so that the tension of all ropes is uniform;

3.29.5 prevent the grab from falling sharply into the mass of material being handled;

3.29.6 when working with a grab, tightly close its jaws in order to avoid spillage of the load;

3.29.7 before the final approach of the jaws of the grab, in order to avoid overloading the mechanism and the electric motor, raise the grab a little;

3.29.8 prevent pieces of scrap, metal or burnt pieces larger than 300 mm in size from getting between the jaws of the grab;

3.29.9 do not allow people into the area of ​​operation of the clamshell crane.

3.30 The hoisting mechanism of bridge-type cranes transporting molten metal must have two brakes.

3.31 The crane operator of the pouring crane transporting molten metal must be guided by the following additional requirements:

3.31.1 do not simultaneously move the ladle with metal in two directions (for example: lifting and moving);

3.31.2 move the filled bucket at low speeds, preventing it from swinging;

3.31.3 it is allowed to transport a ladle with metal only above the platform, without leaving the footpath, and places where there is water;

3.31.4 when moving the crane along the span, make sure that the hooks of the crane or the bucket do not touch the equipment and fences encountered on the way;

3.31.5 Pouring of liquid metal from ladles should be carried out smoothly, preventing it from splashing onto the working site and only at the command of the pourer, while the toe of the ladle should be located along the axis of the watering can;

3.31.6 if a hardened crust forms on the metal surface, stop draining the metal until it is removed;

3.31.7 do not transport liquid metal in a ladle, the pouring mouth of which is in an inclined position;

3.31.8 upon completion of pouring, drain the remaining metal from the ladles into a dry, heated trough.

4. Safety requirements at the end of work

4.1 After finishing work, the crane operator must:

4.1.1 place a crane at the landing site;

4.1.2 release the hook from the load and lower it to the lower position for convenience when inspected by the crane operator accepting the shift, lower the grab to the ground in the place provided for this;

4.1.3 put the handles of all controllers in the zero position and turn off the switch in the crane cabin, remove the key-tag and take it with you;

4.1.4 inspect the crane, clean all equipment with rags and a broom, while cleaning the upper chord of the main beams from the crane trolley, having previously closed the exit from the trolley, cleaning the end beams when the crane trolley is located near the retractable end beam (walking along the upper chord of the main beams it is forbidden) to make an entry about the state of the crane in the logbook and inform the crane operator of the receiving shift about the malfunctions in the operation of the crane observed during the past shift;

4.1.5 after leaving the landing site, hand over the key-tag to the crane operator who accepted the shift;

4.2 Application of the brand system.

4.2.1 The key tag entitles the crane operator to work on the crane, and the locksmith, electrician, engineer and technical worker to repair, adjust and inspect the crane;

4.2.2 The key tag for each crane must be one and in case of its loss after writing an order that the lost key tag is considered invalid and a new one is approved instead;

4.2.3 If the crane works in one shift, hang the key-tag in a special box in the foremen's desk;

4.2.4 The entrance to the crane of the inspecting persons or persons involved in the repair of the crane is made only through the landing area in the following order. The crane operator, having stopped the crane, turns it off with a knife switch, takes out the key-tag, going to the front door, opens it and passes the key-tag to the person entering the crane;

4.2.5 In the event that the mechanism is required to make an adjustment, inspection or troubleshooting, the repairman passes the key tag to the crane operator, who is obliged to follow the commands of only the person who is on the crane. If the crane operator cannot see the worker giving the command, a signalman must be appointed who transmits commands from the open hatch of the exit from the crane cab to the deck of the gallery and, holding the limit switch, must be ready at any time to turn off the line contactor with his help. After completing the inspection or adjustment, the crane must be turned off, and the key tag must be handed over again to the person on the crane. After spending necessary work on the crane, the repairmen go to the landing site and pass the key-tag to the crane operator, and he, in turn, after making sure that everyone left the crane, got off the landing site and, having received permission from the person responsible for maintaining the crane in good condition, starts work .

4.3 Lubricants and cleaning materials should be stored in a closed metal container installed on the crane's bridge convenient location, in an amount not exceeding the daily requirement. Used cleaning material must be removed from the faucet.

4.4 Supervision over the implementation of this instruction is assigned to the person responsible for the safe operation of cranes, removable load handling devices and containers and to the person responsible for maintaining cranes, removable load handling devices, containers and crane tracks in good condition.

4.5 The crane operator guilty of violating this instruction is personally liable in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.

5. Safety requirements in emergency situations

5.1 The crane operator must lower the load and stop working with the crane:

5.1.1 in the event of a crane failure;

5.1.2 in case of falling ropes from the drum or blocks, formation of loops on the ropes or detection of damage to the ropes;

5.1.3 in case of malfunction of safety instruments and devices;

5.1.4 if the enclosures of electrical equipment or metal constructions cranes are

Under voltage;

5.1.5 with frequent operation of the current protection of electric motors;

5.2 In the event of a fire on the crane, the crane operator must immediately turn off the switch in the cab, call the fire brigade through the ground workers and start extinguishing the fire with the fire extinguishers available on the crane (powder fire extinguisher, sand). After the fire is extinguished, it is forbidden to turn on the crane until the inspection and permission of the repair personnel.

5.3 In the event of an emergency stop of the crane not at the landing site, the crane operator is obliged: through the ground worker, to inform the maintenance personnel and the person responsible for the safe operation of cranes, removable load gripping devices and containers about the stop. This person, depending on the situation, takes measures for the safe evacuation of the crane operator from the crane (for a clamshell crane of a water sludge management through ladder, and for the rest of the cranes of the site - through passage galleries along the crane runway). If there is no need to evacuate the crane operator, then he, together with the maintenance personnel, participates in the repair of the crane. Before repairs, repairmen receive a key tag, install temporary dead-end chimes and signal flags on crane tracks (if necessary). Upon completion of the repair, the key tag is returned to the crane operator. The crane operator can start working on the crane after the repairmen leave the crane and the crane runway and after obtaining the permission of the person responsible for the maintenance of cranes, removable load handling devices, containers and the crane runway in good condition of the crane. This permission is recorded in the logbook.

5.4 In case of a sudden stop of the crane, the entrance to which is allowed in addition to the cabin directly through the decking of the gallery, the crane operator must turn off the switch. The subsequent switching on of the knife switch and the line contactor is allowed only after the person on the platform has moved into the cabin or after it has been established that there is no one on the crane and on the crane tracks, that the detachable part of the railing for entering the gallery platform is closed or the crane stops happened for a different reason.

5.5 In the event of a sudden power failure or crane shutdown for other reasons, the crane operator must set the controller handles to the zero position and turn off the switch in the cab. If in this case the load remains in the raised position, the crane operator is obliged, with the help of a slinger or another worker, to call the person responsible for the safe operation of cranes, removable load handling devices and containers, and in his presence, lower the load by manually releasing the brakes, if the situation under the crane allows. In this case, before the arrival of the specified person, the crane operator must take measures to prevent the passage of people under the lifted load.

5.6 If an accident or an accident occurs during the operation of the crane, the crane operator is obliged to immediately stop the crane and notify the person responsible for the safe operation of cranes, removable load handling devices and containers, as well as notify the person responsible for maintaining cranes in good condition , removable load-handling devices and containers.

5.7 The procedure for providing first aid to victims.

5.7.1 First aid for victims of electric current.

Rescue of the victim from an electric current depends on the speed of his release from the current, as well as on the speed and correctness of providing first aid to the victim. Never refuse to help the victim and consider him dead due to lack of breathing, heartbeat, pulse. Only a doctor can make a conclusion about death.

Touching live parts that are energized causes in most cases an involuntary convulsive contraction of the muscles. As a result, the fingers, if the victim holds the wire with his hands, can be strongly compressed and it becomes impossible to release the wire from his hands.

If the victim continues to come into contact with live parts, it is necessary, first of all, to quickly release him from the action of electric current. In this case, it should be borne in mind that touching a person who is under current without taking appropriate precautions is dangerous for the life of the person providing assistance. Therefore, the first action of the person providing assistance should be to quickly turn off the part of the installation that the victim touches.

If the victim is at a height, turning off the unit may cause him to fall from a height, so it is necessary to take measures to ensure the safety of the victim's fall.

When the installation is turned off, the electric lighting can also be turned off at the same time, and therefore it is necessary to provide lighting from another source (lantern, torch, emergency lighting), without delaying, however, turning off the installation and rendering assistance to the victim.

If the installation cannot be switched off quickly enough, measures must be taken to separate the victim from the current-carrying parts that he touches. To do this, use dry clothes, a stick, a board or some other dry object that does not conduct electricity. You can also take hold of his clothes (if they are dry and lag behind the body of the victim), for example, the floors of a jacket or jacket, while avoiding touching the surrounding metal objects and parts of the body not covered by clothing. When pulling the victim by the legs, one should not touch his clothes or shoes without good insulation of his hands, since clothes and shoes can be damp and be conductors of electric current.

To isolate hands, the person providing assistance should wear dielectric gloves or wrap his hands with a scarf, lower the sleeve of his jacket or coat over his hands, use just dry matter. You can also insulate yourself by standing on a dry board or some other non-conductive pad.

When separating the victim from current-carrying parts, it is recommended to act with one hand if possible.

If it is difficult to separate the victim from live parts, cut or cut the wire with an ax with a dry wooden handle or other insulated tool. This must be done with due care, without touching the wires, cutting each wire individually, wearing dielectric gloves.

Name of company

Instruction No.
on labor protection
for truck driver


Agreed: I approve:
Chairman of the trade union committee Head of the organization
_2002. __2002.
Protocol No.


1. General safety requirements

1.1. Persons at least 18 years of age, who have no contraindications for health reasons, who have passed:
induction training;
fire safety briefing;
initial briefing at the workplace;
electrical safety training in the workplace.
Persons who have a certificate for the right to operate a crane of this type and who do not have medical contraindications for this profession are allowed to perform the duties of a truck crane operator. Training and certification of crane operators should be carried out in vocational schools (training centers) that have a base for theoretical and industrial training and have a license from the management of the Central Office. Gosgortekhnadzor R.F. The control of a truck crane can be entrusted to the driver after training him in relevant program and attestation by the qualification commission (primary with the participation of the inspector of Gosgortekhnadzor)
Admission to independent work must be issued by order of the enterprise.
1.2. The driver must pass:
repeated briefing on labor safety at the workplace at least every three months;
unscheduled briefing: when changing technological process or rules on labor protection, replacement or modernization of a truck crane, fixtures and tools, changes in working conditions and organization, in case of violation of labor protection instructions, interruptions in work for more than 60 calendar days (for work that are subject to increased safety requirements - 30 calendar days);
dispensary medical examination - 1 time in 2 years.
Re-testing the knowledge of drivers and their assistants is carried out by the qualification commission of the enterprise:
periodically at least once every 12 months;
upon transfer of said persons from one enterprise to another;
at the request of the person responsible for the supervision of cranes at the enterprise or the inspector of Gosgortekhnadzor.
Re-testing knowledge should be carried out in the scope of this manual and the manufacturer's instructions for the installation and operation of the crane.
1.3. The driver must:
comply with the internal labor regulations established at the enterprise;
comply with the requirements of this manual, fire safety instructions, electrical safety instructions;
comply with the requirements for the operation of a truck crane;
use for its intended purpose and take care of the issued personal protective equipment.
When working on a crane, the driver must have a certificate for the right to operate a crane of this type.
1.4. On the line, when driving a truck crane, the driver (he is also a driver) must have with him:
a certificate for the right to drive a car of the corresponding category, issued by the State traffic inspectorate;
ticket technical passport;
travel (route) sheet.
1.5. The driver must:
be able to provide first (pre-medical) assistance to the victim in an accident;
know the rules traffic.
The device of the crane, its safety devices.
Factors affecting the stability of the crane.
Safe Ways cargo slings.
The established procedure for the production of work by a crane near power lines.
The procedure established at the enterprise for the allocation and direction of cranes to the objects of work.
Techniques for the release from the action of the current of persons under voltage.
Supervisory engineers responsible for maintaining cranes in good condition, persons responsible for the safe performance of work with cranes.
have a first-aid kit, first aid, primary fire extinguishing equipment on the car;
perform only assigned work.
during work, be attentive, not be distracted and not distract others, do not allow persons who are not related to work to the workplace;
keep the workplace clean and tidy.
1.6. The driver must know and follow the rules of personal hygiene. Eat, smoke, rest only in specially designated areas and places. Drink water only from specially designed installations.
1.7. In case of detection of malfunctions of the truck crane, devices, tools and other shortcomings or dangers in the workplace, immediately stop the truck crane. Only after the elimination of the noticed shortcomings, continue work on the truck crane.
1.8. If a fire is detected or in the event of a fire:
stop the truck crane, turn off the ignition, turn off the taps of the gas pipeline and fuel and lubricants;
start extinguishing with the available initial fire extinguishing means in accordance with the fire safety instructions. In case of a threat to life - leave the truck crane.
1.9. In case of an accident, provide the victim with first (pre-medical) aid, immediately report the incident to the head of the ACS, take measures to preserve the situation of the incident (accident), if this does not create a danger to others.
1.10. For non-compliance with the safety requirements set forth in this manual, the worker is liable in accordance with applicable law.
1.11. In accordance with the "Norms for the free issuance of personal protective equipment", a truck crane driver must be provided with cotton semi-overalls (wearing period 12 months), combined mittens (wearing period 3 months); in winter, additionally with a jacket with an insulating lining, cotton trousers with an insulating lining, felt boots.
1.12. The main dangerous and harmful production factors are:
moving and rotating parts and components of a truck crane;
hot engine surfaces, cooling systems, etc.
exhaust gases resulting from the combustion of fuels and lubricants;
collision with another vehicle, mechanism or collision with people;
falling loads during lifting and unloading operations and their transportation.

2. Safety requirements before starting work

2.1. Make sure that it is in good condition and put on serviceable clothes, fastening it with all buttons, put your hair under a headdress.
2.2. By external inspection, make sure that all mechanisms, metal structures and other parts of the crane are in good condition, as well as the reliability of the soil at the site of the upcoming crane operation.
- inspect the crane mechanisms, their fastening and brakes.
-Check the condition of the guards.
- check the lubrication of mechanisms, ropes.
- inspect in accessible places the metal structures, the condition of the ropes and their fastening.
- inspect the hook and its fastening in the clip.
- check the completeness of the counterweight.

2.3. The driver is obliged, together with the slingers, to check the serviceability of removable lifting devices and the presence of stamps or tags on them indicating the load capacity, test date and number.
2.4. After inspecting the crane before putting it into operation, the driver, after making sure that the required approach dimensions are observed, is obliged to check all the mechanisms at idle and the serviceability of the actions: the crane mechanisms and electrical equipment, safety devices and devices, brakes and hydraulic system on the crane with hydraulic drive.
2.5. If, during the inspection and verification of the crane, faults and shortcomings in its condition that impede safe operation are found, and if it is impossible to eliminate them on their own, the driver, without starting work, must inform the person responsible for the good condition of the crane and notify the person responsible for carrying out work on the movement of goods by cranes.
2.6. The operator should not start working on the crane in the presence of the following faults:
cracks or deformations in the metal structures of the crane;
cracks in the elements of the boom suspension (earrings, rods, etc.), the absence of cotter pins and previously existing clamps in the places where the ropes are fastened or loose fastening;
the number of breaks in the wires of the boom or cargo ropes or surface wear in excess of the established norm, a broken strand or local damage;
a defect in the load lifting mechanism or the boom lifting mechanism that endangers the safety of work;
damage to the parts of the brake mechanisms for lifting loads or booms;
wear of hooks in the throat, exceeding 10 percent of the original height of the section; the device that closes the mouth of the hook is faulty, the fastening of the hook in the clip is broken;
faulty or missing load limiter or signaling device;
additional supports, stabilizers with sprung undercarriage are damaged or not completed;
there is no fencing of mechanisms and unprotected parts of electrical equipment.
2.7. Before starting work, the crane operator is obliged to make sure that the workplace is sufficiently illuminated; during the operation of a truck crane, fix the stabilizer to relieve the load from the springs
- Familiarize yourself with the production plan
-Check the condition of the site.
- make sure that there is no power line at the work site or it is located at a distance of more than 30 m
- get a work permit for the operation of a crane at a distance closer than 30 m.
- make sure that the slingers have certificates. .
2.8. When accepting a crane, the driver must make an appropriate entry on the results of acceptance in the logbook, and after receiving the task from the person responsible for the safe production of work on moving goods by cranes, proceed to work in accordance with the order received.
2.9. Before starting work, the driver must check that the slinger has a certificate for the right to work, if the slinger starts working with cranes for the first time. If workers who do not have a slinger's certificate are allocated for the production of slinging goods, then the driver should not start working on moving goods.

3. Safety requirements during work

3.1. During the operation of the crane mechanisms, the driver should not be distracted from his direct duties, as well as clean, lubricate and repair the mechanisms.
3.2. When operating the crane, the crane operator must be guided by the requirements of this manual and the instructions of the manufacturer.
3.3. If the driver leaves, he is obliged to stop the engine that sets the crane mechanisms in motion, remove the ignition key. Do not enter or leave the cab while the travel, rotation, or lift mechanisms are in operation.
3.4. Before making any movement with the crane, the driver must make sure that his assistant and trainee are in safe places, and there are no strangers in the crane operation area.
3.5. Loading and unloading platforms, motor vehicles and trailers is allowed only when there are no people on the vehicles.
3.6. It is necessary to install the hook above the load in such a way that the oblique tension of the cable is excluded.
3.7. When lifting a load, it is necessary to raise it to a height of 200-300 mm to make sure that the slinging is correct, the crane is stable and the brakes are working properly.
3.8. When lifting the load, the distance between the hook cage and the blocks on the boom must be at least 500mm
3.9. When raising the boom, make sure that it does not rise above the position corresponding to the smallest working reach.
3.10. Work performed by cranes at a distance of less than 30 m is carried out according to a work permit.
3.11. The crane operator can start work in explosive areas or with toxic, caustic goods only after receiving a written instruction from the person responsible for the safe performance of work with cranes.
3.12. If there was a break in the operation of the crane mechanisms, then before the crane moves or turns its boom, the driver must give a warning signal.
3.13. The movement of the crane under the power line is carried out with the boom lowered (in the transport position). The presence of the boom in any working position in this case is not allowed.
3.14. The driver is obliged to install the crane on additional supports in all cases when such an installation is required by the operating instructions, while monitoring the serviceability of the supports and strong and stable linings must be placed under them. Linings for additional supports of the truck crane are inventory accessories of the crane and must always be on the crane.
3.15. Installation of the crane on scaffolds and ceilings can be carried out only with the written permission of the administration of the enterprise operating the crane, and only after checking the strength of the scaffolds or ceilings. Installation of truck cranes on the edge of a slope or trench is allowed only with the permission of the administration, subject to the distances from the base of the slope of the trench to the nearest support provided by the rules security. If these requirements cannot be met, the slope must be strengthened.
3.16. The driver must work with a crane only at the signal of the slinger. If the slinger gives a signal, acting contrary to the instructions, then the operator must not perform the required crane maneuver. For damage caused by the actions of the crane due to the execution of an incorrectly given signal, both the driver and the slinger who gave the wrong signal are responsible. The exchange of signals between the slinger and the driver must be carried out according to the procedure established by the enterprise. The driver is obliged to carry out the signal "STOP" regardless of who gives it.
3.17. Before starting to lift the load, determine the crane capacity for each boom reach using the index. Before lifting the load, warn the slinger and all persons near the crane about the need to leave the area of ​​the load being lifted and the possible lowering of the boom. The movement of the load can be made only in the absence of people in the area of ​​the crane.
3.18. When loading and unloading vehicles and trailers to them, the operation of the crane is allowed in the absence of people on the vehicles, which the driver must first verify.
3.19. Install the hook of the lifting mechanism so that when lifting the load, oblique tension of the load rope is excluded.
3.20. When lifting a load by weight close to the permitted carrying capacity for a given boom reach, it is necessary to first lift it to a height of no more than 200-300 mm to make sure that the crane is stable and the brakes work properly, and then lift it to the desired height. The distance between the hook cage and the blocks on the boom must be at least 0.5 meters.
3.21. Loads moving in the horizontal direction should be lifted 0.5 meters above the objects encountered on the way.
3.22. When lifting and lowering a load located near a wall, column, stack, car, machine or other equipment, first make sure that there is no slinger and other persons between the load being lifted and the specified parts of the building, vehicle and equipment, and also that it is impossible to touch the boom or the load being lifted behind walls, columns, etc. Stowing cargo in gondola cars, platforms and trolleys, as well as removing it should be carried out without disturbing the balance of gondola cars, trolleys and platforms and under the supervision of a person responsible for moving cargo with cranes.
3.23. Do not allow bricks to be lifted on pallets without a fence, with the exception of loading and unloading (on the ground) of a motor vehicle, provided that people are removed from the cargo movement area.
3.24. Before lifting and lowering a load from a well, trench, ditch, pit, etc. beforehand, when lowering the empty (unloaded) hook, make sure that at its lowest position, at least one and a half turns of the rope remain on the drum, not counting the turns under the clamping device.
3.25. Stowage and disassembly of cargo should be carried out evenly, without violating the dimensions of the cargo established for storage and without blocking the aisles.
3.26. Carefully monitor the ropes, in case they fall off the drum or blocks, loops form or damage is detected, stop the operation of the crane.
3.27. It is not allowed to install a crane under the power line. The driver can only install a crane or move a load closer than 30 meters from the extreme wire of the power line if there is a work permit signed by the chief engineer or chief power engineer of the enterprise that owns the crane. The operation of the crane in this case is carried out under the direct supervision of a responsible person appointed by order for the enterprise, indicating his name in the work permit.
3.28. If the crane has two lifting mechanisms, their simultaneous operation is not allowed; the hook of a non-working machine must always be raised to the highest position.
3.29. The driver can perform work in a territory hazardous in terms of fire and explosion or work with poisonous, caustic goods only after receiving a special instruction from those responsible for the safe performance of work on moving goods with cranes.
3.30. The distance between the turning part of the crane in any position and the dimensions of buildings, stacks of goods or other objects must be at least 1 meter.
3.31. The driver is obliged to lower the load, stop work and notify the person responsible for the safe performance of work on the movement of goods by cranes, in case of malfunctions, as well as:
when approaching a thunderstorm, strong wind, the speed of which exceeds the speed allowed for the operation of this crane and indicated in the passport;
in case of insufficient illumination of the place of work of the crane, heavy snowfall or fog, as well as in other cases when the driver does not clearly distinguish between the signals of the slinger or the load being moved;
at an air temperature below the permissible minus value indicated in the crane passport.
Allow random persons who do not have certificates to hook cargo.
Lift or turn over a load that exceeds the capacity of the crane.
To produce sharp braking when turning the boom with a load.
Drag cargo on the ground.
Lift reinforced concrete products with damaged hinges.
Lay the load on electrical cables and pipelines.
Carry out loading and unloading of vehicles while the driver or other people are in the cab.
Deliver cargo into window openings and onto balconies without special receiving areas.
Use limit switches as working bodies.
Work with disabled safety devices.
3.25 The crane operator must work under the direct supervision of a person responsible for the safe execution of work.
3.26 The movement of goods over the ceilings, under which residential or service premises are located, where people can be located, is not allowed.

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations
4.1. In case of loss of stability of the crane (ground subsidence, overload), the crane operator must stop lifting, give a warning signal, lower the load to the ground and establish the cause of the emergency.
4.2. If the elements of the crane are energized, the crane operator must warn the workers about the danger and take the boom away from the electrical wires, if necessary, leave the cab.
4.3. If during work the slinger touches the live parts of electrical equipment, the crane operator must first of all take measures to release it from the current, observing personal precautions.
4.4. If an accident or an accident occurs during the operation of the crane, the driver is obliged to immediately notify the person responsible for the safe performance of work on the movement of goods by cranes, as well as the person responsible for the good condition of the crane; provide the victim with first (pre-medical) aid, take measures to preserve the situation of the incident (accident) if this does not create a danger to others.
4.5. In the event of a fire on the crane, the driver is obliged to immediately stop the operation of the crane and proceed to extinguish it with primary fire extinguishing equipment.
4.6. It is possible to take a faulty truck crane in tow with the help of special devices only after the permission of the traffic police inspector.

5. Safety requirements at the end of work

5.1. After the end of the crane operation, the driver is obliged to install the boom and hook in the position determined by the manufacturer's instructions for the installation and operation of the truck crane.
5.2. In case of noticed malfunctions in the operation of the crane, it is necessary to draw up an application for Maintenance with a list of faults to be eliminated and transfer it to the person responsible for the good condition of the crane.
5.3. Remove and put special clothes in the closet, wash hands and face with soap and water, take a shower. Apply for washing chemical substances prohibited.

The instructions were made by:
Department head

Labor protection engineer

... Full version document with tables, images and applications in the attached file...

1. General requirements labor protection

1.1. The instruction on labor protection for an automobile crane operator is mandatory for execution by a crane operator. Persons at least 18 years of age who have undergone a medical examination and are recognized as fit to perform this work, trained, having the appropriate certificate, and who have passed the introductory and primary labor protection briefings and fire safety briefing, internship, safe working practices.

1.2. Before the beginning independent work an automobile crane driver (hereinafter referred to as the driver) must undergo training for a new position, which includes: internship, knowledge testing, firefighting training. Admission to independent work is issued by the administrative document for the structural unit.

1.7.2. Primary briefing at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled and targeted briefings are carried out by the immediate supervisor (head of the RTC), who has undergone training in labor protection in the prescribed manner and tested knowledge of labor protection and fire safety requirements.

1.7.3. Initial briefing at the workplace is carried out before the start of independent work. Initial briefing at the workplace is carried out with the employee individually with a practical demonstration of safe techniques and methods of work, according to.

1.7.4. The crane operator undergoes repeated briefing at least once every three months according to the program developed for conducting primary briefing at the workplace.

1.7.5. Unscheduled briefing is carried out when changing the technological process, replacing or upgrading equipment, fixtures, tools, if the crane driver violates safety requirements that can lead or have led to injury, accident, explosion or fire, as well as when work is interrupted for more than 30 calendar days.

1.7.6. Targeted briefing is carried out in the performance of one-time work that is not related to direct duties in the specialty (loading, unloading, cleaning the territory), liquidation of the consequences of accidents, natural disasters, in the production of work for which a work permit is issued, permission, as well as when carrying out in an organization mass events.

1.8. An automobile crane driver who has not undergone a timely re-instruction on labor protection and an annual test of knowledge on labor protection should not start work.

1.9. Crane operator in progress labor activity must:

  • participate in firefighting drills at least once every 6 months,
  • undergo pre-employment and periodic (1 time in 2 years) medical examinations,
  • comply with the rules of internal labor regulations.

1.10. The working time of a truck crane driver should not exceed 40 hours per week. Duration daily work(shift) is determined by the internal labor regulations approved by the employer in agreement with the trade union committee.

1.11. The following dangerous and harmful production factors can affect the crane operator:

  • flammable substances,
  • increased gas contamination and dustiness of the working area air,
  • equipment, tools, fixtures,
  • fall as a result of careless actions when leaving the cab,
  • increased noise, vibration,
  • absence or lack of natural light,
  • insufficient or increased illumination of the working area (place),
  • moving machines, mechanisms,
  • increased or low temperature air and other climatic influences.

1.12. The crane operator must be provided with overalls, safety shoes and other personal protective equipment in accordance with the "Model Industry Standards for the Free Issue of Special Clothing, Special Footwear and Other Personal Protective Equipment" and the Collective Agreement:

  • Cotton suit for protection against general industrial pollution and mechanical impacts or a suit made of mixed fabrics for protection against general industrial pollution and mechanical impacts - 1 per year,
  • Leather boots with a hard toe or leather boots with a hard toe - 1 pair per year,
  • Knitted gloves with polymer coated, — 12 pairs per year,
  • Signal vest 2 protection class, – 1 per year,

In winter additionally:

  • Suit with insulating lining - 1 for 3 years,
  • Felt boots with a rubber bottom or leather boots with a hard toe cap - 1 for 3 years,
  • Gloves with protective coating, frost-resistant with wool liners - 1 pair per year.

1.13. The crane operator must:

  • comply with the requirements of instructions for labor protection and fire safety,
  • use personal and collective protective equipment,
  • undergo training in safe methods and techniques for performing work, briefings on labor protection, internships at the workplace and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements,
  • immediately notify the immediate or superior manager about a situation that threatens the life and health of people, about every accident or deterioration in one's health,
  • know how to use basic fire extinguishing equipment,
  • do not allow unauthorized persons to enter the workplace,
  • smoking in designated areas
  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages during working hours
  • be able to provide first aid to the injured,
  • keep the workplace clean
  • keep clean overalls, safety shoes.

1.14. It is forbidden to use tools, fixtures, equipment that the crane operator is not trained and instructed to handle.

1.15. The driver of a truck crane is prohibited from disabling safety devices (turn off the lift limiters, load capacity, etc.), as well as to operate the crane when they are inactive or malfunctioning.

1.16. It is forbidden to operate a truck crane in the security zone overhead lines transmission lines without the written consent of the organization operating the line.

1.17. When driving under a live power line, the working parts of the machine must be in the transport position. As far as possible, it is necessary to move truck cranes along roads along power lines, and if it is necessary to move a truck crane off-road under a power line that is energized, it should be moved to the place where the wires are least sagging (closer to the supports).

1.18. In case of injury or indisposition, it is necessary to stop work, notify the work manager and contact a medical institution.

1.19. For failure to comply with the requirements for, as well as instructions for labor protection for a crane operator, an automobile worker may be held liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Labor protection requirements before starting work

2.1. Before leaving the line, the truck crane operator must:

  • pass a pre-trip medical examination,
  • get a waybill from the dispatcher,
  • show the mechanic a certificate of knowledge testing,
  • receive a task for the performance of work and briefing on the conditions for the performance of work,
  • put on overalls, fasten it with all buttons, fasten the cuffs of the sleeves, put on safety shoes.

2.2. Before starting work, the crane operator must make sure that all mechanisms, metal structures and other parts of the truck crane are in good condition, as well as that the soil is reliable at the site of the upcoming crane operation.

2.3. To do this, the crane operator must:

  • lower and secure all stops, ensuring a stable position of the crane;
  • inspect the mechanisms of the truck crane, their fastening and brakes, as well as the running gear, traction and buffer devices;
  • check the presence and serviceability of the mechanism guards;
  • check the lubrication of gears, bearings and ropes, as well as the condition of lubricators and glands;
  • inspect in accessible places the metal structure and the joints of the sections of the boom and its suspension elements (ropes, braces, blocks, etc.), as well as the metal structure and welded seams of the running frame (chassis) and the turning part;
  • inspect in accessible places the condition of the ropes and their fastenings on the drum, boom, grab, as well as the laying of ropes in the streams of blocks and drums;
  • inspect the hook and its fastening in the holder, as well as the chains and rings of its suspension;
  • check the serviceability of additional supports (retractable beams, jacks), stabilizers;
  • check the presence and serviceability of safety devices and devices on the truck crane (load capacity indicator depending on the outreach of the boom, load capacity indicator of the signaling device, load limiter, etc.).

2.4. Inspection of a truck crane should be carried out only when the mechanisms are not working.

2.5. After inspecting the truck crane before putting it into operation, the driver, having made sure that the required approach dimensions are observed, is obliged to test all the mechanisms at idle and check the serviceability of the operation: the truck crane mechanisms, safety devices and devices available on the truck crane, brakes and hydraulic systems on the truck crane with hydraulic drive.

2.6. The driver should not start the work of the automobile crane in the presence of the following faults:

  • cracks or deformations in the metal structures of a truck crane;
  • cracks in the boom suspension elements (earrings, rods); lack of cotter pins and previously existing clamps in the places where the ropes are fastened or loose fastening;
  • the number of breaks in the wires of the boom or cargo rope or surface wear in excess of the established norm, a broken strand or local damage;
  • a defect in the load lifting mechanism or the boom lifting mechanism that endangers the safety of work;
  • damage to the parts of the brake mechanism for lifting the load or boom;
  • wear of hooks in the throat, exceeding 10% of the section height; faulty device that closes the mouth of the hook; violation of the fastening of the hook in the holder;
  • malfunction or absence of the load limiter or signaling device.

2.7. Before starting work, the truck crane operator must make sure that the workplace is sufficiently illuminated;

2.8. When the truck crane is operating, fix the stabilizer to relieve the load from the springs.

2.9. The driver, before starting work, must check that the slinger has a certificate for the right to work, if the slinger starts working with a truck crane for the first time. If workers who do not have a slinger's certificate are allocated for the production of slinging of goods, then the driver should not start work.

2.10. After accepting the truck crane, the driver must make an appropriate entry on the results of acceptance in the logbook and, after receiving the assignment from the person responsible for the safe performance of work using lifting structures (hereinafter referred to as PS), proceed to work according to the order received.

3. Labor protection requirements during work

3.1. During the operation of the mechanisms of movement, rotation or lifting, it is prohibited to enter and leave the truck crane. It is necessary to comply with the requirements of the labor protection instructions for an automobile crane operator.

3.2. Before making any movement with a truck crane, the driver must make sure that there are no unauthorized persons in the area of ​​​​work of the truck crane, give a warning signal.

3.3. The truck crane must be installed on all additional supports provided for by the characteristics of the truck crane. It is forbidden to place unstable pads under them that can collapse or from which the support can slip when lifting a load or turning the boom. Linings for additional supports of a truck crane should be an inventory of a truck crane and be constantly on it.

3.4. Installation of truck cranes on the edge of a slope or trench is allowed only with the permission of the administration, subject to the distances from the edge of the slope of the trench to the nearest support not less than those provided for by the safety rules. When a mobile crane is operating near the slope of an embankment or excavation (pit), it is necessary to ensure that the truck crane does not end up in the danger zone of the collapse prism, especially in non-compacted, weak or water-saturated soils.

3.5. If these distances cannot be observed, the slope must be reinforced. The conditions for installing the crane on the edge of the slope of the pit (ditch) must be specified in the work design.

3.6. When installing a crane near a building, a stack of cargo or any other objects, the distance between the turning part of the crane in any position and the dimensions of these objects must be at least 1 m.

3.7. When stopping the truck crane on the working platform, it must be braked with a hand brake and measures must be taken against possible slipping.

3.8. When working on a slope, the maximum permissible lifting capacity of a truck crane must be reduced depending on the steepness of the slope.

3.9. When lifting and moving cargo, the driver must be guided by the following rules:

  • work with a truck crane only at the signal of one slinger. If the slinger gives a signal, acting contrary to the instructions, then the driver on such a signal should not perform the required maneuver of the truck crane. For damage caused by the action of the truck crane due to the execution of an incorrectly given signal, both the driver and the slinger who gave the wrong signal are responsible. The exchange of signals between the slinger and the driver must be carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the organization;
  • the driver is obliged to carry out the “Stop” signal regardless of who gives it;
  • do not move the load when there are people under it. It is allowed to have a slinger near the load during its lifting or lowering, if the load is raised to a height of not more than 1000 mm from the platform level;
  • install the hook of the lifting mechanism so that when lifting the load, oblique tension of the load rope is excluded;
  • start lifting the load, having previously raised it to a height of no more than 200 - 300 mm, followed by a stop to check the correctness of the slinging and the reliability of the brake;
  • do not start lifting a load whose mass is unknown;
  • carry out horizontal movement from the lowest point of the load (as well as an empty load-handling device or load-handling device and elements of the crane boom) 500 mm above the objects encountered on the way;
  • to lower the transported load only to the place intended for this, where the possibility of falling, overturning or sliding of the lowered load is excluded;
  • comply with the requirements of the labor protection instructions for an automobile crane operator;
  • when lowering the hook below the platform on which the truck crane is installed, you must first lower the empty hook and make sure that at least 1.5 turns of the rope remain on the drum, not counting the turns under the clamping device. After that, you can lower (raise) the load;
  • when lifting the boom, it is necessary to ensure that it does not rise above the position corresponding to the smallest working reach;
  • moving a truck crane with a load is prohibited;
  • when the truck crane is moving, the boom of the truck crane must be installed along the path;
  • when lifting and lowering a load located near a wall, column, stack, car, machine or other equipment, first make sure that there is no slinger and other people between the load being lifted and the indicated parts of the building, structure, vehicles or equipment, and also that it is impossible to touch the boom or lifted load behind walls, columns, etc.;
  • carefully monitor the ropes, in case of their falling off the drum or blocks, the formation of loops or damage to the ropes, immediately stop the operation of the truck crane;
  • move small-piece cargo only in a special container designed for this, in order to exclude the possibility of falling out of individual parts of the cargo. It is allowed to move bricks on pallets without fencing only when unloading (loading) vehicles to the ground (and from the ground);
  • if the truck crane has two lifting mechanisms, their simultaneous operation is prohibited; the hook of a non-working mechanism must always be raised to the highest position;
  • do not allow the load to be suspended during a long break or at the end of work. Upon completion of work, the substation must be brought to a safe position in a non-operating state in accordance with the requirements of the operating manual (instruction);
  • when operating a truck crane with a grab designed for bulk and lumpy materials, it is not allowed to transship material whose largest size exceeds 300 mm, and the bulk mass exceeds the value established for this grab; transshipment of piece cargo can only be done with a special grab.

3.10. Installation and operation of boom-type cranes at a distance of less than 30 m from the outermost wire of a power line or an overhead electrical network with a voltage of more than 42V is carried out only according to an order-tolerance that determines safe conditions work.

3.11. When performing work in the security zone of the power line or within the gaps established by the Rules for the Protection of High-Voltage Electric Networks, a work permit is issued only with the permission of the organization operating the power line.

3.12. The order of operation of automobile cranes near a power transmission line made with a flexible insulated cable is determined by the owner of the line. The issuance of a work permit in this case is not required.

3.13. The operation of the crane near the power line should be carried out under the direct supervision of the person responsible for the safe performance of work by lifting structures, who must indicate to the crane operator the installation site of the crane, ensure that the working conditions stipulated by the work permit are met and make an entry in the crane watch log about work permit.

3.14. The operation of boom-type cranes under not disconnected contact wires of urban transport should be carried out while maintaining a distance between the crane boom and contact wires of at least 1 m when installing a limiter (stop) that does not allow reducing the specified distance when lifting the boom.

3.15. In the process of performing work, the crane operator is PROHIBITED:

  • finding people near a working boom-type crane in order to avoid pinching them between the rotary part and other fixed structures;
  • moving a load that is in an unstable position or suspended by one horn of a two-horned hook;
  • lifting cargo covered with earth or frozen to the ground, embedded with other cargoes, reinforced with bolts or poured with concrete, as well as metal and slag frozen in a furnace or welded after draining;
  • dragging cargo on the ground or on the floor with hooks of the PS with an inclined position of the cargo ropes (without the use of guide blocks that ensure the vertical position of the cargo ropes);
  • release with the use of PS of slings, ropes or chains pinched by the load;
  • pulling the load during its lifting, moving and lowering. Guys are used only for turning long and bulky loads during their movement;
  • leveling the transported cargo by hand, as well as changing the position of the slings on the suspended cargo;
  • presence of people under the PS boom when it is raised and lowered with and without load;
  • lifting the load directly from the place of its installation (from the ground, platform, stack) only by the boom telescoping mechanism;
  • the use of limiters (limit switches) as working bodies for automatically stopping mechanisms, with the exception of the case when an overhead crane approaches a landing site arranged at the end of the building;
  • operation of the substation with disabled or inoperable limiters, registrars, indicators and brakes;
  • switching on the PS mechanisms when people are on the PS turntable outside the cab;
  • lower the boom with the load until the departure, at which the lifting capacity of the truck crane will be less than the mass of the load being lifted;
  • to produce sharp braking when turning the boom;
  • work at a wind speed of 14 m/s or more;
  • lift reinforced concrete products with damaged hinges, improperly tied load, which is in an unstable position, suspended on one horn of a two-horned hook, as well as containers filled above the sides;
  • lay the load on electric cables and pipelines;
  • lift a load with people on it, as well as allow students and trainees to independently manage without their supervision of them;
  • load and unload vehicles while drivers or other people are in the cab;
  • lift compressed or liquefied gas cylinders that are not packed in special containers.

3.16. Turning the load by hand is allowed provided that the load is raised to a height of not more than 1000 mm, and in other cases, including when turning long loads, only with the help of braces or hooks.

3.17. The work of the lifting structure installed on outdoors, it is necessary to stop at a wind speed exceeding the maximum allowable speed specified in the passport of the PS, at a temperature environment, below the limit allowable temperature indicated in the passport of the PS, during snowfall, rain, fog, in cases where the crane operator does not distinguish between the signals of the slinger or the load being moved.

3.18. Limiters, indicators and recorders should not be used to account for the weight of goods (materials) moved by the PS.

4. Labor protection requirements in emergency situations

4.1. If an accident or an accident occurs during the operation of a truck crane, the driver must immediately notify the person responsible for the safe conduct of work using lifting structures, as well as the person responsible for the good condition of the truck crane.

4.2. If a fire occurs on a truck crane, the driver is obliged to immediately start extinguishing it using primary fire extinguishing equipment, simultaneously calling the fire brigade through one of the members of the truck crane service team, tel. 101, 112.

4.3. In the event of an accident at work:

  • inform the head of work, the head of the shop;
  • organize first aid to the victim and, if necessary, deliver him to a medical organization;
  • to accept urgent measures to prevent the development of an emergency or other emergency and the impact of traumatic factors on other persons;
  • prior to the investigation of the accident, preserve the situation as it was at the time of the accident, if it does not threaten the life and health of other persons and does not lead to a catastrophe, accident or other emergency circumstances, and if it is impossible to maintain it, record the current situation (draw up diagrams to carry out other activities).

5. Labor protection requirements at the end of work

5.1. At the end of the work of the truck crane, the driver must comply with the following rules:

  • do not leave the load suspended;
  • put the truck crane in the place intended for parking, slow it down, place wheel chocks under the wheels;
  • install the boom and hook in the position determined by the manufacturer's instructions for the installation and operation of the truck crane.

5.2. Clean the faucet from dust and dirt. Clean up the cab.

5.3. Carry out a control inspection. Inspect the engine and all mechanisms. Check the presence and tightening of the plugs of the gearboxes and crankcases for filling and draining oil. Eliminate the found faults.

5.4. Remove fuel and lubricants, tools and cleaning material to the designated place.

5.5. Change clothes, put in order overalls, protective equipment, take a shower with soap.

5.6. The operator is obliged to report all malfunctions found during the inspection or operation of the crane to the person responsible for maintaining the PS in working condition.