How to choose a diesel heat gun. The principle of operation of various types of diesel heat guns The principle of operation and scope of diesel heaters

If you need to heat a workshop (workshop, garage, change house, hangar), or you cannot continue repairs in winter due to low temperatures and high humidity in the building, or your car when severe frosts does not start, then thermal diesel guns will become an indispensable thing in this matter.

Essentially, a heat gun is heat generator for space heating. In it, the air flow is heated by the combustion of liquid fuel. It consists of a cylinder with a built-in fan, pump, nozzle and burner. At the very bottom is the fuel tank. The principle of operation of a diesel heat gun is simple:

  • from the tank, with the help of a pump, fuel enters the nozzle;
  • a combustible mixture begins to spread from the nozzle under pressure;
  • fuel ignites in the chamber;
  • the fan pumps air through the cylinder;
  • at the exit we get a jet of very heated air.

Heat gun on diesel fuel there are 2 types:

  1. Heat generator direct heating.
  2. Heat generator of indirect heating.

Direct heating heat generator

The diesel heat gun of direct heating is not equipped with a chimney and has the simplest design. Therefore, once-through heaters are inexpensive, compact, easy to use and reliable. The ignition of the fuel occurs with the help of a spark plug, in some models - from electrical arrester. The heated air stream, together with the exhaust gases, enters the building that needs to be heated.

The use of such a heater is possible only in non-residential buildings with a good ventilation system or on construction sites (open).

Device shown below diesel plant direct method heating.

Indirect heat generator

A diesel heat gun of indirect heating is used in all cases, as a direct-flow one. But due to the fact that gases are vented to the outside, the range of its application is significantly expanded:

  • in construction;
  • agriculture;
  • in production shops;
  • for drying plaster (putty) in the cold season;
  • concrete heating;
  • drying facades during facing works;
  • for heating trenches;
  • heating of greenhouses, farms in animal husbandry;
  • home heating, etc.

The design of diesel heat guns with exhaust gases includes a closed chamber in which the fuel burns, and a chimney. The fuel is supplied under pressure to the nozzle, in the chamber it is sprayed in the form of an aerosol and ignites. Air is blown into the unit by a fan. To maintain the combustion process through the holes located at the back, part of the air enters the chamber. The rest of the flow moves between the casing of the heater and the combustion chamber, where it is heated. The smoke leaves the chamber through the chimney and is discharged outside, bypassing the room.

The use of such diesel heat guns is allowed for heating garages, rooms with people in them, pavilions. But during the operation of the heater, oxygen burns out, so you need to ensure ventilation to compensate for his loss.

A liquid fuel heat gun can also be multi-fuel. This means that the unit is able to operate on waste oil, gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene. Often this kind of heaters are used in places with a sufficient amount of oil products and their waste. It can be: fuel depots, car parks or car services. At the same time, the problem of fuel and lubricants waste disposal is solved and heating is obtained free.

The figure below shows the operation of a multi-fuel generator.

Diesel infrared guns

The liquid-fuel infrared heat gun heats large rooms with high efficiency and at the same time efficiency. It can also be successfully applied to outdoors. This type of heat generator heats the objects themselves, towards which it is directed. Air heating comes from objects heated by the rays, and the height of the ceilings in the room does not play a significant role. These features result in significant fuel savings.

Using this property, it is convenient to heat objects in the open air pointwise.

How to choose a heat gun

Before choosing a heat gun, there are a few important things to consider.

Most heat guns have a handle temperature control, with which you can adjust the operation of the unit to a predetermined temperature in the room, after which it turns off. The device does not turn on if the temperature on the display is lower than in the room. Also, diesel heaters are equipped with protective system from overheating.

How is heat gun power calculated?

The thermal power of the device is calculated by the formula: V * T * K = kcal / h, where:

  • V is the volume of the room (width * length * height), in m3;
  • T is the difference between the temperature outside and in the room, in degrees Celsius;
  • K is the coefficient of thermal dissipation.

For different types premises, the values ​​of the coefficient are set:

  • from 3.0 to 4.0 - a room in which thermal insulation is not provided, for example, a structure made of wood or sheet metal;
  • from 2.0 to 2.9 - a room with poor thermal insulation. A simple building with one brick masonry;
  • from 1.0 to 1.9 - a building with an average level of thermal insulation (laying in 2 bricks and several windows, a standard roof);
  • from 0.6 to 0.9 - building with thermal insulation High Quality. brick building double insulated. Double glazing on windows. The base under the floor is of sufficient thickness. On the roof, for insulation, high quality material is used.

An example of calculating the power of a thermal diesel gun:

  • V = 150 m3;
  • T = 29°C ( outdoor temperature-10°С, required indoors +19°С, the difference will be - +29°С);
  • K = 2 (one-brick building);

We substitute the data into the formula: 150 * 29 * 2 = 8700 kcal / h, despite the fact that 1 kWh = 860 kcal / h. So: 8700/860 = 10.116 kWh. Thus, we learned that to heat this building, a liquid fuel heat gun with a minimum power of 10 kWh is required. It is recommended to buy a unit with some power reserve.

Advantages of diesel heat generators

When using diesel heat guns, there are several positive points:

  • excellent performance characteristics;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • power can reach up to 230 kW;
  • very low fuel consumption;
  • battery life more than 10 hours;
  • works well at low temperatures;
  • the ability to quickly heat large areas.

Based on the above positive moments, it is safe to say that the heat gun is the most effective device for heating residential and industrial premises.

Maintaining heat inside the garage in winter becomes especially relevant if you need to mess with the car, so the heating system must be efficient and reliable. Doing this job well heat guns on solarium. They are sold in stores where you can buy tools, car parts, and much more of that kind. Diesel fuel heat guns are characterized by good performance, save the owner's money, and, if properly handled, do not pose any health hazard.

general characteristics

To understand the advantages of such equipment, you need to know what it is. Diesel heat gun works on simple principle, similar to that used in domestic fan heaters - the air is heated with its subsequent injection into the jet. When he finds himself in a cold surrounding space, hot streams give their energy to the masses of cold air. This cycle continues until there is a complete heating of all inner space to the optimum temperature.


Diesel fuel heat guns are equipped with a reliable metal housing designed to protect the heating element and supercharger from damage or penetration of objects that can ignite and cause a fire.

The design necessarily includes a safety element that turns off the system in case of overheating. Therefore, solar heat guns can be safely turned on to warm up the room in which you are doing something, and at the same time do not worry much. However, no one canceled the observance of safety precautions.

Principle of operation

Diesel fuel heat guns, prices for which start at 3,500 rubles, consist of several basic elements: a fan that drives air through the heater, a heating element, as well as the case in which everything is placed. This description is quite general, but there is no need to understand the intricacies of the device of such equipment for those who use it. If a person's profession is the repair of heat guns, then this is another matter.

So, everything is clear with the device, and with the principle of operation, everything is not much more complicated here. Due to the combustion of fuel, the air is enriched with heat. It is driven by a fan through the heating zone. And how exactly the air is heated, and allows us to divide the guns into two categories.

Types of heat guns

Speaking about safety, many may think, but where do they go, because diesel fuel burns out and forms certain substances that need to be removed. All these compounds are quite dangerous for human health, so it is important to take care of their diversion. And then it's time to talk about the fact that there are two types of heat guns on diesel fuel: direct and indirect heating. Each of these species has its own character traits, features and possibilities for use.

Thermal indirect heating is well suited for the garage. This design assumes the presence of a branch pipe - it is designed to remove exhaust gases. A hose is attached to it, which can later be taken outside. This will not lead to any significant heat loss, however, harmful carbon monoxide, as well as other substances that are hazardous to health. That is why the diesel heat gun is perceived by many as the best option compared to gas models. Many gas-powered appliances do not have this method of venting combustion products, so you will need to open the garage for ventilation, which will cause significant loss of precious heat.

Direct heat gun

This option is not suitable for rooms in which there are people, since the products of combustion of diesel fuel are mixed with hot air and accumulate in the room. Therefore, the choice should be based on the most thorough study of information about the device. If you need a heat gun, the instructions for which indicate the impossibility of using it in a room where people are, then you should think about it before buying it.

Scope of application

Solar heat guns can be found in many places. They are usually used for heating, during installation stretch ceilings to speed up the film heating process, as well as wherever there is a need for mobile devices capable of quickly and not too expensively heating rooms of different sizes.

The most widespread heat guns, reviews of which from users are mostly positive, were received as heating devices. storage facilities, construction halls, as well as other places where heating is required, but the use of traditional equipment is difficult or impossible for any reason. In particular, such devices are becoming relevant for buildings in which there is no direct connection to electrical networks. The operation of a heat gun also requires a certain flow. electrical energy, but not so much is needed, so a small portable generator is quite capable of coping with such a task.

Special types

Heat guns on diesel fuel that use deserve special attention. This type of equipment heats the room without the use of a fan, while the air temperature does not rise due to its direct heating. Like all infrared-type heaters, such a gun heats planes and objects, and not the air masses inside the room. heating element here, as in all other cases, it works by burning fuel, but without involving a fan. This makes such a device completely silent during operation, which adds certain advantages to it.

Operating rules

The basic requirements for the use of equipment differ depending on which type of instrument is used. If we are talking about a gun with direct heating, then it is required high-quality ventilation heated zone. Most often, thermal units are used for local heating of rooms with good ventilation or semi-closed type. For heaters that use indirect heat transfer, there are no such stringent requirements, since a chimney can be used to remove combustion products.

Solar heat guns are increasingly used in the installation of stretch coatings in rooms. The operation of such units requires minimum flow fuel, which significantly reduces costs. In this case, the requirements for the organization of the operation of the device require the organization of the removal of exhaust gases, which, as mentioned above, is done very simply.


The price of a heat gun can be from 3500 rubles (depending on the power and manufacturer), and its upper limit is not limited. Such heaters are able to work not only on diesel fuel, but also on kerosene or waste oil. Thanks to small additions to the design, such fuel can also be used, as a result of which the efficiency of the equipment increases several times.

The main advantage of such devices is their mobility. They weigh quite a bit, and their bulk is a fuel tank, the dimensions of which depend on the power of the device. Thanks to this, you can easily transport equipment and install it in different places.

Pretty big the lineup allows you to pick up suitable option to solve any problems. The maximum efficiency of the heat gun is ensured even with its minimum size, while maintenance costs can hardly be called significant.

This becomes quite relevant in those moments when you need to quickly and very strongly warm up the room in which repair work. In particular, when installing stretch ceilings. With the help of a gun, the air is heated to the required temperature. Due to the highest mobility of such a heater, it can be brought into the room without any difficulties, and then removed from there. For this, there is no need to attract additional personnel, everything is done by the masters who carry out the direct installation of the coating.

Repair of heat guns is also not particularly difficult. These tasks require minimum set tools and basic knowledge in the field heating equipment operating on liquid fuel.


Safety is a significant factor when choosing a heating device. For this setting gas guns far behind diesel ones, and electric ones require access to the power supply network. Therefore, it is the diesel option that can be considered optimal.

Reliability is an important parameter, and it is he who tells what is better in favor of such equipment. A diesel heat gun of indirect heating is practically not subject to breakdowns, and its repair is much easier than in the case of using gas units.

All these factors speak in favor of the fact that this is a reliable, economical and convenient equipment. The only thing that can overshadow the use of such heaters is the requirement for a gas outlet pipe or ventilation.


It is already clear what qualities heat guns have. Reviews of such equipment speak of maximum convenience and ease of use. All those who have had to use it testify that it is modern way quickly and efficiently heat up any room. Such devices are in particular demand among the masters of the repair of premises, since a number of operations are performed with their help. The price of a heat gun is quite affordable, so such a device pays off very quickly.

From this article, you can find out what features a diesel heat gun used to quickly heat rooms has: the structure and types of structures, their scope and specificity of the operation process, average prices for popular models. The text provides an overview of the advantages and disadvantages inherent in these devices, descriptions of common types of breakdowns and ways to eliminate them.

With the arrival of the cold season, the problem of heating the premises arises. And this applies not only to living rooms, but also to industrial, warehouse and commercial spaces. If the building does not have centralized system heating, the lack of heat is replenished with the help of alternative heating devices. As such a replacement, you can buy an indirect diesel heat gun with suitable characteristics.

The device and principle of operation of a diesel heat gun

The heat gun is a universal device for space heating. The principle of operation of such structures is quite simple: diesel burns inside the heater, as a result of which heat is generated, which is supplied to the room by a powerful fan.

Diesel fuel is used as fuel. Some models are able to run on used and filtered oil or kerosene. Thanks to the progressive internal device these designs have high power and coefficient useful action, which reaches almost 100%. All diesel heat guns are dependent on electricity. Some low-power modifications can operate on 12 V or 24 V, but most models for normal functioning 220V required.

Electricity is used to start the burner. In addition, it is necessary for the transport of heat due to the rotational movements of the fan. The burner not only atomizes the fuel, but also contributes to the air supply. As a result of this process, a mixture is formed that is highly flammable. Thanks to this, the flame is stable.

Affordable price diesel guns and opportunity efficient heating premises without central system heating, made these designs so popular. This type equipment is capable of generating a large number of heat, thereby expanding the scope of its application.

Important! Solar powered guns cannot be used to heat residential areas.

Scope of diesel structures:

  • heating of warehouse type premises;
  • backup heating at poorly insulated facilities in cases where frosts uncharacteristic for the area occur;
  • heating of construction sites where heating has not yet been installed;
  • organization of heating in hangars used for storage of equipment;
  • installation of stretch ceilings;
  • heating of greenhouse structures used for growing crops.

In addition, you can buy an indirect heating diesel gun to organize heating in the garage.

Why is it profitable to buy a diesel gun: design advantages

Guns that heat rooms by burning diesel fuel have many undeniable advantages. They are compact in size and light in weight, while they have excellent technical characteristics. These designs are easy to use. The mechanism is launched with just one push of a button.
The user has the ability to control the temperature in the room.

Many diesel designs have a built-in system for connecting a rheostat. The principle of operation of this mechanism is very simple. Before launching the gun, it is enough just to set the required parameter. When the room temperature reaches this value, the automatic shutdown equipment. When the temperature drops below the level of the specified mark, the structure will start on its own.

Diesel guns are economical, fuel consumption depends on the technical parameters of the device. Equipment with a power of 20 kW and a capacity of 550 m³ / h will need about 1.5 liters of diesel fuel to warm up this volume. Using such a gun, you can achieve quick results. According to the manufacturer's information, diesel devices heat up the room instantly. The air temperature of +10°C in a room with a volume of 120 m³ can be raised by a gun to a level of +180°C in 15 minutes. And this speed is not the limit.

Diesel devices are safe to operate. If the room is well ventilated, the inhalation of burnt air does not cause such unpleasant consequences as headaches and dizziness. Quality constructions are able to work in a long mode without additional refueling. The guns are equipped with tanks of large volumes, thanks to which they are able to work continuously throughout the day.

Note! The body of the structure is heated to a temperature of + 30-35 ° C maximum. Therefore, accidentally touching the gun will not cause burns.

Disadvantages of using diesel heat guns for a garage

The customer reviews left about diesel heat guns for the garage not only reflect the advantages of these designs. Sometimes they also have shortcomings that were identified by users during the operation of the device.

Often mentioned high level noise as a serious hearing irritant. Although the presence of sounds is considered normal for heating equipment. Guns do not belong to the category of silent devices. Some manufacturers offer models with reduced operating noise levels. For example, the Master BLP 15M diesel heat gun produces no more than 20 dB. This figure is considered very low.

Many users find devices dependent on electrical network uncomfortable. The gun does need power for the fan and pump, and there is no way around these requirements. However, most often such structures are used at facilities where there is electrical wiring.

Among the shortcomings is also mentioned high price diesel heat guns. However, it should be noted that the cost of such devices is fully justified by their reliability and comfortable operating system. Many people are concerned about the cost of diesel fuel, which is more expensive to buy than liquefied gas in balloons. Although the fuel consumption of these devices is small.

How to choose a heat gun according to technical parameters

One of the most important technical parameters any heat gun is the level of its performance. In the characteristics, manufacturers indicate the number of kilowatts that the gun is capable of delivering in intensive operation. You can also calculate the performance level yourself.

An average power of 1 kW is enough to heat an area of ​​10 m², provided that the ceiling height does not exceed 3 m. This indicator is conditional, since it depends on the operating conditions of the room that needs heating.

Factors that affect heating efficiency:

  • wall thickness;
  • availability and quality of insulation;
  • condition ventilation system;
  • heat leakage (frequency of opening gates or doors);
  • number of windows and doorways, their size;
  • outdoor air temperature;
  • the condition of the floors;
  • wind strength, etc.

The price of an indirect diesel heat gun is not an indicator of quality. When choosing a device, it is advisable to pay attention to powerful modifications. The higher this figure, the better. If there is a lot of heat, you can always reduce the intensity of work. And if there is a shortage of heating, you will have to buy another device, which will significantly affect the budget. The efficiency of a diesel heater is also influenced by the place of its installation.

Helpful advice! In large rooms, it is desirable to use several heaters. Arranging appliances diagonally will be more effective than placing them along a wall.

Cold air is always heavier than warm air, so it always accumulates in the lower part of the room. Based on this, it becomes clear that installing the gun on a hill or turning its working edge up does not increase the heating efficiency. The most optimal position of the equipment is horizontal.

The performance of thermal ventilation equipment is another parameter that you should pay attention to. For an indirect heating diesel gun Ballu BHDN-20, this figure is 500 m³ / h. This means that the device is able to effectively heat the specified volume of air within 1 hour.

Last but not least are the dimensions and weight of the structures. The mass of heat guns can vary between 3-30 kg. Most of them have a mobile design, so they are easy to use. The smaller the device, the easier it is to move.

Features of direct heating diesel heat guns

Direct heating guns are the simplest devices that can serve as heat sources. Such structures have open chamber combustion. A pump equipped with a nozzle is installed inside, due to which a torch effect is provided. Behind these elements is a fan. All the heat that is generated in the process of fuel processing is supplied to the room along with the products of its combustion.

  1. Diesel fuel from the tank is fed into the heating filter.
  2. The compressor transports fuel to the injector.
  3. The diesel fuel is ignited by the glow plug.
  4. A fan mounted behind the burner captures cold air from the room to the combustion chamber, where it is heated.
  5. The protective grid located in the front of the device delays the flame, preventing it from penetrating outside the combustion chamber housing.
  6. After heating, the air is fed back into the room.

Related article:

Construction and principle of operation. Varieties of thermal curtains. Installation and repair of the device. well-known manufacturers.

The principle of operation of a direct heating gun is quite simple. It is efficient and understandable. However, such guns have one significant drawback. All combustion products enter the room, so it is not recommended to use devices in living rooms. Direct heated guns are suitable for open areas and spaces with a good ventilation system.

Average prices of diesel guns for space heating (direct heating designs):

BrandModelPower level, kWprice, rub.
ResantaTDP-2000020 11890
TDP-3000030 13090
balluBHDP-1010 13590
BHDP-2020 14430
BHDP-3030 17759
MasterB 35 CEL DIY10 21590
B35 CED10 21790
B70 CED20 31260

Note! Using fuel with impurities will lead to injector contamination and other unpleasant consequences. Therefore, it is very important to use quality raw materials in order to avoid expensive repairs and purchase of spare parts for a diesel gun.

Consumer opinions about diesel heat guns: reviews of direct heating designs

Users of heating equipment often share their own opinions on forums. Some of the reviews can be found below:

“I have long heard about the advantages of Master diesel heat guns, so when it became necessary to purchase a heater, I did not think for a long time and made a bet on this particular manufacturer. The gun works perfectly and fully justifies the money spent on its purchase. With its help, I not only heat the garage, but also take this device with me to the dacha for the workshop.

Of course, it’s a pity that you can’t work in a room where the gun is turned on, but I don’t really need this. It takes no more than 20 minutes to warm up the room. Other than that, I'm completely satisfied with my purchase."

Sergey Kostyuk, Yekaterinburg

“I bought myself a BALLU BHDP-20 diesel heat gun. Excellent unit. For a month of operation, no failures in automation, as was the case with my previous gun. I like that the design provides for the ability to adjust the pressure on the compressor that the diesel supplies. There is only one downside - full tank The device is a bit heavy.

Igor Samoilov, Moscow

“To heat the garage, a neighbor advised me to purchase a heat gun. I went through the manufacturers and models for a long time. In the end, I settled on the Master B 35 CED diesel gun. Great machine, very simple. It is economical and completely unpretentious in maintenance. I've been using it for over a year now. One filling is enough to keep the gun running all day. A 5x8 m garage warms up in 15 minutes.

Georgy Miroshnichenko, St. Petersburg

Features of indirect heating diesel heat guns for the garage, prices and reviews

This type of gun functions in much the same way as direct fired designs. The only difference is that the products of combustion, which are formed in the process of fuel exhaustion, are removed outside the room. For this, a chimney is used. Thanks to this, indirect heating guns can be used in almost any room with a sufficient level of ventilation.

In design closed chamber combustion nozzle installed. In addition, the gun has a system designed to remove combustion products. The air blown by the fan does not come into contact with the torch. Its heating is provided by blowing the combustion chamber.

Average prices for diesel heat guns of indirect heating:

BrandModelPower level, kWprice, rub.
ProfteploDK-21N21 29930
DK-21R21 32250
DK-21N-R21 44920
KrollMAC 1515 34350
MAC 2526 41180
MAC 4038,5 44500
AuroraTK-55ID17,5 37400
TK-80K ID25 43400
TK-240K ID70 70200

Helpful advice! You can determine the thermal output of a room heating device using this formula: Q (in kcal / h) \u003d K × V × ΔT, where Q is required level heat output, K is a coefficient reflecting the degree of heat dissipation, V is the total volume of the room, and ΔT is the difference between the outside temperature and that required to create a comfortable indoor microclimate.

To ensure targeted heating, heat guns are most often used. Their feature is high power in the supply of air masses certain temperature. This is due wide application this equipment in construction and industry. A properly selected diesel-fueled heat gun is able to heat concrete, maintain an optimal microclimate in the production room, and also protect plants in the greenhouse from hypothermia in winter.

The principle of operation of heat guns

The organization of the working process in any heat gun provides for the possibility of activating a fan, which provides air supply. In this case, this task is realized due to the energy generated in the combustion chamber of diesel fuel. The design of the unit provides a tank for pouring diesel fuel or kerosene. Through a special filter, the mixture enters the sump, and then the pump pumps it into the nozzle for further use. Usually, a fan is located at the rear of the equipment, which supplies cold air masses to the combustion chamber, distributing diesel from the nozzle in it. Ultimately, the fuel is burned, and already hot masses are sent to the target object. This scheme builds general principle operation of a heat gun on diesel fuel, but there are some differences in the process depending on design features one model or another. At least, there are fundamental differences in the operation of two types of such installations - with direct and indirect heating. It is worth familiarizing yourself with these types of heat guns in more detail.

Types of heat guns

Models with direct heating are distinguished by the fact that during operation they emit a combustion product directly into the operating area - this can be, for example, production room or construction site. Modifications with indirect heating provide for the removal of combustion products outside the boundary of the working object. Obviously, direct heating has serious limitations in terms of use. In particular, such equipment cannot be used in residential areas. In exchange for this inconvenience, the user gets better performance.

In turn, an indirect heating diesel heat gun can also be used in rooms where people are located. Its design includes a mechanism for removing combustion products, which is joined to the chimney channel through a special pipe. That is, in the process of work, heat flows get rid of burning, spreading around the room or workshop in a relatively pure form. True, the operation of such models also requires the organization of a ventilation system in the room, since the unit will process oxygen.

Main characteristics of the equipment

Among the main technical and operational parameters of heat guns, it is worth noting the power, the volume of delivered air and fuel consumption. As for power, this indicator is in the middle corridor from 10 to 80 kW. For residential premises, installations with a power potential of 15-25 kW are usually purchased. In industry, more productive units with a capacity of about 200 kW are used. In order to ensure future savings, one should also take into account the volume of the combustible mixture, due to which the thermal consumption fuel varies on average from 1 to 6 l/h. The higher the power, the more gluttonous the heat generator. Depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the volume of warm masses that the installation will distribute is also selected. This figure can be both 200 and 3000 m 3 / h. For a living room, an installation with an initial volume value will suffice, while production facilities, warehouses and construction sites are serviced by high-performance heat guns.

Reviews of the BV 290E model from Master

This is one of the most popular units in which the possibility of removing combustion products is provided. Therefore, the bulk of the users of this model are private traders serving residential premises with a heat gun. Owners note quality work fuel filter, due to which the service life of the equipment was increased. At the same time, the heat generator has a considerable power potential of 81 kW, which makes it universal. In addition to residential premises, this has found application in agriculture and construction. According to the users of the installation, it effectively copes with the heating of building materials, while requiring low costs. According to the totality of operating parameters and financial investments it's a decent option in terms of multipurpose use.

Reviews of the Gryp 28 model from Sial

This model can also be classified as universal in operation, but it also has many successful design features that are highly appreciated by users. For example, many note the reliability of the stainless steel body and the stable function of the air atomized torch. In addition, the unit is provided with an integrated control board, which allows the unit to be used in automatic mode. This addition is especially significant if a diesel-fueled heat gun is designed for operation in a private house. In favor of this model as a solution for domestic use says the environmental friendliness of powder coating. Many owners also point to the ease of physical handling of the equipment. The unit can be equipped with an ergonomic trolley that simplifies its transportation.

Reviews of the model Mistral 85 H from Fubag

Fubag manufacturer is among recognized leaders in the segment of equipment designed for public utilities. The Mistral 85 H model in its line of heat guns is positioned as effective solution just for business purposes. The owners of this unit note the benefits of its use in construction activities, in the maintenance of greenhouse facilities, warehouses and sheds. The combination of the performance of this model and the presence of an exhaust gas system are especially distinguished. In other words, this is a diesel fuel heat gun, which has incorporated the advantages of household and industrial units of this type.

Reviews of the model Jumbo 200 M from Ballu

If you need a high-performance cannon, then you should contact the Jumbo 200 M from Italian manufacturer climate technology Ballu. This heat generator focused on servicing large areas. According to the owners, the plant dries warehouses, production halls, cellars, etc. in short periods of time. Of course, if necessary, the equipment can also be used as a heating system. It is important to note the reliability of the model. The point is that the most frequent malfunctions diesel fuel heat guns are connected with a burner and a fan. The designers have improved the strength characteristics of these parts, so there is practically no criticism regarding the reliability of the Jumbo 200 M installation. In addition to this, many emphasize the benefits of safety and limiting thermostats, which increase the safety of equipment operation.

How to choose the best option?

It is necessary to take into account not only the nature of the intended use, but also the dimensions and the need for availability. additional features. You can build on the power potential and performance indicators. This will help to determine the principle of operation of the gun - with or without the withdrawal of spent combustion products. In accordance with the dimensions of the room, the dimensions that a diesel-fuelled heat gun can have are determined. It is not difficult to install this unit with your own hands, but in the case of models that provide exhaust gases, it may be necessary to additionally equip the structure with pipes and chimney adapters. It will also not be superfluous to calculate in advance the need for electronic control systems with heat gun control.

Most heat generators operate in intensive mode, which increases the value technical measures for their service. The main concern of the user is to clean and replace the filters regularly. In particular, the air filter element, which filters out fibers and fluff, should be replaced every 500 hours of operation. As a rule, it changes at the end of each season. In order to avoid the need to run on diesel fuel in terms of power stuffing, you should regularly take care of the fan. In a contaminated state, it complicates the workflow, which increases the load on the generator. Therefore, the fan should be cleaned at least once a season.


In most cases, heat guns are massive structures, while having an impressive weight. Despite this, such equipment is quite practical in operation and performs its tasks without any problems. Indeed, depending on structural design diesel-fueled heat guns may place special demands on the place of use. This mainly applies to models with indirect heating, the operation of which is possible only in rooms with organized ventilation. But also do not forget about the specifics of the use of units that directly emit combustion products into environment. It is desirable to use such models outdoors or in production workshops where the presence harmful substances will not pose a risk.

Essential in any space comfortable temperature regime , but it is not always possible to provide this.

To solve the problem with heating, there is an option to use heat gun, which runs on diesel fuel, has small dimensions and is easily moved to the right place.

Also, these devices are convenient for use in the process construction works, For example, for space heating where the installation of stretch ceilings takes place.

In a simplified form, the design of the heat gun is as follows set of components:

  • fan;
  • a heating element;
  • fuel tank;
  • frame.

Cannon work provided by the combustion of fuel, the heat obtained from combustion with the help of a built-in fan forms a stream of warm air that fills the space around.

However, such guns differ in the way they are heated. He happens two kinds: direct and indirect.

The differences between these methods are only that devices with a direct type of heating, together with warm air products of combustion enter the room fuel mixture such as soot and smoke. Heaters that operate in an indirect type need to be equipped special sleeve for removal of products of combustion and a flue.

Table 1. Specifications diesel fuel heat guns manufactured by Ballu and Master
Ballu BHDP-10 Ballu BHDN-20 Master B 150 CED Master BV 77
heating type straight indirect straight indirect
Chimney No there is No there is
Power 10 kW 20 kW 44 kW 20 kW
Fuel consumption 0.8 kg/h 1.6 kg/h 3.5 kg/h 1.67 kg/h
Volume of the tank 12 l 24 l 44 l 36 l
air performance 590 m3/h 500 m3/h 900 m3/h 550 m3/h
Dimensions 680x400x280 mm 890x675x440 mm 1110x400x450mm 1180x410x530 mm
The weight 10 kg 22 kg 25 kg 61 kg

Important: all heat guns are mainly powered by a 220 V network. The rate of heating the room depends on what air performance the device has.

Diesel heat gun repair

In case of malfunctions, it is better to contact a specialist, but there are such breakdowns that can be repair on your own:

  1. After turning on the heater, it immediately turns off.. This can happen if any of the filters, the nozzle through which fuel is supplied or the combustion photo sensor is dirty, or the air supply pressure sensor is illiterately configured. The same problem may be due to the connections between the photosensor and the control panel board. The photo sensor reacts to the presence of light, therefore it is cleaned and the connections are checked for integrity and correct connection.
  2. The device does not turn on, or the engine does not run for long. There may be several reasons for this failure. Low fuel level in the tank, as well as corrosion and clogging on the electrodes, or the presence of moisture in the fuel tank.
  3. Fan idle when on. First of all, check the thermostat setting, which may be set too low. If this is not the reason, then check the electrical connections printed circuit board and engine. In the absence of such, the connections are restored.
  4. weak flame. Such a malfunction is corrected by adjusting the level of thermal power.
  5. Heat generator stopped working. This problem is caused by a blown fuse that needs to be replaced.
  6. Equipment overheating. The reason for this is faulty wiring and it is possible to eliminate the malfunction only by replacing it. It is permissible to turn on the equipment only after it has cooled down, but it is recommended not to postpone a full repair.