Bedroom design in the English style: from idea to implementation. Bedroom in English style Bedroom furniture in English style

Today the owners square meters When starting interior design, they prefer that everything in the apartment (house) be as comfortable and functional as possible. But not everyone is satisfied with laconic settings.

There are still quite a lot of fans of luxury and classics. Their attention is often drawn to, for example, the living room or bedroom in english style, because the English style harmoniously retained the strict Gregorianism, which can be found in every medieval castle, and the simple, kind, friendly Victorianism, which was chosen to decorate almost every English village house. Therefore, this style successfully combined the features of luxury, simplicity and convenience.

Who should pay attention to the design style of old, classic Britain? Owners of a small number of squares, because classic English houses were never large, but rather, on the contrary, compact and small-sized. The classic aristocracy of this style, combined with coziness and comfort, is perfect for those who are forever in love with interior classics.

Passionate collectors and book lovers should also pay attention to this style: English interior involves a huge number of accessories, souvenirs, decorative items, family heirlooms and extensive bookshelves.

Note! The interior of such a room is not suitable for those who are in love with minimalism and adore empty space.

A Victorian bedroom should have a lot of massive, solid furniture that occupies almost the entire room.

The first thing you notice when entering an English bedroom is the quality in everything. The furnishings of this room should be expensive, but not flashy or ostentatious, but discreet and tasteful. Everything here must be of high quality and expensive – from accessories to textiles.

  • floral, “Scottish” print;
  • furniture massiveness;
  • white ceiling with a beautiful chandelier;
  • lush curtains;

  • fireplace;
  • only natural materials;

  • the complete absence of modern technology and gadgets;
  • a combination of monumentality and elegant details.

In such a bedroom everything is thought out, everything is in its place, everything is justified and functional. There is no place for disorder, chaos, arrogance, brightness, or bad taste.

Such an interior is built extremely thoughtfully, without haste or fuss. The room is decorated for a long period of time, during which, usually, no changes are made: conservatism and tradition are another sign of the English style.

Important! In such a bedroom, no one will often re-stick the wallpaper, change or even simply rearrange the furniture.

For years here, all objects will be in the places once chosen for them.

The English style in the bedroom interior is characterized by a simultaneous mixture of aristocratic restraint and homely warmth. Therefore, a calm color palette here can be combined, for example, with a floral print on the walls or bright accents. If brightness is chosen for the walls, the furniture should be in calmer shades. The white color in the bedroom will be present on the ceiling, door leaves, window frames, baseboards.

If the room faces north, you should prefer a warmer palette with a predominance of gold, yellow, and brown in the design. If the windows face south - cold, in which azure, green, blue will dominate.

We should not forget that in the bedroom you will rest and relax, so there cannot be anything too bright, “harassing the eyes”, or exciting in color: thoughtful harmony should reign in the room.

Important! Lighting in a British bedroom is necessarily soft and diffused.

To do this, there is usually a chandelier with many decorative elements on the ceiling, there are table lamps, floor lamps with fabric lampshades, and sconces that look like candelabra. Lighting should not only calm and relax, but demonstrate the excellent taste of the owner. And very often the English bedroom is illuminated by the reflections of a real fire in the fireplace and nothing else. While admiring them, you can very quickly fall asleep or lightly doze!

Bedroom design in English style: floral prints, tartan

Truly British design cannot be imagined without two things - a floral print and a tartan pattern. Flowers can be present on almost everything - furniture, walls, textiles, carpets. This includes furniture upholstery, curtains, and wallpaper.

Moreover, each element can have its own print, and it, in turn, can combine flowers and floral abstraction. However, one should not think that choosing floral motifs is a simple decision, since combining them successfully and harmoniously is a very difficult task. Here you can choose a certain element of color that will be repeated everywhere with a certain leitmotif, or choose something as neutral as possible.

The “tartan” or “Scottish check” pattern is a real symbol for the British interior in general, and for the bedroom in particular. It is impossible to imagine a room without it. It usually goes well with stripes, flowers, " crow's feet" The cage is found in textiles, furniture upholstery, decor and creates a cozy, warm atmosphere in the room.

Finishing surfaces of floors, walls, ceilings

The walls of an English bedroom are rarely monochromatic. The main materials for walls are wallpaper and paint. But they must be expensive, good quality, and thorough. Therefore, you should give preference to wallpaper made of fabric with elements of silk-screen printing and embossing. An English-style bedroom, of course, can have painted walls.

The background colors should be muted pastel, matte, and on top the ornament, either original or stenciled, gold, bronze with glitter, is manually applied. And in order not to be mistaken about the correct combinations, look at the photo: taste and harmony must be respected!

An English floor must certainly be made of expensive wood. It can be parquet or boards. Modern realities allow their replacement with laminate. But it must imitate the texture of wood, be expensive and of high quality. The color of the floor is chosen dark and rich. And carpets with a soft, pastel palette in flowers, checks, and stripes will help relieve it from the “gloom.” In this case, the color is often slightly faded and not rich.

The ceiling in a British bedroom is usually painted white. No tension suspended structures, panels, wallpaper. It can be decorated with wooden beams, but only if the ceiling height allows it (not lower than 280 cm!). Otherwise, the beams will simply “take away” the space, and the ceiling will begin to “press”, causing discomfort and sometimes claustrophobia. If the ceiling is simply painted (without beams), you can supplement it with moldings, rosettes, decorative borders, skirting boards.

English furniture

In order for the bedroom interior to be truly English, it must contain the following furniture elements:

  • massive bed (main element);
  • a pair of chairs (expensive upholstery, curved legs);

  • chairs (design identical to armchairs);
  • shelves or bookcase (required);

  • tea, coffee table;
  • dressing table;
  • sofa, banquette.

The interior of a bedroom in the English style gives the main place to the bed. This is evidenced by absolutely all the photos illustrating articles and manuals on this interior. Moreover, the bed (or bedroom set) must meet certain requirements. Namely: to have the maximum possible sizes, high, carved, bent legs, fabric canopy or canopy, massive, soft, fabric headboard with carvings or forged elements.

Naturally, such a bed is made exclusively from expensive wood. There should be bedside tables on both sides of the bed. Above the bed you should hang paired lamps, sconces and... bookshelves. Because true Englishmen love to read before bed while lying in bed.

Despite the fact that furniture is usually kept in the same style, the British love to combine elements from different manufacturers. Therefore, you can often find in the bedroom English bed and a sofa, a banquette from India. Don’t forget about the law of pairing: there must be a pair of bedside tables, chairs, and armchairs in a British bedroom.

They usually stand by the window, fireplace, and next to them are floor lamps. The upholstery should be leather, velvet, tapestry, often with gold embroidery.

An English bedroom interior is impossible without a large amount of textiles. Moreover, in this sense, the interior is more inclined to the rustic than to the castle, Gregorian. Therefore, the use of hand-made items is encouraged: knitted pillowcases, rugs, blankets, napkins. Curtains on the windows should have several layers, lush folds, waves, be decorated with lambrequins, tassels, and fall all the way to the floor. The coloring is, accordingly, floral-vegetal with embossing.

The main colors of the textiles are sand, terracotta, burgundy, green, brown. In a word, muted, deep, but not bright. All textile elements - from pillowcases to floor lamps - must be consistent in the same style, harmonious and combined. And the materials for them are chosen exclusively natural.

To look at the room and say with confidence that this is an English-style bedroom, the design of the room is impossible without a huge number of accessories. Moreover, the central place here should be occupied, as can be seen in the proposed photos, by family heirlooms and books.

In addition to the items already indicated above and the fireplace, the room should contain vases with natural flowers, porcelain figurines, napkins, pillows, paintings with natural and rural scenes (watercolor, oil), ceramics. And, of course, many family photographs in expensive wooden frames. They usually stand on bedside tables or occupy one of the central walls.

I like

When imagining an English-style interior, most people think of simple wooden furniture, twilight and small cups of tea brought by a maid in a cap. Of course, the English style is a reflection of the English character, with its stiffness, isolation and habit of drinking tea at five in the afternoon. However, the English style in the interior can be very cozy, and most importantly, suitable for big family, because it is literally overflowing with traditions and family memories. Using the example of the interior of two rooms, we will tell you how you can create the spirit of the old English home in a city apartment.

1. Living room

The living room in the English style will become great solution for those who, along with their grandmother’s apartment, inherited her library, as well as a collection of porcelain.

The first thing you need to remember when creating an English-style living room: it should be cozy. Therefore, the main characters are usually a large soft sofa, littered with a mountain of colorful pillows, several “big-eared” armchairs, on one of which you can casually throw a blanket and, of course, a fireplace.

Needless to say, the eternally cool weather in England constantly encourages people to stay at home and warm their feet by the fire. By the way, in modern realities It is absolutely not necessary to use a real fireplace; it is much better to purchase an electric one; we recently talked about its features here

An English-style living room is characterized by constant twilight; a similar effect is created thanks to the dark shades of the wallpaper and heavy curtains on the windows. Of course, this does not mean that you need to turn your living room into a gloomy crypt, but it should always remind you of the cozy evenings you spent/will spend in it.

You can put a soft colorful carpet on the floor, which will muffle the noise of footsteps and also add warmth. The carpet should be discreet: an option with a traditional English-style checkered pattern is possible, but more often a simple abstract pattern is used. We talked more about carpets in the interior in this

Another important element of the English living room is the library. An antique cabinet filled with ancient tomes or detective novels would be ideal, but if you don't have one, at least put up a small shelving unit or place the books on a table.

Don't forget about decorative elements, in the English style there are never too many of them. Therefore, you can hang up photographs of friends and family everywhere, lay out baskets of knitting, and also place figurines and small lamps. The English style does not involve central lighting, so try to divert attention to small lamps.

2. Bedroom

An English-style bedroom seems to be created to bring comfort and peace. Its central element is the bed, which must be carefully decorated, literally “littered” with a variety of textiles that will dull the severity of the forms.

As a rule, the interior of a bedroom is more minimalist than the interior of a living room of a similar style, because it is assumed that all business/meetings/discussions will take place in the living room, and in the bedroom you will simply fall on your soft bed. Therefore, in the interior of an English bedroom, most often there are additionally only a small bedside table and an armchair. Installing a fireplace is also possible, it all depends on your wishes, you can, for example, use a decorative false fireplace.

An English-style bedroom is also made in muted, natural tones, but if you do not feel comfortable in such a room, you can deviate a little from the rules in the “light” direction. In this case, try to compensate for the deviations floral decoration and decorative elements.

For curtains and textiles are welcome natural materials, such as cotton and linen, in addition, it is possible to implement the traditional English “check” here, for example, in the form of bed linen. Simple paintings would be appropriate on the walls. wooden frames: the plots can be somewhat ironic, because we all remember the subtle English humor! It is also possible to decorate the bedroom using small flower pots and porcelain elements.

In our humble opinion, the first contestant won the English living room/bedroom battle, thanks in large part to soft sofa with a mountain of pillows and a checkered blanket. But your interior is only in your hands, so which room to add a piece of Foggy Albion is up to you to decide.


An English-style bedroom design will never go out of style. The coziness and comfort characteristic of it appeals to many. Strict elegant features, complemented by some rustic naivety, are the distinctive elements of this style.


TO distinctive features, which make it easy to recognize the English style in the bedroom interior include the following:

  • Strictness combined with grace.
  • A fireplace of any type is a mandatory element of the interior. Next to him stands a large comfortable chair, upholstered in expensive fabrics.
  • The main finishing material is wood. It can appear in the form of wooden panels on the wall, individual accessories or furniture.
  • The floor is usually covered with planks or parquet. You can also use their imitation.
  • The room is decorated with objects that have their own history. They can belong to family members and pass from generation to generation.
  • Fabrics in the interior must be of high quality. It is better to use only natural textiles.
  • As for the walls, they are finished with panels. Moldings break up walls.
  • The furniture is usually massive, and the bed stands on high legs.
  • The ceiling is distinguished by its whiteness and decorated with a luxurious chandelier.

Finishing materials

Sometimes, as an exception, in an English-style bedroom you can see walls of the same tone. But, as a rule, floral print, stripes or plaid are more common. At the same time, the wallpaper itself must be expensive and of good quality. You can choose fabric coverings, silk-screen printing or embossing. An alternative to the listed coatings can be paint. pastel colors for walls on top of which an ornament is applied. The color of the walls should be dim and muted. The lower part is covered with wood panels, which helps to better insulate heat.

It is preferable to make the floor wooden. The presence of a textured wood pattern on the coating is highly desirable. Wood stain is often applied to make the floor appear darker. It is the dark gloomy floor that is characteristic of the English bedroom. It is acceptable to have a carpet of delicate muted tones with a floral or geometric pattern. Ideal option for an English bedroom – white ceiling, decorated with borders or moldings. Can also be used wooden beams, which are either painted white or left a natural color that matches the tone of furniture and other accessories. Both the door and windows should be wooden. Window large size usually divided into small rectangles. The doors should not swing open, but move.


The interior of the bedroom can be made warm or cold. The English style allows you to vary colors according to personal tastes. Among the warm tones, you can choose red, brown, yellow or orange. Red color should be used sparingly, as over large areas it can have a negative impact on nervous system. Orange It is better to use it in its pastel shades, for example, peach and cream. Orange is popular in interior design in Britain, as due to the constant fog, this bright shade lifts the mood. Brown combined with beige makes the bedroom warm and cozy.

Cool tones are most often represented by green or blue. Shades of blue help to quickly relieve tension and calm down, but they must also be used wisely. Too much contact with these flowers can lead to depression. Green, as well as its popular shade sea ​​wave help you relax.

Furniture and accessories

Naturally, in any bedroom the central place is given to the bed. It should be large and massive. Decorations include various carved elements, a canopy, and a large number of pillows. Near the bed there are bedside tables and a chest of drawers with a mirror. A large wooden wardrobe is another integral element of an English bedroom. It is impossible to imagine an English bedroom without a fireplace. Ideally, it should be real and heated with wood. But in an apartment it can be replaced with an electric one or even its imitation.

Frames with photographs, antique clocks or candles with candelabra are placed on the fireplace.

A bedroom with an English interior should have armchairs. They are placed by the window, next to the fireplace or bookcase. You can also place a small table or floor lamp. For upholstery upholstered furniture most often choose leather or velvet. If the size of the room allows, the bedroom can accommodate bookshelf or shelves above the bed. This matches English tradition read before bed. A small sofa or banquette is also an attribute of an English-style bedroom.

In a true English bedroom, all the furniture is handmade. Antique and heirloom furniture are most valued. As a last resort, you can make some pieces of furniture to order.


Fabric in an English bedroom should be present in large quantities. Without luxurious textiles, the design will be incomplete. It is preferable to choose bed linen from silk with floral ornament. The bedspread and pillowcases should match all the decorations. An important decorative element is curtains. They should be long and pleated with beautiful waves. When choosing their colors, you should be guided by the wallpaper pattern or the embossing of the chair upholstery.

The carpet should be natural, with short pile. You can place one rug in the center of the room or several rugs next to the bed. Designing a bedroom in the English style requires quite a lot of investment.

High-quality textiles, wood and antique accessories are not cheap. If desired, it can be made more modern by diluting it with modernized items.

An English-style bedroom is distinguished by restraint and severity. At the same time, the interior itself is designed in a relaxed style, using mainly natural materials. English bedroom quite feminine, cozy and very comfortable.

Residents of the Kingdom of England are true romantics. In their houses they combine the severity of outlines with pleasant pastel shades and weightless prints.


Excursion into history

The first signs of the English style began to take shape back in the 16th century. At that time, the canopy was very popular in bedrooms - a canopy made of thick fabric hanging over the bed. Such an element not only served as protection from dust and drafts, but also served as a kind of accent in the interior.

The canopy was sewn from silk or cotton, decorated with tassels and frills (by the way, you can make a canopy with your own hands. Read more about this). The furniture was maintained in dark colors and was made of wood.

In the 17th century, the influence of English culture began to be felt in other countries - it was replenished with elements of oriental cultures. Carvings and inlays appeared, and the walls began to be draped with bright silk canvases.

IN Victorian era English style has changed a lot: the forms have become more ornate, and the interiors have become more luxurious. Light floral prints began to appear in the rooms, somewhat diluting the severity of the decor.

By now, clear principles of interior design in the English style have been formed, although modern houses And apartments sometimes contain elements of other directions. Despite the mixture of styles, the spirit of the English era is hard to miss.

Style accents

Let's consider the main features of the English style in the bedroom interior:

  • wooden furniture, the presence of wood in the decoration;
  • the fireplace is an indispensable companion of the room;
  • abundance of textiles. Textiles play an important role in the design of an English bedroom: pillows different sizes, bed linen, curtains and curtains with a wide variety of prints. Flowers and Scottish colors are popular;
  • eclecticism. Indian and oriental motifs may be present;
  • availability of free space.

Color solutions

The bedroom walls can be decorated in light neutral colors. Soft pink, beige, peach, light gray will look great in such a room. More will do dark colors(dark gray or brown). However, it is better not to use black at all - it does not fit at all with the lightness and freedom of the atmosphere of an English-style bedroom.

This is important: Do not forget that the walls of the bedroom should not stand out too much and attract attention. They should be in harmony with other design elements and furniture.

You can cover the walls with wallpaper with a floral or cellular pattern (you can read which wallpaper is best to choose for the bedroom).

Wooden panels will look good as a wall covering. If the room is spacious, the panels can be dark shades. The main thing is to adhere to the rule: if the bedroom decoration is in soothing colors, the furniture can be brighter and vice versa. It is not recommended to allow flashy colors.

Furniture style and finishing options

The choice of furniture largely depends on the size of the bedroom itself. With its small dimensions, the basic elements of furniture are sufficient: spacious comfortable bed, built-in wardrobe, compact bedside table. If the size of the bedroom allows you to “expand”, you can complement the interior with a chest of drawers, armchairs, and a dressing table.

Please note: In the interior of an English bedroom it is better to use furniture made of high-quality natural wood.

An important element of an English-style bedroom is the bed. Canopies are now becoming a rarity, but they have not completely gone out of use. Today, this exquisite interior detail is made from more comfortable and functional fabrics that protect against dust, noise and sunlight.

The decoration of the bed in the bedroom should be multi-layered: beautiful bed linen, soft soft blanket, blanket. It is better to use for floor decoration parquet board made of dark wood. The floor of an English bedroom is certainly covered with carpet.

Accessories for the English bedroom

Bright lighting in such a bedroom is unacceptable. It is better to use 3-4 weak light sources. If there is only a chandelier in the room, its light should be soft and diffused.

Lamps should be neat and simple, no decorations should be used (he tells how to make a lamp with your own hands).

Curtains, bedspreads and pillows will help add comfort and warmth. Blankets, pillowcases, bed linen and other textiles should be matched to other decorative elements. Soft, unobtrusive patterns and floral prints will look most advantageous. Which fabric to choose? Natural breathable fabrics are a priority: cotton, silk, velvet. It is better not to use synthetics. Small figurines or paintings will complement the interior.

You can “dilute” the bedroom decor with elements characteristic of ( wooden table with fancy bent legs, stained glass windows like decorative inserts on the stairs), play with the details in your own way.

For example, bedside tables made of light wood. As already mentioned, particles also look good in such a bedroom oriental style. intricate patterns, dark wood, a combination of fabrics of different textures will make the relaxation room even more stylish and elegant.

From this video You will learn how to decorate a bedroom in English style:

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The English bedroom interior is a model of rigor and elegance. Restraint and rigor are emphasized good taste owner of the apartment. The style contains a tribute to tradition; some design elements come from the Victorian and Gregorian eras. The design direction changed several times, but always remained calm, even with elements of luxury and claims to a classic style. This style is suitable for calm and balanced people who are not used to saving money - the English style looks and is expensive. It will help you find harmony in your soul and relax after hard working days.

Distinctive Features

The English style does not have clear criteria due to the abundance of subparagraphs and directions. The interesting thing is that with just a few details, the interior changes beyond recognition. English style can be strict and laconic, but it’s worth adding a couple of accessories, and the room is filled with femininity and romance.

The interior is changeable, but at the same time has characteristic features:

  • canopy - often used instead of a full-fledged structure decorative curtains due to the impracticality and heaviness of the design;
  • freedom - the style began to be used in the houses of aristocrats, who did not suffer from a lack of living square meters;
  • diversity - in the era of the emergence of orientation, it was fashionable to introduce elements from eastern cultures;
  • wood - valuable wood species are used in the manufacture of furniture, for installing floors, and for decorating walls;
  • fabrics - an abundance of textile elements also sets the mood of the room and gives an atmosphere of comfort;
  • complex and meticulous decor - every accessory in the room has its place. There are no useless trinkets in the bedroom;
  • live fire - fireplaces have become an integral part of the English interior, but in apartments it is usually replaced with candles or electric imitations.

Initially, the style was positioned as luxurious, but in modern realities the design had to adapt to human needs. The style balances on a fine line between technology and tradition, successfully combining both. The style seems conservative and prim, and in a sense it is - thanks to this, the style has acquired a unique atmosphere. During the era of colonization, the British had a hard time, and this is where the desire for laconic interiors came from.

The main idea of ​​any English stylistic direction– luxury on the verge of sophistication and restraint. Finding such a balance can be difficult; harmony is achieved through the purchase of expensive and quality materials. Style can turn a room into either a stone fortress or a simple one. country house- it depends on the wishes of the owners. The style combines the best traditions of different eras, and since the mid-19th century it has kept pace with the times.

Bedroom furniture

Naturally, furniture for the bedroom is also purchased expensive and of high quality, from valuable species wood. Style involves purchasing headsets made in a single design. A large amount of free space implies the presence of an impressive set of furniture:

  • beds;
  • cabinet;
  • dressing table;
  • bureau or secretary;
  • bedside tables;
  • comfortable armchairs and sofas;
  • workplace - desk and a chair;
  • dressing table.

Each piece of furniture is the embodiment of art - the English style does not tolerate banal solutions. Handmade furniture is valued, and antique and heirloom pieces of furniture will become a real decoration of the interior. We welcome custom-made furniture, including those with an aging effect.

The main element of the interior is the bed. This is a massive, but at the same time sophisticated and elegant work of art. Even in appearance, the bed is heavy, but comfortable - the dimensions are compensated by elegant decorations. Carved elements, hand painting, and textiles are used in this capacity. It was not customary to order all the furniture from one master, so small differences in items will only add a true English spirit to the interior. Bigger bed They don’t decorate it with anything, it attracts attention in itself, and the canopy plays the role of a decorative element. Here it is decorated with ruffles, flounces and tiebacks.

English style welcomes the equipment of a place to relax in the bedroom. It could be a couple soft chairs or a comfortable rocking chair. If there is free space, it is permissible to install a sofa. Such furniture is made soft and comfortable, upholstered in leather or expensive fabrics. A bookcase with closed or open shelves. The British love to read before bed, so shelves with magazines and books will benefit the interior. Use a large one to store things wardrobe and chests of drawers, if it is not possible to arrange a separate dressing room. For the fair sex good will do dressing table with large mirror And drawers. And, of course, there should be comfortable nightstands on both sides of the bed.

Accessories and lighting

British style involves a moderate amount of lighting. Nobody prevents daylight from entering the room, but in the evening you cannot do without additional lamps. There is no need for excessive brightness, but the number and types of lamps must exactly correspond to the purpose and needs:

  • wall sconces provide illumination small area beds sufficient for reading;
  • table lamps also work as spot lighting near the bed or on tables;
  • built-in lighting is useful for dressing tables and mirrors, as well as for use in the construction of a stretch ceiling;
  • floor lamps successfully replace tabletop options, but take up more space;
  • The central chandelier is a necessary item, replacing natural sunlight.

The lamps are made simple but elegant; they are decorated with carvings and simple designs. The base is wood or metal, and lampshades are traditionally made from fabrics. Live fire is often used as an additional light source. The fireplace is a traditional attribute of the English style, but in modern apartment there is no place for him - hardly government bodies will approve the installation of a chimney in a high-rise building. Instead, high-quality imitations and bio-fireplaces are used. It is also permissible to use high-quality imitations of candlesticks with candles. All light sources must have a function for adjusting the lighting intensity so that it is possible to create a pleasant twilight in the bedroom.

Help to embellish a discreet British interior interesting elements decor. On the walls hang paintings in beautiful wooden frames, photographs, and wall clock. Decorate the room with vases, chests and original boxes. You should avoid large-sized decor, as well as an abundance of accessories - patterns and furniture should attract attention. The room should be diluted with “soft” accessories, for example, decorative pillows, beautiful carpets and bedside rugs. Some designers propose to emphasize the English style with traditional symbols - flags, coats of arms and drawings. This solution is not particularly popular, but fits well into the interior of the room if used in limited quantities.

Shades and patterns

The restrained English style suggests a fairly rich, but at the same time calm color scheme. Most often, natural shades of wood are found - furniture is not usually painted, it is only coated with protective compounds, emphasizing the natural color palette. Other shades are also available:

  • terracotta;
  • beige;
  • burgundy;
  • dark green;
  • sand;
  • chocolate tone.

Most often dark light design is rare. This solution looks no less impressive, besides, it is the neutral and light color scheme that is best suited for the bedroom. The interior will not be boring, it is appropriate to use bright accents– fresh flowers, plants in pots, original pillowcases. The restraint of this style creates a relaxing mood, so the English style is perfect for bedrooms.

It is worth noting that there is no need for excessive diversity in the British bedroom. You should avoid an abundance of juicy, bright colors– their use is permissible, but only as accents. The traditional English bedroom has a warm mood due to the abundance brown tone and its shades. Not everyone likes this color palette, so it can be compensated for with cool tones: green, blue and gray. The use of both monochrome tones and a play on contrasts is encouraged. Looks good dark furniture in the background light walls and textiles.

It is preferable to have noble and deep tones - dark chocolate, wine and mustard are successfully combined with shades of beige and ivory. You should not think that the interior must be done in only one color scheme - it is possible to take two or three basic color tones as a basis. One of them is for furniture, most often it is dark shade, the second tone will be used for the walls, and its shades will be suitable for the floor and ceiling. The third shade is light; it will make the interior sunny and lively. It is worth remembering about the natural shades inherent in nature itself - the English style loves plant motifs and designs that are depicted in their natural form.


English style presupposes a large presence of textiles in the room. Expensive textiles are used, which are also called noble. The use of synthetics is unacceptable; even for light curtains, instead of artificial tulle, simple but natural chintz is used. Other natural fabrics are also welcome:

  • cotton;
  • brocade;
  • velvet;
  • atlas;
  • taffeta;
  • tapestry;
  • silk.

It is best to make double curtains - during the day, translucent curtains made of weightless taffeta will not interfere with the penetration of sunlight into the bedroom, and in the evening, thick curtains made of velvet or brocade will hide the bedroom so as not to feel like you are in an aquarium. The color scheme is used depending on the tone of the walls. Most a good option It is considered that the curtains are several positions lighter or darker than the color of the wall decoration. Textiles must be in harmony and resonate with other shades existing in the room. Interesting solution will be the production of several textile elements from the same material.

It is worth paying attention to the patterns on textiles. The classic English style uses dozens of different patterns. The main theme is plant-based; all sorts of leaves/flowers/twigs would be appropriate. A small pattern will unpleasantly ripple in the eyes, and a large one will simply get lost against the background of luxurious furniture, so preference should be given to patterns average size. “Cucumbers”, stripes and checks are also relevant. It is possible to bring something from travel into the English style. At one time, elements of Arabic, Egyptian and Indian styles appeared in this style. Therefore, the use of wicker elements, patchwork and lace is acceptable.

A full-fledged canopy is practically not installed over the bed, but if desired, it can be installed in one of two options. The canopy is made either from light fabric such as chintz or from dense material, for example, satin. Covers for upholstered furniture are also appropriate, original bedspreads and pillowcases for decorative pillows. You should only give up long tablecloths - they hide the texture of the wood, which should be visible.

In conclusion

The room, decorated in British style, hints to the owners of a certain way of life - somewhat measured, leisurely, but at the same time quite restrained. I just want to imagine myself as Sherlock Holmes and light a pipe, sitting in a rocking chair by the fireplace with a checkered blanket on my lap. When choosing a style, it is worth remembering that English interiors are not for cramped Khrushchev apartments. He needs high ceilings And large number free space.