The location of the shelves in the dressing room. Assembling a dressing room with your own hands Drawings of small dressing rooms

The issue of storing numerous things is usually one of the most important for many families. The modern outlook on life involves a fairly extensive set of clothes for each of the family members. Clothes are also added to household items, which also require storage space. Conventional cabinets in this situation are already difficult to manage. The solution to the problem is the arrangement of a separate room in the apartment - a pantry, or, as it is now fashionable to call it, a dressing room that can accommodate sets of seasonal clothes for all family members.

Ample storage in a small area

The convenience of a dressing room is undeniable. But the solution to the issue of building a dressing room is complicated by the fact that the lifestyle has changed, more items of clothing have appeared in the wardrobe of a modern person, and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe dwelling has not increased.

In new buildings, the layout of the apartment may already initially take place, suitable for arranging a spacious storage, or even a separate room is provided. Old small-sized apartments most often have a small closet and mezzanines. How to allocate space for a dressing room - consider the layout options in standard apartments.

  • apartment with storage room;

Small apartments in many cases have built-in storage rooms. Sometimes this is a small niche-wardrobe located in the corridor between two rooms, or quite spacious pantries for the entire width of the room. You will only have to dismantle outdated structures, replacing them with modern sliding doors. This will increase storage space by moving the partition separating the pantry towards the room - sliding doors do not require "dead" space to open the sash.

  • a room with an alcove;

Some apartments have an alcove - a niche that is quite large. This option is ideal for a dressing room device.

  • separate part of the room;

If your bedroom looks like an elongated rectangle, you can separate part of the room with a partition, bringing the shape of the bedroom closer to the square. In order not to take up space, it is better to make the partition mobile, using sliding doors or curtains for this. Another option would be to arrange a triangular or trapezoidal dressing room, separating the corner in the room with sliding structures.

  • complete redevelopment of the apartment;

This option will allow you to create a completely new space of the apartment, highlighting the most successful places for the location of living rooms and the arrangement of utility rooms during planning. But such an approach requires significant financial investments, and changing the planning solution requires coordination and obtaining permission.

The options for planning apartments with a dressing room can be different, they depend on the individual needs of the family and the available space of the apartment.

We take into account the needs, use the opportunities

Even if you have a spacious apartment at your disposal, you should not waste your space: a well-thought-out storage layout and modern storage systems not only save space, but also offer functional solutions that are easy to use.

Advice. When arranging a dressing room, use modern ready-made storage systems: they allow you to make the most efficient use of space.

The layouts of the elements of storage systems depend on:

  1. Opportunities. The choice of storage equipment depends on how many square meters you managed to allocate for storage systems in the dressing room and what shape the room turned out to be.
  2. Needs. People have different household habits and sets of clothes: someone needs to store evening dresses with a train, someone’s wardrobe consists of suits and a collection of ties, and the other does not have a single tie, but needs to store sportswear and camping equipment.

When choosing a layout for a dressing room and a complete set of storage systems, audit your cabinets: evaluate how many and what type of hangers, shelves, drawers you need. At the same time, perhaps, you will find things in the bowels of the closet that can be handed over to the Salvation Army.

Variants of schemes for arranging wardrobe rooms

The internal arrangement of the dressing room, as mentioned above, depends on how much space is available for the location of shelves and hangers, on what shape of the room and on what and in what quantities you are going to store. Let's take a look at some of the most common planning options.

  • the location of shelves and hangers along one long wall. From the point of view of use, this is the best option: when opening the sliding doors, the entire interior space of the dressing room is in front of you and all the shelves and hangers have easy access. If there are a lot of things, then storage in two rows can be used: shelves are mounted on the wall, and a bar for coat hangers with clothes and small pull-out racks are installed in front of them.

Scheme: the location of the shelves in the dressing room along one wall

  • shelves on two long sides. This option is used for walk-through dressing rooms, where you can enter from one side and exit from the opposite. It is also convenient, but only if there is enough space for passage - otherwise you may feel like a moth flying into a wardrobe.
  • the location of the shelves "calm"."Peace" means in the shape of the letter "P". This layout is used for fairly spacious rooms for a dressing room, but without a through passage. The most capacious and comfortable option, however, is not always realized.
  • the location of the letter "G". If the room is not wide enough to accommodate shelves on the two long sides and a passage between them, you can place shelves and hangers on the short and long sides, making the entrance from the end wall. The minimum room width is 1200 mm: 600 mm for passage, 600 mm for shelves.

  • walk-in wardrobe. If you have a pantry - narrow and long, less than 1200 mm wide, then the only way to arrange storage space is to use retractable hangers or racks.In fact, this is not a full-fledged dressing room - you cannot enter it. This cabinet is shaped like a pencil case or a tube. In order to place storage containers and conveniently use them, you should pay attention to mobile storage systems. When arranging this type of pantry, it is necessary to provide a place for pulling out the rack.

Advice. When choosing storage systems, pay attention to modern designs: pantographs, mesh pull-out baskets, hanging containers, hooks, special multi-layer hangers, trousers and other devices. They greatly increase the possibility of storage in a limited area and structure the storage.

The device of the dressing room allows you to compactly place a large number of things in a limited area, the main thing is to think over the layout options and select the necessary elements of the storage system. And also do not forget about the comfortable lighting of this room and the possibility of ventilation. In the photo and video you can see examples of dressing rooms and their design.

Dressing room: video

Dressing room design: photo

In crowded closets and bedside tables it can be quite difficult to find any thing. Many of us are probably facing the same problem. It is not difficult to solve it if you equip a separate room or a small corner specifically for storing a variety of things and objects.

Rational use of space in the home

The dressing room is rightfully considered the most convenient option for storing a variety of things in a private house or apartment. In many modern dwellings, builders initially design a small room for this purpose. What to do for those who do not have such a useful room in the apartment? Of course, equip it with your own hands. Fortunately, such an operation in most cases does not require major redevelopment and large-scale repairs.

It is quite possible to place a dressing room in a small area.

For its device, it is enough to allocate 1.5–2 squares of free space in the bedroom, living room or other room. Even in very small apartments, such an area is easy to find. And there will be a lot of benefits from the built wardrobe. Storing things in it guarantees less wear and tear and the preservation of the original shape of shoes and clothes. At the same time, you get a good saving of space and financial resources due to the fact that you do not need to purchase and install chests of drawers, hangers, cabinets, cabinets.

A special "corner" for storing things is very convenient to use. You can design it according to your own requirements, taking into account individual habits. As a result, you will have at your disposal a special room in which all clothes, shoes and other things are in their places. This will make finding the right item in seconds, not tens of minutes (remember how difficult it is to find your favorite jeans or blouse, reviewing all the closets in the house). In dressing rooms, in addition, you can store other household trifles, which usually have no place in the home.

If you decide to take full advantage of the dressing room by building it yourself, there are many small tasks to solve. We have to choose a place to place the described device, draw up a project for its device, equip the wardrobe with ventilation and light, and finish it. We will talk about all the features of arranging corners for storing things further.

Where to arrange a wardrobe - there is always a suitable place!

There are many options for the location of the device of interest to us. A separate place for storing household items can be organized in a pantry or a small closet, under the bed or in the bedroom, "biting off" a small area from it.

If you live in a private house with an attic, it will be really easy to make a comfortable and spacious dressing room with your own hands. The attic floor is ideal for these purposes. In this case, the wardrobe is allowed to be placed both near the low and near the high wall. The second option seems to be preferable. It is easy to mount a complete system against a high wall, which will fit anything. You will have to tinker with a low wall in order to choose the right size for the dressing room. It is important to remember one thing here. The height of the wardrobe should not be less than 100 cm. If you make a device with a smaller parameter, you will not get real benefits from its use.

Also popular is the option of arranging a system for storing clothes in a pantry (closet). If these rooms are in the living room, they will have to be fenced off from it (otherwise all things will be on display). It is not necessary to install a full door. It is enough to fence off the pantry with a screen or an elementary partition erected from drywall.

Often used under the wardrobe are a variety of niches that are available in many private housing construction and apartments. But there is a slight subtlety here. You can use only niches with a depth of at least 100 cm for a dressing room. Moreover, their width must be at least 150 cm. With such dimensions, the device will allow you to store a sufficient amount of shoes and clothes. If you equip a wardrobe in niches with smaller parameters, there will be no sense from it.

In children's rooms, where the so-called loft beds are installed, the device we are considering can be easily placed at the bottom of the sleeping structure. In such a retractable wardrobe fit all the things of children. Yes, and other items in it there is a place. Nuance. The loft bed should be placed near the wall and work should be carried out to increase the stability of the sleeping structure. For these purposes, special fasteners should be used. You can easily find them at your nearest hardware store.

The building in question can be made on a loggia or balcony. But only on condition that these premises are qualitatively thermally insulated and heated in winter. Otherwise, all stored items will be damaged. If the balcony is wide, the system may be located along the wall, if it is ordinary (rectangular) - at the end of the loggia. Wardrobes are also arranged in hallways and corridors when they have free space.

The specific project of the wardrobe depends on in which room (by area) it will be built. Plans are different. The most commonly used wardrobe systems of the following types:

  • rectangular;
  • corner;
  • parallel;
  • linear.

Rectangular structures are suitable for fairly spacious and elongated rooms. Such systems are considered to be the most comfortable in operation. They are roomy. They are equipped with hangers, bars, drawers, mirrors, shelves. A rectangular structure is usually separated from the living space by a thin interior door or a sliding partition.

A corner dressing room can be built in any part of the home where there is an unoccupied corner. Such systems are most often found in apartment buildings. There is simply no more rational way to use free space in a home. Corner systems are equipped with shelves and bars for things. If desired, it is easy to equip them with a mirror, turning a small dressing room into a full-fledged home fitting room.

Parallel structures are recommended for hallways, corridors and other walk-through rooms. In fact, such a system is a modernized wardrobe for clothes and shoes. In it, things are stored on shelves and bars, which are placed facing each other (in parallel). Wardrobes can also be called linear wardrobes. Their space is organized through the installation of various racks, hangers, as well as honeycomb baskets. The result is the most functional and roomy system.

Design features of wardrobes - a lot of nuances!

You can show your design fantasies with might and main when designing storage rooms. But it is advisable to listen to the advice of experts. First of all, the pros recommend building wardrobes with decor that harmoniously fits into the existing design of the bedroom, living room, or other room.

Second moment. Do not try to cram as much household junk as possible into a neat and small dressing room. It is optimal if the system will be used exclusively for saving shoes, seasonal items, accessories that are used quite often and therefore should always be at hand.

Ideally, the device of the dressing room assumes the presence of such zones:

  • short (summer) clothes;
  • upper (winter) things;
  • changing clothes;
  • shoes.

It is clear that in practice it is not always possible to create such a "perfect" design (the main reason is the lack of free space in the dwelling). You can find a compromise, for example, combine several functional areas into one. In this case, the system in any case should be divided into at least two sections. One of them is designed for mounting retractable drawers or shelves. In this area you will store shoes, bedding and so on. And in the second section, a bar should be installed. On it you can store all the clothes (both summer and winter). Note! It is desirable to install the bar above the level of the human head. Consider this requirement when designing a structure.

The dressing area is equipped only if there is enough free space in the room. It must be equipped with a mirror. This area is very convenient. All the things you need to go outside are at hand, in one closet. Due to this, the dressing process takes a matter of minutes and even seconds.

Doors to the wardrobe are allowed to put any. Hinged structures on rollers, swing (standard), accordions, coupe, sliding are suitable. Some zealous owners do without doors. They sew curtains made of dense material with their own hands or purchase finished products and curtain the system made with them.

Filling the structure - choosing the right fixtures

In cases where a small system is created (corner, in a niche), it is most reasonable to make it not from wood (fibre, chipboard, natural wood). Such designs take up too much space and require considerable financial costs. They should be mounted when organizing a full dressing room. And for small structures, special modules made of durable and lightweight metal are more suitable. Their main element is racks. They are fixed to the floor, wall, ceiling surfaces. After that, hangers, shelves, baskets, and so on are selected and hung (mounted) on the indicated racks.

Almost all manufacturers of modular modern systems offer them with supporting elements, which are specially notched. The latter make it possible to mount any storage devices at the required height. Another advantage of racks with notches is the ability to modify the system at the right time. Such structures can be modified at least every month, choosing the optimal type of filling.

Popular and rare devices for organizing the internal space of wardrobe systems are given below:

  1. 1. Drawers for shoes. Simple but very comfortable product. They are modules of different sizes with pins. The latter allow you to fix the boxes on a movable type frame.
  2. 2. Wire shelves or nets with hooks. Inexpensive way to store shoes. These shelves and nets can be hung on the crossbars, hung on the door, on the side of the wardrobe. Visually, they don't look the best. But they do an excellent job of storing shoes conveniently. For small wardrobes, such devices will be the best option.
  3. 3. Rods for clothes. The choice of these elements is huge. You can install simple hangers with crossbars mounted on top of each other. They fit a lot of clothes. Using them is not very convenient, but if there is no other way out, it is better to arrange things at least in this way than not at all.
  4. 4. Pantograph bars. These are already more presentable and comfortable to use devices. They are mounted on the side bases of wardrobe systems and, due to their special design, make it possible to use all the free space of the wardrobe. The pantographs have a handle. If you pull it, the bar goes into a horizontal position.
  5. 5. Pants, tie hangers, skirts. Such devices are made in the form of guides with clips and cross bars. They allow you to hang any specific types of clothing and accessories (as their name implies). It is advisable to mount retractable guides. Then the place for their installation will require less. And it will be much more convenient to use them.

There are many other special accessories installed in wardrobes. It will be easy for you to fill your system with the most suitable ones.

We make a convenient wardrobe for storing clothes and shoes on our own - an economy option

The easiest way is to make a dressing room in any living room, in an unused niche using drywall sheets (gypsum plasterboard). We need to purchase a metal profile, cut it to the required dimensions for fastening to walls, ceiling, floor. We fix the planks to the floor base with screws or self-tapping screws. Then we attach the frame of the future structure to the walls and ceiling. It is advisable to additionally install several transverse profiles. Then the wardrobe frame will turn out to be truly durable.

After installing the profiles, you can proceed to its sheathing. We cut out the GKL. We attach them to the frame on both sides. If desired, we place a layer of insulation between the sheathing sheets, lay electrical wiring to illuminate the storage system being created. We prime the GKL surface, glue the joints between individual products. Then we paste wallpaper on the made design or paint it in a suitable color. The dressing room is decorated with other finishing materials. Choose for yourself what you can really do with your own hands.

It is recommended to lay tiles on the floor of the constructed room, cover it with carpet or inexpensive linoleum. Doors to homemade wardrobes are usually the simplest ones. The best option is sliding structures. They take up minimal space and are easy to use. We recommend lighting the room with a spotlight. For a small room, one such device is enough. Fill a self-made storage room with any devices that suit you, which we talked about above.

And the last. The dressing room must be equipped with effective ventilation. If the air masses in the room have high-quality natural circulation, there is no need to invent anything additional. In other situations, you will have to mount an additional device for artificial ventilation in the wardrobe, otherwise things in it will quickly rot and deteriorate.

A comfortable and spacious dressing room is the dream of the vast majority of women. The selection of a part of the room for such a functional corner allows you to solve a lot of problems. And it's not just about the joy of the fair half, a properly made dressing room allows you to solve the problem of storing a lot of fairly intimate items away from prying eyes.

A dressing room is a closet or room with many drawers and shelves, which is designed to store clothes and other items.

It is quite possible to make a dressing room with your own hands, for this it is enough to study the rules and subtleties of storing things, purchase the appropriate material and use the tips on organizing space.

Rules for a successful dressing room

If there is an unused corner of a sufficient area in a house or apartment, it is quite possible to make a full-fledged dressing room in it. A pantry or attic is perfect for this role, it is enough to install a partition and equip shelves. Any dressing room must obey the following rules.

  1. The size is at least 1 * 1.5 m. In a tighter dressing room it will not be possible to install shelves or it will not be possible to enter it, which will significantly reduce functionality.
  2. To make the room comfortable, you should take care of installing a mirror. This will facilitate and speed up the daily preparation of a successful outfit.
  3. You need to take care of ventilation. If the natural one is not enough, it is worth installing a forced one. Otherwise, the musty smell will haunt you constantly.
  4. If there is no window in the corner in which it was decided to make a dressing room, sufficient lighting must also be provided.
  5. The most successful door to the dressing room is a compartment. She will not eat up the already limited space. In addition, due to its features, it will provide an influx of fresh air. Yes, and decorating such a door is easier than a swing door.
  6. Be sure to plan the internal structure in advance. This will take into account all the features and preferences of the owner of the new dressing room.

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The dressing room is a closet that you can enter. It is from this rule that you should build on if you decide to make it yourself. First of all, you need to draw a plan for the future storage corner, taking into account preferences and some rules. The correct internal arrangement of the dressing room will save a lot of space. What rules should be considered when planning a new closet or wardrobe?

  1. The height of the compartment for thick outerwear is from 150 cm.
  2. Office for light outerwear - from 100 cm.
  3. The height of the shelves for shoes - according to the height of the most voluminous box + 10 cm.
  4. The height of the shelves for basic items is chosen individually, but usually not higher than 40-45 cm. It is extremely difficult to store trousers and sweaters neatly on higher shelves. It is better to make more shelves.
  5. The width of each compartment, of course, the larger the better, but an approximate stock can also be calculated by inspecting your clothing stocks.
  6. You should not make shelves without a minimum margin in height and width. Free space is necessary for ventilation.
  7. It is better to make a choice in favor of quantity. It is more convenient to store a thing folded in several units. Tall stacks will inevitably shift, creating a mess.
  8. Some items, such as socks and underwear, are best stored in well-ventilated drawers or baskets.
  9. For frequently used wardrobe items, shelves should be at chest level or slightly lower.
  10. Removable shelves are excellent. Their installation will allow you to change the design of the wardrobe without global alterations.

Before you start making a dressing room with your own hands, you need to approve the final plan. This will allow you to accurately calculate the consumption of material and avoid rework.

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Material and finish

Chipboard is a good material for assembling a dressing room.

For the dressing room, you can use any furniture materials. Perfect for natural wood, chipboard and laminate. These materials absorb moisture and return it to the environment as conditions change. Wood and its derivatives are easy to work with, reliable and durable. But it is necessary to take care of the correct and sufficient processing so that the new cabinet does not spoil things.

Drywall can also be used, but keep in mind that it is quite heavy and the shelf from it will sag under its own weight. This building material can be used for partitions, because the reliability of the dressing room walls does not play a decisive role. In addition, drywall will absorb excess moisture, thereby ensuring the safety of things.

For the interior decoration of the dressing room, you can use the same materials as for decorating the room. If the updated closet and bedroom are designed in the same style, this will emphasize the taste of the owners. Wardrobe cabinets painted in bright colors or pasted over with wallpaper look stylish and original. And a special chic - dressing room, decorated with wooden panels.

It is always worth remembering that the dressing room is a closed space and care must be taken to maintain the correct level of humidity.

Bags with moisture-absorbing material, such as silica gel, will help solve the problem.

Are you tormented by the eternal cleaning of scattered things? Dreaming of arranging a dressing room? Do not rush to give up this idea, even if your funds are limited! Indeed, in fact, you can make a dressing room with your own hands without any special financial expenses.

Given the size of the living space, a dressing room can serve as a separate room or a corner of the bedroom. You should not think that only beautiful ladies are interested in such a separate room, men like it just as much when all things are neatly hung and laid out in their places. It is convenient to store things in such a room for a long time. Here they will not deteriorate, will not wrinkle, will not fade and will not be damaged by pests.

The main requirements for the premises

Even if you cannot allocate a lot of space for a dressing room, you can equip it with many shelves. The minimum dimensions of such a room are 1x1.5 meters. Hangers, shelves and drawers will fit quite compactly. It's great if in the dressing room you can allocate space for dressing with a mirror. If your dressing room is very small, then provide ventilation in it, because, otherwise, there is a high probability of stagnation of air, which will lead to impregnation of things with a musty smell.

The area allocated for the storage of outerwear, as well as dresses, can have a depth of 0.5 m, and a height of 1.5 m. The area in which short clothes will be stored may have a slightly smaller size - 0.5x1 m. place additional shelves for storing things that you do not use so often.

We make a dressing room in the closet, niche or in the corner of the room

The equipment of a quality place for a dressing room does not have to include a special separate room designed for this purpose. You can allocate a zone for a dressing room, believe me, in an ordinary apartment. Do you have an inapplicable niche in which, apart from an unnecessary pile of things, nothing else fits? Then free it from the trash immediately!

First of all, give up cabinet furniture that takes up a lot of space in a small area. You can make or buy special "boiserie" and "loft" designs. They have mobile cabinets, there are no extra walls. This approach will facilitate the process of creating a dressing room for you. Pay special attention to the choice of doors. If the niche is in the bedroom, then to increase the space it is better to use translucent or frosted glass. Arranging a pantry in the hallway? Then choose a door that matches the tones of the wall or design a doorway, because there are always several doors leading into the corridor.

In small apartments, a dressing room, equipped in the corner of the room, is the most reasonable solution when allocating space.

The fact is that the placement of standard typical furniture in this case is simply unacceptable. In the corner dressing room you can fit a lot of necessary things, often much more than in cabinets.

The functionality of the wardrobe room, namely its internal structure, must necessarily meet the requirements of practicality, convenience and spaciousness.

A small wardrobe storage room can be in the shape of a triangle, a trapezoid, the letter "G" or five-walls. Place the bar in the center, and on the sides of it are shelves. Accessories and small items can be placed in specially designated baskets, lattice containers and mobile cabinets. As for shoes, it is more practical to store them by installing a special design on the door or at the bottom of the dressing room. Drawers for storing all shoes, are both closed and open. In addition, it is convenient to store household appliances intended for frequent use from below. On the upper shelves it is better to stack those things that are rarely used in everyday life.

Small walk-in closets placed in the corner of a room have many advantages. For example, in small rooms they are indispensable. In appearance, they resemble a closet, but are placed in a place where its usual counterpart does not fit. Thus, you will be able to distribute the space as useful as possible, for example, in a bedroom. The dressing room is incomparably functional, stylish and roomy!

For hangers, you can build a tubular structure from chrome products. You can buy them at any hardware store in the city. You will need a pipe for the horizontal hanger and vertical rack. In addition, buy a connector and 3 heels for pipes that are fixed to the wall, floor and ceiling.

If the allocated space allows, then place the bar on the right or left side of the entrance for the entire length. As practice shows, this alignment is optimal. Build corner shelves - they will occupy the space of a straight far wall and one of the sides from the entrance. When building shelves, you can also use chrome pipes, as this is perhaps the most economical option. In addition, this type of aerial structure will allow you to easily reach each shelf. Chrome-plated pipes must pass through all the shelves. They will be attached to the ceiling and to the floor.

Leave a small space opposite the entrance. This will allow you to move freely around the room during operation. A large mirror can be attached to the door, which will give you the opportunity to change clothes.

Installing drywall construction

  1. Before proceeding with the assembly of the frame, mark up the profile and cut blanks from it for the ceiling, floor and walls. You can do this with specially designed scissors, which can be purchased at a hardware store.
  2. You can install the floor profile using self-tapping screws and a screwdriver.
  3. Now proceed with the installation of wall vertical profiles, and then - ceiling horizontal ones.
  4. To improve the rigidity and strength of the structure, fix the transverse profiles using self-tapping screws. Be careful not to damage the existing wall covering or injure yourself.
  5. After you assemble the profile frame, make it a drywall sheathing in two layers, between which lay a heater.
  6. It is appropriate to lay electrical wiring in the same space. Instead of drywall, you can use chipboard or MDF board.
  7. At the end of the sheathing of the frame, apply a primer to the plasterboard walls, glue the seams. The simplest method of finishing plasterboard walls is wallpapering, but if you wish, you can finish it with wood or use decorative panels. The opinions of experts agree that the most durable finishing option is painting the walls, but for this you need to carefully putty and sand the walls.
  8. The most practical way to lay the floor in the dressing room is tile. But you can also cover the floor with linoleum, carpet or parquet.

In the dressing room made of drywall, doors, for example, sliding doors, should be installed. Their main advantage is that they take up little space compared to the swing model. As for lighting, it is better to place it inside, and only one spotlight will be enough. Additional lighting is usually located next to the mirror. Lovers of comfort will love the special lighting fixtures built directly above the shelves and hangers.

If you pick up things with taste, carefully arrange and hang them, and also maintain cleanliness, then the wardrobe-rack will become an aesthetic and stylish decoration of your home. There is a strict condition here - the frame and shelves should be inconspicuous against the background of the contents.

The design solution of the wardrobe-rack is extremely simple: the supporting frame is made of perforated profiles that are attached to the wall, and the shelves for clothes can be made of ordinary dark-colored laminate. For aesthetic reasons, it is better to install the mesh exclusively for storing shoes. And it should be fixed on metal struts.

Rods for storing hangers can be attached to the struts or the bottom of the shelves. Metal fittings used for arranging wardrobe racks usually have a rather high cost. However, you can save. How? Pieces of a rod having a diameter of about 0.6 cm can be used as struts.

They can even be rusty and not very even. To improve the bars, heat-shrinkable tubes are suitable, which are used for electrical insulation. They are made from polyisopropylene in different colors. The diameter of the tube should be 2 times the diameter of the rod. Heat the heat-shrinkable tubes with a household hair dryer to 70-80˚. In this case, the plastic layer will be about 2-3 mm. You can remove the markings on the heat shrink tube by wiping it with a cotton swab with alcohol or cleaning powder designed for stoves, or with dishwashing detergent. The tube will hide all the bumps and roughness of the metal.

As for the shelves, you can make them from an ordinary cheap laminate, which must first be cut to the specified length. In order for the width of the shelves to be appropriate, the laminate is connected with locks. Now you can do the layout of things.

Assembling a closet

A wardrobe-pencil case is a rectangular high case, equipped with a retractable hanger frame, which is also equipped with shelves. For a long time people have made unsuccessful attempts to create such a structure. All failures were related to the guiding mechanism. In all cases, the hanger extended to the limit or only halfway warped and jammed. But, not so long ago, the problems were solved. Now, as guides, the side ends of the shelves are used, which have PVC edging of 2 mm. You will also need paired guide rollers. They are fixed on the side walls of the case from the inside, so that they are shifted as far forward as possible.

This design comes inside the pencil case from a light push by hand. The shelves on which it is intended to store small items are equipped with small PVC sheet edges. This is provided so that arbitrarily hanging linen does not fall under the rollers, which can disable the dressing room-pencil case.

During the installation process you should:

  • Assemble the hanger first.
  • Attach the rollers to the sides of the case.
  • Check for the correct alignment of the rollers in height.
  • Now you can attach to the sidewall, which will be adjacent to the wall, the back and top walls.
  • Push in the hanger and attach the opposite side panel.
  • Fasten the lower part of both sidewalls from below with a U-shaped galvanized strip. She will be the stopper, which prevents spontaneous rolling out of the hanger with shelves.

A photo

Today, you can equip a dressing room in different ways, which often rest on the availability of space in an apartment or house. It all comes down to a matter of taste. If you have already been engaged in the development and arrangement of the dressing room, then share your ideas! Perhaps you had difficulties in the process of doing the work? How did you deal with them? Maybe you managed to apply innovative technologies? What exactly? Write us your comments, we are always ready to replenish our knowledge base!


If you still decide to order ready-made cabinets, then first of all pay attention to the quality of materials and components (compartment doors for a dressing room, storage systems, rods).

When it comes to storing things in an apartment, the best solution is a dressing room. It, as a rule, does not take up much space, which is important for small apartments, but at the same time it allows you to conveniently keep clothes and shoes in the same area, which saves space at the same time. You can order it from professionals, but then you will have to come to terms with the fact that you will not get exactly what you expected: the end result rarely meets all the wishes of customers. But to do it with your own hands will be much easier - just a little effort.

Do-it-yourself wardrobe room from the pantry

With a properly planned dressing room, you can free the apartment from bulky wardrobes, chests of drawers, bedside tables

First of all, you need to decide on a place. For a dressing room, a small space of up to one and a half square meters is enough. But where this place will be located is up to the owners to decide. Alternatively, it can be a bedroom, a corner between the walls, a balcony or a loggia, an attic - or a pantry, the presence of which is already provided for by the layout of the apartment.

When all things are collected in one area, less time is spent looking for the right clothes

Types of dressing room

Depending on the location, there are several types of dressing room.

  • corner

The corner dressing room is located at the junction of two walls. Effective in terms of ergonomics, overall design of the apartment, visually smoothes the sharpness of straight lines. To separate part of the corner room from the rest of the room, it is better to use drywall, it is easy for non-professionals and will help save money. To fill the corner dressing room, an L-shaped system of shelves is used. The optimal location is the bedroom.

A corner cabinet is always more practical than a straight one and allows you to use a large free angle.

  • U-shaped

This option is suitable for owners of the "pencil case" bedroom - an elongated narrow room. The U-shaped system will visually equalize the space, make it more harmonious. A wall, closet, or screen will help separate the desired part from the bedroom. The location of the shelves on three walls at once will significantly save space.

This layout allows you to fill all the free space as much as possible.

  • Parallel

It is located in passage rooms, as a rule, these are long narrow corridors. Parallel dressing room consists of two closets located opposite each other. Cabinets must be closed with a mirror wall, sliding doors or a screen. This arrangement is especially convenient for storing street clothes and shoes.

Parallel arrangement suitable for walk-through rooms

  • Linear

It is an oblong closet, located against a blank wall without windows. Fenced off with sliding doors across the entire width of the wall, an opaque curtain or drywall. Alternatively, you can leave without a facade.

The linear layout resembles a very long and large closet.

Material and tools

To separate the dressing room, it is better to use drywall sheets. It is lightweight, flexible, plastic, resilient. Hygroscopicity will not allow air to stagnate, so you can not be afraid of unpleasant odors. The flexibility of drywall will allow you to implement additional interesting ideas: cascades, arches, small niches. When working with drywall, there is a minimum of debris, so many hours of cleaning can be eliminated. With the subsequent decor, it has no equal, but you should not attach shelves to it - it may not withstand the weight.

Plasterboard partition for dressing room

To fence off a wall, it is enough to have the following tools:

  • metal profile 50-100 mm;
  • drywall sheets;
  • primer;
  • insulation;
  • putty;
  • attachment details;
  • screwdriver

Creating a dressing room

The plan is ready, the drawings are drawn, the necessary materials are collected, the tools are selected - it's time to start building. If there is no separate room for the dressing room, you will have to fence off the wall yourself.

  1. Attach the top rail to the ceiling. Use the most suitable type of fastener: dowels, anchors, butterflies, etc.
  2. Glue double-sided adhesive tape on the profile for a tighter fit to the plane.
  3. Attach the rail pieces to the floor.

    Along the perimeter of future walls, we install PN-profiles on the floor and on the ceiling

  4. Attach vertical guides to the walls so that both profiles are connected. Vertical elements can be mounted directly on the wall or on special suspensions.

    We install vertical ribs of the future structure from PS profiles

  5. Mount the doorway. Racks are also made of a metal profile, which is fixed in the upper and lower rails with self-tapping screws.
  6. To vertically fixed profiles, install a transverse one that determines the height of the doorway. The horizontal bar should be fastened to the top rail for rigidity.
  7. In increments of 600 mm, add the remaining vertical elements.

    Then we install horizontal stiffeners from PN profiles

    Installation of a supporting structure made of metal profiles for a false ceiling

  8. Sheathe the frame with drywall, install soundproofing material between the vertical profiles.

    We sheathe the inner surface of the walls with drywall

  9. Apply putty to the seams, as well as the caps of self-tapping screws, after gluing a fiberglass serpentine mesh to the joints of the sheets.

    After the whole structure is ready, we proceed to puttying

  10. Move on to the decorative finish.

    Having finished all the rough work, we proceed to painting the ceilings and sticking wallpaper

    The final stage - we install interior doors

In addition to the plasterboard wall, false walls, arched partitions, decorative structures, furniture, vertical racks, and screens can be used for the dressing room partition.

To date, the world market offers the most diverse filling for the dressing room: from budget Chinese organizers for things to world-famous furniture brands. However, given the average area of ​​a city apartment, it is better to forget about furniture, as it threatens to fill the space where every inch counts. The best organization option is open shelves, drawers, hangers.

Convenient modular system allows you to install any element at any height

You can combine them together in three different types of designs.

  • Cabinet. Wooden panels are used in the hull structure. This type of structure is characterized by the presence of corner elements and rigid fixation.
  • Cellular. The honeycomb design uses mesh baskets instead of wooden crates. They are easy to change. The main advantage is the transparency of this design.
  • Loft. A good option for large areas. Differs in an abundance of metal details. Drawers with baskets for things can be used from any material.

Each type of construction should fall under the general rule: under the bars with hangers you need to allocate three times more space than under the shelves.

Shelves for the dressing room with their own hands.

However, the option with purchased shelving may not be suitable for those whose dressing room has a non-standard shape - or for those who want to create their own unique, inimitable design. In this case, you can make shelves for the dressing room with your own hands. In addition, making homemade shelves will cost less than purchasing full-fledged wardrobes.

DIY wall shelves for a dressing room

Shelves for things can be made from the following material:

  • plastic;
  • plywood;
  • wood;
  • metal;
  • chipboard;
  • drywall.

Equipment for a dressing room from a round furniture pipe

If wood is chosen as the main material, it is worth starting from its breed (it is better to use pine or spruce), type, quality, purity and humidity. The boards must be perfectly even, without cracks, crevices, voids and irregularities, besides, absolutely dry.

Wooden boards for shelves in the dressing room

There are the following types of shelves:

  • classic;
  • corner;
  • hinged;
  • floor;
  • modes;
  • exclusive.

Decide on the type of shelf, location. When choosing a place, remember that there are three zones in the dressing room: lower (up to 0.6 m), middle (from 0.6 to 1.9 m), upper (1.9 m and above). Consider the size of the shelf, based on the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. Prepare tools: a grinder, a jigsaw (hand saw), a screwdriver (screwdrivers), an electric drill, self-tapping screws or screws, wood varnish, a brush, a square, a hand mill.

When working, remember that every detail must be processed with a grinder. Work should be done with gloves, they will protect your hands from injury and will allow you not to stain the tree.

Manufacturing process

Take for example a standard rectangular shelf with parameters 250X300X1100 mm.

It is advisable to make open shelves to make it easier to find clothes. Alternatively, you can make shelves with glass doors.

Dressing room design

What should be remembered when decorating a dressing room?

  1. Light. The main rule of lighting is that the light should be as close to natural as possible, especially if there is no window in the dressing room. The most convenient lighting option is ceiling. For a small dressing room, you need to install spotlights or LED strip. A chandelier is suitable for a large one, and lamps on clothespins for a corner dressing room. Ceiling lighting can be combined with lighting sconces, floor lamps. As an option - lamps with a built-in motion sensor or lamps in the form of a decorative element.
  2. Ventilation. To prevent things from dampening, so that mold does not start on them, it is necessary to carry out ventilation. To the dressing room without a window, you need to bring the exhaust duct by installing a fan at its entrance. It will provide the necessary flow of air masses.
  3. Mirror. One of the main attributes of the dressing room is a mirror. For a dressing room, it is optimal to choose a full-length mirror in order to see your own image in full. The mirror can be hung on the wall or built into the wardrobe door, which will save a lot of space. In addition to the main function, the mirror adds light to the dressing room, helps to visually enlarge the space.
  4. Furniture. If space allows, a small table, ottoman or easy chair should be placed in the dressing room. They are not only decorative elements, but also carry a functional load. It is important that the pieces of furniture are not bulky, but fit well into the decor of the room.
  5. Accessories. Small decorative accessories will bring brightness, make it more elegant, aesthetically attractive. A small carpet in the center, glass vases with flowers or decorative stones, or airy figurines will add extra gloss.

Dressing room design should not be independent. It must be done in the same style as the design of the entire apartment. To do this, you can choose the same color scheme or common interior elements that connect all rooms.

Rules for storing things in the dressing room

DIY wardrobe room - project development

The following rules for storing clothes and shoes should be observed.

  • Have separate shelves for men's and women's clothing. This will streamline the search for things, avoid confusion.
  • For outerwear, allocate a place at the entrance. They have the most germs from the street.
  • Do not mix underwear with bedding. Place separate shelves or baskets under them.
  • It is advisable to use a rotating shoe cabinet for storing shoes. More pairs of shoes will fit into such a closet than regular shelves.
  • For small items of clothing (underwear, ties, belts, etc.), take shelves with special cells.
  • Use the entire space for shelves for things: from the floor to the ceiling.
  • In the upper zone it is convenient to store hats, bedspreads, seasonal items.
  • Take the middle zone to store the most frequently used things. All rods with hangers should also be located there.
  • Adjust the lower zone for bed linen and shoes.

Video: How to make a dressing room

50 photo ideas for convenient organization of the dressing room: