Communication with clients: the secrets of successful communication. Four basic rules for communicating with clients

The success of trade enterprises is directly related to how their staff communicates with people. From the first minute of a telephone conversation until the moment when the client leaves the company, every word in the dialogue between the employee and the buyer is a component of a successful transaction. This is all the more important because communication between the personnel of the service company and the consumers of its services most often one.

The ability to communicate with a client is not limited to simple sociability. A conversation with a client should be structured in such a way that it would result in the purchase of a product (service) of this particular enterprise, as well as a repeated visit of the consumer. In the process of competent communication with consumers, services, it is possible:

establish strong and long-term relationships with clients;

receive prompt and reliable information about the quality of services provided;

identify and study new needs and requests of customers;

avoid conflicts, disagreements and misunderstanding of the parties;

convince the interlocutor (client) of the correctness of his choice;

establish a trusting relationship;

increase sales and gain a foothold in the market.

Studies have shown that in the process of communication, information is exchanged in three directions: a visual signal makes up 55% of the message volume; the tonality of the voice conveys 38% of the information; and only 7% of the information is transmitted directly in the conversation. Therefore, it is equally important to understand what information the client conveys to the seller with his facial expressions, gestures, posture, and what information - movements.
A customer can feel cared for if the salesperson is leaning forward slightly, his face expressing complicity. The openness of an employee of the enterprise in relation to the client can be demonstrated by leisurely gestures, a straight, even back, a calm facial expression, and neutral eye contact. Ease in conversation is expressed by a smile, wide eyes, a calm and gentle posture.
It is considered unacceptable to display aggressiveness towards the consumer of services - a tense posture with the chin pushed forward, arms folded on the chest, clenched teeth and burning eyes.
Voice and intonation carry 38% of the information that people transmit and receive in the process of communication. Speech experts say that a low voice is preferable because it is easier to hear and sounds more pleasant. A voice devoid of intonation sounds monotonous, does not allow the listener to fully perceive what was said. If by the end of the phrase the intonation goes up, the listener involuntarily expects to continue.
Everyday courtesy is the most important component in the work of the service industry. Special meaning politeness is when communicating on the phone, since the interlocutors are deprived of the opportunity to see each other. A polite voice in a telephone conversation should sound pleasant, be filled with patience and participation.
The voice may be quiet or loud. The loudness of the voice reflects interest, sincerity, confidence in what was said, but at the same time it can demonstrate impatience, irritation.
The speed of speech is also of no small importance. Speech that is too slow can irritate the interlocutor, and when the pace is too fast, attention is focused not on the content of the conversation, but on the speed of speech.
Good diction, clear pronunciation, professional terminology, rich vocabulary characteristic of a confident, businesslike, well-educated person. Vague wording, slurred pronunciation create the illusion of carelessness, sound unconvincing.
When communicating with customers, condescending, edifying intonations should be avoided. This does not contribute to trusting relationships, it causes a feeling of protest in the consumer. 0 Although the words themselves contain only 7% of the information received and transmitted, their meaning should not be ignored. It is with the help of words that communication becomes objective. At the same time, there are words that are always relevant and work for success, and there are those that need to be excluded from the lexicon. Words can scare away a client, but they can also attract him to a long-term cooperation.
Expressions such as "You should", "You should" should be avoided. Instead, it is preferable to use phrases that begin with the words: "Would you like," "Could you."
Common phrases such as "I'll try", "I'll try" cause the client to feel bewildered. His desire seems impossible, the employee of the enterprise relieves himself of responsibility for the final result, as a result, the client loses confidence in both the service offered and the enterprise.
It is better to formulate in this way: "We can offer you", "You can do this", "You should like it."
When communicating with customers, the preposition "but" should be completely eliminated. "But", sounded after any phrase, completely denies everything previously said. It's better to say "however"; while providing smooth transition to new information, options and alternatives.
The customer's name is one of the words that have magic power. Addressing a client by name" emphasizes the individuality of communication; creates the feeling that all the company's staff is ready to take into account any wish of this particular person. The names of regular customers should be entered in a special client directory, client card file, personal client card, daily visit schedule, etc. .
Some words, regardless of context, have a strong emotional coloring and therefore can be used to influence the opinions of consumers and customers. For example:

to attract customers over the age of 60, you can use any words related to the concept of "cost", cheap, economical, guaranteed, quality, price, etc.;

to attract a wider range of customers aged 40 to 60 years will help the words associated with the concept of "health" - safe, clean, natural, eco-friendly, proven, authentic, reliable, etc.;

for clients in the age group from 25 to 40 years, the key concepts are "success" and "attractiveness". Accordingly, the preferred words would be: popular, status, prestigious, ambitious, independent;

for customers under the age of 25, the words are especially significant: stylish, entertaining, new, stimulating, fun, progressive, modern.

Effective communication with a client involves not only the ability to speak, but also the ability to listen. Listening is considered a key element of communication and requires active work. This allows you to absorb the information that the interlocutor conveys. An attentive listener should be able to understand the hidden hints of the client. At the same time, it is important not just to listen to the words, but to capture the general mood of the client. All this helps to take an active part in the conversation.
If the client during the conversation reveals some facts of his personal life, he expects a certain response. Her absence leaves the client with the impression that he is being ignored. At the same time, the manifestation of excessive curiosity is unacceptable. It is enough to show polite participation, to make a sincere compliment, to demonstrate your interest.
When talking with a client, an employee of the enterprise can voice his feelings or hidden thoughts, commenting on one or another statement of the client. This method of "reflective listening" helps to focus on the client's emotions and clarify his wishes.
Another form of active listening is paraphrasing in the form of verbatim reproduction, interpretation, summation of what was said.
All these methods of participation in a conversation facilitate communication, give a business conversation a confidential character. As a result, the consumer becomes more receptive to advice; inclined to make the positive purchase decision that the service enterprise employee leads him to.
Establishing a trusting relationship between the producer and consumer of services and achieving positive result facilitates the use of ready-made, pre-thought-out dialogue scenarios. They will help to familiarize the client with the list of services provided by the company. Scenarios of such dialogues will help to avoid misunderstanding, which is most often the reason why the client does not use the services of this company in the future. The farewell dialogue with the client should be structured in such a way that the client leaves the enterprise with the thought of a new visit.
Planning a future customer visit is based on a discussion of the features and benefits of the services offered by the enterprise in comparison with similar service products of competitors.
To get the most detailed information from the client about his expectations, needs and requests, you need to be able to ask questions. Any question, regardless of its content, controls the consciousness of the person involved in the conversation. Therefore, correctly posed questions are a key element in communicating with a client.
Most effective method to strike up a conversation that will be interesting to the client is to ask a question containing a tempting offer. An introductory comment by an employee of the enterprise should make the client want to learn more about a particular product or service. By asking guiding questions, the employee of the enterprise (salesperson) can better understand the desires and needs of the client, as well as carefully lead him to a positive decision.
There are two types of questions that are aimed at different results. To get the most detailed information about the client's desires, you should ask him open-ended questions. Closed questions require a short answer "yes" or "no".
In order to capture the attention of the client, you should ask questions that focus attention, for example: "Do you agree with me if you do this?", "Is it worth it?" etc.
To successfully complete a transaction, it is necessary to ask the client questions that inevitably cause an affirmative answer "yes". This creates a favorable buying mood; the customer agrees with the seller's proposals. The seller's answers to customer questions are also important here. Confident, encouraging responses from an employee are evidence of competence. If the client understands that his requests are met with understanding, he will treat the company and its staff with more confidence, a positive decision will be made faster.
The main purpose of communication with the client is to persuade him to make a purchase. At present, in a well-developed market for a variety of services, the personnel of service enterprises, especially those who directly communicate with customers, are required to know the specifics and benefits of the services provided.
New trends in the development of a product (service) promotion system require fundamentally new methods of working with consumers from enterprises. One of the main tools is to work according to a predetermined scenario. In this case, the scenario is considered as a program of actions for an employee of an enterprise in the process of communicating with a client. It must provide possible options development of the situation - from the client's interest in making a purchase to resistance to the incoming offer. Having once created programs for each type of service, it is enough for the enterprise to make only certain adjustments depending on changing conditions. – The main parts of the script are: appointment, introduction, offer, features, benefits, completion of the transaction, finale.

In contact with


From this article you will learn:

  • What you need to know about the right communication with the client
  • How to turn customer communication into your company's golden fund
  • What are the best ways to communicate with customers?
  • What not to do when communicating with a client

Today, business relationships between people around the world are built mainly on trade. It can be not only the sale of goods, but also services, copyrights, etc. Thus, our society is divided into buyers and sellers who are in constant interaction with each other. And the success of all commercial transactions depends on how high-quality this cooperation will be, how competent communication with customers will be. Of course, this is not the only criterion for success. trading business First of all, the quality of the product or service itself is important. But many shortcomings can be compensated for with the right communication. A buyer who is satisfied with the service will definitely return to you again, and will not go to competitors. And, on the contrary, if your staff is not attentive enough to visitors or is rude, the buyer will no longer step over the threshold of your store, no matter how high the quality of the goods. This article will touch upon all the nuances of interaction with consumers, give examples of proper communication, consider phrases that should not be used, and will also analyze various techniques successful from the point of view of psychology. The article will help you build a competent sequence when communicating with a client and attract new customers.

How to establish good communication with clients

Regardless of how the communication with the client is built - via telephone or personal contact - it is the first impression that plays a fundamental role and ultimately affects the outcome of the conversation. Here it is important to follow a number of rules, as well as adhere to the sequence of stages when interacting with the consumer. Most important rule- directing the conversation in the direction you need and leading the interlocutor. It is necessary not only to be able to tell him about the advantages of your product and service and the benefits of working with you, but also to ask the right questions in time to identify the needs and preferences of the client.

Communication should be open and friendly: do not raise your voice, argue, put pressure on the buyer, impose your product on him, be overly intrusive. But it is important to be the leader of the conversation and be able to keep everything under control. It is important to conduct a dialogue, involving the interlocutor in communication, and not just speak a memorized boring speech. You need to interest him in your product or service, as well as gain confidence and arrange for interaction with you.

How to properly clarify customer objections? Find out in the training program

How to behave during a conversation

The correct line of behavior of the staff plays a big role. The probability of a purchase will increase significantly if the cooperation between the manager and the client is successful. It is important to show due and at the same time unobtrusive attention to the buyer, showing him that you are interested in making him satisfied. To do this, you need to be able to arrange the interlocutor, using a smile and a friendly tone. Emotionality in communication is also very important: the buyer will not show interest in either you or the product if you speak in a monotone. If during the conversation you use the right emotions, this will help to interest the interlocutor and make the dialogue more lively and relaxed.

Every salesperson needs to have good diction. It is important not only to know what exactly needs to be said to the buyer, but also to be able to clearly and correctly do it. The manager should not have speech impediments. The buyer should see a real professional in front of him, who knows how to talk about the product, answer all questions of interest, with whom it is pleasant to have a conversation. Nobody is interested in an insecure employee who does not know how to connect two words. When communicating with a client, it is also important to get to know him and in the future to address him by name. Such a psychological technique helps to position the interlocutor, giving communication a more personal character. It is very important to listen to the buyer and in no case interrupt him, but at the same time direct the conversation in the right direction if he starts to move away from the main topic.

How to talk about a product or service

Often there are difficulties in communicating with a sales client at the very first stage of the conversation - he is initially not interested in hearing about the product. How to present your product or service to the customer in a profitable way? the main task– to interest him in the product and pay attention to your company. People are very fond of promotions and special offers, and this can not be used to attract new customers, as well as retain existing ones. During communication with the consumer, tell about ongoing promotions, explain all the benefits of buying this particular product, interest in a novelty that has recently entered the market. Find out the needs and interests of the client in order to offer the right product for him, meeting all his wishes and requirements.

Once you've decided on the buyer's requirements, focus his attention solely on the details that interest him. There is no need to overload the interlocutor with an excessive amount of information in which he will only get confused. It will be sufficient during communication to correctly place accents and describe the product precisely according to the parameters that are of interest to the client. The final stage is to work out all the objections of a potential buyer, thereby dispelling his doubts, and encourage him to make a purchase. Even if the consumer, after communicating with you, refused to purchase a product or pay for a service, you need to maintain goodwill and courtesy towards him. Then there is a very high probability that the visitor will come to you in the future, remembering your professionalism and desire to help with the choice. Therefore, comply correct sequence stages when communicating with a client is very important if you want to grow your business.

Simple rules of communication with the client

There are many examples of successful sales when a person just went to a store just for the sake of interest, and after talking with an employee trading floor went out with a purchase. It speaks of professionalism and high level salesperson training. Many consumers need to be encouraged to make a purchase. To do this, specialists in the field of trade and psychology have developed a number of rules. If sales managers follow them, the company's turnover will definitely increase.

  1. Customer orientation. The most important thing when communicating with a client is to convince him that you are pursuing his interests, and not yours, and really want to help him. This will instill confidence in the buyer and help win him over. Openness and goodwill are one of the main keys to success. You need to be especially careful in those moments when the visitor himself asks you questions. Answers should be as informative and detailed as possible. You need to show that the buyer is important to you, and you are ready to answer all his questions. Indifferent, dry remarks will leave a bad impression on the quality of service.

There are several ways to show your interest:

  • when talking with the buyer, your attention should be focused only on him. You can not be distracted by extraneous matters;
  • communication should be emotionally colored. It is important that the interlocutor sees a living person in front of him, and not a robot;
  • during communication, you need to look the interlocutor in the eyes;
  • it is important to have a dialogue, encouraging the client not only to listen, but also to speak;
  • it is necessary to give as much valuable information about the product as possible for the buyer, but at the same time make sure not to overload it with unnecessary information.

Try to communicate with the buyer in the most understandable language for him. No need to delve into professional terminology that a person does not understand. If we are talking about, for example, a blender, it is not necessary to say that its power is 1500 watts. This information may be completely useless to the client. It would be much better if you list the main products that you can grind with it. So you talk about technical specifications goods, but they will be clear not only to you, but also to the buyer.

  1. Don't stoop to the level of the client. At first glance, this is rather strange advice, because the first rule says that you need to speak with the buyer in his language. This is undeniable. This rule was created only to warn you against the possibility of a conflict brewing when communicating with a client. The contingent of buyers is completely different, and not all of them are able to communicate adequately, allowing themselves to use profanity and rudeness. It is in these cases that one cannot become like ill-mannered people and respond with aggression. It is important to be able to remain calm and find the strength to always be polite and friendly. The reputation of the company you work for depends on it.
  2. The client is always right. It has long been a beaten and memorized rule by all sales managers. But it is not entirely correct. Every salesperson understands that the customer is actually right in very rare cases. Most potential buyers do not know what they really want and understand your store's products much worse than you. It is you who is the owner of the store, not the client, and it is you who are in charge here, because everything that happens to him depends on you: whether he can find the product he needs, whether he leaves with the purchase. But in no case should the buyer know this. He must believe that only he is right.
  3. Don't insist. When offering your product or service, do not go too far and do not be too intrusive. There is no need to put pressure on the buyer, forcing him to make a choice and make a purchase right now, if it is noticeable that he is not ready to do this. A person should not get the impression that you imposed a product that he did not need at all.
  4. Don't get lost. If we are not talking about a one-time sale, but long-term cooperation (regular deliveries of goods, construction, a large project, etc.), a very important rule of communication with the company's customers is to always be in touch. Firstly, the customer may want to know how the work is progressing and at what stage of the process, whether everything is going according to plan and whether he should be worried. Secondly, the client may want to make some amendments to the original project plan. Keeping in touch is in your best interest. If the customer remains dissatisfied with the result of the work on which you spent more than one day, it will be much more difficult to fix everything than if checks and adjustments were made in intermediate stages.

These five communication rules will help you not only find the right approach and arrange for a conversation with any buyer, but also bring him to the conclusion of the transaction.

The main generally accepted standards of communication with the client

Every self-respecting organization necessarily develops internal regulations and standards for communication with the company's customers. They are aimed at properly establishing a dialogue with the buyer and building a competent sequence of stages of communication with him. This article will describe the main standards, on the basis of which you can develop your own regulations.

1. Emotional attitude and openness to the client. Employees of the trading floor or sales office should look so that the visitor wants to contact them. Here we are not talking about the external data of the staff, which, by the way, is also important, but about the image of a friendly manager who is ready to advise and help. Salespeople, of course, are people too and have the right to be in a bad mood, but this should in no way affect communication with customers. Bad mood should be left at home or on the street, and at the workplace, the employee should be with a friendly smile, and not scare away visitors with a sour expression on his face.

2. The client does not have to wait. There is hardly a person who dreams of sitting in line for an hour or two. Waiting is painful for anyone. Therefore, it is important to ensure that your customer service is built in such a way that there are as few waiting visitors as possible. If there are such people, you need to show maximum care for those who are waiting for their turn. First you need to apologize to the person and clarify how long he will be served. Often this is important, because, perhaps, at this time he will be able to solve some of his other affairs. It is also necessary to entertain the guest with something if he is waiting for his turn in the hall: it can be magazines, catalogs, tea, coffee. The most important thing is that a situation does not arise: the visitor came in, and you did not pay attention to him, because you were busy. It is important to meet the client and let him know that he will definitely be served.

3. Be able to conduct a dialogue. To win over the interlocutor and impress him, you need to not only be tactful with him, but also in relation to your competitors. You should not compare your product with someone else's, pointing out the disadvantages of others and your own advantages. It is unlikely that you will inspire confidence if you discuss competitors. Also, do not engage in excessive self-promotion: it will look like boasting and exaggerating existing virtues.

It is better to avoid long monologues, lengthy descriptions and explanations. It is worth remembering the main characteristics and advantages of a particular product and conveying the very essence to the buyer without overloading him with unnecessary information. If you talk too much and for a long time, then, firstly, you can easily get confused yourself, and secondly, quickly tire the client. So that the visitor does not get tired of listening to you, you need to communicate with him in the form of a dialogue, ask questions, and involve him in the conversation.

4. Be able to hear and listen. These concepts, similar to each other, are somewhat different, because listening and hearing are different things, and a true professional in trading and in communicating with clients should know these differences. Listening is the ability to demonstrate to the interlocutor that you are listening. There is a special technique of active listening that everyone can master: you need to make eye contact, nod, do not interrupt.

The ability to hear is the ability not only to listen to a person, but also to understand everything that he wanted to convey to you. It is often very difficult to understand the buyer during communication with him. Many factors play a role here: people see the same things differently, a person does not always have sufficient knowledge to correctly express his thoughts and wishes. In such cases, you need to be able to unobtrusively get to the bottom of the truth, ask leading questions, find out as many details and details as possible. Sometimes it’s enough just to put yourself in the place of your interlocutor and look at the question through his eyes. When you master the ability to hear people, you can not only quickly help the buyer solve his problem, but you can also easily manipulate him, which is useful for the seller.

5. Address the client by name. How to win over an interlocutor with just one word? Say his name. A banal truth that has huge success in communicating with a client. When you address a person by name, a more comfortable, inviting and trusting atmosphere is created for him, and the importance of this particular buyer for you is also emphasized.

6. Don't lie. Your reputation will be completely undermined if you are caught lying. Never exaggerate the merits of the product and do not say what is not really there. Even a small lie can cause irreparable harm and lead to a loss of trust on the part of the client.

7. Always do a little more than is required. Very simple, but at the same time effective technique. Exceeding consumer expectations is easy enough. You need to give him a little more attention, provide an additional, even the most insignificant, service, pleasantly surprise him, and he will become your regular customer. The more you do for the buyer in the form of some kind of additional bonus, the more you will get in return. He is with more willing and with great interest will talk with you about further cooperation if you charm him with your special attitude.

Sequential stages of communication with the client

Stage 1. "Making contact" or "Establishing contact"

Any sale or transaction is impossible without this stage.

Purpose: to attract the attention of a potential buyer to yourself and arrange for further communication.

Before moving on to identifying the needs of the client, it is recommended to resort to communicating with him on abstract topics. There are a number of methods for establishing contact with the visitor. You can offer tea, coffee, make a couple of compliments, etc.

It is very easy to understand whether it was possible to establish contact with the buyer by his actions. If he actively enters into communication, responds positively to the words and actions of the seller, behaves at ease and relaxed, we can conclude that the connection has been established. If the client is tense, tense, avoids communication, answers questions dryly and briefly, looks away - this indicates that contact could not be established. In this case, the stage of making contact should be given more attention, using various techniques.

Stage 2. Identification of needs

Purpose: to identify the preferences and wishes of the client.

The more accurately the manager can identify the preferences of the buyer, the more favorable he will be able to present the product, which as a result will lead to a purchase.

To find out the needs of the client, the manager must use the correct sequence when communicating with him, be able to ask the right questions, listen and understand the interlocutor.

Stage 3. Presentation

Purpose: to offer exactly what the buyer needs, based on his needs, identified in the second stage of communication.

When presenting a product or service, the main thing is to convey to the client the benefits of purchasing the product. It is important not to confuse the concepts of "benefit" and "advantage" here.

Advantage- this is the benefit of this particular product in comparison with analogues. Anyone who purchases this product will benefit from this.

Benefit- this is such a feature or characteristic of the product that is able to satisfy the specific need of this particular buyer.

Thus, knowing all the needs identified during communication with the visitor, it remains only to correctly present exactly the product, which, according to its characteristics, corresponds to the wishes of the client. It turns out that any product parameters can become beneficial for a particular client.

Stage 4. Dealing with objections

Purpose: to dispel the buyer's doubts about the quality of the product or its compliance with the requirements, as well as the need to purchase.

The better the previous stages of interaction with the client are worked out, the fewer objections will follow. Perhaps the manager will conduct all communication so correctly that he will not encounter objections at all.

Often objections are related to the fact that:

  • not all customer needs have been identified;
  • weak contact was initially established, and not enough time was devoted to communication with the client;
  • the presentation was uninformative and failed to give full description goods, and thereby answer all the questions of the buyer.

Every manager who wants to achieve success in sales should try to minimize the number of objections, because their excess is a signal of a poorly done customer interaction.

It will not always be possible to completely avoid objections, so you need to learn how to respond to them correctly and take appropriate measures.

Clearly follow the scheme of work with objections:

  • listen to the objection of the buyer;
  • smooth out his emotions by using phrases of understanding (“I understand your indignation”, “Yes, I agree that it’s unpleasant ...”, “I understand how it is ...”, “I understand you”);
  • get the necessary clarifications through leading questions;
  • offer an alternative solution to the problem.

Stage 5. Completion of the transaction

Purpose: to bring the buyer to the purchase and confirm the correctness of his decision.

At the stage of completion of the transaction, you need to make sure that the client is ready to make a purchase. The manager can judge this by his behavior:

  • the client has already formed a positive opinion about the product;
  • he agrees with the words of the manager;
  • directly says that he is ready to purchase goods or conclude a contract for the provision of services;
  • Interested in details.

Deal completion methods:

  • compliment method ("You did right choice»);
  • a method that sets a certain time frame (“If you make a purchase within three days, you will be given a 20% discount”);
  • a win-win alternative (“Send measurers to you tomorrow or on Friday?”).

The turnover of the company directly depends on the professionalism of the customer service manager. The more skills and techniques he has, the more sales he can eventually make. Therefore, it is important to constantly train your staff and improve the skills of employees, send them to training sessions and lectures, develop and motivate them.

Psychology of communication with a client: effective methods of working with a difficult consumer

It is thanks to difficult customers that you can quickly identify and eliminate the shortcomings of your company, because such visitors will rush to point them out to you. The principle of working with such customers is to neutralize the pressure they exert, and not ignore them, and at the same time be able to convert them into the status of loyal customers.

  • Rudeness, aggressiveness of the client.

When communicating with a client, you should never imitate him if he behaves unworthily. In response to rudeness, abuse, disrespectful statements and gestures, he should see only your friendliness and calmness. You can not let the interlocutor piss you off.

Rudeness is used when there are no other ways to prove one's case or defend one's interests. When a person has tried all the other methods, used all the arguments and lost patience, he begins to be rude. Therefore, such harshness does not express the strength of the interlocutor, but only indicates his helplessness.

When communicating with these buyers, it is important to give them the opportunity to let off steam and show that you are ready to solve the problem. You need to listen to the client without interrupting him. It will be right to discard all emotions and, not paying attention to the presentation of information, get to the heart of the matter. To do this, you need to show the interlocutor that you are ready to listen to him calmly, no matter how much he swears, that you do not intend to argue, but want to help solve the problem.

In the case when a scandal occurs in front of other visitors, try to take the client away as soon as possible in order to continue communication in private or as far as possible from strangers.

  • Softness, shyness.

There are types of people who themselves will not make contact, because they are shy, do not want to be distracted, or are very shy by nature. When communicating with a manager with such clients, he needs to show as much gentleness as possible: no pressure, more smiles, encouraging remarks, pushing for a decision. Such a buyer needs to be led and guided, helped to make a choice and at the same time be very tactful and unobtrusive.

  • Client indecisiveness.

Do not confuse indecisive people with soft ones. Indecisive customers are mostly those who are afraid of making a mistake, and therefore cannot decide on a choice or decide whether they need a purchase in principle. Such buyers will constantly question the already decision, clarify the details, seek advice again and again. It is difficult for them to stop their choice on one thing. They will rush between various models one product and will not be able to select the one that suits them, because they will doubt that it is the best one. When communicating with such clients, you need to deliberately narrow the circle of choices. You shouldn't offer them six options at once, it's enough to focus their attention on two, and only in the case when they refuse these options, offer two others. This way you will help buyers make the right choice, and the purchase will not be delayed for several days.

Such clients also cannot be pressured and rushed. In no case do not show that you are tired of their indecision, but on the contrary, try to encourage and support their desire to make the right choice. During communication with the buyer, you need to instill confidence in him, dispelling his every doubt.

To push an indecisive person to make a purchase, it is often not enough just to present the product correctly. You need to use additional tools. In this case, you need to point out the limited quantity of this product, the upcoming price increase, or something else that will let the buyer understand that you should not delay the purchase, but you need to hurry up with the decision.

More intermediate fixes - more chances to agree on the whole. So that the client does not change his mind in the future, say that work on agreed issues already underway. Sometimes this is done on purpose so that the buyer will no longer return to this. It’s better for him to get scared and refuse altogether than to deal with his doubts endlessly, wasting time and not being sure that the deal will take place.

  • Familiarity.

There is a category of visitors who themselves are fluent in the techniques of communicating with people and methods of manipulating them. They will act overly friendly, trying to arouse your sympathy and thereby achieve a special location for themselves, in the hope of receiving some kind of personal bonuses. The task of the manager during communication with such clients is to show that he is also friendly and ready to cooperate, but adhere to business style communication, demonstrating professionalism and seriousness.

  • Talkativeness.

As in life, at work you can often encounter a chatty client. It is quite difficult to have a dialogue with such a person. Nevertheless, you need to try to focus his attention on your proposal and control the communication process. Here you need to have time to correctly insert your remarks into long monologues during pauses, without interrupting the interlocutor.

Ask leading questions that bring the buyer back to the topic of conversation, draw his attention to the product. Do not try to say more than the interlocutor, strive to say the most important thing. Your task is not to talk to the client, but to convey the essence to him.

  • Silence of the client.

You can contrast a talker with a silent visitor. The difficulty in communicating with such clients lies in the fact that sometimes it is not easy to understand the reaction of a person to your words. Here it is important not to go into a long monologue, but to involve the interlocutor in a dialogue, asking his opinion and encouraging him to communicate. It is best to give information in portions, constantly monitoring the reaction of the buyer.

It is necessary to ask as many questions as possible, revealing the needs of a person, and in those rare moments when he speaks, listen carefully to him. The Echo method will work great here. Its essence is repetition. last words interlocutor.

  • Demonstration of competence.

This buyer is well versed in your product and is familiar with its properties and characteristics. He will hasten to demonstrate his knowledge during communication, considering this a dignity and superiority. You need to be tactful and not try to compete with him, proving that you are more aware. Give him the opportunity to show off his knowledge. Try to keep a casual conversation, ask questions and be an attentive listener.

If the buyer expresses his personal opinion about a particular product, specify what exactly it is based on. To do this, use the following questions: “Why did you decide so?”, “What is the reason for this?”. Try to translate the buyer's personal attitude towards the product into a set of specific arguments. It will be much easier to respond to them than to try to convince the interlocutor.

If during communication with the client you notice that he is mistaken, you do not need to directly point out the error and try to correct him immediately, as this can become a cause of dispute. Remember that your task is to sell a product, not to impose your opinion.

What rules dictate the ethics of communication with clients

Professional ethics of communication with clients includes the following rules:

  • always be able to put yourself in the place of the buyer and in no case allow him to be treated in such a way that you would not like to receive in your address;
  • in case of an ethical violation, immediately correct it as soon as it has been identified;
  • compliance with the tolerance of the company's employees to the moral principles, customs and traditions of other organizations and the surrounding world as a whole;
  • have your own opinion, but understand that it is not the only one that has the right to exist;
  • freedom that does not restrict the freedom of others;
  • ethical service behavior of an employee, which leads to the development of the organization from a moral point of view;
  • when communicating with a client, pressure on him or the manifestation of his superiority in the behavior of the manager is not allowed;
  • everyone possible ways find a compromise and avoid conflict;
  • the employee not only himself must behave correctly from the point of view of ethics, but also encourage the client to do so;
  • avoid criticism of the interlocutor.

When interacting with clients, do not:

  • throw mud at competitors. You should not discuss competitors and speak badly about them, even if this is true. If the client himself asks your opinion about a particular company, the review about it should be as neutral as possible, and it would be most correct to refer to your ignorance of how things are with competitors. The client's opinion about third-party organizations should be formed without your participation;
  • use slang. Often, employees communicate with each other and understand each other perfectly, but from the outside it seems that they speak foreign language. It will be difficult for the visitor to understand you and correctly navigate in your terms. Therefore, communication with customers must be conducted in a language they understand. Sometimes it is even better to show visually what you are trying to convey to the interlocutor;
  • let your emotions rule you. No matter how difficult the interlocutor is, no matter how he tries to piss you off, your main rule is to be calm. All of us, of course, are living people and have the right to emotions, but not a client manager. In response to any of their actions, the consumer should see only your goodwill and no irritability or aggression.

What should be the communication with the client on the phone

When communicating with a client on the phone, intonation plays the most important role. The impression of the conversation is formed in the first 20 seconds of communication. During the same time, the person decides whether he wants to continue the dialogue with you. Therefore, you need to monitor how you present information: your voice must be confident and your speech clear.

The structure of a telephone conversation is something like this:

Preparing for a conversation:

The phone call itself:

There are many techniques for communicating with customers over the phone. One of them is based on identifying the interlocutor's main sense organ for the perception of information. The fact is that for the knowledge of the world around us we all use hearing, sight, touch, kinesthetics, smell. But each person has a leading way of perceiving the world, by identifying which one can easily interest the client. You can determine the leading modality based on a conversation with him.

Examples of client statements indicating the predominance of one or another way of perceiving the world:

  • visual: "This looks attractive", "Such a description seems vague to me", "I see it this way ...", "Let's try to shed light on this problem";
  • auditory:“I heard you”, “Everything is not in time”, “It sounds like a good idea”, “I just can’t tune in to what you are saying”;
  • kinesthetic (motor, motor):“Try to weigh everything well”, “I feel that I can do it”, “He gives off warmth”, “This is a very slippery situation”;
  • olfactory:“It would be great to try it well”, “I just smelled like a solution.”

For many people, the priority way of obtaining information is visual, and this is easily understood by the use of verbs that define visualization: “see”, “imagine”, “seem”, “observe”, “see”, “decorate”, “look”, etc. e. Such people perceive what they see better than what they hear. They prefer to watch rather than listen to descriptions, even the most detailed ones. During communication, customers will record important points: they are very fond of illustrative examples, make a plan of action, take notes.

Auditory orientation is inherent in a much smaller number of people. When communicating with such consumers, you will hear verbs related to hearing: “heard”, “sounds”, “pronounced”, “cracks”, “squeaks”, etc. These interlocutors have a good auditory memory and are able to remember most of the conversation without any notes and notes on paper. Such people like to communicate, but are also easily distracted by extraneous sounds.

A very small group of people are guided by the kinesthetic style of communication. They often use verbs when speaking: “I build”, “I create”, “I use”, etc. Such people need to constantly be on the move, it is difficult for them to sit in one place. They show expression in communication, actively using facial expressions and gestures.

How to establish online communication with customers

It is necessary to join the circle of your target audience and make contact with it. To do this, they use various thematic blogs, pages to which a person must subscribe, all kinds of mailing lists and subscriptions. Create a team of like-minded people and actively communicate with their leaders.

Use your data, prepare for meetings together with your team:

  • select a few of the most important this moment questions (three to five);
  • check out the profiles of your interlocutor in social networks;
  • make up psychological picture a person, indicate on paper your assumptions about him;
  • decide what exactly is important for you to get from a person and how to build communication with a client.

Communication via e-mail:

  • Seamless grip. If there is a need to replace the manager who leads a particular client (vacation, sick leave, load sharing), this replacement should occur unnoticed by the consumer. To do this, the new manager must familiarize himself with all the nuances of the transaction. In this he is obliged to help the previous employee, who is aware of all the cases. He must convey everything related materials about this buyer and tell as much as possible about the details of the work done and future work with him.
  • Can't change email subject. During correspondence, the subject of the letter should remain the same as it was originally. Then the client and you will have the opportunity to filter this particular correspondence from among other letters. If you change the subject even a little, the letter will not get into the filter and will be lost. If some correspondence has come to a logical conclusion, and it becomes necessary to continue communication with the consumer on other issues, the conversation is assigned a new topic.
  • Talking theme. The topic should be structured in such a way as to convey the essence of the entire conversation.
  • Reply All. In the case when several interlocutors participate in the correspondence, it is necessary to use the "Reply to all" function in response to letters so that all participants in the conversation are involved in it and are aware of what is happening.
  • Summaryandcall to action. At the end of each of your letters, summarize and remind you what result you want to achieve. This is how you program the client's actions to achieve your goals.
  • Resume after skype chat. After the end of communication with the client via Skype, it would be right to send him a letter, which will describe the essence of the conversation and sum up the results. Thus, you will be sure that no one will forget what was said.
  • The last word. Always try to complete the communication with you. To do this, it is enough to use the phrases at the end of communication: “Thank you for your cooperation!”, “Thank you for your time!”, “Have a nice day!”.

Classic phrases for communicating with clients for all occasions

1. Incoming call (external/internal).

  • Greeting (external):"Good afternoon / morning / evening, company (name), position, department, name, I'm listening to you."
  • Greeting (internal):"Good afternoon / morning / evening, position, department, name, I'm listening to you."
  • Excluded phrases:“How can I be useful”, “I’m listening”, “You got it”, “(company name) is listening”, “Hello”, “At the device”.

2. Outgoing call to a new client.

  • "Good afternoon/morning/evening, my name is (name), I am (position/department) of the company (name)."
  • “Tell me, please, who can I talk to about organizing staff training?”
  • “Tell me, please, who is in charge of purchasing in your company?”

3. Outgoing call to the current client.

  • Excluded phrases:“Did you recognize me?”, “Can I disturb you?”, “You are calling”, “Sorry for disturbing you.”

4. Outgoing call to an old client who needs to be returned.

  • “Good afternoon / morning / evening, my name is (name), I am (position / department) company (name), can I speak with (full name)?”. If necessary, you can clarify what you are talking about.
  • “Good afternoon / morning / evening, my name is (name), I am (position / department) company (name). Are you comfortable talking now?
  • In case of a positive answer:"Thanks! We have already cooperated with you (what kind of cooperation, exactly), we would like to continue cooperation. Tell me, please, are you interested in (clarification)?
  • Excluded phrases: “Calling you”, “Worrying you”.
  • If the answer is negative:“When can I call you back so that it’s convenient for you (specify time and date)?”.

5. The client came to the office.

  • Unknown client, greeting:"Good afternoon / morning / evening, (come in / sit down)", "I'm listening to you."
  • Excluded phrases:“Whom are you?”, “Man!”, “Woman!”, “Who do you want?”; Phrases not recommended:“Is there anything to help you?”, “Are you looking for something / someone?”.
  • Familiar:“Good afternoon / morning / evening, (come in / sit down)”, “Good to see you.”

6. Meeting at the client's office.

  • Unknown client:“Good afternoon / morning / evening, my name is (name), I am (position / department) company (name), can I meet with (full name)?” If necessary, clarify on what issue.
  • Familiar client: Good afternoon / morning / evening, First name / Last name / Patronymic of the client, glad to see you ”(you can make a compliment).

7. End the conversation.

  • By phone or in person:“It was a pleasure to talk with you! Good luck, have a great day/week/weekend!” etc.


Show genuine interest in the person you are talking to.

Be careful, try to communicate in his language (use images that he understands, use his terminology), and do not forget to demonstrate your professional competence.

Address your opponent by his patronymic, avoiding familiarity or vague address.

Let him know that you are on his side and try to help him.


Do not get carried away by now fashionable adjustment and mirroring. By doing this intrusively and ineptly, you will only alienate customers and cause irritation.
Knowing how to talk to clients without causing such a reaction will achieve the best results in promoting your interests.

Useful advice

Do not forget to greet and say goodbye to the client, sincerely saying greetings and wishes.
Remember - the best seller not the one who actively offers the product, but the one who offers the client optimal solution his personal problem.


  • how to talk to the manager

Your personal success and the income of the company you work for as a whole largely depend on how well you build communication with your current and potential customers.


Even if you have a lot of work and a huge list of clients, you should not announce to each of them how many other buyers are ahead of him in the queue. Do everything in your power to make the client feel special and special. Of course, at the same time, it is worth observing self-esteem, otherwise the person will not see you as a person. Be calm and polite, but don't talk obsequiously to the person.

When selling a product or service, first find out the needs of the client, and only then proceed to the presentation. Some managers make a big mistake. They do not understand why a person came to them, what prompted the company to contact their organization, and immediately begin to offer something. Such a sale may not take place precisely because in this case the seller did not identify the needs of the buyer. Find out what the situation of your client is, what he expects, and only then start presenting the product or service.

When responding to client objections, follow certain rules. Do not argue with the buyer. Listen to his doubt or claim to the end. Do not interrupt the client, let him speak. Then demonstrate that you share his concerns, that his question is well founded. If this is not possible, then at least just show that you understand the client. You can ask clarifying questions to clarify the situation. Then answer the objection clearly, clearly and with reason. Check if the client understood you and clarify if you dispelled his doubts.

The basis of the correct treatment of customers is how you perceive them. If you treat your customers solely as cash cows, you are unlikely to succeed in productive communication. And when you talk to the buyer with respect, attention and sincere interest, demonstrate your disposition and desire to help, he feels it.

Ivan Kobelev, head of the customer support department of the 1PS.RU Service, spoke about how to improve the conversion of the sales department by 2 times by correcting only 8 errors in the telephone conversations of managers.

It will increase the conversion of your site and bring you new customers. But, it is very important to understand that the result, whether you close the deal or not, depends very much on the managers of your sales department.

Huge efforts and budgets are spent on website promotion and advertising.

And, when there is literally a phone call before the transaction, the sale does not occur or occurs only in 15% of cases.
Why is that? Why is this place in the sales funnel considered the narrowest and most vulnerable in many companies?
Most often the reason is in the manager. Especially if it is a young specialist who does not have sufficient experience and knowledge.

Rule 1. “I don't recognize you in makeup. Who are you?"

Often inexperienced specialists begin a telephone conversation with the words:
"Hello. Company "X", you left us a request. Tell…"
As a rule, the user leaves an application for more than one company and not only for one particular topic. That is why it is so important to correctly say who you are, where you are from and for what specific reason you are calling, so that your potential client understands it right away.
Otherwise, you start wasting time and customer loyalty.
Therefore, make sure that managers address by name and introduce themselves as clearly as possible:
“Hello, Ivan. My name is Peter, the Peretyazhka company. We do furniture repair. Today you left an application for a sofa upholstery in 1985 on our website divan.rf.
And they continued to clarify until the client says: “Yes, yes, I remember.”

Rule 2. "Politeness costs nothing, but brings a lot"

Any conversation should start with the phrase:
"Are you comfortable talking now?"
If you do not ask such a question, then after 3-4 minutes the client can tell about it himself and ask to call back, then he will have to repeat everything again.
Politeness, respect for the client's time and saving your own is the key to high sales.
This rule does not always apply to cold calls, this type of conversation should be considered individually, depending on the type of business.

Rule 3. "Remember that for a person the sound of his name is the sweetest and most important sound of human speech"

The name of a person is a word that makes you pay attention to the one who calls him.
A person begins to listen and perceive information better. Just call the client by name more often - this will save you from having to repeat the same information several times in a row. And who doesn't like being addressed by their first name?

Rule 4

Rule 5. "Exceed expectations"

Rule 6. "The customer is always right"

The main rule for posing the question is: if the client answers “not right or wrong”, then the manager asked the question incorrectly.
A competent employee asks questions in detail and as clearly as possible, without using terminology that is incomprehensible to the client.
Don't ask:
“What form of capture would you like to put on the site?”
It's better to ask:
“Alexander, tell me how it is more convenient for you: to immediately receive calls from clients or first to receive some information about the client, and then call him? If you call yourself, it makes sense to add a form to the site with the "Submit Request" button.

Rule 7. "Understanding is the beginning of agreement"

If there is even a little doubt about whether you understand the client correctly, it is better to ask again. To do this, a good manager at the beginning or at the end of the phrase adds “do I understand correctly?”.
For example:
Client: “The main thing is that I want the apartment to be clean.”
Manager: "Ivan, that is, you need to install windows with increased protection against dust, dirt, noise, which are easy to clean, but not necessarily snow-white, do I understand correctly?"

At the end of the conversation, a competent manager will definitely ask:
"Do you have any questions?"
Because they can be, but for some reason the client may not set them. And with such a question, we will push the client to ask his own.
If you do not answer the question, several more may arise against its background that will interfere with the transaction. Or competitors will answer this question to the client, and the client will go to them.
At first glance, the advice may seem primitive, and everyone may think that this is elementary.
Yes, this is elementary, but, unfortunately, many managers do not pay attention to simple rules. Make sure they are not your managers.

Direct communication with the client can be called the most traditional, and, undoubtedly, effective method of increasing sales that has been proven over the years. Oddly enough, over time, we forgot how effective and efficient communication with a client can be directly, without a monitor screen or a huge podium. It's time to refresh your memory a little and at the same time add a few new ones, fresh ideas into this methodology.

All clients at a glance.
Manage customer relationships, work productively with leads in CRM!

A few simple but highly effective communication tactics

How to communicate with clients in order to achieve significant results without fail? The secret is simple: be open, benevolent, but don't flatter. A person usually feels his interlocutor on a subconscious level. Therefore, when communicating with a client, first of all, you need to make it clear that you are friendly, open for contact and ready to provide a solution to all his problems. But do without flattery. Perhaps it is flattery that is the irritant that negatively affects any business relationship.

It is also important to remember that in no case should you put pressure on and demand something from a future customer. The offer of cooperation or the purchase of products should be extremely easy and unobtrusive. Describe it as a fait accompli, as if the customer has already tried a test product or used a proposed service and received unique benefits as a result. This method really helps to incline potential client to making a purchase.

Many do a few more, that's enough blunders. The main thing that can also be violated is giving the buyer full attention. As a rule, when the issue of purchasing this or that thing is decided, the buyer simply expects active participation and attention to his person. In this regard, you can try to apply one little secret. It lies in the fact that the seller during the conversation shows the buyer that he is the only and most desirable client for the company. Try your best and in full reveal all the wishes of the buyer, give him the opportunity to talk about his needs, while spending time with benefit and comfort.

Non-standard ways of communicating with the client

How do you actually have a conversation? You can, of course, answer in a standard way: “polite and courteous,” but some may simply not be interested in such an attitude. An experienced and qualified specialist always knows how, as if by chance, to adapt to the manner of communication and behavior of the buyer. This helps to build confidence in potential buyer and encourage him to make a purchase.

In conclusion, I would like to note the importance of emotions. Emotional support and a positive attitude can make it much easier and more effective to communicate with a customer. At the sight of a gloomy, silent and emotionally restrained consultant, an ordinary buyer simply loses the desire for further cooperation. But try to show sincere emotions, a fake smile will not help the cause.