Brownie among the Slavs. Forgotten gods of the ancient Slavs. Brownie. Spirits of the forest and water

In a dream, you can see any events. They can be both very pleasant and those that upset you. Why dream a little boy? How to interpret such a dream?

What is the dream of a little boy - the main interpretation

Small children always evoke positive emotions, they do not let you feel sad and bored. But what does the dream in which you met a little boy mean? It is important to remember all its details:

Where exactly did you see the boy?

How did he behave?

What did he do?

Has he spoken to you?

What emotions did the dream evoke in you?

If in a dream you see a little boy at home, such a dream means that pleasant surprises await you. You will be very surprised at what will happen next in your life. These will be pleasant moments, after a long period of stagnation.

If in a dream you pick up a little boy, such a dream means that you will be happy to meet new and very pleasant people. Soon you will be able to expand your social circle and this will allow you to feel more confident in life.

If you dream that a little boy opens his mouth and asks for food, you may be asked for some kind of favor. Do not refuse, because you yourself may need help in solving many issues and then you yourself will seek help.

If you dream that a little boy is crawling around the apartment - in reality you will be very passionate about something. You can even forget about many important matters and get into a routine. The dream book advises you to prioritize so as not to miss important points and the opportunities you need.

Why dream of a little boy who cries bitterly - such a dream means that someone close to you will need your support and help and you will try to help with all your might. But, if in a dream you hear a baby crying, and it starts to annoy you, such a dream means that you will be very upset about something.

Your frustration will have good reason, but you will not be able to defend your point of view. Nobody will support you, nobody will help you. In such a situation, you should go to the end and believe in yourself, because the truth is on your side.

If in a dream you see a small child in a stroller, you will think about significant changes in life, you will want to build something new, get new opportunities from life. Thanks to perseverance and work - you will be able to get it, you will be able to realize your financial plans to be realized in personal life.

The dream in which you roll a child in a stroller indicates that you will guide people, you will give them an impetus for change. You will advise, and your advice and decisions will become important to someone.

The dream in which you dress up a little boy indicates that you will want to change the situation, you will want to reevaluate yourself and your life. Also, such a dream may indicate that soon things will happen in your life. important changes that you have been waiting for.

The dream in which you bathe a little boy indicates that you want to wash yourself off the troubles that will fall on you in the near future. Try not to take other people's words and actions to heart. They will try to put you in a bad light for you.

If you bathe a little boy in a dream, who splashes with water and frolics joyfully, you will get a lot of pleasure from everything that will happen in your life. You will be just as joyfully surprised at every new day, every event in your life.

If the baby is naughty in the bathroom and does not want to listen to you, get ready for sharp drops moods and sudden changes in life. You will be happy only when everything is your way. This is selfish of you, but you have done so much to get the result that you can now hope for the greatest praise. But, unfortunately, close people may not support you.

If in a dream you feed a little boy from a spoon - in reality you will help someone solve serious problems. But don't let this person manipulate you further. Let him learn to solve his problems on his own.

The dream in which you are trying to feed a little boy, but he is resisting, indicates that soon you will try to convince someone close to you not to make a fatal mistake. Unfortunately, you may not be able to. If in a dream a child still agrees to eat a treat, in reality you will eventually be able to convince a person to make the right decision.

What is the dream of a little boy according to Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says that a little boy is dreaming as a symbol of upcoming pleasant changes in your personal life. We can talk about both new relationships and the development of old relationships, their transition to the highest level.

If a lonely girl dreams of a little boy whom she takes in her arms, she will soon need the love and care of a strong and independent man. But today she does not have such a man. And the dream book advises her to be as attentive as possible to all the meetings that will happen soon in her life.

If a lonely girl dreams that she is putting a little boy to bed, she has long buried dreams of her happy personal life. And now she can sadly recall those relationships that previously brought her a lot of joy. Today she is immersed in herself and simply cannot find her place in this life.

If a man dreams that he is putting a little boy to bed, in reality he may be jealous and feel competition from another man. A dream in which a little boy is naughty in the arms of a man indicates that it is time for him to take care of his soulmate. It's time to become prudent and make sure that there is a loving and tender woman nearby.

If he does not do this now, then later he simply will not be able to realize himself as a father and good husband. If in a dream a young girl dreams that she is playing hide and seek with a baby, a pleasant romantic adventure awaits her, which she will remember for a long time.

If a pregnant girl dreams of a little boy, she may no longer worry about her pregnancy, soon she will be a happy mother of a healthy baby. The main thing now is not to miss the opportunity to relax and enjoy life.

What is the dream of a little boy in the Esoteric dream book

The dream book says that a dream about a little boy is an exceptionally favorable dream that portends only pleasant changes. In a dream, you can hear a child's cry, see the baby's whims, but this does not mean at all that you will encounter some kind of difficulties and obstacles. In fact, such a dream means that you yourself will not make an informed decision on an issue that concerns you for a long time. You will put off an important conversation, or an important meeting.

A dream in which you see hundreds of little boys indicates that you are confused in your life and are afraid to make the wrong choice. Don't be nervous. In the end, you will make exactly the decision that you need so much.

The dream in which you stroke a little boy on the back speaks of the coming period of rest and relaxation. Try to use it as efficiently as possible. Don't procrastinate and don't force things.

What is the dream of a little boy in other dream books

Grishina's dream book says that a little boy dreams as a symbol of new acquaintances and new experiences in his personal life. You should not be upset and think about whether you did the right thing. You will soon realize if it was worth it to worry. Most probably not.

The dream in which you are walking with a little boy in the park speaks of your need for attention from another person. The dream in which you see a little boy who laughs means that it will seem to you that everything in life is easy and passed. But life will be different for you.

Aesop's dream book says that a little boy in a lonely woman's dream is a harbinger for her to appear in the life of an adult, loving man. She will certainly be happy, will enjoy life and stop appreciating what she received from life as a gift. Whatever you dream about, it is worth remembering that in real life you are in control of the situation. Therefore, do not be upset if the dream does not bode well - in reality everything can be different.

Small children in many cause tenderness and only positive emotions. Therefore, the dreams in which they appeared most often leave a pleasant impression. To obtain accurate information, it is worth considering how the boy looked, what he did and others, no less important details. In addition, for the interpretation of dreams, it is important to take into account the events that happen to you in real life.

Why is the little boy dreaming?

A child plays in a dream - this is a symbol that you can cope with an existing problem without anyone's help. If you rocked a little boy, it means that in real life you have great patience and can easily realize your plans. If in a dream you had to kiss a little boy, it means that ahead of you is waiting for you at work and family relationships. For a man, a dream in which he saw himself as a little boy portends the onset of a moment in life that will drastically change his life. If a small child is dreaming of a boy who is crying, then soon you will repent of something. It can also be considered a warning that someone from your environment underestimates you and often believes in rumors. Seeing a child run to a meeting means you can find your purpose in life.

A dream in which a little boy was in his arms predicts troubles and various experiences that will be associated with positive events. If you picked up an unfamiliar, stray child in your arms, this is a symbol that you are a self-sufficient person who can defend his point of view. Seeing a little boy die in his arms means to expect the performance cherished desire. If in a dream you had to feed a little boy, it means that in the future your financial situation will be stable, and happiness will come in the family. Night dreams, in which an unfamiliar boy turned out to be your son, predict disappointment in love relationships which can lead to distrust of the opposite sex.

For a woman to see a little boy in a dream, it means that in reality it is worth learning to control her own. If a child laughs merrily, this is a symbol of a new romantic relationship. One of the dream books contains information that dreams about a little boy portend success in work and business. If a little boy dreamed in a dream, then you can find out something unexpected for you or get some kind of surprise.

A dream with the presence of a boy, depending on the events in which he participates, his age or attitude towards the one who is dreaming, can mean completely different things in real life. But in general, most dream books are of the opinion that this is a positive dream, promising success, joy and favor of fate.

What is the dream of a little boy according to Miller's dream book

One of the most authoritative dream books, talking about what dreams infant the boy notes that this is important news for the family or work. A crying boy in a dream informs that you pay too little attention to loved ones. A cheerful boy dreams of great love, and a handsome boy - to great happiness and soon well-being.
A childless girl's dream, where she shakes a little boy, speaks of a possible betrayal by a loved one. Seeing the birth of a boy in a dream means improving the life in the family and the onset of peace. If a childless girl wants to become a mother, such a dream portends news of an imminent replenishment in the family.

For a pregnant girl, a dream in which she sees childbirth, during which a boy is born, portends that her own childbirth will be swift. If a pregnant woman in a dream spends time with a little boy, this is fortunately in the family, if she kisses a child - to success in work. I dreamed of a strange little boy during pregnancy - you are afraid of childbirth.
If a mother dreams about the death of a strange boy, she is not sure about the future and worries about it.
For a man, sleeping with a little boy means success in business, prospects for work.

What is the dream of the boy according to Wangi's dream book

Vanga's dream book, when asked what the boy is dreaming of, answers as follows:

  • if a boy cries in a dream, this may be an omen of trouble;
  • a dream in which there are several male children means a lot of minor troubles;
  • if in a dream you are playing with a boy, in real life you will have to look for a job for a long time, and if you are looking for a child, you will have to look for a solution to a difficult issue.

If a mother dreamed that her son was crying, this could mean that in real life she would suffer from some act of his.

Child-boy according to the dream book of Nostradamus

To find out what the boy is dreaming of, you can refer to the dream book of Nostradamus. He interprets a dream with a disabled boy as a meeting with a person who will need your help. According to the dream book, a child-boy in his arms means that you will decide difficult questions. A boy picking flowers - to spiritual enlightenment.

A crying child dreams of some kind of danger in the near future. A smiling boy in a dream means that happy times will come for you. If you are looking for a child in a dream, in life you will try to regain lost hope. If you saw yourself as a child, then you need to reconsider your life and try to change it.

Seeing a beautiful boy in a dream according to Tsvetkov's dream book

When asked why a handsome boy is dreaming, Tsvetkov’s dream book answers that this is a new acquaintance. If a child has a beautiful and intelligent face, material well-being and prosperity await you in the near future.
The answer to the question of what the dead boy is dreaming of sounds like this: this is to deep sadness, you will be upset because of some news or event.
According to Tsvetkov's dream book, a red-haired boy promises deceived expectations.

The boy dreamed of a child according to Hasse's dream book

Dream Interpretation Hasse explains why the boy is dreaming of the fact that this is for fun and joy. If a woman saw a dream, there will be an increase in property. If you saw fighting boys in a dream, in real life you will be embroiled in dirty deeds. I dreamed of a familiar boy - expect a pleasant surprise.

Seeing a boy-child in a dream according to Rommel's dream book

Rommel's dream book answers the question of why a boy-child is dreaming, in almost the same way - what is it for joy and fun, but in front of a large number of people. Why do twin boys dream? To peace and tranquility in the family. In a dream, do you feed twin boys? This is a great success.

Newborn boy according to Prozorov's dream book

Prozorov's dream book explains why he is dreaming breastfeeding boy, depending on how exactly he appears in a dream.

If you are breastfeeding your baby, you are carrying new idea that needs to be implemented. If you see in a dream how another woman is breastfeeding a boy, stop trusting close person. The dream in which you bathe a newborn boy indicates that you will soon find a way out of a difficult situation. A neglected baby dreams when they do not leave you in recent times evil thoughts, the patient - to family troubles. If you hold a newborn boy by the hand, in life you may be drawn into some kind of adventure, if you watch a sleeping baby, you have a hidden enemy.

What is the dream of a baby in her arms? detailed interpretation

In accordance with various dream books the dream in which the little boy had a dream is interpreted in completely different ways. To obtain correct interpretation, you should turn to popular dream books.

What is the dream of a small child boy?

If you saw a healthy little boy in a dream, then this is a quick surprise or important news. Also, a dreaming boy means a lot of trouble, time-consuming work that will bring little benefit.

If there were a lot of little boys in a dream, then this is a concern. A boy who plays merrily portends a successful career change. Crying boy - you communicate little with your loved ones, they lack your attention.

For a young girl, such a dream means that it is time for her to get married, and for a mature woman - a big profit and success. A boy without clothes - a lot of gossip is collected about you.

Why dream of the birth of a boy's child?

If you saw in a dream the process of giving birth to a baby boy, then this means that nothing threatens your family happiness and peace, as well as life and living conditions will improve significantly.

A dreaming boy for a woman who is preparing to conceive a child - plans will soon come true, and the family will have a long-awaited replenishment.

If a girl dreamed that a boy was born before the wedding, then it was time for her to think about her reputation. So she treats her carelessly, and before it's too late, she needs to be restored.

Seeing in a dream the process of giving birth to a boy - you will receive good news regarding your family or your loved ones.

Also, this dream speaks of the imminent emergence of new plans and ideas in your head. If you implement these plans, then you will definitely be successful.

A pregnant woman dreams of a baby boy - what is it for?

The most important interpretation of a dreaming boy to a pregnant woman is that the dreamer's birth will be easy and fast.

If a pregnant woman plays in a dream with a little boy, then this promises her happiness. A pregnant girl kisses and hugs a boy in a dream - expect soon success in business and in your personal life. A pregnant woman scolds and beats a boy in a dream - to worries and troubles in the family and at work.

If you dreamed that the boy was lost, then in reality you need to be more careful, as you risk getting into an unkind situation. A dreaming unfamiliar boy for a pregnant woman is a big trouble or fear of childbirth.

What is the dream of a child boy according to Miller's dream book?

  • A crying little boy - to poor health, to trouble.
  • Cheerful boy - to love.
  • A handsome and clean boy - fortunately and well-being.
  • For a girl without children, rocking a little boy is a betrayal from a loved one.
  • For a mother to see a dream in which a boy dies - anxiety, uncertainty about the future.
  • Rocking your sick son in a dream - mental suffering, longing, pain.
  • Child boy in a dream according to Vanga's dream book

A crying little boy means big trouble for many people. If a mother saw her sobbing son, then this prophesies to her the pain and suffering brought by her children. Many little boys in a dream portend many minor troubles and problems.

The dreamer saw how he was looking for a boy - in reality, he would have to look for a way out of a difficult situation for a long time. Play in a dream with a boy - you will search long and hard suitable job or favorite thing.

Interpretation of sleep according to Aesop's dream book

After you had a dream in which you rocked a little boy, you need to be prepared for difficult life situations.

Playing with a boy in a dream is the happiest time in your life.

The boy was crying in your dream - you are missing something without a trace.

Many little boys - to trouble and anxiety.

Child boy according to Freud's dream book

According to Freud, a dreaming boy is a sign of the male genital organs. Playing with a boy in a dream or babysitting him - you have a great craving for self-satisfaction that you do not want to fight.

If a girl in a dream punishes a little boy, then this also speaks of her attraction to self-satisfaction. If in a dream you save a drowning boy, you want to give birth to your baby or take a foster one.

What is the dream of a child boy according to Nostradamus?

  • A healthy boy in a dream is happiness, bright hopes.
  • A disabled boy is a warning about a global environmental catastrophe.
  • A dirty boy in the arms of a girl of easy virtue - humanity is threatened by an AIDS epidemic.
  • The dreaming boy smiles - happy times ruled by love.
  • The boy cried in your dream - expect dangers and problems in the near future.

It's no secret that sleep is a biochemical process that occurs in the cerebral cortex. That is why the pictures of dreams are very diverse. In them, according to many scientists - researchers of sleep, on an unconscious level, many forbidden desires that surround a person in reality are rushing out: chases, persecution, sexual passions. These and other phenomena serve as a mirror reflection of the spiritual and psychological state person on this moment time.

In other words, dreams can be called a disguised manifestation of a person's hidden desires. Moreover, most scientists in the field of sleep claim that dreams have a certain meaning. You just need to learn how to decipher them correctly in relation to your personality. They are companions of sleep and come so that a person can see his subconscious feelings, think and evaluate his life actions in reality.

A sign of success happy life are dreams in which a person enjoys in full: a view of beautiful roses, pure, fragrant air blooming spring garden, the presence of a healthy, smiling baby in their arms. Especially good sign- to see a little boy in a dream. Such a dream portends joy and a cheerful mood.

Why is the little boy dreaming? According to the gypsies, this dream also has a positive meaning. They believe that profit and good luck in business will certainly await you if babies come to you in a dream. Boys dream of future success and increase financial profit. Girls, on the other hand, dream of a pleasant surprise and an unexpected event.

If a woman of mature age looks into Miss Hasse's dream book and asks herself the question: “What is the little boy dreaming of?”, Then the answer will please her very much. She must prepare for profit and the addition of property.

Pupils or students similar dream promises to receive excellent grades and the fulfillment of all desires.

Polish national dream book to the question: “What is the dream of a little boy for?” also gives a positive, joyful response. Of course, for pleasure and fun. If you saw a happy little child in a dream, then expect good, favorable news. For a pregnant woman to dream that she gave birth to a boy is a good sign. In reality, her birth will be easy and fast.

You will be very lucky, and in the near future you will be happy if you happen to see a little boy in a dream who kisses and hugs you. But to take an unfamiliar little boy under your guardianship in a dream portends a profitable deal, success and prosperity in business.

Sometimes to the question: “Why is the little boy dreaming?” you can get another, unpleasant answer. Thus, according to the Eastern female dream book, little boys dream of troubles and laborious work. A crying and sad baby who visited your dream suggests that you need to think about your behavior in real life, otherwise you may miss and miss an important turning point.

A woman who sees a crying boy in a dream should think about the fact that she devotes a lot of time to her career, work, and not to her beloved family. Because of this attitude, the people closest and dearest to her suffer.

A young girl who sees herself in a dream as a little boy should beware of gossip and unpleasant conversations about upcoming marriage.

The man who saw himself childhood, should think about rest, change the usual environment and set aside a few days for relaxing procedures: meeting with friends, fishing, a small tourist trip, and so on.

Fighting boys warn of trouble with friends. Be careful, do not follow the lead of friends, otherwise you will be drawn into bad story with dirty consequences.

To beat the baby himself in a dream or lose him also speaks of possible troubles.

Dream Interpretation Child boy, what is the dream of a Child boy in a dream to see

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian What is the dream of a child boy in a dream book:

See in a dream Small child the boy dreams of events, and what they will be - good or bad - will be prompted by his behavior in a dream: if he smiled, then good news or events await you, if he cried, then unpleasant surprises await you.

A small child boy dreams of trouble.

Modern dream book If a child is dreaming of a boy:

Solves a dream book: Why is a child dreaming of a boy - to unexpected news, a surprise. If such a dream was dreamed of by a pregnant woman, then a relatively quick birth awaits her. You play with a child, have fun - in real life, a favorable period has come both materially and spiritually, stability and a surge of inspiration await you. This is very auspicious sleep for creative individuals.

Dream Interpretation A child is a boy, if he is unfamiliar to you, but you consider him your son, indicates your distrust of men, disappointment in love. A crying baby is a sign that you need to show more attention and care for your soulmate and your family.

Big dream book What is the dream of a child boy:

Child boy - for a woman of childbearing age, such a dream promises pregnancy, perhaps she will have a boy. Creative personalities a joyful child running towards a meeting promises a surge of inspiration. Playing with a boy - to stability, a favorable period in financially.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Y. Longo Dream Interpretation: Child Boy

Seeing a boy's child in a dream very often indicates a quick enrichment, making a profit. I dreamed of a smart, cute child - this is a sign that everything in your life will turn out the most in the best way, you will find happiness, peace, tranquility and prosperity. Why is the Child dreaming of a boy who cries bitterly? Most likely, this is a sign - your financial condition in danger, matters require urgent intervention and total control.

Aggressive, pugnacious boy - to trouble in the near future, moreover, imaginary friends will trip you up. In a dream, you are punishing a child - in reality you should restrain your feelings, because of emotions you can get into an unpleasant situation.

Psychological dream book Dream Interpretation: Child boy to see in a dream

Dream Interpretation A child boy usually warns of upcoming chores, as well as laborious and fruitless work. The girl has a dream in which she imagines herself as a little boy - in reality it is very unpleasant for her to hear the conversations of her relatives that she needs to find a mate and get married.

Universal dream book What does it mean if a child is a boy in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: What is the dream of a child boy unmarried girl? Soon she will have a loved one. If a child was recently born, this is a sign that you need to achieve what you want with cunning and dexterity, and not scream, waving your arms and proving your case to others. According to the dream book, a child is a boy, if he is handsome and cheerful, it means that the person you are in love with will soon reciprocate your feelings.


Jewish dream book

Boy- fun and joy, new things.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Boy- the dream is very favorable, it promises the fulfillment of your desires.

Play in a dream with a boy- means to find meaning in life and achieve success in work.

If you see yourself as a little boy- a dream portends peace in the family.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Boy- cheerful and joyful chores, but a little sadness in my soul.

Modern combined dream book

If you dreamed of a little boy- you are waiting for a surprise or unexpected news. For a pregnant woman, such a dream suggests that she will have a rapid birth.

If in a dream you were playing with a boy- a bright period is coming in your life, very fruitful spiritually and financially stable. Creative people who saw such a dream- waiting for a surge of inspiration.

If you dreamed of a crying boy- you have to show care and attention in relation to your family, and especially to your loved one.

If you dreamed of an unfamiliar boy, but in a dream you perceive him as your son- You will be disappointed in love and distrust of the opposite sex.

Eastern female dream book

A little boy- dreams of troubles and not very creative work, laborious, but almost ineffectual.

For a girl, a dream in which she sees herself as a boy- she is annoyed by the constant conversations of relatives and friends that she needs to decide and get married.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Boy- to the latest news.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Boy- a reflection of the immature masculine. For men also is a reflection of the inner child.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Seeing a pretty boy in a dream- to meet a young man.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, December

Boy, girl, if you're pregnant- you will have a boy.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

boy in diapers- to prosperity.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

If in a dream you seem to have a boy- This is a sign of future wealth and life comfort. If the boy was born to someone else- such a dream portends the appearance of your selfish interest in relations with your closest relatives.

Handsome boy with cute clever expression faces- a sign of extraordinary prosperity, happiness and all kinds of blessings. If in a dream your boy got sick- therefore, in reality he will always have good health and excellent appetite.

see a crying boy- means that you will have reasons to worry about the state of your financial affairs. See the boys playing- predicts a dual position for you, when you seem better to others than you really are, but this will just not work for you.

A pugnacious, aggressive boy who offended your child- a sign of impending troubles and an insidious trick that imaginary friends are preparing for you. Beat a boy in a dream or punish- a warning in reality to restrain your feelings in a situation where any inaction is better than any action.

Seeing in a dream a boy who was hit by a car- in reality you will experience fear, fright or anxiety for your family members. Dead boy in a dream- a sign of deep sadness.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Boy- joy, fun; for woman- money and addition of property; see boys fighting- friends will involve you in a dirty business; student- happy plans

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Boy- can symbolize a male child living in each of us. For a man, this can be a symbol of his own childhood.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

For a woman to dream of a boy- to money and the addition of property.

Seeing fighting boys in a dream- a sign that friends can entangle you in a dirty business, students- to successful and profitable plans.

If an adult sees himself as a boy- this is a sign that your actions will look childish in the eyes of respectable people.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

Boys to see- to joy.

Mythological dream book

Thumb boy- sadness, regret; feeling of sacrifice; state of helplessness, confusion.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Boy (famous or unfamiliar)- the individual himself, when he was a boy; given period of his life or part of his personality. An archetype of an evolving Self with immaturity but potential further development. Development of the Animus archetype (bad or hyperactive boy).

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Boy- maeta, boredom; an undeveloped infantile part of a man's personality in the form of weakness, doubt, self-doubt.

AT women's dreams - feelings for the son, fears, cares and worries about him.

Dream interpretation of a gypsy

Gypsies say that to dream of a little boy - sure sign future success, both in business and family life.

If an older boy entering adolescence is a sign that hard work will bring you great rewards.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

boys- profit, surprise.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Boy- fun, good, to profit.

Collection of dream books

A man to see himself as a boy- means that the psyche is overloaded, and you do not know how to find a niche in life.

Boy- to profit.

Dream Interpretation Boy, why dream of a Boy in a dream to see

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian Why is the Boy dreaming from a dream book:

To dream about a Boy you like - if you are not together with him, then such a dream only means that you yearn for him, you want a warm relationship. If he does not know that you like him, then you most likely see such dreams often.

What is the dream of a boy who likes - what were his actions in a dream? If this is your boy friend and he offers you to go on a date - perhaps this will happen in real life.

A boy and a girl - if you gave birth to them in a dream - to wealth and prosperity.

A boy and a girl as your children dream of anxiety if you play with them and babysit them - you are too self-confident in regard to your life's activities.

Why dream of a boy and a girl - to the master's anxieties, family worries, having fun with them - to profit.

The baby boy is a symbol of purity and expectation. For a woman, such a dream promises the fulfillment of desires. A dead baby boy is unexpected news or a surprise, but can also mean bad luck.

Why is a baby boy dreaming - if you believe in yourself, you can achieve everything you would like.

Summer dream book What is the dream of the Boy from the dream book:

Boy - Seeing a pretty boy in a dream - to get to know a young man.

Small Velesov dream book Why does the Boy dream in a dream:

Boy - Fun, good, to profit.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya In a dream, why the Boy is dreaming:

Boy - For profit

Dream Interpretation for the Whole Family Why is the Boy dreaming?

Dream Interpretation: to see in a dream. To see a Boy in a dream - The dream is very favorable, it promises the fulfillment of your desires. Playing in a dream with a boy means finding meaning in life and achieving success in work. If you see yourself as a little boy, the dream portends peace in the family, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream Interpretation of the XXI century Why is the Boy dreaming?

See in a dream

Boy - For a woman to see a boy in a dream - to money and the addition of property. Seeing boys fighting in a dream is a sign that friends can involve you in a dirty business, students - to successful and profitable plans. If an adult sees himself as a boy, this is a sign that your actions will look childish in the eyes of respectable people.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Boy - Maeta, boredom; an undeveloped infantile part of a man's personality in the form of weakness, doubt, self-doubt. In women's dreams - additionally: feelings for her son, fears, worries and anxieties about him.

Azar's Bible dream book Dream Interpretation: A boy to see in a dream

Why the Boy is dreaming - Fun and joy, new clothes

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Zealot Seeing a Boy in a Dream

In a dream, what the Boy is dreaming of - Joy, fun - for a woman - money and the addition of property - to see fighting boys - friends will involve you in a dirty business - a student - happy plans

Spring dream book What is the dream of the Boy from the dream book:

Boy in diapers - To prosperity.

Autumn dream book What is the dream of the Boy from the dream book:

Boy, girl - If you are pregnant, then you will have a boy.

Dream Interpretation of Medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Boy in a Dream

Boy - For women - money and the addition of property; to see those fighting - friends will involve you in a dirty business; students - happy plans.

Why is the Boy-with-a-finger dreaming - Dwarf from Russian folklore - sadness, regret; feeling of sacrifice; state of helplessness, confusion.

The dream of a boy is interpreted by Felomena's dream book as a harbinger of intense activity. You have to perform routine, monotonous actions, which will negatively affect your mood. Unfortunately, the result of the work done will not please at all.

Who dreamed of a boy? What boy dreamed? What age did the boy dream about? What actions did you remember in a dream about a boy? Where was the boy? How many boys dreamed? Was the boy in your dream healthy and unharmed? On what day of the week did you have a dream about a boy?

Who dreamed of a boy?

Dream about a boy for a pregnant woman

If a pregnant woman sees a dream of a boy being born, the upcoming birth will pass quickly and without complications. The baby will be born completely healthy.

What boy dreamed?

A boy who likes Manneken Pis A boy and a girl

A handsome boy

See in a dream handsome boy- a symbol of upcoming troubles and insignificant tasks to be done in the near future. Unfortunately, all your efforts will come to nothing.

Seeing someone else's boy in a dream

A dream about a strange boy is evidence of your secret desire to benefit at the expense of other people. Do not lose dignity, you have enough knowledge and experience to achieve everything on your own.

Dream of a red-haired boy

We saw a red-haired boy in a dream - expect changes in your personal life. Perhaps soon you will meet a person with whom you will spend the rest of your life.

If you dream of a crying boy

Why is the crying boy dreaming? Pay attention to your family members and friends. Perhaps right now they need your help and support.

Seeing a naked boy in a dream

If in a dream you saw a naked boy, then you will soon receive a sign that can be regarded as a call to move forward.

Dream of a stranger boy

Interpretation of a dream where you saw completely unknown boy, but considered him their son, advises to be careful in his personal life. Perhaps your lover will let you down or even deceive you.

What is the dream of a drowning boy

The dream of a drowning boy is interpreted by the dream book as a symbol of material well-being. In the near future, you will win the lottery, receive an inheritance or a large bonus.

Seeing a familiar boy in a dream

If in a dream you had a chance to see a familiar boy, you will be accompanied by luck and good luck. controversial issues resolved in your favor.

If you dreamed of an orphan boy

A dream about an orphan boy reminds of loved ones. It is worth meeting more often, calling up, communicating and discussing your problems. After all, it is the native people in difficult situations can help, encourage and support.

What age did the boy dream about?

Little boy Newborn boy Baby boy

Dream of a teenage boy

If in a dream you saw a teenage boy, then the project you are currently working on will turn out to be very profitable. You will receive a worthy financial reward.

baby boy

What actions did you remember in a dream about a boy?

If you dream that you have adopted a boy

If you dreamed that you adopted a boy, then in the near future you will have to finish someone's project, someone's work. Pay more attention to this issue - and you will definitely succeed.

Dream that you are babysitting a boy

Why dream about how you nurse your baby boy? A dream promises a baby a long and happy life. And in the coming days there will be changes that will have very beneficial consequences.

I dreamed that you found a boy

A dream that you were lucky enough to find a boy is a good sign. This is a symbol of good luck and luck in fate. Ahead of you is material enrichment, meeting a life partner, promotion at work.

But if the found child turned out to be unwanted, you should be more careful in dealing with people, one of them will want to shift the responsibility for a pile of their problems onto you.

Why dream that you have lost a child boy

Had a dream that you lost a boy and were looking for him? Fate has prepared a very pleasant surprise for you. A business that you have been planning for a long time is doomed to success.

Pregnancy and boy Breastfeeding a boy Childbirth a boy Having a boy

Where was the boy?

boy in arms

To dream of a boy in a stroller

The dream of a boy in a pram is interpreted by the dream book as an upcoming journey. The trip can be to a neighboring city or to another country, but it will have to be done without fellow travelers.

How many boys dreamed?

Two boys

Was the boy in your dream healthy and unharmed?

Seeing a dead boy in a dream

The dream of a dead boy is interpreted by the dream book as a reminder of unspoken thoughts addressed to children and grandchildren. You think a lot about them, care about their well-being.

If a sick boy dreamed

A dream about a sick boy is a negative sign. In the near future, you will have a problem that will require an immediate decision. Which path you choose will determine the future. Be careful.

On what day of the week did you have a dream about a boy?

If a dream about a boy had a dream from Friday to Saturday

If you had a dream about a boy on the night from Friday to Saturday, then a major event awaits you ahead that will affect your entire future life. This is another reminder that everything in our world is interconnected.

The boy dreams from Monday to Tuesday

To see a boy in a dream on the night of Monday to Tuesday is a sign of your readiness for any challenge. You are full of strength and energy to bring everything planned to its logical end. Nothing will prevent you from overcoming the obstacles that stand in your way and emerge victorious from a difficult struggle.

Boy in a dream on the night from Thursday to Friday

If you had a dream about a boy on the night of Thursday to Friday, there is probably an impossible dream somewhere in the depths of your soul. It is even known what needs to be done to make the desire come true, but due to insurmountable circumstances at the moment it is impossible to reach out to dreams.

Dream about a boy from Tuesday to Wednesday

A dream about a boy on the night from Tuesday to Wednesday is seen by sociable people who easily make contact. You are open to new acquaintances, meetings, events.

Why is the boy dreaming on the night from Wednesday to Thursday

The dream of a boy, seen on the night of Wednesday to Thursday, is interpreted by the dream book as a sign of upcoming changes in professional field. Perhaps you will start developing your business in a new direction, meet influential people or get promoted.

& According to Vanga's dream book: §
Cm. .

& According to Dasha's dream book: §
A symbol of the continuation of life, but also of trouble and anxiety.
Seeing a child - you are very worried about what is happening around you, something does not give you rest;
crying baby - means that despite your efforts, you do not get the desired result;
holding a child in your arms, lulling it - a lot will be required of you, and the path to success will not be easy;
feeding a child is a troublesome business, but it will bring you moral and material satisfaction;
punish a child - you experience great inconvenience, and you have to do work that you do not like.

& According to Miller's dream book: §
Crying children - poor health, disappointment;
a cheerful, clean child - rewarded love and many good friends;
a child walking alone - independence and neglect of unworthy opinions;
for a woman - to nurse a child - a deception from the one you trust the most;
pick up your sick child if he has a fever - bad sign, heartache and sadness.

& According to the dream book of Nostradamus: §
The child is a symbol of hope, the future.
The child was bitten by a beast - in the future it will appear on Earth a large number of vampires, who in the first place will pose a serious danger to children;
for the dreamer - such a dream is a meeting with the Antichrist, who wants to make you his disciple;
see pregnant man- in the future, something will happen that has been talked about for many years, that is, a man will become pregnant and give birth to a child. Perhaps this will not happen without the intervention of dark forces, but this fact will glorify this man and his child throughout the world;
to see a disabled child - all of humanity about the danger posed by our polluted atmosphere;
for the dreamer - this dream is a meeting with a person who will very much need your help;
a dirty child in the arms of a fallen woman - the Earth is in very great danger. In the future, an unprecedented number of people will be infected with AIDS, and humanity will be on the verge of extinction. But when it seems that the plight will not change anything, a person will appear who will invent a cure for this terrible disease;
a child who has no limbs - the earth is in real threat. Because of Environment very heavily polluted, a lot of children will be born into the world with various physical disabilities, as well as mental deviations;
healthy smiling baby lucky sign. A happy time will soon come on Earth when love will rule the world. People will no longer be afraid of wars, poverty and hunger, and therefore they will give birth to many healthy beautiful children;
to see a child running across the earth is renewal, a symbol of a new humanity;
a child squeezes a snake or kills it - humanity will find a way to prevent the threat of nuclear war;
to be a child - you have come to that life line when you need to reconsider and change your life;
crying baby - you endanger your future;
look for your child - you will try to find lost hope;
to see a child picking flowers - spiritual enlightenment;
hold a baby in your arms - you will try to find a way out of a predicament.


Just a dream

Katya Tkach

did you have an abortion? sometimes unborn children dream like that. but just do it, you just really want a child, so you dream.


boy to trouble. but it's just a dream

Adil Islamov

children in a dream are chores

Find out from someone else, good luck to you, believe in good, and pray, ask and repent from the Almighty

Natalia Khalina

Boy to the chores. Since the feelings were pleasant, then the chores will be pleasant. And to replenish the dream of FISH!

Svetlana Mikhailova

A little boy for profit or replenishment in the family. And the little girl is to the diva (priyan), but if the girl is a teenager, then to the diva is not very pleasant

Shadow of doubt..

the boy is actually profitable, if you bathed in clean water, then good luck, good news, if the water is muddy, some troubles are possible, maybe ailments. follow your health. good luck!

Little boy from the wound

Dream interpretation Little boy from the wound dreamed of why the little boy from the wound dreams in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Little boy from a wound in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Little Boys

Achieve long life, health and great wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

If in a dream you seem to have had a boy, this is a sign of future wealth and comfort in life. If the boy was born to someone else, such a dream portends the appearance of your selfish interest in relations with your closest relatives.

A handsome boy with a sweet, intelligent expression is a sign of extraordinary prosperity, happiness and all kinds of blessings. If in a dream your boy fell ill - therefore, in reality he will always have good health and an excellent appetite.

Seeing a crying boy means that you will have reason to worry about the state of your financial affairs. Seeing boys playing predicts a dual position for you, when you will seem better to others than you really are, but this will just not work for you.

A pugnacious, aggressive boy who offended your child is a sign of impending troubles and an insidious trick that imaginary friends are preparing for you. Beating a boy in a dream or punishing is a waking warning to restrain your feelings in a situation where any inaction is better than any action.

Seeing in a dream a boy who fell under a car - in reality you will experience fear, fear or anxiety for your family members. A dead boy in a dream is a sign of deep sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

You will toil. The boy is playing - anxiety over trifles. The boy is sleeping - inner doubts make you indecisive. The boy is learning - you are suffering because of a mistake made in the past.

Imagine that the boy runs away and the girl comes (see Girl). Or a boy - it's actually a girl in disguise.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

A little boy is a surprise or unexpected news;
for a pregnant woman - rapid childbirth;
playing with a boy - a bright period is coming in your life, very fruitful spiritually and financially stable;
for creative people- a surge of inspiration;
crying boy - you have to show care and attention in relation to your family, and especially to your loved one;
an unfamiliar boy, and you perceive him as your son - disappointment in love and distrust of the opposite sex.
See also Cry, Children.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

Gypsies say that seeing a little boy is a sure sign of future success, both in business and family life.

If an older boy entering adolescence is a sign that hard work will bring you great rewards.

If you dreamed of a little boy - this is a great success, all things will go uphill for you.

If the boy is 13-14 years old, you will have to try, but the reward will not keep you waiting.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

For a woman to see a boy: to money and an increase in property.

To see fighting boys - friends can entangle you in a dirty business.

Students - to successful and profitable plans.

An adult sees himself as a boy - your actions will look childish in the eyes of respectable people.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

A boy is joy, fun - for a woman - money and an increase in property - to see fighting boys - friends will entangle you in a dirty business - a student - happy plans.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

To see many boys in a dream is a sign of concern. If you dream that you see a beautiful boy, then expect exciting news. See interpretation: children.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

The dream is very favorable, it promises the fulfillment of your desires. Playing in a dream with a boy means finding meaning in life and achieving success in work. If you see yourself as a little boy, the dream portends peace in the family.

Dream Interpretation - Wounds

If you dreamed that you were wounded, the dream portends a sudden misfortune or an unfavorable turn in a case that seemed to be quite successful. If you hurt someone, it means that in reality you will admit injustice towards a friend. If blood flows from the wound - a dream means misfortune with a relative.

Bandaging a wound is a good sign. He says that the period of failures ends, a white streak begins in life.

If you intentionally hurt yourself, this means love disappointment due to the fact that you trusted your beloved too much.

A friend accidentally wounded you - a dream portends a major quarrel over a trifle. If you yourself unintentionally hurt someone, it means that someone is going to avenge you for an insult that you have long forgotten about.

Seeing a healing wound - to the decision confusing problem or reconciliation with an old enemy. If you dreamed that a healed wound opened and began to bleed, this means that a major scandal is possible in your family due to the events of bygone days.

If a woman dreams that she hurt a man, the dream warns her that she may lose a man. If a man sees in a dream that he will injure a woman, a quarrel with his beloved awaits him. Seeing one or more wounded - your business may fall into disrepair. If you see yourself in the role of a military medic bandaging the wounds of soldiers, a dream means that all your troubles will end soon and luck will smile at you again.

Seeing a non-healing, purulent wound is a long-term illness that will take all your strength. Cleanse the wound from pus - you will have to unravel a difficult case or investigate a crime in which very respected people are involved. Examining someone else's wound - you will become the cause of someone's suffering.

If you dreamed that as a result of an explosion or other disaster, your entire family was injured, this portends the illness of a close relative or bereavement.

In a universal way, you can work out a dream about wounds by imagining that you smear the wounds with a healing balm - and they heal before your eyes.