Dream interpretation little boy. Why is the boy dreaming. Newborn, breastfed baby

In Russia, treasure hunters considered Simon to be their benevolent patron, setting off on May 23 in search of treasures buried in the ground. Although the cherished treasure was not given to everyone, but only to those who owned a special conspiracy, had a fern flower, a gap-grass, an invisibility hat or a lucky bone. But this was not enough, because according to legend, every treasure hidden in the ground was protected by evil spirits, and in order to scare it away, it was necessary to perform many different ritual actions, not forgetting a single one and not confusing anything. And besides that, read a special prayer, which sounded something like this: “I will go to an open field, to dense forests, for black mud, for an ocean-sea. And there stands a pillar, on it the Savior-Blessed Virgin Mary. Behind the swamp, it’s a little bit necessary - I have to take it. Get away, evil spirit, it’s not for you, it’s not for you to guard.

On May 23, the place of the treasure was determined with the help of many signs. However, even when the cherished treasure was found and "opened" thanks to a conspiracy or prayer, it was still too early to consider it as one's own. After all, the treasures found, falling into the hands of an unfortunate person, could suddenly turn into clay shards or simply crumble into dust.

And other lucky ones didn’t need any prayers or miraculous herbs, earthly treasures lay down at their feet by themselves. Yes, but it seems that not many such people lived in Russia, happiness smiled more and more on those who were looking for it not in the earth, but in work. Remembering, for example, also that Simon the Zealot patronized not only treasure hunters, but also farmers who did not run through the forests in search of treasures, but worked that day in the fields and fields. That's probably why they said: "Sow wheat on Simon the Zealot - it will be born, like gold."

But not everyone believed those words, some peasants believed, for example, that it was a sin to plow and sow on May 23, since on this day the land celebrates its name day. To which those who preferred work to any idleness answered: “Today is the day of Simon-Gulimon, the Lazy Reverend” - and they went about their business past those sitting idle.

It was believed that working on this day was a great sin. Healers and sorceresses at this time collect medicinal herbs in the forest in order to prepare useful potions from them. It is believed that it is today that herbs receive magical power. Usually healing herbs May 23 collected alone. Plants were found, and then, before picking it, they uttered special conspiracies on their knees. And during the entire collection of herbs, they always read "Our Father" and "Theotokos". On May 23, not everyone could collect herbs - this was done by people exclusively with pure thoughts. Pre-steamed in the bath, put on only clean clothes and did not think about the bad, going to collect herbs. Usually they were not torn off with bare hands, but clean scarves and towels were used for this purpose, so that the miraculous power of plants would not disappear. On May 23, all herbs were collected in bunches, and then sent to dry in the attic.

On this day, people also went in search of treasures. The nature around pleased with its beauty - lilies of the valley, plum blossomed, oak opened.

Among the people, Simon the Zealot was considered the patron saint of herbs and believed that it was by his will that the most different types herbs. He was also prayed on May 23 to search for treasures. They conjured treasures so that they would not go to a stranger, they could, with the help of special conspiracies, on the contrary, bequeath the treasure to a specific person, leaving him instructions on where to look for buried treasures. Sometimes treasures could be buried for a certain number of "heads". That is, if, for example, the treasure is enchanted by 20 "heads", then only the 21st person will find it.

According to a sign, on May 23, they did not go to the arable land, since the land was considered a birthday girl, and work was a great sin. They tried not to stir up the ground with either a shovel or a harrow, and even driving in pegs was strictly forbidden. May 23 was supposed to cherish and cherish the earth to pray for good harvest.

According to beliefs, the name day of the Earth took place on this day - they gave her a rest, tried not to spend any earthworks and prayed in her honor.

Folk omens for May 23

  1. It's raining - summer will be rainy
  2. Birch catkins burst - it's time to sow bread
  3. In the morning, the bees fly very quickly and cheerfully - a sign that it will be a sunny day
  4. The wind blows during the rain - expect good weather
  5. By the evening of May 23, cumulus clouds do not disappear - expect better weather
  6. The mole scatters the earth around the hole - a sure sign that it will rain
  7. Bird songs are heard before dawn - it will rain

In our culture, there are still many holidays that have come to us from ancient times. In the folk Slavic calendar there is one important day, called Simon's day.

Many Slavic holidays are associated with Christianity, because our country adopted Christianity quite early, mixing folk beliefs with God's commandments and rules. A vivid example of this is the Russian Maslenitsa with its ancient traditions and rituals. It can be useful to learn the history of this holiday, because it combines pagan origins and the Christian faith into a single whole.

Simonov day - "Name day of the Earth"

In Christianity, this day is dedicated to the memory of Simon the Zealot. This day is celebrated every year on the same date - May, 23rd. The Apostle Simon is one of the 12 disciples of Jesus Christ who is almost never mentioned. He is mentioned only a few times, and nothing is told about his life and deeds. The second name of the Kananite is Zealot. He is often confused with Simon Peter.

Simon preached the doctrine in several countries, many legends and unconfirmed reports are associated with him. No one even knows where this great apostle is buried. This debate has continued throughout history. Now in New Athos in Abkhazia there is a monastery named after Simon Kananit - it is believed that it was there that the saint died.

This apostle is considered the patron of the earth and fertility. Therefore, on his day, the so-called Name Day of the Earth, or Earth Day, is celebrated.

Traditions and signs for Earth Day

Many important traditions are associated with this day, which have been observed from year to year since ancient times, when there was no Christianity on our land.

  • There is a belief that on Simonov's Day, healing herbs sprout, which are traditionally collected starting from that day. Read about what herbs are usually harvested in May in our herbalists.
  • According to tradition, people let the earth rest on this day. Do not dig, do not disturb her so that she can rest.
  • In some parts of Russia, on this holiday, people sowed wheat, because they believed that it would be born strong and resistant.
  • On this day, it is customary to look for treasures.
  • It is believed that on the Name Day of the Earth passes poor eyesight and even blindness.
  • It was also possible to get rid of heart problems, but for this it was necessary to attach earth to the chest.
  • There is a sign that any false oath or deceit pops up as a sign of punishment.

In the garden on this day, it is better not to do anything. Usually those plants are planted that do not require work with the soil. If the land is already ready, then you can get down to business without a twinge of conscience. Many beekeepers traditionally plant Phacelia on this day - flowers that bees love, or sunflowers and corn. Earth Day - Holy holiday, which requires very little: just relax, not disturb Mother Earth and live honestly.

Until now, many of these traditions and signs have their force. Many people trust the experience of their ancestors, which has more than a thousand years. On this day, it is recommended to plant many plants, so check out the conspiracies and prayers during sowing. May God help you not only on this day, but all the time in any of your endeavors. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

Small children in many cause tenderness and only positive emotions. Therefore, the dreams in which they appeared most often leave a pleasant impression. To obtain accurate information, it is worth considering how the boy looked, what he did and others, no less important details. In addition, for the interpretation of dreams, it is important to take into account the events that happen to you in real life.

Why is the little boy dreaming?

A child plays in a dream - this is a symbol that you can cope with an existing problem without anyone's help. If you rocked a little boy, it means that in real life you have great patience and can easily realize your plans. If in a dream you had to kiss a little boy, it means that ahead of you is waiting for you at work and family relationships. For a man, a dream in which he saw himself as a little boy portends the onset of a moment in life that will drastically change his life. If you dream Small child a boy who cries means that soon you will repent of something. It can also be considered a warning that someone from your environment underestimates you and often believes in rumors. Seeing a child run to a meeting means you can find your purpose in life.

The dream in which a little boy was in his arms, predicts troubles and various experiences that will be associated with positive events. If you picked up an unfamiliar, stray child in your arms, this is a symbol that you are a self-sufficient person who can defend his point of view. Seeing a little boy die in his arms means to expect the performance cherished desire. If in a dream you had to feed a little boy, it means that in the future your financial situation will be stable, and happiness will come in the family. Night dreams in which unknown boy turned out to be your son, predict disappointment in love relationships which can lead to distrust of the opposite sex.

For a woman to see a little boy in a dream, it means that in reality it is worth learning to control her own. If a child laughs merrily, this is a symbol of a new romantic relationship. One of the dream books contains information that dreams about a little boy portend success in work and business. If a little boy dreamed in a dream, then you can find out something unexpected for you or get some kind of surprise.

Many dreamers are interested in finding a boy’s child in the dream book, because in a dream this character is a frequent guest. Why a male child is dreaming is a question that needs to be discussed, the meaning is not limited to a couple of clues. There are many meanings, as well as the consequences of vision.

What is the dream for?

A child boy may dream of a pregnant woman waiting for replenishment. This does not guarantee the birth of a son - most likely, the woman in labor is worried about the successful outcome of the case, future chores.

The baby is a harbinger of new stages, discoveries. It is possible to change the place of residence, chosen one, professional direction. Appearing to the sleeper in anticipation of serious decisions, the dream indicates the right step. Dream Interpretations are unanimous in their interpretations: fate will bring good news, help you sort out confusing situations.

Dreamed of a guy

A child, a boy, came in a dream to a man: the picture is favorable, brings the elderly a calm, secure old age, young men - a novelty of sensations, a brilliant idea. According to Freud, the vision reveals the desire for parental affection, guardianship, and manifestations of care. The child crap his hand - so you get an expensive, pretentious gift.

I saw a lady

The girl saw a baby on the eve of the wedding - envious friends gossip. To sleep and see this in a dream, and after learning about the death of a friend in reality - his soul is at rest. Playing with a child - exposes naivety, simplicity and openness. Muslim dream book suggests: the young lady has an impeccable reputation.

According to the Enigma dream book

Why does a childless woman dream of seeing herself as a mother? Immodest hopes will come true. The birth of a handsome heir promises the father an enviable position; mother - a complaisant spouse. To dress a boy's child in luxurious outfits is to dissemble, pretend. There are also the following interpreters' assumptions:

  • hold tight - defend;
  • to swaddle - to be afraid of discussions;
  • crap one's pants - for money;
  • naked - passion.

give birth in a dream

To transfer one's own childbirth, without being in a demolition in reality, is an important sign. A dream is a dream, foreshadowing an unexpected twist of fate, the influence of karma. Having conceived an amazing, bold, risky - be sure to earn much more than invested. The planned cases will be successful.

Being awake in a position and giving birth to an unattractive boy's child in a dream - according to the Enigma dream book, the future mother is deprived of attention, support, she is living a depressive period of unreasonable fears. Notice the little things:

  • premature - an obstacle;
  • red - happiness;
  • breastfeeding - anxiety;
  • stole a crumb - malaise.

How was the birth?

To see a newborn, to kiss - the fulfillment of a wish. Expect rewards, praise needed by proud people.

Weak attempts, the impossibility of being born: the problem will take on the proportions of a catastrophe if its presence is ignored. Consider the decision immediately, here you will need the help of a professional.


Why dream of resolving dead offspring? Lose the material. Not necessarily in terms of money. Possible loss of things, a minor conflict, a public incident. The late kid may dream of turning points, innovations. Seeing your son dead is a visit to the doctor.


Being in a dream, giving birth to twins is a positive sign for all dreamers, a kiss of fortune! Cast aside doubts - a series of successes, endless prosperity, useful acquaintances will follow. The twins crying in chorus bring the sweet beginning of the white stripe closer, they mean contentment, well-being, satisfaction.

To see a healthy, strong butuz being born - the activity will unfold, become in demand, profitable. Keep doing the enjoyable activity, invest - the result will certainly amaze.

Seeing a crying baby boy

If a crying baby described himself and whimpers - an annoying meeting is possible. Miller's dream book promises a real quick replenishment in the family.

In a dream, you can see any events. They can be both very pleasant and those that upset you. Why is the little boy dreaming? How to interpret such a dream?

What is the dream of a little boy - the main interpretation

Small children always evoke positive emotions, they do not let you feel sad and bored. But what does the dream in which you met a little boy mean? It is important to remember all its details:

Where exactly did you see the boy?

How did he behave?

What did he do?

Has he spoken to you?

What emotions did the dream evoke in you?

If in a dream you see a little boy at home, such a dream means that pleasant surprises await you. You will be very surprised at what will happen next in your life. These will be pleasant moments, after a long period of stagnation.

If in a dream you pick up a little boy, such a dream means that you will be happy to meet new and very pleasant people. Soon you will be able to expand your social circle and this will allow you to feel more confident in life.

If you dream that a little boy opens his mouth and asks for food, you may be asked for some kind of favor. Do not refuse, because you yourself may need help in solving many issues and then you yourself will seek help.

If you dream that a little boy is crawling around the apartment - in reality you will be very passionate about something. You can even forget about many important matters and get into a routine. The dream book advises you to prioritize so as not to miss important points and the opportunities you need.

Why dream of a little boy who cries bitterly - such a dream means that someone close to you will need your support and help and you will try to help with all your might. But, if in a dream you hear a baby crying, and it starts to annoy you, such a dream means that you will be very upset about something.

Your frustration will have good reason, but you will not be able to defend your point of view. Nobody will support you, nobody will help you. In such a situation, you should go to the end and believe in yourself, because the truth is on your side.

If in a dream you see a small child in a stroller - you will think about significant changes in life, you will want to build something new, get new opportunities from life. Thanks to perseverance and work - you will be able to get it, you will be able to realize your financial plans to be realized in personal life.

The dream in which you roll a child in a stroller indicates that you will guide people, you will give them an impetus for change. You will advise, and your advice and decisions will become important to someone.

The dream in which you dress up a little boy indicates that you will want to change the situation, you will want to reevaluate yourself and your life. Also, such a dream may indicate that soon things will happen in your life. important changes that you have been waiting for.

The dream in which you bathe a little boy indicates that you want to wash yourself off the troubles that will fall on you in the near future. Try not to take other people's words and actions to heart. They will try to put you in a bad light for you.

If you bathe a little boy in a dream, who splashes with water and frolics joyfully, you will get a lot of pleasure from everything that will happen in your life. You will be just as joyfully surprised at every new day, every event in your life.

If the baby is naughty in the bathroom and does not want to listen to you, get ready for sharp drops moods and sudden changes in life. You will be happy only when everything is your way. This is selfish of you, but you have done so much to get the result that you can now hope for the greatest praise. But, unfortunately, close people may not support you.

If in a dream you feed a little boy from a spoon - in reality you will help someone solve serious problems. But don't let this person manipulate you further. Let him learn to solve his problems on his own.

The dream in which you are trying to feed a little boy, but he is resisting, indicates that soon you will try to convince someone close to you not to make a fatal mistake. Unfortunately, you may not be able to. If in a dream a child still agrees to eat a treat, in reality you will eventually be able to convince a person to make the right decision.

What is the dream of a little boy according to Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says that a little boy is dreaming as a symbol of upcoming pleasant changes in your personal life. We can talk about both new relationships and the development of old relationships, their transition to the highest level.

If a lonely girl dreams of a little boy whom she takes in her arms, she will soon need the love and care of a strong and independent man. But today she does not have such a man. And the dream book advises her to be as attentive as possible to all the meetings that will happen soon in her life.

If a lonely girl dreams that she is putting a little boy to bed, she has long buried dreams of her happy personal life. And now she can sadly recall those relationships that previously brought her a lot of joy. Today she is immersed in herself and simply cannot find her place in this life.

If a man dreams that he is putting a little boy to bed, in reality he may be jealous and feel competition from another man. A dream in which a little boy is naughty in the arms of a man indicates that it is time for him to take care of his soulmate. It's time to become prudent and make sure that there is a loving and tender woman nearby.

If he does not do this now, then later he simply will not be able to realize himself as a father and good husband. If in a dream a young girl dreams that she is playing hide and seek with a baby, a pleasant romantic adventure awaits her, which she will remember for a long time.

If a pregnant girl dreams of a little boy, she may no longer worry about her pregnancy, soon she will be a happy mother of a healthy baby. The main thing now is not to miss the opportunity to relax and enjoy life.

What is the dream of a little boy in the Esoteric dream book

The dream book says that a dream about a little boy is an exceptionally favorable dream that portends only pleasant changes. In a dream, you can hear a child's cry, see the baby's whims, but this does not mean at all that you will encounter some kind of difficulties and obstacles. In fact, such a dream means that you yourself will not make an informed decision on an issue that concerns you for a long time. You will put off an important conversation, or an important meeting.

A dream in which you see hundreds of little boys indicates that you are confused in your life and are afraid to make the wrong choice. Don't be nervous. In the end, you will make exactly the decision that you need so much.

The dream in which you stroke a little boy on the back speaks of the coming period of rest and relaxation. Try to use it as efficiently as possible. Don't procrastinate and don't force things.

What is the dream of a little boy in other dream books

Grishina's dream book says that a little boy dreams as a symbol of new acquaintances and new experiences in his personal life. You should not be upset and think about whether you did the right thing. You will soon realize if it was worth it to worry. Probably not.

The dream in which you are walking with a little boy in the park speaks of your need for attention from another person. The dream in which you see a little boy who laughs means that it will seem to you that everything in life is easy and passed. But life will be different for you.

Aesop's dream book says that a little boy in a lonely woman's dream is a harbinger for her to appear in the life of an adult, loving man. She will certainly be happy, will enjoy life and stop appreciating what she received from life as a gift. Whatever you dream about, it is worth remembering that in real life it is you who control the situation. Therefore, do not be upset if the dream does not bode well - in reality everything can be different.