Guide to self-installation of windows. Laying openings for brick windows Laying openings in brick walls

The situation when it is necessary to make an opening in a wall arises quite rarely. This mainly happens when residents get tired of the layout of their house or apartment. Most often, openings are distributed when designing a building. But, if such a problem has become urgent, you need to think through everything carefully. Anyone can break brickwork, it is only important to follow certain rules. This will help avoid the formation of cracks in the wall and other unpleasant consequences. An incorrectly cut hole most often leads to deformation of the walls, and in rare cases, to damage to the entire structure.

To make an opening in a wall, it is necessary to properly disassemble it. To do this, you need wall views and views brickwork.

Brickwork is of the following types:

In the first case, the brick is laid with a spoon facing outwards. The second and third cases involve alternating laying: one row with a spoon facing out, the other with a poke. With well masonry, the wall has two rows of masonry, forming a kind of well. This space is filling up construction waste, slag or gravel.

The wall can be of three types :

  • partition. This is the most thin wall, most often has spoon masonry,
  • semi-load-bearing,
  • carrier. This is the thickest wall, which in most cases has well masonry.

Regardless of the purpose of the opening, door or window, to work you must have :

In addition, you will definitely need materials such as

  • wooden blocks,
  • reinforced concrete beams,
  • channels or steel angles,
  • cement mortar.

To correctly break through a doorway, no professionalism is required, you just need to determine the type of brickwork. The available documentation for the house will help you understand this issue. Otherwise you will have to use a hammer drill. To work, you will need a core cutter with a diameter of 100 mm. Holes are drilled in the place where the opening is planned to be made. Your hand should fit through them freely. The type of brickwork is determined by feeling the space of the wall.

Punching through brick walls is always accompanied by the formation large quantity dust. Therefore, you should not start work without special protective clothing:

  • gloves,
  • respirator,
  • safety glasses.

After breaking through the opening, the wall is sprayed with water from a conventional sprayer. This helps the resulting dust to settle.

Any opening, regardless of the masonry or purpose of the wall, must have the shape of the letter “T”. IN top part a crossbar is inserted to hold the brickwork. If the opening is made in a partition, then a regular crossbar can be used wooden board. IN load-bearing wall For these purposes, a reinforced concrete beam is required.

The partition is thin, so making an opening in it is not difficult at all. The work process consists of the following steps:

Making an opening in a load-bearing wall

Punching an opening in a load-bearing wall has minor differences and consists of the following steps:

When making an opening in a load-bearing wall, you should not skimp on reinforcement material. The slightest deviation or error leads to subsidence of the floor. This is dangerous for people's health and lives.

When making a doorway in a brick wall, it is important to take into account two points:

  1. The size of the opening must comply with building regulations. Standard width the opening should be 70-200 cm, and the height should not be more than 210 cm.
  2. In order for the load on the doorway to be distributed evenly, it is necessary to make it in the center of the wall or at a slight offset.

An opening in a brick wall for a window is made much less frequently than doorways. But if such a situation arises, strict requirements must be followed.

Window openings are made in the load-bearing walls of the building, so the main attention in this process is paid to the lintel. It is she who will take on the entire load of the wall above the cut opening.

When choosing a jumper, it is important to take into account the following points:

  • What type of masonry was used in the construction of the building.
  • What is the width of the wall in which the opening is supposed to be made.
  • Estimated window width.
  • Distance from the opening to the ceiling and to the floor.
  • On what floor is the work expected to be carried out?

The process of punching a window opening in a brick wall is similar to working with a doorway. You can use the following algorithm:

Before making an opening in a brick wall, you need to make sure that there are no communications in this area. If you have such elements, you should think about moving them to another place. It is also necessary to pay attention to the existing ventilation shafts, the distance to which must be at least 300 cm.

Video - making an opening in a brick wall

There are no houses without windows (otherwise, it’s just an uninhabitable cube). This aspect must be taken into account both at the construction stage and during redevelopment. In order to make a window opening in a brick wall, it is necessary to take into account certain recommendations and requirements. All of them are given below.

When are such activities required?

Make an opening in a brick wall It may also be necessary in the case when a load-bearing part lies in the path of reconstruction of the building. It is extremely undesirable to demolish and integrate into the structure itself, which means you need to think about how to properly coordinate your desires as a remodeler. This is where creating a hole that can be made without weakening the entire house will help.

Approach wisely

Preliminary planning is a priori in such work. First of all, you will definitely need to design, prepare, and then install the jumper itself. The entire load of the wall located above the resulting hole will go directly to it. You can read more about it here.

This is where the following important points come into play: :

  • the type of masonry itself;
  • the width of the wall itself;
  • width of the potential “hole”;
  • the distance from it to adjacent surfaces;
  • the same thing, but up to the top floor;
  • floor of the building in which the work is being carried out.

To determine the size that a window opening in a brick wall should contain, you must also take into account total area from the entire room. Finding it regarding the cardinal directions will also be relevant.

Covering existing window openings

Execution steps

The brickwork is even narrower for ready-made templates must be performed in a certain sequence. They must be reinforced with special purlins.

Making an opening in a brick wall
implies the creation of the already mentioned jumper. It is needed to create a special run and it is quite possible to repeat it in the following interpretation:

  • ready-made concrete options;
  • homemade from the same material;
  • metal corners (channels).

There are certain rules for laying such an opening. They include the following technical recommendations:

  1. This is carried out taking into account the need to lay it at least 10 mm deep. In practice, this is usually done with 15-20 mm. This means that with an estimated size of 1.3 meters, you need to make a one and a half run (in this case, the bookmark should be a meter on each side).
  2. When using a channel when ceramic brick brands of corners with dimensions of 12 and 14 cm are suitable. When using a construction one, you need to settle on sizes of 24 or 27 cm. In the case of the cinder block version, they will be 18 or 20 cm.

If a smaller size is used, the stone will need to be trimmed. This way it will not protrude above the window.

Corners should be used under conditions where the masonry window openings certainly connects with the wall one. The run itself should be small.

"Jumper" works

Dismantling the arrangement of openings in brick walls made of ceramite type, you need to take into account some mandatory points when working with a corner. Among them, the following will be fundamental:

The corner should be laid like this so that it fits well with the ceramite bed on both sides. The smaller its width, the shorter the length of the jumper itself should be.

Window openings in brickwork also should not have a corner of more than one and a half meters. Otherwise, this may cause it to bend and the masonry to sag. The same can happen with a double row.

Concrete types

Such lintels in ceilings can be either homemade or standard. Depending on the chosen option, the following developments are possible:

  1. Using a regular template, you can simply cover the hole with it. Further masonry will proceed as usual.
  2. However, it very often happens that the “eyes” of the house turn out to be completely non-standard sizes. In this case, it is better to prepare the ceiling yourself. To do this, filling will have to be done right on site.

As for the load-bearing wall, it would be best to entrust the matter to professionals. If you have the determination to do everything with my own hands, then you need to listen to the following advice:

  1. The lintel must be mounted in a load-bearing wall with a distance between the two bolts connecting the channel of no more than half a meter.
  2. It should extend onto the supporting surfaces in the range from 15 to 30 cm.

The bolts themselves that tighten the channel will have a diameter of at least 20 mm.

What if it's cladding?

Finishing window openings with bricks facing should be done as aesthetically as possible. That is why in such cases they do not use a channel or concrete floors. But wide and metal will be enough. It is usually customary to lay it only on the side of the load-bearing wall itself. It is then that it will be invisible from the facade.

Sometimes during such work it will be necessary to trim protruding parts from outside- it will look much more beautiful this way. For this purpose, you need to use a dry layout.

How to make an opening in a brick wall

Situations are different. Sometimes the owners have a desire to make another window in the wall that has already been erected. The whole process should follow the following algorithm:

  1. Marking is being carried out. To do this, points are placed on the surface. Usually this work is done outside.
  2. Jumper is installed. And about 15 cm is added to it from each edge in order to secure the supports. Rolled steel or reinforced concrete versions of profiles are used above the “holes”.
  3. The support is being mounted. This happens at a distance of at least 60 cm from the wall itself. After this, you need to put a wooden beam - it will distribute the load.
  4. Mark the positions of the beams and on the outside. After this, it is drilled so that the studs fit into inner part.
  5. In the resulting holey through holes studs need to be inserted. It is necessary that they act on both sides. Then everything should be propped up adjustable feet and secure with nails.
  6. At this stage you will need to disassemble the material. First, using tools (hammer and chisel), the wall is “exposed” within the required area (at least two centimeters are added on each side). At the location of the lintel, the brick is dismantled and a beam is inserted.
  7. The first layer located under the jumper is removed- work goes on simultaneously from both sides. Also, part of the planned space is freed from the brick laid by it. The resulting protrusions are chipped off, and the edges are made smoother (using a grinder).
  8. Windows are mounted and installed. Their further finishing takes place.

How to properly brick a window

Sometimes, on the contrary, it is necessary to reduce their number in the house. If the rear ones are made of the building material we specified, you will simply need to fill the opening with bricks. Some technologies will need to be followed :

  1. Mix a thick solution. This consistency is needed so that it does not crack.
  2. Clean the surface from dirt.
  3. The wall is primed.
  4. To save money, the brick is placed on the edge.
  5. The cracks are sealed with construction foam.
  6. Sheets of polystyrene foam are placed on top.
  7. The surface is finished.

There is nothing complicated about how to brick a window opening. But any of the above processes is very important: it should be carried out in accordance with the recommendations given. If they are ignored, there is a risk of deformation of the work done and even collapse of the entire building.
If you still have questions, we recommend watching the video “how to brick windows”:

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Cladding window openings with bricks: 3 popular methods

Greetings. Today you will learn about how to lay window openings from facing bricks. The topic is not easy, since cladding through finishing masonry is carried out by highly qualified specialists. Our task is for you to carefully familiarize yourself with the technology, look at photo reports and receive general idea about how this work is done.

A few words about facing the opening with brick

Framing windows with bricks - This is an essential step in building a house.. The quality of the cladding determines the appearance, strength and durability of the facade itself, as well as the heat-saving characteristics of the slopes around the perimeter of the windows.

Laying brick window openings can be done in two ways:

  1. rough masonry for subsequent plastering - there are no special requirements for aesthetic characteristics and accuracy of execution
  2. finishing masonry - requires professional execution, as the accuracy of the gaps and accuracy of application are important masonry mortar etc.

Of course, after seeing what the instructions are for performing these works, you will not become professionals. But, you will know the main steps that will have to be completed, you will know how and with what tools these steps are performed, which means you can try to repeat what you saw during the construction of a dacha or country house.

Method one - covering a rectangular opening

I bring to your attention a photo report with the technology of covering a window opening masonry bricks in two rows that differ in color.

To perform construction work were used following materials and tools:

  • Steel corner 200×25 mm (equal flange);
  • Ceramic hollow masonry brick;
  • Cement-sand masonry mortar;
  • Anti-corrosion primer for external work;
  • Bulgarian woman with cutting disc for metal and with a disk for cutting bricks
  • Water level on the short and long bars;
  • Trowel;
  • Chisel for forming a seam.

The instructions for preparatory and construction work are as follows:

  • We measure the width of the opening and add to this number 2 times 2/3 of the width of the brick;
  • We measure the resulting distance on the corner and cut it to this size;

  • We treat the prepared corner with a rust converter or anti-corrosion agent if there are obvious pockets of corrosion;

  • We drill through holes at the ends of the corner through which we fasten it anchor bolts at the top of the opening;

Since the aesthetic qualities of the facade are important, we place the corner so that the vertical shelf is directed into the house. As a result, the exterior will be finished with clean masonry, and the interior will be leveling plastered one way or another.

  • We count the number of bricks that will fit along the length of the fixed square, provided that they are placed on a spoon (edge);

  • We prepare required quantity brick of a dark color and cut it to length so that the butt comes out flush with the side masonry, and so that there is a protrusion at the back that will lie on the corner shelf;

  • We pull the cord along the level of the front part of the side masonry;
  • We lay the prepared brick on the corner along the cord, while maintaining the same gap;

In order to maintain an equal gap, we use a template. The easiest way is to use a flat metal rod 10 mm thick as a template. We insert the rod into the gap between adjacent bricks for the entire length and make sure that the side of the bed on one side and the other is equally tightly adjacent to the surface of the rod.

  • After the layout is completed, take chalk and place marks on the corner in accordance with the location of the vertical seam;
  • Prepare masonry mortar;

  • We lay the brick so that the gaps are filled with mortar;

We set the poke of the brick according to a tense level, and level the spoon in the upper part according to the spirit level by tapping the surface of the masonry with a hammer.

  • Using a narrow chisel or a specially made scraper, we form a masonry joint so that it is located 3 mm, not reaching the surface of the brick;
  • After the seam is formed, sweep the front surface with a brush to remove the adhering solution;
  • According to the size of the upper part of the dark brick, which was laid in the first row, we cut the light brick;
  • We stretch the cord in the opening as was done in the first row;
  • We make the layout of the second row according to the template;

It may be that the bricks of the first and second rows differ in thickness, as, for example, happened in this photo report. In this case, it is not necessary to ensure that the gaps match. Let the gaps in the first row be thicker, and in the second top row they will be a little narrower, since the brick is wider there.

  • Prepare masonry mortar;

  • We lay the brick on edge in the same way as in the first row;
  • After the masonry is separated, we form the seam of the second row.

So, I talked about how to lay a brick over the windows and as you can see there is nothing particularly difficult about it, although the work in the photo report is carried out by a master high class. Try it, maybe your stage of construction work will turn out no worse than in the photo.

To ensure that intractable questions do not arise during work, I offer explanations to the instructions.

Comments on construction work

How to make masonry mortar?

Because we use hollow brick There are no special requirements for the strength and adhesiveness of the solution, that is, adhesion will be ensured in any case. Therefore, we prepare a mixture with traditional proportions - 3 parts sand to 1 part cement.

Mix the mixture gradually by adding water and stirring. As a result, the solution should not drain, but should not fall off the trowel.

By the way, after the solution has been mixed, let it sit for about five minutes, and then mix again. This is done in order to achieve a uniform consistency.

How to apply the solution to a brick so as not to stain the poke, which will be visible on the facade?

Take the bar and apply it as shown in the photo. After this, we scoop up the solution with a trowel and apply it to the bed. The bar will not allow the solution to drain onto the poke, which must be left clean.

After we learned how to make a ceiling in an opening rectangular shape, it's time to learn how to make a round window out of brick.

Method two - laying a round opening

This time we are not interested in how to cut a window in a brick wall, since the opening is completely made, moreover, the wall is insulated and only needs external cladding. And if the previous photo report showed the work on the upper part of the opening, now let’s look at how facing bricks are laid around windows with a round shape.

To complete the planned work you will need:

  • Hollow ceramic brick;
  • Metal profiles (beacons);
  • Board;
  • Cement-sand masonry mortar;
  • Grinder with cutting disc;
  • Spirit level and plumb line;
  • Trowel, hammer and other accessories commonly used in construction work.

In our case, the finishing masonry is brought to a level one row below the edge of the window. That is, all that remains is to complete the cladding in a circle. We do it this way:

  • Laying it down metal profiles on top of an already laid row with an indentation from the opening half the width of 1 brick;

Attention! When laying out, make sure that the seams in the laid row coincide with the seams every other row. That is, you need to ensure that the bricks are laid in a staggered pattern along the entire wall. This is necessary both to ensure high bond strength and to provide an attractive appearance finished masonry

  • We make the layout for another two or three rows up to approximately half the height of the opening;
  • After the layout is completed, we determine the center of the round opening and, as shown in my drawing, fasten the board so that it coincides with the center.

  • Where the board intersects the center of the circle, we screw a piece of the beacon onto it, so that when rotated, the beacon coincides with the perimeter of the opening at all points;

  • We insert a pencil into the perforation of the improvised lighthouse compass so that it runs along the edge of the opening and draw a circular line on the front side of the layout;

  • After the circle has been drawn, we number the bricks in the order in which they are located in the layout;

  • Next, we make a cut along the drawn circular line;
  • Let's analyze the layout;

  • We prepare the masonry mortar and lay the brick in the cladding based on the numbering applied;
  • We draw the radius of the circle, which is laid out with bricks on a flat surface;
  • We count how many bricks will fit around the perimeter of the circle, provided that they are placed on the edge;
  • Prepare half of required quantity bricks and cut them in half;
  • Next, to make the cladding look beautiful, we give the pieces of brick a trapezoidal shape when viewed from the edge;

  • We begin to lay out a circle of prepared halves, maintaining a distance of 10 mm along all seams;
  • After we have reached just above half the height of the opening, we take a break for a day to allow the solution to set;

  • If there is a circle left that was cut out of the opening, we set it up as a support on which we will lay out the brick halves along the perimeter of the circle;
  • Next, we continue to lay out the rest of the circle and also take a break until the solution sets;

  • Then we pull out the support, since the circle itself is strong; in addition, the shape of the bricks used makes it even stronger;

The circle is so strong that additional rows can be laid on top of it without the threat of collapse

  • After this, we lay out horizontal rows of bricks to the very top.

Before laying a new row on the mortar, do not forget to try on each brick so that the resulting seams match and all the gaps are the same.

So, we looked at another method by which windows are faced with brick. And finally, I suggest you briefly familiarize yourself with the method of cladding an arched opening.

Method three - construction of the ceiling of the arched opening

Arched window openings in brickwork are faced in the same way as round windows, but everything is much simpler, since there is much less work.

So, in the photo you can see the side parts of the opening, between which a support made in the shape of an arch is assembled. The support frame is made of a 50×25 mm block and pieces of plywood 13 mm thick.

On initial stage The brick layout was carried out in order to determine the required quantity, taking into account the same gap.

After this, solid brick was laid along the entire top. After the entire row was laid out, a seam was formed at all the gaps. Then there was a break necessary for the mortar to set, after which the rest of the wall was laid out.

The supports from the opening can be removed only after complete polymerization of the masonry mortar or during the installation of frames for installing glazing.

The windows tell passersby about the purpose of the building, and in what prosperity the people inhabiting the house live. It pours into the rooms through the window opening sunlight. At the same time, cold and moisture penetrate in winter. We enter the room through the door. If the openings are not properly made and lined, dampness and mold will settle in the house instead of comfort. To maintain comfort, in brick and concrete walls openings are made with a quarter. IN log cabins A high-quality joint and cashing play a big role.

Finishing window openings for brick walls

Windows are the calling card of a residential building

Finishing window openings

There are no residential buildings without windows. They are needed for natural lighting and ventilation. From the outside, windows act as an element of architecture and their shape can tell about the style and time of its creation. In the interior, there are many ways to turn them into decor.

A skewed or loose frame causes drafts and dampness to appear in the house. The resulting condensation creates conditions for the appearance of black spots of mold and mildew. It is necessary that the frame fits tightly to the wall, without distortions or cracks. Dew formed from temperature changes was removed without getting on the walls. The rain did not get inside the window.

Purpose of the opening in the wall

Window opening in a brick system

Door and window openings are created in the wall during its construction. Rarely do cases arise when a hole is punched in finished masonry. The hole design must ensure:

  • correct installation of frames;
  • reliable fastening of the window structure;
  • sealing;
  • installation of water drains;
  • removal of moisture to the outside;
  • installation of heat and sound insulation;
  • expansion of slope clearance;
  • decorative design of the facade and interior.

A frame can be easily inserted into a properly made window opening; window sills inside and outside are attached without laying a thick layer of mortar. A place is prepared for facing bricks - niches. The horizon and vertical are strictly maintained, the top bar does not bend under the weight of the wall.

Creating openings when building a brick wall

Window opening

When designing the structure of a house and the location of windows in the wall, the architect calculates their position taking into account the size of the brick. The base for the window opening is prepared after 10 rows of regular masonry. This ensures the strength and rigidity of the structure. Then a kind of sole is made. The brick is laid perpendicular to the axis of the wall and can protrude outward.

The side surfaces are completed with a whole brick along the perimeter. A “quarter” is made inside the opening - a corner made of facing bricks protruding by a quarter of its size. This serves as a support for the frames and ensures that they do not fall out. At the same time, thermal insulation is created, closing the possible gap between the wall and the side strip of the frame. A larger protrusion will interfere with the design of side slopes and expansion under the light flux. By building standard Dimensions are maintained with an accuracy of one centimeter.

The ceiling is laid on top of the opening. Most often, a corner of 100 or 120 is used for this. The outer one is slightly recessed into the wall, so that when decorating the facade it can be easily hidden under plaster or a layer of other facing material.

The corner is laid at a distance the size of a brick. The number of rows depends on the type of masonry and its thickness. A concrete cushion is made in the wall along the edge of the opening under the corner. Durable can be used solid brick. A reinforcing mesh is placed in the mortar on the cushion and top bricks of the masonry.

Blocking window openings in brickwork can be done not only by metal corner. IN capital construction Other types of floors are also used, I-beams are used, concrete blocks and brick lintels. They are also laid on a concrete shoe. The entry into the wall from each wall is: half the height of the structure, plus at least 15 cm. An understatement is made in the wall for the design of the opening.

In construction, there are main types of ceilings for a window opening:

  • prefabricated corners;
  • I-beam design;
  • reinforced concrete;
  • arched brick;
  • wedge-shaped from wedge stone.

The shape of the window differs only in the arched masonry, which forms an arc in the upper part.

When a house is built from concrete slabs, all elements of the opening in the wall, including the quarter, are provided during the manufacture of the frame element. Window decoration is done after installing the frames.

New window in old masonry

Window openings in a brick wall

If there is a need to make windows in an old solid wall, then you must follow the rules.

  1. First you need to cut a hole in the wall for the ceiling. Install the block or lintel structure or insert the reinforcement and pour the concrete in place.
  2. Materials must have a quality certificate.
  3. After complete hardening, you can punch a hole in the wall under the windows, with the expectation of decorating lower support and lateral quarters.
  4. At the bottom, masonry is made in a transverse row, the sides of the opening are laid out.
  5. The frame is installed after complete crystallization of the solution and initial shrinkage.

Jumper of openings in walls made of logs

DIY window opening

A frame of windows is made from logs in the wall, taking into account the characteristics of the material. The tree breathes and changes its size. Expansion and contraction of wood occurs constantly even after the house shrinks. What material can ensure the strength of the opening in the wall and will not create tension. First of all, wood, only dry, seasoned and correctly collected. Thermal insulation and rigidity of the connection is ensured by a groove along the outer perimeter of the frame of the frame, which fits onto the protrusion of the inner surface of the wall.

The casing frame is made from:

  • solid wood along the grain;
  • typesetting, glued and connected with microspikes from several slats;
  • combined.

The most common combination is a stacked window sill, side racks and top bars made of solid pine.

The elements of the pigtail are connected to each other by spikes. No glue is used. This allows the casing frame to breathe along with the logs without collapsing and preventing the formation of cracks in the wall.

Depending on the design of the window inside, there will be frames around the perimeter with outside selection can be made for installing the frame. Sealing is done around the entire perimeter using linen fabric. Expansion for cash withdrawal is not being done.

Window decoration is possible after complete shrinkage of the walls. It should match the size of the house and its style. A window sill made of plastic or galvanized metal is installed. Platbands and kokoshnik are often carved. Under plastic frames from the street, the perimeter is edged with overlays made of wood of a different species or painted. This is the sealing of the connection between the frame and the wall of the opening. WITH log walls Windows with lintels look harmonious.

Cashing is done inside a wooden house

Window opening in a wooden house

Window cashing wooden house done from the inside. It is attached to the pigtail. The gaps between the frame, the frame and the wall are sealed. Expansion of slopes is possible only if the walls are finished with plaster and further decorative coating.

When installing plastic windows You can also use ready-made PVC cash. It performs its functions well:

  • sealing;
  • noise absorption;
  • protection against mold formation;
  • decorative interior design.

The color of the cashing is selected similar to the frame, it is best to paint it like wood. The width of the strip should cover all the cracks, ensuring sealing. Massive platbands are only possible in a large room and as a design element in a certain style.

Often, doing renovation work in the house, you have to face difficulties in arranging additional door or windows. Of course, this cannot be said to be a simple task. Quite the opposite: both complex and responsible, but doable. Our article will tell you how to make an opening in a brick wall.

Making an opening in a brick wall should be approached with all responsibility, otherwise troubles cannot be avoided. First, figure out what type of wall you are planning to install a new door or window, what is hidden inside it.

Types of walls

All of them are divided into 2 main types:

  1. Carrier. Its very name suggests that it is loaded from above. If you manage to find a house plan, you will easily find out where which walls are located. If not, then be guided by the following signs indicating that the wall is load-bearing:
  • external walls;
  • common with neighboring apartments;
  • facing the landing;
  • walls on which the floor slabs rest with the smaller side;
  • The thickness of the brick wall is more than 380 mm.

2. Not load-bearing. They are ordinary partitions, loaded only with their own weight.

Necessary details about the wall

Having decided which wall we have to deal with, let’s learn more about it:

  • whether there is hidden wiring inside;
  • whether there are fittings or pipes in the wall;
  • Is there a chimney and where is it located?

This information cannot be obtained by simple inspection, so it is necessary to use a metal detector. The discovery of any obstacles does not mean that it is impossible to make an opening in a brick wall. We simply fix the problems:

  • we move the electrical wiring to another place;
  • we retreat at least 300 cm from the chimney;
  • with pipes the matter is somewhat more serious; here you cannot do without a specialist.
  1. The size of the opening must comply with building codes.
  2. The height of the opening in the load-bearing wall should not exceed 2.1 m, and the width should not exceed 0.7 m to 2 m. If the apartment is located on the first floor, then the maximum width of the opening is limited to 0.9 m.
  3. The location of the opening is the center of the wall.
  4. Correct when the top of the opening in a brick wall coincides with cement seam masonry
  5. Arranging new door, make the opening for it so that between door frame and the wall remained with a gap of 2.5 cm on the sides and 0.6 cm at the top. The same rule applies when making window openings.
  6. An opening up to 0.9 m wide does not require additional reinforcement. If the width is greater, then the wall must be strengthened. The construction of an opening in a load-bearing wall is always accompanied by the installation of reinforcing structures.

How to make openings in brick walls

Armed with theoretical knowledge, we begin to apply it in practice, but first we stock up on tools:

  • hammer drill;
  • grinder with diamond disc;
  • chisel;
  • trowel;
  • hammer;
  • bolt;
  • meter ruler, square, tape measure.

You can’t start work without the necessary materials:

  • wooden beams;
  • corner minimum 35x35 mm;
  • necessary components for concrete mortar;
  • boards;
  • hardware.

Let's start punching a doorway in a load-bearing brick wall

We carry out the work in the following sequence:

  • We expose the brickwork at the location of the future opening.
  • We make the markings using a ruler and a large square.
  • We outline the places for the lintels, and if the opening is wider than 0.9 m, then, retreating 150 mm from the edge, we mark the installation points for supports to strengthen the structure.
  • Cut off 2 corners. 30 cm longer than the width of the opening.
  • Install on an angle grinder diamond blade and make cuts on both sides for the corners. Under the 40x40 mm profile we go deeper by 40 mm.
  • We put the corners into the formed niches and secure them with pins. We fill the cracks with cement mortar.
  • We make 2 more vertical and 6 horizontal slots on each side along the perimeter of the planned opening. Their depth is equal to the size of the corner flange used to give greater strength to the opening.
  • We cut the corner that is inserted into the slots and fold the left and right elements in pairs.
  • We fasten 2 blanks with clamps and make holes in each pair.
  • We first install vertical and then horizontal profiles in the slots and drill the wall through the holes in them. So we assemble all the blanks in pairs.
  • We insert ties in the form of reinforcement pins with a minimum diameter of 1.2 cm into the prepared holes. We fasten them very tightly on each side with a complex fastening unit consisting of a regular washer, an engraver and a nut.

Now that the loads on the wall are evenly distributed, you can proceed directly to punching. So, we continue the construction of the opening in the brick wall:

  • We drill holes in several places with a hammer drill to weaken the masonry;
  • knock out bricks with a hammer or sledgehammer;
  • we knock off the protruding edges of the bricks, clear the resulting opening from debris;
  • We weld profiles, clean up welding seams, paint all metal structure and sealing all gaps with cement mortar.

An opening in a brick wall is made in a slightly different way:

  1. As in the first case, after marking, a groove is made in the wall to install the lintel.
  2. The channel is cut into 2 equal pieces and placed into grooves on both sides of the future opening.
  3. Drill holes with a diameter of 2 cm, the distance between the centers of which is 0.5 m. Insert bolts and tighten the channel sections.

If the wall is not load-bearing, then they immediately start punching an opening, and if you have to make an opening in a load-bearing brick wall, then you cannot do without reinforcement.

Installing supports

The supports are built at a distance of 600-900 mm from the wall. The materials used for their construction are:

  • brick, laying out columns from it;
  • reinforced concrete, wooden, metal beams, jacks.

Window opening in a brick wall

As a rule, a window opening is installed in a self-supporting brick wall. The work performed when constructing a window opening in a brick wall is similar to that required when making an opening for a door:

  1. Marking is better outside, if conditions permit.
  2. Punching a groove under the jumper.
  3. Laying a lintel from a corner, channel or reinforced concrete beam. If the last option is chosen, then the hole is made through.
  4. Marking the position of the beams from the outside.
  5. Drilling the wall from the outside in order to transfer coordinates to the inside for installing studs.
  6. Installation of studs made of wooden beam. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that their ends protrude equally from both the inner and the opposite side.
  7. Installation of supports followed by laying wooden beams on them to disperse the loads.
  8. Fixation supporting structure using nails connecting the studs and support bars.
  9. Removing bricks in the place where the lintel is planned to be installed and installing the lintel itself.
  10. Dismantling the first row of bricks under the lintel. It is correct when this is done on both sides.
  11. Removing the rest of the brickwork and covering the exposed edges of the bricks. If you work diamond tool, then the opening will immediately turn out smooth.

And in conclusion: Making an opening in a load-bearing brick wall is a very responsible matter. Don't start doing anything until you have an approved project in hand. It is especially important to comply with this condition if you live in multi-storey building. Due to your incorrect actions, the structure of the entire house may be damaged.

And here is a video on how to make an opening in a brick wall: