DIY hanging chair: options for every taste and color. How to weave a hanging macrame chair with your own hands, master class How to weave a hanging chair with your own hands

Peace and tranquility - one might say, are one of the most important criteria when arranging the interior of a room in a house (apartment) or when beautifying it with the help of landscape design country courtyard. A DIY hanging chair will bring not only visual calm to this picture, but also physical, serene relaxation during its use. The hanging chair is designed to lull a person and lead to a thoughtful philosophical conclusion, when used directly - measured rocking.

Types of hanging chairs

There are at least 6 options for hanging chairs, which can be installed both indoors and in the courtyard, under the canopy of trees.

So this is:

  1. Wicker hanging chair. It consists of a frame of two hoops, one of which is like the entrance to the chair, and the second is the seat itself. This structure is braided with ropes. To strengthen the skeleton of the composition, you can additionally install supports between the hoops in the form of segments from other hoops corresponding in length;
  2. Hammock hanging chair. This form of hanging chair is also comparable to a hanging chair made of a soft frame covered with fabric. Convenient because it has comfortable adjustable dimensions and ease of installation;
  3. A hanging chair from the ceiling or vice versa, its prototype is a hanging chair that is installed on a stand. The advantage of a hanging structure on a stand is that it is portable. However, a chair suspended from the ceiling also has its own twist - the design will take less space indoors and will withstand more weight a person resting in it;
  4. Rattan hanging chair with rigid frame. It is made from wicker, acrylic or durable plastic. At the same time, it is very difficult to create this type of hanging chair yourself. For a comfortable time on such a chair, its seat is decorated soft pillows or miniature mattresses;
  5. Cocoon hanging chair. It is notable for the fact that three-quarters of it is hidden by rope wicker walls, made using the macrame technique. An ideal modification of a hanging chair for those who dream of privacy;
  6. in the form of a drop. This type of chair is more suitable for children, as it has an association with small a cozy house, in which the child can feel like he’s in a shelter and forget about the world around him for a while.

All these models can be found in many IKEA stores, while the hanging chair itself, as well as its components, are relatively inexpensive, and purchasing it will only be a matter of time and desire.

However, for those who intend to make a hanging chair with their own hands, do not despair either. Make your own - individual and ordinary hanging chair, it is possible according to the elementary diagram presented below.

Standard design for a hanging chair

In order to make a simple and simple hanging chair, you will need to purchase the following list of materials and tools:

  1. Two hoops of different diameters made of metal-plastic, or PVC pipes, which will then need to be rounded and given the desired rounded shape in terms of dimensions.
  2. Strong cords and polyamide threads for fastening hoops.
  3. Slings, wooden rods and foam tapes (you can use either tape or glue instead of tapes).
  4. Construction tape (or measuring tape), scissors, needles, cotton threads and a knife.

If the chair is subsequently going to be covered with fabric, then in addition you will need to purchase some padding polyester for padding the seat and back.

So, the diagram for constructing a hanging chair with your own hands is as follows:

  1. A hoop with a smaller diameter is braided using the macrame knitting technique, in the form of a checkerboard mesh with flat knots, or any other pattern that has strong fastening of the transverse threads.
  2. Then two hoops, a braided small one and a large one, are fastened together with foam tapes so that it looks like a standard hanging chair.
  3. Next, the resulting structure of two hoops is woven along the back with a similar pattern as on a small hoop, and finally, at the bottom, if desired, it is decorated with fringe.
  4. To ensure the strength of the structure, spacers are installed in its widest part - on the back - in the form of wooden rods, which are cut at the ends for fixation, thereby creating additional strength for the hanging chair;
  5. Also, at your discretion, to your taste, you can beautifully and neatly cover the resulting shape of the chair with fabric.
  6. In conclusion − finished model, using slings, hang it in the desired place, securely fixing it to the ceiling.

For a chair with a soft frame, that is, an ordinary hammock, you will need only one hoop and very thick fabric. The hoop will need to be covered with fabric, and the resulting seat will need to be filled with padding polyester. Then, in the areas provided on the seat under the slings, secure the structure to the ceiling using the loops. The space between the feet can be additionally treated with fabric like a comfortable and cozy soft backrest.

A dacha is a place not only for intensive work, but also for have a good rest, so it’s hard to imagine a garden area without a hammock or swing. In gardening stores today you can find designs for children and adults different shapes and dimensions. If you don't want to spend money, try making your own garden furniture. In this article we will tell you how to make a comfortable hanging chair with your own hands and decorate personal plot country house or dachas.


- metal hoops;
— slings;
- cord;
- centimeter;
- wooden rods.

Master class on making a hanging chair for a summer house

Master class hanging chair for a summer house

If you haven’t found hoops of different sizes, you can make them yourself from PVC pipes with a cross-section of 3.5 cm. Decide on the size of the chair and calculate the length of the pipe using the formula:

L=3.14*d, where L is the length of the PVC pipe, and d is the diameter of the ring.

For example, if you need to make a hoop with a diameter of 100 cm, you need to measure 100 * 3.14 = 314 cm of pipe. To connect the ends of the pipe, you can use inserts made of wood or plastic.

It is better to braid hoops with polyamide rope 0.4 cm thick, as it is more durable and at the same time soft to the touch. It’s better to buy a lot of cord in advance so that there is enough for the entire product, at the rate of 400 cm of cord per 100 cm of hoop. The winding should be uniform, and to increase its strength, tighten it every 10-20 twists.

Now you can start weaving the mesh using the macrame technique. You can choose any pattern, for example, checkerboard with flat knots or any other. Monitor the tension of the rope during weaving, as the beauty of the product, as well as the strength of the finished cross, depends on this. You can turn the remaining ends into a fringe that will hang beautifully.

After the hoops are braided, they can be assembled into a finished structure. Start by braiding them together at one end with a cord. To make the back, wooden rods are inserted. It is best to make cuts at the ends of the rods so that they do not slip off.

You can also braid the back with any pattern, but it is better to start weaving from the top and work your way down. When the chair is ready, you need to attach the slings and hang the product in a convenient place.

Watch this useful video: Weaving with ropes for a chair

Master class garden chair with fabric cover

If you are not familiar with the macrame technique and do not want to weave, you can make a chair with a fabric cover. To make it you will need a hoop with a diameter of 0.9 m, 3.0 meters of durable fabric, metal rings and buckles, braid and slings.

From a piece of fabric, you need to cut two squares measuring 150*150 cm. In order to make a circle, the squares must be folded four times, measure 0.65 m and cut. At a distance of 40 mm, measure the outline with strokes.

Now you need to mark the cutouts for the slings, so the circle is folded four times and marks are made relative to the bend lines. The first two slings will be located at an angle of 45 degrees, and the second - 30. The slots should be 10*15 in size.

To make them on the second circle, connect the parts and make a mark. Two circles need to be sewn on a machine along the marked line so that there is a hole left for the hoop. Cut strips 6-8 cm wide from padding polyester and cover the hoop.

The case needs to be filled with padding polyester and secured to the hoop. All that remains is to attach the slings and secure them into one suspension on a metal ring.

Ideas for hanging furniture in the garden

Hanging seats have been popular for a long time. Most often they are made from rattan, as they are highly durable and lightweight.

Semicircular structures are very convenient for relaxation, and you can hang them on a tree or other support. The shape of hanging furniture can be completely different, so each owner of a country house chooses the most suitable options for himself.

On the market garden furniture You can find hanging furniture made of plastic, wicker, acrylic or rattan, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

To make the seat soft, the set includes decorative pillows or mattresses. There are many options for designing a sitting area, so you can either make garden furniture yourself or buy ready-made products.

A hanging chair can be hung not only on a tree branch, but also in a gazebo. To do this, you will have to build a suspended structure that will support not only the furniture itself, but also the weight of a person.

Watch the video: Hanging chairs - romance in the home

The advantage of a hand-made chair is that it will fully meet your needs and harmonize with the overall landscape design.

Now you can free time It's nice to sway and get satisfaction from relaxing in nature.

DIY hanging chairs are a guarantee of receiving individual and stylish design. Hanging or hanging chairs can have different sizes and shape. The designs also differ in the type of materials used for manufacturing.

Currently, you can purchase a ready-made metal chair or a product made of rattan and fabric, but it is absolutely not difficult to make such a design yourself, Having studied the drawings and become familiar with the main types:

  • wicker chair suspended from the ceiling;
  • “bubble” model in the form of a ball;
  • hanging hammock chair;
  • frameless hanging models made exclusively from dense and reliable fabrics;
  • openwork hanging cocoon chair or an egg chair.

Hanging models are suspended from ceiling structures or attached to wooden beams. However, in recent years A rocking chair mounted on a special metal stand came into fashion. If necessary, the model can be easily replaced in the interior regular chair. This frame is fixed to the floor, so the design has a number of advantages, presented by:

  • mobility. Can be moved or installed as desired anywhere in the room, as well as on outdoors;
  • the ability to detach from the stand and hang from the ceiling.

Wicker models made of wicker or rattan, as well as those created on the basis clear acrylic or plastic, they have a fairly rigid body, so ease of use is most often complemented by different sizes decorative pillows or soft small mattresses. The hammock chair is more soft option suspended structure, due to which it belongs to the most popular category. A “cocoon” model or a round wicker product, closed on three sides with woven walls, is ideal for moments of solitude and abstraction from the outside bustle. You can get a lighter, more flexible and quieter structure by replacing traditional rattan or wicker with modern, reliable, durable ones. synthetic materials.

How to make a hanging hammock chair with your own hands

A correctly selected option fits organically into both the interior of the living space and the landscape local area.Most simple option is to use a hoop to create fabric, rather than a wicker model.

Small home models are designed for indoor use, so they can be made from materials that are not unstable to frost, rain and temperature changes. Garden or street structures can be installed both indoors and outdoors, fixed to the external beams of the building or floors. In this case, the most stable materials are used and can be presented artificial rattan, metal and plastic.

Types of hanging chairs (video)

Master class on making a cocoon chair on a stand

The master class is a great opportunity to make your own model, which will take into account all your personal wishes and will not require significant expenses. The hanging model can be made using any technique, and the main difference is the independent production of a reliable and stable stand made of metal or wood.

Hanging option made of natural linen, practical to use and can be washed in a regular washing machine, therefore most often used in children's rooms and outdoor conditions.

Materials and tools are presented:

  • one oak stick;
  • a couple of meters of durable linen fabric;
  • reliable rope;
  • carabiner for fastening.

Also for work you need to prepare sewing machine, acrylic fabric paint and brush, drill with drill bits, marker, ruler or centimeter, sharp scissors and iron with steamer.

Step by step instructions to create a tissue model:

  • the fabric piece is folded in half and measured from the right top corner 18 cm;
  • from the resulting current a line is drawn towards the bottom of the fabric;
  • the resulting triangular element is carefully cut off, and the fabric piece is unfolded;
  • the top edge is folded one and a half centimeters and the fabric is fixed in this position using a hot iron;
  • a fold is sewn along the bottom of the fabric strip;
  • rope pockets are made and a rope is threaded through each side;
  • the corners are folded by 40 mm and ironed, after which they are stitched;
  • the process is repeated on the second side of the fabric;
  • on a wooden stick you need to measure 50 mm and 100 mm sections and drill holes;
  • onto the canvas using acrylic paint Any design is applied with a brush.

At the final stage, all that remains is to make a knot on one stretched rope, leaving a section for threading through the pocket on the seat. The second knot is tied at a distance of 80 mm, after which the rope is threaded through the second hole. The same operation is carried out with another fastening pocket. A pair of carabiners is attached to a fixed rack hook and the finished hammock chair is hung.

For mounting, it is best to use special ready-made racks on circular platforms, which are the most mobile. The axial option involves attaching the chair not only to the ceiling, but also to the floor. This option is the safest and most convenient, therefore it is widely used when decorating children's rooms.

How to make a hammock chair with your own hands (video)

Making a hammock chair from a hoop

It is necessary to prepare a standard set of materials and tools presented:
  • a metal hoop to create a seat with a diameter of 70 cm and a cross section of 35 mm;
  • a metal hoop to create a backrest with a diameter of 110 cm and a cross-section of 35 mm;
  • durable and reliable polyamide cord in the amount of 900 m;
  • synthetic slings in the amount of 12 m;
  • a pair of fairly thick and strong cords used to connect the rings;
  • a pair of wooden rods;
  • sharp scissors, tape measure and work gloves.

The weaving technology is as follows:

  • wrapping of hoops, consisting of a complete and maximally dense coating with good tension metal surface hoops with cord. As a rule, the cord consumption is about 40 m per meter of surface;
  • to improve the density of the coating, every twenty turns you need to make a standard tightening with force, which will allow you to get not only dense, but also the maximum flat surface completed braid;
  • weaving a mesh with any pattern using the macrame technique. Professionals recommend using the “checkerboard pattern with flat knots” for this purpose. Weaving is done with a double cord made of polyamide, and fixation to the designed braid of the hoop is done using double knots. It is allowed to form fringe knots from the free ends.

At the final stage, the final assembly of the entire structure is performed. The braided hoops are joined on one side by a cord wrap. A pair of wooden rods are installed on the opposite edge from the winding, used as a support for the back. The length of such support rods can be arbitrary. Weaving the back is also done in a random pattern and starts at the top with a gradual descent towards the seat. Slings are attached to the finished product, by which the structure is suspended.

How to properly secure a hanging chair to the ceiling

There are several convenient, practical and reliable options that allow you to properly fix a hanging chair to the ceiling. Standard ceiling hooks are the most common and popular fastening options. However need to remember, that this method of fastening can be safely implemented only in cases where the ceiling part is represented by a concrete non-hollow floor or durable ceiling beams. Before fastening, you should ensure that the load capacity is consistent.

If there is a hollow or not very reliable ceiling, V mandatory other fastening methods must be used, which can be represented by a modern and strong fastening rail installed on a fragment of the base ceiling or mounted around the perimeter of the entire room. Such the system is widely used when it is necessary to effectively distribute the entire load, which will fall on the structure suspended from the ceiling.

Less common, but quite reliable is the use chemical anchor. In this case, a special paste-like modern solution is pumped into the ceiling cavity using a conventional construction syringe. polymer composition, into which the fastenings of the suspended structure are mounted. After this composition hardens, the installed elements are firmly fixed.

How to make a chair from a metal hoop (video)

The very first model of a hanging chair was created by a Danish designer back in the middle of the last century. Since then, the design has undergone numerous changes and improvements, but has not lost its relevance. If you have some skills and follow the basic technology, there is a great opportunity to independently create such an unusual, but very popular decorative element.

Every person wants to furnish their home so that it is not only beautiful, but also functional and modern. In this case, it is worth installing a comfortable cocoon swing, which was designed by designers back in the last century.

People relax there after a hard day at work, spend leisure time with a book or a cup of coffee. You can install a cocoon in any room, or on the street, veranda or loggia.

The only drawback of this furniture is the high cost in stores. Therefore, it is better to do it yourself. And to do this, you need to understand its features, manufacturing materials, manufacturing technology and assembly of parts.

The design of the cocoon swing is something between and. But thanks to improvements, this furniture is more comfortable, practical and functional.

Its distinctive features are high side walls that hide interior space . It has a lot of advantages.

In addition to aesthetic appearance, in the swing you can relax, wrapping your feet in a blanket on a cool evening. Some people like to work in a soft and cozy product, taking it with them. Since the features of its design allow you to retire and escape from the bustle of the city, getting into a working mood.

TO distinctive features cocoon chairs include:

  • Exclusivity. Such a piece of furniture will harmoniously fit into the interior of a nursery, bedroom and even living room.
  • Uniqueness. Custom production opens limitless possibilities in front of users. The products come in different sizes, designs and shapes.
  • Ease of use. This furniture is suitable for evening relaxation and wonderful rest.

Attention: installation of a hanging product in a room with tension or plasterboard ceilings will be problematic. To install it, you will need to leave space in such a structure in advance.


According to the types of swings, the cocoon is divided into:


Hanging chairs differ in:

  • form;
  • manufacturing materials;
  • types of structures;
  • method of fastening.

The following materials are suitable for the manufacture of models with a rigid frame:

The frame of such a product is covered thick fabric. It could be natural materials(linen, cotton) or synthetic (nylon). Products made from rattan or wicker are also popular.

Advice: You won’t be able to make a rattan chair yourself, since it goes on sale only in finished products. But you can weave a chair from a wicker yourself. Such designs look noble and elegant.

Product design for baby

Before you start self-production cocoon swing, it is worth deciding on the materials and appearance.

Attention is also paid to the type of fastener. To do this, the expected load exerted on the product during operation is calculated.

For children's rooms, preference is given to environmental friendliness and naturalness.. Here it would be appropriate to make a chair from wicker or natural textiles. Furniture that will be used outdoors must have high technical characteristics. The materials used must cope with negative factors and have a long service life.

Important: at the end of the summer season, furniture should be removed to a warm room.

As for the design:

  • for classic motifs, furniture is made of wicker;
  • for Provence and country styles, hanging textile models are suitable;
  • For Mediterranean interiors, people prefer wicker structures.

Drawing with dimensions

Before manufacturing any piece of furniture, a drawing is made with all dimensions. Having a drawing will allow you to make a high-quality chair without making mistakes. It will help you understand the type of installation, product design, materials of manufacture and exact dimensions.

You can make such a scheme either independently, showing personal skills, or using the Internet.


To make a cocoon chair you will need the following tools:

  • hammer;
  • tape measure and pencil;
  • scissors;
  • threads and needles;
  • hacksaw;
  • sewing machine.

Attention: the set of tools may vary depending on the type of chair design.

Master class on making a nest

Before you start making a cocoon swing yourself, you need to:

To install the chair you will need special fastenings(carabiners, brackets and spring for shock absorption).

How to make a hanging swing from a hoop and rope at home?

Among variety of options Making a cocoon swing with your own hands is in great demand for a hanging chair using the macrame technique. To make it you will need the following materials:

  • 2 metal hoops with a diameter of 1.1 meters and 70 cm;
  • 4 mm polyamide thread 900 m long;
  • crochet hook;
  • twelve-meter slings;
  • 2 tight ropes;
  • 2 rods of 80 cm;
  • tape measure and scissors.

That's the whole simple process of making a comfortable and stylish cocoon swing on a hoop. You can hang them in any corner of the house or outside..

Garden option - a textile egg on a rigid frame

To make such a product you will need the following materials:

  • one hoop with a diameter of 70 cm and up to 1 meter;
  • two thick pieces of fabric;
  • padding polyester;
  • lightning;
  • two carabiners and rings for hanging.

The swing manufacturing process is as follows:









I quote:
Difficulty level: not for beginners.

1. At the first stage, of course, let's get to know the object better.
The highest quality image of the finished chair, which was found on the Internet, gives an acceptable level of detail of the product when the image is enlarged:

2 hoops, pre-braided with cord,
weaving pattern - “checkerboard”,
knots when weaving are flat,
the cord is used in pairs (double),
fastening the cord to the base with a double loop.

In addition to the four slings that are attached to both hoops, there are 2 additional tight cords in the back of the chair, giving the structure additional rigidity. All ends of the cords and braided slings form decorative tassels under the lower hoop.

Metal - plastic pipes those with a metal braid inside are the most durable (they cost more, but will withstand even an elephant!), so they are ideal for us to create a chair.

Use a hacksaw to cut the required length of the pipe, determining it using the formula S = 3.14xD, where S is the length of the pipe, D is the required diameter (width) of the hoop.
For example, for a hoop with a diameter of 1.2 m, you need to measure 1.2 x 3.14 = 3.77 m of pipe. You should not take straight pipes (not twisted into coils), especially polypropylene ones, because they behave inappropriately when bent too strongly.

Use an internal insert to connect the ends of the pipe to each other. suitable diameter made of wood or plastic. For strengthening, you can use short stainless steel screws.

The characteristics of the finished product say that the diameter of the larger hoop is 72 cm, but I made hoops with diameters of 110 and 70 cm to make the chair wider and more comfortable. The proportion of diameters turned out to be, perhaps, the maximum. When selecting sizes, I recommend sticking to the coefficients Diameter_large/Diameter_small from 1.2 to 1.6.

The material used for weaving was a white polyamide cord 4 mm thick with a polypropylene core. In total, over 900 meters of such cord were used for the product. The cord can be found on the construction market. Do not buy polypropylene cord, the fibers of which are similar in structure to the fibers of a sugar bag! Polyamide cord has a soft surface, practically indistinguishable from cotton fibers. The polypropylene core gives increased rigidity to the units.
If possible, buy all the required amount of material at once. Because of my own optimism, I purchased the cord three times (each time it seemed like it would be enough), and then I was surprised to discover that the texture and shade of the cords turned out to be different.

The primary braid of the hoops “ate” as much as 230 meters of cord, i.e. approximately 40 meters for every meter of hoop circumference. You need to braid carefully. To make the winding strong and even, carefully place one turn to another turn of the cord, and every 20-30 turns, tighten the winding - grab the last turns with your palm and forcefully twist in the direction of the winding until it stops, simultaneously compacting them. The surface of the braided hoop must be hard and durable, because macrame cords will subsequently be attached to it. It is better to carry out the entire procedure with gloves, otherwise you will definitely get calluses on your hands.

The mesh was weaved directly onto the hoop. The small hoop (seat) was braided first. As can be seen in the figure (Scheme 1), the weaving pattern is quite simple. Attaching the cords to the base with a double loop is shown with blue dots, flat mesh knots are shown with orange. It is better not to cut the ends of the cords (shown as “tails”) yet; decorative brushes are then formed from them. Weaving patterns flat knots and securing the thread with a double loop can be viewed in detail on the Internet.
The strong tension of the cords during weaving made the mesh very elastic. When about half of the base was woven, the hoop was slightly deformed (it was compressed from the sides), but when the lower knots were secured (also with the cord stretched), the pressure was compensated, and the hoop again took the correct shape.