A ficus pot is a cozy “house” and a guarantee of plant health. What pot is needed for ficus? Which pot to choose for transplanting ficus

Ficus is not a very whimsical plant. But the growth rate of the flower and the density of the crown are directly related to the characteristics of the pot in which it lives. Therefore, when buying a container for growing a tree, certain nuances must be taken into account.

Young plants are more suitable for standard flowerpots. And adults are best grown in large tubs with a volume of 10-15 liters or more.

When choosing a container, you need to pay attention to the following criteria:

  • container sizes;
  • form;
  • coloring;
  • material;
  • the number of plants that will be planted there.

Attention! There must be drainage holes at the bottom of the planter, and a “spout” on the pallet to drain excess moisture.

In fact, a flowerpot for a tree is not only its habitat. It is also a tool for shaping its trunk and crown. Therefore, the choice of capacity for growing a flower should be approached responsibly.

How to choose the right form?

The plant will fit the most common pots. The presence of special frills in its design is optional. The ideal option is planting in a pot of the correct shape. Its width and height will be approximately the same. This form is suitable for any variety of ficus.

But if you want something special, you need to consider the following nuances:

  1. It is better to avoid the round shape. In the process of transplanting a flower into such a flowerpot, there is a risk of injuring its root system. Then the flower will be very sick.
  2. In a too elongated pot, the volume of soil will be much higher than normal. This is fraught with slowing down the growth of the tree. It will begin to use its strength to build up roots, and only then will it continue to grow in height.
  3. For growing bonsai, a flat container is more suitable. In shape, it will be more like a bowl than a flowerpot.

Important! Fans of elongated shapes can use a little trick to create a stylish element in the interior. It is enough to purchase an elongated pot with a false bottom, where it will be at a higher level.


Not all containers are considered safe for plants and humans. For the manufacture of flowerpots, toxic raw materials are often used to reduce their cost. Then plastic of dubious quality releases harmful substances upon contact with soil, water or top dressing.

In this case, the flower may get sick or wither. Then you can save it only by transplanting it into another container. Therefore, it is better to choose natural materials.

These include:

  • wood;
  • ceramics;
  • glass;
  • clay.

Peculiarity! Wooden tubs are usually used for large trees, and clay pots for bonsai. Ceramic products look beautiful and are highly durable. But these pots are not cheap. Therefore, the best option is glass containers.

If it is possible to purchase plastic planters from a trusted manufacturer, then you can plant them in them. But with the slightest negative changes that are not associated with illness or improper care, the pot will have to be changed.

What size do you need: large or small?

After buying a flower, you need to evaluate: how much the container in which it is located can be considered suitable. There must be a supply of free space in the pot. So that the root system is not cramped, the ficus must be transplanted into a new pot 3-4 weeks after purchase.

When choosing the size of the flowerpot, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Follow the rule of "two centimeters". That is, leave 2 cm of free space for the development of the root system. Exactly so much the new pot should be larger than the previous one.
  2. If a small plant is placed in too large a container, all efforts will be spent on strengthening the root system. First, the roots will grow to the size of a pot, and only then will the growth of the aerial part of the tree begin. This also increases the risk of root rot as a result of waterlogging.
  3. If there is not enough space for the roots, they will grow through the drainage holes. And if the crown of the tree still increases, the container can turn over under the weight of its weight. Therefore, too small a pot is also not suitable.

Attention! In different varieties of ficus, the growth rate will be different. Rubber-bearing varieties of pots are changed every year, and the rest of the species - once every 2-3 years.

What color is best for a plant?

When choosing the color scheme of the pot, you need to pay attention to the following features:

  • white or beige will fit into any stylistic direction of the interior;
  • pastel colors are more suitable for the bedroom;
  • bright colors look good in the kitchen or living room;
  • green color will have a calming effect and relieve stress.

The color of the flowerpot does not have any effect on the development of the flower itself. The exception is containers of dark shades. If the plant is located on the south side, then a black or bright blue pot will attract even more light. Then the tree can suffer from its excess - get sunburn.

In which one should grow?

Some experts believe that the shape of the flowerpot should be in harmony with the outlines of the tree itself. Then the flower will easily fit into any interior.

And in appearance, ficuses are conditionally divided into several groups:

  1. Male trees. They are distinguished by a powerful trunk, strong and mature bark. They often have angled branches. Such plants look better in a square or rectangular planter, where the corners are clearly defined.
  2. Women's. They look more sophisticated. They have a bark smooth to the touch, always a smooth bending line of the shoots. For such specimens, oval or rounded pots are more suitable.
  3. Mixed type. It has signs of both male and female plants. It is considered universal - looks good in any container.

This classification is focused purely on the opinion of the owner and how he sees his ficus. In fact, the plant will thrive in any pot other than a round one.

What pot do you like?

When growing ficuses in the traditional way, it is worth focusing more on the size of the container and its shape. And if a bonsai is formed from a plant, then completely different requirements will be imposed on the flowerpot:

  1. It is necessary to take into account the appearance of the tree, the specifics of its growth.
  2. Preferably a flat shape, close to the tray or plate.
  3. The height of the sides should be no more than 10 cm. This is quite enough for the normal development of the root system.
  4. The width of the container will depend on the size of the crown. As the leaves grow, the width of the pot should increase.
  5. The underground part of the roots occupies a smaller area than the aboveground. Therefore, it is desirable to use planters made of "breathable" materials. These include wood and unglazed clay.

Ficus feels most comfortable in a clay pot. And from an aesthetic point of view, this option is more attractive.

Is it possible to plant several flowers in one container?

Ficuses are often used in the interior design process. If you plant 2-3 shoots in one flowerpot, you can form a beautiful composition from them. But for this you need to understand how to weave several trunks together correctly.

Interesting! Young stems of the plant are characterized by increased flexibility. This allows you to carry out various manipulations with them. Adult specimens are not suitable for this.

When planting several trees in one pot, the following recommendations must be observed:

  1. Choose indoor crops of the same height - within 15-17 cm.
  2. If the trunk is more than half stiff, such a plant is no longer suitable for creating a composition. In the process of weaving, it may break.
  3. If there are only two plants, they can be braided in the form of a spiral.
  4. In the case of using dwarf varieties, it is enough to twist the trunk once. For other trees, you can continue to twist their stems as they grow.
  5. Bulky or tall flowers require additional support for the weaving period. Then the tree will be protected from distortions and falls. After the process is completed, the frame can be removed.
  6. It is advisable to fix the points of contact of the shoots with a wire or strong threads. Then they are guaranteed to grow together in the required shape.

The most common type of weaving is considered a pigtail. It is also one of the simplest and even a beginner will be able to do it. And more experienced gardeners can try braiding the plants into a trellis or hedge.

  1. What shape is needed for a ficus pot? For most representatives of this species, the standard model, in which the height is approximately equal to the diameter, is quite suitable. For example, such a pot is suitable for ficus Benjamin.

    Ficus Benjamin (Ficus benjamina)

    The only exceptions are those plants that are grown using the bonsai technique. Then you need to pick up flat pots or bowls, in which the height of the sides is not more than 10 cm. In this case, for ficus Benjamin, you need a pot in the form of a bowl or container, preferably made of clay and without a glossy finish.

How to breed ficus benjamin at home

3 Ways to Propagate Ficus Benjamin

It is believed that ficus brings good luck and clears energy, so many housewives would like to acquire this home shrub. Ficus Benjamin is very popular now. This is due to the fact that its trunks can be intertwined into beautiful designs, cut the crown, create beautiful Bonsai. Very often the question arises how to grow Benjamin's ficus at home. This plant is quite unpretentious, it is not difficult to propagate.

Spring and early summer are ideal for reproduction, since during this period the plant begins to grow more actively, acquires new branches and foliage, and the root system also grows more rapidly.

There are several ways to propagate Ficus Benjamin:

  • cuttings;
  • Reproduction using seeds;
  • Microcloning.

At home, the first two types of reproduction are the most optimal. Since cloning is used on an industrial scale, or when breeding new varieties of ficuses. In this case, gardeners receive an exact copy of the donor plant.

Propagation of ficus Benjamin by cuttings

If you decide to use this plant propagation method, you should follow the following algorithm, in more detail you can see the video below:

  1. We cut the branches from the top of the tree with a length of 10-15 cm. We make the cut obliquely. On the harvested handle should be 2-3 tiers of leaves.
  2. When the shoot is cut, a white milk will appear, it is washed off with water, since the dried juice can interfere with the full development of the roots. It is also allowed to put the cut stalk in a container with water, the water must be changed every 2-3 hours, until the liquid from the cut stops coming out, then dry it for an hour.
  3. We put the dried sprout in a jar of water. It is necessary to ensure that the water is at room temperature, in warm water the branch will give roots faster.
  4. We put our plant in a lighted place, but without direct sunlight. We monitor the evaporation of the liquid, add the missing one.

Make sure that the leaves of your future tree do not touch the water, otherwise it may begin to rot. We also recommend adding a tablet of activated charcoal to the water, it will also help prevent decay.

If the conditions are not met, the effect can be obtained as in the photo below. The sprouts gave roots, but they could not be saved, the stalk began to rot, and the leaves fell off (the reasons for leaf fall can be seen here), as they were completely in the water.

After the roots in the water have reached about 5 cm in length, it is time to transplant the sprout into a pot for further cultivation. For faster growth, you can treat the lower part of the seedling with a special root stimulator.

We propagate ficus in the ground

There is another way to breed ficus with cuttings at home - planting cut branches immediately into the ground. To do this, you need to pick up a special mixture of earth that young ficuses love. If you have a desire to make the mixture yourself, for this we take in equal parts:

  • peat land;
  • sand;
  • leaf humus.

You can also find bags with ready-made substance in stores, they are also suitable for this procedure.

For such rooting, we prepare the cuttings in the same way as in the instructions above. After that:

  • take a dried cut and sprinkle with crushed coal;
  • we plant a sprout in the ground on one kidney;
  • we cover the plant with a three-liter jar, thus creating a mini greenhouse for it, a plastic bag is also suitable;
  • we water the earth moderately, for growth it should not be dry, but at the same time it is impossible to make a “swamp”;
  • put the pot in a warm place, for example, next to the battery, but no direct sunlight;
  • When the branch takes root, you will see new leaves, after that we gradually remove our greenhouse. We start with 15-20 minutes a day so that the tree gets used to the new conditions.

Propagation of a tree from seeds

You decide to try to germinate ficus at home from seeds, then store-bought specimens are better suited. At home, such ficuses bloom extremely rarely, one might say they do not bloom at all, so purchased seeds are ideal. They have a high degree of germination, they can also be stored for a long time if the rules of storage and transportation are observed. Additional processing of these seeds is not necessary. The land for sowing seeds is used the same as for cuttings; for top dressing, you can add 10 g of bone meal for every 10 liters of soil mixture. We plant the seeds not deep, it is enough to sprinkle them with earth, the planting depth should be approximately 5 mm.

It is acceptable to plant a few seeds in a wide, shallow container, as the seedlings are subject to further transplantation. Next, spray the soil abundantly and cover with a plastic bag (you can also use a glass jar or plastic bottle). The ground until full growth should always be wet, but not "mud".

The greenhouse created in this way must be opened daily for 10 minutes to avoid waterlogging the soil and remove excess condensate. When you see the first sprouts, the greenhouse can be removed for a longer period, but it will be possible to refuse it only until all the seeds have fully germinated.

The optimum temperature for germinating seedlings is 20-25 degrees. After the seedlings have a couple of leaves, they can dive into a larger pot. A similar method of propagation and rooting is great for Benjamin Dunetti's ficus, since it is the Dunetti variety that is quite expensive, and by sprouting it from seeds there is a chance to grow a beautiful tree at an affordable price.

For rooting, it is better to choose a fairly large pot. Ficus does not like frequent transplants, so you need to change the pot of the plant as needed, you can see how to transplant the plant here.

For beginner gardeners, it is more expedient to breed Benjamin's ficus with germinated cuttings in water. In order to make it easier for you, we have prepared for you a few videos below, where you can see in detail how to propagate this beautiful plant and what you need to grow it further, you can see in the article on ficus care.

Ficus Benjamin - reproduction | Exemplary Manor

Ficus Benjamin has become a frequent decoration of modern homes, and often those who do not have such a plant in their house wonder how it reproduces. The most well-known methods of propagation of this plant are seed propagation and cuttings.

How to propagate ficus benjamin

Since the plant does not bloom under indoor growing conditions, and, therefore, does not produce seeds, the seed propagation of this plant causes certain difficulties for us.

Harvested cuttings

So in our conditions, propagation by cuttings is ideal.

Ficus Benjamin: propagation by cuttings

Before proceeding with cuttings, make sure that the mother plant, that is, the plant from which you will take the cuttings, is absolutely healthy. Further, it should be borne in mind that the most favorable time for grafting a plant is the time period of spring or early summer, in winter or autumn it is best not to resort to this procedure. By propagating the plant at this time, you will ensure that young plants, having taken root, will be able to get stronger and endure the autumn-winter period well.

Procurement of cuttings

Correct cutting

Most of the existing types of ficus can be propagated by cuttings. harvesting cuttings consists in cutting them from the mother plant. Prepare a sharp knife and carefully at a 45 ° angle cut the apical semi-woody twigs 12 to 15 cm long.

You should not cut the cuttings with blunt tools, and make the cut even, as this will contribute to poor survival of the cuttings and slow down their rooting.

Preparation of cuttings

Sprouting cuttings in water

After the cuttings are cut from the mother plant, all excess leaves, especially large ones, must be removed from them. This is done so that the plant can give all its strength to the formation of roots. The second step will be to get rid of the milky juice in the place of the lower cut, it should either be washed off immediately, or the cuttings should be placed in a jar of water until the juice ceases to stand out. Water should be changed periodically, about once every one and a half to two hours. The juice is removed from the cut, because, when it hardens, it forms a dense film and interferes with the formation of the root system on the cut.

Callus formation

After the leaves are removed and the juice is washed off, you need to spread the cuttings on a clean surface and dry them slightly for two to three hours.

Sprouting cuttings in water

It is best to germinate the cuttings in warm water, so they will germinate faster and take root. But in warm water, rotting processes can begin, in order to avoid this, activated carbon should be added to the water. It will be enough just one tablet per half-liter jar. The cuttings are immersed in water, so that the water does not touch the left leaves. A container with cuttings is placed on a well-lit windowsill, but so that the plants do not fall under direct sunlight.

The stalk is ready for planting

If you notice that the water has evaporated, simply add the required amount of water to the jar.

You can create a mini greenhouse around the container with the cuttings, so the germination of the cuttings will be faster. To create a greenhouse, simply place the container with the cuttings in a plastic bag and tie it up. But it should be remembered that the greenhouse should be periodically ventilated in order to avoid the appearance of mold and rot.

Approximately two to three weeks after the start of germination, light growths will appear on the stems of the cuttings, this is a callus, from which roots are subsequently formed.

Planting cuttings in the ground

As soon as the roots grow to a length of 1-2 cm, the plants can be planted in the ground. How to grow plants properly, read the article: Ficus Benjamin: cultivation and care

Sprouting cuttings in the ground

In addition to germinating cuttings in a container with water, they can be germinated immediately in the ground.

For such germination, you need to prepare a special substrate. Take sand, peat and perlite in equal proportions, mix well and the substrate is ready. The substrate is poured into seedling boxes or any other container for germinating cuttings and watered well.

Germination of cuttings in the ground

The cuttings are prepared, as in the previous case, removing excess leaves and washing off the milky juice from the tip of the cutting. After drying the cuttings, their sections must be disinfected by sprinkling them with crushed charcoal. Then you can plant the cuttings. If you have soaked the soil, let the excess water drain. The soil should be well drenched, but not wet to the point of mud. The cuttings are immersed in a moist substrate, deepening one or two buds.

After the cuttings are planted, create the greenhouse conditions for the plants, for this, as in the previous case, put the container with the cuttings in a plastic bag and tie it. Do not forget to air the greenhouse from time to time. You can replace the plastic bag by simply covering the plants with a glass jar, but this is optional.

For better root formation and faster survival, you can water the plants with a root stimulator from time to time, but do not abuse this.

Creating a greenhouse

Whether plants have taken root or not is determined by observing the appearance of new young leaves. As soon as they appeared, the plant took root. But after the appearance of young leaves, you should not immediately remove the greenhouse, you need to gradually accustom young plants to environmental conditions. To do this, every day they begin to open the greenhouse, and leave the plants without shelter, each time increasing the time, and so on until the plants are hardened. After the hardening period has passed, you can transplant the plants to a permanent place, but you should not immediately take too large a pot.

Ficus Benjamin. Growing at home and care

In this article, Sovetland.ru will tell you how to properly grow the Benjamin ficus plant loved by many at home and how to care for it.

A little about Benjamin's ficus

One of the most popular houseplants is Benjamin's ficus. Under natural conditions, this plant can be found in Australia and Asian countries - Thailand, India, China. Reaching a height of up to 20 meters, the ficus is famous for its wide beautiful crown. Ficus is the symbol of Bangkok, the capital of Thailand.

Why is Benjamin's ficus so attractive? Rough, uneven bark, glossy leaves and aerial roots that protrude above ground level - together they present a truly bewitching picture in an exquisite oriental style. Ficus is also used to form bonsai - an oriental work of art.

In our climatic conditions, this handsome man of Asian origin can reach a height of up to 3 meters. In order for the ficus to constantly delight you with its chic green crown and attract all the eyes of the guests to itself, it needs proper and timely care.

How to care for Ficus Benjamin


Reproduction of ficuses is carried out by cuttings in the ground or water. An important point to note: Benjamin's ficus is a rubber plant, which means that in order for the juice released on the cut to not interfere with rooting, the freshly cut branch must be held for several minutes under running water, which will remove the unwanted plant juice.

Oddly enough, but such a large plant has a root system of only 10-15 cm in diameter, so it makes no sense to choose a large pot for a ficus.

After planting a cutting or transplanting an already adult plant, the bowl with ficus must be placed in a warm place with high humidity. It is better not to put a plant near the battery.

If you transplanted Benjamin's ficus, and he abruptly began to drop leaves - you should not be upset, the plant always needs a period of adaptation and recovery after transplantation.

top dressing

Ficus should be fed every 2 weeks with standard fertilizers intended for indoor plants. After transplantation, ficuses are fed after 5-6 weeks.

Choosing the right ficus pot

If additional top dressing is required, then spraying with a sufficiently powerful tool - Epin can be used.

In winter, ficus Benjamin does not need to be fed.

Ficus Benjamin can be watered only with warm water - 35-50 degrees, not often, so that the plant simply does not flood. The leaves of the tree need to be moistened by sprinkling with warm boiled water (then there are no stains on the leaves). Dusty leaves lose their natural shine, and the overall appearance becomes unattractive. If possible, wipe the leaves of young plants with a damp sponge. A warm shower is an essential part of proper ficus care. It is recommended to rinse the plant once every two to three weeks.

Creation of comfortable conditions

The optimal location of the ficus is in bright and diffused light. It tolerates weak shading well, but bright sunlight for ficus is detrimental.

In summer, a comfortable temperature for ficus is 17-20 ° C. The temperature in the autumn-winter period should not be below 18°C. The temperature and lighting in the room must be constant, otherwise their fluctuation can lead to yellowing and leaf fall. It is possible to rearrange the ficus to a new place only as a last resort.

Diseases dangerous for ficus Benjamin

One of the common pests that are dangerous for ficuses is the scale insect. This insect lives on the back of the leaf, looks like brown spots that can be easily picked off with a fingernail.

The shield does not appear from anywhere. This means that if new plants are placed in quarantine, excluding their contact with old-timers, then the appearance of scale insects can be avoided.

If the infection did occur, then you will have to make a lot of efforts to get rid of this pest. There are two main methods of struggle: special poisons and laundry soap.

Of the poisonous preparations, Aktelik is the most effective, but the plant can only be treated with it on the street. 1 ml of substance per liter of water, spray branches, leaves and soil.

Re-treatment after 2 weeks.

If you need to get rid of the scale insect in the winter, then laundry soap can be used as a means of struggle. Grind, pour warm water, stir. Moisten a cotton swab in the resulting solution and wipe each leaf and each twig.

After 1.5-2 hours, wash off the soap under warm running water. During this procedure, it is recommended to cover the ground with polyethylene to avoid alkali and soil erosion. Re-treatment after 2 weeks.

crown formation

A plant with a dense, evenly shaped hat always looks spectacular. Ficus in this regard is like plasticine - in the hands of a skilled grower, it will take on any shape. You can curl 3 ficuses into one trunk with a pigtail, bend 2 plants into an arch, give the shape of a heart, or grow a ficus with a spiral trunk. The formation of the crown must begin from the very moment of planting. To give the ficus a certain height, you need to pinch the top of the plant, then the crown will grow in breadth.

As you know, ficus is one of the most spectacular plants for home and office. But he is rather capricious and an incorrectly chosen place or watering regimen will almost certainly affect the state of the flower, it can get sick. The ficus pot also matters and directly affects the growth rate.

How to choose a pot for ficus?

For young plants, standard pots are quite suitable, but adults need large tubs with a volume of several tens of liters. It is worth choosing a container taking into account the shape, size and type of plant.

  1. What shape is needed for a ficus pot? For most representatives of this species, the standard model, in which the height is approximately equal to the diameter, is quite suitable. For example, such a pot is suitable for ficus Benjamin. The only exceptions are those plants that are grown using the bonsai technique. Then you need to pick up flat pots or bowls, in which the height of the sides is not more than 10 cm. In this case, for ficus Benjamin, you need a pot in the form of a bowl or container, preferably made of clay and without a glossy finish.
  2. The size of the ficus pot is selected depending on the development and size of the root system. Ideally, the container should have a good drainage hole, from the roots to the walls of the pot should be at least 2 cm. The new pot should be only 2-3 cm wider than the old one. If you pick up too much capacity, this can lead to root rot or even death of the plant. And for some species, space is generally contraindicated.
  3. What pot is needed for ficus in terms of material? Everything is simple here. For this plant, a container made of plastic, clay or ceramics is quite suitable. There is only one condition: the plant should not be exposed to chemical attack from the material. An ideal pot for a ficus no older than one year is made of uncoated clay; for an older plant, a tub of wood or plastic is quite suitable.

    What pot is needed for growing ficus

ficus benjamina

One of the most common houseplants is Ficus Benjamina. Among ficuses, this is the most popular species. In nature, it is found in China, India, Australia, as well as in the Philippines, Hawaii.

Ficus are evergreen shrubs and trees. In nature, they grow to a height of up to 20 meters. In a humid tropical climate, numerous aerial roots extend from its trunk and branches, which become an additional support and often form a multi-stemmed banyan tree.

At home, ficus benjamin can be quite large - the entire height of the room, with the help of trimming, its crown can be shaped as needed. White milky juice stands out on the cut.

Like other ficuses, the leaves of this species are shiny, leathery, on short petioles. The color is dark green, there are many variegated forms - they have leaves with spots of white or yellowish milky color.

Ficus benjamin has small leaf blades, 6-10 cm long and 3-5 cm wide, pointed at the ends. The stems are drooping, the plant branches well.

Young shoots of this type of ficus are very flexible. Often several cuttings are planted in one pot, as they grow, the stems are twisted into a pigtail. The contiguous stems grow together over time and form beautiful growths.

In areas with a tropical climate, ficus benjamin is actively used for landscaping, creating garden sculptural forms and sheared hedges.

Ficus benjamina does not require special care and is quite suitable for growing as a bonsai.

In recent decades, many new varieties of this ficus have been bred. They differ in the shape, size and color of the leaves.

Ficus benjamin ‘Kinky’

Ficus benjamin ‘Starlight’

At home, ficus benjamin does not bloom and does not bear fruit.

Ficus benjamin care is not difficult. You just need to remember well that this plant does not tolerate cold drafts. At the ficus, the leaves begin to fall, and this leaf fall can last for a long time.

Ficus is a light-loving plant, variegated forms are especially sensitive to light. In autumn and winter, it is better to keep it on the south window. But at the same time, even in a fairly shaded place, Benjamin's green-leaved ficus grows and develops normally, but its crown will be so lush. The most suitable windows are east and west. In summer, this ficus can grow on a balcony or veranda.

The plant is thermophilic. Watering at high air temperatures is plentiful. A large mass of leaves evaporates a lot of moisture and needs to be replenished. In winter, the ficus can be in a cool room (temperature not lower than 10 degrees). It needs to be watered less.

Spraying is helpful. Water for spraying and irrigation is taken a little lukewarm

A newly transplanted ficus should be watered carefully, it can easily rot the roots in moist soil. But when the ficus roots reach the walls of the pot and wrap around an earthen ball, then excess moisture is not terrible for him - all excess water quickly flows out of the pot.

The ficus is transplanted when its roots completely fill the pot. The new container should be only slightly larger than the previous one. Good drainage is a must.

Ficus benjamin at home grows quite quickly, so the soil must be sufficiently nutritious.

How to choose a pot and transplant ficus at home

Fertilizers for ornamental plants are regularly applied in spring and summer.

An earthen mixture for ficus is made up of 2 parts of leafy soil and 1 part of peat and humus each. The top layer of the earth is replaced when a white crust appears on it - a salt coating.

Ficus benjamin itself has a beautiful crown, branches well, many varieties do not require any special shaping. But if the ficus has lost some of the leaves, its trunk is bare, you can stimulate the formation of new shoots and leaves by pruning. Pruning should be done in February, before the start of spring growth. The younger the ficus tree, the easier it is to form pruning.

Pruned shoots are used for propagation. You can root cuttings in water during the warm season. Roots appear in 3-4 weeks. In some varieties, rooting is poor, it is advisable to use root stimulants.

One of the common pests of ficuses is an insect - a scale insect. The infected plant gradually weakens and sheds leaves. It is almost impossible to manually clean the leaves; insecticide treatment is needed.

Ficus Benjamin reacts to all the errors of home care in the same way - sheds leaves.

The most common reason for ficus leaves to fall is a cold draft. A window open in winter can cause the death of a plant. Cold window sills are also dangerous for the plant - cold, wet earth can destroy ficus roots.

Leaf fall can occur from a lack of moisture in the air and in the soil. Often the leaves of ficus benjamin begin to crumble a little in the spring with the onset of warm sunny days. Thus, the plant suggests that it needs to be watered more.

Ficus turns yellow

The first reason that can cause yellowing of the leaves is a violation of watering.

The leaves turn yellow if the plant has not been watered for a long time, while they fall off one by one. In ficuses with large leaves, when dried, the lower leaves turn yellow first of all, in small-leaved ones - in different parts of the crown.

With waterlogging, excessive watering, ficus leaves also turn yellow, but the main difference is this: when dry, the leaves turn yellow slowly and fall off one at a time, when overflowing, they turn yellow faster and fall off en masse: in large-leaved 2-4 pieces at a time, in small-leaved ones - 20 each -30 leaves per day.

Do not rely on your own memory, but dig up the earth and touch it in the depths of the pot.

To avoid waterlogging the soil: if water remains in the pan after watering, it must be drained. In winter, water less often than in spring and summer.

Make good drainage when transplanting in a pot. If there is no expanded clay, then they put a broken red brick - it collects excess water well.

What pot is needed for ficus?

Add pieces of birch charcoal to the soil - they prevent the processes of decay. And add a few tablespoons of vermiculite to the soil.

Ficus diseases

New leaves become smaller, old ones turn yellow and fall off - the plant does not have enough nutrients, it needs to be transplanted into nutrient soil.

Yellow spots appear on the leaves or the edges of the leaves turn yellow, the leaves fall prematurely - with excessive watering.

Watering should be moderate, i.e. the soil should have time to dry out.

Also, with excessive watering, the leaves wilt, become lifeless and fall off.

Dry shriveled leaves in ficuses - more often in ampelous forms - too dry air, overdrying of the soil, sunburn.

Sudden leaf fall - in different species it can be caused by different reasons - waterlogging of the soil in rubber-bearing and lyre-shaped ficuses, lack of light or a sharp change in climate in benjamin ficus.

Also, this phenomenon can be caused by watering with cold water, low room temperature, lack of light, excess nutrients in the soil, or a cold draft. Good results in such cases are obtained by spraying with Epin's solution.

Falling of the lower leaves - it is believed that the fall of the lower leaves in tree-like forms of ficuses is a natural phenomenon (very typical for ficuses in room conditions), but this is not entirely true, the lower leaves naturally fall off periodically during aging, but the trunk, nevertheless, should not be completely naked. Baring of the trunk occurs due to untimely transplantation, transplantation into poor soil, lack of top dressing, violation of temperature and light conditions.

Brown spots on the tips and edges of the leaves - If the room temperature is too high, the air is dry, or when overfertilizing.

For lyre-shaped ficus and dwarf ficus, overdrying of the soil is dangerous. If you forget them during the watering of the leaves and the shoots dry.

The loss of variegated leaf color in many species of ficus occurs due to lack of light or sunlight.

In some varieties, it is almost impossible to completely restore variegation, for example, the Safari variety very often turns into an ordinary green ficus.

Ficus pests

It is rather difficult to detect any pest on variegated ficuses - their traces are masked by the natural color of the leaves. Therefore, if the ficus began to shed its leaves, take a magnifying glass and carefully inspect them on both sides.

Scale insects: look like brown plaques on the surface of leaves, petioles and stems, suck out cell sap. Leaves lose color, dry and fall off.

Control measures. For mechanical cleaning of pests, the leaves are wiped with a soapy sponge. Then spray the plant with Actellik solution (1-2 ml per liter of water) or water and spray with Actara solution.

Spider mite: small discolored spots appear on the leaves at first, if you look at the leaf clearance, pinpoint punctures are visible. Gradually, the leaves turn yellow and dry out. With a strong lesion, a cobweb is visible in the internodes and on the back of the leaves.

Control measures. You can use drugs such as Fitoverm, Aktofit, Agravertin, Akarin - at the rate of 10 ml per 1 liter of water, or Vertimek (1 ml per 1 liter of water). The treatment must be repeated after 3-5 days - if the weather is hot or warm (26-24 degrees) and after 7 days if the air temperature is 20 degrees and below, since these drugs do not kill tick eggs.

Thrips - high temperature and low humidity contribute to the appearance. On the underside of the leaf, thrips lays numerous colonies, and light dots appear on the upper side of the leaf. As a result, the upper side of the leaf becomes grayish-brown with a silvery sheen.

Control measures. The plant should be sprayed, if necessary, repeatedly with insecticides (fitoverm, decis, actellik, inta-vir).

Read more about pests of indoor plants in the section "pests"

Ficus fertilizer

General rule: fertilizing with fertilizers for decorative and deciduous plants at a dose recommended by the manufacturer.

Do not feed overdried plants, those that were flooded froze

Do not feed ficuses for a month after transplanting, during the winter months and very hot days in summer. Do not overdo the fertilizer.

Ficuses need to be fed from April to August, once every two weeks with special fertilizer for indoor plants.

Suitable fertilizers such as "Giant", "Ideal", "Uniflor growth", "Rainbow" and others.

Ficus tiny must be fed carefully, as it, despite the fact that it grows quickly when too large doses of fertilizer are applied, loses leaves.

Read more about houseplant fertilizers in the Fertilizers section.

Learning to identify ficuses (photos, descriptions of varieties and species)

Brief description of the plant

Ficus is an evergreen tree belonging to the mulberry family. It is widely distributed in India, Nepal, Japan, Burma, China and Ceylon. The following types are most often grown in rooms:

Ficus tiny - a plant with a climbing stem and thin, wire-like branches. The leaves are small, asymmetrical, thin. Young ones are heart-shaped, old leaves are oval. The plant can become a wonderful decoration for almost any room: an apartment, a large hall, an office, a winter garden;

Ficus Benjamin has drooping shoots and dense green leaves. Some varieties of this species have leaves with yellow and white spots;

Ficus rubbery - a plant with large smooth green leaves;

Ficus pandurata has large leaves shaped like a guitar.

There are many ampelous forms, for example, rooting ficus with variegated leaves and dwarf ficus, characterized by small leaves.

Light-loving plant.

Moderate watering is sufficient.

Top dressing is necessary 1 time per month.


All varieties of ficus are unpretentious and undemanding to lighting and air humidity.

In which pot to plant ficus: the secrets of the right choice

In spring and autumn, ficus requires abundant watering.

Apmel forms require support - a wooden lattice or wire. Without it, the shoots will hang down.


In summer, the plant needs abundant watering; in winter, watering should be reduced. In the warm season, the leaves and the air in the room must be sprayed regularly. The plant should be fed once a month with mineral fertilizers.


Young ficus can be grown from apical cuttings. To do this, it is necessary to cut off the stalk, on which at least two or three buds have formed, dry it a little, plant it in moist sand for rooting, and after a while transplant it into the soil.

Pests and diseases

Scale insects and spider mites cause great harm to the plant. Excess moisture, lack of lighting, and drafts can cause leaves to turn yellow or fall off.

Ficus elastica, better known as rubbery ficus, is one of the most common potted crops. This plant filters the air, purifies it of harmful substances and saturates it with oxygen. In addition, ficus elastica is considered a symbol of the family hearth.

Does rubber ficus require special care, how to properly organize the place, and what kind of microclimate is needed for this plant? More on everything below.

What should be the soil for rubber ficus

Rubber ficus is not a "capricious" plant. But he also needs to create all the necessary conditions for full development.

Ficus loves mixed soil, which ideally should consist of 4 components: peat, leaf humus, soddy soil and sand. In flower shops, you can buy ready-made mixtures for planting ficuses, or you can cook it yourself from universal soil and river sand.

Did you know? Rubber ficus at home can grow up to 1 m in height. But this is nothing compared to the size of the "wild" species of ficus, the crown of which can rise 30 m from the ground.

Optimal lighting, temperature and humidity

In order to decide where to put rubber ficus, you need to know three facts about this plant.

  1. Direct sunlight is contraindicated for him - the ficus loves bright diffused light.
  2. The optimum temperature for the plant is 20-25°C. In the summer heat, the ficus can withstand up to 30 ° C, and in winter it can withstand up to 15 ° C. But the plant will not be able to stay in such conditions for a long time.
  3. Elastic likes moderate air and soil humidity. With an excess of moisture, the plant sheds foliage and slowly fades.

Watering rubber ficus

Maintaining moderate soil moisture is one of the most important rules for caring for ficus. An excess of moisture in a pot of rubber ficus prevents the crown from forming properly and leads to a slow withering of the rhizome - the heart of the plant. The appearance of red spots on the leaves is a sure sign of oversaturation with moisture.

In the summer, water the ficus 1-2 times a week, in the winter 1 time is enough. In order to check if the plant needs watering, dip your finger into the pot to a depth of 2-3 cm, if the soil is dry, moisten it. The leaves also need to be sprayed and wiped, but rather to get rid of dust than to moisten. This should be taken into account for those who do not know how to make the ficus branch, because this simple procedure helps to increase the number of branches and leaves.

Important! Plants also like to take warm showers, and ficus is no exception. Put the flower pot in the bathroom, cover the soil with a film and use a shower head to pour warm water over the crown.

When is top dressing needed, and how to do it correctly

Ficus needs soil rich in vitamins and nutrients, so “saturation” of the soil is an important part of caring for this houseplant. Feeding the flower should begin in April, when the ficus only wakes up after winter, and stop in September.

You can buy ready-made fertilizers for rubber ficus, but for its full growth, you need to alternate mineral and organic (nitrogen-containing) stimulants. In order not to burn the roots, it is necessary to water the soil before feeding, and only then fertilize it.

How to properly trim and arrange the crown of a rubbery ficus

In order for the ficus to become a lush and branched bush, it is necessary to cut its branches from time to time. The end of winter - the beginning of spring is the best time for crown formation, but only adult bushes that have reached 50-70 cm are subject to pruning.

If the ficus is stretching up and you don't know what to do, then just cut off the top of the bush. How much you need to cut in order to properly form the crown depends on the height of the ficus. For lower bushes, it is enough to remove 3-4 internodes, for high ones - 5-7. This is quite enough to stimulate the growth of the ficus crown, the appearance of new branches and young foliage.

Important! Do not rush to throw away extra branches. The cut tops of the bushes can and should be rooted!

When caring for rubber ficus, you need to know not only how to form a crown, but also how to stimulate the appearance of new side branches.

There are two ways to make the crown lush and thick:

Change the position of the stem. So you outsmart the plant: the top becomes a side branch and slows down its growth, and the side becomes the top and begins to grow.

Make a hole in the stem. Using a needle or awl, make a hole 1/3 the thickness of the stem. A new shoot will grow through this hole.

Ficus propagation

One of the most important gardening skills is the ability to properly propagate a flower.

Ficus elastica is one of the few houseplants that is difficult to grow this way. A leaf can be put in water, left in a warm place, and it will even give a spine, but, as a rule, it does not go further than this. Ficus needs a trunk to take root.

Reproduction by cuttings

This method of propagation of elastic is more efficient, but also more laborious.

Ficus rubber has its own characteristics of propagation by cuttings, and when doing this at home, you need to take the following steps:

  1. Cut the cutting at a 45°C angle.
  2. Substitute the cut point under a stream of water until all the juice has drained.
  3. Leave the cutting in water or soil until the root shoot appears.
  4. To speed up the process, make a mini-greenhouse - cover the pot with soil with a film. In order for the sprouted stalk to take root, it must be treated with Kornevin before planting.

Did you know? Not all ficuses can be propagated by cuttings. Variegated species are accepted only by the air withdrawal method. To do this, an incision is made in the trunk, a match is inserted so that the cut does not grow together. Then the cut point is covered with wet sphagnum moss and wrapped in cling film. The part of the trunk with the root that has appeared is cut off and planted in the ground.

Plant transplant

Like most indoor plants, ficus should be repotted in spring or early summer. The new pot should be 3-4 cm wider than the previous one.

Probably no one will argue with the fact that ficus is one of the most popular plants that gardeners grow at home. This flower is represented by both undersized representatives (bonsai) and whole bushes, reaching a height of up to 2-3 meters. will allow everyone to choose what they like best.

An important point to pay attention to when growing a plant is the choice of the size of the ficus pot. Many do not pay due attention to such a moment, but in vain, since a lot depends on it.

How to choose the right container shape

A ficus pot should be chosen depending on the size of the flower itself. If the plant has just been bought and it is still quite small, then it is recommended to look at a small flowerpot.

Much more attention should be paid to the choice of a ficus pot, which has been growing at home for a long time.

Experienced gardeners are advised to pay attention to containers of standard sizes, in which the diameter is equal to the height of the flowerpot. If it is at home or, then such a pot will be an ideal option.

When planting a tree, from which, you need to understand that choosing a flowerpot will be a little more difficult. Many beginner gardeners purchase what they like best based on appearance, and this is fundamentally wrong.

Important! The bonsai pot should be flatter, resembling a plate in appearance, rather than a flowerpot.

A container or a thicket is something that is in great demand. In addition to the fact that such containers are very convenient, they also fit perfectly into any interior of an apartment or office.

When thinking about which pot to plant a flower in, you need to understand that any shape can be artificially changed. Of course, no one will specially alter the container, but there is an opportunity to cheat by weaving a planter into which a vase can be placed. Tall products look beautiful and original, ideal for bonsai and other forms.

Pot size - how to choose it

Some believe that the Benjamin ficus pot can be anything. Even the one left from some other flower, for example, will do. If you act according to this principle, then you may encounter the fact that the plant stops growing, begins to wither, and then completely dies.

Experienced flower growers say that "We choose the size depending on the development of the roots of the flower." Young plants that have small roots do not make sense to plant in large flowerpots, since the ficus will stop growing due to the fact that the root system will begin to actively develop. And as long as it does not braid the entire earthen ball, the situation will not change.

However, this does not mean that you should wait until the roots already appear from the drainage holes.

If the flower has not been transplanted for more than a year, you need to get an earthen ball along with the flower and carefully examine it. Having noticed a developed root system, it is necessary to transplant the ficus into a pot that will be several centimeters larger than the previous one.

Important! Rubber-bearing ficuses grow very quickly, so you have to buy a new pot for them every year.

The mistake of many gardeners is that, when planning to plant a tree, they transplant a rather large flower into a container that is slightly larger than the previous one. This rule must be observed for those flowers that grow on the windowsill. For outdoor ficuses, you should buy quite roomy flowerpots. Considering that adults and large plants are not transplanted, they simply change the top layer of the substrate every year, it will be very difficult to transplant a flower into a more spacious pot. The plant may simply not take root in a new place and die.

Material - what to pay attention to

Despite the fact that ficuses are quite unpretentious plants and can "live" in almost any pot, it is still recommended to pay attention to the material from which it is made.

You need to understand that not all containers are safe, we are talking about toxic materials from which flowerpots can also be made. Some manufacturers, in order to save a little on production, use poor quality plastic, which, when in contact with soil, water or fertilizer, begins to release toxins. It is the latter that adversely affect the plant.

There were times when the flower began to fade gradually, but the cause could not be found. And only an accidental transplant into a new container saved the situation.

Therefore, when thinking about which pot is needed for ficus, it is best to choose proven materials.

These include:

  • ceramics;
  • clay;
  • glass;
  • wood.

The latter material is relevant for the manufacture of large tubs that can decorate any room.

As for clay containers, they are usually used for planting bonsai.

Ceramics is an expensive material, but beautiful, durable and, of course, natural, so if possible, you should pay attention to it.

If the grower is well acquainted with the manufacturer and has repeatedly bought pots of the presented company made of plastic, then you can also purchase them. At the same time, having noticed some negative changes that occur with the flower, and also, having eliminated all possible problems, it will not be superfluous to change the flowerpot by buying a pot made of natural material.

What color to prefer

Perhaps this is the simplest thing that can be. Today, there are so many colors on the market that choosing the right ficus pot is not difficult. Some gardeners advise paying attention to light colors that harmonize very beautifully with the green shades of leaf plates. If a ceramic flowerpot is purchased, then you can look at products that have a bizarre and delicate pattern.

Choosing the right flowerpot, the flower will grow quickly enough and develop well.

Ficus rubbery, he is ficus elastica is the most famous ficus in room culture. Named it was grown by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers in their homes. Then this plant was forgotten for many years and only now, thanks to Dutch supplies, has settled in our homes again.

In nature, this ficus grows as a large tree up to 30 m tall and forms aerial roots that descend to the ground and take root, giving additional nutrition to the plant. The leaves are dark green, glossy oval, up to 30 cm long. The young leaf is always pinkish in color and has a veil that flies off after the leaf unfolds.

indoor growing

In room conditions, only young plants are grown. Under normal conditions, this ficus should produce 1 new leaf per week from spring to autumn, without losing the lower leaves. Does not bloom indoors.

Ficus rubber has a huge number of varieties that differ in color and leaf size. The most popular varieties for home cultivation:

Ficus rubber-bearing variety "Robusta" (Robusta)

Robusta is characterized by large dark green monochromatic leaves. One of the most unpretentious varieties.

Ficus rubber variety "Melanie" (Melany)

Melanie is the best variety for growing in small apartments. A more miniature unpretentious plant, with a dark green leaf, smaller than other varieties - about 15-20 cm long. In addition to compactness, this variety has another significant advantage - it bushes well, so crown formation does not cause problems.

Ficus rubber variety "Belize" (Belize)

Belize - a variety with a beautiful tricolor leaf color - green in the center, pink and white along the edges. The central vein of the leaf and the spathe are pink. The most unpretentious variegated variety, but requires more intense lighting and warmer content.

Ficus rubber variety "Tineke" (Tineke)

Tineke is a variegated variety, in the center the leaf is green, along the edges there are chaotic spots of white and pistachio color. The variety is more capricious and requires careful care.

Ficus rubber-bearing variety "Black Prince" (Black Prince)

Black Prince - a variety with maroon leaves. Unpretentious, but looks good only in bright rooms.

Ficus rubber-bearing variety "Abidjan" (Abidjan)

Abidjan is an unpretentious variety with very dark leaves.



Prefers a bright, but not sunny place. Direct sunlight causes leaf burns and their fall. The ideal place for this plant is near a window with a drawn curtain. And only at the north window, the ficus can not be shaded. Variegated varieties require a lighter content, but they also cannot stand the direct rays of the sun. When kept in the shade, the color becomes duller and the variegation less noticeable.

It does not tolerate drafts well and reacts to them by dropping leaves. The plant can be placed at an open window, but it must be ensured that there is no flow of cold air.


The ideal temperature is 18-25°C. When the temperature rises above 25 ° C, the plant requires regular spraying. Temperature drops below 16 ° C can lead to the loss of part of the leaves. The critical temperature for ficus elastica is 12 ° C, however, non-variegated varieties can withstand a short-term drop in temperature to +5 ° C, provided that the earthen clod is kept warm. It should not be allowed to cool the earthy coma, as in this case the plant may shed its leaves.

In winter, it is better to keep the ficus at a temperature of + 16-18 ° C, as this will prevent the growth of smaller leaves.


Requires regular but moderate watering. Water for irrigation should be warm and well settled. If in winter the plant is kept in a warm room, the earthen ball should be constantly wet.


It responds well to spraying with warm boiled or filtered water. Spraying with unboiled water leads to the formation of ugly lime spots on glossy leaves. In winter, if the plant is kept in a cool room, spraying is not required.

Large ficus leaves must be kept clean - wipe regularly on both sides with a damp sponge or soft cloth.

top dressing

In the period from spring to autumn, fertilizing is done every 2 weeks with a special fertilizer "for ficus" or a complex fertilizer for decorative leafy plants. Fertilizer is applied with water for irrigation and spilled over the already watered wet clod of earth.


Since Ficus elastica is a fast growing plant, it needs regular repotting and a larger pot. Do not immediately plant a small plant in a large pot, as this will lead to rapid growth of the root system to the detriment of the ground part of the plant. The pot is chosen 3-5 cm larger in diameter and 5-6 cm deeper than the one in which the ficus is currently growing. At the bottom of the pot, it is necessary to pour a layer of drainage 3-4 cm thick.

The soil for planting should consist of peat and sod land, leaf humus and river sand in a ratio of 1:1:1:1. You can use purchased specialized soil for ficuses or universal soil, in which it is desirable to add a little sand.


Ficus elastica is propagated by cuttings and air layering.

  • The apical or stem cutting is cut obliquely with a sharp knife. Then it should be held under running water until the milky juice ceases to stand out from the cut. Then the cutting is rooted in water or in the soil under the bag. Cuttings with green leaves root easily. When propagating variegated varieties, you should use a rooting agent - "Kornevin" or "Heterouaxin", dipping the tip of the cutting in powder before planting it in the ground, and ensure the bottom heating of the greenhouse;
  • Varieties with strong variegation take root poorly, so they are usually propagated by air layering. To do this, cut the trunk by 1/3, insert a piece of a match into it and wrap it with wet sphagnum and polyethylene. When the roots appear through the polyethylene, the cutting can be cut below the roots and planted in the ground.

Diseases and pests

Of the pests on ficus, the most common are, and. The shield is best collected with a damp sponge, and the spider mite and thrips are removed by spraying with Fitoverma solution.

Growing problems:

  • Falling lower leaves- the fall of a small number of lower leaves is natural, however, the constant fall, leading to the bare trunk, indicates that mistakes were made in caring for the plant - not enough moisture, watering or lack of nutrients in the soil. Put the plant in a brighter place, feed and spray regularly;
  • The plant dropped its leaves- the room is too hot and the air humidity is low - spray the plant regularly;
  • massive leaf fall- the plant is standing in a draft or in a too cold room. Rearrange the plant. If it is not possible to rearrange to a warmer room, wrap the pot in order to maintain a higher temperature of the earthy coma. Water the plant with warm water. A sharp fall of the leaves can also be caused with a strong bay of the plant. In this case, it must be urgently transplanted into another soil, removing rotten roots and spilling with a rooting solution;
  • Brown spots on leaves The plant has been sunburnt. Shade the ficus from direct sunlight;
  • Small brown spots on the edge of the leaves most often indicates overfeeding of the plant. Refrain from fertilizing for a while or feed the plant with fertilizers of a lower concentration.

crown formation

Since only young specimens of rubber ficus are grown indoors, they usually grow in one trunk. Therefore, they are usually planted with several plants in 1 pot. If you have a solitary plant, care must be taken to form a beautiful crown.

  • To do this, in a plant grown to a height of 50-70 cm, cut off the apical stalk with 3-4 internodes. The cutting takes root, and the plant gives lateral shoots. Subsequently, the rooted cutting can be planted with the main plant to form a bush. If the plant is small, you can simply pinch the crown, but at the same time it is likely that instead of a remote growth point, only 1 replacement sprout will grow;
  • In order to stimulate branching, without trimming the crown, you can bend the crown strongly, fixing it in this position. Then the kidney, which will be at the highest point of the trunk, will start to grow. After that, the barrel can be returned to its normal position;
  • It is possible to cause the appearance of a branch by puncturing the trunk with a thick needle by 1/3 of its thickness. In the case of several punctures, the sprout from the lowest puncture will grow. Therefore, it is better to start stimulating the appearance of branches from the top of the plant, gradually going down.