Manufacture of custom-made furniture. Do-it-yourself cabinet furniture manufacturing technology. Marking points for fittings

According to the feedback of our customers, they think about ordering furniture if:

  1. It is necessary to furnish a room with non-standard dimensions of the installation site.
  2. There is a desire to use exclusive materials and get a designer interior.
  3. The customer has special requirements for the functionality or content of the kit.
  4. You are used to the high quality of the environment, so the furniture should be of high quality and beautiful.

It is not easy to buy a ready-made kit that meets the above criteria. Order the production of cabinet furniture at the Ronikon factory - a manufacturer with a long history of work.

What makes up the price

The site shows average prices. Manufacturing cost depends on:

  • the scale and complexity of the forms of facades;
  • type of material and decorative elements;
  • used fittings and mechanisms.

The price of custom furniture is not as high as it is commonly thought. When setting out a task for a project, you are guided by your budget, and depending on it, you determine what cost of the kit will suit you. You yourself determine the configuration, for example, of a cabinet and its contents: you decide which elements are really needed.

Customer Benefits

What does the furniture project customer pay for?

  1. Individual furniture meets your wishes in terms of content and functionality.
  2. At production by the size - space of premises of an apartment is completely used.
  3. A truly original interior, thought out with the participation of a designer and constructor.
  4. The layout is taken into account and the shortcomings of the premises are hidden - repair flaws, unaesthetic communications.
  5. Non-standard selection of furniture components is beneficial in terms of "price-quality".
  6. Reliability - a guarantee for the furniture of the Ronikon factory from 7 years (for the design, mechanisms and assembly).

How to estimate the time and cost of your project?

In order to find out the price and production time, you can:

  1. Send your sketch or drawing to the designers for evaluation to calculate the labor input.
  2. Call a measurer - if you already know the type of furniture, and what equipment you need.
  3. Use the services of our designer - having wishes for style in general terms.

Custom-made cabinet furniture for the home according to individual sizes is our specialty. Consult by phone.

Dmitry Kuprienko, an experienced entrepreneur in the furniture industry, shares practical advice on how to start and organize a furniture manufacturing business, what you need to organize your first workshop, how to rise from scratch and where to start in this business.

Many firms that started their business with the manufacture of cabinet furniture in small workshops a few years ago became quite successful and expanded their business. Today, some of these organizations, in addition to the production of kitchens, wardrobes and other interior items, provide a number of other services to the population. Usually it is sawing chipboard and making facades from MDF according to customer sizes, pasting the ends of PVC parts and melamine edges, assembling doors from aluminum profiles and selling furniture fittings with accessories.

With some experience and basic knowledge in this area, you can organize your own small business, which has every chance of success. Moreover, you will not need any serious investments and the presence of large production areas at the initial stage. With a skillful approach, rational use of earned funds and a certain amount of luck, you can literally have a decent income in 1-2 years.

How to start a furniture manufacturing business?

Kuprienko Dmitry(author of the material) - has been manufacturing custom-made cabinet furniture for more than ten years:

"The presence of a huge number of players in this market segment should not stop you. In any business, as elsewhere, the evolutionary process never stops - someone goes bankrupt, and a more efficient entrepreneur takes his place"

Since, as already noted, starting a small business for the production of cabinet furniture does not imply large cash costs, there can be no talk of any expensive advertising campaigns and other promotions. Finding your customers can be much easier and cheaper. It is enough to order business cards and distribute them to everyone you can, or publish a few ads in special newspapers.

Also try to negotiate with small hardware stores for cooperation, since the chances of finding a customer in such a place are quite high. Renovators often plan to purchase new furniture as well. If you can convince the owners of these outlets that they will benefit from a certain percentage of your orders, then customers will soon appear.

In addition to traditional methods, you need to start preparing your website or blog, since every year more and more orders, especially in large and medium-sized cities, are received by craftsmen via the Internet. Of course, promoting such your own virtual store will require financial and material costs from you, but not everything is done at once. Gradually developing the main production, in parallel, engage in the development of an Internet resource, which, under a successful set of circumstances, will provide you with many orders - the dream of all entrepreneurs without exception.

How to choose the right material supplier?

Sufficiently high competition in this sector forces firms providing this kind of services to pursue approximately the same financial policy. Therefore, choosing an organization based only on prices will be fundamentally wrong. Some may sell some products cheaper than competitors, while others - more expensive, as a result, the average cost of components for the production of furniture will be approximately the same everywhere. Naturally, we are talking about the same level of quality, since materials and accessories from different manufacturers have different prices.

The maximum possible range of goods and services offered by the organization to its customers. In such a place, you should be able to buy almost everything you need without spending extra time and money on trips to other stores for some small change. Moreover, it is highly desirable that the components be sold in different price categories, since customers have an unequal income level, and not everyone will be able to pay for expensive elite materials, and some only need these. Therefore, you should have the freedom of choice in one place.

No less important are the terms of execution of your orders and the discounts that are provided to regular customers. Duplicate the information received from the company's employees with experienced clients. It is from them that you can learn important nuances.

The location of the organization plays a significant role, it is better to start working with a company that is located as close as possible to your workshop. Voyages across the city, with the current traffic congestion during the daytime, take up a lot of precious time.

The territory should have convenient access to the workshops and properly equipped platforms for loading parts into your vehicles. It's good when in such places there are canopies that guarantee the safety of parts in any bad weather.

Search for premises and purchase of equipment

For the manufacture of cabinet furniture at the initial stage, you will need a room with an area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 20-25 square meters, it will be good if it turns out to be one large room. Please note that a small warehouse will be located here for both recently imported blanks and finished products. In the same room, it will be necessary to drill and process parts, as well as assemble furniture, so choosing a room of less than 20 squares is not recommended.

In addition, pay attention to the possibility of maintaining the temperature in it at the level of 10-15 degrees in the autumn-winter period. Immediately calculate how much it will cost you. Sometimes cheap rent is completely offset by expensive heating. There was no need to remind at all that the room should be dry, since this is one of the main conditions, and by neglecting it, you risk a lot.

Confidence in the safety of all property is also important, because over time, if the business develops successfully, components and equipment worth several thousand dollars can be simultaneously located in the workshop. Do not forget here about ensuring convenient loading of finished furniture and unloading of imported parts with fittings.

When buying equipment, many cannot decide on the class of hand-held power tools. There are very opposite opinions on this matter: some people prefer to buy inexpensive goods and change them as needed, others work only with expensive products of world famous brands.

There is also a tool that is in the middle price range, and here it is, perhaps, worth choosing at the very beginning. In addition to production needs, it is always useful for other things. In order for you not to have any problems during the execution of orders, you must have in your arsenal:

  • Electric drill - 2000 rubles;
  • Cordless screwdriver - 2500 rubles;
  • A cordless screwdriver - 2000 rubles;
  • Electric jigsaw - 2200 rubles;
  • Manual milling cutter - 2500 rubles;
  • Grinding machine - 2500 rubles;
  • Electric end saw - 7000 rubles;
  • Industrial hair dryer - 1600 rubles;
  • Perforator - 2200 rubles.
  • A set of cutting tools: drills, cutters, knives and crowns - 3000 rubles;
  • A standard set of hand tools for a home master - 1000 rubles;
  • Clamps - 1000 rubles;
  • Miter box - 800 rubles.

Over time, as you gain more experience and save money to develop your production, you will acquire more sophisticated equipment that provides a higher level of production. In the meantime, it is quite possible to get by with what is listed in this section, since this is quite enough to produce cabinet furniture from finished parts. Your costs when purchasing the mentioned instrument will be about 30 thousand rubles, and prices may deviate in both directions by about 20%.


No, we are not talking about expensive CNC machines, but only about two programs that can greatly facilitate your work at the furniture design stages and when ordering chipboard cutting. One way or another, but you will have to do this anyway, until things are going well that allow you to hire an employee for this purpose. Without the use of software, this entire process will take a lot of time and effort, and errors in calculations are also possible. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to very simple and useful programs:

PRO 100- a program created for the design and construction of furniture. With its help, you can easily carry out both the visualization of an object and the calculation of the parts necessary for assembly. To date, there are several versions of PRO 100, as the program is constantly being improved. The latest development allows you to create quite realistic 3D pictures.

Cutting- a program whose purpose is to assist in compiling the best option for cutting sheets of chipboard and MDF. Using it, you will quickly find out how much material is needed for the manufacture of a particular product, and you will also be able to minimize unclaimed waste. Cutting saves both time and money.

In addition, it is desirable to have a laptop. Your future work is associated with frequent visits to housing, offices and other facilities where measurements will be made. Almost all customers in this case are childishly impatient, they want to immediately see what their furniture looks like. With a laptop and PRO 100, you can render in 45-70 minutes. By the way, this greatly increases your chances of getting an order.

Prospects for the development of the furniture business

Following our recommendations and setting aside part of the money earned for business development, you will be able to reach a new quality level within 2-3 years. In the process of fulfilling orders, acquaintances are made with construction teams, since repairmen and furniture makers, in fact, are inseparable. Such connections, like the Internet project, will allow you to increase the number of customers and increase your income.

An important factor that guarantees success of undertakings, is the constant expansion of the production base, both in terms of increasing space and purchasing new equipment.

From the first days of work you will dream of panel saw and edge banding machines. They provide independence, allow you to quickly correct errors on the spot and save money.

But you can’t rush to buy them, many craftsmen, applying ahead of time to a bank or private individuals for a loan to purchase them, incorrectly assessed their capabilities and subsequently suffered losses. Therefore, it is better to make such serious purchases with your own money or borrow a small amount.

Expensive machines justify themselves only with the appropriate volumes of processed material, only then they are effective.

Their cost is approximately:

  • Panel saw (made in China) - about 200,000 rubles.
  • Curvilinear edge banding machine (made in Russia, China) - about 50,000 rubles.

There is equipment and a little cheaper, and much more expensive than the given prices. But even familiarization with the average cost of machines, which are usually purchased for small workshops, is enough to avoid making impulsive decisions. Without a carefully calibrated business plan, which is confirmed by an increase in the number of orders, you should not start this event. Just as undesirable for effective development may be a delay in such a purchase. You will simply waste money and time.

Furniture manufacturing has always been considered a promising occupation, especially in our country, since a huge percentage of the population still exploits old sets and dreams of new ones. People who bought a kitchen, closet or hallway about 5-8 years ago are already starting to think about replacing them, so furniture makers will always be with work. You just need to organize it correctly.

New business idea: Production of fences and railings for private households under the Lego Fence franchise (novelty, lack of competition, high demand even in current market conditions).

Custom-made furniture allows you to inexpensively equip your home the way you dream. There are advantages in finished furniture, but quite a lot of people prefer just such a manufacture of furniture products. And there are several reasons for this choice. Factory serial furniture has standard parameters and colors. If you want something interesting, the best option is manufacturing, and it is better to contact a company that manufactures custom-made furniture.

The functionality of custom-made furniture products is thought out for a specific customer. If a serial kitchen from a furniture factory for cheap in Moscow has a certain set of cabinets, cabinets and shelves, then a custom-made kitchen is made to your requirements.

Furniture to order in Moscow is inexpensive - it's real

The main reason why people refuse to purchase products is the price. The most common myth is that custom-made furniture products are very expensive. In fact, very expensive furniture can also be mass-produced, which is not made to your size. Now we are not considering the premium segment.

Good quality products are now available to most buyers. Firstly, a wide range of materials and fittings allows you to choose the best option for the price.

It should be noted that firms that manufacture furniture products often include the cost of delivery and installation of furniture in the price. When you buy furniture in a store, you don't buy a complete set or wardrobe, but you get a kit to assemble. And, most likely, you will have to turn to the services of an assembler. And these are additional costs.

Order furniture

Usually, when you buy ready-made furniture, you want "the same, only with mother-of-pearl buttons," as in the famous movie. Factory products are made in large quantities. Never in production will they reconfigure machines and use a non-standard shade or change accessories because of one copy. When ordering furniture, you get a unique opportunity to realize your desires and get the atmosphere that you dreamed of in an apartment or house.

Although custom-made furniture will turn out to be a little more expensive, the pleasure of owning beautiful, exclusive, custom-made products is worth it.

Why do customers in Moscow trust us to manufacture furniture products?

Our company manufactures furniture. When ordering from us manufacturing according to individual parameters, you do not overpay for the services of an intermediary. The manufacture of furniture products is specific in that we produce the materials from which the furniture is made. This reduces the cost of the final product.

For fittings we work directly with manufacturers or dealers. We use accessories of Hettich, Blum, MDM and other well-known brands. Independent production and independence from the supply of materials from outside, established relationships allow us to minimize the production time. The production takes place with the help of equipment with high productivity. At all stages of manufacturing, the quality of the manufactured products is controlled.

The price of furniture is available for each category of consumer. We will produce economy-class furniture, expensive furniture, and even according to an individual parameter. We focus on your budget.

How is furniture made to order according to individual sizes inexpensively?

The main difference between custom-made furniture and serial furniture is the client, who in the first case is directly involved in the production. If serial furniture is made according to patterns, projects developed solely by designers, then it goes to the manufacturer only after the project is agreed with the client.

The first step to start making furniture is taking measurements. The designer finds out what kind of furniture the customer wants to see in the end. In the process of project approval, various options are discussed, from which the customer chooses one. A specification is drawn up for it, accessories, materials are selected and the price is calculated, and then everything is sent for production.

Design solutions

Our experience shows that often the customer himself does not know what kind of furniture he wants. There is a general idea, pictures found on the Internet. The main task of the designer is to translate vague desires and ideas into a specific design project that will please. The possibilities of software for the design of furniture products allow you to create a model on paper in 3D and in color and according to individual preferences. So the client clearly imagines what he will receive in the end.

The work of a designer is very important: you need to be able to translate the fantasies of the customer into reality, while you need to meet the specified budget. The furniture designer creates more than just the outer shell. He thinks about functionality. For example, a custom-made kitchen is not just beautiful facades and a set of cabinets. In the process of creating a project, it is necessary to understand which shade will harmoniously fit into the surrounding space, where household appliances will stand and how much there will be.

A furniture designer is a bit of a magician. Often the flight of his imagination is limited by the lack of square meters. And then the designer begins to come up with and find solutions in order to place a spacious closet or a functional kitchen set in a limited space.

When applying for the development of a design project, make a list of characteristics and requirements for future furniture. So you simplify the work of the designer, set the direction for the flow of thought. If you cannot decide what exactly you want, our designer will offer his vision of the future product. The great experience of our company's designers allows us to offer excellent solutions even for those clients who do not know what they want to see in their apartment in the end.

Designers and production masters have a great work experience. The latest trends in design and manufacturing are no secret to us. We keep track of novelties in fittings, materials, designs. Be sure that our company will make a high-quality and fashionable product, while keeping the price affordable.

Kitchen sets with MDF facades, custom-made chipboard cabinets

This is one of the most requested items from customers. Kitchens with MDF facades are made in several styles. These are classic kitchens, custom-made kitchens, modern, Provence. Whatever style of kitchen set you choose, the quality always remains on top.

Custom-made cabinets with a frame made of laminated chipboard are made with doors or look like sliding wardrobes. The sliding wardrobe to order has several options of registration of doors. Even if two cabinet models have a frame of the same color, compartment doors are designed differently. In one case it is a mirror, in the other it is a photo print. This is how many options are born. Mirror and photo printing can be combined in one product. Another way to decorate wardrobe doors is sandblasting.

Whatever inexpensive furniture products you order for production at our factory, you choose quality, strict compliance with contractual obligations, guarantee, professional assembly and installation. Place an order for furniture now. Our staff will contact you as soon as possible to agree on the date of the measurements.

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Making an individual order of furniture, you get exactly what you wanted. In these interior items you can embody your individual style - the products will harmoniously fit into the room. In addition, ordering from us: will make it possible to rationally use the entire usable area; will allow you to harmoniously fit furniture into any design, as well as make rooms with non-standard and complex geometry cozy and unusual; this is an ideal solution for small rooms where it is most difficult to find standard products; You yourself select functional modules and internal filling for chests of drawers, hallways, etc. - the furniture will be most convenient for you; products do not gather dust in warehouses waiting for the buyer, because the storage conditions for finished products are not always ideal; By selecting your own raw materials, accessories, other equipment, you can be sure of the quality and durability of your purchase.

Custom made orders are non-refundable!

What can we offer

There is an opinion that an individual order of furniture is twice as expensive as buying finished products, and even the wait stretches for months. We hasten to dissuade you, this is absolutely not true. It may be hard to believe, but in some cases, making furniture will cost less than buying a ready-made model. After all, you do everything according to your taste and financial capabilities.

We offer you:

  • individual approach and attentive attitude to all your wishes;
  • the designer will develop an individual project taking into account your wishes, help you choose the right colors and shades;
  • only after the approval of the sketch received from you, we proceed directly to production;
  • furniture is made very quickly, depending on the complexity and number of modules, the production time will be from five days;
  • delivery of finished products free of charge (in Moscow within the Moscow Ring Road), if you wish, you can use the services of professional assemblers;
  • we produce any cabinet furniture for any types of premises, houses, apartments, offices, trade and public organizations;
  • calculation is made in a way convenient for you.

Furniture to order is a quality work, stylish design, durability and reliability. BestMebelShop will make furniture for you that will fully meet your taste and needs and give your home its own special style, character and comfort.

Each person seeks to organize their space in such a way that it feels maximum comfort. However, in addition to a decent aesthetic appearance, its functionality is important, so do-it-yourself cabinet furniture is made independently by many residents of country houses and summer cottages. Many in this matter do not have experience, so they often turn to ready-made instructions.

Before you start learning the assembly process yourself, it is first important to prepare the necessary tools:

  1. Screwdriver. It will be needed in order to tighten various parts: bolts, confirmations, screws. With their help, the prepared parts of the fittings are necessarily attached. There is an alternative assembly method - using ordinary screwdrivers, however, in this case, the whole process can take a long time, and not every person has such an opportunity.
  2. It is advisable to immediately purchase drills of various diameters. In many hardware stores, they are sold as a set (from 4.5 to 10 mm). It will also save time searching for all the necessary materials, especially since such a tool may come in handy in the future;
  3. A drill for a confirmation is purchased separately. In this case, a hole of 5 mm can be drilled in a very short time. For a step at no extra cost, the hole expands to 7mm;
  4. In order to tighten the confirmat with high quality and tightly, it is recommended to purchase a hexagon. As an alternative, some home craftsmen use a screwdriver equipped with special bits, but with this design it is impossible to climb into hard-to-reach places;
  5. Everyone who wants to assemble cabinet furniture should have a Forsnel drill, since hinges and other fittings are twisted with it;
  6. Marking accessories: ruler, pencil or bright felt-tip pen, metal square, tape measure, stationery knife;
  7. Circular saw;
  8. Electric jigsaw;
  9. Hammer, preferably with a nail puller (you will need it if you need to dismantle individual elements);
  10. Dryer construction.

If the furniture does not have any features, it is recommended to use universal schemes during assembly, which are designed for a drilling angle of 90 degrees. Unfortunately, such a device cannot be called a budget option, so such an acquisition is advisable only when assembly becomes a professional craft.

Manufacturing technologies

Answering the question of how to make cabinet furniture at home, we divide the whole process into several stages.

Cutting the parts that make up the overall design

When it is planned to work with chipboard, it is impossible to do without cutting. Using the machine, we saw chipboard, on which we distribute all the workpieces in advance. This will help reduce material consumption. It is recommended to use a high-performance machine, due to which an optimal sawing frequency is achieved, since a scoring saw is installed here.

It is easier to work with ready-made laminated chipboards. In stores, you can buy options covered with a decorative layer for every taste. Of these, it remains only to cut the necessary details. If the furniture is made from raw materials, then you need to paste over the already cut parts. Facing can be done with a self-adhesive film or special plastic.

We measure

Making a cut with a machine

Section processing

Before assembling the cut parts, you need to process the sections. For this, an adhesive-based edge tape is used. Before work, it is important to pay attention to the conditions in the room:

  • The percentage of humidity should be as low as possible;
  • It must be warm to avoid deformation of the material.

For pasting parts with an edge tape, a breadboard or construction knife and an ordinary iron are prepared. Most often, the edge is sold with an already adhesive layer, and additional surface treatment is not required.

You can use a professional iron. In the process of work, it is important to keep it at a certain distance from the surface in order to avoid displacement and tightly fix all the parts in their places.

It is important to remember that the iron must be held on the edge for a short amount of time, otherwise it will overheat and blister. As soon as the edge is fixed and takes a certain position, we take a knife, cut the edge and clean all the bumps with sandpaper.

Trimming off extra parts

We glue the edge

Marking points for fittings

Finished parts must be laid out on a flat surface. Next, mark the attachment points of the fittings, in accordance with the plan of the finished product. Check all dimensions, an error of just 1 mm can provoke a distortion of the entire structure. Lockers will stop opening, doors will not converge correctly. Next, you need to drill all the holes of the required diameter in order to fix the fittings.

We lay out the details on the floor

Create markup

Drilling holes

We fix the fittings


After the work with the fittings is completed, we proceed to the assembly of all elements. Many beginners in this business first turn to video instructions, which not only show the assembly order of a particular model, but also give practical advice on how not to confuse the whole process. Collecting nodes. This is the final stage when it is necessary to assemble all the prepared parts into a single structure. It is important to perform all operations sequentially.

Step-by-step instruction

First you need to determine what cabinet furniture is made of. The most common and affordable materials are chipboard, fiberboard or chipboard. Solid wood is more reliable and stronger, but it costs more and is more difficult to work with.


All instructions for creating cabinet furniture can be divided into two stages. The first is the design of cabinet furniture. This stage implies an artistic or graphic representation of all elements (drawings of cabinet furniture). This is a complex undertaking, since a project scheme must be correctly developed to help visualize the necessary functionality of the furniture.

A few years ago, such a project could have been developed by an exceptionally qualified designer, but with the help of modern applications and programs, you can work on the task yourself. To draw up a clear plan for designing cabinet furniture with your own hands, it is worth determining what information it should contain:

  1. On a separate plan, you need to draw the general design of the room in order to visualize the position and type of cabinet furniture;
  2. All dimensions are entered into the project - dimensions of sections, height, depth;
  3. All the details that will serve as the basis of cabinet furniture are being worked out, drawings of facades with the required dimensions are made;
  4. Selected texture, color scheme.

On the Internet you can find special 3D programs with which you can recreate absolutely any furniture project. In the functions, you can set special parameters and even select the material from which you plan to create the desired interior items. The main advantage of such services is that there is no need to study information, how to calculate dimensions or draw “the old fashioned way”, especially since not every person has such skills. The finished version is printed on the printer as a photo project, and then it is a matter of technology and practical skills.

The graphic drawing of the overall project determines the success of the planned business, but the creation of details is no less important. First of all, everyone should think about what functions the furniture should perform and only after that proceed with drawing. The correct calculation of dimensions is the determining factor for the success of all further assembly. Otherwise, the part may not fall into place, which means that its shape will need to be adjusted, which implies additional financial costs. Even if the plans include the manufacture of an ordinary storage cabinet, each detail should appear in a separate perspective on the drawing:

  1. Back wall;
  2. Front Panel;
  3. Side walls;
  4. Each shelf;
  5. Door.

As for the details that will be retractable, they are also drawn separately from the rest.

We create a common design

We apply measurements

Creating a color scheme

Creating details

The manufacture of parts is carried out according to the general instructions:

  1. The choice of material from which the parts will be formed;
  2. Creating a project on a computer using a 3D program or drawing by hand on a Whatman paper;
  3. Making patterns by printing on a printer or making a pattern by hand;
  4. Transferring blanks to the material by tracing the patterns with a pencil or a bright marker;
  5. Sawing with a high-performance machine;
  6. Edge processing, if necessary grinding;
  7. Drilling holes for fasteners.

Choosing the materials of manufacture

Making a project

Creating patterns and cutting materials

Carrying out chipboard cutting

We grind the coating

Making holes


When moving from DIY furniture design to assembly, the whole process can be described in the following steps:

  1. All the elements of fittings present (hinges, locks, ties, skids) are attached to the main parts;
  2. Assemble the frame and the back wall, mount the mirrors;
  3. They check the fittings, attach handles, plugs, install sliding elements in their places.

Depending on what piece of furniture you plan to assemble, the process may be slightly different, but the basic procedure remains the same. So that every person planning to create furniture with his own hands understands how he needs to act, you can analyze the whole process using the example of creating an ordinary cabinet.

We fix the fittings

Assembling the frame

We mount handles

We fix the plugs

Stage 1. Frame

The cut parts are connected according to the plan. To perform a screed, it is first recommended to prepare a screwdriver with special bits. Twisting will be much faster than with a screwdriver. In addition, the forces for such work will be spent much less. It is important to take care of the maximum strength of the structure, so it is not recommended to use nails to strengthen the bottom of the cabinet. The best choice would be self-tapping screws 4 by 16. The side surfaces, as well as the top and bottom, are connected at a right angle using furniture corners. You can nail the back wall of the cabinet to the finished frame with nails.

We collect the basis

Making holes

Installing the bottom of the frame

Stage 2. Sliding system

To ensure the correct movement of sliding doors, guides are first fixed. They are mounted parallel to the upper and lower plane of the cabinet. One of the best options would be to use a specially designed system called "Commander". Without much effort, you can not only move the doors to the desired position, but also easily adjust. As a rule, adjustment is needed if gaps are observed during the assembly process, which not only spoils the appearance, but also makes operation difficult. In most cases, for the first time after assembly, cabinet furniture shrinks, as a result of which cracks may also appear. This is considered normal due to the specific characteristics of the material.

Special rollers are screwed to the doors. The finished structure is installed in the guides and the progress is checked.

Installing the stopper

Installing the rubber pad

Installing guides

We regulate the system

Stage 3. Installation of fittings

At this stage, all shelves, drawers are inserted into their places, hooks for clothes and other small elements are attached. The closet is ready. Even a person who does not have experience in creating cabinet furniture with his own hands will not spend a lot of time creating a thing of excellent quality. The average assembly time is no more than three hours, excluding preparatory work. In addition, the cost of a hand-made product is much lower than the price of finished furniture in a store.

Do-it-yourself cabinet furniture assembly is a combination of an optimal design solution, the choice of high-quality materials, as well as the acquisition of new skills with which you can create entire furniture sets in the future.