Lesson-project "create a magazine together". Reading project (grade 2) on the topic: Creating a children's magazine Project

  1. Create a theme or focus. What is the main theme of your magazine? Keep in mind that most magazines are niche publications that are aimed at a specific audience (for example, people interested in needlework or brides looking for new ideas).

    • Ask yourself: will it be a standalone edition or a series edition? If it's part of a series, what is your overall theme?
    • Try to pull the name of the magazine from this general theme of yours. Please note that most magazines have one or two word titles (for example, Forbes, national geographic, Rolling stone, TIME). A short title can not only sum up the theme well, but also help define the design.
    • What is the focus of this post? How can you use this to tie all the materials together?
      • A good example of a theme for an issue is a prom for a teen magazine or swimwear for a fashion magazine. All content in this issue is related to the main focus.
    • What is the theme of the issue? If necessary, what is the theme of the number series?
      • Annual issue title example includes Swimwear magazine Sports Illustrated, Hollywood magazine Vanity Fair, September magazine Vogue.
  2. Decide how you will compose your journal. The method you choose to compile your log may determine how you collect and aggregate content. Here are some points to consider:

    • While the glossy, computer-generated look of the magazine is the standard, if you make it without the help of a computer, it will add an art-house look to the magazine. However, this will require a lot of extra time and talent, and is best suited to people who have already taken on similar projects.
    • InDesign is the standard (albeit expensive) design program for computer-designed magazines. Text is often written and edited in InCopy, which is linked to InDesign. Some publications use Quark.
      • If these options don't fit into your price range, then Office Publisher can be an effective alternative.
  3. Set deadlines. When do you plan to finish the magazine? Ask yourself if you are setting reasonable deadlines, and if a realistically finished magazine can be in your hands and readers' hands by the end of the deadline.

    • Deadline is more important if you are dealing with topical issues(for example, news or humor), or if you are creating an issue about an annual event (for example, fashion trends autumn).

    Content Creation

    1. Write articles, columns and stories. What do you want to say to your reader? Whether your magazine is based on humorous anecdotes, art fiction, news, high-brow interviews, or any combination of genres, you will need textual content. Here are some options:

      • Write articles on topics that you or your employees care about. Are you concerned about the problems of humanity? Or are the topics related to current events? Do they offer advice or interviews with interesting people?
      • Write short stories to give your magazine a more personal touch. It could be fiction or real story, depending on how it relates to your topic.
      • Dig up old poems or ask friends if you can publish their work in your magazine. This will give the magazine an artistic touch.
      • Cooperation with friends to get different points of view will great way approach this aspect of the magazine.
    2. Collect images. Even if your focus is on written articles, magazines are visual media. Beautiful images will keep readers interested and add another dimension to your articles.

      • Take photographs related to the contents of the magazine. Be sure to take a photo with empty, neutral space. These will make a wonderful backdrop against which to place written content.
      • Do a photojournalism project. This means that you study one topic in depth, and introduce the reader to it with a series of photographs. This is a great option for people with good photography skills.
      • Search for Creative Commons-licensed images online. While all of these photos will be free, be sure to read if you can or need to caption the photo, get permission to edit it, or maybe it can only be used for non-commercial purposes.
      • Purchase images from a stock photo database. Although a slightly more expensive option, stock photos are designed specifically for such projects and make it easier for you to find images that match your content.
      • Draw your own pictures or join forces with someone who can. This approach is recommended for art house magazines.
    3. Cover design. Your magazine cover should invite the reader to see what's inside without revealing too much. Here are some ways to achieve this goal:

      • The title of your journal must be prominent. Although many magazines change the color of the title from issue to issue, the font is almost always the same. Settle for one that is easy to read, recognizable, and aesthetically consistent with the content of the magazine.
        • Most magazines have the title at the top of the cover to make the brand stand out. One of the most interesting examples how you can play with the interaction of titles and covers are magazines Harper's Bazaar.
      • Decide what will be on the cover of this issue. Fashion magazines often use models on the cover, celebrity magazines often use paparazzi photos, and news magazines may use portraits. Whatever images you use, they should look compelling and be related to the main theme of your magazine.
      • Write explanations (optional). Some journals write an explanation or title of only the main topic (for example, TIME or Newsweek), while others write about multiple stories on the cover (for example, Cosmopolitan or People). If you chose the second option, make sure your cover doesn't look too cluttered.

      Content assembly

      1. Choose the final look for your magazine. The look of your magazine depends almost as much on the brand as it does on the content. Think about:

        • Font: Do you use a font inside the magazine that is easy to read and consistent with your theme? Does it echo the font of your magazine title on the cover?
        • Paper: Are you going to print the magazine on glossy or matte paper?
        • Color: Some magazines such as People, were printed half color, half black and white to save on ink consumption. Many literary magazines are printed in black and white, although most major brands have switched to color printing. Think about how much you can afford to spend on ink for each issue, and how you can incorporate that into your magazine's look.
      2. Create the layout of your magazine. Now that you already know how to post your content, it's time to post it. How you decide to do this will depend on what software you will (or won't) use, but there are certain things to keep in mind:

        • Do the formatting consistently. Use the same borders, styles, numbering, font or fonts on all pages. The creation of a Frankenstein that looks like it was glued together by twelve different people, that's the last thing you want.
        • Number the pages, especially if you've included a table of contents.
        • Make sure your final product has even number pages (including covers). If you try with an odd number, you will end up with at least one blank page.
        • If you're creating a magazine manually, now is a good time to figure out how you'll move content into pages. Will you print it? Write directly on the pages? Insert a photo?
      3. Publish your journal. You can do it the old fashioned way by putting it into print, or you can publish it online. Review your options to see what works best for your budget.

        • Bind your magazine (only for magazines self made). When you've finished the pages, you can bind the magazine so they stay together.
      • Be sure that your publication corresponds to the moral character. For example, a security magazine environment, printed on glossy pages, deters readers, although glossy paper can also be produced in an environmentally friendly manner. AT this example better to stick to matte pages. In other words, know your readers and their expectations!
      • Distribute some copies of your magazine for free, such as to libraries, to help educate readers about your product.
      • Consider subscription programs. This guarantees you money to keep the magazine running and is a great way to create special offers and communicate directly with readers.
      • It is much more difficult to learn how to use Quark, but the professionals who use it are really satisfied.
      • To bring your magazine to a wider audience, try self-publishing it.
      • InDesign is a really great program for graphic design of publications. It is quite easy to learn and very flexible. The Text-Edit program is also good and easy to use. Refine the article in Text-Edit, then copy and paste into the appropriate column.
      • Try adding an introduction page before you start your “editor/author letter” and talk about positive aspects your magazine and some of the pages that target specific audiences about who will be interested in your magazine. Add facts about the product you represent.

If you want to try your hand at publishing, the Joomag web service will help you. This is a powerful editor of virtual magazines and at the same time a platform for their promotion and monetization. You can use Joomag without programming skills.

After registering on the Joomag website, you will be taken to the "My publications" section. This is the menu for managing your future journals.

To add a new publication to it, click "Create publication". After that, you can start from a blank page, choose a suitable template from the Joomag catalog, or upload your own PDF file as a source.

Once you've made your choice, click "Create Post" again, and in the next menu, click on the pencil and paper icon, and then click on "Edit." The system will launch the visual editor. Service uses Flash technology, so turn it on when Joomag asks for it.

The editor offers a ton of tools to help you unleash your creativity. For example, you can add and format text, insert various shapes, images, and videos. The system allows you to fine-tune the arrangement of elements on virtual pages. All changes are displayed in real time.

To make it easier for users to understand the rich features of the editor, the Joomag website has a detailed knowledge base in Russian.

After completing work on your masterpiece, click "Save", and then - "Run". Then follow the system prompts to set up publishing options. In the process, you will have to specify who will be able to view the magazine through a direct link, as well as select a category and description for distribution through the Joomag channels: web kiosk and mobile applications service.

You can read more about promotion settings, periodicity and sale of magazines in special help sections on the Joomag website.

The free plan is for one user and includes 500 MB of log storage with handicapped promotion and monetization. For example, you can’t use the SEO capabilities of the service, and up to 100 people can subscribe to the magazine’s email newsletter. In addition, you will not be allowed to make money on readers.

Paid plans start at $9 per month. They are suitable both for singles and for teamwork of several users on common logs. The higher the monthly payment, the more people can join the team. And the more tools they will get to promote and sell content.

The idea of ​​publishing an electronic journal comes to the mind of many writers. This form of presenting content in a key is different from maintaining a regular blog or website. The very essence of the magazine implies a kind of "squeeze" from standard materials, layout, not typical for the design of sites.

Publish electronic journal not easier and not more difficult than the usual one, however, it is not so expensive. However, the scheme of monetization of such a publication will differ significantly from the monetization of the printed version.

How to create your own e-zine? Find out in this article!

The electronic journal must have the same elements and the same format as any printed one:

  • the presence of the main page with announcements;
  • imprint and editorial information;
  • the presence of permanent headings;
  • "magazine" page design - the text should be mixed with illustrations, graphs, quotes, etc.;
  • a single graphic style - from footers and headers to the signature of the author.

However, the electronic version of the publication has significant advantages over the printed one:

  • publication of a paper magazine associated with large quantity production costs, while at the same time no costs for the production and distribution of the electronic journal(with the exception of );
  • for the publication of an electronic journal much less people - the team has enough editor, proofreader, designer (layout) and two or three full-time journalists, the rest can be involved from time to time as outsourcers - for example, or copywriters;
  • unlimited number of readers- permanent subscribers;
  • wide geographic spread of readers- the electronic magazine can be read wherever there is Internet;
  • efficiency- the electronic journal will come to the subscriber at the time of publication, while printed versions are not delivered by mail and couriers as quickly as we would like, especially to remote parts of the country;
  • the ability to use non-standard content: in the printed version, there is a minimum of interactive content - only pictures and text; in the electronic version, you can add videos, slide shows, interactive tests, etc.;
  • ability to use hyperlinks- from the text of the electronic version, you can "leave" to any site or page of the same publication;
  • high image quality;
  • possibility of accommodation unlimited number pages, including uneven (in a regular publication, the number of pages is always a multiple of 4, which makes it necessary to "adjust" the material in case of its shortage or excess).

The most important advantage of an electronic journal is that its distribution can and should be free. Then he will have a large number of subscribers who will be happy to arrange free delivery of a new number to their e-mail.

This reduces advertising and subscription costs. There is simply no subscription in the usual sense of the word, but to advertise a publication, it is enough to apply SEO and SMM which are traditionally cheaper compared to other advertising channels and give good effect in the long run.

Choosing a subject for an electronic journal

Before you think of publishing an electronic magazine, you should decide on the topic and study the competitors. The most profitable topics that traditionally attract attention:

  • finance and investments (Forbes, Russian reporter, Money, Business magazine and others);
  • (Auto-center, Auto-world, Auto-review, 4x4 and others);
  • women's magazines (Oops, Glamor, Caravan of stories, Lisa, ELLE and others);
  • computers, gadgets, high tech(Upgrade, ComputerWorld, Hacker and others).

It is, so to speak, general niche magazines that cover issues of a fairly wide range of topics. Advertising revenues are substantial here, but competition is high.

If an electronic journal is published by a small team or even by one person, then it is unlikely to be able to compete with huge corporations. Therefore, it is more appropriate to focus on a narrower topic, for example, gardening, blogging, maintaining a certain brand of car, a volleyball sports magazine, etc.

Actual creation small regional news or entertainment magazine.

How to create your own e-zine from scratch: start-up costs

To get started you will need:

  1. Publishing license. It is issued by Roskomnadzor, the cost of the state duty depends on many factors: the frequency of publication, subject matter, volume of advertising, etc. The exact calculation will be made by the inspector when filling out the questionnaire. You can't drive without a license commercial activity, so it's better to arrange it!
  2. Your Internet address- a domain name plus hosting paid for at least a year. You can find good options within 1500 rubles a year.
  3. Acquisition You can, of course, use free options like WordPress or Joomla. In essence, the engine does not need much: to be able to subscribe and provide an archive of issues.
  4. Design development. But the design will have to be spent if the team does not have a web designer. The average price is 10,000 per project.
  5. Acquisition of the necessary software. In particular, you will need a program to layout the magazine and convert it to PDF for further distribution. Ideal for this InDesing. At worst, you can make up magazines in Publisher or Photoshop, but it's better to use specialized program. The license for InDesing costs about $100 and is perpetual.
  6. . Please note that if the publisher is, he will have to pay a salary officially, and this is due to additional costs in the form of taxes and
  7. Purchasing content for distribution. Of course, full-time journalists can write articles on their own - that's what they work for. However, if the magazine is made by one or two people, outsourcers are indispensable. Sensible articles can be ordered by copywriters or bought directly on the stock exchange finished works. A magazine of 16 pages will require about 10 articles of 5,000 characters. At average price for copywriting 30 rubles for 1000 characters, the cost will be approximately 1500 rubles.
  8. Purchasing a license to download photos from photo stocks. Nobody forbids taking pictures from Yandex - it's fast and free. however, many photos are copyrighted and may cause problems with their owners. It is safer to buy a license on any photo stock and post photos from it without fear. The cost of licenses is different - from 25 to 100 dollars per month of subscription.

Thus, the initial cost of launching an electronic journal unlikely to exceed 15,000 rubles. can be paid after receiving the first profit.

Site structure

How to create your own e-zine? The initial placement of the material on the site is important. Headings need to be considered. Mandatory will be:

  • "Archive"– PDF versions of already published issues will be placed here. The old issue must be posted at the time of the release of the new one. Potential readers will be able to download the magazines that interest them, and then subscribe to the latest issues. It is better to close the archive from indexing: in case the texts from the published issue are “taken apart” across sites, the magazine can simply be banned for non-unique content.
  • "Subscription"- in fact, the main section. Ideally, a modest form with two columns: the name and address of the subscriber. After filling out the form, the user is "thrown" to any subscription service, for example, Smartpesponder. When a new issue comes out, you need to raise the subscriber base and simply create a mailing list using the capabilities of the service.
  • "Blog"- the heading is necessary to attract readers from search engines. Articles published in the journal and already published in the public should not be published on the blog, otherwise there will be a ban for non-unique texts. The best is to write new articles. In extreme cases, give announcements of future editions or publish only the beginning of the article. At the end of each such page, you need to insert a subscription form.
  • "Contacts"- in the heading indicate the output of the editorial office, you can tell a little about the staff of the journal.
  • "Advertisers"- here you should place a commercial offer. Advertising prices will depend on the number of subscribers, so this information should be made public. You can also fasten any metric and make it public. So advertisers will be able to evaluate the "portrait" of the audience of readers.

E-zine business plan

As mentioned earlier, the journal should be distributed free of charge. As practice shows, paid subscription not as efficient. BUT any paid magazine will sooner or later get into the public, and it can be downloaded for free - for example, from a torrent.

Therefore, the basis of income need to do with advertising. Readers in general are okay with advertising in print or electronic media, it is not as annoying as television or banner ads on websites.

The owner of the magazine sets the prices himself. average cost A4 page for a publication with more than 10,000 subscribers is about 5 thousand rubles for internal pages and 15-20 thousand rubles for the front and last.

The second source of income can be placement of advertising articles both on the pages of the magazine and on the website.

These were accommodation prices. Additionally, the magazine may charge for the development of advertising design, writing an article, taking photographs of the advertised product, etc.

There is an opportunity to earn on contextual advertising. To do this, it is better to join the Yandex or Google advertising network and earn on clicks. If you use teasers or banners, this will scare away readers who consider that the publication is “yellow”.

Generally, editions of the electronic journal must be calculated based on the possible costs of publication and distribution (ie advertising), as well as potential profit.

Further promotion of the electronic journal

In order to increase the readership it is necessary to:

  • create groups in social networks and publish announcements of published articles;
  • use the possibilities of contextual advertising, but you need to find a way to convert incoming users into subscribers;
  • work on attracting advertisers: publish reports, send commercial offers and press releases;
  • arrange competitions, possibly with the participation of a sponsor;
  • publish materials about famous people and ask them to tell their fans about this interview.

According to statistics, the magazine begins to generate income when the number of regular subscribers is more than 5,000 people.

Municipal educational state institution "Vladimirovskaya secondary comprehensive school Oktyabrsky district"

Project theme: Creation of a children's magazine

The project was completed by: 3rd grade students

Project Manager: primary school teacher

Rybachuk Taisiya Alexandrovna

Project type: research, creative


Now the culture of reading periodicals in families is lost. And few parents know about the existence of a mass of magazines for children. The younger student learns to concentrate his attention, to think logically, he is interested in everything that happens around him, it is important that hundreds of “why?” arise in his head more often. and why?". Children's magazines help to develop and educate a child in a relaxed and entertaining way, in a playful way. A variety of topics will allow everyone to choose reading according to their interests. The project will provide an opportunity to get to know different children's magazines, help to navigate in their subject matter and structure.

Objective of the project

creation of a children's educational and developmental magazine in a creative association of children and adults.

Project objectives

1) Arouse interest among children in children's magazines; 2) to expand the horizons of reading in the field of children's periodicals; 3) get acquainted with the technique of creating magazines; 4) to study the reading interests of the children of our school;

5) analyze: who visits the library more - girls or boys.

Object of study

Children's magazine


Let us assume that the creation of a children's educational and developmental magazine will have a positive impact on the reading activity of students.


How it all started...

Stage 1. Choosing a Project Theme .

The first magazine was published in France 340 years ago

Magazines appeared in Russia 100 years later

"Journal de savan" - a journal of scientists

And the first children's magazine came out in the 18th century.

It was called " Children's Reading for the Heart and Mind" .

Its publisher was Nikolai Ivanovich Novikov, writer, scientist and public figure.

History of unusual magazines

"Tram"- Russian children's magazine, published in 1990-1995 with a circulation of 2,118,500 copies, which became a favorite for a whole generation of children, and also, due to its uniqueness, for their parents

"Children as children"

Chief Editor - Tim Sobakin, aka Tikhon Khobotov, Savely Penguiniev, Nika Bosmit and others. But in general - Andrey Viktorovich Ivanov.

"Children as children" turned out to be a special edition and unique in its own way. This magazine is made by children themselves.

problem question

How not to get lost in the world of magazines, how to find what you need? - Which magazine is the most interesting?

Problematic issues

Can we create a magazine ourselves? What do we need to know to be able to create a magazine? What information will we fill our magazine with? What is interesting to our readers? How will our magazine be different? What should we name our magazine?

Stage 2 The choice of the object of study

Preparatory stage.

Getting started, we first decided to find answers to the following questions:

What is a magazine?

Types of magazines?

In modern explanatory dictionary T.F. Ephraim, the word "magazine" has the following meaning:

  • Periodical publication in the form of a book containing works of art
  • a) A book or notebook for regular recording of events, decisions, resolutions;

b) Personal records kept from day to day (diary)

3) A book for recording student grades

From the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov, we learned that "A magazine is a periodical publication in the form of a book containing articles and works of art by various authors."

Research phase

While working on the project, we continued the research.

It turns out that magazines, like newspapers, are classified:

by frequency- there are no daily magazines, only weekly and monthly, as well as outgoing once in two months; by format; by topic; by the nature of the submission .

From literary sources, we learned that magazines are:

  • men's
  • female
  • children's

  • magazines for children from 4 to 6 years old
  • magazines for children from 6 to 10 years old
  • magazines for children from 10 to 14 years old

Children's magazines by content

classified into:

  • Literary magazines ("Periwinkle", "Funny Pictures", "Misha", etc.)
  • Popular science magazines (“Miracles and Adventures for Children”, “Young Erudite”, “Miracles and Secrets of the Planet Earth”)

  • Game developing magazines ("Luntik", "Klepa", "Klassnyj zhurnal", "Smeshariki", etc.)
  • Craft magazines ("Funny Ideas" , « Collection of ideas")

  • Historical magazines ("Bus", "Mother")
  • Magazines about travel and travelers ("GEOLenok", "Restless Children")

  • Magazines - comics, humorous magazines ("Yeralash", "The Adventures of SHREK")

Creative stage of the project

We carried out our work on the immediate issue of the magazine according to plan. We were to: 1. Determine the name of the journal.

3. Determine who will be responsible for which rubric.

4. Think about what illustrations are needed.

5. Prepare questions for the interview.

6. Conduct a survey among students

  • Do you love to read?
  • Do you have a home library?
  • What do you like to read the most?
  • What do you like to do in free time?
  • How often do you visit the library?

Possible answer





2. Do you have a home library?

Possible answer

Have a home library



After the meeting, the results of the survey were summed up and the following results were obtained:

  • 3. What do you like to read the most?


Fairy tales

Children's magazines



Novels and stories



After the meeting, the results of the survey were summed up and the following results were obtained:

4. What do you like to do in your free time?


Watch TV

Walk on the street

Play computer games


5. Do you often visit the library?

Possible answer






From the answers of the guys we understood:

  • in primary school most boys and girls love to read;
  • 10 girls and 7 boys have a home library with books about travel and friendship; fairy tales and many others.
  • most of all girls and boys like to read fairy tales;
  • in their free time, girls most of all like to walk on the street;
  • boys in their free time most of all like to walk on the street, play computer games.

That is, reading as a favorite activity is in second place, both for girls and boys.

  • The most active readers are elementary school children.
  • The library is attended by approximately the same number of boys and girls.
  • Basically, they take to read works according to the program, that is, what the teachers ask.

We decided to make our magazine informative and entertaining.


Chief Editor : Skachkova Sofia Editors : Alisa Kibardina, Anastasia Komarova. Painters : Vitaly Komarov, Polina Konovalova Article authors : Arina Saygina, Samat Aizharykov Designers People: Filippov Daniil, Mikhalap Nikita, Egorov Daniil Photographer : Rodionov Alexander

  • Deal what pages or headings will be in the magazine
  • Distributed magazine pages

How to make a magazine?

Of course, we will not be able to create it like in a real printing house. But we know how to type text on a computer, we know how to draw, make an application. Therefore, we decided to print the text and decorate the magazine with drawings and applications.

How to make a cover?

From the cover, the reader receives the first information about the magazine. Our magazine "Class" was published in October 2016. On the cover we placed riddles about autumn. And the photos of our class suggest that the reader will learn something interesting not only about autumn, but also about the life of our class.

Our creativity.

On this page we have placed the work of our class. These are crafts, drawings, applications on the autumn and winter theme.

Do you know that

Did you know that the largest snowflake ever measured had a diameter of more than 12 centimeters.

Snow is not only white, but high up in Antarctica it turns pink, red and even purple. It's called watermelon snow. It's because of the algae that lives in it.

Dr. Egghead

On this page we have placed a crossword puzzle, puzzles, riddles, quizzes. Everyone loves them.

We think that the reader should learn how people and animals meet autumn and winter. It was proposed to print Sokolov-Mikitov's stories "Blizzard Winter", "Winter Night", Nikolai Sladkov's fairy tale "Under the Snow". From the tale, the reader will learn how some animals hibernate under the snow. As well as M. M. Prishvin’s stories about autumn “The Beginning of Autumn”, “Last Flowers”, Nikolai Sladkov’s fairy tale “Autumn on the Threshold”. From this tale, the reader will learn how animals and birds meet autumn.

Attempt at writing

On lessons literary reading we write poems and stories different topics. At one of the lessons, the theme "Autumn" was proposed. So we got the page "Pen test". The reader can get acquainted with novice poets from grade 3.

your safety

Winter is fun, joy, snowball fights, ice games, etc. It is important to remember that in winter you need to be extremely careful. So the heading "Your safety" appeared. In it, we talked about first aid for frostbite, about the rules of behavior on ice.

Do it yourself

The kids love making crafts. That's why we've come up with a do-it-yourself section. According to the scheme, you can assemble a New Year's toy.


During this project:

  • learned how to work together with parents to create a project;
  • learned about the existence of various children's magazines;
  • learned about how magazines are made and what headings they consist of;
  • realized that the creation of the magazine pursues not only an entertaining goal, but also an educational one.

Research results:

The children of our class have increased interest in printed publications, a desire to visit the library has appeared. Increased interest in the work of creating their own class magazine. Thus, our hypothesis was confirmed.

Dear young reader!

We introduced you to some pages of our magazine. We hope that from all the variety of entertaining information, you will find the most interesting for yourself! Read our magazine and you will not regret the time spent!

In print there is small nuance- the demand for it is decreasing from year to year. But it cannot be said that journals are completely out of date. After all, it was once said that with the advent of the Internet, books can disappear, but in reality everything happens the other way around: books against the backdrop of a chaotic Internet become only more relevant.

Create your own journal: instructions for beginners, tips and secrets

Magazines, unlike newspapers and books, are close to life. Magazine content at all times was of a practical nature: they were stored in piles in cabinets, interesting pictures and articles were cut out, and constantly passed from hand to hand. How much has the picture changed? Does it make sense to create your own magazine and even make money on it?

To get an answer to such questions, you must first decide on your proposal: what format will the magazine be? Are there analogues on the market? What will be valuable in it that is not in other editions? How will the content be generated? If there are concrete answers to these and other additional questions, then it is definitely worth starting a business.

If the question of how to create your own journal is relevant, then you should pay attention to the areas of work that will constantly accompany the future edition. It is divided into three:

  1. Conceptual part.
  2. Technical questions.
  3. Sales.

This rule applies to everything whether it is a paper publication or an electronic journal. Let's consider each direction in detail.


This is the first step towards creating your own publication. It is necessary to decide what the pages of the publication will tell their readers about? What is the submission format? The magazine can be informational or advertising in nature, it can contain a broad or narrow topic.

In order to create your journal and make it readable, here are some tips for the conceptual part:

  • You should choose a specific topic than write about everything. It is better to choose an exclusive niche where there is an opportunity to provide narrowly focused and deep materials. If you choose the “a little about everything” system, then there will be no difference from ordinary newspapers. Yes, and the creative staff will constantly dissipate their potential for collecting and processing information instead of creative implementation in one area.
  • If the magazine is of an advertising nature, then you should take care of the share of useful content that does not aim to sell anything. The reader should understand that he is interested not only in his purchasing power, but also in other problems. We create a magazine cover taking into account such factors.
  • Choice of serious subjects. Producing a magazine for women, for men, or for mothers is conceptually not difficult at all. Here, the whole relationship with the reader is built on the level of "you have a problem - we have a solution." Another issue is a specialized thematic magazine. For example, topics can be technical (computers are available), religious, medical, and so on. The point is that people have no time to go to libraries, and the need for serious information is always relevant. In order to create your own magazine in this role, of course, you will need work and potential.

Technical questions

Here it is useful to consider two options. When everything is clear with the concept, you can implement the magazine in electronic or in paper form. It all depends on the characteristics of the target audience. For example, young people under the age of 30 practically do not buy printed publications, but prefer to read everything on the Internet. For them, the question of what kind of magazine to create and where to sell it is not relevant.

If we are talking about the age category plus 55-60, then the opposite is true - people buy newspapers and magazines in the old fashioned way. The best option- Combination of printed edition with electronic format.

In the first case, the layout of the magazine is required. This process requires active participation professional designer, artist, editor and proofreader. It is good if in the early stages a novice publisher can handle such types of work himself.

If we are talking about how to create your own magazine and its electronic format, then here, depending on the distribution option, a print layout or a reformatted version can be used. The electronic version can be in the form of a website, blog, downloadable file or in another form. In any case, it is important to take care of the support of the mobile format. This issue is also within the competence of technical specialists.


In the chain of analysis of questions about how to create an electronic magazine or a paper publication, the question of sales has every right to be in the first position. It is a sad sight when the circulation is printed, the money is spent, the labor is invested - and there is no one to read.

The print market is a pretty tough environment. No wonder they say that printed edition lives for one day. per century information technologies the lifetime of storage media has been further reduced. Therefore, sales must be arranged in such a way that the entire print run is distributed to the points of sale on the day of release from the printing house.

The next task number one will also be exactly this. If the circulation remains on the second or third day, then there is practically no chance of selling it. From this follows the next point in the plan - marketing strategy.


Pledge successful business- high sales. Sales will be when potential client knows about our offer. This will only help marketing. Ideally, marketing promotions for your magazine should begin long before the first issue comes out.

  • Internet. Thematic resources, sites with high traffic and social networks.
  • Printable advertisement. There is no prohibition to advertise your magazine in other magazines, at the same time it will be possible to find out the cost of advertising from competitors in order to assign attractive price.
  • Advertising on TV or radio.


The question of how to create a journal requires the study of this issue from all sides. Periodicity is important for the publisher himself: he must have time to prepare the full content of the new issue, organize the work of the team to fill out the journal every time in the same period of time and have time to prepare money for printing, which is important.

There are magazines that are printed weekly. Most come out once a month. There are even those that come out once a year or once a quarter. It all depends on the subject matter of the magazine. Also, the magazine is distinguished by a solid amount of information, which is unlikely to be mastered by any of the readers in a week. From this point of view, rarer publications are perceived by readers as normal.


The goal of any business is profit. Such creative process as publishing your own magazine, this is no exception. There are several ways to earn from your publication:

  • Placement of advertising.
  • Image materials to order.
  • Sales proceeds.

At first, it may be more difficult to place ads, as a business needs a solid audience. But if you publish interesting things in your magazine, useful materials and sell it where the target audience has a chance to see it, then advertising indicators will also reach new level.

What to focus on?

It is assumed that the novice publisher has the necessary amount of money for printing. This allows him not to be scattered on heterogeneous work, but to focus on the creative part of his publication. It is important not only to attract the attention of potential readers, but also to make sure that it is bought.

If one edition sells well, then it should be remembered that another can also be sold in the same way, because a good, informative issue will itself serve as an advertisement for future issues. For the electronic format, it is also necessary to continuously look for the best ways to market and improve the existing ones.


At the first stage, difficulties, blockages, delays from the schedule or other unforeseen problems are possible. Almost all publishers go through this. Each of them learns from mistakes, from their own and others' experience.

Errors can affect not only spelling in the text. They can be phrased as "failed to create log file" - technical plan or "low sales figures" - of a marketing nature. You need to learn how to eliminate them in a timely manner and carry your bright idea to the masses until it has forgotten how to read.