real life stories

You dream that a husband and wife are fighting among themselves - complete harmony will be established in your married life.

You see in a dream that a husband and wife have mercy, make each other pleasant - you are expected to part with your loved one. Husband and wife seem to exchange combs, comb each other - a dream promises you happiness.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

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Dream Interpretation - Husband, man

A woman to see in a dream that her husband, lover or close friend got married is a prediction that parting and loneliness will soon await her.

If you dream that you are looking for your husband, but he is not there, or you call him, and he turned his back on you and does not respond, or that he left you, then your relationship is ruined. Mutual understanding and tender affection have been lost between you. And if you have a hard time, then your husband will not support you.

Seeing him in a dream painfully pale, unlike himself, means that troubles await you, due to which you will lose peace and sleep.

Seeing your husband handsome (no frills) and pleasant in a dream is a sign of joy and pleasant troubles.

A dream in which you saw that your husband is infatuated with another lady tells you that you should pay more attention to him in order to make your life together more attractive and interesting, since at present your husband is dissatisfied with his life with you.

To quarrel and swear, to fight with him in a dream is a dream on the contrary, which portends joyful events and peace in the house.

Seeing your husband killed in a dream means that you yourself can create a situation in the family, followed by a divorce.

A man doing women's work in a dream is a sign of trouble, loss, stagnation in business.

Sometimes such a dream predicts death from an accident for the sleeper. To see a man with a white beard in a dream means that you should take care of your health.

Seeing a dead man on the street in a dream is a sign that you can find a new source of enrichment. Sometimes such a dream means that your anxieties and troubles will end soon.

Seeing your husband dead in a dream is a sign of loss and great misfortune.

To see many men in a dream is a sign that you will not find a place for yourself. If a woman dreams of a young man of a pleasant appearance and speaks to her, then soon a change in her personal life awaits her. Remember the words of this person and how he looks. If your impression of him in a dream is pleasant, then there will be such changes. And vice versa.

To see a freak in a dream and get scared is a sign of anxiety, trouble and grief. Sometimes such a dream means that a loved one will betray or deceive you.

See interpretation: beard, freak, stranger, dead man.

Interpretation of dreams from

No wonder it looks like I was worried. They all returned flushed and happy. And my wife and friends are men. In general, my wife’s T-shirt is already short, it’s pulled up to the navel and she seems to like it unrealistically.

I am a husband, I remember for a long time how my wife, with me and with friends, went fishing. That still fishing, it turned out with my friends. All fishing - fishing. Only fish, we did not catch then ...

My minibus was old then. The beetle was called. Here we are with friends, on this beetle, almost every weekend, we went fishing. My wife was apparently tired of my constant absence and she decided to go fishing with me and with my friends. See what we men are doing there.

Only when we completely arrived at our beloved deserted place, I realized how I got there, big. I understood immediately. Because upon arrival, the wife said that she forgot her swimsuit at home. And not only a bathing suit, but also all other things. I prepared a bag with things and forgot - a fool.

Well, not to return a hundred kilometers because of his wife. Okay, I say. Sunbathe in shorts. We are all grown men. Women in shorts have not seen - or something ...

So I - says the wife - put on a sports suit on a naked body directly. I thought about putting on a bathing suit. And it is, how it happened. I'll have to wear a T-shirt for now. In sports pants, I'm tired already. And my wife took off her pants. But in vain. She had a T-shirt that only reached the middle of her bare, round ass. And for this reason, our fishing began to end.

Especially when the wife bent down, innocently so, by the fire. There, such a goldfish peeked out from under a T-shirt that my friends, eyes like crayfish, crawled out of their sockets. And the peasants, only now they were staring at my wife, in the hope, apparently, of another one, to look at this fish.

This fish, often peeking out from under my wife's T-shirt and in front, and this dark triangle, put a fat cross on our fishing with friends. My friends, together, rushed to help his wife by the fire to host. Also my friends. They traded fishing for a woman without panties. At least they caught it in the ear - such bastards.

And soon, my friends went to the woods, to help my half-naked wife, to collect firewood. They went, and I stayed like an idiot, fishing. What was left for me to do? He took his wife fishing. Who could have known that this would work out.

My friends, my wife and I were collecting firewood for an hour. I already started to worry. What if they are such bastards, they will start collecting firewood from my wife under my T-shirt. What then? BUT??? There are no panties on her.

No wonder it looks like I was worried. They all returned flushed and happy. And my wife and friends are men. In general, my wife’s T-shirt is already short, it’s pulled up to the navel and she seems to like it unrealistically. Still, what woman would not like to be the center of attention among men. And all the attention of my friends, only on the charms of my wife was directed.

It all ended with the fact that the wife, inflamed by increased male attention, took off her T-shirt and remained in front of us as peasants, in which the mother gave birth. And I tell you, my wife has never looked so seductive as on that fishing trip. I soon dragged her into the forest myself, supposedly collecting firewood.

And even put up with the fact that my wife, in front of us men, walks around naked. But, for fishing with friends, I will no longer take my wife, no matter how my friends ask me.

Or maybe? Who knows? There is something unusual in this, which might be worth thinking about ... But I wonder what is there in the woods, my harlot wife, did with my friends without underwear. This little thought is petty and now it does not give me rest. Firewood then they then for a whole hour, almost did not score. Yes, and my friends and I did not catch fish then. Why did it happen. Yes, maybe my wife is not such a fool as I thought at first. And it was not for nothing that she forgot her panties and things at home. What about guys? Maybe I'm an idiot!!!

Perhaps the most common formula for a happy marriage says that a husband and wife should be, first of all, friends. Because passion and love will pass, but friendship will remain - and will lead to even a silver wedding, even a gold one, even a diamond one.

At the same time, you can find many articles and other literature on the Internet, where one of the main tips for a woman is: “To be a good wife, you need to become your husband’s best friend.” To be able to easily find a common language, have common interests, spend more time together, share everything that is on your mind, respectively - listen to it, of course, support each other, etc. etc.

And on thematic forums, comments in the form of:

“For us, friendship is the basis of relations, which is why we avoid many misunderstandings and quarrels. And how could it be otherwise? What else can a husband be if not a friend?

It would seem that it could not be otherwise. But there are also alternative versions. For example, this is how a girl briefly describes her experience on one of the English-language sites:

“All my boyfriends eventually became my best friends. I was emotionally open with them, trusted all my innermost thoughts. We spent time together all the time, cooking together, watching old movies together and going to meetings with my girlfriends…

However, all these relationships very quickly became obsolete. The moment when everything fell apart looked something like this: we spent the evening together, sitting side by side on a cozy sofa. It would seem that I should have enjoyed the warmth of intimacy, but in the ensuing silence I was overcome by panic. I looked at him, at the person with whom I spend all my time and from whom I have no secrets, and I realized with horror: I don’t know where I end and where he begins. We melted into each other.

After a few failed romances, I began to worry: Do I have a personality disorder? Am I generally not inclined to monogamy, not capable of long-term relationships?

... The idea is cultivated in the media: a husband / boyfriend should be your best friend. Phrases constantly slip through the Facebook feed: “My husband and I are best friends.” Many films are built around how friendships have evolved into love over time. In the past, I also adhered to just such a model, but now I think: a loved one as a best friend is a sugary concept, even harmful to health. This is an attack on love. And the first step for total control of personality.

I clearly realized that in all my seemingly so filled with each other, relationships I experienced a terrible feeling of loneliness. I allowed one person to become the centerpiece of my life, forgot about friends, parents, brothers and sisters ... About what a pleasure it is to do something alone.

I was jealous and envious when my boyfriend dated someone other than me. How so?! I'm his best friend! Isn't me enough for him to feel happy? Now I understand that this is stupid. One person cannot and should not be solely responsible for the happiness and well-being of another. He cannot play all the roles - this will certainly lead to disappointment.

Focusing only on my boyfriend, I almost lost myself. After all, every person I know is completely unique and reflects one part of me. And with them I satisfy my various needs.

To rewatch your favorite movie - with another.

Now I have a new relationship. Nick and I are very different and can not always quickly understand each other. Sometimes we have to, for example, “translate” what has been said. Immediately I thought that this was a bad sign: after all, relationships can be strong if partners read each other's thoughts, easily anticipate words and deeds.

But as our relationship only continues to grow stronger and develop, I realized the opposite. He and she don't have to be the same. The more differences, the stronger my desire to get to know myself, him, learn patience and work on relationships. We do not become boring and predictable for each other, but we still remain interesting.

Or in terms of sex. Getting used to each other, constant presence nearby kill desire. After all, friends don't have sex. That is why they are called friends, not lovers.

This does not mean that there should not be any emotional intimacy, but this intimacy should not replace your own interests and replace best friends.

Maybe, of course, this particular girl has a “codependency syndrome”. Or maybe, indeed, a woman, when she gives her husband / beloved person the “name” “best friend”, thereby hangs too many roles on him, unconsciously blurs the boundaries between him and herself and prepares for a complete merger into one person?

As in the following common comments on the forums.

The best friend is the husband. I can only tell him everything and everything. And sincerely. Isn't he my other half for nothing?

I can tell my young man everything in the world, not at all embarrassed and not afraid ... Although, of course, there are girlfriends, but this is not the same ...

Who else to share with? With girlfriends? They have their own problems, their families. With mom? It’s better not to say some things to mom - there’s no need to worry again.

I would say that my husband is not only a friend to me, but also a girlfriend. He is everything to me!

My husband and I are friends. And we will listen to each other, and give advice, and support, and just chat, and argue, and joke. I'm much more interested in him than with my girlfriends.

My husband is even more than a friend to me, he is a part of me. We have no secrets from each other. And there is nothing terrible that he could learn about me from girlfriends. They don't even half know what he knows about me.

Yes, the whole difficulty in talking about friendship and love is that these concepts do not have any clear definition. Everyone puts their own special meaning into the same friendship. What's this? Common interests? Constant pastime with each other? The complete absence of secrets and mysteries? Possibility at any moment to pour out the soul? Confidence that in a difficult moment you will be supported and turned a shoulder to you?

But the most interesting thing is that men and women generally have a different idea of ​​​​friendship.

According to experts, female friendship is temporary: as long as it is convenient and profitable, and as long as personal interests are satisfied. At the same time, the main thing for a woman in such a relationship is the opportunity to “cry in a vest”, achieve sympathy and pity and throw out emotions. Therefore, if a woman meets a man who is ready to wipe her tears every time, all her friends fade into the background: she no longer needs them.

Ideally, male friendship is forever. And according to this very ideal, it is built on the principles of honor and devotion. Men express their support to each other for the most part in practical assistance. Moreover, for the sake of this help, they are ready to give up their personal interests.

They also need to speak out, but they do it carefully. Because a true friend is the one who will keep what he has heard and will never use the information received for blackmail, reproaches and as a "knife in the back."

Doesn't it turn out that friendship in marriage works only on one side?

While a woman considers her husband a friend and treats him accordingly (by seeking, for example, a community of interests or pushing her friends into the background), is he in no hurry to give her the same definition?

After all, this means being too open and forgetting about your own interests.

Hence - instead of the desired idyll, on the contrary, misunderstanding and resentment. Here, for example, are the revelations of another girl:

I never noticed this, but lately I began to understand that for him I may be a great love, and a soulmate, but not a girlfriend. He does not share with me his secrets, dreams, secrets. Doesn't fully open up to me. Sometimes I even feel like he doesn't really trust me very much.

However, he says that he is simply a very secretive person himself and does not like to talk about himself, and even more so about some of his goals and dreams.

And he also has a best friend. He spends a lot of time with him. I remember once we talked about moving to another country. He thought for a while and said that he would miss his friend very much. And that he is afraid that he will not find such a thing there. But I'll be with him! Why can't I be his friend?"

And what do men themselves say about friendship with their wife?

Of course, it is impossible to draw a unanimous opinion. However, judging by the forums, the male statement “my wife is my best friend” is much less common than the similar female one.

More often you can see comments like this:

What is the friendship between husband and wife?! Let's add to everything the mutual openness and readability of your characters, behaviors and souls, and after the "equal" sign we get "zero". That is how many percent you will need to know in a partner throughout your life - total boredom!

Sorry, girls, but I don’t really believe in statements like: “I tell my husband everything, everything, everything ...”. Maybe only at the very beginning of a life together, while the fire of passions blazes like a fire. Over the years, what is called personal space is still accumulating. If yesterday, at a corporate party, I flirted with a woman, just flirted, then why would I “ship” this to my wife? But with a male friend I will discuss this adventure with pleasure. Therefore, we all have a few friends and acquaintances. With varying degrees of trust and disclosure of the soul. Limit all contacts only to loved ones - rob yourself.

The husband should be the person who makes decisions and is responsible for them. And chatter about their "problems" - to a girlfriend.

You can’t be very good with men: you will become a sister or a mother. And sex, good, with a beautiful passionate wife, keeps worse than the joint vision of some issues. In short, we think differently on all issues.

Let men not be friends with their wives! They either love them or they don't. They are friends with their school friends. This is the illusion of women. While he loves - a friend, comrade and protector, if he stops loving, then a stranger and an enemy. And in friendship they don’t “fall out of love”.

A husband cannot and should not be a friend, otherwise it will come to you sideways!

My wife is not my friend, but my wife. I won't sleep with my friend.

Spouses should be to each other anything, but not friends. Remember, if you feel that you and your wife (husband) have friendly relations, then this is all - the end of the tale. Maybe this is the beginning of some other phase (there is not a phase, but a type of family life, albeit a more calm and long-term one), but fairy tales are the end.

There are such concepts: wife-girlfriend and wife-husband. It seems that they are consonant, but in understanding they are very far away, almost diametrically! Girlfriend... today she is like this, but tomorrow... And if we also take into account that women (not all, of course) are predators by nature, then the outcome is predictable! But the spouse is already forever: in joy and in sorrow ...

For me, my wife has never been a friend and never will be. And let them often think and say the opposite, all this is hypocrisy. A wife is a wife. She is a mother to children and a wife to her husband. Good relations do not mean that I am a friend for her and she is my friend. Married life is the mutual agreement of two people to fulfill the assigned duties of husband and wife. But when friendship begins in the family, the use of each other in their own interests begins.

So should a husband also be a best friend?

Does such a vision contribute to a happy family life or, on the contrary, kill marriage?

In conclusion, three more memorable female comments.

What is a friend? My husband doesn't know how to respond to women's chatter. If I talk to him about my problems in order to complain, he will think about how to solve them and be nervous that he cannot help. That is, a friend in the sense of pouring "verbal stock" into him - no. But as a friend who will always cover his back - definitely.

And my husband just yesterday told me that for all his love for me, I have never been his friend, because during our quarrels I behave very meanly and ugly towards him. Apparently, it is love that keeps us, and sex is still excellent.

No, I don't want to be a friend! I am special, unpredictable and not fully explored. I am both a lover and the mother of his children, sometimes bitchy, sometimes demanding, sometimes caring like his mother, sometimes like a little unreasonable daughter, sometimes like a strange stranger, sometimes like a second me. There is reliability in the wife - without this, it is impossible to live together with a person. A wife is closer than a brother-sister. And she doesn't need to be a friend. It should be big and always different. Yes, and you, men, so interesting to live. A wife should be a woman - many-sided, familiar, unfamiliar and attractive.

Once my mother came to me, my wife either caught a cold, or something else, but she couldn’t. Of course, I would not have sent my mother to the store for vodka for anything in my life, but this time, even without me, there was someone to cover for a hundred. One guy was visited by his wife, a middle-level official in the Kiev City Council, and that day they were just celebrating their husband's birthday. What was not there!

Familiar with our orders, she simply gave a bribe to our owner and then ordered the guards to help the woman, transfer the contents of her spacious Mercedes trunk to the visiting room, it is clear that there was no question of even a superficial search.

Mom had already fallen asleep, tired from the road, and I had no choice but to go and get acquainted with the neighbors for the next three days. Before I had time to go into the kitchen, I bumped into a chicly set table at which three ladies, of different ages and different appearances, were bustling about. I immediately liked the youngest, small, not that beautiful, but very sweet, a girl who only lacked bows. The men on the sidelines smoked, glancing gratefully at their other halves.

And where is yours? - greeted one of my acquaintances with whom we somehow already encountered several times on a date.
-Bro, don't go far, it's my birthday today, so now we're already sitting at the table. -Rejections are not accepted, you don't want to offend me, do you?

I had no such blasphemy in my thoughts, and therefore I was soon sitting at one in this noisy, cheerful company. The toasts sounded one after another, the glasses turned over even faster, and by nightfall everyone was already ready. Someone dragged a two-cassette recorder, dancing began to the sad Butyrka, and the gentlemen hung themselves on their ladies in unison and swam in drunken pas around the kitchen. The husband of a small, pretty girl seemed to be an ardent opponent or simply never danced, and therefore continued to look at the dancers with a cloudy, dull look, propping his heavy head on his fist. Maybe invite this charming creature to a dance, I thought then, but immediately changed my mind, others may misinterpret and then not avoid the traditional Russian fight. Now, if this drunken miracle went to lie down in his room, and fell asleep, I continued to indulge in seditious thoughts ...

Well, maybe let's have a drink, - the miracle suggested, and without waiting for our answer, it began to be poured into glasses.
The man himself suggested the entrance to me and on the second I poured it myself, to my friends in full, to myself at the bottom. After the third glass, his head collapsed exhaustedly right on the table into a piece of chicken leg which he was trying to eat.

We are taking the body away, spoiling the picture of the holiday, I suggested to a neighbor and we immediately transferred the man to his room.

Now God himself ordered to diversify the life of this lovely lady. Yes, she herself was not against it, having spent most of the feast near her drunken husband. Lyudochka danced beautifully, but besides that, she was a wonderful, chatty merry girl with whom I didn’t even notice how everyone dispersed or rather spread around the rooms.

So maybe we will change the situation to a more calm one, ”I suggested, noting that the girl herself was already ill on her feet.
-And where to? My drunken muzzle fell apart, I probably already spit everything there, - the girl suddenly remembered her husband, whom she foolishly managed to marry in spite of her boyfriend who took a very long time to decide.

Only the room of the caretaker remained free, who went to the zone for the night. The lock there is stupid, even a child could open it, especially with the genes of a burglar dad, a second and we were already in his household. I looked into her eyes, put my hand behind her back and turned the latch, Luda did not look away, she did not mind. I gently pulled her to me and kissed her girlish, plump lips with a kiss ... In a moment we were already lying on the armored bed, tearing off each other's clothes. What a body she had, as if it had been soaked in milk before a date. Lyudka reacted to every touch with a muffled moan and gave herself as if she wanted to enjoy the next years of family life.

It was necessary to part with this magical, sweet girl as soon as possible, otherwise her husband would wake up and start looking for something good. Having kissed Lyuda for the last time on her alluring lips, I began to look for my panties, and she lay there, dreamily closing her eyes, then suddenly turned around, grabbed my neck, pulled me to her and began kissing me furiously. A minute later, as if coming to her senses, she turned away and began hastily dressing herself.