Reading project (Grade 2) on the topic: Creation of a children's magazine Project. Presentation "project" my favorite children's magazine "

One of the leading consultants and developers of periodicals, Evgeny Evgrafov, shared his thoughts on design in the country and where inspiration is gained.

What do you think is main reason visual noise in our country, and do you have any thoughts on how to deal with it?

It's just that what's inside is what's outside. Russian people have a lot of noise and garbage in their heads. This problem is not only design - it is exactly the same in photography and music, we cannot do “simple”. A Russian person can rarely just take and do a thing well, with high quality, without showing off.

My friend and I make long discussions about the problems of the Russian creative environment outdated, and almost always come to the conclusion that in our country all aspects of society are in their infancy, when, like Western young people, they are already born with a sense of beauty. They grow up in this environment, and they do not have to deal with the same noise around them.

What can be advised? You can meditate, you can do yoga, fasting, abstinence, living in a hut in nature, eliminating unnecessary things from your life - all this is pretty ridiculous advice. Be yourself, be patient, as in teaching a child, adopt other people's programs less. But in no case should you fight - pride will not help the cause.

Tell me, where did you get your design or art education, and where would you advise those who have just decided on their plans for a creative future to go to study?

Didn't get it anywhere. When in the early 2000s I looked where I could go, asked where my colleagues studied and what it gave them, everyone agreed that in Russia they do not teach a profession and do not teach to do for the world, only for the table.

Now little has changed, and in some places it has worsened against the background of a drop in the motivation of teachers. Yes, the British appeared, but to be honest, she is also rather weak - it doesn’t always work out “intensely” to straighten the brains of young talents. Probably the right choice for this moment can be any western institute. I want to advise you not to chase the crust and not listen to any smart people on blogs).

Trust your heart, try to feel exactly the direction you need to go. It is impossible to go someone else's path, but you need to go your own. If it seems to you that you need to go to study in biology at the Department of Forestry, do it!

Even if it conflicts with your aspirations to be a designer, who knows how it all might play out in the future, maybe you're into creating sustainable biodynamic housing.

- Do you work as a freelancer or represent the interests of an agency?

The journal is first and foremost a team effort. For example, you can’t say “I did Interni”, it would be at least incorrect. There were 4 designers in the team and everyone did their part of the work and everyone equally put their soul into it. Therefore, it is more correct to say “We made this magazine”, because there is also a publisher, editors and a bunch of people without whom nothing will work.

It turns out that I have been working as a freelancer for 3 years with various publishing houses and people. Prior to that, he worked at Independed Media on a salary, reworking layouts for publisher magazines.

- Where do you get inspiration?

Design in its purest form does not inspire me very much. It is much more interesting to understand what a person felt when he created a certain thing, what thoughts were in his head, how he solved the problem, why he approached it this way and not otherwise. I look for inspiration in life, I just live and breathe the world around me, I listen to classical music, I watch nature, how it works, I watch completely different films, I play with a child, I learn to be myself from him.

Car trips are still very inspiring, I don’t know why… By the way, I recently visited the SPD website, and it turned into a nice blog about magazines, maybe it will come in handy for someone.

- What artists/graphic artists/architects impress and inspire you?

I love everyone, all points of view can exist, sometimes completely unexpected people surprise and inspire. I like how completely polar views coexist in our world. Shishkin, Levitan, Tarkovsky, Miyazaki, Bach, Rachmaninov, Rostropovich, Tchaikovsky, Kip Mazuy, Andy Goldsworthy, Clyde Butcher, Fontbureau, Pentagram studios.

- Tell us how and to whom you advise on the creation of periodicals?

Perhaps it is appropriate to say that magazine design is not exactly design, just like car design is not exactly the sketches that the artist draws. In fact, the ratio is 50% management and 50% pure design… but in business publications it can reach up to 70/30. You are required to establish a work scheme, communicate a lot with the art director, publisher, editor-in-chief, structure all the information and take into account the nuances.

You could probably use the word "design" and "management", but then it's not really about working with people. You can still consult without design, if the publisher does not have enough money for redesign and he wants to do at least a little better product within the existing budget/state. Maintenance of the magazine after the redesign for several months is also here.

10 tips from Evgeny Evgrafov for creating a good magazine!

1. Love the people around you. Love the team you work with.

2. Love what you do. Believe me, if you are happy with your own work, then everyone around you will be happy. If you make a magazine, the reader always subconsciously knows in what mood the issue was created, so do not deceive yourself.

3. The editor is exactly the same designer as you. If there is no editor-in-chief, your magazine will turn into a set of funny pictures, so sit down and come up with interesting things together, collective creativity gives rise to incredible ideas.

4. Find the most suitable font for the task, the font is practically your main communication tool with the reader. Do your best in persuading the publisher to buy a beautiful typeface, because it sets the level at which you work. But it’s not enough to buy a beautiful font, you need to remember all the subtleties of typography, love the letter, remember why and why the type designer created it.

5. Do more than is expected of you. Feel free to redo the material again until you like the result.

6. Select photographers and illustrators close in spirit to your magazine. You don't have to use in-house photographers for complex shoots, unless you want "reportage" style footage shot digitally in a snap.

7. Try not to look at other people's work. But if you did, then look carefully!

8. Carefully calculate the layout, all fonts should be in proportion and harmony with each other. In a professional, even the porridge on the strip looks harmonious.

9. Prepress around the head. Find a person who will feel the color well, maintain the mood and style throughout the entire issue.

10. Work in such a way that the Creator would be interested in watching you.

"Secondary school No. 25"

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Educational project

Creation of a children's magazine

(from work experience)

Prepared by an elementary school teacher

Serikova T.V.



Creation of a children's magazine


  1. Project author:

2nd grade students. Teacher Serikova T.V.

  1. Project theme:

Creation of a children's magazine "Wow!"

  1. Subject, class:

Literary reading grade 2

  1. Brief summary of the project:

This project is dedicated to the creation of a children's magazine. The project involves the organization of publishing activities in the classroom. During the implementation of the project task, students acquire the skills of project, organizational activities. Develop self-discovery skills required material with the help of information technology. Develop communication and analytical skills. They get acquainted not only with the basic material of educational topics, but also receive additional knowledge in literary reading, computer science. They learn to find and use interdisciplinary connections in practice. The project is student-oriented, since it implies the possibility of participation in it of a different contingent of students with different interests and abilities.

The relevance of the project problem: the culture of reading periodicals in families is lost. The younger student is interested in everything that happens around. Children's magazines help to develop and educate a child in a relaxed and entertaining way, in a playful way. The project will give children the opportunity to get to know different children's magazines. A variety of topics will allow everyone to choose reading according to their interests.
Problem situation: insufficient knowledge of children about children's periodicals.

During the implementation of the project, the participants will solve the problem: how to create their own not only colorful, but also interesting children's magazine.

  1. Planned learning outcomes:

  1. personal:

  • awareness of the importance of reading for one's further development and successful learning;
  • formation of the need for systematic reading as a means of knowing the world and oneself;
  • perception of a literary work as a special kind of art;
  • emotional responsiveness to reading.
  1. metasubject:

  • mastering the methods of searching for the necessary information;
  • mastering the rules and ways of interacting with the outside world;
  • formation of ideas about the rules and norms of behavior adopted in society;
  • on a practical level, awareness of the importance of working in a group and mastering the rules of group work.
  1. subject:

  • formation required level reading competence;
  • the ability to independently choose the literature of interest;
  • self-awareness as a competent reader capable of creative activity
  1. specific expected result:

  • students will be able to navigate in a variety of children's periodicals;
  • get acquainted with the professions involved in the creation of the magazine;
  • will be able to navigate in the headings of children's magazines;
  • get an idea of ​​the value of children's periodicals for the development of horizons, logic, intelligence and creativity;
  • will be able to show their creative abilities and cognitive interests in the process of creating a project of their own magazine.
  1. Questions guiding the project:

  1. Fundamental question:

How creativity affects personality development

  1. problem questions:

  • what are the versification, genres;
  • How can creativity be developed?
  • what new technologies can be used to form the creative activity of students;
  • how to create a magazine;
  • how to involve students in the creation of a magazine;
  • what role do the cover and illustrations play in the creation of the magazine;
  • Do you feel any specific result of the project for yourself? What has the project given you?
  1. study questions:

  • People of what professions are working on the creation of children's magazines?
  • How do the magazine staff work with readers?
  • What sections of the magazine are interesting and why?
  • What is an illustration?
  • What information should a children's magazine contain?
  • What types of magazines are there
  • History of children's magazines
  1. Technical equipment:

  • A computer;
  • Printer;
  • Scanner;
  • Internet access;
  • Digital camera.
  1. Project plan:

  1. preparatory stage:

Lesson #1 Literary reading on the topic "Children's magazines. Who creates magazines?"

The work on the project started with me warning the children that next week we would have a literary reading class, to which they should bring their favorite children's magazines. A survey was conducted, which showed that the guys know very little about the periodical press. Most children prefer publications in which comics, puzzles, coloring books ...

The lesson began with a visit to the school library, where a
magazine exhibition.


Read the title of the books at the exhibition.


- "Murzilka", "Young Naturalist", "Prostokvashino", etc.


Why do book titles repeat?


This is the title of a magazine, not a story or fairy tale.


What is a magazine?


A book that comes out periodically.


What is printed in these books?


They print stories, fairy tales, games, contests, various tasks, information about animals, plants, etc.


Let's read in the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov what a magazine is.

"A magazine is a periodical publication in the form of a book containing articles and works of art by various authors."

- What will we consider and read today at the lesson?


Children are looking at magazines.

Reference material for the teacher.
The first magazine was published in France 340 years ago. It contained a review of books on literature, natural sciences, and art. In Russia, magazines appeared 100 years later. And the first children's magazine was published in the 18th century. It was called "Children's Reading for the Heart and Mind". Its publisher was Nikolai Nikolaevich Novikov, writer, scientist and public figure.

  1. search stage

Lesson number 2. Group work.


Choose a magazine that interests you.

The class is divided into interest groups:

  • Nature lovers ("Toshka", "Cat and Dog", "Young Naturalist")
  • Travel lovers ("Sinbad", "GEOLenyonok")
  • Entertainment Magazine Lovers: (" star Wars: The Clone Wars, Tom and Jerry)
  • Fans of educational magazines ("Poznayka", "Znayka", "Why and why").
  • Fans of magazines in which, in addition to informative articles, you can find literary pages (Murzilka, Kolobok, Prostokvashino).

Each group prepares a story about magazines according to the plan:

  • Name of the journal.
  • Who is the magazine for?
  • What headings are in the magazine, what can you learn from them?
  • What article, story or note did you particularly like?
  • Who would be advised to read the magazine?

Children talk about magazines.

As a result of a collective discussion, the students come to the conclusion that they are more interested in reading magazines, in which, in addition to educational material, one can also read literary pages.

There was a desirecreate your own journal. arose problem questions:

  • Can we create a magazine ourselves?
  • What do we need to know to be able to create a magazine?
  • What information will we fill our magazine with?
  • What should we name our magazine?
  • cover sketch
  • rubric name

As a result of the discussion, it was decided name

magazine "That's it!".

It will consistfrom the following headings:

  • poetry page;
  • literary page;
  • page of laughter;
  • in the world of mysteries;
  • entertaining page.

Homework: compose stories, poems, riddles, compose puzzles, crossword puzzles, pick up cover sketches.

In the class, 5 folders were created, in which during the week the students put the material under their rubric.

  1. practical stage:

Lesson number 3. Practical stage of workon the project began with solving the problem:

  • What professions are people working on creating children's magazines?
  • What is the job of an editor, artist and magazine writer?(Application)

started practical workabove the magazine layout. An individual was created cover sketch ; location and content headings using the collected material.

The material was handed over to the editor, proofreader and graphic designers who worked on the creation of the magazine inin electronic format. After it was decided to turn to the parents to help publish the magazine.

  1. presentation stage:

  1. Presentation magazine during literary week. Self-evaluation, mutual evaluation.
  2. Conference for parents


  1. Beloborodov N.V. Social creative projects at school. M.: Arkti, 2010.
  2. Zemlyanskaya E.N. Educational projects younger students. // Primary School. - 2009. - No. 9.
  3. Yandex, catalog of children's magazines.
  4. (01.12 15)


Involvement of younger schoolchildren in the creation of a children's literary magazine
as a condition for the development of their creative abilities

Today, in the world of innovative technologies, the problem of developing the creative abilities of younger students is becoming very acute. Every day the society's need for active people who think outside the box and who are able to make decisions quickly and efficiently is increasing. Obviously, in order to be at the top, today you need to be ready for daily changes, it is important to learn how to subject existing knowledge to constant improvement, while maintaining the uniqueness and originality of your personality is considered valuable.

I think that it is in primary school the main personal characteristics of children are formed. Therefore, it is so important that the first teacher be able to discern the child's abilities, which may be hidden, and be able to help develop these abilities. A feature of a creative person is a highly developed imagination, the ability to create new original images and their details. It is well known that creative abilities, which were developed in elementary school, determine the further direction in the education of the student and his future. Therefore, it is very important, starting from primary school age, to promote the development of children's creative abilities.

The creative abilities inherent in each person are manifested differently. For some, they are observed in childhood, and then remain only in dreams, for others they spontaneously appear in one of the activities or in one of its phases, while for others they become personal qualities called creativity.

V.N. Druzhinin writes: “Creative abilities are individual psychological and motor characteristics of an individual that are related to the success of an individual, which are related to the success of performing any activity, but are not limited to knowledge, skills, skills that have already been developed by a person. Abilities are formed only in any activity"

The development of the student's creative abilities has essential for his future studies and life. Creativity gives birth in a child to a living fantasy, a living imagination, a desire to do something new, to do it in a new way, in their own way, the desire to move forward, for the better, for progress, for perfection.

The psychology of elementary school students is such that it is distinguished by sharpness and freshness of perception, a more developed visual-figurative memory than verbal-logical, and therefore their thinking is based on perception or representation. Children are emotional, therefore their mental activity is colored by emotions. It is necessary to constantly remember the influence of emotions as the driving force of the imagination, and, consequently, the expressiveness of children's creativity.

Important in the process of creativity in any field of activity is imagination, that is, the mental representation of images and operating with them.

The questions arose before me, how and with what help to begin to develop creative abilities, how to discern these abilities in children.

The following are used as criteria for creative abilities in younger students in accordance with the components that are included in the structure of creative abilities:

  • the presence of motivation to carry out activities of a creative nature as a need for creativity;
  • the presence of creative imagination as an active imagination, during which images are consciously formed, transformed in accordance with the goals set by a person;
  • Availability creative thinking, such thinking, which is aimed at creating or discovering new ideas or improving the solution of a particular problem.

To implement this idea, I decided to involve children in the creation of a joint children's literary magazine.

First, I decided to introduce younger studentswith a literary magazine as a phenomenon.

During a literary reading lesson, I introduced second-graders to such magazines as Murzilka, Sviristel, Chizh and Ezh

The peculiarity of the literary magazine for children today is that in it the works of children's literature are interpreted and evaluated from the point of view of modern children.

Reading various works and acting as the author of a literary magazine, the child learns to analyze texts, highlight the main idea of ​​the author, tries to understand what the author wanted to convey to the reader with his work.

The children get acquainted with various texts, speech genres as varieties of text, learn to write requests, announcements, annotations, chronicles, etc.

Then I introduced the children to the one who is working on the creation of the magazine, invited the students to join in the implementation different roles: editor-in-chief of the magazine, correspondent, technical editor, artist, etc.

Children can outline the names of the headings of the new magazine: “Our School”, “Test of the Pen”, “Children's Page”, “Our Game Library”, “About the Authors”, “Labyrinths”, “Smeshinki”, “Why”.

Then began painstaking work on the selection of materials for a literary magazine.

Students selected and created material of different directions: entertaining and educational, scientific and educational, wrote creative works (creation of texts in groups). Then photographs, drawings, illustrations were selected. The editorial board discussed the prepared materials: whether they correspond to the topic, whether they are interesting to read, whether the volume of articles is optimal. Young journalists received recommendations for finalizing materials.

Photographers, illustrators, who offered their sketches for the design of materials, participated in the work on the magazine. All these materials were subsequently included in the printed version of the magazine, in a literary magazine, made in the form of a presentation.

The main thing is that children themselves choose the kind of activity that is close to them. It is unacceptable to coerce and force, you need to give freedom, let them do it, and where necessary, it is important to help, correct.

As a result, the guys and I got our own children's literary magazine "Wow!" entertaining and educational. There are many headings in the magazine, they contain not only the literary creativity of students (fairy tales, stories, poems, riddles), but also children's drawings. They show the interests of the authors (schoolchildren), help to reveal their creative abilities, are of practical importance - they are read by children - classmates.

I noticed that the work on the creation of a literary magazine is close and interesting to children, younger students accumulate new speech experience and develop creative abilities.

I present several creative works of children - authors of the children's literary magazine "Wow!".

Naturally, the first creative experiments in different genres are naive, they do not represent literary value, but if such work is offered to younger students systematically and purposefully, then over time, creative works will certainly become original, expressing the creative individuality of the student.

Analyzing the emotions and feedback of the students, I also noticed an increased interest of children in theatrical performance, drawing, children began to give clear preference to creative activity, rather than reproductive.

The children entered into creative activity with enthusiasm, almost all of them themselves could come up with the plot of their stories, essays, without turning to the teacher for help.

  1. Create a theme or focus. What is the main theme of your magazine? Keep in mind that most magazines are niche publications that are aimed at a specific audience (for example, people interested in needlework or brides looking for new ideas).

    • Ask yourself: will it be a standalone edition or a series edition? If it's part of a series, what is your overall theme?
    • Try to pull the name of the magazine from this general theme of yours. Please note that most magazines have one or two word titles (for example, Forbes, national geographic, Rolling stone, TIME). A short title can not only sum up the theme well, but also help define the design.
    • What is the focus of this post? How can you use this to tie all the materials together?
      • A good example of a theme for an issue is a prom for a teen magazine or swimwear for a fashion magazine. All content in this issue is related to the main focus.
    • What is the theme of the issue? If necessary, what is the theme of the number series?
      • Annual issue title example includes Swimwear magazine Sports Illustrated, Hollywood magazine Vanity Fair, September magazine Vogue.
  2. Decide how you will compose your journal. The method you choose to compile your log may determine how you collect and aggregate content. Here are some points to consider:

    • While the glossy, computer-generated look of the magazine is the standard, if you make it without the help of a computer, it will add an art-house look to the magazine. However, this will require a lot of extra time and talent, and is best suited to people who have already taken on similar projects.
    • InDesign is the standard (albeit expensive) design program for computer-designed magazines. Text is often written and edited in InCopy, which is linked to InDesign. Some publications use Quark.
      • If these options don't fit into your price range, then Office Publisher can be an effective alternative.
  3. Set deadlines. When do you plan to finish the magazine? Ask yourself if you are setting reasonable deadlines, and if a realistically finished magazine can be in your hands and readers' hands by the end of the deadline.

    • Deadline is more important if you are dealing with topical issues(for example, news or humor), or if you are creating an issue about an annual event (for example, fashion trends autumn).

    Content Creation

    1. Write articles, columns and stories. What do you want to say to your reader? Whether your magazine is based on humorous anecdotes, art fiction, news, high-brow interviews, or any combination of genres, you will need textual content. Here are some options:

      • Write articles on topics that you or your employees care about. Are you concerned about the problems of humanity? Or are the topics related to current events? Do they offer advice or interviews with interesting people?
      • Write short stories to give your magazine a more personal touch. It could be fiction or real story, depending on how it relates to your topic.
      • Dig up old poems or ask friends if you can publish their work in your magazine. This will give the magazine an artistic touch.
      • Cooperation with friends to get different points of view will great way approach this aspect of the magazine.
    2. Collect images. Even if your focus is on written articles, magazines are visual media. Beautiful images will keep readers interested and add another dimension to your articles.

      • Take photographs related to the contents of the magazine. Be sure to take a photo with empty, neutral space. These will make a wonderful backdrop against which to place written content.
      • Do a photojournalism project. This means that you study one topic in depth, and introduce the reader to it with a series of photographs. This is a great option for people with good photography skills.
      • Search for Creative Commons-licensed images online. While all of these photos will be free, be sure to read if you can or need to caption the photo, get permission to edit it, or maybe it can only be used for non-commercial purposes.
      • Purchase images from a stock photo database. Although a slightly more expensive option, stock photos are designed specifically for such projects and make it easier for you to find images that match your content.
      • Draw your own pictures or join forces with someone who can. This approach is recommended for art house magazines.
    3. Cover design. Your magazine cover should invite the reader to see what's inside without revealing too much. Here are some ways to achieve this goal:

      • The title of your journal must be prominent. Although many magazines change the color of the title from issue to issue, the font is almost always the same. Settle for one that is easy to read, recognizable, and aesthetically consistent with the content of the magazine.
        • Most magazines have the title at the top of the cover to make the brand stand out. One of the most interesting examples how you can play with the interaction of titles and covers are magazines Harper's Bazaar.
      • Decide what will be on the cover of this issue. Fashion magazines often use models on the cover, celebrity magazines use paparazzi photos, and news magazines may use portraits. Whatever images you use, they should look compelling and be related to the main theme of your magazine.
      • Write explanations (optional). Some journals write an explanation or title of only the main topic (for example, TIME or Newsweek), while others write about multiple stories on the cover (for example, Cosmopolitan or People). If you chose the second option, make sure your cover doesn't look too cluttered.

      Content assembly

      1. Choose the final look for your magazine. The look of your magazine depends almost as much on the brand as it does on the content. Think about:

        • Font: Do you use a font inside the magazine that is easy to read and consistent with your theme? Does it echo the font of your magazine title on the cover?
        • Paper: Are you going to print the magazine on glossy or matte paper?
        • Color: Some magazines such as People, were printed half color, half black and white to save on ink consumption. Many literary magazines are published in black and white, although most major brands have switched to color printing. Consider how much you can afford to spend on ink for each issue, and how you can incorporate that into your magazine's look.
      2. Create the layout of your magazine. Now that you already know how to post your content, it's time to post it. How you decide to do this will depend on what software you will (or won't) use, but there are certain things to keep in mind:

        • Do the formatting consistently. Use the same borders, styles, numbering, font or fonts on all pages. The creation of a Frankenstein that looks like it was glued together by twelve different people, that's the last thing you want.
        • Number the pages, especially if you've included a table of contents.
        • Make sure your final product has even number pages (including covers). If you try with an odd number, you will end up with at least one blank page.
        • If you're creating a magazine manually, now is a good time to figure out how you'll move content into pages. Will you print it? Write directly on the pages? Insert a photo?
      3. Publish your journal. You can do it the old fashioned way by putting it into print, or you can publish it online. Review your options to see what works best for your budget.

        • Bind your magazine (only for magazines self made). When you've finished the pages, you can bind the magazine so they stay together.
      • Be sure that your publication corresponds to the moral character. For example, a security magazine environment, printed on glossy pages, deters readers, although glossy paper can also be produced in an environmentally friendly manner. AT this example better to stick to matte pages. In other words, know your readers and their expectations!
      • Distribute some copies of your magazine for free, such as to libraries, to help educate readers about your product.
      • Consider subscription programs. This guarantees you money to keep the magazine running and is a great way to create special offers and communicate directly with readers.
      • It is much more difficult to learn how to use Quark, but the professionals who use it are really satisfied.
      • To bring your magazine to a wider audience, try self-publishing it.
      • InDesign is a really great program for graphic design of publications. It is quite easy to learn and very flexible. The Text-Edit program is also good and easy to use. Refine the article in Text-Edit, then copy and paste into the appropriate column.
      • Try adding an introduction page before you start your "editor/author's letter" and talk about the positive aspects of your magazine and some pages aimed at a specific audience who will be interested in your magazine. Add facts about the product you represent.

Good afternoon. My name is Alexy Sazhnev from the city of Vladimir. For years I had a dream to create my business magazine online. And now she came true. Today I am the owner of the electronic edition "Finance". The publication has accounts on social networks, a huge reader base (about 10 thousand people) and even a printed version.

The life of the project is 3.5 years, but during this period we managed to create a truly high-quality product.

The magazine employs six people on a permanent basis (together with me). The rest of the employees are remote (freelancers).

Initial business costs - from 100,000 rubles.
Monthly income - from 500,000 rubles.
The main staff is 6 people.
Labor costs - from 150 thousand rubles.

How to start a magazine business?

First, figure out what kind of activity it is. Essentially, a magazine is printed edition, in which the most various questions– nature, business, science, sex, relationships and so on.

Such literature belongs to the source of propaganda, that is, it is capable of influencing and shaping public opinion.

Today, magazines began to appear in Internet versions. This direction is much more profitable. First, you can do small office. Secondly, the number of readers is increasing exponentially. The result - growing income (primarily from advertising).

It is very important to set a goal. What are you going to achieve?

There are several options:

  • increase the level of education of readers;
  • provide consulting assistance in various fields (legal, economic, technical, and so on);
  • discuss life's problems or fashion trends;
  • provide readers with a qualitative assessment of certain areas (industries);
  • give information of an advertising type (for example, a magazine of announcements).

In addition to everything, you can create a glossy magazine, but in this case the costs will be incomparably higher - long registration, purchase of printing equipment, a large staff, and so on.

But what about the theme and format of the magazine?

Thematic online magazines are becoming increasingly popular - for parents, accountants, railway workers, power engineers, and so on. You can create a business class magazine for business people (as my experience has shown, this direction is very profitable).

Businessmen consider it a point of honor to be aware of all economic events, so such periodicals are a real salvation for them. Magazines for women and young mothers are very popular. There are more than 15% of such publications on the Russian market.

If it is difficult to decide on a topic, then choose a direction that is still poorly covered in your city and on the network as a whole. Of course, this is a risky option, but you can cover new market and get away from the big competition in this area.

Decide on the format of your magazine - will it be a print or online version (a mixed version is possible).

In addition, modern editions differ:

- according to the frequency of release - they can be weekly, monthly or quarterly.

By the way, you can publish a magazine at least every day:

  • by format (online, printed edition);
  • on the chosen topic (health, beauty, business, children, and so on);
  • according to the style of presentation (official business, journalistic, colloquial).

How to create a magazine? Features of the printed version

Publishing your own magazine is an interesting direction that requires high costs and selection of qualified personnel.

So, when releasing a printed edition, you will need a founder, publisher, Chief Editor and other professionals (designer, accountant, literary editor, advertising agents, photographers).

The magazine can be distributed through outlets, through a subscription.

You can make money on such a product in several ways - place custom articles (with hidden advertising), place advertisements on the pages of a printed publication and sell in retail chains. As a rule, the greatest profit comes from advertising revenue.

It is important to correctly assess the competition in the market, so as not to “rest against” a obviously losing project.

To begin with, you can focus on a narrow readership (we have already talked about this above).

Over time, you can expand the topic.

For the release you will need printing equipment.

You can buy it or use an existing one (rent as needed). The second option will cost you much less in terms of costs. Over time, you can buy your own equipment and expand the range of magazines.

This will definitely interest you:

How do you prepare for a print release?

First, prepare two trial numbers (they are called signal numbers). They will contain offers for advertisers. This mailing list is usually free of charge to readers. The issue price is from 300 thousand rubles.

The pilot issue must be printed in a circulation of 1000 copies at a cost of 120-150 rubles each. The second signal number is being prepared taking into account the proposals of advertising agents and managers.

Can you give an example of a magazine business plan?

Before starting a project, you must clearly understand . There will be more of them in the printed version:

  • salary for employees - from 40 thousand rubles;
  • typing and its layout - from 20 thousand rubles;
  • office rent - from 40 thousand rubles;
  • a set of articles (together with adjustments) - from 6,000 rubles;
  • professional layout - an average of 200-300 rubles per page;
  • additional expenses (telephone, Internet, others) - from 30 thousand rubles;
  • photo printing - from 20 thousand rubles;
  • transport costs - from 5 thousand rubles;
  • equipment (materials) for office equipment - from 5 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of the equipment itself - from 300 thousand rubles.

Total total costs- from 500 thousand rubles.

How to create an online magazine?

If you make a journal only in online version, then here you can get off with less costs - from 30 thousand rubles. Consider the main points:

1. Decide where you will get articles for your journal. There are several options - write articles yourself, buy them on a content exchange, let readers write on their own, hire a staff of copywriters, or find professional freelancers who are ready to work remotely.

The best option– 1-2 people on staff and a few remote employees. As for buying articles on the stock exchange, it will take a lot of time to edit the text (or you will have to hire a person).

After promotion, the site will definitely attract the attention of bloggers. Over time, you can interview them, order articles. Today, there are many good authors on the net - it remains to recruit staff and work with them regularly.

3. Find a good host that will run smoothly and can withstand big number site visitors. At the same time, subscribers should be able to go to the site and get all the information they are interested in.

4. Decide on a domain name. It is desirable that it matches the name of your journal. Remember that this is the image and style of the new product. The domain should be recognizable and well remembered.

5. It is better to entrust the design of the site to professional layout designers - they know better how to properly layout the site. There must be programmers to protect the resource from possible attacks.

Opening of a glossy magazine

However, keep in mind that the site will need ongoing support. Therefore, 1-2 qualified typesetters and programmers should be on hand.

6. To attract maximum number readers, focus primarily on the quality of the product. At the same time, the topic is not important - create your own fashion, business or nature magazine.

The main thing is the maximum benefit. If the reader is interested, then this will ensure an influx of subscribers. The higher the traffic to the magazine and the more readers, the higher the advertising revenue.

7. Costs for registration of one issue - from 1000 rubles.

8. Many do not know how to register a magazine. Everything is simple here. The online edition does not need any special registration. The only thing worth doing is getting legal status. Here suitable option With individual entrepreneur. In the future, you can expand to LLC.

How many people does it take to create your own fashion magazine?

We have already said that when organizing an online magazine, a large staff is not needed. It is advisable to have a qualified layout designer, programmer, 1-2 copywriters and a designer on hand. Again, these could all be remote workers. In this case, you can save on wages.

Table number 1. Potential of consumers of magazines in Russia

How to open a daily magazine and make money from advertising?

The magazine can be issued daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly. It all depends on the amount of content and the staff of copywriters.

With a daily release, you will have to constantly work on finding new topics and order articles regularly. To do this, you need to have an extensive staff of copywriters.

As for advertising, after the promotion of the site, the problems will go away by themselves. Today there are many affiliate problems, services for earning money and so on. Over time, advertisers themselves will begin to find you and ask for the pages of magazines.

Table number 2. Growth of participants in the market of magazine products in Russia

What are the costs of creating an online magazine?

The conclusion can be summed up as follows:

  • domain and hosting - from 2000 rubles per month;
  • website creation - from 10-15 thousand rubles;
  • maintenance of the resource, its development - from 10 thousand rubles per month;
  • advertising costs - from 5 thousand rubles per month.

In print there is small nuance- the demand for it is decreasing from year to year. But it cannot be said that journals are completely out of date. After all, it was once said that with the advent of the Internet, books can disappear, but in reality everything happens the other way around: books against the backdrop of a chaotic Internet become only more relevant.

Create your own journal: instructions for beginners, tips and secrets

Magazines, unlike newspapers and books, are close to life. Magazine content at all times was of a practical nature: they were stored in stacks in cabinets, interesting pictures and articles were cut out, and constantly passed from hand to hand. How much has the picture changed? Does it make sense to create your own magazine and even make money on it?

To get an answer to such questions, you must first decide on your proposal: what format will the magazine be? Are there analogues on the market? What will be valuable in it that is not in other publications? How will the content be generated? If there are concrete answers to these and other additional questions, then it is definitely worth starting a business.

If the question of how to create your own journal is relevant, then you should pay attention to the areas of work that will constantly accompany the future edition. It is divided into three:

  1. Conceptual part.
  2. Technical questions.
  3. Sales.

This rule applies to everything whether it is a paper publication or electronic journal. Let's consider each direction in detail.


This is the first step towards creating your own publication. It is necessary to decide what the pages of the publication will tell their readers about? What is the submission format? The magazine can be informational or advertising in nature, it can contain a broad or narrow topic.

In order to create your journal and make it readable, here are some tips for the conceptual part:

  • You should choose a specific topic than write about everything. It is better to choose an exclusive niche where there is an opportunity to provide narrowly focused and deep materials. If you choose the “a little about everything” system, then there will be no difference from ordinary newspapers. Yes, and the creative staff will constantly dissipate their potential for collecting and processing information instead of creative implementation in one area.
  • If the magazine is of an advertising nature, then you should take care of the share of useful content that does not aim to sell anything. The reader should understand that he is interested not only in his purchasing power, but also in other problems. We create a magazine cover taking into account such factors.
  • Choice of serious subjects. Producing a magazine for women, for men, or for mothers is conceptually not difficult at all. Here, the whole relationship with the reader is built on the level of "you have a problem - we have a solution." Another issue is a specialized thematic magazine. For example, topics can be technical (computers are available), religious, medical, and so on. The point is that people have no time to go to libraries, and the need for serious information is always relevant. In order to create your own magazine in this role, of course, you will need work and potential.

Technical questions

Here it is useful to consider two options. When everything is clear with the concept, you can implement the magazine in electronic or in paper form. It all depends on the characteristics of the target audience. For example, young people under the age of 30 practically do not buy printed publications, but prefer to read everything on the Internet. For them, the question of what kind of magazine to create and where to sell it is not relevant.

If we are talking about the age category plus 55-60, then the opposite is true - people buy newspapers and magazines in the old fashioned way. The best option is a combination of a printed edition with an electronic format.

In the first case, the layout of the magazine is required. This process requires active participation professional designer, artist, editor and proofreader. It is good if in the early stages a novice publisher can handle such types of work himself.

If we are talking about how to create your own magazine and its electronic format, then depending on the distribution option, a print layout or a reformatted version can be used. The electronic version can be in the form of a website, blog, downloadable file or in another form. In any case, it is important to take care of the support of the mobile format. This issue is also within the competence of technical specialists.


In the chain of analysis of questions about how to create an electronic magazine or a paper publication, the question of sales has every right to be in the first position. It is a sad sight when the circulation is printed, the money is spent, the labor is invested - and there is no one to read.

The print market is a pretty tough environment. No wonder they say that the printed edition lives one day. In the age of information technology, the lifetime of storage media has been further reduced. Therefore, sales should be arranged in such a way that the entire print run is distributed to the points of sale on the day of release from the printing house.

The next task number one will also be exactly this. If the circulation remains on the second or third day, then there is practically no chance of selling it. From this follows the next point in the plan - marketing strategy.


Pledge successful business- high sales. Sales will be when a potential client knows about our offer. This will only help marketing. Ideally, marketing promotions for your magazine should begin long before the first issue comes out.

  • Internet. Thematic resources, sites with high traffic and social networks.
  • Printable advertisement. There is no prohibition to advertise your magazine in other magazines, at the same time it will be possible to find out the cost of advertising from competitors in order to assign attractive price.
  • Advertising on TV or radio.


The question of how to create a journal requires the study of this issue from all sides. Periodicity is important for the publisher himself: he must have time to prepare the full content of the new issue, organize the work of the team to fill out the journal every time in the same period of time and have time to prepare money for printing, which is important.

There are magazines that are printed weekly. Most come out once a month. There are even those that come out once a year or once a quarter. It all depends on the subject matter of the magazine. Also, the magazine is distinguished by a solid amount of information, which is unlikely to be mastered by any of the readers in a week. From this point of view, rarer publications are perceived by readers as normal.


The goal of any business is profit. Such creative process as publishing your own magazine, this is no exception. There are several ways to earn from your publication:

  • Placement of advertising.
  • Image materials to order.
  • Sales proceeds.

At first, it may be more difficult to place ads, as a business needs a solid audience. But if you publish interesting things in your magazine, useful materials and sell it where the target audience has a chance to see it, then advertising indicators will also reach a new level.

What to focus on?

It is assumed that the novice publisher has the necessary amount of money for printing. This allows him not to be scattered on heterogeneous work, but to focus on the creative part of his publication. It is important not only to attract the attention of potential readers, but also to make sure that it is bought.

If one edition sells well, then it should be remembered that another can also be sold in the same way, because a good, informative issue will itself serve as an advertisement for future issues. For the electronic format, it is also necessary to continuously look for the best ways to market and improve the existing ones.


At the first stage, difficulties, blockages, delays from the schedule or other unforeseen problems are possible. Almost all publishers go through this. Each of them learns from mistakes, from their own and others' experience.

Errors can affect not only spelling in the text. They can be phrased as "failed to create log file" - technical plan or "low sales figures" - of a marketing nature. You need to learn how to eliminate them in a timely manner and carry your bright idea to the masses until it has forgotten how to read.